FLURRY OF ASSAULT CASES PLAGUE STATE ■"• ■ v ■■■■■■ ■■■ •■•. ■■ • ■■-■■■ ■■ ■■•■ ■■■■■■■■;■ ■■■■->’ - ■■■ ' '.:; ... .- ''■■■ THE CAROLINIAN ■ VOLUME XXVI, NO. 48 RAUKfUfi, NORTH CAROLINA WKKK ENDING SATURDAY, -U NK 7, I'M 7 UKit h imth grade. Separated at Time sf Arrest In an exclusive interview with j Bush I learned that Bush and his v.ife had been separated for the . (Continued on back page) NS AGPCfiIiS ivuruniv s» ? iiyii i#n i NEW YORK - The NAACP Fri ; day requested Mayor O Dwyer to i declare an anti-lynching day. In a telegram to the New York City j Mayor. Association officuls said. : The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ; urges you to designate an anti lynching day within the next ten days calling upon etizens of New, j Y ork to take all action within their : powe> both as individuals and through the!" organizations, churches and labor unions, to make ' known their opposition to the crime of lynching and their desire that • our government take steps to eradi cate it." Rape Suspect Released As Woman s Story Proves Hoax AUGUSTA, ft*. (AM 5 ) - An un identified man. snwW oh » charge of raping a woman, "as released from tail Pcre lasi • r f:ek when fix? woman admitted to police it-at her story of Heine at lacked was concocted as nr: ex planation sot being oul with an Tells Scientists, All Mankind One WASHINGTON, B. C. ‘WfrA *— The scientific frarnowork of classi - fixation of human beings should j net hr- “pervetetf’ twin * prejudiced ■ framework of thinking so that an j r.hs»rw»Mi> rtiffeoenc'-- is intensreted i in terms of a difference of value ! ir. a social framework. Dr, ITiltßci JVi. Kroman. president of the Amer-'j lean Physical Anthropologists and | professor of biology at the XJniver-! ■ iiy of Chicago, declared last Fri- j day. Addressing the District of Co-1 lumhia Anthropological Society and ] ttn- Medtoo-Chirvmea] Society o.j the Smithsonian Institution. Di < . , _ ... . * ...... .:, . I ■f.TkJ - V ..Affi JU J.-Uv . -f" v.,1 . V . v jUjfip *. <; «‘- .^*Bjp|j^-*^ry : «,• -C-.3 - #*. DEBARRED AITY TRIED IN 0,0. WASHINGTON. D € < NNPA • ■ The arraignment sisnd tier, she- .“< parted ihiii shr had iieen assauite- - crimination bayed •>»» observed h«o- I logical differences, such as skis j color, hair nose, and so forth, has • tmi basis in scientific fad wtwtwc ; ever." I He added Sint “bioloetcaUv all | mankind is dafc " i “The time is past when we can ’j K;..y to one out of ten ’tun. you; j free to the wall of despair and your j Hack to progress while opportunity j posses you by'," he -said. "To do j ibis is to perpetuate all thru u ra ■ r ial 1>- evil it bJ jtf Hfeolngy j "Equality is . biological fact. It | is u religious principle. But it is| ! sts.il only in the realm of sotr-.1 i i* Mrs. Flossie Bush, wife of Godwin "Buddy'' Bush, is shown above at her home near Raleigh. Before hei marriage ';o Bush she was Miss Flossie Henderson and a 1 tended Wash ington High School here. Sba made s statement to The CAROLINIAN Moncay that she wm sttek with "Buddy" ’ through his triat. although they were sc pa re Jed at the time of his arrest. 'Buddy" is accused of attempted assault on a white woman in North u TTi pf &ti C OUTIIV „ m m ifDppnin ui»niii% yiiytu i u PROSECUTE S. C, LYNCHERS ASHEVILLE WOLi Pmsc tution imdpr the federal nvil rights net of gj avowed lyadhers neejuit itd hv a Greenville, S. C... ,u.-\ i ns hern urged by .tor* Fennel, southern field secretary of the Workers De fense League "It is terrible enough that mobs can get away »* ith lyi chings at •Continued or. back pagei jos* after stopping from a bus, an o' displayed scratches described having bean incurred in the at rk Deputy Kent examined the onnds nri iis Tiihaeer* Co.’s Winston Nairtn, S. C.. plant is led by •C-mMßHwitiste. Rep. Herbert (' Bonner (I», b C.i proposed the Inquiry, on shr ground that the miiw bad bean labeled "Onmnranist rtomlnatwd." The North Caro lina eongTi-ssman said he fear that the striking union. Tw-ai ZZ, the Kora. Tobacco and Agri culturf warkew-CIO, is Print: ttswt by to- hirh nxmml of the Communist party to "fn •OMMi ra-cinl issues (hruMghout fW. Sft OM* —. ijlplSjjpP vF' ? jgf Vat* '¥ J I. . I Two- year old Clementine Bush, daughter of Godwin Buddy" Bush is now living with her mother and grand parents neat Raleigh. This child is unaware of the danger her father underwent when he al most lost h;s hie by would-oe lynchers. MAY CU RS 'SIIF FATALI A . THEN F'tot HIS OWN I.IFF RALEIGH -■ Fail Hill of Wake i '■sinty Monday went beserk with two shoicuns and bent his wife to . death with one and killed hire.rrlf ’••ith the other. The double tragedy which Coro ner I. M Check • • nu-d •'murder • rid suicide.” occurred near Up church Station on the Durham and Southern Railroad wto.te Oak township about 11:00 ■ ir. sdf-r Hill L,.d tracked hi., .-str tinged wife from ii-oir home r.cal Apex I. itci inui er's borne on the Edwards farm m ar Upchurch and waited for her t. return to the house after staking on) a cow. The wife. Mrs. Audrey Hill, was j met by two blasts from the shotgun as she approached the steps of the house, officers reported but she turned and fled to a nearby thicket with he husband in pursuit Believ ing she had eluded him. she latei r< turned to the house and appar ently tried to hide, but Hill soon found hot and s strnA- ?’• followed. T ■: . ,h 1. Hill ' ''hosed his wife dealing blow after 1 nw, evidence indicated, and final !'• knocked her down and heat her Tuad into shreds. | He (her, found i sihgiie-barrel suoteun in the house- v hi eh he took with one shell in it about 75 yards from the house, sat down facing a t-ec. pulled off the shoe and sock from on, foot, placed tin- guti mut -7k directly in the center ot his throat and pushed the trigger with hit. toe I ' r '"'V HECS2WE HO HORARY DE GREES AT SHAW Shewn above with President Robert V. Dsniei of Shaw University are «dpi«»is -of honorary degrees of Doctor of .Divinity at this wear s Commencement Exer cises. As left is 'Dr. Wifttaxo. Hotme-e Borders, Pastor of Wheat Sir-wet Baptist Church. AtWnbKr Ht riskt. Dir, ©. S. Rttl* AKINS EXPLAINS HIGH SCHOOL DIFFICULTIES RALEIGH M W. Akins, prin : vii,a! of the Washington High School, outlined the scope of hi.-; activities since he has been ero -loyed as teacher and principal in IV.iieigh Public School System r. explained that he could not do top job because ol crowded con •jiuor.. -,nrl lack of facilities, in <3‘ • itpublished hero this week City Superintendent .lessie O ' : no. rson. who had vnevieusly an - :at need that Akins would not ho i,.ploy.*d to,- the next -choal t( mi. ian .■ot; need this w—'k that nis d.o --■ would •><- filial .iliri that the ii.s wa> closed, but no new prin e.pai has beer, named. , Akins -aid hi* I>'dd Saudor.-.oi, übout 'he school difficulties when k, nderson wu- employed as super . j;, undent live years ago and no: at - e i oiji :ha; the school w as crowded. ’ i un-dow a md in such a condition ] loa! :ie couia not clo a first class \ jrb Anioiig ‘iu "cu .-uniyisii.ees list ed : ;y the principal v, is working b •.•'ains't him in his efforts to run his ■ s. mb! at top efficiency w*r«. •j. Plant broken down. -2 Bob furnace, w hich caused no rj c•., fin buiiJoo. i*/i' nn.r.y da,*- : v; img the year. •3. Only one-fotirib the number ■ o' -.eater fountains needl'd ••4 a small cafeteria capacity .bum 500 u> accommodate l.Thu ■ < hiitovn -S Teachers fcsving to move from ii'»>m to room because of tile liyck Louai NAACP Adv *K*«it€S Lcdcrai LuluLvuvh I-a^ Raleigh With the jury’s ver ' diet of acquittal in the South Carolina lynching, it shows tr.at fisc states are unable to protect Near© citizens front lynch lav. Therefore, the Raleigh Branch ot NAACP will have a mass meet ing on June 15 at the- Martin St Baptist Church and discuss in:- Federal Anti Lynch Bill now pending in Congress. The- Fedeial bill w sponsored ■ the NAACP .rations. It is reported that since \Ht& there have been 4,982 lynch . mgs and no punishment whatso ever has been mted out to lynch : (. s That, is 99.2 G of the lynchers have gone free, the latest exam ple being acquittal on May 21 of 2?. persons charged with lynching a man in Greenville, S. C. The same thing might take place in Jackson. All citizens are asked in come to the meeting at Mar tin Street Church, at 3 p.m. •U*fe, Piaster el Firs? fiSewetw? Church. Raleigh. Dx. Bdntk was idled as a ’ 'native son of Berth Carolina, who bes rsaa- t l ero-l an effoefive ministry at tho gospel for forty years-" Dr. 80/iers was. iei-sm 'be raiked *»nu« the reHgfous Sea'd n the Senate anti-lynching hill providing heavy penalties for persons eou •.icYed of mo!t v ioleoct- or aiding o. . betting such violence The A¥sgnw-Morse bill is almost identical with » measure offered > ccently in the Hones by Repre sentative Clifford P. Case. Repub of N 's Jersey The m tisvte pto•. >dr portions veno *n iio> u . incite, rtid ot ioui iti ad nioU viO MOB LEADERS FACE TRIAL Rich Square Seven white men. charged with feeing mem- Versos the armed mob which at • tempted to lynch Godwin Bush ■ ;.rc scheduled to be tried m .XrUiampton Co. Superior Court which will open at Jackson cm August 3. it was reported here W ednesday. The men—Robert Vann, picluc factory worker. Russel Bryant, . tilling station, Lin wood Bryant ,-nn Gilbert Bryant, carpenters, i Continued on page B> Anti-Negro Terror Envelops South, Says Ex-Florida Cop CHICAGO ■ ANT • Souths m white*. ar«' carrying on n mlgn of |4vi ror again?:? Negroes, according to » statement contained in the habeas. corpus petition of a form* policeman of Tampa. FJ».. hetx week in. fighting t xlraditon to *I :C Brow nsville. Fls prison camp where he escaped 14 months ago ; while serving u 2il> sentence for ! murder ! Pearl Me Aden the 53 -year-old ■. , trolmnn and former deputy • cuff. believes he •’will be the j victor c»t mob rule and lynch law' ; u h« s returned to the Florida pri* ; sosi camp He contends that "the J mar. I kilted. Charles Van Den jhonfc alias Charlie Moor., of ■ Haynes City, Fls., was the aggres fnter>R«da) (commission Deplores Rape And Mdb Violence The MecKienbwrg Baptist Inter • Racial Commission :n a regular ; meeting Friday deplored crime on the pan of those who deliberately violate ?he sacretfness of personal*- ;. by th*- act of rape and lamented : root, violence and miscarriage of justice in the court#. •St'r.” ,i d 'T. •'hk URL 12 S \YS SHE c \S RAPE VICTIM V - y BURLINGTON C<'-n !y ,Hf;c- S ers re ir.vvsiigatiiig the rape .f a o' to-yc/v ->iri Negro _•. !. who .said c iie was Taker, for a ride and at- U tricked ;*y a w4rite man in a Witodedj * section near hei home bout noon T Saturdaj a 'At least iw<: ia. ! .-oiia* have been w "quesi.oned :i •ormeetion witn the assault, bu; i: *34 reported Monday that no arrest had been made The girl said she was stopped by • (Continued on back page! . M THREE ARRESTED FOR RAPE h AVtI.L! AMSTON *4a> hn Cmm • ••• officers Monday continued their. ~ a s»ai ch for "n Negro in a fancy-col - • M ' ~red shirt” for alleged "attempted •*' rape” of Miss Louise Coerj . daqgh- • ic of Mr .o'! Mrs. Edward C. she and Miss Betty Rhodes Tsy- ' " Jos, ah;;- white, •.i.-jul-ed a ion? me :rev-shaded street near their home t,fk Saturday night. , iContinued on eack uaee' 3 WHITES AKRESTEi) ON R APE CH ARGE f ha i RALEIGH Three white men - »>; Phil Rice of Kinston, and Bruce " Badgett and Leo Taylor of Broad v ay. Route 1, were, under arrest *«• Monday nife.h •on chnrgt’-s ot rapiiip, • young whito girls under lo y ets i s of &&&, ,-heriff reports from two conn- ,{rt ' t ius show As Kinston Rtc« was jaik-d on : chargos of raping Folly Ann Tay • ) f ,r. IS. of Jones Count 5. Saturday an Mght, and at Sanford officers said ex (Continued on back page) mr am l J killed «n -defense." "In rrriain Returns of the south, * Convicten on April 22, IW4, Mo- a reign of terror its- evgfloped Ne- Aden escaped the prison on March gTO citizens in ;hoir pursuit of hap j2, 2948. after being "bc-aten, torais- piness " MtcAdcn said • ’Terror fen® Mi and maimed by of liters and lawlessness arc spreading to «*%*»' constantly threatened with death by siate# of the south." whits prison officers because he A tty. Keys said hr was a waiting v.’df- of tiii- Negro meet," his petition decision by Gov. ih'-igbi H. read. He was seized 'here on May , Green or a petition for ri rehearing 4 by FBI agent:- ‘in a complaint of an , extradition war ran* Hiwur .• tmraine unlawful flight from cus- !ng on McArien’s habeas corpus lots'' said Ulysses S. Kevs, his law- r .-"Hon was continued until June ; W : Fiery Cross Eums In Tennessee KNOXVTI LE. Tenll > ANT : —A i .to-fori? fiery cross was discovered | on the lawn of cut recently pur-, chased home of Dr F, F. IjOiitriSn j here early last week. The house : located in the If!01> block on Da net ringe Pit-..:, ig in a predominantly vhitr neighborhood Dr .Lennon, who has practiced medicine locally ter the last. 30 years, ptit-baserj the 13-room i>utid ing at the melilufion of a white. man. Whlk hwfn* ; wm- ntfijidwi Two Raleigh youths lost their i. Chick Shaheen, 17-year ?Id white youth of 214 Lafay dte Road lost his life itying - save Upchurch. The boys, liomg with Bobby Albright, 18- > ear oid whie youth, were on i fishing party. Albright swam e safety when the boat in vhich they were fishing filled viih water. ?boto—Courtesy of The News k Observer. ISS'N TD DEFEND iODWIN BUSH RALEIGH Attorneys Herman aylor of Raleigh and Jessie Brrw i of Charlotte have been secured defend Godwin Bush. 24-yeaJN(4ci ■•it -lynching victim who escaped om a Rich Square Mob, T V angum president of the NdrU» • rojina Stab Conference of -anchfis of the National Assocla m for the Advancement oJ Coin, i People, announced here Th in s }'■ •:: had beer, a'Tested et> a large of atenapted rape, Just one «y after a South Caioiiiic. jur> id acquited 2fi def.-.odant* who iri confessed to lynch in:,; a man. id safer taken fro.n the id tic test -ick >ai! at Jackson hy armed, asked to He said la; mashed on • ■ handle of she dooi and slid out hen two armed hoodlums who :1a hint ip the rear of a car at •mpt-ed to put him in the middle. Attorney Taylor who was rushed . Rush's cell by North Carolina AA CP officials subjected Bush to i exhaustive interrogation and {pressed the firm, opinion that the < Continued or. back page; I j,iterations made r-> the house, the j doctor received several anonymous < , v. i'. i liijU'-,‘v it uttyiTiiTl tr, or.' - ,itiy [be prep# rty ■ Aboib 9:30 p. m. Sunday a large i ,-owd of spectators was attracted ' ’a the home by the sudden bursSfc-.g : |to flame*, of a is-ford cross on til*.] wy i-T.. -•.!.• v.'i.i'ri.-.'l : , b.i stand back, and just at that tm«.j slid earth-ja? "lag "Kpinsinn fob j i lowed that wae felt in the ! pr* mile.