m him ■ . gimuw - itman uMtaiamuM'imum r iwiim wi 11 otmii rm*T- .14, mm-m-ii r . sa.tiM'- ."nw mr*a*m* iiwh MK^tnwawi■» ...»imMMmmt /a-'.»F» »«f.ll.'!L.. 1 1 !U 1 . , . 1 -i , »‘."". l .' W;* l *L- --r -L IIMIIt Happy new Khmer new year. PLAYS LEAD IN DELTA PLAY- Mis, Mamie Smito Ca sey an mstrucior at 1= inbar ju. nor School of San Antonio. Tex,, played the role of Anna belie West in 'The Cal end y f j' . ® AUSTIN'. ; ■:::■. Hi U! BAs man S »•.«-. n m :or ad mission in U- ' i»v«.-f.dt:' t-i Texas Law Stvu'X'i . ter- J-’ir; H- ;• :: ■ •; • e r-M.-:, : <;.:> Man "'•:!:. v- 'lb: 'i*bui •. oou Mar -hall. AAAI': >o' -i!; ! ■w ■ sei famed lor hi--. ■•:■ U ■■<••• -;-<v:ti.- ring civil right' , ;eier: -a: tbs United Stales Sujv-iroe. Courl heading •; ». -It- s V of NAACP SI'CII': ' Nationvte: ;,U' n'.ion will be- to cured oil the- C’ivii f.’wr' el Ap , ■ a!-, lb To:-.. ■ ,- .:;■•• A■ iomev General of T- .->;••■ :: A -i- ■!'! de fending flu I to. :sy of IY-xa:-, attempts m • -if-blwn tne tosrt'.ii'.y oi the HMdilHi-: ’.oni'-.- unit r-rsityh birring of NY;; To < urients. The NAACP ;<e: on socking a v.ril ol ni;:n«.-.rrau-. aois Kto'i in the lor u ■;,;>.!• c- url m t .: m <4 3Vla> ui UH'i i: ■- .'•■ '• ih.i' year ’to lov/e-i court ■ oil'?.'.' ... order th:;’ the University. in denying admis si .-• u- Sw o !he . kx »f an eiftud st par.al- lev. school, do irifci fv>• ,': .0 • .I, * i protect ion of lav-. ip dr ilw < ui.rfiiiition of itv • inip-ri nr hack oagfiT ! ETHIOPIA | I PAYS FIRST !_ I WASHINGTON -;CP>— Ethio pia became first nation to pay her share in tht International Bank Fund rc-cent’.v when the Kltle Wes* At Gcan r- puhli; oat $37,000 in raw gold io 'he United State?. The balance* due - So be paid in Ameri can currency SIDNEY A. JONES, JR. Prominent Chicago aitomoY, who was recently admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States. The motion to admit Mr, Jones was made by Bslferd V. Lawson. Jr., prominent Washington at torney. who is associated with Mr, Jones in the prosecution of the case of James E. Stamps and Ennis L. Powell against the Louisville and Nashville Hail road company, growing out ot the refit' i o! ihe company io serve Mr. Stayer end Mr. Pca’cH in the riming car ok March 17, m 6, w _... the Canary" Wednesday ' San Antonio's Library auditorium. The three-act play was pre sented to a capacity crowd by P'ii Sigma chapter of Delta Sis* ij'o Fheta sorority,, : ATTPP FEi't, MEASURE 'i.'.'.v YORK WDL Governot Dwi..;b; H. Grocn of fllinoif. ha> , * ■ tht- W,u kc i: DefcisM *• A' ; * u> c<>si upon ilic- legisielurv : adept oik of the FEPC measurei : • before L. Poii.-fing to JRepub ■ i tUj roni.ro: the . '.oral hs •i. vh;,., ,j. ojiiH.ua;.' of FEPC be lievc- that ihe gi-.v<‘rnor, who is the : ■ Fttpubiu.'iJf: . u-rii-i cam get At-. ;• :i . p: -e<i if fie dc have siil'OUßl’i::'. :h:>! you ‘iH gladlj admiai’-tfei’ a state - .- , V : ■ -S :■. i led, ' Tow 1 U.r.ti W, H,-, as social ? \V DI. soetv •on G; vi/. iK ; CliA-en ‘Ht -■ i:irg .be.; .nlv one kith oi the !.’■ -a- ;•>« -n o forth FEPC ’c 11 below the legislature two year.' • must u*!:!>:'f that enacl j : in of -uch bill Ifci.* year dc j i.-> lid -orgely on yo n' wholeh* i;rt support." PRAISED IIW All) TO H AITI New York Mar 20th —The Re public ol Haiti. Anifericari neighbor add former ally .-ovyi .-tulateu . V her While, <:xi eutivc secretory ! tin NAAOP. on hi- almost singh • k 'i'd. ri fiy!:; ■•■. oi.!:' in the approval of the State Department f . a loan to Haiti The 'i . from !hc- National ; House. Port au Prince, said: "On ■ t!.-t occa a!!-, of your builiant and ' | i.t-i rag nos inn -\ ution in favos ;of tin Haitian tio. ,j victim in • slate of interinitional naet,- ;md a ; g.- on-'its if thi- most o-’ioub pol ices of racial du'criminalion and 1 I bri'/'.t iali; m of .he rnoft ferocious i kind, the Sc:-, ti o! th Republic of : K iti extend:-, tc you its wa 'tvießt !f< iicttaliocx and liveliest tnank jNEORORONS FOR | JACKSONVILLE. Fla. iANP; -- j Vt ilson Armstrong qualified Saiur | day io run for a city council seal : .: in the Democratic primary to be | held April 15 Mr ft nostrong entered the race; i to represent the fifth ward, which : ' has ,-i predominately Negro popula tion. Party officials, apparently j caught by surp - did not attempt j | t- prevent Armstrop;.- from fttali- ; /fying. acordin =•- ’to ib B. Marsh nil. : ; tiviim-vn of the City Democratic; i CbsamUee, j THE CAROLINIAN ! YOI.I'ME XXVI, No. :)•:) I?AJ.KiCH, N'OKTH CAHOI.iN , WKKK I'N’DIXL SAT I 4 # -*■ * 4 * * 4 *• '■ * -'■- ■* V 4 k it k Newsman Will Be Admitted To Press Gallery vV .\S: i INGTGN, if. C. -Uv'Nf'A.i Tic action, of the Senate Coni initu-c on Rules and Adrninistra i-vit in overriding the Standing Committee of Corrcsijondents ore: vofi:--.:- unanimously that Lautior. corrt spondent for tb e Atlanta Daily World and chief of the NN PA News Service. h> admitted to the Senate Pros: Gallery with out precedent. Th eortit'ovet’sy provoked by a vu- oi 4 to 1 oi the - orrespondents ewimittee led to a discuaKion of ire raattcr in the Republican Hot icy Committee and the announce- TTiL'll ! !VV Sl'M itliur Robert A I’iVit, Republican, of Ohio, March 15 f ha* i’ll Policy Committee had c.ecid v d Vh-If • hwp wi IS hf* r,•> r; • rs- 6 1 \Y ii}i i .•:; • ion on th e Sr rial e 1 ids lit eati ing this decision the Vol ley Committee, stai Senator Taft, r>-. .-sec' or- the mm is of neither . ,A ,-i?}v -iiie ev:-" r id V N Thornton, un employee of the Ser.-itc Po-t Office, -.'.ho had been ■ !c! :hat he could not eat in the Senate restauran.lv and luncheon (Continued on back page) Lauds Senate Action On Press MftROKS LOW. \-U\V REPORT SHOWS HAI.EIGH Through Saturday M-rch 2--. 3C.SUJ x-rays wen iakmi oi. residents throughout Wake i Coui>ly. 24 pti cent of which . - Negroes and .'((i per cent whip. s. N-- [ jt.it er are urg d to bring their per : i outage up. Svh- dul for tirut No. 2: Thurs at Peace College Friday ai : Pilot Mill, Saturday Market 1 '• unn. Mot-dav at Meredith Col : Tuesdio, ot St. Mary's Col to ami V/ednesday at Snow . .' nue from l! a. m. lo 5 p. m. Unit No. Thursday at Knight lc Kndav tt Bethium Church iiuxlay down town in Wendol! auius a; Wilder’. Grove, Toe - > at MiUbrook near the post of and Wednesday at Auburn : mi tl a. n; to 5 p. m. • Continued on bark page) Couple Indicted For Slavery L , i i.OS ANGELES lASP'i Caii ! foiniu’s first -slavery esse since re construction days went another !•. i> ahead here last Wednesday 1 when the federal grand Jury re ! lu ned a true bill against Alfred ! V.' 4ey Ingalls and his wife. Eliza b< ,h, on charges of holding Miss ' Dora L. Jones in a condition of in 1 voluntary servitude for 40 years, i Tile indictment was returned on ; ! evidence submitted by Assistant U. ' IS. Arty. Ernest A. Tolin that Miss i ; Jones, now 57, had been kept in i slavery since she was 17 years old : under threats of criminal prose ■; cution for an undisclosed incident Tbs incident was said to have hap , i iKited dvmg the time Mrs. Ingalls ' ! was married to her firs' husband, | Waiter Harmon. Ingalls, a forme • n;umber of the legtf ■ 1-,- :n)d retire rd ‘laston lawyer. , mmi'4 Sb M? M jpers ago. , TREAWNT OF JACKSON. Mis:-' '.ANiT Negro v.-- !",!!.' sjien vre encountering u'S) : . tv s hi discrimination from the to reyiona! office oi the Veterans .-p-rn-v-v raiion. according to ru .l. : re.. :I::.n .v" las! W Ov. R pin" nnve it that among othet u. ■ i . v, - : e- are (jontCd the Op . uiiutv oi applyii -for eduea ;,on:,l in-)iefits under the GI Biii of Rights, and also for pensions to whici: they may be entitled In ed ion. it i: said that ri'> Negro ho?- - itai orderlies are employed in the i >. ■ terans' hospital Those employ<?d !: C : -H white vet*. Negroes are raid . to be given only the menial jobs in every instance. NEW YORK -- Admittance of L- ui Lauuer c-orrc'pcmdcr.t the AtianUi Daily World, and the No • t'.of-ai Negro Press Association, to Senate pn •*? gallery Thursday vva- l-.aiied by Walter White, ext cu ■ - erri.-Uiry of the NAACP. as tort.irighi action of na (ion-wide- significance.” In a telegram to Senator C VAvla: E;i- .: v . . ot the it.,''- i,. :- :■ Coismiiitee, whicti ov. ■ udt the standing eohainittee ot cm respondent.-, governing the Cap itol press galleries, subject to Con gs •: ssional rules, and ordered the admissioi! of Lauticr. White .-dated. "The National Association for the Ativapcement ol Colored People warmly congratulates you and Senate Rules Commit tee on directing Standing Com mittee of Correspondents to ad mit to Senate Press Gallery Couis Lauticr. PorU*rigt»t ac tion to enforce principles of democracy in Senate Press Gallery of nationwide signi ficance.” •’Continued on back pave) The couple i: at liberty under 7.2 51m' b end each on & commission er’ : complaint filed in San Diego Mrs Heh-n Roberts, wife of a ck: rnicai research engineer of Berkeley. Cal, and Mrs. Ruth Cas ti nrtyk of Chicago, both daughters r; the accused, were witnesses be lt ml the grand jury. A maximum penalty of five years* imprisonment and a fine ot h.j.000 go with a conviction of the | charge. IRENCH FARM AMENT GETS XEG 110 PR EVIDENT j PARIS (AND France got its fit si Negro president of the coun cil of the republS." when CJa>ton MonnerviMe was sworn in to that office he t !,:»i Wednesday. The council is France's upper legisin i live hvtts-e, •so AJ>mu:ss teachers i i>R. «>. }. ROSE ROBERTS FIELD mm ■ W.\h HINGT( *N - no ' • -W !r M air b3'c a( Monrovia, Li b has officially bets) sbendon -1 v 1 ! -b- The. army tur forces, accord c-c to two reports issued lest week. bd: first report. mafic- by (he ait io heranroo: rr hoi'-, said that alt but two of she til) major ait ! - - -<■ > ii: Africa _:iad been slur boxvn in turned over to the rouo ''’tes in which the'.- are. Roberts i w kb named • - one of the two stilt in operation, was reported to h: ' adit)|; for the inactive list. Tht “b.er field .-- located j !: Tripoli. ] > 'ey;. Sir •riir.r.-ou s ■ :r U. S. Asm-' i rajisport command h-.-odquarters |if Wiesbaden. Germany, announe : c:i that Roberts Pi,-id* bad boots Oi ippeh h'ijin the active list S. 8. ■IITBHEI.L FILES FOR CITY COUNCIL RALEIGH -- George H. Mitchell ■t of HO North Tarboro Street, local j i ttvtauraiit operator and bondsman i'kVid O W. Dodd of 412 Bickett ' j LoitJt card, were the first to file for . | pods • n the City Council under the , I (ity-eouncj] city manager form of ] government. Mrs. Mable Truell stcreiarj of the Wake County B; arrl of Elections, has reported. A native of Gtaensboro. Mitcheli 'is a ins,dilate of Shaw University, and 00-ov. ner of the B. and H C.'fc. having served for more than 10 years a proctor and director of atok-ics at St. Augustine’s College. A Ft:! ugh resident lor more than <Cotifur.u:d on back page) VAR DEPT* HFAII A. & T. SPEAKER < IRE ENSBORO One of the ■ 1 n.'iiouit aspects of our day i i.’WVi-r, .Limes C Evans, assistant a. ili:»». aitit- to the secretary of v ;.c. declarer! in speech here last WASHINGTON MEMORIAL DINNER PLANNED DALLAS iANPi Plans are l ! .coing forward this week under the supervision of Director-General A. , IVtuceo Smith, who heads the Book c r ’Washington Memorial dinners, ; under the auspices of the National : Negro Business league, to have , the fullest observance of this an nual celebration than over before •. The observance will occur during i 1 the. week of April ft-3.2, according :. to i. statement made toy Director ; : Smith in a circular letter ho he? seni to all of the* business league .branches in the Un.G it 'States- Noted Speakers, Secret Ballot Main Features ASKS ffIRESTHI TO INVESTfOATE 10, INCIDENT WASHINGTON. D. C.-■■■■ NNFA. j —-Jcsfp C. Dedmtm. Jr., secretary i «>!’ velcriuis affairs of th<- ?'. : niion«i , : Association for the Acvanccment ::4 Colored ’’cop:' has asked Sec-- - vie ui ii:t- May -i. :v:t . V, Fur-' : re‘tut to irgiesteeatc: the action of; 11. commanding officer <> ! the U. j : S N.ivai Ops i-»i ional i rlTnrnwl - ; Center. Atlantic, at Solomons. Md., ; iv ho ore: d all colored personnel j that ..<• ."sr 1 i.r-.f-aus-v oi .. ,v. p U-fto - - ! Rf'.''! nt'fJOl't Os i’oloi'f'd D l *) aiOVs W‘; ' said to have resulted from eo!- ■ -'d mf-fflber at th-., bast drawing • Continued on b.wk page) Steam-roller ANNAPOLIS. Md. - GVNHA)- bill to reptmi Ma-.yJand’.- Jim '- ’ < w ;.-, w w; • s kif led by "st» um -i oi " tacticu; of the Speaker ol U . Hoiof Dolegatev. i- was i'a; e he; v In-i Tuesday The bill had previously passed Senate and had been unfavor ■ .-•!>• vepone:: out of the House Ju dicial y Cottimitlc-e by a vote- of 32 i t j 7 I I.- publicans -.vri- excused tor u v -av imrncdi;i‘'.rl> ’ :»ftf: th( vote - Hu bi!J. Following ihaii caucu-* Jacob R. Romsburg. Republican, of Frederick County issued the foJ f lev. ieg statement: "T . action o' the Hun.-i of Delegate-.'' today in dc-ioaiing the icpi'al of th«- so-called Jim Crow Irvv meets with v-tln-me'-t protest irom members of ihe minority par ty in the House. ; The Republican leaders state that the- expression of public opi nion received by them was over v'h. hningly in favor of repeal. "They declare that their party inet.' its birth has stood solidly for 'Continued on back page’> | Recognition i tM „ . „ WASHINGTON. D. C.-iNNPA.) —-The United Negro and Allied \Mersins ot Amerien’s application for official recognition r.s a vete rans organization has been turned down by the Veterans Administra tion. it was learned hero last Mdn I; di y. Edward £. Odom, solicitor of the Veterans Administration, who : juies an all requests from veterans • gani2atioiis seeking official VA . ; }.< c red Station, said U NAVA’s appli : cation had been turned down be cause the organization was not na tional ir- its scope. A VA investigation of UNAVA in New York. Chicago and Bir mingham. Alabama, he said, had convinced VA authorities that the ' organization was not vet ready for recognition by the VA. Questioned a% to whether UNA ', i VA might be- accredited at a later date* Ma C.doni £P*»tS# ouj RALPJIGH --- The sixty - Sixth ; Annual Convention of the North ■ Carolina Teacher: Association will - meet in Raleigh beginning Thurs- ; Hay night. April 3rd. The first gen- j ui session will be held in Green- i leaf Hall, Shaw University and ' hill f< muti the Pi'cHdent s Annual Address' an address by the Press- I cent of th-.- American School Board i Association, Dr. D. J. Rose of | Goldkboro. and music by Use Shaw ! ; Univer.-iiy Choral Society. The four sections of the Asgocia i lion will hold me-tings at 10:06 1 Friday morning. Som--sections will j : adjourn to departmental meetings! e; 11:00 while other ; will hove sec- j Urw urograms* throughout the; j morning. Dr. Gray of rhe* Uni verst- i My oi Chicago will athi, si. the j Kien.ciuury Section tnd Dr. M. J j 'vYnuehoud of Howard University j . ii; the High Scnool Sec- ' Son in th. rnomlhg. Both will be : .:v:-ilabH- to depart men 11 in the as- ’ ivnioon a..-, eon suit.vu-- for riopart moutal activities. 'Continued on back pair 1)1 Hit AM LAI ITU)!. WRITES FOR DURHAM f.-'ol-:-:vo-' Herman Tuvin; ~f the Norlh Carolina; College Law School here has two ■ uHci,--: appearing in legal periodi cals of eireulalion this month. lit Hr: March issue of the Nation a I Bar Journal he has written "Manhandling trie Mann Act,” and h< writes lor the December issue of :i-. c Culifornia Law Review, "i’artiai Insanity ar. Affecting the, Degree of Crime —• A Commentary Firi'.t-; Dnitoc Statf# ’ A native of Richmond, Va., Ml. Taylor did his tindorgraduate stu- , dy at Union University and rece-iv ; u '■■■ graduate degree from the School of Business at Columbia University. He is also a graduate of the Columbia University Law! Sc hool —i VA notice issued lasi December after January i. 1947, all or-I a. ni/.ations giving VA accrediia- i i lion must first have a charter granted them by 'Congress. He said UNAVA had made its original recognition before this ruling was effective but that since j that requst ha- now been denied' the organization can not re-apply j so: recognition until 11 first gets a * charter from tiie Congress. ; Mr, Odom admitted that he had j 1 had a rather “stirring" discussion ; with J. Finley Wilson, grand ex alted ruler of the Elks, before de-! i r.ytng UNAVA accreditation. The Elks, along with other na i t tonal or g:tiza l io j is. nave massed : • resolutions endorsing' UNAVA and its- tight to gain recognition, and Mr. Wilson conferred with Mi. Odom on the iasi Tuesday. ! LABOR HISTORY ! comics avoc.aiht; NEW VOR!< CITY fWDL) U. - S. labor lusicry is pi <•«, ait-n In the . novel form of coin i u adventure cornu in the ra w tk-page booklet. Joe Worki-i otd ih* Story of L ! <- I bor. Tiu ijoui c by Niu Srhachner Jack Alderman is issued by in. N bona! i.ybor Service. It is beitig disibated by the Workers Lti-fi League. (.Vine-; ar avail* ' .1 .1 Hi vV'D’L neiiohil <if Lee, 112 K;.*t lb Sue t, Sew York .1, N Y. ■to Al!OIO>> ITACHKHS ' . . •• ... ..... I»H. A. I s DAVIS WDL OFFERS AID IN SJIT NEW YORK. * WDL* Hailing * ike effective f; i-:2-hoiu anti-Jim i i -t-w sit -in strike by delegates to ; the CIO national edueoiion con lt-> •ice at the Neil House <• offee room hi Columbus. Ohio, tin. Workers Defense League offered i aid in any :un brought under the 1 .--a,etc civii rights law. Initiation oi such u ?uit was urs uis-s the CIO by tbs delegates in a resolution adopted after their .•dt-in. The WDL offer of aid was of ;o Georyi- Weav- * head of the MullerH CIO Committee to Aboi *sh Discrimination. The day before , ib- bi-in tour Negro delegates Gird an hour and fifty minutes ■ ,*; rbr- coffee shop without recc-lv i,ig service A portrnit of Lincoln i : tig.' in the hotel’s front office NORTHSIDE MAN DIES IN WRECK DURHAM— Alexandei Williams lot Northside, Route 1. who was in jured Saturday afternoon In an ae cid.cn; on t.hc Oxford highway died I Sunday morning at the Lincoln ! Hospital. HopitaS attendants had reported Saturday night that he was "in fair condition" following injuries he uieiaieed wot-n he apparently lost : cciiU'ol of hit- automobile and • c; ashed down an embankment on i the road six miles irom’Durham'. Attending; physicians bad not de ; t-..-mured the type of injuries which i.'.-'irr. d hi- death, but investigating patrolmen said he was thrown about (10 foot from the automobile ! -■-- . • . 'X GEORGE H. MTrOHEGL PILES FOE CITY COUNOIL George H. Mitchell of 110 North Tarboro St-ret and part owner M j the B. anil H. Case was the first Negro to file for a post as conn ißnijr, on the seven-member council under the city couwe.tt «-.Uy manager form of govern ment. Mr. MftelteU has given the public no platform on rviiieh to i will run.

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