, ■ ~ *»«HgMigaw.» .•■n'.'«i» vm ciawiih»m«wwpww»imw' j iiii* , ’im>«r.--«t«g«qßßJ«WMwim awmiw -to.ym v nir■nirß—nw nm .ii.—in n« Mini n—»iWii»- STATE BOYS TO TESTIFY IN CARAWAY TRIAL; cimc niiDDvniirrcn wUliii I ICU AMt CONFERENCE REVISES RULES Little Rock (ANP) Deb mined to end this factional spin* on the higest. ieevte that lies '‘csr several months embarrass their denomination, delegates the soecial A. M E. General eon feienee voted Friday to expel Bishop E. H. Curry on so u r counts after Bishop Sims had previously been ousted. (Continued on back page) NC Baptists Stir Status Quo ★ ★a***** ******* ******* ** * * * * Murders In Charlotte Continue Charlotte Crime Upsurge Frightful To Citizenry With 28-yetu old Schuyler 'i ate, of ;>J.h y Street, buried Sunday a.ftu funeral M-rvice ai Ebenezer Baptist church, and Mrs. Sarah Reid of Renner Street, Having been taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital Satur day evening with two bullet wounds in her nook, Cher lotto s newest upsurge of crime continues to frighten local citizens. Young 7ale, a recent dischargee from the Mar ines, was brutally mauled and beaten to death last Wednesday midnight, shortly after he had been seen on Carmei Street with a gir! allegedly named Margaret Jeter 9} Beatty Ford Road, and William N. Robinson, of 1031 East I hin! Street, whs arrested and ebarged with the enntie. Meanwhile, thieves continued to pillage, and the Brooklyn Drug Store, '122 East Second Si red , was broken into and a juke box was pried open and the coins taken On South Caldwell Street, as the Black Hornet* Poolroom an mfori was made, unsuccessfully, to enter the buildine. family. Officers A. M. Houstop fend James Ross answered ih e first call for police, a.ftai- Tale had been struck down in the street in front of trie Mount Carmel Baptist church, and the beating was in progress. A jag • * • Tale Killing Shocks Biddieville . . 7’he beating of Tate to death Indict Three Columbians ATLANTA (ANP'i The Fulton Comity Grand jury last week re turned indictments against threi leaders of Columbians, Inc., anti Nefs m and anti-Jewish organ!?, a ti»n. on charges growing ou' of ra- C-oal disturbances in various section; ‘"of the city. James R Childers. 17-yeor-oid youth, who was bound ovei for grand jury investigation by City Recorder A. W. Calloway, was in dicted for rioting, a felony, in con nection with the beating of Clifford Hines, a Negro. Emory Burke president of the Columbians, and Homer L. Loom* secretary of the hate group, were charged with misdemeanor offense;; usurping police authority m fi/e separate counts , Specifically, Loom;;- and Burkr •were charged with using $-,• lice tar |tics to patrol areas on Garibaldi i ®4nd Form wait Streets, borderline housing areas; conducting an in vestigation of an alleged attack on a white woman, and warning a Ne-j gro resident against disturbing a | white Garibaldi Street resident In a resolution, adopted unani tnously Monday, the Atlanta Junior : Chamber ot Commerce pledged its full support to efforts io combat 1 the Columbians. Inc. and denoimc ed the organization as seeking to ‘incite racial and religious hatre ■ end violence strangely similar to that spread abroad by the Nazi par- MINISTER DRAGGED FROM PULPIT, THROWN OUT BOOR BY FLOCK LOS ANGELES (ANP) Members of his flock are guil ty of the social error «f Hrae jrtnjE him from his pulpit to the chureh door, all the while, beat ing and kicking him, the Her. Bon C. Stephenson, pastor of the First Church of the Deliv erance, charged in a suit fer battery in Superior cowl. Only the arrival of the police at the door saved him from far ther annoyance, Stephenson says in his charges against; six mem bers of the congregation ask ing $50,1011 damages. . • ■ ' . ■ . - ‘ .. 1 VOL! ’ME XXV!, NO, 2:' 1 ■ * “K . continued a prune subject, of dr cussion m the Biddieville nr - | tten, when- the young married 'man was well-known. Ns was his feed rock weighing nearly 25 pounds was the death weapon, and ]i is reported that Tate’s as sailant must have .sat astride the ' *.tuium on b.i'l pagei iy of Germany.’' ■> ( opr of the i 'solution ’.yew Gov EL'e Ar'uiSl, Arty Gen.. < ri ! .- k. \t.. Milvoi Wi! ( i--in p, Hartsficld md Chief of « Folk" ivl. A. Hornsby. •: ■ Ai‘y Gnu. Dan Dus• t ; filed the -uit against the H-•»•• ' group n oiTi'.js from Gov. Kill, ! Arnal! 'Continued on bark pan- i Va. Bus Lines Still Seg’gat’g N. Y. SENATOR SUPPORTS ANTS BILBO MOVEMENT Albany, N. Y. (NNPA) Sen ft or -elect Irving M Ives derla; - :ed last Wednesday that lu? would! i support “any constitutional pro cess” by which Senator Theodovr .M. (The Man! Bilbo, Democrat, 1 iof Mississippi, can he barred jfrom the United States Senate Pointing out that Bilbo could jbo prevented from taking hi"- • Fs'&i for the six-year term begin - : ning January 3 by a simple ma jority vote, while expelling him ; would require a two-thirds vote, he expressed the belief that the Senate was approaching the mat ter in “the sound way.” "I hope terrifically,” Mr Ives said, “that they get enough on Bilbo to get rid of him constiiu tionaly. He‘s a menace, that fel ls? wis. He’s a disgrace to the (Continued on back page) Wi-ii-'.K KVfr-'O SVI s 'Blow. NOV.!,.YIP, I,R 20, J'lW B.M-IGGH '- f * i' ll* BAI.’OLINA _e^. i.’ (’ V . t .-■ AT. ’ AC ■■,■■■ wibSKB iimTTiffllfflliWjWffr ? < v ■ * •.X -y■-'.'' v.::, '-.jf pMmplfilPii kx® -: <' —‘iVjj .• -m •'" ’ - ey;/0| GETS FIRST 1946 t ABVER CHRIST* AS SEALS Or. William ta> Sehicffc'b’., chairman-emeritus of the board of trusters os Tuskr<_■<•»• institute received (hr first dv . i «f IV a .fmt-ion Farvst fTut .(mu., sra!-, tf l iln a liiiu.ll drive f«*r (he hem-fit < i fi*'orgr VVitsdi fUil'Pi fliuiifiiT 10*1 .ll Tnskrgre Institute The ,- i < i. p-ui imtH h\ the I arv"r <.«iniii;,si 1(1) of Vrv= Volk l if;, vs 111; h i. I of -i:id ii ili-. ;i»i»l fonmri -;(i)iic|ifs o! ‘f S#; .( 1 1 !| f.i rvli-niSiri o ; fill- iimiiltr*- air, ?e 1 >•# .■ fnoliiidi S\ ;V(yerb, .io!*.in Tliiiir,.i |i; r ,idi n!; Vi: iini- Ann , mi;, tii .Mir!. ,»mi J’ercua! ! { iii 'irtt. «.•!<••• pri .iiffoi (ANT) R K’-HMON ii. Va.- MNJ •A > A i though the United States Supreme : our! tia.■ derda'ccJ invalid stale i .ibn-cro” laws rcquii'rtg the seat ing of colored pa;;; -enger; ;n ov A ' l - 1 ' of tins s tii in! r rrf.;‘i trav-A ; bo Uf)s• ■:is' operaUit the , -'out!i continue o attempt v- *-r --1 force such rare ' em ! ’gatton through company regulations with the me! ni Mute c'.ur!; Tie latest in id'ni involved ■>m i nci W. Tucker, of EmtKiria, Vir . jgima. a ltd -year nltl lawyer aptl I i formet Army inajce who wa-. . i f'-und guilty in Police Court it pro • ! November jP fur creatine a din , j turbance on a bus by refusing in | move to iinoth r -rat when ordered Ito do so by (he inis operator II Hi- convict a m was based on a •51 provis" n in (be Virginia Code - j which nmi'. '; i>. a misdemeanor lor • j anv person to as use any unnec i j essary disturbance in a public co» , j v y anise by tailing to move to an • ! olh i scat when lawful!;.- erred i to do so by thr operator. Justice Carletcm E. Jewett im ?! posed trie minimum fine -;f sb. and 1 ! Mr. Tucker was released on Sltfi • I bond - when he noted an appeal - j Mr. Tucker, a veteran of fiv j years' service as an Army officer, (Continued on back page) Charlotte Firm Involved In Senator "Bilbo Fix” ' •-* rri in i l >»j lov £; O c- •>r . on ?• true lion Comp-vv. ; c: ■ f Kcn-M'-v r -' : K! Biloxi. Miss. TV- new3pripn i' <,ar> . ‘'Briefly Mir rrpoii fiiiho v:\Ci> iH’ " ’ ir.rM.rnmeiM «l in tuo .•! fixed f ;!■ $285,000 loffethrr sit I i n $11,715 -••‘ s o co.n.M- i' t nwarrlrd Nriv t.oo - G LMiii foii! •? fn .Hal-tir.t’ou t% Mii'-js.,; Moi iTry • Knosi CoTist.rucl» n Coin pan;. Cbyv-l mi, 'vl: ■, ;»nrl Mr ,L A Jonf*. l ruetioo Let Us Give Thanks T.v f ( . 'TATLDfNf. „ The d.'V ha:, u-rivcfi whi-ti each individual th'-iHtgiioul Amc i i , ;ho* l. l o tcrogm/.c lii; t?iri ll .. ingf. ami cultivate a Gut* of mind, whereby In v ill be i*- ■: criucal a j his rwtiehours and mar opprcri live -if the blessings that arc hi.' a . tiHtif «n, Gbor, indur.ti y, a a ri; ulfprc; in fad, every phase of; i endeavor, the American peon! .. have enjoyed, unpre-' ••■’dented f»> >.; , pepity. Mo.' a.v ba: |v < n oienth'Mi. . . ind pjja-'bly t<- an exter.l nevei , before- /pcricia; ed, goer! .‘i.yigm--a!, i has prevailed. As n result, ".avings ■ Itave increai ••*!. debts have been 1 j .paid and an a Uptime record has been . | set by civilian;, o; ::;jf -nuirdlng : i' ri i pturc threaten the purchase of, . j government bonds. ! ! During this period of prosperity, I <| )f . Negro v is not eliminated. Net 1 i } ! job.:, hitherto denied i-iiir. (le-i-ame j available in ever increasing num ! - .bars, salary scales were lifted, new I i businesses organized, and a nearer j ■> approach to full citizenship has been j accorded him. In other words, right j ■ now there is more of everything j -, for which to be thankful than at *' i any period in oar histoiv as a race. Company Ciivivkitsf: '. on Jm 13, 191 f. foe the ■ will'.inn (■! K-’. :.)* {i-iok;. Biloxi. Mias.” OU’IT • 1i..-' mcb.i-.V ->, •!.";■ - ■'take” <>! “several i’lou • .b do! i ;.i.. ’1 liiii-o; .-.!«* milled '.uas'-’iiiv ~r sti iiulietnieni. for eve ;-i|i; i ■ - ! ' if, e- pi y. : : ; ! i 1 ■ :;- • ' --; un, . a'’*.-’.s Gil’; It - 're Oi)' 'TV ; The ma'.t-isai ik .said u- he now in ■ iii.it un' rommittee ai'-rc: with su.i -stfint iaf.i|-|i< i , i’-i-nce. \ > eharge ”f.li;*i Bill) a; ioi In ion with C‘ i n *:n : i' tan: eontra(e->r ■, did engage in profii;”'mu: against the government in war-time construction.'' The /'ini'Tu. an Vetera;)'. CoJimiiltce ; effort,- to have the re - a et.eri Mir-ossippiitn denied hi; •a! in the forthcoming Cong re :• >14,000 hi t-'iun. Our hi- sing; ) jvc been many. ■ ii! in.'f ururiri! y'y Micro i ;i!so a dark skin to the pictur** Although we navu experienced an era of un orecodi'n'cri prosperity, the growth '>l crime in «mr mid’! gives cause •or serious rmireni. in the Record - •re Creirl of Durham durum ilv: month of Oct 1 her 1,045 case' wee with ‘>-'i llOliv:. tinus. Fines ■, mount.-d in nil fi'/H While the percent;!}’,* of Negrocv, involv ed ha; not baer. ascertained, it •« safe to predict their cumber great !v exceeded their proportion:!-. ;• ratio ;if the city 3 population. The drhly account:: of RVisdomeaTi • a -11 ai crimes siuji'injiUrd by jit vernier, and adults, and the deaths Caused by automobiles with drunk en drivers at the wheel, cruise on® to ■..•.•(wider what, the ultimate out come wilt he. It has frequently rven ; dvocated that a Ssrson caught drivitig an automobile while und-'r the influence of liquor should he dealt with in such a wary as to definitely carl; such practices, ev en to th" extent of setting op legal •Continued on page five 1 i’Ui'B. 7v RESCIND ACTION AGAINST RACE at jiiLun § AsH rmu .y, rh * C uvr-j;'Thursday ar»o •-*> - ■>?> : o •kk tc fr'Offi y '■ ivj' » jcj ' r s S’ '‘ S-! b'*i ' {ss!. T« n- d;iy s< v i.Sii • r• Church. Th • ' vV • ' .sltCi I >• •Js> of I'Cvy rl b ! V ihc, m?C’h f< Rf-v. K- j Mv Bh-T’- - of ■' 'h ,\.> • j Hiii, oother T 1 *»• > r • Cor, -oil i "Mr ? of the ■>’ kij&.lor, i •»! of Cne ro-:i ‘S'!;*jon h;;-:J horr> r ' ; r*} >,mT mad- t<» :: n;Kn- ; co -rriioju for -neCy f ,r Os d eri ive : hive. O r>j v - l.i, fire ’.coC- ?l rr f the * !-. . ■ j, r.,; • r . S Co *.<• ,S IcU if-, ire i ; ,h-k i on oi:ri i; t y of -.{! ; *«. ' !he •-.« ' l.ioo col>''• ming • - Cion << ,>} . 'by vCe Os {hr ir -C;o :• -.r.r.hip :ir. U')\ ( i'i C'>r. ooct ; m rvftr-»}j’y of kl.l belies ' who sori ■■ in for* roricjy)frh/*n t'hr n-’h ‘joyJhiff /oust he j ■ jCm c„| h- Ih.' Iccly of Christ •nrf, )<. !.h'- church. We »• i/iincnd us)iMhy of \v: of thf‘ . '};->Lp ;;•■ Cj.i; , j>;?n • • th i the :;M’n c -..1 Is not Mi' jyl, •,*■'* or?vo<•;•!*?; ' omd y.-n^cf* •’..o' IrrCi-r’C ••.f Nfsco. Chi <‘ f nti»m r, r| r>fi imre Poor School Facilities Aid Child Delinquency BV MMK • 1... ffK'KS NM'A Staff Writer -VAHffINGTON. D C. (NNPAI - ii’.idf qu-n! " : ci-.oo! plant,-, shortages of r* ;k 1 :,ifo nit'"!- deplorable condition* in education frequently make ;t no -itot*- tor fin? school to effective in curbing juvenile de liuois* i|. r -i School and Teacher iU .pnn ibilfty panel told Attorney i■; aira ii Torn Clark'r National Con >f* (•*nee r*i I,he Prevention and Con • ai) ,if .•*■!!i»* Delmouency last j Friday .. ! St'itmr, that it* many t ninmnitir;- • hildren an actually being sold , • hurt, the •etiool panel which in . eluded 11, its members Dr ,'iohn W. I).i a pro id"ni of West Virginia . : .;i ii Coll*, go; I)r. Carnet Wilkinson, • first assistant superintendent of ; reboot f r the District of Columbia, . a.d O Ros man Torre ..11, a teacher ir; tpe Cincinnati J'ublir School-. :; recommended a long term positive community proerem which would • recognize iiic important role that the school can play in the proven - ! >mn • f delinquency The school report w:.- one of sis• C con heard at the closing sessions of - ; the three-day national conference * | held in the Departmental Auditor j ium last wek in which 1,000 dele ; gates participated More than twen t j t.y-five colored perron? served as 1 members of the fifteen panels and * helped to formulate their recom ' mendatlons to thr Attorney General for the prevention of juvenile de * linquenev. Four responsibilities which the Charlotte Weekly Causes Attorneys To Investigate /. ’ ( ■' -T's C 1 '.vo ; our*F. i a- rjo-t -• r ; . ••• -• *-« H | cfv i» 5 !in ? rjoi of vV.ird peer l ; ( J : i .vov ::! M, )n Long t.jyp. *. - > yor.Ec wfuc'h beg: ii j‘>nal i. 'lior Orsanizwitinn : to ret an intc; national standard for • ■ . in ’killed and unskilled! f mil j... throcKhoot the world On the home front the Council j n vircd its constitution to permits ~, broader membership anvma worn* j ■ n at ip roved Wilson ••••,• i.’s N«-j iiHn ii !;"u i tm.igratn. ciiid askfC! S' '.-1!..-■*m ftobert K. Wnifncr. ‘ft) I | S'. ••• . .t F'.ilender, *D» LOUIS/- • sii.i. and fi'ibcrl A. Tnfi, 'EI of i Obi<>. to icintroduce the Wagum j Etif.'i-:|. i .T;.d» Hoir: ing Bill in the: ' i'lKiu.eth Congress. The ilgi women ieiegstes «!■ e to, the iricluaion of home • bold ..old ;.£:«•ultnrai '.votoen >v• ci ,ri aicui .'■‘•■' Ul lty benefit t aft‘'pled : nnnimum »■«?.' rer, oiu tiou. demanded equal pay ‘ueu e, Joi ■ • -111 Ki! in union eornraetr.. n.i --■; ( .ii . v. omen workers !«> t.•!;. h wider pru t in union adi f, iif. approvcu ,i in year mirumu'.i ..gc foi einift empinymerit aurinn r'liioi hour... an.-i wrote President i i up.inu ■! eoiumemiiiig that t’ne . ■ .■ i bi,ai.es liiuii>ius ri'i'Viit bervic ft .. ■ <■•; 11 . ' ihnr i)enar me;;. I" i!l,ei ItP-.l rn- !.!Tnl;.fened i. I .' • ...ii : .S 1 (".: ity ;e>t er i. !: i ’ re • e’T-1 j 'i; Pint. ?o 1.0“ ■!, i' i' 1 , s in. eUtnitc bomn •i i Cnnneil, ib<. capacity !n which .1 i . to ;•- <• me un.isiu'T.ion ■ ite burnt’ i on :-(!.■( ..I yood faith,' ,■< I'iiiiy .iy "n... el .iii uit.miiiUoc ! .'OIP lin 111 .ilr.i .;. rnf" !n rite); f. ••.t6iiiOictcHi.mil in n V!'i for s-' ■ Mir- tv men agreed 'W‘ ;h<*ujd i)ke iu sec » greater ■■■■' i ■ .ipfiiic.'iU<>»! 111 the United r -t.i'c'. itiriegr polfy us ftee golden . rule " rvi II 401 RN WAN. i’Oi:i Vi mektim;s :■ 'S ! iS'H /■. hlir rffaii -for “m on die therm • Utuneiog Hegro in fiaHig}," •*.*<• planned by trie Men Wink fnmrolttec of 11 - - ; ! H|..(w " :; 'ii Sfi '.ni VMCA a! a ■ me-.tin.; help hc.e •■luririay after Thf fori tie will be.;:; !): Deeili'..: b'-r and vil) be held monthly I n.-ieafr.’! Aecoplopflo TVs W. Akin.: , chairman of the committee.: d'idif ' will h< made and factual] repot Ss Hivcn on Raleigh's health,, cmpjnymen, housing. education, f i.iu;simr,s. voting and child delin ■ quency. Committpc members who attend- j i d ok' meeting arc pre .idenf R. P, 1 Daniel, and Dean !■ p. Pavne of! '• '-'in ' IJniVi-rsit-.y. i); !i M Bell, A A Cooke, Benjamin Davis. .Sol omon Reyis, and E 1, Raiford. bunl mils* meet in order to full fill it.*: obligation to the delinquent r is reports to have effected his release and summoned police aid. The Negro, however, fled before 1 •the arrival of the officers. A hunt 1 for the Negro begun immediately but it. was hampered by the fact • ! that, the couple give only the battest w'- give , ,ii an EAGLE article ree etiy tn the eoloniri “What"? (.‘no or:' iid i (.iri.sulled .vilh thfli von n y. mo,, u ti,e leb ibilify of th* sUilfiii"n! given ip toe columc The trial of young Caraway is no* mi.l'rv. a.v . fter a po.-lpone ment. ond ‘he r li-ninn of ihe n*w jury i -about eompleie James C Murray, new eliief defense counsel, ’ n given the information on the o' v evidence, following the racent ■ it <>* h. .nithi.f of the column m York City, wlier*? Dr. Doxey t. WilJrer.'.'jo. general manager of py itiy y -... York e *-.. Sp- oer, arreid in turn the new findings over to Mr Murmy. —ho <• reived them "’ith welcome The evidence to h» given !>:, the two younf Charlotte nun j-. oxjiri.ied to have an impor taiil bearing or, the outcome of the '•■we f'.rawa’ is now charged with firs! degree murder, -iftm having Ia in .1 prominent Long Island so eiali’e and raped and shot her former WAC dsughte Names of the young men are be ing withheld for obviour reasons, iiui until are residents of the Wash ii'gton Heights section, near Oak i.'nvn A venue and Beatty Ford Road, and had de-ding;, with Caraway In f.i- alleßHi dope-handling activities, ■vhile employed at the Memorial i Hospital hen- Tio’ new develpp ii'-n| is i.iit result of the exclusive , KAGi.K investigatifflh. TWO RALEIGH ~ MEN D!E IN CHAMBER R.A!.,Cif3H Charlii.- Primus, 24. i.o' Wilbert Johnson, 23, were exe in the ,b.nnhr*i a\. Cen t.i-i! I’- h-o<■ .Saturday fur th® rape of Mis.- Viitimia Lipscomb Os N'orO. Raleigh up Die nigh* of Juiv !9. Primus wtv. was first to di« en ‘ I'd the eiiair at BdiS a tn and in■t?nouni , «;t dead at 10:10 af ter he f xecutioner threw file switch that ' e!> oM's eyatiide gas bails in to tin eotit.rii.nei of hydrochloric .uid at 10:01. Johnson, fourth Wake county , , ‘..neeutcd- this yeatr, took o-,. soßi. ii, ’to:4;> a rn and helped pn; <>n attendants adjjti-st and fasten the leathei strap-- Be began aaif fing the deadly fumes at !0:47 ana nine minutes later was pronounced dead Primua H -sed tits eye;: as soon a;, he seated in ihe death sea". Uit; iitdlenl.mg fear. : mped whan B.e . w«- rc-lea-.ed Johnson ac peared confused when he entered ii he '-hamber, and -tared through I he double glass partition at- the ill the ouft'i 1-OolM. His la-* vord-- were to Chaplain William R. Jmck -m ‘Good bye." he 'aid. “thank you. hake my hand.” The chaplain -hook his hand. The men convicted a holding up (John Gurnard and Miss Lipscomb. : white- local resident, as they were ! .-.<-aled in an automobile parked os the Whitaker Mill road north of '••.--leigli After taking pooession of the ear they allegedly drove six iTiito:- into the country, ran into » ] ditch uid ordered the victims to out, Primus allegedly raped Miss ! Lipscomb 200 yards f'om the ear, while .Johnson robbed Guinaid of 46fih. and kept him from inteiier mg with ihe attack. children who show signs of develop ing delinquent behavior and should have .he time to learn their phy sical. social, mental, and emotional limitations in order to take proper preventive measures. 11 Teachers should work closely (Continued on hack page) : description of the attacker. When news of the ‘rape" spread t around the town, some sailor* threatened to 'take the Negro sec tion of the town apart” as a re - venge measure. In order to prevent racial strife, sheriff L. O. Stanfield ordered all liquor stores closed. Louisiana officials did the same thing on their side of the Sabin river AH business establishments operated by Negroes were pT*r> ordered closed and the city spent a quiet, although uneasy, weekend. The Second Street area, usually filled with Negroes on Saturday night, was almost deserted, as all Negroes who ventured out Were ordered back into their homes Likewise, there were fewer «*!V 1* than usual downtown One local citizen commented; "is (Continued on back page)