HOEY EXCUSES FEPC OPPOSITION; TELLS OF NEGRO PROGRESS RECONSIDERATION ASKED FOR FRANCIS WASHINGTON *• k k * ★ * No Negro Pilots Wanted Life Os Negro Inmates Exposed By White Press M - ■ . ,« agffjipr- * *lp IhH§£k IbiqP »£KgHßpSra V wP> JBBBj|}Pjj§ HH ‘ jBl ..■•* JKS|i||p DILLARD SPEAKER Or. Arthur p. Davis, professor of Eruriish at Howard University, above, will be the guest speaker er at the i 2th Annual K«gr» History Week ('•eHralton at Dil lard University February 8-l». Dr Davis is the only Negro grad uate of Columbia University who has won the Phi Beta Kappa key and so far the only one who holds the doctorate in English SEEK I. C. C. BAN ON RAILROAD JIM CROW TWO HURT IN ACCIDENT Raleigh Graham C ews aivi Robert Crews who were serious- Iv injured in a highway accident near Netusc- Rive; bridge Sun day morning Monday were re- j ported "about the same” at St. Agnes Hospital where they were admitted following the accident According to investigating of ficers Graham Crews was driv ing a 1942 Chevrolet, which ran off the highway on a curve leading to the river plunged down a HO- foot embankment, tra veled about 50 fei t and “stop ped against a tefesphoone" which kept, the ear from running into the. river. VFW TO MEET IN DURKftM Durham Commander Bishop Dale of Districi 14 of the Veterans of Formgi: Wars is calling a meet ing for ail Posts in bis district, in Durham Sanaa;. February a This one-day meeting is scheduled to begin at 2:00 P. M. at the Harriet Tubman Branch YWCA on Urn- j stead Street. Veteran? who attend this meet- ’ iug will receive words of instruc tion end information from State Commander James M. Hayes and A. C. Ingram who A \ AU \ K, !;< ; been lima beans, where punt:-a meat touched on the medival. "For those wh o rebelled, nr failed to do their duties, as the guard? saw these duties," 1 h " ; Scene's article said, “there w:: the sickening sound of a pis’ol butt against a human head or flailing with a stick of wood.” e? ■ a guard. John Infinger, verified the facte contained in the new? story. Twenty me n have- been tramped at night into an iron cage, 1!) by' !> feet, of which lav :-v!' s Istt ict: ivc> r k of S' gl bars at the Dorchester prison iContinued on page ») WASHINGTON. D r - Charge--; of unlawful discrimination were filed last, week m behalf of tiret* Negro women by the NAACP against the Southern ‘Railway seek ing the issuance of a cease and de sist order by the Interstate Com merce Commission to force the railroad to cease ip. practice of discriminating between white and colored passengers. At a hearing before the Trial Examiner of the ICC, Mrs. Lillian Palls, of Chicago, ill Mrs Muriel Holcombe of Montclair, N J. and Mrs. Vr.shti Brown of Brooklyn, N. Y cruingcn that Hsev had been di--rnrrtinated against by the South ern Railroad in a trip in 1945 be tween New York and Atlanta. Go . on the stic-antlined train. “The Southerner." . The sisters were accompanying (Continued on back paa* Negro Veterans Attend Carolina Hotel Banquet Raleigh Eight Negro Veterans : were included among the 300 or 1 move who attended -he Veterans ;of .Foreign Wars Banquet at the Carolina Hotel here Tuesday night. This banquet was a part of the two-day program centered around j ' the visit of National V. F. W. Com- : ’ mander. Louts E. Starr Presiding as toastmaster was • Commander James M. Hayes. Jr. ( • <«f the Department of North Caro- ; Tina. Among the distinguished , guests whom h? presented were ] Governor R Gregs Cherry R se phus Daniels, publisher ■'■a She] News Mid Observer* Mayo;. Gr«i- 1 CITY MANAGER PLAN FAVORED FOB RALEIGH HA LEIGH The adoption oi ji .-- -i 1 v rr-or ‘ so" tr. < A r>-n>Vr>i n nu At in pi Oit-rcnre to the present from was advoci.t is by If L. Spi sggins, at the sognlar weekly meeting «,1 ',••• Intr.rdeitont: • ?c- >'■; ■ •-•' ' Guvei m>> H. Gragg j Cccri-, ha:- granted uaiotes to 10 ] .-re.oners, including seven Negroes,; ‘v«. > announced ho? Friday Ursong thos< paroled were: Pai T ’hurpt: sente need from Johnson oumy last November to four -.)onth» for violating the prohibi or. lav ; James Robinson, sentenc i from Granville county in Nu f-tnber. 1944, to five years for otuebreuking and larcency: Dan '. ou-: if Rutherford, Willie Rob rtson of Banrtolr.il, Ralph Moon f Scotland, Edward Hatch of Cra on aid Willi). Simmons of Hen- -m Andrews of Raleigh. Frank K. Simmy. Chairman of the House. , Veterans Affair.- CommiUi e of the 1 1 . State Legislature ana several other | j j s'rap oi.fii.id Is. Spokesman for the Negro party j j j during tfcs? evenings -peechmakihg |. : was Commander Bishop Dale of the 14th District of the Depart- '■ | E'-cnt of North Carolina. ; \ i Other n.nr veteran? presented j 1 vu« Climits G Irvine• or Raleigh; f j Wilbur Henry of Wilmington, Wil- j | hum A. Tuck. Charier- Jackson. F. \ Heiwn'd • : Hern v Frederick. ’ j J-.jn'y Williamson, all of Dur- < IhfifiE. - i Model Scout Poses with Poster j : m-ti-mm if .*... m t f - f f ■ , y/'x .- / ; .R C s'" " - -TA «,<• kntK ibi lb,» C ■H'i-.'" iln !:-p ii 1 ,ppcariog on the --ror.rf of a at v. V rs fur --hieh Ml.»-. 13-rear-tjld j,* k, ~ y„»k • „-«•U oft -ft . ,;nt! }v' . * nf : v - .Ev-l. -on I'rt-lrt '•>•>. JattH-t -ti tin ■ < i-mtit- t .<--.!/« - Oircft-> of Harlem’s Jme< tide Ttlfar* Count-: Dentists Meet In W a skington VV n i ‘\N F V fN fi ■»-. ,-.f *U ■ « led ihe second annioil mid v- inter :Ho her; T. : ;c,r he: DrulNi Cojlc/'c. Tiip elii.U resf:hcri l‘ dimax fusl luiiiivii v v ht-n Dr Isidore Hi r ::■* 'h * f.*M pro- ■ sor of pevvj- ' | dOS-,j.i-.-i i?i Cojyixjbia Ur.iverity. yrui.ed the t 5 ; *.>s uK'jtu-. “N. C EMPHASIZES RACE PRIDE INSTEAD OF RACE PREJUDICE” Washington (ANF> Sender Clyde R Hoi.-.s tolri an an ! sonati hero Monday upon* <* i speech which made t.o tne ui<* ; iir-urup.ee association New - York last month a; the v\ aluor-. A-hiria hotel In th.- talk H G--plained bmv h-- lewd -'b ion both shoulders, opposing tm FF.PC bill vigorously by botng a filibuster leader out extoibni.' ; the pro.gress made by the Ne - Igroes on the other hand. “Cm. of the measure •• pwserJ ;ed to the ier.t coner;.. a- lot I- it - Employment H: acuc!- a.c! Sen. Hoc..- "1 made ih < test long speech 1 made in eena;? . i ageum that bill l forth 12 I reasons which I thought tv a : .in mical to the aiforests "f i A nerfc®. i approadied it as an ? American citizen rather than as T riu-wussed the raciei featm ".-: ; ’rtvolved in it.” Sen. H'x-y con ; unued- “beenus - its supper' teachers' petition I N. C. LEGISLATURE Raleigh A pk-a for additirm- | a! teachers in cases where tne j ratio of teachers to oupik is} below the standard hoc merer.? -1 i d salaries for teachers was • contained in a three-point pc i i tior: of the North CaroliiJ.s /r* . y .- A— . —.. 4 - 4- It; -. 1 intirutis xjuml! - -1 l; State Legislature here this week. Complete text of the petition •j it T'' I '--. r iO U? V* . ■' i rif Wi a P J*.s ip ■ :■ Flo-: ia i.;*> 1 t>oke o*i S's urdu iry" Or < - jlj- v >{;k'- or* •'■UK.' TiH.'h- : stenaned from a racial bans. 1 ■ought to disabuse the minds o' Shi a.-nal?- a- well nr. of lh: country that th-'- south fiiserim j-i-i'i against Negroes.” Hocy.' who is highly regard i,.- mativ Negroes in North Caro !iro because he was a good gov to Neeroe? and extremely g/m --;re us to Neg?') tns'i t-1 titions, Ei’-ouali-t forth soi no novel a.r^U' nunts. “For oxampief 1 HcK.-y ioid hit Is’. . Yf.;k audience. ‘The great vt fries ui Fc rmsvl vania and ot Ohio and oi Michigan pe; - n)il ; ;il (-'••ildren. N<*gro ami white to go Li, the same .school.-,, but they do net permit the Negroes to tea--'.l> in any very large numbers tn t,hn.'«e -.'Tools "1 contrast'd North CaroXirsa «.-» all example. Fot insUirlce. 1 raid that the Mail of Pennsyi vania has two-fifths ,ts many if -ci on back page) Si: as follows: The Genera i Assembly oi • i North Carolina ui Resolution i Number 2s. March JO !937. an- 1 I tlierl awi tl n! : Commission to study tbe public ' f c-hoote and colleges for colored ’ people lu "ui ill CTmvmui* ilus Commission was appointed b> ; Con tinned on page 8> y, S. MM? SOfEEZC MCE ■HOTS OUT AIR B;> Hi!>•’>—■ \\ illJ.un :.1 ’ ■ ! I" ■ > i j'iO; Or- !,v history w&y rc< - ro wru.»s. utr t-ifoic W«ild War'll. Here at ,o-: ;»>(! Ait i it r under With I’ti: l-.r/nv S r..t;a tit - 1- prc-wur j-ainai discriminatory polr cy which means that only white- A.-,, ,J,v rmw ioin tfiir,, i-'it’cd <>:i bad-; p'-vp- ! %B,RO CITIZENS TO s! trim •r-R in securing a lawyej i.i j; i. j us o.sbn?r) 0;w:> tvita was an vr-ted on a minor hc-;v- Jonuarv 4 <>n4 a.' n :in d gass-m hv the , .... ' i.fter ’he hr! been y- tbs Tad man ! i : to :■-• - < fijnds to iiiri; dev ins*. ' : - ' ..... R(. v Wilev, Dr .:.. i.-- i • Hi-. Vi ' !- :di>' Woitv-r who wore m-dru r onl;*! in i -no;: more thansnO ,->t tin- Firs' Baptist Church ,-u;rv hvnday. Othct citizens art. mak . ~, t.i-i-aJ effort to hi ; >!IK Ibe «r- , OhL ~ff':cers to frktl. ■(‘••mtinurd on featK page* GA. HC • WHITE ’ 1 BORN. DIE IN SAME OS? Sii?r. ,, r.i j../*.:one, i- A>? u.. coll ected in pill. Superior Court here ' '.kVdncsday on a nrapslaugther 1 chi’i'K* in the death of Mock E3- ' ward Little near Portal us last j August and sentenced to three ; year in State Prison Judge Join: ,! Biciic-y of Wil mington, presidios ovei tile spec - ini c.iminai term, said .for the boot-- fir of the spectaors m the court- ; room tfcsi the court.:; arc going fit . | bach up law enforcement officers ■ with more vigor Tn the future- m j j 1,259 Selective j Service Violators j Still In Prison 18 SURVEY TO STMT TUESDAY IiAI,KIGH The Tuberctilosi.- i X-c; y Survey .vis 1 get underway !in Halejgh next TuesXny morning. jK'bniKty i! bt'i;ni!)ing at Washing j inis H..;;; School :« Ift o'clock The* KlvUcnt? v.'ill lx- X'.jyod during j lie h'Aji '- froiii lti to 3 o'clock on j Tuesday. Wetinesdny. and Thur.s- I day of thut week. Person;; in the comwMit.v of Washington High ifc boo! arc invited la come from ! : to “ oluck on Tuesday r TH Oppe 1 ' wlm v.ar shot svii.t, r-.jiirv - rerecKiug bar iasi Idovembf)' ar h.s two 1 1 : rt{ t children stood by. Aijeui '■> r -fOil from a tisu itv reliabli' source, the alleged /etcher .var e/a/. /tilled or- the Hen ■ iSiyaat e-at Gr n eir;boro. Fla , ti'-’o ’i. \ lei-’ri vVyn.i'i Tn/eblood, '• .n'Ti/pper on the Bryant farm / -A-i-Q ov-.-u-t’ it/ own farmer jrnplt- A ttr \ V'-f f,f detjt. WPil! ' - y..- t •• i • Ty h ’’ o t;/:r!y l-.r- * i; is alleged 'bat .... Trueldood. , is ir.id ijv ! d?j two baby sons, ioud fa *h,r. t m .-II cans of syrup into his t.b*-• farmer Ben Bryani and hr !)n Keiit. drove tip to block, the :v tior iarbitUiir.:'. Tit/ i.-h/od in mnvi. hi can.-' Tie i, !-, < ;••• >pp< ; ;.:-fysed to give up the • 1,. «-:inr.n Kelh Bryant : rhoi him through the head with a ; .i2-c;/iitjy pisU/J. T.moblcmd fell '.o •,.j. i; f; >..i bill rt,;/;.’, gored io bis | t v fii'r the ;wo -'kHdren hud- ; r ; -... | .jr.:. hi izie. Bee Hi'\ t.il' ,; ... -.'uehcci in ; .ringing the iron wrecking hat • beating the v/oiiuded . Negro unmer/nf’iUv. even aftei Tiii- aroes fnsiii voting in future Demo ./■/lie primaries ui Georgia. Reprcst-i!lativet dcbnied the pro posed ‘wi/i'e" primary bill at k-iig'h -ti/d with great hittemeas, but the apposlUon was too few and weak as compared to the Taimadgc fetal*.*."*prineij/. Hy salon; from the • wool bat” and muddy -oads tli >2 ti ’A. Th« key note of the opposition to Mu while- primary bill was sounti -d by Rep Stafford Bioko, of Whitfield, who/: he warned that iContinued on uage 8) ; seratennuut Hardison who, accord ing to testimony, was under isiQu i cn<:< of liquor and was passing through Pactolus at an excessive '.'hp of speed when he tost control of the truck outside town and ran over three of five periestrains waik -1 ing along on the proper side of the i highway Miss Clyde Mar prin> and M;v --; E.’-rr..tine Moore sustained broken j- itc . nd uth-.'-r i?i th? 1 scci- Bout, Little, a minor, was the only i death as a result of the accident New York (ANP/ - Figures ick :«scd week by the 'bur eau of pi i.sons nvveaie that 1,253 \ loJn-lor:-. of the Seieetivr Sor* vi! ■ aci still are in federal p;'i .ions. Since Ihe pa.-isogr of IJie act, 11.551 viola tovm had iv cn a/rnt. to prison and 3,000 more ha d ja en pkn-ed ■>n ;■ - > ! »at e/” Those r.tfil in orison inrlude-J 20 conscientious • >biec-turM, 2SI. Je.hitvs iik Wd .iiessr-. and 057 rtrts • •/-•liam'i"!- violator.'' of the act. One thousand persons vv-it Pent to prr./'n under the oate ; go/ y of conscientious objectors, 4,50 i/ a Jehovah's witnesses and ;s‘. v.t-re Pueri/,. Rican national ists. Japan-:', .i Americans. Me* g.oe.s and American Indians, tha iiitu-s f. i 11 mini; trooty rights as vremppon f : <• m. eompubsory n.ilitan - duty Two or three of the N-ya/t,- -.vere irrtpi :;oned for "k-.ting thi "Jirn-Crmy” Army, Wimt jMr m , uni ivfifty -drift.w»N Pk tnr.'d above is the Sky. Peter F, Hrnv. ?> senior >tuden< iu the school »f Religion at >baw Uni versity. who recently preached tin- :«,uii'. ersary sermon -4 *•;<- Whin- Kf'i-r. Haji'/M riiurch, Dur ham., honoring The- Rev. 'VBdes Hark Fisher, pastor of the church Hr H |-,3sft-r ■< thr I’fo* «ap«st ( hnreh. TSf-nam and the Union Hajitißt. cE'!«r<-h. Pcxington FATHER JUDGEt) INSANE AT TRIAL Y A OKI N T VJ L L fc,’ Gene States v\;.s- comir:ii».ed tn th- criminal in sene ward of the nospHal lor the Insane at Goldsboro by Jflogc H. Hoyle Sink in Yadkin County Hu pem,i Court the- week after a jury found him insmv He on trial it- i-miit-etion with Uu acuth »f his three children, Dorotliv - G- Helen, rix .mo /Give .vj. tv u : -tc: the State i-huiged he threw the three, cbft d.-vn into a well and then lumped into (he well, but was rescued without injury. fContii*ucd on batch page) SCOOTS BEGIN ANNIVERSARY f RIMY, FEB,? Mt-ui iy 2,000,01*0 cub scout f, boy •ou!: ;:’)d sonioi scouts will ob ; serve tbe :YV!h anniversary of the rtoy Remits of America during the . week of Friday February 7-1-3 when scionts all over the v'orid will join American snouts hi noin ; inemorating the success of th* ] movement. The boy scout movement begun ; m Fnglanci in 1907 where the firs! hoops were organised and three years later was introduced in, : America by a Canadian who vlsit led England during 1907 and stud ied tiie movement Adjudged otk .f the most ooierdiaJ fncton- in the promotion of world peaet and in ternational good-will Scouts are a{jvr crgani.tcd in 51 rsatiehf cod today has a total membership of 4.433.139. . ... 4