\\ iiJi.lv L\l);m., .Ail .-A'Ai , <K lUJLSI.K .*>. i■< ' MORGAN BEARS OVERWHELM GRAMOSJNO USERS, 35-8 IN Till BAI TlMOpr*: M'j P mrrjh across tv, '. tour '.down< th* iirv. quart,';. y;inii:.£ -. ..s' ant-ther ptn in the .second v* . ioii, -.ml *'>< ;• j .;riv ing 82 vat-tlf; }•„• Hie t finum in the closing in note-:. m<* ?4 vuun Beset relied on lo the seaeor.’-. th: >1 ftui.'. t.'K.is j V«£ ViC '• <.»!'> U>* ■OVt.l'pG .V i; M ! A HAWAHANS HONOR FAMOUS BY HUBF-ET '.Villi 1 HONOLULU -AMP, ‘This v tnc first place of th.. r. .1.- i nave teen that I can truly say. rep, «• sen is real democracy uoo 'vords were r .ic«! by J- .• • Ov. cz-s world's greatest Timefc -to.- n, y.. <, < orsespcndts.t i.. '• ' . granted as lb- O•>*.m* y null, clinic iii me famous H«n.'viu drum Hundreds of youths come every Saturday u.n lie- instruction and aut .graph.-; The n compose every , roro' wlijtcr Chmi.e. Homb- m: Jap . jsefC. Korc-ates, Portuguese. To; - Ricans tiid run iii o' Owens 3 a- nothing hut pi else fur ihr t ui.-i’u •!: 1. ."-1 m"1 haw ■ seen 1:0 better coor hr.r<u-,n '< .1' team work among any player •• any where «;■ hm■>■ . 1 irjf s>- ; ■ Our winning of eve, single iSame attest the fact WhJield Wtia.. manager, is due sot the praise r<-, lilt. success oi I' •i, ploy =r. , gret that 'r.e boy- vili nvt tr- a' •*• to stick together. They would e»- iy become the best team of bareb >ll players we have America/' o*>v ' a;d T with emphasis Owens v-ent ;:n "in the field of sports, the Negro can do mu-it to better race relation? All too few shirk the re'pcn'ibilir "l t. ur.d myself jr. .- ompk-te -.grt ■ menr with the t raut .-'tat wneis n*. said, "There tr entirely too reach criticism voiced aim,>.a our all t . lew* ifcadejfc. The likeable r,-ck ~:ar m,d capa ble jpc.ikfc won a 80 v .rc C -h ivt:. a horse lan Saiurd v evening be fore a crowd 0/ .8,000 i v WASHIN (> I'O'S WOMAN sTABS WHIT* I AKMEK Washington, n x -nkpa, -- Ajv a Siiuil, w;,lie B-.-aLiiiJii co, ii iy iarmc: and m u', -n\ •• j.- ir. Tayloe Hosp-'ii.>. iiei a Thui:,au.\ «, result of wuuiidf he • art anted * / e ua id abatd set, era] 'imea by Mils Mary Elizabeth in . ditbputs «fi! tobacKj g. odinfe nu.-> Pine to m n Tu «d a y a n err, oo 1 v Smith v.’ii. .- a .1 i; 1 .- c-o»j:li fton wac iajCv-n ’,, liit- I a! ■ •. lowing the stabbing .and Mi,- Lb. prew was held jj, jail jjancurig oui t-ome of the injuries. Mr, 1 ohacco Farmer fivY. CAUF YOUR - “L"* 1 MONEY ■pSWhiie Prices are HIGH! hi Hi %r AAI *-Hv ■ — ■ ' ~' s * DEPOSIT NOW! AND SEE THE Homecoming Game « Between Shaw Morris Brown r < -‘°°d 1 oolbail teams like good banking require the science and “KNOW HOW”. Through A,ur long years in the banking business vve have learned the science of good banking. Our facilities offer modern up-to-the-minute checking accounts, loans, travellers checks, saving accounts, Christmas cards and the many services available at any banking institu tion. ~ - m for Quick Loans to Meet Your Emergencies, CONSULT WITH US. MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK t RALEIGH - DURHAM ♦he >;-?rr l pp% »* Grtltnh'J: • " ■ voile*.»<.• iLj - :t5-0. hunt to'in: The evutugeous but o'.itel i) - Tstfer.s. !t.„i by u,si: piJedrivm,; • ‘tar. halfb.K !; Hnu) V-.-(Hiper, tot,it ' , the op-t’dti . Vick ’.if 1 a w«iqu* shift pins u varje-J i , J.f'ji-ivi- tu niaff.h '.Ji ;. tlrrow a n jc- jnio Morgan rank., be torn i ing ibe ... .11 on 0.. ■ o». the Bears 21. then. !he urc-used Bruins Hr,;..k ;; ack wiih a vengeance. Their crac-Ji ; fob back. Big Jin; Turpin, slash es Through off J.-fi tackle nprjr.j Ih rough uk- Tigti secondary ar,/s rompeß so; 00 yal cl ' . rat-)', up *; ■ ' a-" ' tu.-i ,-e or, the Mo, gin iter’ bHu-ti, play f ; on) scri,,’,n,t:ge. v\,> :-d "kutblUKllC 1 Jlilif trolled Jonh to kick the extra point and '•101 wan took u,.- jeaa. 7-<i t 'bis 1 ;> fcv. iTJUiutrs iaitr when ti.e Tigers we,, an 1 , bi-ot tin ban ,u: t,ora thej. urn A" o ' l|: > in, E-.'ari dm ■ nun hi el Hu,: crinkled jm *u k« k -c„«,p ut, Tin bail srK'i j ,1,1 back to the Gramblmg H ya.d 1,.,c , .u'iUi'j picned up -i ;>• .■<•! •. _.'ju is. r >hd Hi* ~ stellar q.-ur'i tu n:r. r. Oscar GjVCJih '.'.llippc-u u P* f Uj Joe Blstek us tb~ u.ri zone Auiu matic done- pot toot tr nail u.d f >;e score is as ‘vio.ri.u M Gi'utnb ling 0 T'ht end of ti■.- i. : • * p- n*i ji.it- s t'pU'd S| 1-elejjth-ss. r. yaid trek ~ gi-.iiwa, si v.ifl ike Beci -' tin 1' Tigers 0 vai'd ribbon. An of! -d ■ , ■- udii '* ■ r 'ho fu Ipi >. ! the ~, 'iwi- fin rmi)advanced -J,-. pigskin in- tire, j yard ?me and on ‘iK- x: the ‘.< isatiie i.bx ~ eiaokod over mio pay thr! on OOSit, rbsck I, " JJ. hdlie-j li.SCC’ : ,„ O I',*: ;.,r, 1 e lot i..... . , ?,on. slid >iie count was Morgan 21. pposit ion 0 i In tin. middle of ihc same fiarv.e. Scooter Wat king 1-bbed a 20 yard Pas? into the grasping fingers of f Stretrh Whaley, ana the long legs . of me To.vnjr.j. end literally si: . -ip the r m > nmg 26 yard to yrei-i ■.x ...•:'a. 1 ion ,! urnv; Ji.ne: oblir j and th: sc pe had mounted to TV) . pi'OpOi" JW)2l£. 1 i b-~ I\V .-* tfcciiXj..’:' bidtlJt/Ci liferCtlp ‘i j .asaiy. f.rJuuii’T . t»u. rudecisivcly. mroust.out me i,i i a p u >.i rtcr V u..t t ii. .ji, s , were ootataj'iding for the Tiger while lreq«ent penalties 1 ended! hainsli US' the olfensivt- gesture.- o! th-- Bcufi. . The Br urns jwiJn d in the 1iu.,1 i.ur.vfi. taking ;,0.- 01 the Da.: . i*n then' vwn 38 yurc. line to ari-,c . on land a,.d thiougb the a,r 82 -. 'si :i,-: J.:., the linal sits pointer of the u dm hlilch WhifUnghun, -ho , duj.e h iriiji.: , j:in iuoriue v ti ießfin.-; mrougliout tin- fu .1 naif liimaxt-j -he trek e\ tvheehr;.,' • Ihrougi a hoi,- off left tockje ami tearuia fit.*,- ti *.. the- clutches of -> O -i■ Dt_ jig, . 1 . iU-cJS .v'JjO .Sot,. ! ' desperate iy to iv-ic hu him. tn go ■ ’>. li-e r.: trurn ti,, C,,ax,Tin 1;> h - Jones .tittb cunt,mm piacU.u / pegged tiie ; .c,ie at 35-0 •* neaasvireiii—ifft ■i«ei» mwnrMii'UßMtMM,' ttmm wwiw—r ftV GEORGE LVLIJ. IK. I-or th* NkTt Nt-ws Service PHII.ApKLBHIA - L.ghtw..i;*r,t H>ai:ipiou Bub- M<iibtaomer; l;.. -• ■-■rot into training to* his title c'e ; lenst bout with Wesley Mouron and vow-- that the lightning v.hit ••truck Inns in the -rrond li-y.rne of ijuir Ssptemher .aee'.iiig. vsiil not ; trike in the same piace twice. Heir won iu, title Jfyrij f> . Jock. v.a i;i. .bi-e to g.:i started against the youngei Mouxou an i wound up on the canvu.. in tiu-ir non-litle bout. This time 11 will be different, iu- vesvs, jr.d She fa '•'•’ho are expected to jam Hhiiiy ■ f'on vention Hail, c-,mes October 28 .‘ill .-.*e, gnto more, ihr age-oi'.t not tie 'twixt youth nut .-xpo, f'S oio:>jv,-iuo is il.e only -lat - tii<- i,uu- could be tuld <>• !-au i Wesley is still jnC, r ag« He Uji:' K-' f -it tfil*t lie COO.-, i tjj Cr, ■ tut week thia tie cooled the cio.m Pon Ji. N. York. v.< ,•>• ”L■~< i<■ *i' ’ • j:u 1 -■ ■I- .. -t: n-;a i, u.! champion-hip bouts, Alou/Ot» wo.;id be unatie to compete iot the crown ij.m'c Nt-w York jaw- forbid *nr»h,. o, s' to box over eight round* and title matches mud bo ovci a twelve ' : fifteen round route. Wet-ley is training at Batcsvitie .1 t,Mning t-ile in field New Je» ««?.»•. while Monty },, reua,in.-d to kaoms Byre'* camp tu Pleas'*; !- ■. iI.A. New Jei'vy f * Fl A Air.'- 'O'.-H:,". Vie.- pj e(3 - sfu- at (enter .-..e: -i res.:. J ~ i-a, lien Lu.r’niou'u met U,-.. V's,-b';'. v. as not it: lire jmeu i, .■Saturday , -re.-: ago .le :, : * * and Bine setup, a tru* Indians by a J!*- 1- count Alc.x.mdc*,. a V i t inane was switcl - 2 from ihe p,vo' P'2 tiOU 1,/ iae!;;e !■ ,s )'ck.v i. Coach Tuss McLaughrv Lev; Jackson. Sir.- - • .n,c ■- r.e, to piay t i Yale v/a? a big grin the r. Ui. .ofi-r.-ive ai;h...jgn tiiey iO. .ct Budcy Yo-mg v. bo, i .aC.r:. have revealed. - mi.; <:■- from a bed uB"- ■ he; J t.C : V.-- 22 liie iiiigU s, clown to cleft a. Last week’s papers earn; a fi.« i-i-e,'...- -..-f >j,ia Ittit ,-#iay ti ■ >-i i hove mati,.- ti e grade -n • t-ehools but they failed to mention Waily Triplett- of Abingfi-.n wiiu iv ■i , i.ai-d ut (Hi. the Puijh State ,-.U veil slid HUiaid t.'h .'tiet tr.,.- Crculc half back «i t.'wuei; eu<gb arc don - bang-up jobs at their jerpec; ;v>- Btod maters. Fee Utilvi-r.-ity is back ;r, the vridiron picfuie as they trippeo iVLltv- IVlenioi ia) in ifieir op t:tr,g : ~UT.te by a ’-0 score f i.ic. ane-ti,:. ysuw-er in iooitndl circles, had c-ucte a king way" down trurn the G r ;> 'fiat fcautrcc r;uy: Ls r 'Juijipru .! ■:■ V,'nvvi'is and tile like Another school wbiefc has ivttnn ed to U>e Kiid wait, is Cheyney ,4' the > fat* Tvachci' ' CnJI-'ge circle:-' t hey !tev v, in eh v,.,. aiu:., I ard ;;rcri to gs; m-aug.fi :..e ‘, c. Die campus tu make up an eleven, c.e - LOUIS DROPS ONE TO LAWYER CHICAGO. Oct * N’-T 'X i To- Louis lb o heavyweight boxing champion, agreed In Superior cotirt last Wednesday to par Biuejcv C Cyrus, iittoruey, $2,000 in settlement Tlti.-n <'!owning for oh togiapl, of a suit involving attorney f. the cnampiou raised Cyrus' bur,a and .-aid, "He’s the v.'innt-t Cyi us cep resorted by Sidney J* iJrov.ii. attorney and school bom mi r.ubtr, had sued Louis and m ionm-r '.life, Marva Trotter J,cu, lor S3V, .'OO in fees he claimed were dm- O' (onn act ion w ; th a divorce sun tiled b, .Mrs L ~j . hi 1941 I'm (■'. uplc was i i-conclitand 1•-s *•- d,lived. Cyrui. v. ho bad i -gj; v ,l --'-(! :vl i. Louv, raid tie paid fii’. - s2,nt)o but Lite reniaird’ig $51,000 -".ill v a i.u paid Tile case came up f:- fim; ut-i.iii - Judy.*.* Hairy M Fi: he: . Louis der,,i:d a,:> p-ssii.,ii«i.v of re COiiviHulioo witfi las mmitt' wif*-. li-'V in CsiJforiua. H«‘ O'! he won'' defend ni> title beto. V nrxt June but that next montii he will go > Honolulu. Territory *.*t Hawaii, ,'cs r-xb,bit son bouts.. icjtcd the r:■ ,il: b. : ->■ VUtii.ro • Stott- College. 3/2-6 in tiiejr debut A.,;d Jdiikindei Smith ivioch to-. ' that awful lacing from Wiley • reiitly. found Osesnsulve:- a u’h <>i they could lick last week. fats'; •Tarzas; ' Cooper, one tinm Bens groat who start;-.i out on bn ij u v life ii i; Wailhiiglaii Beat- ■•- f..-v - - o'-j civ has armoiUJ'H <-(< ha + i' . - , ihi I- 1 -jj. i v< .i, I>i > ■ a a mumy JocaJ* roi or tVitis uiV' 'V' 1,1 'lit, ids - ‘is;. ‘ - (Viil i;g B'.t'i adelpfeians. 4a, if 'Sugar' C.-iij ex-M Jgari State . ' : sy v.;;3 he back wisii lj a PijsiJy Beat; this year when they ' op- i: th' ir seasess at Philip's Tows, fbaii on ;N .\e U , til : 4 -■' C!)>g lOli. ,vho v, 2 one ~f Aba Sapersfcein's saudouts on the famous Harks■ ■ GkiD'imate) vv,ll -&ke some time from : i> duties with tne fire de oailmtr,! r . get around use court IOC US- ; 3) - i'hji.. , -tr i also anriounced mat r.n p; ot«'-s .- the Benem kiro £'. i , would again play The Midget? ; ;.ro.p o' ps c -Tenr-f r.,.e boy -, cup- Itft.-d the JT;. jj Ig ut th*- , .->un <" last reason and before the year an’ ed every i; >. Club n town v. a Tm ni: I'uiy ppcsition Coached by f nner Wi-!>erforcenri i Bad:; ft Anderson, the Benezef club rtdU A ixi L'Ug'il. iilfc At-UYAjil Uliucie^i.*’ ed NEW LOOK Ot LANGSTON If! t ti v POT Mv 1 Übi Hi UMiM. NEW YORK > AMP l A . r,«*\v hook, es poems by Langston Hugise-. f.«i jut:! heen occepfed I®*' publi ijiuji! I-', Allred A K-iopt, In; it* li.jt i; "Fields ui Wonder.' and .‘he poems ore largely lyrical in nature and rioJj-fiiVial iii tßeine The sjo e i- tv foe published next spring atnj will ue the first book of poi-rn- by Liu,si.toii Hughes so ;v ■'Sha/.0-s-pcni s-pc ni in Harlem" fiv*- years ago.. $ „ (Ifc ' 1 mfyzxs ! \/WWj I , C-P—«;jjjl;j m~ra>u>sr z/V \*• Ji ►swMl/l ****«'Wf 1, ' U. \ Utters***! 1 mcat/icoms, \ /« S I OF STORES... L 1 M 1 '** "Mi\E?t *• /I /gg&CV ’'lit] !jh£L% f*AKC« WOUUE, l '• ;r §pAk* ' Bethlehem, P 4.. wvewcD i / FIRST, POWeftWve* BAG ' M YT E “*“'r. ' • SO Jfet Ass trr«oE«r aiow™<v T |y|f n _ j ,. \ v). . / jPH'' e?|OFAU,BAGS ; &kM: I T Aft? avt.H f*t£E # * ,KI " F T V-V . t> r- W!^WjRGiAfeTS..N \ /27 ? -.,,.Jr. // / f msaMWJtArw* l\ - ' r // :, PLUS'KILLED (| ,MERiCAMS USE - / < WOftKMAMM/P [ bACS "^.; ; « makes Aumm t of *hich Aftf. / • AMSS PRODUCTION \ MADE BY Umicm Bag $ Paps, ft / , ; POSSIBLE. )j CofiP., SAVANNAH, 6A. j ) _ ._, n ~-‘ ~. ~, —-1 Community Chest Drive !s On! Salutations To The “Rears* 7 Why lot tate In Mate By Contract 1W That WiU Assore 4 Continuous Income in Vour Family Ini! 1 lie tirement income FOR YOWLF? | • j WIHFRE ARE VARIOUS methods of P 'C 1 r\ : it ii; C ,-itl C U.'ie Oit-’iiod Coh I ’•is!. of setting ri.-.ide a definite amoum oi savings annually and accumulating *ii; catatr O >i-: i pel hid of Vi\'j]'S. This nic tnoc! id rivaling an estate is however, , subject t;! many hazards. Diminished in vestments returns and increased taxes make savings out of income difficult. Savings may be Just through pour investments. There is also the danger that death may l leas i. the estate incompleter! in which ever.! dependents may receive little or nothing. Probably the quickest, most effective and ' advantageous method of creating; an estate is by contract. As an illustration: Mr, Brunch, age bo. decides to create an • estate of $10,060, lie applies to a great | financial institution with nearly a half century of successful experience. After I meeting their simple requirements a con -1 j act is issued .M r. Branch <>r his heirs an estate of *IO,OOO. After the contract is is sued, the only requirement is the payment 1 of a yearly tax amounting to about 4 1 ■■ Get In Touch With Us Today! I - -re \ NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA | District Office: 120 E. Hargett St. —Raleigh* N. C. —Phone 2-2904 C. C. SPAULDING, President A. E. BROWN, District Meaner MBS JOHNSON’S KITES HELD SAT4KDAY ; CARY K.ina! rites for Mrs. S:<i l.v Johnson 01. Wake County -were 1 comluctacl Saturday afternoon from 1 G reelings To Shaw Alumni and F riends On HOME-COMING DAY m EFIHB'S DEPARTMENT STORE “Headquarters For Thrifty Shoppers" 208 FAYETTEVILLE ST. RALEIGH, N. C. QlljrfDinfili^ per cent. Unlike the taxes on his home, these taxes on his estate are accumulated ior Mi. Brandi, they are carefully safe guarded by the laws of his State and can be drawn on to a considerable extent in the event of an emergency. In the event that Mr. Branch is disabled bv in jin y or by prolonged illness, and can no jonger pay the taxes, there is a clause in the contract releasing him from all further payments, and he will receive the estate of SIO,OOO when he reaches age 60. Should Mr. Branch die before reaching age 60, the payments are waived and the entire amount is paid to Mrs, Branch as a con tinuous income ! ! Having attained the age of sixty, Mr. Branch will receive the full amount of slo.ooo as a retirement income. Creating an estate in this manner you ran make a will now for your family and i eliminate the old hazardous way of taking chances for an accumulation over a period of years. 1 1 PAGE SEVEN th" Cary Christum Chumb, the licv. J .w Moadou pastoi. rA>i fijtinir Mra Jobimm is survived by w< tOutcUrrst, Mrs, Luvits Farrell n.us Mrs, Alio Berkwith both of Cs*ry.

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