Stanl«pa Prtntlnr r,,-. . zz:-p.30 s. ripit s'.. Loji^vUle, Ejr. 5 HELD IN LYNCHING PROBE Negro Wins Durham Derby rHRH4>1 iip-fUfi — Harn![» HaTe« «nn the riMh Anniitl Rox Orrhv hrrf l>l Fipntfat aMern'nn. marking (hr flr-( (Imr (hal i inlnrrf! hnv had unn (hr nrrhv. and hr hr romr-, (hr first Srgrn v'*n(ii (»> rrprr^rni any (Ht al (hr Na ttrnal All-Amrrifan nrrhv in Akron, Ohio .'••mdai. .Auguvl 18 THE CAROLINIAN VfiM MI- XXVI. ^:(X li i: M I ICII. N'on’IH C.M:“Lr;,\ ■ \Tn.T»Av. Arci's'i 1(1. md Charlotte Police Force Gets Negroes ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ * * * * * * ★ * * POLICE AVERT N. Y. KILLING NEGROES GET FULL POLICE STANDINGS CFIARLOTTR I -o I.-rgro . v't’h (nil (I'll .onirr slatii, ■ppolntod i/> fho Charlofir po|i o P'lidas •hoit|y tfoi -I “'rjio i Ptri- an’.- oiyjani/aH''M pUii. to 'Ork fr'ln-I artion lo r>nf‘H'> fuch Hpp/intmriit i. f'hiof Ki.' k N Llttlr.tohn HiiiiMtuirod horr p'rid ty The Negi'' Volrians Wolf.^in a aociatinn ralJod -« mns- riipriine foi Sunday (n laimrh .i fund-raisi-s campaign for prosrcuiinti of forior- al action against thr 'ity Cn'mci' the Citv Civil Ser'-icr Commission and (hr polar Dcparimmi f ir 'dr- prl'-iiig crrfaiii Nfgi » '■etrrair- f their civil privilrgr as ciMzrns i.i not appointing ’hrm b'; full-flpflc- ed policemrn m Ihr local poliio fnt« r " l illlejohn -Hid hr rrrru'cd the nsnios of fn-r apnlicaiits frnir Ihe approved Civil Service ellgi hilify list of u'hich Ihroo were Nc- groe-, and thal he hud decided lo appiint two 'f fihe Negroes but had held up iicfion p'tidinc a eon frrence wifb members of the Coon cil Ch:;rlofie ha- had Nejro offi.-i^ for sr'-eral '-ears, but they hav" hc.«tl r-lac..>r«>d t>: :nN.->->l >.rrt.--r. PROTEST S. C. BOARD ATTE .PT xn TRAWQPFR n AQQ I n A H I I >,KI >o\ \' .-.I I \s (tfl I 1; . VM III If TIM Ol POI io aliovi I'Kliite >h>\\ . .Mt •N. Wilh-ini lack-iin inehti Action By Police Stops Lynching M'.W Vn|;K (Inly tli |:i, ;i('i n.NrtI i.l .'.ruiiilt mi ;» '.vonutti Id ''fuK" It” Ilf twn (•.•iflid put 1 uliiic II lo. ant'll u'll til' a.-.s,iiii't on a wtiinan, c'niiai:f' and al'ililv fioiii Ivin liiim I'V an sa\.-d 11. Illy, ■ Mini lyin'hin^ })>- an Vp naiiona t«. hei eUviw.s in letters’ Miss Ituhv Maxey. " km the office of the Southern N(‘gi«. Youth CongrervS. tui- thaiifo i.iiluut of ihfiusiinds of invit ttion- to the yniiih of Mi' '-•••utu ■i the SOITHERN YOUTH LfXiISLATURE to be held in a, AiviMi Carolina ‘tiirnif; October 1«. ID. and 211. iiifiMiated tniili of .lackanii Holuhl.;’ residents last wed. 'I'lie policenn’ii willi.iinnd pntnnieliiiy hy a rrowd e.4j niafed at |(Mi all Myini; to wresi flu* prisoiivr fmin thop.. With ,-houf.( of I.efx have him. we'll tHKf caic (»f iiim", tlu* jiuwd loiiylit the two iM'licemiui foi ..everal niiniites until lein- 'envuit arrived to calm i TALMADGE MAY NOT BE GOV. OF GA. 1.: I'll he lyni’iieis. A; McNan 'll IV* n olf in file radio c.-i ,.aid l(* the pa'tolmcn, • 1 m Klad t'l gel away from tlni SGHR ADOPTS RESOLUTIONS looked on ; he charged of way- '.voiiian in>i f'l! n.M.l'Kill Tlic Raleisli 'hapfer' •f (he {■■minule*' for N’ortti (’aio j a. Sourlioii C’oufciom'*' f''>i II a yonii; it .’ her wph uii II MiNjiii adniilleo ins gmll Ue.Rie 11 pound hi K'k III.Ill H»d.-iii«'uiTK-t no Augu,.| Mill .1 tl>e Utond Chrich Ui 1. K M ' s, id h«’ liad .ione to Ihe Qm-ens' "nie foll'iwing resoliitinu wa.s ..Hon» ! ^l■(•!t'^n aivuit 7 Mi. in ."i'lci . ot ’.v'.rk a.s .t pants pie--* - lai' ^e. Ih" meml.ers of -he HHl-'i:th 'i-..|*n i of Ihe So'ithcrn Coot ‘d I tided the nighl rirmking I!' r a|j*ai«’(l ' ai Iv L.iinday u (.ne * ri. I' ’lonv eo lied he had for II l;ec. Relation;, We helieve Ml lil'ci'v I Clio .1 pi rit, j 'ion f die ■ • e |lnd(l ::t I'c. f.., .i:' Rv ( .AKOI. I f;H Affll'.'iTA (la . Aog a i.Special • Tlie r-o .iliiiiau • R-'d siispenrirr "H. Kl.iii Mi«loi e.) Talmariu* ".i‘. n*'i nc ' or.;t-i'. o-' ioverpoi -id ' it., iropli- 'if'ci .IP R. -ly f 1 ri.d Ai-ci •> IH ue mt-. hj tiuee Cltl/ei'. It- ■ ickii..; He- voii.lilnlioiiidilv of (lie • I . ( iiniv unit svr-lem un'ln " hirh Kiigenc T.ilmadgc wa- el*^* TRUMAN FAVORS ANII-LYNGHBILL 'A'AMIINCTON (ANU) — D-'- ed hemiieirttie giibernaiorial- can didate dropiip a popular -ote f.»»' candidate Jame- V f. irmichxel. Fn Ihe ame priiu-rv p'i(lh G3 i C-in- grr -lon.ii Itisfrict Reoicienlativv Mrs Helen Douglas Mankm. Incun brut, r-ceivfd the pnimlpr majprUy hut ’va-- defeated by .fudge J»me« C Davi.s, «h ) carried the count* uni’a The cuilB charge that 'i. Georgia primary law. ithirh hincdone ei her the county unit system of nom inating state officials is th* d- lect \iolafion 'if the Itth amend ment to the ronstitiition. because If ’deprived ihe-e plaintiffs .of eqinl prntccnm of their ilRhl to havo then ’'otes as re-ldcnts of (he more popul-us countir- effeeti'e on Ih* foil fledg- I'cal polue I • no* appointing 'hem ed policemen m the fon r I .(tieiohn »aid hr had received (he names of five apnllcants from (he approved Cnil Service ellgr biHty list of '..-hleh three weic N*-- grn#end that he had derided to app-not two -f fthe Negioes h*»l had held up action priding a cn.i ference with members of *he Coon rli Charlstte ha- had Vegro officer-. for several rears, bin they hav* tmeo classified as special offlccr- wiihoi.t (I'll service .landing naacFchapter GALLS MASS MEETING Honorable Herbert Perks, rctc-d Greensboro attorney and active ci' - tc 'vorker. has been secured by tin l-jcal Branch of the National A-- sociation for the Ad'ancement of Colored People, as the principal speaker at the mas.- meeting scheti- ulrrf for Friday night .August P •-» the Martin Street Baptist Church The Friday night meeting Is one 'vhich ‘he National Association i' calling for all branche- in the ed States, and Is for the purpose of securing funds to supplement the reward which the National organi zation offered for tne appreheu ilon and conviction of the Georgia lynchers, (■'‘geiher h’lth a fund for the prosecution of the twn So i'n Carolina policemen, 'vho are allege'! to have beat into iota! blindnes.s, Isaac Woodard, a recent dlseharg*-.! soldier .at Akins, S C The Raleigh meeting, according to •A C Pairi.'h, pre.sident of the I - cal branch, takes or, local color, be cause of Ihe recent assault of Mi = Rebecca Barnes hy T R Cannon, white, E Lane St merchant Mr* Barnes has asked the local hranrn to assist her in her case against Mr Cannon. The case '*'a.s tried in Raleign City Court and .fudge Paul Smith Vound Mr Cann'^n giiilfv and .sen tenced him t'l fin days on the road, suspended, up'm payment of co.«t and Mrs Bariie« hospital and doc tor bills Mr raiiimn refused to pay the bill.® and f-ok m appeal to Wake County Superio- Court Tho ease will he heard In the next term ‘Continued 'in bark page) RACF NFFIIS MORE PREACII- INO ABOI T EARTH, FI.HER DECLARFS LAKE CITV. S. r. lANPi — MegToes hiit'f had (oo much preaching on ''Ootden Slippers tpd SMnine Wings in Heaven" an^ (no little ahnni living on ;r(h. Hr. .fesse E, Re.ard. presld- elder of (he AME church this seelinn and dean of ilh Carnlina AMF ministers I a packe I church here Snn- r Heard, long an outMan' figure for Ihc rights of Ne- ‘s and. president of the ACr hrattrh at Charleston, est In the state, called upon re rlUiens here to register vote and fight for the rights all minority pe:*ple. PROTEST S. C BOARD ATTEMPT TO TRANSFER CLASS LOAD COl.l’MBIA. S. C. (ANPl- Tfu’ South faiohtia NAACF con- friencp ha,; under investigatton hoi,- a rcpoit tliat in order in reduce tlu teaching toad at the Rnokcc Washington high •'liP' 1, tb*- Cf.lumhm .school hoaid plan- to hold o'-oi in elemcnfarv .sclionis next fall all stiid«ni.s promoted lo the u’vrnth giadc and institnt'' a syslom of double sessions. Jamc;; M Hinton, .state NAACP prc.-;iirnt. said it appear, that (he ho'.rd. striving to rerlevate the high school whicli a feu 'verks ago was denmted from class "A " by th" Southern A;y50- ciation of .Secondary Schools an-l rollegcs, plans lo transR r leaching load:; mi'i the ekmentarv schools. FILES LARGE SUIT AGAINST S.C. DEMOCRATS cni.UMBIA, .S C ANP' — An ans'ver to a $2.i0.0hn libel -mil tgamst the Pro8resiive Dem'^’cralic p.irtv hv Rep Fred 1. Hieps -if Hambcrg coiuity. w»« filed Ihn werk hy Atiy Ifarold P RouIwh”. 'tcuviM.' allecaft'.ri* of liberal .-’t • loifl', m ibe Ihcr. c'lmplainl ] I)i.ri(i-.ui e of ih«’ arii'.n .md the j-oji was tnadc at an cx'TUtivc |mc''iuis f IMtP 'ifficcr-i here Wed- I n»-sdav Thr ■ xmin'es lieard *he lelie.- 'o Rrp H ‘ r-. from .Tnhri H M'’- Crav, PUP chairman, in which wa; set f'-rlh protestaiinns against il- i|cc*l intcrfcrciirc with he regts- ti UioM 'if N-arocs in Mambera coun ty ti> Hier Officials unafum'-Usly a|>prM\’e«l ihe letter and voted In defend officers named in (he rim- plaint. McCray. Mrs A R Wcsion. party scrreliiry. .1 C. Al'lemus, ty sicretarv and I.urius Wright c( Denmark. S C. were named d*'- fendants bv Hiers. •POLITICAL MOVE- Pnp executives said the Hiers action was of little concern but was importantly r political m-ve. l.-'lc Kiiday (hat and the truth ■ (pe»i to TI SKKlUAN REIICN.s Ml III SON VH TIM Of r»J IO The above putnrr stum- .Mi and .Mrs. M' .Urk-nii mehll of Hirmiiicham, Mai .•ma, (caving tKrir son, M’llliam ,lr,, alter a trip from li'Hi-inapniis. Iiidiam where he was affliele 1 whit*' on ^ visit. W'lMiam Ir. is (he flr,| pniln palfcnt adinilteil (o (he Tiiskegfi In'.titiil*- Infantile raiatvsi'- renter uhosr paienl is a graduate of this InslUiition. On the extreme left is Miss Fh- rabeth fampt'fii. f iivs.ral Therap ist at the liiianlile I'lralvsis ren ter. who is also a Tiiskcgce grad uate, lANP) Lie Devices To Be Used On Suspects MONROR. Gfi, (AND—Tlie (;pf>n:i;t r.nrcjtn nf In M’Stiirafion know.s who Ird the mnli in tlio rpconi Ivnchin •. of four hero pjid know.A the n nnc.-^ of at lea five of ;h • :»(i fii' ;Ui oiolmters, Imt no ovjricnce aKuin.^t fhcni fni' p conrl ra.sp. accordinir to a i-eport fioni aiitlionalivp ri’- porf. As a lesult, It -was exp-cti'i (Continued on back page) lie deterl'u rum" whirl, ick th ;''ns:ilton-il ll-iieri; '-asc in Chicago mig'r. be flown het'- from tlm north. Wh'-n and 'f the lie det *loi or truth drug us used, one of the first persons to undergo the cx pi’rim nt Will be Loy Harriso’.i. the farmer in whose car the two men two women were ambush ed In a pri'ss fonfer lose Friday. Maj Willtam .Spi'Oce. head of Ihf ;ri. .said till' mvstery i- iin i.'.veling. hut it will lake dnu.' '■RI men ar • handicafipM he d- rimed hy three factJirs: What the hir 1 auihori'ics did not do ,and what ‘hev did d «. la for.' the (IRl and FBI vn.- c.’Ilid in. Failure to u’;c any .Negro in i.e.sligators. j Kn’.villingni'S-. tiaserl on fear* of .'.nytuidy an*-! «-v'’rytv»dv. whi’*' aiio N”gro to tell wha' h knoiA--. oi has g*i«irl rea.son to .;iis[iert Th*' baffling proidern it ;; f«’lt hy inanv 'in (he m.-id*', is iha’ praelieally n*i phvsica! f v-.di-ni' exi.sts Most of It wa.s dcstr**yi • before the FRl and (IRI enten d Ihc The lynching occurred ahoul '» p.m., and th inquest.s lA'as hi Id hi'iore sundown that .same nighl When the GBI came in and went to thti .spot on the bank of f'* Apalach river where Roger (Continued on back page) j in'ib. Rrtoked on a charged of way- ha .ng a young woman and fell her wjth an 11 pound brick M'NsM admitte*! hi; guilt He B^.id he had gone i-i th- Qius-ns' .sertmn ab*>ut 7 p in. in ..''arch ol **'irk a.s a punts pn--*’' b'P h.*d ended the night drinking M'- ca(i!urrd rai ly ounday nn- ning. In (Jue*n. Folonv couit. Me Nall n’'.T'iled ne had ..erv*^i > V* at.s in Florida Sta- pii .oii f-’ ;,uM. r-nding a giand j y hiaiing. Ii*' i; being held in jail • iiv'ei IKI.hOO bond. ESTABLISHES E L V I N ft SfllOOL — ( liarics 11 FIftwer®. .Ir., •durient piinl since Pill, is scckign io grl Veterans inicrcsl- in fliehl training iin'.cr liic Ol Itill of lllglits C'lirsts uoiilil hr nffcri’d al llir Ralcieb Municipal •Mrpnrt biginninp this scpirm- bcr. Mr. Flowers, a naliic of Wades- bnro, gcadaiitrcl from the Tuske- gep FIving School in PMI and Irom KMl I** I'H-'i srcicd a- In- struci-c al Tusheger ,\ ticcnae.l pilot siru'p Ifll'*. hr i- al present stiid'ing ,it N- ('. ( olbTc l»l ITTV HEi n KIK MISSISSIPPI SI.AYIX, IIATTIFSBDRf;. M|.. (AND) Di piitv Sheriff .Tohn l -'a’i;. 'v,t. a levlerl heie last 'vonk and * I’-.rged with the nuir'l r of Bod Hy Wolf, a J17 year old father of pi children. Lewis, who .lav; he fiie.| lu ■ill-defens . fa'ally •••oundel ' Wolf la-.t Saturday night in .i small store just west of Collin-; 'll.c .slaying was witneased by .i group of Negroer.. but none had mad, statements on Monday. Wolfs slaying, the .second Mississsippi death hy tawle.s-s vio |i nee .since the Monr'ic, (ia , ma.s fure Iwo we-ks ago, follow-, flo-scly Ihe flogging to dealh of Leon McTatie. whose h'«jy wi.s thrown in a bayou near Lexing- fen, Mi.s.s, Tagging elcflion.-i ai Ih V liav-' the lynchings and slaying; lend I - l. n'e t'. Ilic Transport Work ers union statement to President Truman and Atty. Gen. Tom Ch'.rk that blame may be placed snuarely on Gene Talmadg , 5^ n. Riibo .and the test of (he Ku Kluxers." No Ncjiro Pol irr for C .larksonville. Fla. .lACK.SftNVILI.E, Fla ANPi — N- mention was made ',f the en • ploymi-m of Nearo polir** 'ifficors. (irc-cnilv 'ir m th*’ future, by the hiidcet and finance f'lmmlltep of '•ity I'ounril whrh last week ap- poix.'d a resolution aiith rizinc 'he «’Xp*'iiHitur«* of S2?.R7t t" employ 2.'> .■Hdifion. p- licemen h*’tc. The rommiH**e had tu-en |>»itn'm- ♦ Olid urged fo make reeommen'J'i- ' I) : for Necro pnlire 'ifflcers f the (■-mmitle*- for Nortn Ca- hii». .Southern Confrnmee for 11 m-*ii Rplaticui*., met oi, Augu.-t .Sth I at the United Chinch Di L. E M » Fie man. loc •! * haumaibrfiresided j The following resol -tloii witti adopi-j ed. We, It'*- m'Oiber- of the Ra.'’’Ch j ct'api*-! '.f Ihe .Soiifhern Conferem- - for ll iman Rclationa, ner-*u e We helieve in liberty, j .irli*'' -.nd efiual pro»cr(mn f (he la"' of ttic e Umled .'^latc. toi ah Its rili/M,... B“'-ci Wc believ*' in the «ac- cdiies and dignit,' of human per- '■nality. Re; P-e lake the f’'!lo”'in« -tep-: , I To command fiovernoi Flh- A'uall of Georgia and his a-sori.itc' f'-i then prompt irtion to appre- ticiid and punish the Monroe mur ;dciei . and to c mmetid the Govei • : nor’; •'ft'^rt to outlaw the Ku Klu Klan in »e*irgta. al'-o to expres.-; : our ai'pmiation to ri liginii; orsan- lizalioii'; and - iher r'gnt-iniiidrd cil li/*>ii- ,f Geursia for their ouf.pok- '••n •>|.appi' al -'f reccn. mob vio '■ lence. •Continued on bd'k page. h> thie.- (•,'•*11*1,. cilirer- K ;; The ven-tit'ilionality *if (he state's c iiniv 'mU svslem under hich Eugene T.dmadge was eler‘ TRUMAN FAVORS ANTFLYNCH BILL WASHINGTON (ANP) — D"- clarmg that be bad voted M 3 r'-nator for anti lyneh l gi.ilation c..rh dine i’ was brought up. P'p'.ident Truman last week in- 'th.itcd (q newsmen that he , \-nuld ugn anti lynch bill if it w -re piv’.stmted lo him. The Pi indent was queried about a federal Ivnch hap in connection v-ith the recent Monroe, C»a . niurri Y of four. Properf-s for .such legislation :e«mc^ unlikely, however, in VII w of the termination of fh l ontiniied on back page) .'It 'xa- defe*ied by Jitdie Jaipe* C DavU. 'vh. earned the "OUR*» iiniUi The suits charge that 'he Georgia prim*nt Ifiw. wfrief' fiipc»b»e» •*»- '♦•r the c*W!nty unit sv^tem -sf nom inating state offlcisU is ‘b* d‘- ret Mrilation of the Uth smCfHi- menf to the ronstitu'Jw. bectu** f deprived these plaintiff.® of «|usl proteifi-n of their light to twve their '.'otes as residents of the more pepuleits counties eff^cti'e sn 'k* • ame 'll approxima** basis as re« -ifiit- •'f ceiuitie* '.vith far less poo- ulatmn.' The i4’h amendment r*adi; ‘No si.tte si'all make or enf->rt?« gnjr law which 'hall abridee the emsH- leges • r immunities of the United Stages nor deny to any person *-itbin its iunsdirtion the esiial , protection of the laws " Tt.e suits contend further (hat tha county unit system La a deliberate, •xpre.'s and unreasoiisble di«ccimi- 'Continued or. ba- k page> CLORGIA rOWN ENACTS OWN ANIl-l.YNCHlNG LEGISLATION KAlRBrRN’. Ga. (ANP)—Pnactinf^nt of its own Um's itirnin.;! racial and other mob violence took place here la.'-t wonk when the city council passed an ordinance forbidding persons to congregate within the city limits for the of violation of eivil riahts of others. Kailiire to obey the ordinance .subjects the violator to fines up to $100 plus ; jail .sentence. Dan Duke !i.s.siRlant altornev peiieral who is a leader in iTeorgia’s fiirht anain-'^l Ku Klux Klan, i.s mayor of Fairburn. Probe Of Lynchings Anti4ynch Law Urged REV, DAVI.S MINISTER-BAR BER HELD WITH WIFE FOR ARSON NEW YORK CITY’ 'WDL' — Im mediately following rnnouncement if the bruiBl lynching of two Ne- groe? and their wive.® nea*- Monroe. Ga. ih» Workers n.-rense League Joined the drive hr complete fed eral and state -tnvesfrGatlon.® and for immi’diate passage of fedeial anti-l.vni'h leaislatiori. In addition in wiring Goveriio’- Arneil. requesting a c-’mp!etc stat-'* investiRallon. the League wired Turner Smith of the civil ItberP.## ; division of the U. S departmwit of ! justice urging that the probe an* ' nounced by the atforney-genertT! ^ I a complete one. I President Truman, was urged by the WDL Ic deliver a special mes- ' sage to congress catling for anti lynch legislation Democratic and Republican congressicral leaders. ‘Continued on back page) WHITE METHODISTS BLAST WAI.TON MOB FOR LYNCHING .\’I'I,.\NTA (.\N1’)—Whito Methodist ntini.MfiS of Albinta mudr pulille wi-ok a rosolutiou dnplorin;; tho lynohmir "f four Walton county Negrops which has “besmirched the jrood name of floorgia,” "violated all Christian cnnscienci*, and ha.s l.vnrhed the very law it- .self.” The while loaders represent a combined memher- ahip of b5.f»ou in Methodist churches in the city. I WILMINGTON -Sho'vn ;ibov*. is [the Rev, Charles H. Davis, locul : mini'te, -hrirbr-r. wh'* aloi.p with hi-; I ’.vifi*, Mrs Hntiic Dn' is. are hem t j ti«’ld III j.iil 'll ii rhnrqc of atsoui ' m ronrii*' lion with allep.«'d malicious | bttrninc -if p'operty. ;, dwelling al I Hll.'i South Seventh drect, at B .'>7 i .'eluik Miiiriay night Fire Chief .1. I.udriie Cr'iom call- ed io two deputy c- mmissioners of' lusui'nnee after hr became siispic- iiuiis 'if ri icumstaiiccs surr-iinding ' j ftie fire [t WHS staled by .iffi'-i'ils \ ’ that the interior of the one story ’ frame dwellinc had been satirrat- ed with kerosene. The house was owned by Ihe Pe-'- ples Building and Loan Ass*'Ciaiioii. i but the minister carric i $3,600 in* iurance on his furniture. Mob Murders Leaves White G1 Ashamed Of Race BIRMINGHAM, Ala -- A whit-- soldier from (he South, now sl.T- ti'ined at F'^rt Mason, ralifornla ’.vroie lo (he S'UUhern Negro Youth C!onRre.‘>.s »i' "XiirrHs; his sorrow ovei the Georcia and mob murders of innonceni Negroes. The letter received from the s*-ldie.'. T-Sgt. Horace* P. l,opcz. a2fl6 LSO- I.C. Hq. Dct.. Fori Mason, Califor nia follows in full. ■•.:..nehr'-n Nre- Vo«-(h Cnngress Birmingham. AUlmma To Whom It May Concemt "I bav^ beer foU*»wlng the xti>ries In the newspaoeri of the recent lynchings In the stft* o4 Georgia. It Is hard to helieve that In this sn-ealled cnlishteucil ate of clvilit ,.in. we still have that prim tivc mob acllnit. ' rtords arc InaArqualc al the moment, nr at any time, for thai matter, to folly expreas my ur- mw for what has happened Cn memben of your ra?e. i hope yop (Continued on back page)