. tindard Printing ?.z. P.2 -230 S. First LoMic/llle, Ky. Gl SLAYER RULED INSANE I) \\i \(,i; IS IN Al Kl VIKKCK ttrtl.t-JltH UiittiJK'e I V.!'*'* *'• ,r.t aiiCDiimliih-:. >/l Spiv« v ■>! K ui. J W:.K. I'.,i.-I ami V/-lhri ..I iU.Ul.t, a- . ..suit ol “'ll' ' “ l>el'‘-‘"‘ Kuiiav Iiioriiiiif' i«-|">rtfa liri .> vva- .lIlMl.f a I'ly • kk.i. Fat I'l. KianKlm THE 'Carolinian ..ti La.K tJ.ij'f) — N'uLl'MK XWl. NO. M NollTII t'AUOl.lNA WKKK KMUNC SATl'UDAV. AtUU'.ST 21. UM(i PRICE 5c 8 Full-Fledged Police In Chailotte ABC OFFICERS SLA Y YOUTH Victim Shot In Cold Blood Murder Act W IL'.UN aNI'. All ani.tu i.i 2.1 mill I'-U L>> 'Up pt.'i-il Abe 'all' liul iji-vi-rrii;*- imh- trull uflici f' himti-d li.wn nmi sli l lo diaiii J C b'uniiw, 2ii->'ear-old turiiitmiiO \ilm iivi-d 'vith hi' pa'- enta lilt Ihv Thud Shnrpf jiluiila- tiuii i-loM' I ■ !J;.il«'y. u i-mull tu.vii iii-ur lit'i'i. lust Saturda.N ult* i a li"'- INCREASE JOB OPPORTUNITY SAYS SURVEY Omvrr, Col. — Suould N- groc^ ultii vvhitfi haVi- ihf .saiiio Ciitnce to gi't any ktnd ol juu .n the Umtfrd Siatt*’’ Toctav I'u- v-hiie publtr IS almost equally duided on this question: 49' «4y whites should have tivst L-nunce at jobs, but 47't believe that Negroes should have an equal opportunity - accoidinK to natu>ii-\vide survey results ...'I released bv the Nationu. wn I V wwii V k I i':>» t/> t .ulti .md ;■ . 1 Fai'ni*-i. whih- I .11 WW- IiuuUU- Ui ali vs I iMii ineiui' a bos , eliKu^eu 111 |j1.iv iiq' bu;. ui u sinull do .ii'i. ble His'etle wi' un.v" by, iirdeied Farmer ii;l. his lur When Itie y.'l'th le'jlied tli.d h- lime imlhitu',' Ihe uftu'ur 7.uin hin. with a blackjuek .mJ drew his Kim .NKuin ordered in' • m. e:.i. .1 seuffU- en ued in which U.i vetei.m ; l/ed the Weap li allJ .-ijol tie thromp. the hand Faimei then tied. A HI-h wn.' furn.- ed aiiu oelwien 211 ..ml 2'i arme! t h hud . whi; III 'e\( Uhl unit fur iti • vmith r.mbii-he.i hiiti clu'.- to he honm :iiid killed him whil - he ni ih'i Mrs .Mattie Farmei looked on fr her p.r.h aboiil KHI yards .iway I Winn she reaehed the Mde of I flee d^*m^ son and . x.luinied . "You-ve killed him." one lyncher t Id her, 'Jle ought I', be killerl Pd kill him myself." Mrs Farmer said iha’ although ihe .x-Ol stMl h.vl th ei.n-t.ible's gun, he did not a'.tiiupt Ui Use d when h" was Mirpiisei h> th.' mob • n.i 'hi.t iroiii aiiibu'h No mqoe.-'' Family of Educator Reads Coinage Bill pietured abiiV*- IS ’lagH* w-ne of Lwt KriH;.\ or. 1h hain-Oxford highwav wh- re .sevi n Ni-nM-s wen- killed in and sev. ral others s. r.oii.'lv injured The truek in whi Wen- sirivi-ilng overlU’ned throwln" flu-ni into ;he jiath .•neoinniK tra.rspnrl whieh ran ov-: them Iw fore beinu slop A’ left 1' the .v.ituni'd timk utid upper ugh'. 'Photo R\ Ifnrimi lisp. I truek IVr siantlv ii the-' i.f an ihle To n Siin> Indicts White Man Who Killed Negro In County HOCKY MOUNT, Va. - Mrs il’oitia Watliinglon Pittman, only living child nf Bookor T Wash- 1 ington. and her daughter, FanH> e 1 U. Piilman, Ink with happinci ! upon a photostatic copy u! the Bdl ' which was recently passed by Con- !;ress In mint live imlliun Bonkv r IT. Wnshingt ii Memorial Coins to LABOR CALLS ONE-DAY LOR *‘N0 WORK” CHARLOTTE — Local lu94 of the lull inuiion.it Hod Curriers and C'oii.dructi .n Laborer* Onion, call ed a une*d;.> May nlf from wv rk" oidir for its inembem in Charlotte and vicinity on Tuesday of this week, as its previously prepaied wage increase scale request was in WashiiiKton awaiting cciminK acti-u by ’he Wage Adjustm"nt Board. In- lernati mil Heprifentatives of the Iloil C.irriers, James Hampton, of iSht-ffiild. Ala. told the EACiLE I -W.. are ciiMing for a Tuesday In- ;du«t’i.il ini-i-ting. .md asking that assist III the estublishiiii ni ..t a Me- muiial at her father's ' irlhplaoe m Franklin County, Virginia. The Bill, with authenticated papers from the S'.crt-lury of State, bus just been presented to Mrs, Pittman by S. J Phillips. President of the Booker T. Wajhington Bfirthplace Mem-..rUl. Mis. Piiimaii. m reviewing the Hill, stated that it w.-s one of the happiest moments of her life that a Kraduate of the scohol which her father foundi-d had been In rumen- al in bringing about ihe passage ai ihis Bill which has three great im. pUcati.ms: First, the plofluf? of h®*" toihir’s linage on th*- currency 4 th*- -reatest nation in llie world it a si-.-iiifu-anl honor; second, it wiB help t ' make possible a program ' ased upon his ideaLs and leachingt, ^nd third, it will serve as an in- •■ir..iion to Negroes .--erywhere The Booker T Washington Me- j morial SO-cents pieces will be sold for $1-00 each. They may be le- cured by writing ihe B'^^ker T. Washington Birthplace Memorial. Rocky Mount. Va • LYNCFSPiRIT FLARES IN NEW rimbiishej hlin close to hi> homo — and killed bun while his mi.lhci, Denver Col. — Should Ni-, Mattie Farmer, looked on fro... crocs and white* have the samejhi-r pn-.h abuut liXi yards away tiitnce to-get any kind of jo.J | Wlun she reached the side of ,n ihe'United State*? Teday I’teiher dymv son and .-xvlulmed wfiite publir is almost equally 1-You've killed him," one lyncher duided on this question: 49^ i id her, H«- ought l> be killed sdv whiti-s should have first | Pd kill him myself." Li'.ance at jobs, but 47‘.v believe] Mrs Farmer said thai although that Ni-grue.s should have an | the .x-CH still had if.e cunst:ible’s equal opportunity - according i gun, he did not alli mpt bi use to iialum-widi- survey results! just relea.sed b.v the National' Opinion Research Center, Uni-1' .t-rsity of Denvi-r. Two yeans ago, al the height Lt ihf- war. opinion divided le.-s tvfniy. with 52^ of a white cios.s-.si ctiori believing l h a t wtiitf people should hnvi- prim ity. ami 4.;'; saying that Negro, s ■itiu whites should have the same Lhaiu-t- to get any job. -.I’ was surprise.l by the mob ;inil shot from ambush No inqiies' ■ held NURSE DIES IN RESCUE ROLE Fl.URFNCF, S C «ANP Pictured above is the lutglc seene o[ List Frklny «»r 1h«- Dvir- hatn-Oxford highway where'.seven Negroes were ki!l-d instantly and several others seriously injured. The truck in whii-h the-' were liaveiing overlurned throwln': them into rhe path of an oncoming transport which ran ovu them b fore being able to At left is th*' overturned trock and upp.r right is tin- 4 • stop transport truck. (Photo By Durham Sun' Indicts White Man Who Killed Negro In County Charlotte Leads In Number Of Police NOR(’ interviewers asked this ' McB'lvetii. a legiste-cd Charlotte’s m west ami first lull-pledged policemi iuir.'e who had >'ervej nearly 15 them, iinmaculat*' in bright new uniforms, went out on tiieir bea:-- question of a representative sam ple of white Americans from De- tuberculosis saintariuin iroit to N«‘W Otieans and from between the Floienti-l)..*- Washington, D. C., to .San Fran- pngton highway, di.-d a hcr.oc Cisco: M- „duy night. "Do you think Negroes should Trin to the tiaditiun of her p • have sus good a chance as while feSMun, Nui.se McElvten dud Iry- p ople to get any kind of job, mg to save others or do yoji think whil«- peojiie Fire bioke out in fhe .uder:./ fih. uld liave the first chance at m m on tin- m-cuikI flo..ir uf tiu fn.-'t l any kind of job’’’* buildiiiK housing Negio patn-i.i N« groes should have an equal about tf p m Monday Nurse Me- UnAtU^UlAC — UUCBl lUlH OI Ihe Inttinalionul Hod Carriers und Construction L.aborers Union, call ed a one-day -'slay off from work" order for its members in CharlotU and vicinity on Tuesday of this week, its its previously prepated wage increase scale request was in Washington awaiting coming actluii by the Wage Adjustm'-nt Board. In-. ternati nal Representatives of the Hod Carriers. James Hampton, of Sheffield. Ala,, told the EAGLE; ‘Wv are culling (or a Tuesday In- dustiuil meeting, und asking that WILMINGTO.N st,n1f-d that a .--ucond degree every wrnkcr in the irade industry A true bill was returned by p,uidcr verdict will be sought i v^-ni not go to work at all on Tues- the grand jury on the indictment aji{jin.sl Lawson. He stated that Hay- ^r. Hampton has been in charging Lawson Pridgen, white, p "an aggravated ca.se, bu' i ,hiji area for three months orgoniz- with the fatal stubbing of Jerry j not believe the evidence in- in|. the laborers. Ci rgetf. Negni. on August 3 al dicates murder of the first de- -phe js □ member of the Yobt's garage, Castle Hayne Rd. g,-e.'' American Federation of Labor, is l*iidg«’n IS being held without The grand jury also returned inixed, and has for its presldeiii bail. whiU- T. C. Eubanks, charg a true bill charging the Rev. m core, white, a lormer mem- ed with being an accessory after H. Davis and his wife. Mrs. Hal- ter of the City park and Beciea- ' the fact, is ill 1ib*-rty under $1. tie Davis, with arson. They wer-? | tpn, Commission. Large numbers (ll)b bond. aceused by ptilice with burning of new members have affiliated ■ Continued on back pagei 'Continued un buik pacei Friday morning of 10.-11 week, and on the same afternoon the Civil Suvii-i- t’oiiiniJl^.-*ion liv.-'Ued ordei-* blanketing ' the city's b "spi i-iul peace ollicei.-i’. lir.-it ill Ih*- slate, mlo full civil .sei-vici- status, and on Saturday morning tl.e cilv boasted of H N«'gi'ii cops, with full siutus like all ulher members of the police department. Officers Johns F. Huffman and Vurdry F. Speftcer were the nd tli*-y were a.-^sigiicd to loot dutv in the thickly pupu- latiil Second Ward mcIIuii, with each being paired off wih one *)f the oilier ollice:*, wliu w*Te. hour." t.' iil-.”- "et ’heir full *tatii.s Solicitor Clifton Gov. Petitioned Against Act to “Freeze” GI Students IBPDE OF WARDS $5,000 TO FUNDS FOR LYNCHERS l WASHINinXJN iNNPAi J. Fiill«-.v Wilaun, jjraiul 'Xallixl rule: ut ttie Impr-vid BiiD-vuleiit and P’ tertivi- Order uf Elks of ll'« World, lust Tuesday ainuiunced th-rt fhe oidtr was offering a rewaid uf $.'i,00a, ill addition t-j the lewurds already p sled l>y the State uf Geo."- gia und other urganlzaticms, fur in- toi Illation leading to the arrest a.", cunvk-tion of members of-the mob who lynched four persons near -Vloiiroe, Georgia. July 25. "Becuu.se the investigatlun ap parently has b gged down and Ut ile or no progress is being made by the Federal Bureau of InvesUga- non und the Georgia Bureau ol investigation in the apprehension of the participant-s in this hcrrible Cl ime," said Mr Wilson. "I am of fering III behalf of the Elks an ad ditional reward uf $5,000 to spur ihe inquiry. The reward offered by the Elks bringj to a total of $47 000 rewards posted for the apprebension of Ihe iyachers. . A letter has been forwarded to Governor t'lierrv in Kaleijfh asking that he investigate alleKatioiis lliat M. jC. W’liitney, while, of Winsloii-Salein, a nitniber of the State Board of Earlier E.\aniiners, is a backer of the Mod ern Barber College in Winston-Salem, and that the Slali- ! Board, appointed by Governor Cherry, has certain meth- iods of placin^f restrictive quotas for Nok*’*' veteian stu- ■ dents under tlio GI Bill of UiKltts. which is not in I'lfoci I at the Winston-Salem school, thus tlie Winston in- jStitntion the privirege of u«iiimited student i|Uotas. which Ithey Ket thousands of dollars in tuition fees and ailowaiu-i' I monies from the Kovernmont. while Nejrro liarti'M' col- le^es are beintf frozen oul under the monopolistic itoli'.*y which gives all the breaks to the school in Winston .em It has all the earmarks of a major scandal, and . reply is expected from Governor Cherry within the nex Lwen- ty-four hours as to whether or not he will institute action to ascertain the truth ol th«? charjfes. and the nec-essary corrective action if they are foutid to be true. According lo mformea . . Two More Due lo Join . . With Offk-t-r.s Milton B. Mea- iluw.'!, former Smith University gild star, having resigned due k* ....... .-.igli blood pre.ssui*-. Ch.ef Frank L.iirt here Thursday .N Littlejohn wili name two iiiei'i- officers from the recen'.l. e.-.li;blished Civil service eligible ILsl, Both will be veterams WWld War II. since only vet- ... elans are left on the list. Next 11 yUpHlIjnO l|y two men upjire Scotty R. Friday , L } llUnilf UU !Il ^ REVEAL 2 MORE Moore ihi house in which they lived, ‘with the union since the drive be- lean. The union recently sent up its request to Washington asking that wages for comm; n laborers her*- be fixed at 85. 90 cents and one dollar per hour, varying according to the classifiCiitlon of the workers. The proseni average rate is uO cents per hour. Action on the re quest c-nnnol be concluded in than .“ixty days di ci-dure which must prior to the final hear .g befme the fifteen-man board which will sit in adjudication in Washington, representing the t-mplovers. the gov ernment. the workers, and neutral agencies, which serve ns judges. Killer Sentenced to Life Imprisonment •'-iri.lion to Negroes >--erywher«, The Booker T. Washington Me morial SO-cents pieces will be soli for $1.00 each. They may be se cured by writing the B'>oter T. Washington Birthplace Memorial. Rocky Mount. Va. • LYNCHSPIRIT FLARES IN NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK — Negro citizens of New Yiirk, shocked oy news dur ing recent weeks of Southern bat - barlsm in the lynching and terrori zing of Dixie Negroes, discovered with grave apprehension growing sign* of the lynch spirit In the city's Greenwich Village section, as reports of numerous beatings bf Negroes in that part of the city were made known. One of the most alarming aspects of the situation ia the apathy of Village police who. according to a reliable souiee. know the identity of the hoodlums I who are organized to "keep i H.\LH--\X Willnm E MuVJ.v confined I" the criminal insane c-h:irK«-d with slaying Jones Hyman, tj,,. 3,,,^. Hospital "fur th-.- Jr. white \ettran of W'urld War u-maindtr of his natural life." 2 was jiidgwi iriminally insunt- M„„dy who was only 21 was the Halif .x Coiiiuy Supeiio.- t-njirged with shooting Hyman with nd orderto Bi« Trailer Camp for Vets :it J. (i. Smitli Appioxiinately fifteen .sources, which, on last Wedni-.sday iterrog ited the Slate Burcii'i 1 Ivcstiga- :i 11. ihi-re is definite proof in hand 'hat .Mr Whitney i* the man wh 1 actually pays th> bills for the so- ] called Negrti collegi- in Winsto.n. trailers ' There is a Negio, one J. J. Camp- now ,n position on Iho camp- ' I;,-"- »«. a. -,r.an,t.,.r.- bot * . , . . .Mr Whitney, who has on account at of J. C. Smith Univi-l-sity, lo „aihovia Hank and Trail serve as housing units for vet- Company, i* the man who yii:ii> the (-runs who are enrolled in the cheekt for the school's bills und university under the GI Bill of; lie i* a meiuliei of the alt-powerfu: Rights. The number of unit* will State Board of Hsrb.-r Exaniinori.. be increased as the facilities be- i - - — come available. * iContinuea on back pagej and James Fcalhcrstone. Meanwhile .under rcorgani-za- tion plans of the city police de partment, it has bet-n stated lluit the real need of the city is for Iv.enty-four Negro cop.s. and a new examination Ls being givc-i on Friday (tomorrow), to replen ish the eligible list. .Older Cops Made Supervisors. . Thi- first two Negroes appoint 'd to the iocal force in 1941, Oi‘- ■ Cnntinued on back page! \,s.sigm;i) i\ I'l.A. CASK Wabhington, D. C-, Aug, NNI'.4> — The Justice Dtpartinent bust Wediii sday assigned Fie.i S. Rog'-‘r.., one of its cr.ack civil rights law yers III help prosccuti- a former Florida town marshai win. allegcl- ly subjected nn auerl pi'i.-.incr t "trial b.v ordeal" und then forced the man to drown hirnsrlf in the Suwunee River. Mr, Rogers will assist U. S District Attorney Herbert S. Phil lips in the prosecuti'in uf Toni .\.. Crews, 42, ex-town marshal. > f Brumsford. Floridu. who Is charg- with violuling the federal civil REIGN OF TERROR till .-Associated NeRto Press) lynchings h-.tgun ii.s he was putting in iTectric lint- to the f irm home of Moody'.- parents five miles fron- .Scotland Nick and was tried Wed nesday on a charge of first degree murder The Slat*' concluded it.s cvidenci- Wednesday and deft-n.se attorneys ticBan Thursday m rning. Dr. W. D Hall, while Roanoke Rapids physi cian. made a thori.ugh mental test of Moody Wednesday night, accord ing to reports, and testified that I in his opinion "the toy was not ! f-illl,*-- menlally right" and hardly fully L-ahd this week us the anti-Negro | resp. nsible f'-r his actions. .ciun of terror c ntimied to grow! Dr C. H. Neville, local whit* One was J, C. Farme-. 20-ytar-olu j physician, testified lh.it he had at- World War II veteran of Wilsu.i. | tended the youth's parents for see- N' C.. whu came bai'k dtlcrmiii;-d 1 oral years, that both were "syphy- lu lesist local fascists after fighting ] letic" and had been so for ma.iy years and that if they were in that out of the Village." Walter White. NAACP executive le to the pro-i ^j^retnry. expressed concern over be followed, situation which was develop ing less than a week after he had been assured by Police Commission er Wallandt-r that the rights cf Ne- groe.-i in the city would be prote*M- ed. About 2:30 a, m. August Uth. Arthur Smith was chased by » , gang of men on his way from e iresluranl to the subway. CalUng ! for the police os he ran. he found one, whn told him to go into tb« ■ j subway und made no attempt to WASHINGTON—Tile Army has | jjursue the gong. On the conuary. moved to rid itself of personnel, ] he got into a police car that was mainly ci lored, who fail to me. ti passing and left Mr. Smith stand* •he minimum standards for military' j^g unprotected on the sidewalk, service, the War Department has; Elsie Marie Miller, who has a fContinued on back 1 ARMY TO DROP CiV WITH LOW IQ’s -C' litinued on pa.ge eigni* i CAROLIMANS GEl HAMPT0^ I)F(;REF,S HA.MPTON, Va—Four Master of Arts and five Bachelor of Arts de- greis were awarded to N»>rlh Caro linians at th«* Hampton Inslitule Summer Convocation here Friday. Receiving the Muster i-f Arl.s degre-*- were, I.cn^uel Ross Boiiiare. B.S Winston-Salem Teachers Col k-ge; Evelyn Sherrill Grigsby. B.S. Benni-i C'-'lege; Lillian Slade Jone.'. B.S. Hampton Inslitu'e; and James Earl Norman, B.S.. Elizabeth City State Teachers College. Those who received the Bacheli.r of Arts degice were; Kathleen Ray- Martin and Elsie Harmoinc rights law In conmcticoii with the ‘ Whitky of New Bern; Carol Gwen .illeged slayiiu: of Sam MeFaddeii, dolyn Newsome of Ahoskie; Helena eo-yeur uld faiinhairi, in Septem-, Beatrice Tillery. Rocky Mount; and ber, 1^5. iRuUi Junes Brown uf Wilaeu. condition at the time of the yout.i’s birth, his mental condition could have been affected H.- agreed with Dr. Hall that Mnody appeared l.> be subnormal. AcA’i-ding to Selective Service Clerk.s in low Halifax Cauniy, w'ho testified on the stand. Motdj had Ijeen called for military ser vice. hut had been sent back home by militar.v authorities, becau.se they said his mental processe.s were loo slow for army duly. Judge W. H. S. Burgwyn over- .' [ ruled a defense motion lor a verdict ‘ in H U-sser d»'gree since it was con- tend«“d there was no evidence prov ing that the Clime was of first de gree nature. Lcnmie Bryant, white electrician, who was working with Hyman on the line, testified that Moody fii-**d a shotgun at shc-rt range and with- ut provocation at Hyman, and iConlinued on back page) State NAACP Forms For Much Needed Action EXECUTIVE COMMITTF,E MEETS AT CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE — Exrcuflve head', of Ihe State NAACP met in Char lotte Friday, and mapped out a plan fur stole action niong political tines, set up the program for a fund- laising drive through the medium *f a stale-wide p pulnrity contest, heard reports from various sections of thi- state, and passt-d a motion to form a Political Action C- mm'i- »,«e for North Carolina, before ad journing. Stale Chairman T. V. Mnngsm, of StatesvilU-, presided at the sessions. In attendance were; Mrs N. Mc Lean Williams '.f Winston-Salem: p V Price, Larulnburg; David Mitchelli, Lumberton; J. H. R Gleaves. Wln8to»i-Sale 1; Rev. A. J. Rhynes. Wilmington. Mrs. L. B. Michaels, AshevlUe; Mrs, N. L. Gregg. Greensboro; W. L. Greene. Raleigh. Thomas Merrlng, Rocky Mount, and Mr. KlutU, of Wades- boro. Local citizens present were- Atty. J. S, Bowser and K. M. Alexander. No definite plans were announced for the NAACP Political Action Committee, or for the Popularity Contest, but they will be releasea later by the special committees In charge of these phases. Also discus sed was the Lumberton "rape’’ case In which four Negroes rdeeived death sentences recently, for the alleged rape of a white woman, and were defended by the Slate NAACF Their appeal Is scheduled to M heard in November of this year.

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