- , - - '' | h ; 23 ADMIT PART IN L YNCHING OF HOLDUP-MURDER SUSPECT ■ f I—, - - - —..--.. - | A.»(i,».■ i <r'<iiiir<TTTtii r» armnivn-iiiin iiv -i miwniifmii-»ivrmnrrirrniinn>T-i.ir«n---»nari r- -v—t iwuanr— ■•—■•■—iiatiKWfi w, nir iax»ri4»..a>*tot*^»i e a->r~' ,) **i*->- 1 - jnwn THE CAROLINIAN VOLUME XXVI," NO. ;; i kALiiiGU, NORTH ( AU« <i IN -.'* I- i-.'K ENDING SATURDAY, MAR< It !. 1947 ILH»_ 7c FRA tETS PAROLE <4- A. 4. 4r * «* a * t -Jr i * t ■£*■■*★★★★ ★ ★ 'k k k k ■w •& w * w w w w w t* || m jfl|g 6a. Governor Fight To Supreme Court State's Highest * Tribunal To Hear Issues March 6 LAWYER FACES DISBARMENT FOR ATTACK NEW YORK. .ANP? ILn.i-t L. L i tsonii:- s >vs* <•• : ; w>< <. r 1••• •. e • eu-t: ■■';■■•:;! : ihj*i :' •!<' for his attack i~si vcc*!: cn J ...- ,-rjd Negroes dunnc the* trnil uJ his son. secretary :>»d urgunizor oi (he Co lumbians I:. .. h< A.iJ. If».< be, - in« « K- uro. Hc-n=.-i! Hoffman. prietdam oi UK- Nw -it- Cone • Crimtna’ Ear assoch. rev**: led 1 • n< tia asked Georgia sonciuu Gen. j Errcr: E. Am'••<>■•» -for ; \-r- L Mr.p: b.i jt V-. hr •*- Lw m * * jSpF p. W•: edir.St £ ! ■ ™ A 4i- ■.- -(t C> o V, .. v.ork camp after he tri>-d vainly to sway the all-white Jury by rare i basting. Young Loomis .• free 1 iConur.u. d on oack pcg«j> Man 70, Held For Rape Os Eleven Year-Old Girl HONOR HEMES tiEV, VORK L;ii:’r';ing of the KI6RO HEROES, a. hi mag:-.-.-;:* of ih<- National Ur ban league deigned tor :ee»* agu’i, wili marked by an unu-. Mta3 program in the Er st Roam of the McAljun HoteL 34 tb Street mid E’o-isway. <>■:■ Ft‘day. Fehnsar,, Eii. a from 4:30 t*.» 6:00 p. m. 1m keopios. v ith .he colnitul and yoatlj-appe.jMijg forma* of NEGRO HEROES, Friday V program %vill tfaturi oat ol the “heroes” Matt Henson, Mrs. Frances Ulfattars and f Hd! IV.-ri-:. . -p. . :;t j j.'l Mr. Henson, now HI year* old. v.as co-discoverer with Admiral P't-r;ry ni tfa, North Pole. Mrs USl m.,u u eiitor of CALLING ALL GIRLS' ■ nwiß,.r.i;u havic;; the largest ri're olauon among teen-age youth . Six-year ola Noii David is the txm o- Cota.! Guardsman Char les David, Barber Examiners Accused Os Accepting SSOO Bribe HOLD RITES FOR MRS. 4. L FLEMMING RALEIGH Funeral services fci' Aivcrct.a ±.,. Cle.ii ii.i-iug JkM at 5 1 Pr-ul s AME Obki. or. Sunday, February 23. at t;3O p m.. with the minis'.ei-, Dr T. P. Dnhart. a ofik-irtinc. She was the widow of ’• < hf- %tc Di H. L. Fleming, local dentist. who died last August Her swy vrv<»r« vm-lude - d*ost»*«r , Mmti&a. a junto* at Hampton Insti _ V-U-: two Mead raws Cliitfoa 4 Ligun and liutfa Walker, of Raleigh, two Tsetses A Boyer of Rs:!e*sh end sD-iaM Qe« Bcyss of *®pw tfwk C«>. Mrs. Fi :hrd Si. Agnes Bos filial ••si iF’r*BL F.-’4S«i*y 21. gilti- a jproSßWAefi iiine*s. .ATI.AMA <AN Pi ■ The (icor pi.. Supreme court will hear argts m-.-nt on Mi three cases now pend ‘ it.. n ;h* gubernatorial dispute ; < .*.l .rcl: ii. it was announced last -.,ffk Tlii?- in idvanct in date "1 March ih-32 previously slated.: Aiiornry tor Governor Taloriidge, • Actiiir Gm. M K Thompson ;<•„.! the Ftdtoi National bank o: Aiian !if Ser.-vi ifc-. 'ls : y,, r er of -hr- w-j t sue could he joined info "1 singie; . hi „.i ing. Fuitos. J,x:At- V* alter C. Herwinx .n o Bono Aim and ruhd tisai Hcrmnn Tdn.-tdge is 11. f legal gov-; >m os of Georgia, while Judge > Clouds Porter, of rionse. . uied thnf ' M F. Ti:e:r;pson is- 'i.t aovcrr.or Li ruling tha? Talmadge ihe; j**al .‘cvf rnor. Judge Ahn.sod oen-: ...used in Ht-nd'-jx' decision. The i ..iins: v.-: ■; on s. su:i oi the Fuiion • Nntjun; i iisisti's . t"ch iiaci enjoioen ‘ governc-" -.Cdmants front ’ • he ■ . • .!•'!- Ir -ffm. Judge Abnsgtd stud the • BALTIMORE -ANp. _ Unique di.-cuvc i; - of pregnancy in e 11- jejir-t»k; girl odinjated to John Lc.pkh;- Hospital ias! week, lead to the ,■ r: of * “p-yfMi'-oid or. etoc-zges of rape anti contribut ing ?c, the delinquency of a mir-car. it ’.Hi dir.dojed here Friday. The rhsjd. unidentifisa. wJ| ;ad niilied to -he hospital for treatment of on oilier eontiittem. Ore of two ' vUetditp phy .iekinss. Dr Tc-anneu* n, that eJtaJYunaiior; :; s i’ak-d tile pregnant condition of ■ tin- at: I, • ■iir lourat'tf 1 have rd of hi this’ p.>•”! ol ).hi coun try." Try- rial* charged with being re l sponsible for the girl’s condition ■n, vt his name a- '"Emir Khan of Aijgh.o'j'-ran,” p* trresling officers : oiict-womaii Camisn:- RobirAcm testified in ;>i*Jicc court ibni he* had taken -candy. fruit and baby ; UiUic:" to tin girl v.'hp had been moved to :h«- obs Vin.-a? w:**-d. He O-lT.t; belt !’ r, ha i ’ RALEIGH One r.f r'n< many If.r'daiio.;.-. presented to tbo Gen cral AsSPiubly was ont introduced by Representative- Rohan Moseley • ■ oi Guilfo-d to investigate the acri vilie® «i the Board of Barber E.v amiiwrf This R* solution & vt po» • tinfter fctaest to Negroea, beatsus*. o' the large number of barbers in '.he State. At the hearing in the Resolution cany Negroes spoke requesting that ars inv**ctig»tior: be made of the undeoioemlM; and Atetatomd nwasner whiei ths Eotu'i" visls is wing permits to tertw and 3t>- ■ taw-- to operators of Ooilegus. W.-.iws Mbrgati, Sr. told i.hr ccan feiilee tStet fa, paid J. M Cheek. Chsikmah of the Board SSOO as pro '■■ciion ;*gainsi biertg ioread to give I «f> a oarix-iv roilege. Questioned • Ey the Corateiirtoc xnrmber:-. CSifek.. » vis i-Ji'- — ,i lOlNc i n I‘fi > >M. B *hovi' n .him. ' ! Ho k -tali' write* and ..-si-lam chief «t the NM' \ \ch- <er\ice, who ha - been oiTiciaf!\ ae< redited by th. Set rcl.e's i>; state a- a Cor . e-jKiis.ii-iu *.i ihe State Depart ment end f?ei ..me- the fi/-t eol oi eti siei' -man <jifi< taily admit’.. il to tiv S'-it-r- Uepartm. nt iot res n‘»n<?!‘ttl Vssoriation. apRIL R- 12 DECLARED NA*fIO«AL GAR ASS'N WEEK Chicago - (NNPA? —Earl B. ‘ pf f il ii't: !'* Sil• -7,' -• v. iatic-r: ir. a c - cl.*matkin is-ued laC Monday do rlarcd the- week of April 6 to 12 -National B i Association S. 0. LYNCHERS FACE MURDER WARRANT GREENVILLE S C - Warrants: 3 thargisig i, Gi vcnviU-, v.'htte t.-itri v ith murder »t the iynchmg oi .’iitr Earle la-'i Monday hove be..' suorn out Sheriff R. H Be.tr den reported here Thurscay night.. Thirty oi the 33 persons were in e-..-voo>. tie saio ana the s-ernammg . oejvuflant expected U> or taker tj.io custody "at ->n cariy date.” Thursday Y. devclopmejtt- climax ft i?)%'CS-' 1 ii ; .t»li*.» *s O )C3l‘ t. •(> ?cd<?nJ.. ?■'. .;!t. cvuv.iy and city '•ili.i'.U short!;, after Eerie -- body •• o. a-: . err was :--unu in Gil rivstit- County ifiy Aiondry f .7 db • he hsM '. .. .■ ■. p)i-Koi:.s County • • i'-trk-. • j,y «,!mod root '(ft he had been CO:-fined on hargvs ot .-ui&bing ana robbery J. W. Bsev. ti. wtiite Greenville xi drives - , token uems* the Pick n-: County line and lynched. Sheriff I>>ivie:i .-, hi re had si.gr.- :t cerfes<i«'.r 23 oi the.- men in < ir./L i.iin thru the • ma> be -. t ic-Ttu-d ir. the March tenr. of -tpenor Court 'Conunm-.i ->rs ;.r.cft Due- !!OET OPPOSES MOVE TO ENB FILiOSTEH WASHINGTON D C. -NNTA : Kcsnifegs were -rki&edi lujg Tuesday , £■ Senate Mules ;jsbsr Senators WdStt F C. ovgc r.r-d Clyde T? Hi -*m «f North Ca*r>- ; lira, both Dumowats. had appeared I in opposifian u< projswsed czamget r Sim.hU: rains to break up fill- If the exlsllna ml* is amended no more than to give a motion foi . .-lattrne fjrt-nrdvme m*sr motions ' .Cv.'„, .ypjeii or fcyvfa Offered Another Straw Os Hope In Fight For Life EATON ROUGE. I.;- - AN.’- i V, siiic i i lie!.-. 17- > ■ r-oic. cont :*''- jed :i.ibt<i-i-sil ver of a wJitle drug ! ust -ami osier ‘ &;,oth<-i- str;*v 1 t.-j; - nh. 1-.. ht tv e-c’-pe the e(e< - t iu for th-.- .-ti-uiid tirm . when ihe i ■ Sthii P role bo: rtf .' vsveei to eonduvi a hearing on t'.is -sc. -t -evt-.-ilec * : i • List Sat to the Maic-S por.iibic elee <'.. :r 1; -t M-y bt .-..itst of some ■ - : ::•■• 'he l .-cat’.:"’ working * . .-.iti.-nt. re. - ,:tly lost :i second to U S. Supreme ecus’. :-v i rdt .-i-ion This high - s-c ..e■;. piaesc-d 11 so case back . i: to the bends of the Lou’stan; 1 ‘ ‘o ej’jtboriti<rtv. In <?fijcr;|*o, a group of prominent sons ;.HfUTv?di«tely beuati agitation • ;vi' i.■ V?r-.iTUii.« 1 10*5 of th- die-i<h s®fi .; idee! bj '.i -1 te V. Harding Jr an of.fi .iai of Use Cor .t. os' .Afio-Apiertcan People. ?: group descended upon the gov neir'p cif. here ir B:«ton Rouge j.s- - --:■ ’ p-.-titßh.fi snd pitas in ■ effort to save F-ittncis from un d. rgesit.g . ’ c! usdeai <»f d<*alh. Arriving before word of the high court's first docisior- Was publisli , e ; t. Harding and his group were ."■uccfasful in obttfir.iii,. a 10-dsjy ! slay ot c-xecbtiun pending a second appeal vvl.R-*- was .-ittisequently r:--n».'-. Th- group h-,.s ’..ken up bv,dfjuarscrs a: >hc llolcl Lve-i Hi -.vorkina in conisirtion v its A”.y Leßlane of New Ibeiia La. is -. jurying the tight itirUier. Many !e.«;ii i-reiders. white and col i- d have joined in the fight for muul: ’ion of seatenc-r. together V. i t \7l* r H) Cl ci *hO He X>r } e r“i s N. C. NAACP CONFAB BACKS WAGE BILL E-i. :: . Aii.-arook an:, o iH’i's int "oduced :n the Sen- M.i; mum Wage and Maxi mum Hour Bill ’SB ljgi. Thi? Bili. if enacted into jaw, would mean higher oi..miards of living for a i lurge mimbur of worker.- in Noifb Carolina. in substance, the BUI states that •‘every employer shall pay to his employee . . wage* not less than Uny • $0.40> cent? an bouiFu I '- tber no employer shall *.-mploy any male employee more than forty I',m,rs ~ week, nor aaorv than six days a vvek, unWs he It. paid ala r. i - of -one ana ont-half liinct: the f( rate." Tlit- North Carolina Conference ;. ?]A ACP, T. L. Sy-*;- the l-..gis3at;ve ebaiman -*f NAACP. is ;ndoiv.i- • til: Bill Hast Senator ! Ailsbnaok «nd others nave present .v. on:- .use •*tiu*re are ~ large nua b*. •• of workers in iht State who Howard Students Ask Resignation Os Pro fsssor WASHINGTON. D. C. <NNPA)--j SMd‘"*H- Howard University last i v , i.K -ta**.<?o two mass demonstra- j ... I 'tv,-, while protessers. who ore ac- j ci.-aa of raoi: bias ir, mmr writ- | i imp and werr joined in their do-j mand by 3 petititor. signed fc? i : i-ifXb-teen members fc the fuculty. { Followb.e v mass last j • Itonday. .• student uwanitte called : O': t *l. ri«jr !1: i.f OidrCai Vt JOLiitt/fi . ■"o *vrg-.”v him to requrs”? tut- j rcsieri.ttoht of Dr. R. huggles Gates 1 >of the Zctology Deparlmc.-nt. on Use j '.’TO«Tidr ibat he. in writing for | , publications, be* damn-1 ■*>•■:,! bp nosttders cc■•Toned iveple inferior to whites and that bt Isa ■ ihl- view i» ufy ciiis.-- ■maai- i SCHOOL HITS M ,000 MARK IN T DRIVE hovi h;i reached fe.-ver heat as the de.afLu t- dr:>-.vs isrcr for its «:on -J l< •■.<*! l T. aiit-r ,-nd yt'pjJr ’• -.a worked Vi.iSvrt',' Hr tf> : H'::i ill-.' gO I -' of ..c ihuusoitd doiiu) which they r;: up ;-i :h. bc.bm.iJtif oi the d -v. O;. f 1 :.y evening of this l. On- j.-. : .!..*r, i.-ndmg the drive - at cc i.vics us school library ::rfcdiciiu*is are that the sciiooi Will :••.-• .-- goal tit -.m stioussnd• Ar r .iicuioi-sg protriirr- Mr. • Cui'ii i>. ’.l* •;? Oti ii-SC'iC PRESIDED TRI VIW To\iSiT Vi s WASHINGTON D C -NNPAi— - P c-Otk;u He: r.v S . Truman w ill \ isit S’. Thoinas. Virgin Islands! ..x’ bi the guest of Grpvernor Wii- : 15..1f: i! H. s- si forrr-.C! ..lean of the: Howard University Law School, on: \ 7 : .-ps Chprlo- <? |to*s Prcsi • ■ r.Siui proi.c secretary, told re loru r- last Tuesday. jjv visit to it:.- Vi gin Island • >-,;l take place do mg Mr Tru !pb> ’< trij.- in -hi- Caribbean for the! A> u i- FI et nu.i .-livers in Marth. ii %' Si: ; ■ getting le>* ihttn forty cents- an »■•: ur a week.” Hence tip NAACP feds no greater injustice exists thasi the 1 s.'igfc; of these men and women v ho work hard yet receive :-.o little tor lie Abu- that they can bare ly keep body and soul together Tri> acmtrt of our laboring force. : •he ,ec workig ! ■ le-s Than 40 : cent* an hour. cannot g*.-t enough tool to fill The golden sate of opportunity n- ek-c-sd to them . net their children The NAACP does not fee) that j :oriy cents -n houi i> the- desirable j v.age . w-.-rkci should get but the ■;.uu p it pleased u. learn that the; Senaters de.-irt to put r. floor under : '■ :>s-. ; nri c c • ii: : over hours of j work. to th Sfeie of North C . ro *:na so that when the depression; cotMs Uu 3’c- uni! be a stopping for i:k amount ol wages,- that i tv n tc paid -o workers. i They also s sited Dr. Johnson to i '-•pis- Dr. Tage SJJingCT of the j Zoology Department who. they ixssAsvmerlal In the. j biriu? of Dr Gut ;-s and who has ; I Previously r-c-er charged with hav ! ing wtrUor- .. '-f N•- -derogatory of i ■ - hired people. i Dr Johnson is reported to nave; j lid.vised the student- of the proper ! .--lens t« be taker, in Initiating •; ! chargo- far dismissal of professors. | He sc !o have told the students ’:*,ai thr charges nwt! be made in 1 • riling. that a copy of the charge i nrup be given the instructor, that jhe must be given hearing before ■ s MKnmilselected by the facul :ty and that any fttml decision ' would fcr roco:herd h« ttee saaivei- • i iCoaiinuvjt m track g§p?._ ' V A vide PR VISES UNITED VETS j CHICAGO ' NNPA • Praising } tru Uni 1 ., d Nespro :u 1 \ili--i! Vcttir ■ ; ns of Ami riesi tor its oledion to ,; !ve col-.::: ri cttenif- Joseph A! bright -pt-i'i;:l mivi • i •<.> General i Omar \ Bradl*.-.v recently tuld ■ iiNAVA’i C!.. -go A'-oa Counril : hun rtx" i-tly ih.it »t-«- task which ; ti.c vi 1< ran- organization hai- cut : .mi foi itself carries with it the .*. Builii oi areal --- p-mssoiCty t'oo-tin,; out the no < ’sity so: iContiimed on bacK page) AiM-> ALMA Jl.-Air.li iP.c--i -i urtii ibove i- Dr. 3 • Award K V-' h‘ v r, l.ineoin J nhtersity h!- unsrtus and trustee, who has giv er, more than so(hi t.. the Penn -yJvania institution A citizen of Norfolk. Yu., I>r. Archer is a graduate Howard t mversity tirdieu! school ami is visiting -.urnf-oii ffid director of clinics at the Vot-flok f iimmunty Hos pital ABRAHAM STARKS YURERAL HELD RALEIGH - Fins! rib-s foi . -i: Stark..- were conducted m the Lighted- Funeral Home chap:.-: Hero Wefinesday after - i noon. Iftturmenf was -n Rich ■ ■■■ V;.. Mr. Stark- died a: th :;c;n, ni h;.- doughti Miss lie'.on Fo.. ks. 8->8 t Bfictg St • cl, Sun it; v and e survived bv thn.-e o.mghUi.-. Miss H'-.-L.-n Stark.-'. Mrs. At elm, King and M's. Rc •v:a Robinson and a son. Harry YOUTH FACES CHARGES IN TRAFFIC MISHAP RALEIGH Louis Penny 18- t.i.-.k da-ive.. win arrc-stcd io-re T uesday for operating a ve loci-- with iniurop: r b::h; - foilow . ■liksKi!'. si >3.4" the inter .-.ctior. of Morgan and Mayo At eo’ dun r. 3rivc.<t. : g..iing uffi re, a truck driven by Penny ! <n-hed into a ear driven by Larry H Hodges. Slate Colelge student >. osi-ig namoges estimated at S3AIO H••>•'•'-}> s c. . ii>b Sait riamge to ihe truck Penny . truck was being driven Ji-'ut )tgt , the report satci. and hid heat’-or mm the right ride Hodge's cai which tn* was d-. • ••» East at: Morgan Street, while Pi any wa driving West on Mor- Ho-.:i was set M SIOO. Columbians President Gets i . ;'"id j--. ;•..- 'kik-A,: 'Affi i^ V i '“. djVj,- ~ £ : •’d ..Ty, .-kj ' j. k !.mV kg . ■; j'ykkkk ' 'k.'k:,■ kkk;;kk - £”>s f »yiL- rs Three Years Imprisonment - _ ... _ ... ATI 1 VTA k TvTM T> A . C„ * a. sr'iirtVvmil'V RACISM BLAMED FOB liOO RACE HOMICIDE BATE BY LUTHER A. TOWVSLEY CHICAGO iANP> A Negro j may expect leniency wiieti he kills t;"'...T.lid"r Negro, bvit br is •„irwiof , . . , : ,; r 0,-- f.j, exient of the M-; -v when he kills a white man. Thar fnet. well knevu to Arner itan Negroes- in genera), particu larly those tivtng below the Mason- I Dtxetj line, accounts in largo mea use for the high homicide nsfc i throughout the nation Racers vup- jo back 1 Discriminatory ; Note Mailed Job Applicants • | ... ... „ ...... By JAMES L. HICKS NNPA Siaff Writer I \V».-hingt--.>n. D. C Due’.- mi fttary evidence- of disci &nin.i • lion against colored job apple . cants in the AgricuHui’c Depart :m n! made publ-.i in the Uiii'- d Public W'-rkers of Arm—tea l.e t j '(''ini -day. The union re), ase'd pholostatio | ci.pic-s of a null- written <m gov j ernment stationery, in which one ■ povc:iiim-ni oi'ficioi told another j that the application sent to his ■ I-'ik-.-.i go,Hi exupt tbai , POLICE SEARCHING ,| FOR TRIGGER MAN OF S. CAROLINA MOB 1 ... ~ *..“7. —. t.l ei nvulc. .-> (. . lA;\ :• i --fMgnt-a jt • .i- ior.s imm 2x out of 2 - mxi j tab drivers rounded up by law t*n-, j fnreemeni cfticnth in connection jv: 1 1 h the Fob, 17 iynehine of a j i.eldup-m’irdc-i suspect h:.-,-. been jic.iuc-d. i: .::: .ii-eloa-. d he • Wed. • j i-y Sht iff ft li Bearden. The l-.-Mch va-tini Willk Km.- h La. was being held in Picker,s Co. • .'.a! or; a charge of inluiiy tab-! • !.*ing T VV Brown, white Grcen | villi tax* cab driver two days be- ! | fort. Brown was found unconscious; j from knife wounds along a road i: lie >n Pickens county 500 yards. If-on- i>is cab H< had bci-n robbed | of *4l). a watch and a ring. He died ! two day- later. j Kuril- was an\ ;!;.d because r.f --i f-ciats said they hd traced his tool - Isa p- i'ojn Brow n : cab to his i i mother'- home This oviderice and t/ie ni.iei-i.-o discfivery of a bloody - Knife on Earle - person brought a - nfi-'s jury verdict fhai h<- wa; : •’he -layei Einrir- uro: -•*>o his in occnce. Acconi.-ng a- J.dief J E. , ■m tinr.-.osked mob of about 25. so ,30 forced him u> , eleast ‘he pri soner to their custody carry the I . morning of Feb 17. Oils! rap who tib said the hapless man was i hi: from the jail and ariven nut of Picktns in a nun or car -j. , r ; T o -ioj.s jaier, itis trs.iy wi- . found beside s country road in Greenville county approximate ly ti.m miles from hurt Hi had u< C-R ! sh-bbed fivi- times and had ; sin ' I Co- UI c,•.--:! w- ..-ra:k o -go; Divine May Own Part Os Cornell University Dorm NF.W YORK -ANPi lf th» : Lew Vo;k Slate courts uphold the •a ill made by the Sat-:- Mrs Lions, 1 wtriithy white woman. Father Di li beemics p.m eivuer of a dor-! t liter-, at Corr.eii University, the! - N: <\ York Stale- land grant col- - i -- gc. ■ otTwil, founded by the late Ezra Cot noli, -s one ot the richest of j at! land grant colleges ami its • i -eaith bus ben considerably in- j i (re- -i-d it orn lime- to lime by gifts; ■ oni wealthy while alumni. Hew- ve;. it was disclosed re cent ly by George Reagan counsel; so;- D: William Hill- Sheldon, broth*t ol th: ; deceased Mrs. Mary S' <-idon Lyons, that the old lady' j left Father Divine v. half interest in Sheldon court, a Cornell dormi tory. named after Mr.--. I,yon’s falls-; ir. Thi state. Mr. Reagan said, re-; i - civi ■ rent from students occupy- < i mil ihe huiiding. - If Divine wins the contest now the courts, ht will therefore . through the two -‘heavens” become - : Cornell property owner. ‘Continued on page 8» ATLANTA, G». >'NTSPA) -- Su - tov Court Juoge Carl Crow last I- .'•tulay sentenced Lmory Burke. r.,cc--baiting president of Colurn ! :.ns, Inc., to imprisonment fox three years for ansurping police with Ills brown shirteo. troopers. ■\ tv ive-man. all-white jury last • Thursday found him guilty ot» iijiet- m;sdemeanor counts and, by direction of the -.•curt, acquitted j bira on -wo oilier counts. Judge . Crow gave him twelve months on , ,-h ri>tsn( fbe sCrJuscS? t*.J »IMI ‘ i consecutively. Hi* counsel isnmed- , lately entered a motion for a new .: trial. In imposing s nteaet Judge - Crow told Burke tha? We live uis - der ■: government of coustitution :• ;: taw. coustitutlonal authority. -’. ~‘j ttw duty of every person is to on back gage) he applicant:. l ) "colored ; ...iris. ’ The union .stated that the evi dence had been presented to Pifoiideht Truman, i.v. a check tin NNPA News Service. cj .night a eon notion from the .noon that the evidence would hi o tit to the President is soon Thomas Richardson, interna tional vice president of th< O. P. Vv. A. .-ctiimr. front a business tiij- m the south. Mr. Richard son left tiie city last. Thursday. iCcjniinui'-a on back paget HAITI SEEKS FUNDS TO AID HOMELESS PORT All PRINCE. Haiti—(N N'PA)--Mn;i Duma.-sais Estine, ; ’-vile »i the President of Haiti, is ppeajinp. to women of Uv; U. S. !tr aid in a drive for $25,000 with \ hieh to build a horn,, for home i less, poverty-strickon children of Haiti. VICTIM Os PISTOL BEATINSWINS 51.125 JUDGMENT JONESBORO, Vs VAMP) - A i „s banded down in favor •I On Ber.netf in circuit court Uf-ic lasi Monday awarding him W in actual dwasge anti $<325 ),uniavt damages, from two white* ,oi a pn-xvt beating neai here last : August. The deb ndants were J. C Thom berry and Dewey F Trayler of Mari,sunt.-. Ark Testimony present ed s.t;.; to show tils; the Rvo .mot ■" ' Men v. 1 Highway. ho. i. six miles south ■I, Jonesboro, last August, and m head injuries with a pistol and blackjack Trayler. a soldier, v- ;>:• '", .a, the trial. WARNS PARENTS RALEIGH parents of a dozen youth.- between eignt and 13 years i th- Thursday were- warned by i J 1. Fountain, Jr., of city o-unty juvenile court that thej' v. .'mid bt prosecuted it U»eir chil i - '.n became involved in anymore | trouble because of Sawbreaking. La k of -upervision b.v parents. 11-.. •- sc. wuts the cause of the acti vities of the defendants who were involved in break-ina and thefts at !" local business establishments. A G-year-old boy said to be it, Ha of the gang, was ordered given a mental exaxninatoin to de | termlhe whether he was capable of j profiting from being sent to a - J raining school. The youth who is 'Pis "te-ns" has been described being -retarded" in his school , v,ork. Ail oi ihe defendants who con fti:.-ed if- the break-ins were put -•; probation by th court. CIVILIANS NEEDED FOR AIR FORCE Civilians, who possess certain m;il»s used by the United States : Army Air Forces, may oe enlisted |in non —commissioned officer grades, regardless oi' whether or Put Lie., have bad previous Military 'Service, according to a statement issued today by Lt. Jewel M. Pali. Commanding Officer of the IT. S. Army Be cresting (Sub) Station of the Army Recruiting Service located :.i 109 W. Martin St.. Raleigh. N.C.. Lt. Pat* said that a new directive Has reached Ere -iub— station iu the effcfvt that individ- Oi (Continued or- back page)

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