| WAR DEPT. SEGREGATES NATIONAL CEMETERIES j i"'a j.. ji,h, «• .>i >. .a. ,n i '_. >,, •«>.. .■ • • . • •' ' ' 4 ■ ' " . t ■■ VOLUME XXVI, NO~ 12. ~ ” RALEIGH. N(/RTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING. .SATURDAY. APRIL. DJ, 19-1 TPR ICL 7£ Profanity Must Go-Brown _a jl. a .*. 4, 4. a * -t- -h i i t i i i ★ A ★ ★ ★ ★ A A if * Capital Praised In Post Feature 18 Ma/e Students Suspended For Using 4 Language * J|*%- '\- \ C-A f #**• "' “ /m*-**: - *.. SCHOLARSHIP WINNER Lincoln Robert Beit, i fi, 3 sen tor at Dnßois High Si-hot of Wakr- Forest, has been awarded one «f the 33 four-year college scholar ships bring granted this year by the Prpsi-Cola Scholarship Board to seniors of the jiwilhem col ored school system. Best plans to attend Columbia C n trees it y at the completion of his high school studies. Ho wa rd Students Stage 3rd Mass Demonstration MRS.GARVEY MEETS AFRICAN RELATIVES BY HENRY B ‘OLE ACCRA. GOLD COAST American and West India Ne- H< oes. desirious of tracing their an cestral beginnings back to Africa, can well follow the -xamplc set by Mrs. Amy Ashwoode Garvey, wife of the late Marcus Garvey. Last February 6, Mm. Garvev v.as returned with her African re latives in the town of Daman, Jo a hen State. Kingdom of. Ashanti, Gold Coast colony More than 10 ytars of painstaking effort to trace her family tree had proceeded the reunion. The story of her search (Continued an back page) NAACP Appeals To All To Become Members RALEIGH “The Southern i States.*’ «aid the Executive Sucre- i tnry of the Raleigh Branch of the j NAACP. ‘are getting around the U. ;, S. Supreme Court decision by let-| ting the common CRWicrs separate;' the races according to their col- : i (>' " This practice is wholly unc.on- j sUt'tsona! said the Executive Sec- j • rotary, At. a meeting of the local 1 branch of the NA/u'.T they went on record to seek ways and means j i of making the Irene Morgan deck- ' , sion operative, in North Carolina. i It was brought out fit the meet- j I on June s. 184# had declared fcfeat SKDAUA ■AN Pi In a dvns t;e move to wipe out the use of profanity by ‘ecn-H.;r youths. Dr C'nai’oitf Hawkins Brown, presi dent if rainier Men/,, Li Institute. >: acred he suspension of 18 male indents of the school for “persis- ; ter i use of profanity, and failure exert their influence to clear up •his situation among the boys.’ All <•; tie students wo •> seniors. Commonly referred to as the i ■ twig - bender of Sedalia,” Dr 1 Drown took the definite stand that 1 -'a tan fi Memorial is 'committed ir j character building and cultural at- : tainment. If has no excuse for ex isting if the common practices of : fConUnurd on back page) POLICE COStliM'K FLOG PROBE Decatur. Ga. (ANP) DcKaib county police last week continued their investigation into the flog mg of Mr. and Mrs. Aggie Hern don. of Kesley Chapel Road, hut reported no sensational turn in the case. The Herndons were brutally i beaten by a band of four un masked white men Monday uight, March 31. when the per petrators entered their home on a ruse of being officers in search 'Continued on back page) WASHINGTON, D. C -NNFA > — Howard University students staged | their third mass demonstration in three months last Tuesday when r >oo students gathered on the cam pus and protested the food, prices and eating conditions in the uni versity cafeteria. The demonstration was staged al a time when the board of trustees of the university was holding ;■ meeting in tht Founders Library. Complaints of the students cen tered around the coat of meals in the cafeteria, the quality of the food, and the methods used in sev ’ j ins- Student officials say they are unable to explain why the univer ■ sity cafeteria must change prices i comparable to those charged in . I commercial restaurants when the cafeteria, which is located In one i nt the dormitory buildings, does • not have any rent overhead and is > able to buy food at a discount by virutre of being a pats. of the uni : versify. inf? that, the U S Supreme Court the Jim Crow law of Virginia ''im posed undue burdens on interstate commerce’' and •‘w-nsre uniformi ty is essential for Foe functioning of interstate commerce, a state may not interpose its local regulation." In effect this ruling declared ail Jim Crow laws (interstate ira»el lu wsi unconsti tutionai. However the Court left to the companies, said the speaker, the right "to adopt rules and regula tien.s fur the government of then business.'' The Raleigh Branch of Continued on page eight **4 H ' 07 ' Ijp' Attorney Fred .?. Carnage can didate for City Council of Ra leigh's new City Manajrr Form of G-ovcrnrocnt, is congratulated !>v Itrv. S. F. Daisy president «*f the Fa’-t Ralcijrh Civic Fnrtim. Civic Leader Urges Charlotte Negroes To Register And Vote TELLS Os POI ITTCAC ACTION INSTITUTE CHARLOTTE Rev M S Dickinson, president of the local NAACP Chapter called upon all Negroes to register and then vote intelligently for the local elections now underway. Said Rev Dickin son today. 'Charlotte can be the i lightpost for South because of its large number of Churches. Let us ; exemplify the depth.- of this ree | ognition by discharging our Chris tian duty which is to register and ! vote intelligently This pro :!. g ; ran be preserved only when we ex ercise our two fold citizenship which L toward God and our country. Only the largest possible vnt r exercised by all of us will a nr l the best type of government ■ i under which Negroes and whites imp live alike. Our needs are too I Rival to pass this repsonsibility by." ! i Rev. Dickinson also stated that thi NAACP recently completed a . political action institute conduct eo by M. S. Bluford of Smith Uni ■J v< ity which taught several per s< ’ how to exercise their right . with the ballot Kelly M. Alexan di,. Executive Secretary of the . NAACP. did s good job. Rev. Dick . | irson continued in recruiting huge . i numbers of adults who attended the , j Id.st itute. Co.iivi.cted Rapist Wins 1 ommutation Os Death Sentence; Wife Slayer Dies it t SPEiRHKMIS , I $25,000 DRIVE FOR HAITI'S CHH.DREN JACKSON. Miss i AND; - A ; s2'.»,fiOD drive y, aid Haiti'';, poor | children is being spearheaded bote j by a committee «•’ prominent men! ; , women, who plan to sponsor a tea ‘ l on April 27 fit the Summer hotel ; Chairman of the women's com ) j rnttt.ee Is Mrs Daisy S. Reddist. who 1 1 explained that the movement to aid l Haiti's homeless, unde rprivilegeci j poor children was darted by a ’ | letter she received from Mrs. J. I Confirmed on back pftge) Many oreantonttons have en dorsed Mr. Cis.nia.gf. primary will he y nri! ‘’Xfh and firm! electioo May gtb. The newly elected of ficers will take scat Tuly Ist B ! H B j . ... r ■ ' ■■S . 1 1 t s HEADS KFPC Above is El mcr Vt. Anderson of Chicago whose appointment as i-yeeutivf i secretary it the Nailona! Conn •lS for a Permaiwnt lair Em ployment Practice f ontmiUee has been announced. The Rev. Alien 1 Knight Chalmers and A Philip Kandloph are co-chaimen of the Council. RALEIGH ANP> Thomas Liv,-js. 21-year-old cot victed rap ist of h v.-bi’p woman hitch-biker, ■i or, a commutation oi a death sen tence here las: Thursday when Got Che. ry backed the recomrtnen c’; tions of a trial judge that his s- rttcncs- be chapped to that of . Lei' imprisonment. Lewis was convicted during the February term of Granville Super ior court cl raping >lrs. Willie Mae Johnson, white, of Granville, last July Testimony given showed that Lewis offered to assist her tr, hitch i hiking to Norfolk, Va Witnesses. 1 -". me of whom were the woman's , noghbors testified that she had. a reputation for drinking and n po , !■";• !'eco»-d dating from 1-93# l Judge R Hunt Parker, presiding Jack Alexander fe Pens Article On N. CPs Capital RALEIGH - A municipality of 00 population with an atmos phcrc or: a small sca'e like that ol \V: shingvor- minus foreign lega tions, cocktail lounges and giddy social columnists - is the Jack Alf xander diseription of the City of flrieigh in the current issue of The .Saturday Evening Post. In a thorough, study of the folk v. -:ys of Raleigh folk, centering his •lory largely around Josephus Dan : Is and the News and Observer, thr story disevibes the newspaper as ■,< daily with a circulation of 93.- ;)fu, six -seventh of which is ir. Eastern North Carolina and the RGeigh Times as ‘'much smailc; •,nci mere- influential locally." • Continued on back page) SOLDIEIiS IMI MM IN PLANE CRASH SAN ANTONIO To;. iANTi Me in hers of a Negro soldier base : ~i! :. ,n: en route from Kelly Reid to Davis Mountain field at Tucson Ariz., were arm»ng the t•if it ally injured last Wednesday •tight when an Army C-47 trans ir.it crashed and burned shortly fiftei yaking off. No names were made •■v’ai'ablif by Kelly Field of ficials. • ..nit! rluie f.H witnesses, the pirn.* developed trouble almost immed iately after the take off barely cleared some houses near the field ji: d tta( n plunged into a cot!or patch. A total of 21 soldiers were hurt in the crash 0. Si ARMY SEERS OFFICE? APPLICANTS WASHINGTON. D. C. :N r PA Ceptain Benjamin L. Hur on of the ‘Howard University Military Df tacliiv,.mt has Informed the dear, os' men oi the univ"rsil\ and its veterans advisers ihal Army i; seeking applications roin col ls ge students who wen formerly Army officers and wh< have rot applied for Regular Arm commis sions because of a desire to com. piete their education. In u letter to the dear: of men C, plain Human said that any male N'urienl interested in Regular Arm) Careers in the Coast Artillery Cal vary. Field Artillery, ter Corps, Infantry, Corps of En ear term a> deputy from French Guiana. Oaring the war, he was •» im'fnhi'r <»f rr»T«f’p'c covistanci* movement and was decorated by Gen. DeGaullc with thr Medialle dr la Resistance. (ANPI BOWSER AND HARRIS RETAINED AS COUNSEL The Low firm of Bowser and ; Harris was retained to represent ‘hr State NAACT’ in the slaying ot Fletcher Htit Melvin by an At •antic Coast Line Conductor, it • a announced by T C Mangum of Statesville, president of the or ; ganizatiori iodj.-v Mr. Mangum -cited that the firm long active in • ci\ tl rights of individuals will in sure a vigorous protest of one the most, brutal murders happen big in N C in marry years. Mr Melvin, a Baltimore. Md, hospital orderly was slain while minute to see his parents ;*t Dunn The slaying witnesses stated took i Continued or: back pagei uudspif gets POST WITH CIJvTELAJVft UK Cleveland (ANPt —The Cieve ! lund Bar association nominated Aty. Chester K. Gillespie- for membership on its executive committee, it was announced her last Tuesday. A.tty. Gillespie’s election will bo automatic at the annuel .meet ing of the association on Tues day, Mny R He will serve lot a j peiiod. of three years, * * Bodies Os War Dead Separated By Color Os Skin WASHINGTON. D. C. INNPAI-- ; An authoritative source said last : i Friday that the War Department j as reopening the question of seg : rctidion by race anti rank of de -1 ased soldiers in national cetne I teties This issue came to the fore re • •:< ntly when an information bulle | fin published by the Office of 1 the Quartermaster General disclos- Icd that sections of new national i c< tneteries were to be set apart tot i the burial of white officers, white enlisted personnel, colored ofiicc T A clash between Senegalese troops unriet French command anrt Moroc cans last Monday resulted in the death of sixty -three persons and the wounding of 119, The riot grew out of an argu ment betwers two Senegalese sol diers and an Arab prostitute. It de veloped with amazing sv. iff nos.- and violence. Senagalese soldiers ri.-d the city with theii arms and hid out in the nearby wooded hills. The na tive quarter, in which the riot oc curred. was placed under a heavy guard. The dead included French Police Brigadier Paul Colonna who was slabbed to death; fifty-nine Moroc cans and three Senegalese of the French colonial army. The wound ert included 100 .Moroccans sixteen Senegalese and three Frenchmen. The two Senegalese and the pros : fltute started their quarcl in a nar row, winding street in the native quarter. in which Casablanca’s as s.gnafion houses are located. A Intellectual Cooperation jRi preseii tatives were Negro. and t whit;- from religious educational. : c-r-d civic groups. Dr. E. C. Nance. president of th* • University of Tampa was elected president of the new organization While Mr. G. D. Rogers, a Negro. ; was named vice president. Mr Rogers is the son of Mr G. D Rodgers president of the string ! Central Life Insurance Company. :T is hoped that this -.tew venture I v ill haw far reaching results for : the betterment of both racial groups. TRUMAN ASKED TO APPOINT NEGRO JUDGE NEW YORK (ANP)-~ A plea for more Negro representation on the federal .judgeship bench was contained in a letter forwarded tr President Truman here early last week The letter was written '..*y Attorney J. C. Thompson, for est-! New York state commander i.f the Veterans of Foreign wars The piea centered around the rilling of a vacancy left by ti e late Judge G M. Moscow!tz who cued last March 29 in Kings coun ty. -N. Y. At present, there are three openings in New York city and Brooklyn. Asking if “the 14 million Amer icans of African descent are to wait until a vacancy in the fed eral district court is caused nv the death of one of their number i Continued on back page) NEGRO WORKER GOT BREAK UNDER HENRY FORD BY ROBERT CRI MP DETROIT 'ANPi Thr- name of In nrv Ford was. perhaps, more widely circulated than any other in history, being stamped on the front ■ of the 25.000,000 cars he built which I found their way into almost every 'civilized country on the globe. "Negro hands handled many of , th« parts tha! went into these cars. The percentage of Negroes employ ed in the Ford setup is said to be ill.;) percent, as against 15 per cent in Chrysler and 8.1 percent, Gen eral Motors. Necrose al least in this city, will mourn the death ->i Mr. Ford be cause it was he who granted them fContinued on br-CJt page* • j mental must he given everyone • ,f;i rn the cradle to the grave.’' hr. - ! Said. •Public education, health and wi-ifnre are three services organ izations with common objectives to assist in producing a literate, heel - thy. well-adjusted citizenry that ' will make a contribution to the d-mocratic way of life "The only juet-ifieatiou for any form of government is that it ns* its paramount objectives the gen era! welfare of all *ts people and an assurance that the welfare of #5.1 fContinue# on ha<% jjgge>