NAM FAILURE TO ACT ON NEGRO ISSUES ATTACKED - - . I, - -in., ii«iHiiiin-»-i»nia«M—*» v ' lr "~ "*■■** c t lKur-. -■■cr-eias..*.' KT"» ><MCC>a>'*iiTHKl«r». , v»f^>KHm«nmi«l»l W —Q— IlflßWimi''* _ _ uuiajjiiwiiiinii iwi'ii l wiirinnTim r-r-i —.- nr IN TRAi liffl rp rjr A p T T TAVT I ' . VOLUMF~XXVI,"nO. ~25 " ~ ",: M Hit ; !!. "NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1946 PIU- L7c rur-i ji'Hlnrin j ' Columbians Admit Terrorism i ‘'-W .4 PRESENTS CONCERT The Shaw University t visit which presented its anrui* i Christmas wwcerf Ti;«'sda> and Wcdm-sitey nights. Deefmbfr 57 and 18. arc shown above with Miss Mildred A Thornhill, directress of the choir They are, let? to right. NNC SCORES “SO CALLED” LIBERAL ACTION OF NAM NEW YORK. N Y - The Na tional Negro t7origrc‘.s. today *!- tacked the .-n-cal'i-H “libcror pro gran, adopt -ri here rh: - week at lb Annua! Meeting o! the- Notional Association of MiitmfacUJUers. ax - road-block t.o deny :r. tie prog res in ocu country Edward E Strong. Oi mcoiz./- t. i anal Secretary of the NNC. sharply attacked the NAM pic gram for its ‘cocnapicnous omission of any of the crucial problems con fronting the Negro pc-’ pie in Amer ica " “Although the NAM adopted »:< extensive program which included labor, foreign policy, government “purges” of “subversives," free dom for private enterprise, etc., nowhere in the rep rtvri delibera tions is there a single word with regard to extruding tne deruocrutic rights of Negroes ami other minor; ties, such as was called for in the Judge Revokes Klan Charter YOUTH 18 AMBI9 DIE FOE MURDER RALEIGH Calvin Coolidge Williams. Iti. and Herman Mat thew;;. Ift. reared on a tenant fawn by parents to poor to defray fun eral expense f v them died in ga.- chamber at Central Prison h-.-rt Friday foi murder of John Addi son of Sampson County. Richard Perry Matthews, father of Matthews visited his son an death row on the eve of execution, but told Prison Warden H. H. Wil son he could not” afford to bin: lllssr.r. Bodies of both men weir fteonw Roberts. Newark. N. L; Edward .Martin. Mt. OYc; Sam uel Beard. Philadelphia Pa.: B»- hert Simmons. New Brrn:MaJn '•hi hnnean. I nion s. < Mirvm Smith, iiumi; David Vi'iiliam Washington, 5). < and .Mi - Thornhill. NAM Program for "libe. ;ted and conquered ’.a; i ll;:-." aid Ml Strong. “We befuwf 11-,.- Negro i<» e*;ii* old son will rejec! this pro gram, and will < <ll upon the NAM !■ really ‘Tibet niize' thi’n program by support ol the following vital issues; 1. A strung federal Fait .Employ ment Practices law 2. Federal Anti-lynching legislu ■ ion, 3. Oust Bilbo from the St note of ;he United States' COLLEGE POSTOITTfE ENTERED A Nil DURHAM Thieve:’, smashed '< stamp window slide rtf the post office of North Carolina College, here Thursday night md stole $iJ" from n money b’ x. 5125 from :t canh drawer. SRi 40 worth of stamps and throe registered id ter; MADISON. VVir. l ANPi -■ An other legal blow was dealt the Knights of the Ku Kmx K.»*n wtocr Judg: Herman V. Sachtjen of Dane County Circuit court rev li ed a state charter granted the hooded organization in 1325, hole las Monday. Revocation of the charter to 1 lowed Judge Satchtjcn's funding’ that the klap was formed ‘for nc lawful purpose and stands only for principles which arc un-American, sin-democratic and contrary to the letter and spirit of th< eonstihWtv and laws of the state of Wisconsin and the United States of Ameri ca." unclaimed and following regular procedure ucre sent to a medical «chool 48 hours after <; ’ention Chicago On Verge Os Race Riot, Council Head Says NEW YORK iNNFA’ tv ra;?> j is on the verge of a rrntjot W" rioi, involving t olored rmcl white • ,pc .pic Saul D. Alinsky, -cofoundu ; of ill ! city’-; Back i tbc Yards j f\>unc;i, cicciaj'ed hi. last Tucs- . -.iryv at. the first mvetwif. of the mow- ; ’ . formed Commission on Comrour- j : y Organization of tbc Nation;-.! \ Conference of Christians and .Tews, j Di scribing the situation as “the .r-; ;;p i we've bean ill for y-.',r--, ! Mr. Alim-Kv said the r>< igtoixirhooo j of to ooii piTsnns behind ihc stuck- • • y-’-'iild be “the powder key:'' largi riot G'outci be touched i off The Back of ih« Yard:; Cot.;- • i r i: is < rgynized as a <■-.immunity agency in tht arcs.. Mr Alinsky re i port ed that the groan was taking - ■ xt.ranrdinary measure to mu aay oulbreak in the bud. Chicago’.", current te-w.i>-- ■ eri Monday into an <■ iiiu -i. ••toning that required ion police r.i. . ! o u;:ell. A crowd oi 1110 pci - *-ons hurled rockr- s’ - truck rnov ir;: ■ the furniture of s colored war vi teran iriio the airport H- mes u South Side housing project near ;r>'’ Chicago airport. The project was the scene of several neighbor hood demonstrations two weeks *io V- - Civil Service Com misson To Rule On .Employment Policy WASHINGTON. D. C (NNPA-- Thc United States Civil Service Commission last Monday declined -übmil a ruling on whether oi tan ihc War Department is violat 1 •eg an regulations ir, having cm plc.vts’S indicate their race on ». prr-ainal history .statement tilted - ui utter employment. The- War Department's Adjutant Generals Office form No 643-A. dated September i, in item eleven ' .required employees to designate their race in filling out u persons! history The question to its legal ity was raised lasi Monday by EH: United Public Workers of Ameri •rl ca. Alfred Kline legal counsel for the Commision. when approached . lest Monday said the- Question was without precedent, and that he " could not find any Civil Service | regulations applicable to ft Mr Kline stressed 'he Tan fin-: : Civil Service regulations forbid i any mention f raw of applicants • seeking positions at federal eg riss but said once an agency hires , an individual he was i|i»certain as ' ito -.vhfthc-r or no; it could through its own printed forms require him ’o give such information He add ed that the fur® was drawn up by ' the War Department and did • * • have official Civil Service appro: ; al. Confessions Os Youthful Members Given Press COLUMBIANS HI.Ab ,3 Ail .US) All \M \ l'ia. ( inns'j < . burke pm'j(li>ni ■»■ >tie t '«?j.rn ■lfwisft hoodlum oijfatti'ation, was ,pi|<f-ri here Sunday in dr. !■?<, i, of iii'- (wis - ; (IIIi- biimi • Bodrr jodirlni'sl 'barging *JI» gal uiws ssion of il; tumifi'. A full on < *»unt> grand jury investigating the Columbian ] byerUves. indicted Bttrkr. lid Kier I Loomis. Jr . secre tary-organiser. ami Ira Jett, a rohort. last Friday on a dyna jjiity charge and l/oomis and Burke on a riol charge. California Whites Fight For Segregation Id Schools HOSPITAL FACILITIES INADEQUATE RALEIGH A tri;.psiei .ifu.-Ue-u | ir: Raleigh and Wake Cour-ty r.e | critical that many persons cnnito ; ; be adftiiried and nutt await treat-. | men; while thier troubles grow j worse was described b.« Dr. J O. j Plummer Join! nhi '-ician. h‘ the i public, affairs forum of the Stood i worth Y'MCA .Sru’d:- ; December .15 It sb’- ul"! tv of deep concern I every ore lo iTalou- !hoi if one bc ; romes ill ,<n<i need 1 hospital:r.ation • i one cannot be admitted to a 'nos- I pit d si• ted ihc r aker Dr A. f Billie:, : 1 oe;-iHc-'ihb ’ e c'ffe-.-■ , mcTfliiw of thr p.-in-. I ii •.*li ij S* rvic'e and Nf-eds" tie- : scribr •" ' ' ’ ."rvicc-: ion. i ciuzens. "lnd : - ; vidua! a»td Community good health i are important assepy stated tin -1 speaker Death 'rate; fr<m corn* 'Continued on back page) V Social Agencies Council Accused Os ‘Passing the Buck' WASHINGTON. D C. (NWPAi- Dr Ernest S. Griffith, president a 1 the Council of Sockd Agencies, Find last M nd-iv thru the report r, f the ■ Cotineil's rare relation-; commit lee recommendiagf the end of -logiego , 1 lion *n the District of Columbia I ; docs not eorvumte the rftcommcr.• (fat,ions of ;h< Council itself. His comment on the explosive _ i report, which set oO a series of firework: her- the first day It. was i publish'd, came at a luncheon meeting of the Count ;1 that hoard t Neville Miller, former Louisville mayor who prepared the repori state that President Truman fhuuK i appoint h contlmbng committee to -. study conditions and facilities ap propriate community action" to end %cgregation, Mt. Miller’s statements were challenged by John Ihlyder. a , .•nembor of the Council and direc - lor of the National Capital Hours .' ir,;. Authority Said Mr, Thlder: “You're passing the buck. You're , asking the Government to do what local citizens should do This is j . rnspnrisibilitv of ' sir cilizans.'’ GOVERNOR CHERRY ; P4ROLES TWO •> RALEIGH Paroles have been i cm rued to Woudniw Merritt of - New Hanover county ami .Turner v McNeil ■ f Robeson county. Gov * emor R. Gregg Cherry announced hero Friday. Both men were pri soners at Central Prison Rak-rigl 1 AUnntii ■A 1 : i* * r! • j SC 'if the ■ 1 1JTf 1 f-r 1 !>.. Jr■-■ •. : to ultimately lake over tht gov-1 . anti men i of the Uisitcd .States in i * typical Hitler-like f.vthpm * ■ j }b closed i.s * wc-'k ■' ■ ■ '. At’ I '. ' ilr.n. Eugene CV.k <vais . i wfi't- t<» newsmen of the' 1* I confessionx of two youC-te:: members 1 ifu anl'-fvc-gi>i asr.i i 1.7- iyil orae,' j • The confe:-.-inr::-. .oy ne;j b\ I James Roiph Chjjdcr. jJ; un A i Laner Waller ,21, «•«■>»<? made to j Prt>l. James H .Shelton, aclrafai • { stiative chairman of ; he Son |. Sectarian Anti-Nazi league, in | New- York City oo JA'<■■-■ J . 1 the attorney generai stated | The notarized confessions un irss-rt -it, i>.-- u cage) SAK KHAKASS' o NWA. 'l'::-’ Nuiln Federal ‘ !> !.:lift <','u '.il l •'( Appro! took t j*".rlvtsefTi n’ ‘ Monday the ; ~ h-.iol 1 1• •••,. ..f O > • . (' Miiiiiy Hi Ki. ;rht Cakforiu: : oni »T « :, *f> of ine redci ui ou.; tor (he southern district of Califor/p;: > n lOinjti'; t,ti<r m trci;: pu.Umg chi’ r,i HP * ir-'if; : :,U i i<: • ( . t-gr,,: tihoois. As 1 fri* iids of Li l ■ cots ft," Hi' t ic.-in ,k:wi | I \ , thf S ; i As.toci h ion for 're A Ucsac,- • meat of Colored TV; ;/ . t,hi Ao;' - i rrori civ:! J.,i: vrfkis !Jmi the N" ■ tiCKl'il I.isv J'ors Guild, S'C J, . Aft/irucy R" ; 1 W Kuo ■ .-{.-Arncnaui Citizen:: L-cagu'i.anrt oy of Califcriiig GiiYrd : j flu case They fife* I,!!:: ;*ttfjs*K if if; the legality of (}-.• yegivgai :n:i poh'/y , > '.'iobitivt 1 of j tin i'oujl: or:I); Amor:;mu; , : to i,r --' < 'fiff '! itfj" Col! is si*. 1 l''i tb*: .1 ;* t•• - A'jor; it-,,,, Clfi/on'- T.,«'UgUr •;.M fvited in the dtgimierii of : t*e css*’ (Ctsritimicd on hart: p.* . URGES NEGROES BE HIRED IN VET SERVICE WASHINGTON, D. C St-vu-U of Labor Louis SchwoHenhsch, ur> ofr wh'tf agency Ui< Vcleraru' Employment Service function: was Hjqucsted in a IcU'-r fx rr> Jess*: Dedmori NAACP Sncreiar; ; oi Veteran*- Affair . so u <• his ir liofiisrc to assort* the iwrspioymen of qualified Negro veteran* in ini service. '"Tht NAACP : membership a: ganir.aiioi: with over 500 nop m*.-»• fcors," in "is vitally interest'd in the employment of veterans and pm Ocularly Negro voter;, ns A: cording to re pons received by us the Negro veteran has exponent ■ ed the greatest difficulty in yetting employment •The Veteran, EmpLyimv: Sen vice, which !>- nn adjunct of the Veterans' Placement Service Board, of which you are a member, is charged with the rosponsibiliuy under the law. of providing assi* CHARLOTTE ‘Y’ OPENS $50,000 BLDG. DRIVE CHARLOTTE The pcaing of j tile Huge YMCA-YWCA Build mg ] Drive, m which the Negro quota | has been fixed at $50,000. was an- j nounccd officially Tuesday night j by Edward H. Brown, chairman of j ' : the Negro division, at a kick-oil | ; • banquet inthe dining hull of Snvt*- Ouiversily on Tuesday nigh!. Many workers and friend- at tended tbe affair, and heard a re fh port from Arthur S, <»rier, chair- FATHER SEES i three m.m Ok IN CRASH i,Ai;r>i i;dau m .anfi ColJisioe of th' ; Gulf. Mobile and Ohio's crack with < j ■Red crlan at a ra kc-ad err.s#iyj t i miles north of here la it { Friday st 7.J0 p ns, brought ir • j . i.idt death to seven occupy nisi of! ext :•> the depot at the time the I occurred, was the father ofl three ;if Ur; dead, K'-tiis Jones Jones said that he toad jitM. w-! Oil: i -1 JYoiTi vi,'!*!>:„' se-c 'r-laic.i ] . ;n u Meridlaii htspita!. He and two I r;hf ( - -sid tiiC car stslledl si the traeks and the train drag- j i jbom half mile feliow’ing i ttiO ' -S' i■ i S'. ! OT; Th-.*se dead -vere Mis. Aseriee] id. and her inrw ekiidren,j | Mary Lm !6; » ( if?; and Rtr i ice. !'J; Eh’l.;,i Mhcht-U to; Jyrr.e-j | ii l Hr’njjr. 1 ari EiT'Cndt 1, ■; i ( inivc-r!. 17 Verrirt- of death by ae- j G iiii? >.k . giver, by C'-'ivrior Louisl 1 ttoyri. j j j ■ls MBMRTON MI’.N hiiwim hipi?ii \i i _.— < i;.M.F.M,H Uiivcrnor (irrjj , ( berry Monday granted :i 'HI <1 a leprieve c** foyr S?ob<-M(n < ountv men scheduled to do December ,’T to; rape. They are Cliff Inman, (tfanfrr i Thomp'i n C alvin Covington and . Maey Fowcil, vvlii* uiir c»«i\iiieJ of raping a white woman in 1?;< 1 ■ olored. »« tion «ii Cum her ton Cherry said he was granting I the reprieve t« allow twrlher ■ tod?- of the <-ass* CHARtOTTE KSH CfINVIOTED OF Mi-Re RI N. T. • N-'KLOTTE Cot.-.-ictets t ' '*{ first. degree mui’dc;. without rreomnt'iidtii >i; i mercy, A'rirrl Beecher Caraway, son of Mrs, 11a Barnes, of ;‘JO6 Oaklawn nr. ;ll die in the electric i New Yor’t this ' un:• uncxp-cted deveiop- Eifnirs nf Chief f>• feni'-c four-i."' J irne n. ( T'.'l'ii: ;y. of New York f. it v in ify eb of eh irge front'T 1 11' 1 v a irian ■ ha:,after -m EAGLE -ntu-!e bringing r -ut the drug ! xijr i i . of young C■' ‘i V. r>’, IV*: l'fc: !•■■ no riespii*. tcxt'iiKiny i(.oniiriued on o-iii; pogci I jibct- it» vetei ans seeking employ i n! The '•• ogres'- of the Unded fv. p-irf of th • t.abo; D? pnrtmeni !Si4fi budget., granted SX j- ■ i!ibtr- be the oper; fieri of t.h V- tercos’ Employmen l Service and ecnrdtng to a report made by the fie f, V-'b-nire.' Employment Ser fCorixinned on back pa get Lily-Whites To investigate Move lo End Segregation WASHINGTON. D. C *'N’NPA • - Thf lily-white Federation ■ f Citi zens Association last Saturday vot ed unanimously to investigat* thoroughly a report on race rein tionr. recently made by the Council So trd Agencies, recommending, drastic changes nr- the pattern of race segregaloin and tUscrmiijinfioi: citnsen? Ir the nation's capital. mar.; f the Special Gift-; Divisi-in of the Negiu division. TEAMS WORK IN DRIVE With all YMCA and YWCA croups, clubs and affiliates, active ly alifiied m the campaign, there are twelve teams of six to seven ir*rson c each, working to raise the r.-ouki for the Negro division Lit ei.Aurc is bieng sent out, pointing out the needs c-f the YMCA -tnd (Continued op itaPVi pagpi - - -a - - - m>M > .mw *r»-■►i.-wr.Kj i wtwmc'MM^ Dr John tv. (. benauit. direct r iii'onttl' paralysis unit Tuskc see institute. -Mabama. shows a es Delta -nrors the \lbec Ceir.jii r Orthepedic tnbie recent ly presented to the unit by the Th kccee eh-pier of the National l oami jtiojj (or Infantile Para ; lysis, J«e. Thr Zeta S ,r- chap- A. & T. Student Gets National Farm Awards m?s v »'cnn UilL. S It** ,>is^ WINNER IN CONTEST Mffl«ila IV- ••!. • tnctrib'T ■•! itiy | t-i Jlth gtsd* of the pHH-vdil; High j ' ■' nnnl w '■ ,;i1 “ r' :/t ' ■'■ ■- >’ '■ ■ i ," r iw.£ (;./«. v, „,-, ij;-tr-d ."';• ■ Tire A;. <»!V#i War* BMjds anscmf, i ■ y :-irid i 'luntv ■■; r;y re-vy. atieerdiii;'.. j !■■■ -if )nr(c.ii.<-(‘mcfii las*, week. ; IHw.eil;: i'.w thy only 3V jv ■ j TiO:-. the .ievcnUi-rn winners. Fir- | •..•••iz>* »•:-.- ’-'-'.n y.y Kiln Ak render If j . ! 4 ft;r- '(■<• )!-(] ;-■ ■/. --..- yifi O'l Vo. !!;■ IS ire- :<>■; -fist- I of is." I A IjW't if I i fl{* S’: : ,1 v J'l 55 ?FI }l. f? T j PRIEST, RABBI ONLY | WHITE BILBO CRITICS JA 1 ’KSO N. Mi 'ANP j Qt> 1 y iwo white men in f hib slat' *>p£niy '•PDOpfd Bilbo*;- argn (p £u vl>.p r C it whit#-* ■ n.■ i ic - Tißir übc* ncriH vSc th e kian jioliii; ; tri's, :ipp*‘.:il to whii voi* ilasi surnßicr •<> keep No ,<T<,r-s away from the pulls. They v/ore a Roman Criiiol;-" pi • iirid a Jcwl.'.ii rabbi. Bofit du> Tcrccc' -h'-- N p'_- p ??*-■“ * hoy id Hr <■ *x - eluded from voting in the Denn • crat-kx* primary, which is tsnta rnoLir:! to ek-ctiun. Not a single wiiite Protect ml dn.-gyroan chal ; leng‘-d the klartsnrmnY position that ; the primaries should be •‘whitf-" - Billet poll!b it enemies advanced two legal :<rguments it: st'ggtort. of h white Democratic pro i mar,-, n*the r.',ate'-, law -*ovci ,x 1 ing primary ek-ctions requires any qualified ••lector seeking to vote ii i r > l p .mat- ■' !>• ill e MAN FACING DEATH OFFERS GIFT OF EYES NEW YORK The gif! of h;- ; eve-, was offered Isaac Wood ki 5 by a man condemned to death in , vVashingtoti. who hoped that Wood ard. at least, might somehow b* made to see again To this touching and inspiring < tfer. the Wills Eye Clinic ;n Phil 'delphia. reputed 10 have been the t ir>ri>-.t .successful in the country in 1 the transplantation of the comes. 1 expressed its willingness to perforn. < Operator Gives Alarm in Hotel Fire ATLANTA i ANT) Mrs. Hoy.cna Neal, elevator operator *i the Winwoff hotel, gave the first alarm to the fire which claimed the lives of 12.1 persons and injuries to approximately i fM» more lasi week. "It was a horrible sight to see the passu -stricken jwesls leap to their deaths and fall »al of the bnilding like leaves,'' she saiij, n i ai Sigma JTtei or«ri>}’ is spovn. line til** 19#7 March »l Dimes at Tuskef*t In the above picture, a-'.ds iimi ;•* Dr. t l»en.tvilt ate, .oft to right, Mr; ! .attic Y®«m?re Wail tSt-il. t'smfres WaJmit i urd aoff j ij.irhar* »i»itd Tolliver. i.iVPI GilklreVSliOßO '■■>: vcn nm ,, t-i • I'fir; r: bu itni < ,-■ m Aramaean I>A'.| ir. :cn! sr>fl !y i i til ff’ ill titTi i - . :i:■ '.. ■ ,! tire A. end T CoilvW ■ .-if vioiiiiy.i icist wee!. h.v tire Fn f'-ren-C' of Anrerrea ftouodn 0j oj ■: nnfloml <-rr, :; j I.f:v i.n n.t sponS'.'rfi t. • tire jr .-•ice’ -or, ■ fafktrtal wilt in Ttif-* i'-onir-i : hf- orgniTiT-Zitiov io * ropr-ev*:* Uvuas ' lit,;: in - •?! D r»t.3»> ill-* ‘ v Thi A. idiid T. BUitt?: n*js rewiviv;*:.., i,:./’ r-4vr.-ri i‘<iy v*■ T-: £sfrKjft£j» .no '.ophnire <••• feVy fVyVt*** l ■red' nod WiMja-;- O Inver. IVetf.* 11l ; from DnriuUfi Fir.itt< who t<frei:re;.< file WBIG :- ■ :' .!*•;») ..{ (. •f 5- it: 1 ;i, « di-fjj 10 trrrymij ■ fuli oHett- ivf ■; i !-re So! I Of' of A ■' ■rulfciree. was i as firs-t pna> >n re. Nre.reo ■ Farm vlerhanicr Pr ■ H ram Hi.- aceoini»n:inru-nU. mj , ,>relf*d nuilaint; m dvrs nnoli • r hnfiso.r hog farming hoU'-Co arS self-feedo! s for ehio.itrn • and ho as. In ;jrkion, "o four.;: time drenrig •he .-s.innie: month : " install €tec • ,i ifjtv* • rt'j i?a!Tt ''>!• |i i 4 V'-.iitiniK'd no trere- eight. . i cij ip Gy tor hI k-ast " .■ r." picr.i'-dmg ;.he election in *.-.•> icb he offci in vote. thf legal• 1 y ci. on Mi.opr*' Ncgroef. hare , 'djfi 0.-ily voted so? It “publicans, they cmk'-ndcd. ;md • -.•nrnt. there* 1 jif. .'. .ii !iiifns*lv* . as l>em:> CT-fftK. .Sccotidly. "ifector.- offering t» ' of;' ir primary mu the reariMed 1;. -uppor!. at the sv reeding gsri* i-;. ci ici :hc nrinr'ince ;;ct ecuM by trie primal -' o qucsitoti, they argo- j Th. whil.c political tcadet's charged that Ncgroc*. would not rib 1 hi.-. especially in the case of Bithu Since Negroes outnumber wbftws :n many counties of the state, Ne gj-oe • under a democratic form of ;ovt': nneni, roulri oasly fcfxo&Wtn mwiin Ted for .-henff, constable rid < local ‘fficre, whidh • •,.,!(! ..u... :nt■: ■ them greater pro ti-'ii by t.h" law enforcement ir operation fr«e >1 1 ’ vvoulri b, ptissibk to restore the blinded vat - irons eyesight. TragieHlly co--.igh, Woodard’s eyes v/r-n so completely destroy eri by his brutal beating a Bata: burg. S C... last February, that they are beyond saving. Isaa'- Woodard is doomed to go through life without his sight the victim of a man who still goes free Mia. N**! taid llutl shy Ml carried sucsts to an upper flow in live hotel shortly after 3 o'clock and was returning U» the first floor wheat she smelt *o smoke. Mrs. NeaS immediately informed C. 1.. Rowan, the white night manager, who re quested het to find Bill Mob ley. white tiiglst bellbcy, and the BMgiwtT. ann tell them.

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