PAGE FOUR EDITORIALS EMBARRASS!ftG QUESTIONS One ;.r tiw men appealing at the In-a ring oit the prop'.'fed .a ate minimum v/agv iev a gealh ir.a.n from Clu-ri’ lotto named Honr\ Bonod. Ms Bono'!, operator of a iamidry or cleatiiiiK husi iu-x.>, was the laundry Anil dry cleaners amooiation. He gave the us ual weak argument - again t lav- guar an toeing .some - hiny approaching a living w ° for worker.*, n. 'Ao .p'd industnes. of which iaandrii ami denning estab lishments of!on arc excellent exanipo (I u i of h <// -■. : m/m Uo-ovod -\I i . Benoit with an omul y as to wln*th«*i or not the r'mrlotte -nan, who had claimed that CCliO. \V > >!‘k‘-r. \> ■ ■ II..) :’i -pi'-s-s* ant unproductive to merit forty cents an h >ur. had not jumped mio . h <• execs class Burin, me war because oi the large margin of income his business showed oven s', end-.. Mr. had to answer in ? he .Rfirmanve. bu* added. “Only alightiy"' Then Sr * w Lawrence Wallace, oi Johnston ('< m\ delh • ••••(! y real hay mal! seems that Mi. Bet;nit had also appeared at the hearings on the anh dored shop o/i, naturally in advocacy of passage, la his /amend, against the ■ s’s- a ■ wa.g. Rill ‘he -/eatleniaa from Ch.a vh ate deplored ;he in! eriero.x'*' governmeat ", ith the operation of bti.->i -aws, " i'i-: i you .-. •> v in e i-'-i-t ei v :>. them two si rut.! Scnati.n' Lawrence in quire u Hr. Benoit. ‘ \ on are opposed to St at* irit'- T -ri m--. i ,n:y manu. w '.-ith the way at. -w payer conducts his btisi iicss: and at the artif: time you are in fa mu’ of the State denying labor any so curie in might haw- in the dosed shop.’' Mr Benoit replied that he didn’t see vl 11 y i)\»„-JIt-i.S :o<» C v . Altogether Mr. Pwo oit had a pretty rough time so- a few miaui/s v 4 ELECTION IS COMING Should Kaiei;: s Negro citizens vote -•for or against the {.ireposed change to the rty a:.-.a •!' !or?r> of govemmoiitA That is a Question which >• a<• h voter •should answe-a fee- himself. or the basis of the heat information he can get. The pro and eon should he weighed carefully, in the light oi this in forma lion. rhe Xegiv- often has to look twice at r-siu- - widen othei peonie need to vje\ oidy He iooks at an issue first «>• a Citizen, and ‘h.---n he looks at it as a ,\f g! o citizen. It i.t uiitoi ..u ll ate* that he roust • are this douhh look, hut ii jg { j.-xf hi: iaii‘l. As long as thine- are as they are. !r is g'*nig Uj be .sei.sioi- he has no a I Amative. Negro citizen? can examine how then ..- iared under the present system of tn Raleigh. Then they should the c ■ :ns mode for what is to ' ' xpect*. d under the proposed ne w *'»»d evaluate them, still remember “g they luii.- look twice. Alter that, the Negro citizen should ' .ve up his own mind, and on election .a.-. »ote according to his own best judg ment. AGENTS ?kOCATEURS A hill which would prohibit officeis of the law from 'i.-ygm and c.yoiiag sometimes mnoeeet but accommodating Citizens i nt o procuring- liquet for them to be used as w. deuce to convict the kindly but no too wise procurer, and possibly real dealer, has been intro duced in the legislature. Many citizens THE CAROLINIAN Published by The Carolinian Publishing Co. Entered as aecond-cUu& matter. April 8. )940, at tbs Post Office at Raleigh, N. C„ under the Act ox March 3, W 79. r. B, JRRVA i\ Publisher C. D HALLIBURTON. Editorials Rates One Year. $2.50- Six Month*, SJ.?S Address ail conmnmicatioits and muKo all checks payable to The v arolinian rather than to individuals. The Carolinian expressly repudiates rebponsihilitj for return of unsolicited pictures aaanuscripl, etc,, unless stamps ere- sent. US East Hargett Si.. BatjjftH. N, C. a - who pul fair may and spfflrt«manlike con ouct ahead of securing convieti'drs against violators of liquoi laws would be to see the lull become law. High officials in Hu* sHUn Ae-oholie Be V'.'agc ( ontroJ mzat ion proti*-".. l passage *'f ihe lay would ‘cut li-' effective ll e.-;> of their umh-rco\er men b> near);, fifty p>-v cent." N'ow there is no harm in trapping a re-!) agent of a bootlegger; but tor polk-e --meu to act as agents to nro'-u-a- violation of the law in order that they may make an arrest should be outlawed as below the dignih of the stab-. The means me not nisi i tied by the end. ! lie re is some thing extremely ornery and snide about getting someone to do what he considers a--; a favo- to a person, mid at that pen son's sp*-eific aiid in-ist,-'/ reinest, \vh<*n the real purpoe and result is to get the c.nd aecammodatir.g perstm in -, iriudde The slate -heuid noi be a imil> to .toy such doings. KEl> CROSS .NEEDS STRONG BACKING In these few years directly after the war there ar<- still two extraordinarv I’oj the American Id-d ’ re...: i.h multiple services to veterans which no oiganizalion exci-nl tin R-d Cr/O; is an -1 horized in ; t-ndei and vvhirii none othei’ i-DUi,! perform ,-.o weil. and Ihe \ anou t■■ ji--- of aid to the peopit m He- still w a■ -,ni. i on of Europe and Asia. As soon is war i-.- on*)’ we tend v.> r oig(-f how many tiiousamls ol American t di.-o-as depend on the R<*d Cross for tb* r ’ir-. -(a, ice. and how many millions :r other pails of the world look to it for the second. But the good oid lied Cross al ways shoulders >t- burdens and tides to T-o-i-forni these p)o.>. ove*rct>niiug to tee extern that ii can the a pal h.\ and lack o: understanding of the pub;;;-, •capio-s'-d as that publi*- is in tie.- eonci. rps of peacetime living'. } ! should mot be forgotten, either, Ilia 1 the Red Cro<: still render;- ;n\aluab!< aid ;i nd S'*rvic” to our oecupation torces abroad, and that in war or peace it must stand ready to give quick and efk-etive '•m«-r;.enc,v aid hi case oi disaster caused by flood, fire, earthquake and other un predictable visitation's, at homo ami aayoau. AM this is In wav of reminding CARO I.IN! *■ N readers that the American Red C’i•!):<:. sHli ih“ <l>, and urgently, substan tial financial ■weil as spiritual suppoi'* from each of \ OI . WELCOME NEWS It :.-• welcome m-ws thad th*. Army h•• ••• rescinded its. ordei which would hove -'■•eiil all Negro enlistees and re-enistee-.. to Camp .lack-on. South Carolina, -xcept th(..-e assigned to the air service; Weil founded protest.- from Negro : <*ti«; 5> - .■ • 1 mdi'.iduais prevailed with he an thorite s to irate the change in accord anee wit 1 - the original recommendations embodied in tin- Gil Jem report For the present, according to latest information, ii on < of ihi indue!cos will i • sent to •South Carolina for basic training, but to Kentucky and New Mersey it stead. The sensitiveness of the top mihlarv ndinini-straters to the facts and arguments presented t h <- ni in opposition to theii plans as stated a few i\ oek-s ago is a good sign. It is such things which holster me'.- faith in i h t democi’rd - processes. There is tremendous value ,i the right of free speech a free press id freedom to protest As long a those .- ■ available, the sprit of democracy may he down but ;.Ot out. Americans, even those wit* real griev ances against the imperfec .one of our system, at bottom realize th- this svten. is infinitely superior to any dictatorship, whether it goer, by the name of Fascism, Sovietism. Communism, or what has * you. And Americans, in North Carolina or eLewhere, need have no fear that Mu vast majority of Negroes will turn to com munism or any other ism. Negroes prob ably more than most other Americans de voutly believe in the oft-luted doctrine that what is needed as a cure for the ilh, of our sometimes? woefully imperfect American democratic system fes not com munism; not ie&v democracy, but more. X ill - -Rite. ' -AS A MAN THTNKETH— - ' I m !|| | Jet:c)iMl ilicunlif% ij| fey C. D. | Ll Ri ——-— * ts \ . by Luther A. Tev-./'iSiV ivi the Associated lappeared in last v.e.-’-kissue- of the c 1t.0T.1- NiAN in which racial di.-aierd - i, Ooii -,vn- - r hi chief . , .-on so: liit high incidence of homicides where; both vic tim and infer ai Neeme' ■A Nag;-. in;.y . %t, c* ’araon t\ ‘iiiui .r- s.iis another Nh - hul hie iailTKlSt C/rtiUn tO a--; tot j u!i ■:tent r*f tee law e;; he Kijis a a-,: M: Townsk'y lif continu ut'-s •‘Th.'it tact. well known to Americans m general, particu larly those living below the Ma ...•a Disoii line, accounts in large measure fa: th-,- be.:. h.-< micido rate :-:.aUghout the na i--. * s Rat isni >-.upp f !jt' the in-r --r!:ri wi:it<- supreinacy und ,, i'- \ a lues :ho ]iv. -r oi Negri'es. " Cc!-t.uinl.v there js a lot of va! ditv n the* facts given in the cbov--' quotations; and hist :;f c. - :enix tiee •-.’.•hnl-:,- pa!-e ; oj oc'u-ii discnnunatfcjp an-.! iiuiii lercriunion con'ributc.- to the c\v;th v»*hieh <“■ Negroes eonsrieurly er uneor: s.,vi:.Ui;l\ regard the lives and persons of ’w ■ Negroes. Tr. rv-arsv n-.-i" ■■■•'- -.n - : in- vorvinc A/ror-r ,t i; ebvioiw.lhaf the amtiicti of ' ........ toward I e\t We rcraet. i, 1 1 By W L. GKEENE W i„' _ _ Locally tv, .... ;, cotu-erii > - a'.out ; ■ t-ntaiioii in the ::i iat • ei g()verrim«rit. The nomc ay i.r N C. NETWORK NKWS i-’.APi'.RS i> :: ieuns of dv - u ei'.o.ige i.-i pirn foi ir.uriicip.s] governnrmnt. Tin- lir-si . >‘*-uid * - over. R«fii.'-1 ratios-, closed ..-: Saturday, 4arch ‘itli with iea jon.itiiy rood increase in miirilK-rs N o vv Uiv serious ihouirh ivi: luot: important. i)h.- '■- o. ’)'■«* iio\-( inent is upon irt '•Jntler vh< plan authorized by ! v. for our: city, known ii- “Plan D-Mooifit’d.’ iliwe are to tu: sev -. m iviindliw n I'lvcted in u non !'..r!is:ii' arm two-phase order in voi viii... i dim i primary follow er; oy ■.: final choice between ; urteen candidates ranking high to h; tin- primary balloting. V*. j lETHEi J TH IS VOT JNG \V 11 ,L EVER TAKE PLACE WILL DE : END UPON THE RESULT OF THE REFERENDUM ON MARCH SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Rev. M. W. Williams srsDAv school lesson Subject: Intimate Words With '■ ■ Disciples. -• John 14-16. J'rinted u'xt. John 14:1-6; 12-18, 35:1-15: 4. Key Vers.' Ye ore my friends, if .<■ do whatsoever I command : «<u. John 3i»:14. In the upper ruom in Jerusalem Christ, facing the io-.-t of His life, it iis hi- disciples -Let no; your 1 .earls t.< ;rouble, ye believe- in God, believe also in me' (.John 3er.ii, Vt'e cannot possibly over look the truths this lesson is de b to touch, First, tin relation ship nf God the Faihui. Oed the So . «nd God the Holy Ghost as are- tin. Trinity the Tribune God. th. three persons of the God head. Those divine forces act as one, fit. con cl th*- not only the disci pies., bid all true believers in u>i 1.-t have at then disposal the aid of the Trinity in this ante i THE CAROLINIAN each other reflect the attitudes ' i the dominant race foxvard lav race iri the inferior p<;sitton. That is natural and human, nt waver undesirable it may b--. Also it must be a fact, al thoagh not one subject to quan titative measurement, that the Negro’s necessity of inhibiting !);< expression toward white persorif of anger .ttsci reser. ret nt over ho; treatment b;r the v.-Lito .--.j, -; len■ Is h;m to .■ L-. . r-.-jti ..flit., v;, I Hi out lei. Mi ovt-ii ;..f.'.gj'«:ssive. captious and L.-d; tu-rent bc-havior within the hicck world. Bo: howevc; much light all this may throw an the subject oi intra-raeici) violence, tin i/s and figures remain un ,; >; J- t?< - ' T1 W < »11)d b r ’ 'A S('vi ( 'l ! v '; roi to accept m this case ex planations us excuses and just tifications—the same kind of e> roi wo condemn when we find, for instance, (he crinK of rape being used to excuse mid just iy lynching. As has been pointed oui by many serious .student.-: of Negro /.*: including rPceritly the wcT known and astute commenta tors. Dr. Gordon R. Hancock and Dr. Arthur P. Da\ is. ,\e ./roes themseives rnrsst accept ' heir full stiare of the respons; ■ bilily tor tire bent toward intra BiTH If a majority of the voters l/vur the present c tnmission Jorm of government, tin- v-i.-r --uuUeii wiij end ail c-. , ntrox-..-rs.v lid e.KUib!:sh surtli;- quo m plan of f<ivcrai»fi:i for fJ-jc Slate's V oital City Bui U ii::- re. uli- of the reiveudum say 'Chung-- to the ITty Manager Form of Mun icipal Government.' the primary and final election will follow No matter how the turn comer - . EVERY PERSON PROPERLY REGISTERED SHOULD VOTE IN EVERY CONTEST which fol lows the registration just elided. There is a lot oi (Jemoc.icy isi the pending' test of strength be tween advocate' of the City Man ager and Commission form: of government The referendum gives ihe citizenship an opportun ity to approve ihe record of the incumbent office holders under the present, form of operations or to decide for a change to anothei be terminated; the disciple*? not understanding are very much •.rieved. Chris;, in whom they had believed assures them of His connection with God the Father that Hi will send the com forter iHoly Spirit) anti that His : ring would be for then bene fit. and that while they labored in tilt world they must abide in t!■ vi.-is and the connection which the (iter life. The earthly fellow* • nip of the disciples is about to they hate had with Him would eve i be i-ont wood. In short, many '■ 'ii: these intimate words with Hi* disciples CHRIST’S FINAL tiIiQUFST. A TttOIHLEJ) WORLD The nations of tire world are very much disturbed over the urorpoct; of World War number Three They fear (he* annltlilinlion of mankind icbm-me in tU. de- ■-AUj.tLUUjji-. ... I ‘ 1 - > ii.'i vifiiv nc» which is admit tedly so characteristic of a cer tain Jarße segment of our peo ple. Foi tiiis conditi »r> means, whatcvc-i other elements enter in, that ■ i.;i Negro-aaitiiumtereri eh arches are ‘‘ailing to teach ('•■any of our people, or to reach with their teaching, the funds .of ClirtsVitin’s pro mr 'i-latjen to his neighbor; y-rt ti,'}' art tailing, for one or * l j,\. (J f ’ ]*J ’CiS( * iIS Clfed )i rt 1 . get ovi-i to ou; people tii'. t'io'jOian lioctriro as to the ce t,;e] ,f baser passion.; and emotions. J-, mean -•: ■ our schools are failing lu tear!! the very rudi i ■ ■ of good citfizcnskip and iiviv-- J: rrv-on-- that t’v more privileged members of our r-aei an not. accepting the bu> - -den of helping to raise the : iano rdi- of behavior of the .< • p> wiiegecl masses as much ot they should. Stud’.ing the problem and :< erhim abstract sociological conclusion?- about it are fine. :.ui not i“i:ouch The ANP arti ih. recognizes this, and offers - •"e c-cicrei.e mans lor ame Ik-n.ting the eonehrion. These will hi discussed in this space next week. order because of the promises it? proponent;- make- *'oi it. In the ' vem us decision foi a change, the direct primary will follow. The uiioet primary is more democra (i. than the party primary It per mits more individuals and groups to offer their services to the gov ernment and have the voters check on their proposals. It is tru- that the direct primary gives an initial advantage to well or ganized groups but in an alert community it keeps (he way open U wider* participation of the pub lic in selecting < mdidate* for public: office. We should not be come lethargic and resigned at tiic conclusion of the referendum, ii chance is decreed, because there will be a lot of democracy to practice in following up the pro cess of implementing o change with personnel to serve it. The. housing situation has giver, untold concern to millions during the last two or more years. Thou sand*. of older men and women are today troubled over where they will spend the remaining years of this earthly life. The rich and poor, both have their troubles. Some are troubled be cause' they have lost their jobs; *cin'* about their children, some about parents; husband and wives in many instances are having 'rouble and we might keep on enumerating the troubles yes. in this world trouble? abound? THE REMEDY OR THE HELP What Christ said to the dis ciples in their hour of sore dis tress anti trouble He says to all of m yes to the world “Let not your hear; b-a troubled” Have Faith in God, Christ came WEEK F\T)?YO SATURDAY, MARCH 15, »947 Letter To The Editor ON CITY MANAGEB FOR VI oi HUV KRNMKNT Tv obtain a cross section of thinking on the City Manager foim of g-io ernjnent which is to be voted on lucsclay, March it* in Raleigh, the editor wrote numerous citizens of various i iiie?- lor their comments. Five such letters have bem received at oi < •. time They are printed below. March 8, 1947 Editor of The Carolinian: Wh- nt vc; you can find, the ca p:-\i le man, 3 would prefer the managerial form of government. I' cuts red tape and you can al ways deal with an individual -bet ter than with a group. This is j-n> personal opinion. Sircorelv vours, ). E. SHEPARD P-csidc-n!. North Carolina College March 7. 194? iait or of The Carolinian: It nr, opinion that the City Manager he- m of government ( !!!.'■,-!. nets itself to Why and all pccplv interested in efficient ad ministration; Wnil-- this is not designed to imply that other forms of nnmic:- ?.-,J geurnmeni ere inefficient, it does mean that the careful se lection oi a man iratneo in nm n.cipal administration to head a • iiy .s • 'igam/.atton rc;iy be ex !" tied to be. an improvement ■\i ■ assignment of such duties Vi <‘.n untrained man selected solely on the basis of popularity Often the difference is as mark * •:! the difference between hir ing ;.' pecjahst and lining a quack i... gc,<. neeessaty roediesi atten• 'cn in liif-st- days of complicated .financing procedures, social ten '-.■••ns. etc., it obvious that the .- ■ ; vice u; a specialist arc cooes , -. v and will prove iieuelu-iai . uiv ci iI v -v' iin ■. it. N HARRIS cretin V Bank. !•’;-.• Insurants- Company. Durham, N. t;. March !), M 147 - j ij ' The Ca:(ihniar . Yuui letuu of March 5, recej v cn foi which 1 am very grateful and I now take pleasuic in at tempting tin fulfillment of your inquest. Far a number of years now the c tty c.-f Wilmington has enjoyed ':s. ‘‘City Manage: ’ form of gov ctnrnezit. As all other forms of Wpula; goverumc-n: this, system ha? its advantages and disadvan ugi-s, however, after close asso i iuiion wit : this type oi govern !■ i tit 1 am convinced that the ad > >rtt,ages out weigh the disadvan tages. Wilmington has enjoyed pnenomenai growth under its form of city managership. do not know whether this growth can altogethei bo attri buted to our form of government.' lut i can definitely sav that ‘.here has been a minimum of “bungling'’ in the present acH nnnistration. The council men of oui city government are all busi ness men who are well trained in their respective fields who have been successful 'in their own right*-, hence, it can only be ■••■ educed that a man who is suc cessful in the administration of hi? own personal affairs would he successful in the admintstra- Hon of thing? entrusted to his vichant and alert supervision. In the at v manager form of govern - rktit there is oppoktojity for the f led ion of councilmon tv -h ~j might rorrse front the varicu.*; ranks oi business and civic and tfcie Ihe governors will be given hi opport unity to know. the mind cf its people in the several vari eties of its community life and pi bet to. enabled to administei to the need: of the entire popu lu:. I firmly believe that a gov i rnment can best govern when it enjoys representation from all s: t lions of those governed The < ‘\ manager form of govern - merit offers this opportunity and ■.•'hen this opportunity is fully sped by the entire constitu ency of any municipality the- op portunities for growth, develop ment, and harmonious commun ity relationship? are both en hanced and accentuated. If your city will fully implement this p eg ran i of government without reservation or superficial quali fictitious, as I sinci relv nope that ours, will eventually do, I pre dict or, qualified success. ■A B. SHAW Secretary -Treasurer Department j of Home Missions, Pensions i and Relief, A. M E Zion j Church. Wilmington, N. C. Sentence Sermons it. is easy to go along with the* crowd, but not one of them m the end can help you wear your shroud. Crowds can cloud what other wise wmijd be a clear title to a life richly endowed, People who have no intentions of going the upright way usually follow the crowds that never pay. Crowds puli voting folks off thier feet, and thee good things they would accomplish, the ring leaders go in to defeat. Mob violent* and race hate seem to net the highest where crowds strike below the belli and the terror of hell is feiijW Paui, Moses, Daniel and Joshua cared not for the noise of the crowd, but only to be true to their God and people were the virtues of w hjob they were proud. Gr world. Hr rpiy can give security for the MOW and the FE.HEAF - TE.K. Jesus ess: calm the (rouble ,-fi. "In me vc shall have Deuce.*' WHERE SHALL WE GO CHURCH ward, or. March 9, 3947 F <itor of The Carolinian: * There are many advantages to bt derived from the City Man ■..;i> form of government. The most outstanding one. however, ’ that which even opponents of tin plan will admit ns a fact which dannol be disputed: Tins i form of government is the most I efficient and most economical 1 one yet to be found. Today in the age of the Atom, ; e anything points towards spec* j ini zation. This is particularly | t-ue in government, which has !«rivunced to be a most intricate ; science. No longer can a broken idi ,vn politician feed at the : ‘.rough of the public where a city ; | h..s adopted a government which is run on a business-like basis, buen a government is the city manager form. In the city manager form of V< ■•crnrnt ni which Wilmington ha: experienced during the past ■"Viral years, we find our city •wing mn as the business that it is We have been, fortunate in , having had the services of men who -have been trained in the art oi directing the affairs of a city. . A-< a result, out city limits have hn.-en extended. Our city is one the cleanest in the state. Our Hr- losses aic the lowest in the .'••'•11. Our police department is , equipped with a two-way radio. ■'■Tii; wti;ch insures full pro-* tcetion Tax collecHng and other . phases of the financial structure |of the city have shown marked improvement. ■ where does the Negro conic in?# j Whenever a city prospers, 1 ''"-n o ir bound to prospei When j* eify p'-sscsses the‘form of gov -11 erumeni whi<*h k efficiency I managed and alert to the needs . L'*’ .all its people, then we will . j enjoy ’h< benefits which come j m efficiency and economy. Os :' ‘"ti; < thf dcgn-e of participation. s' '‘Pendr •• 1 i;. on tile Negro . I : n ■- * i!,. ! 1 thy e:I >ren?. of Raleigh i..n- aiei'i. to the needs of the- peo jplp and if these citizens ar will ■|.ng *o press ut needs to the J govvrmng body. Negroes of Ra | h’igh should look towards an jicr;. of prosperity, progress, and I racial advancement T C JEHVAY | i ditor. W-tmington Journal . March 10. ..94‘7 | Editor •>: The Carolinian: I VVi!:nin-.!i.i ; adopted the City ) rnii'--;- form of govcmxneni I■ ' -ox ''’ears ago ceid it has ) ‘ ■ - " in be very successful and j d:o ,-d by t*'v majority of our ] ■•' t! i*' Thi- Managci • chosen were j •' incu sp cificrdlv for adroinistcr . the oi: inc'fS of the* city and to I ■•*'<-' -hot all needed improvements | -'c made. j Dwi :h the w.-.r years our popu -1 Kiuoii war increased about three I time.- that of normal, and each dc jii im- i a operate!' very efficiently j !( j: type of government irr* j -a;'.: dcitiiig ;iu- increased num ber. Since the council is elected un •te: th>. plan, the Negro has *1 c i : >ncc of representing a part of me city government. During our , i -.-'i election here there were two Hi gm ca ndidates for the council r " • n ;hough the were defeated. Wade H. Chestnut Chestnut Motor Service Wilmington, N C. March 10. 394? Heitor: The Carolinian: 1 art; today reading your letter of "arch V 1947 as 1 have been out ai the city and just returned. En closed please find the following v Inch i hop..-- is.-A too late W.'ihin my iir.tit'td scope and ex perience. I feel that the City-Man ascr form of government, keeps tii- people in direct contact with ;h'-i.r representatives who arc re -1."-nriitile to the people for any thin. the City-Manager does This form oi government makes for more efficiency, lead;; to less de li js. re suit-: in less expenses and red tap It requires the City-Man ii'-’er to be always on the alert, :•< only to pie. sc his fellow citi :o r,r but he is "Johnny on the* ?po'" to make the decision, he does •• ay with lengthy official meet • .it? .aid boffie necks. In this form of government, the City-Manager ci »>• l:is actions are then the re- sponsibiiify of t.he City Council and the members of the City Coun cil become responsible to the citl i z; nr, who could work for a better ! alignment. '/ours truly S James Gray, M. D. VVilmington. N. C. God is preached end taught through the aid of. the Holy Spirit. Here you will fmd peace, toy and even rest tor your trouble and weary souls in doing service for Christ. Will you go?

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