REYN OL DS STRIKERS A P PEA L FOR AID J, , 1•/.,- -. v- -. i— • -’’(Sr-r-': ’‘* -•' <.4Vr ''sMxv -rjvtV-.*>• *nr j* >?*>■•* "v--^ >■- z*Wj& v.Y -M- ,-jf>■ T- ’’T- ~y-i ~‘ - ry ; THE CAROLINIAN I VOLUME XXVI, NO. 19 KAM l< .11, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDINC SAT! RDA V r , JUNK 11. 19-17 NIK E7c Air Show Called History Malang ******* ******* ** **** * ******* Wilmington Host To Legion ipjjg |Mp|p ||§ | "v *s ~ ■.< '. u... SAM RI’SH. Crop Duster Leaders Support Negro Air Show si aft coir »&■ smmtm t I* hf- f i rst a1 ] Nc£■i •>: » Ai ? S h o-vv moved it! high near today as- load ers coniwcied with the YMCA YWCA Building wapnign ex pressed sstirforHon today wii> the fact sh. < Hc'.kell Dt-ToP. manage of the Plana airport hari chosen the “Y" (o receive a portion of the proceeds Others .said that this is the greatest, thing happening >n Charlotte in many a Say and (Continued on sack jt-gei Back FEPC For Federal Jobs, UPW-ClO Locals Told NEW YORK -ANT’) - Office.- and executive boards of TJFW CTO locals were urged to cooperate fully with the Anti* Discrimination cr.n,inis;.-;r>r! to ?o (Ure ihr oip»h].‘shroent of p- foil Arr ployment practices '•■.nirmssion sot government ions here recently UPW took the load in pro-onting GOV. CHERRY TO ADDRESS LEGION RAX.P.TGH Honorable R.’Jit men Saturday night at a spec- Gregg Cherry. Governor of North ir.: Banquette honoring ail past Be Carolna and former Commander ofpmtmertl Vice Commanders Ihi North Carolina Depertmenl of The following past Department i the American Legion, will aridreasComroandcn- have been invited, j Negro Legionnaires in ’heir Con L. Lawrence A. Oxlev, Washing vf-ntton at Wilmington. 'Monday.ton D. C.; Bishop Dale, Rev. J. W. •Time. 16. The Governor wit speak Smith. Charlotte: James Gregory during R special presentation of the Oxford Rev. J. W. Green, Greens* United States Veterans Bureau.hcro: Fred R. Woolford. Asheville, Washington. TX C. when A. WL. G Biackus. Florida, J. T. Or- Jackson exhibits ihe different ben - nond. Salisbury. Fre.i J. Carnage, efits at the G. 1. Bill of Rights. Raleigh and James AJmor.s. Sslis- ; Dr Harold Trigg Pre-df-ant-elect bury. 0»rl8s 6 Irving, incumbent, ! 1 of Saint Augustine's College, form- will preside. er High Suborn Inspector of North Captain H. Clanton, Field j wgroiina. ana on-, oi she two LU- ft<\p;-p'rniauv« of r&e -General Bap- Meixib'jrE in the.Swut. wili.'addfesk .. juujiiititl cl hv.cG page.; wmwn homing RUST i\ \TI.\MA ATLANTA -ANP; Two un identified while men last week pis-v-T , r-irmili between 333 and ’ih Ashbury Street -nri the blast rocked the neighborhood, shatter i l, freer. 20 to 30 windows of rcsi d- . - ••»? ?;nd damaging a porch (Continued on back page) concrete evidence of a pattern of job discrimination against racial and religious minority groups by agencies of the federal government. The evidence collect‘d was sub milled direct !y to president Tru man and at bearings before the President':- Committee on Civil '••«ghts. Cherry Praised For Action Against Mob Raleigh - The -.•!.» tement of C--v --.:in«-r R Gregg Cherry in support: of T.-gal right? ano against illegal r.i is an example of the kind of leadership that must be found ev erywhere in America Henry A Wallace, former vice-president and cabinet number arid editor of the New Republic:, fold the North Caro lina Convrr.iTtoe r-f the S.rthei r '.' Fot Human Welfare in H annual conferenct . n Memorial ditorium here Thursday night. ■We can no ioiiirr toa rate v o i?lions of our fundamental precept d ‘equality under k:*'. Wo must demonstrate that we pay more than FATHER OF BUDDY BUSH SUCCUMBS Rich Square Got:'.vin ißuddy 1 'Eh«sh tocent lynch mob vlcti* , v ho vowed ho would nevet return : to North i-ipTmi r<.- nty after hi had escaped from & lynching; moc on May 23, may alter his d«c«sior; edict ail Bush ■ ismer 6h-voar-r>:fl Alfred Bush who pert-usd>'d his son to sc r rondo fr FBI 9ritori in 1.1.. field white cultivating his corn hire Friday afternoon. An attempt -s he in;.- made m per n .1 Bush t.-, return to Rich Square ■ om Centra! Prison rt Raleigh for n... fathers iueerai run iranu, icsi muni of the mob victams brine; •>;. a crisis similar to the one which ~ . frf( wf-.ran tirircd mob took I-!ir. tronrt the little- county jail Jackson, off tcers refused to com n:t nt. Bush .was- charged with "at tempted ass a till" OTi Mis Margaret Alien Bryant, white stenographer, who said B*.sh frightened her and utempteri to rape her on the night ft, Mav 2l! “even m- mtiers if i the. Pich £ 1 i:n 1 ■ moo which ser/.od him have | been released under S2sh bond each ;,nri are availing trial. Bush s.. 1 r be ' rn-shed >n the handle of the oar door and sl.ppcu ; from the rear of the car when two kidnappers attempted to place him in the middle of the rear seat be* t-cen them STRIKERS ENTER SECOND MONTH WINSTON-SALEM Ten thou i,and CTO members at the R. J. Rey t mid Tobacco Co. makers of Cam ! cigarettes! are now in the second ; month of their strike for a living v :ge against one of the largest and «t congest members of the huge tobacco trust The workers, white and Negro, o-nintahi a 24 hour picketline around the Reynold? plants 73 j rates. Food supplies by the union Local 22 of the Food, Tobacco nr. Agricultural Workers, CTO —is | not exactly luxurious, as this food allowance per needy family per week shows. Flour. 2 ibs. white beans. 1 1-2 i ~ coir. meal. 1 lb., fattack. 1-2 lb. 1-Kid, I*2 It*. coffee. 1-411..., canned . ! milk. 3 small cans. For infants. 7 tuns of condensed milk per week. Rush your contribution, to Strike - Relief Committee, FTA-CIO Local - ' ss|j -h? 1-2 fce-nto M«m tjtrcn, Mims* j \ -ic.ii. 3»>yr.. NC. _ * in< service t-. • ui- ksvujs. he saw. _ * and that we tru 1 y revew th..- • ; n •err»om*.s of men itke Tb*.*nvas» Jet* - ii rsoft* Woodrov. iL-on £ ,! r rank]in who ; u;:,u. (re<■gOTT> rs indi-. ib *hle find ihat ctinuhty -i tunity iS it pvac* ic- 1 * 1 doctr-ira-- ' The SCHW is s« White. < nun, who '.-'-me dr’ink talki-d or' ; .luring the n --ciipg and c>ru* while i couple qm! then si at »n me rov. : v- ith colbi <- o. -.niSvecK irt -■ nied hire, ano Mrs ('km-Id a sub - untuil the Ptsolk- pivsenLi • ion i-ving mu it- .it the conwocnec rr:fn’. i-y n.-ises. with a r-.-so* ■ The >,: n*-:j a' Aiii.uii. Auvu«uC.ii t, ha 1 : ds- >m- 1 raveling :-a l ‘ h\ Miss Almira J. Kenned;-', extra- 1 ! .vs seci'etary The larutly sort siaff prestmfed Mr am Mrs Ooold . >th -' massive crs. raved sirver tray, and the graduating class gave 'he president, who styled himseH "nr mem tier of -h‘ ."!.:i.-'.s of !iWJ an enernerd billfold. Assistant D o a n Rvdinaid i... - Lynch was prest nt-cd a pii: s sc by , .ends in tht alumni asseckiUori. in necngr.ilio; of rut 38 years so- vict --ii St. Augusf'oc's. The pres eritation was made by Mrs. Ell-en Alien pc-rr-. of N. f-J- r iap ter President Goold, r'fiu ha> h.jad ed the institution since wiii be succeeded bv Hr. Harold I, Trigg September ! $ fpssr% , i *3 wiNSK OowmimcMßm speaker this year at TusfeejfM- institute was A I’hilip Randolph, loft, president of the Brotherhood of Bleeping Car Porters, shown ® fit*.- w&ar :~rr» % \ ■ ■> <• H MfI.FM>ON W\SHI\f;TO\HH;H ■ATS \VA PRI.NCIPAI Ra'.eijih -• The- PHcicis Board oi A . b- Kion ha- - r H. Me T.ONAAI. -T ■ iih Carver 1.., 1 . .S- ' 00l „i Mu Ohve. to serve .- nrecip- lof ;he Wa.-hiiigton High S.-h'-ol h i" r: f.'-' r'endenf J; .-•>•«-• O Sa nd-'i'son arrduftced here Mi London is a gr-dm-io of A tj.Tiu T . .. v ,.. r - 1-, - •••'C'rjpfj the * oi At-;- "f m ;school ii * ■ •;, ; si: i : ' r,}':o h''> • •«vc’idv work or his Ph D degree, lit was - iv'-ctod ro fill the Raleigh : rhool post rifier tutors of rerom - .o <. \r- *r • rsKHv Oi A. and T College. Dr Nelson •A . :i r-‘is oi Sha wV n ■ versiiy and V. s Proeu* v. Superindeni of Wtiyoc Coon iy P*.:hliy Schools, v*t,rc !ccT i i;'f‘d ;n the oxfirers oi i• pf:r i nTenc? e nt Saj:derson. I ms? Tour dist Land Goldsboro The I'marcl -i; trus .i. m : oi ' a,- 4/HlO a :'. -of lu.od given ■ the North Caro Jin* Teachers As • ration i'y v. wriiirhy Nevr Yorl: •ysician made a t-oo? of the pro y Thurr-cia: :-s ’.he Onslw Co • :.r t>t deear v.".>s busy draw up the- deed. The properly v ill bv used to e • vide place for recreational, .:-,:c:>;hitiHi ana rcliKious activities •>i '.lie A:«ii.,-mtii>o and other educa ’ H::i ;md cuituial groups. pta- .nisi prior k* thr astrrual cere monst-s. SaninSpb toW the gr*2- natihfr efcwr that "‘the- United States rarmot stop coretrsiarasm »«yvfhetc by preaching- gc«kv i craey Hj.pi »n arrt j>me*i«*n«* ■ rt 1 >o*3;, _ I'JATj FOSTER’S RITES HEM) Raleigh Final I’tes for Hcze | ki«h Judhon Foster of 31 McKee ; >Si reel were conducted from the ; Fayetteville Street Baptist church Wednesday and followed by inter i i ent in Mt Hope Cemetery i Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Helen Handy of Westchester. V.i . and Miss Leomi Foster of Ha lf igh: three sons, Hezckiah Jr., of New York, and Charles and Hen ry Foster both of Raleigh; a broth- Collins Fosters of Raleigh and nine grandchildren. S.C, COURT HEARS PRIMARY CASE CO I .CM RJ A S C. - Sou Mi Car :,:ma > "private club' white Detno- , eiatic primary elec’ions were un de;- their first legal fire hero June ,-t :nid 4 when attorneys for George 1 F- ’more argued against ’.he exelu mn of Negroes in *ho U S conn i* . the Hasten District of South Carolina before Judge J. Waites Waring. Sri siipula!ions fd-d with the ci-url it wa-. agreed by attorneys for Richland County Democratic ox-votive committee, the defendants that ’-be present primary elections determine the winno of the final election. They argued that since the *tsu does not conduct the primary the Federal Constitution does not *3 .ply. NAACP lawyer- represent ir.g Elmore, m gui-d that under the U. S Suprcmi Couri's • pinion m the 1"-,-ssic case, any election p ifnary gtonecfci. which dele.vmne ? ihf choice of the voters may not ex . ci;:r.ens hc-cu'-.’se o' race oi j color The battery of lawyers for the defense argued so iong on their point ol a private f Indus- •' :-ml Organizations, will addrttss ,if.< to the 38th Anon:-! Con it of the NAACP m Wash 'Continued on oack page- State NAACP Conference Set For June 19 and 20 GREENSBORO - The Fourth a„ nU ßi North Carolina Conference „j NAACP Branche: will meet Tjiß, 19-2f' in Greensboro The cJuference will focus its attention i' on major problems facing Negroes in the South and will consider par t'-.-tiiarlv ihe lynching? and at tempted lynchings that are so pre vv-lani at this tine. The NAACP is especially interested in the defense , \1 AN SHOT BY t NKNOIN ASSAILANT COLUMBIA -- John Lawrence I was shot in the hack oi his head by . an unknown assailant on the Co .lt ur.hia -Fa trf eild highway near the; Tyrell County line rs he was re- j turning home about 10:00 Sunday . night, it has been reported here. He said he passed a car and : truck parked opposite each other : on the highway as he was driving home, an dtha’ when he looked to | the left after some one Had called ' a bullet struck his heed from th -j * rirM window of his car. He was taken to the Columbia ; : Hospital where he was toasted bv ! Dr S. C Chaplin. Other occupants ;of the cm were Irving Spence;'. , J@@a Dim- j car iei 2t Columns _ . NAACP PRIZE WINNERS lSec Stori Itelow i L ! tv U jh- Mtsr- VC.VSr.V WIHTK MISS LUNA FSTKI I V \U-MILI.AN m % H r- 4| Mjlr" T % MAXGITM State President NAACP War Dept. Asked I o Change Discharge NEu YORK - The ic-uM = .-iff ~ ■;. NAACP Friday pelitiofred The Wsr I'•■ jririroci To change Lh tt:>ch«rc< of Roy C. Keys. Negro vi-U-ran from d o.honorable to non -. icblc K'vr was .-cntcrKS'd on I t .no ;j, 194:’ by an urmv coni’ l : ’t F Lconarci Wood. Ma •« a year . ; bard labor and » iftshonovtiWe discharge for disobeying the coo ;v; Godwin Buddy i oi !-;rk rori N c The Conference wib . work wt ways and means of soiv- ; in:-, the many problems that face , Negroes such as Labor Legislation, ; A Fair Employment Practice Law. Health and Hospitalization. _ Edu- ; rational Inequalities. Dtscrtmina rion in the North CnWßna Guard; Unite, and many other problems. Another hghhght of the Confer cnee ’list will be of interest is the : Man Beaten To Death In Ga. Jail - ATLANTA With race! tension running high in Troup and . H.-nris Counties because of the j heating to death of Henry Gilbert > in the Harris County .Tail.. Chief ; Agent Edwin Foltz of the A' -.snia Federal Bureau of Investigation said here last Tuesday that he j could not give protection m tb< sit- I ustA’ftn that had oemwopud out iiad notified Hw FBI ir. Washington ‘Fouctsl services for Gilbert i p osperous Tr*?..■.* Mr MISS ROZFXA Me DO WEI* I / MISS MARGARET VOI'NG MRS. BESSIE I,AWR|ATI; ; manS of Ms sapffHor otficev. Associ'-iti.-i . i.v.vye - red : t»- at Keys is nr. arrested luberculax ■ pnd th» anfny should never have - . uwen him In \m- v-lik-c. TL > . had been hospitalized twice, before ; hit induction, for p -nr: >nary tub errulosir and therefore h* was jus » , tiftably reluctant to subject him- Continued on page 8) eravijinC; of Mis; NAALF of .North Carolina The Confcrenor sponsor rd m Statewide Popularity Contest v ith branches compel>n ; .-. Eacn branch sponsored a contestant, and the contestant selling the largest number of votes ivocilG c'C!vt* the honor of being M'--- NAACP of. North CLi•• .jUtn. Th* first thres b; best were to receiv" free trips to ihc National Convention in Wssh iContinued on back page) ! Tuesday. \ • Gilbert was arrested Moose, May 19. on a charge of aiding Gut- Davidson, the alleged slayer of ! jOlin Sands, a white farmer, and ; min-mvoer. get away from the =i -ne and the cruin'.v Sands was said to haw gone to i :h< Union Spring's Church and tt< 1 nave started beat in»: Davidson | with » stick accusing him of run- j ning over a cow or calf on » hi-gh-J ! w ay. 7>ovidspn dented the arcuss. | hop. It. the altereafHon thai fr-Wow• led. Sends was shoi th’"**' times and idled instantly. DavMtaoa fwespod. 1 Copt.ihV!?N! tm pa#e ei#ft