PAGE TWO legal Mot ices | NOTICE OF SAFE OF VALU ABLE REAL ESTATE DEFAULT HAVING B E K N '«Vr Ar> F hi I:hv payment of the in . t'cbtedness secured by a certain | Dlu.d of Trust executed by Lf/zl< ‘ Carpenter', widow. :*nd Lucy Car penter, unmarried, to R. L. Me-' Dougnki, Trustee, which deed of j i.« dated May 13, 1934, and /■' ordetl is; Book 970. fit Page 14. : in the office of the Register ol j Deads for Wake County, North \ Ca.olin.v the and erst K*l€d substi luted Trustee under powers con- . tnined in said Deed of Trust and ; lei the purpose of (.Staining mon ey to satisfy • ltd indobicdnow. Will offer for sale and sell to t!u highest bidder at pub tic auction, for c si>. at the courthouse door of Wake County. North Carolina, on; Saturday. June 28. 1947, at 12 o' sloe K noon, the following do scribed real estate located in Ihs City of Raleigh. Wake County. State ,-.f North Carolina, and more parttctiiarly 'described rs follows: BEGINNING on -he .astern side of Swain Street. die South v,-e.«l corner of the kit of John y'vß.Vv. Littlejohn and wife. Dot lie j *• Littlejohn. and rons thence * • Southwardly along said S'.vaiit Street 39 feet; thence Eastward ly along the Northern line of ah .Wh y 30 feet: tin ace North wardly to the Bouihcrst corner of said Littlejohn's lot 38 feet: thence Westward!'' along the Southern line of said i .ittlejohn’s lot. Ml feel to the point of BE GINNING. the rartK? befits a .. portion of the land which was convey. *d to Moore and Sand er ford by \V. If. Paco Trustee, by deed dated the 2Ttft day of !!>. ember, 1911. and recorded in i'si office of the Register of ' Bk-eds of Woke pav**y. N C.. in teeofc IRS Paix 349. This, 28th (fa t of >h«o, 1947. ROGER D. O' KELLY. Substituted Trustee 1 May 31, June 7, 14. 21. X. C, EXECUTRIX NOTICE ' WAKE COUNTY , .Having qualified as Executrix of The Estate of J. H. Me-bane. do late of Wake County. N. C. This to 'notify all re-sons Savin? cL. lists against the estate of said, deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 409 S. Person -St.. Raleigh X. C.. on or before the 2*nd day of May 194 ft or this no tide wiil be pleaded m bar of the; recovery. AH persons indebted to j the e.-L.u will pic,.*•:• make immed iate payment. 'This 22nd day • f May. 1947. Mrs. Fannie V May 24-31; June 7. 14. 21. 28. IX THE SUPERIOR COURT NCETH CAROLINA WAKE 00l XTY MINNIE B. HOOKER YS. JOHN HOOKER THE DEFENDANT. John. Hooker, will take notice £b«l an action en titled as above has b*een com men-.X’d in The Superior Court of %'u'Bt C-unity. North Carolina, t.'i obtain an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation, as provided in the Si;,’ties of N: rt h Carolina, plaintiff and dofendan• 1 Meeting A Need For | Every Walk Os Life Our service has never failed to meet I any situation. Rich and poor alike have always received the same respect and « attention. It is an established rule with , I | | our establishment that there is no de- | j l j I paiture from this policy. if ' The Raleigh Funeral Home j • 310 East Davie Street 1 * C. A HAYWOOD, Owner f i i express \ I traveursVEM^ j CHEQUES ■ t ' M §fe a grs@T srisk m cflwpihr cstsfi Cc ft ?; sp_ An t\ | ,B tho, feeotnsg w* c*» tarn your travel fisrdb Into AmerkMtt I S Bspress Travetets Cheqnei -vpendable snywlicre, s«f* every. 1 b ■where. M Ifcase cheque*«?« feet or sralm, yem re»m* & pmmpe 1 i gafuftd, 1 % They’re «*w cowvMiient dtae jseneond dtseks, btettw i ® e© ideotificaricm is required except your signature. Denoetl* I § eatkww of #lO, #2O. #SO and #IOO-for only 75* per #IOO I 1 (mmiaua* Uuugft 40#~«* :v --ui.iiy v as a patient a; St. Agnes j hospital, is now home and tloint;. | ikely. Mrs. Lipscomb who has been ill ■ h, .me. i or:., Till'boro and Hour, : ' ,ry Street fee! much better this | v cek. V;o family and friend;; of Mrs. ! Cecelia McCateb. who now resides porthsmouth. Va.. v«t--!i for bet ; iik; the f>ur children a happy va-, : aposi in Ralrigh. The eonfmine e mLtkvr, of Mr ; ; Dave DuiiMon oh Er.t.i Lenoir St. j ..'mains about the same. Mrs. Gold!-. McClain es Rte. No. 3j i Raleigh, is somewhat ill. " : , having lived separate ana apart { for mure sh m t -.vo vrarS next ore- 3 ...erring tht instruction of this ac- j ,-oi). and that said defendant will j further ;.ake notice that he is re-! i ouired to appear at the office ol j , the Clerk of the Superior Court of » 1 Wake County. North Carolina m ; lire Courthouse in Raleigh North] ' Carolina, on the 27th day of June. I 1947. or within thirty d; ys there i after and answer or demur to the j complaint of sard action, or the j plaintiff will apply to the Court j 1 {or the relief dcm triced in said j complaint This 24th day of May. 1947. I W. S Mordecai. Clerk of Sa-) perior Court F. J. Carnage. Attorney j ■May 31. June 7, 14, 21. A DMIX! ST* ATI OX X OTIC E Having qu lifted as Executor of! Ihe csi atv cri Palt'lt Rogers deceas ed laic of Wake County. N. C. i i;.,i s K; ,fv all iversons having j ! claims agasnsf the estate of said j •.1 - censed to exhibit them to l-I C ; S,r::.ih Sr . at 41!’ Baker Street Ra-1 :iC.L>' X. C.. on nr before the 28th, ' -R,j of May. 1948 or this notice will j be pleaded in bar of then- recovery, j ; Ati persons indebted so the estate ■ v ill please make immediate pay-1 r.'icnt. This 14th day -f June. 1947. H. C SMITH, SR.. Ad i ?ri inbtiafor of the estate o! p.-iltie Royers, uccc-ased. June 14. 21. 23-July 5. , Wo nave been informed that ' Mrs. Louise Steward l'rurn Bos; m. i ! fv.'uss, is visiting in this city with ; j relatives and witi. her iintmediato i , Sunity in Smithficld. A happy cn-! : < futen Mrs. Steward. A welcome hack to Raleigh to! ». Pai ks, ;,nd daughter j who recently visited relatives ir: j < o Sunshine State'. Flatida Mrs. L.ucillc Pins on SrnilhLc'.l ! -S: c. i. was paid a surprise visit by | her sister Mrs. C’ara E. Mango tcv days in Wiu«iu;. lon. Mr. Lan Jurd o o I i i giiuinare and , v. L n so reman in that c'tey in the Anvt it'.iti Le ..oil cion vciitiou. Mi Jwiiu Cti;'te'ii) who whs • ( . tly a p i r; endin?: a hoi c visdug h s p.'ucnts, Mr. and 'Mr-. Oti a ih.y 1 uti us Ki.igbt.ia!*.'. While here hr also v:siic:.l relatives and hts many . i ’'tend: M's D.---V Di;iis!.y.i, v. : o has . hf ii eonfitted to home because' > f illness, is now recovei ng and to be up ..gain So on. 7>ir<. Lena Hayes of f,OB East Ca barrus SCl'C.'t. wi.r- has ;il. j v.-i-hvs in internn her many friends i of tier nunrovenierte. 1 Mrs J A. Moore. 1H?<1 South j! Vi rid worth. Strict, expresses great ' jo; in being home after a vis.: in j Ottawny. lowa, where n terrible flood is p!. 'in? havoc w ih tiic icily. Mrs. Moore wit.- visittng her i i husband who -n the Navy. Mrs Julia B. Nwls, tnc t-tcndly i j lady of Chatham Terrse . do- get ! move done than keeping an altrac | live apartment. Last week she . . . LVarrcnton spendiug a s. w days i with the Rev and Mrs. E T Evans. Miss Natalie Pi-cb'io- v ,s anion, i those to receive her B. S. decree iat Bennett Coitegc Green-biv.-o.; ] June 201 h. She is ;t ntembir of the i ; Alpha Kappa Mu honor swctely | Miss Peebles cxv.ects cor.tttiui J ■ her studies at Cohtr;:'.,.: V";v I She is the daughter of .VI ' Vt.'t’.'ni; j Peebk-s and the late )' 1 T';e- ! •hies of 3405 Oberlin Road. ■ Mrs. 'Claret ia Tct ry i Yeuxh tii : ■N. J.. who has been v.-it ng 1 ■ j atm! Mrs A. K. Bn-v. n * ,18 E2;stl • Mart in Street, ’eft • e ' "■nsortling. Before rettit.-tr.' -o Van ih dl siie will spend a f-. w day ••• i ’ Washington. D. C Miss Jackie Mitchell, daughtei | anci Mrs. G-e.irye Yliteht:!! of j j Ti.rboro Road will begin her col- ' eye studies ai St Augur-1 ine's Col- | j ;cgf ir. Si pt.ember G!;'ti'<'t>'*rou? | I • «ung “Jackie" graduated in the I i ■ <«eent t kts* from Washington High j ] School. | Mr. “Dan” Sherman. m:n\ about | j Capital Cab Company, returned r. j Cl:,, city Friday, June lSth. after J I spending a lew days in the bright: ' ; dly Nt w York. The two Smth sisters of Raleigh i ; it very happy to bare their moth- i Mi's. Roxte Smith, fr<*m Clay- j I mn. vi-'it them this week end. Mrs. C. A. Parks, whf recently 1 )re turned from a visit with hei \ iuughte; and n iativ. . had a very ; ■enjoyable and rertfu! vacation. The Junior Suwvrrds Board ol i | p;.ui AML Church enrerlatecd i |Uu Sen iw : Stewards Br.rrd at the! C onic of Mrs Alice .Ton.s oi UO ! ye'teville Strcoi June 3rd at fi m. During the r-iiTenainment I; .i ueh coupew.t;\, n.; 1 r;' sli.Avn ; .-r:wei r; the- iws, boi-rds Th<- evvimv. was s-i. nl the two /.roups playing ridc'le games. Mr. : .McQueen was crowned lung ir ;r. play titled ”1 Am King." A lovc ! i.y repast wa-- served by the bos i sos and en.ioyod by all. ■. ill -iveak at n vesper -u-rvioe it the Ktrj-'j Baptist Church. Louisbiug. : \< ft! soeak ai a vesepr rrrvice at the f; Pi, of'.wi; i't .Sired S'MCA Sona.iy. ;,r„Ti< 22, at (i p. rr. Music will bt 'j furnished bv Sami Raul AXIL i-Cburdh Junior Choir. Let it u; Fields ami Earl Alston. ;v :C render solos. Herbert EUa- w:l! • ui'e-'ide ftobev. Ban.-c* Boy .- Sec | retary of “V is in charge of ih, | ai ugrum. | Rev. V. B. Westbrook of Shiloh | Baptist Church, )!■''irirr.' nu. h. ! choir and -rur-grt- .won wor ; skip ol Rush Xtemonal AMK E • ;I' f.urch Sunt! y uv'ti;;.: Juru ?.2uri i Th< public is eordiaUy invited % ill jams Flaririeal j Sen : ec ELECTRIC Al, CONTRACTORS i t a»2 miJfifni.D AVENUE Dial 2-.‘?7#l R E. WILLIAMS - - ! | FOR STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES , „ visit I __ Moras Grocery Store Cor. Bloodworth & Obarrtts . . j CARTER I Elceli u: 3. •ri —niin -t -.“T T ‘ —ri—r - uriir rrii» g—iw,» n ■■ 11 mwwwi MB 'iAwfiMiit Ebctridtl I : BV. LtfjfHlft ST, TEL. SSB4IS , A : j. Jane Evelyn Hallibu'-tou, ' year old daugl te: . Bean am! Mrs U. O. H.'hte-.- ••-.,) >1 \wg tirn-'s t' allege, is : >n , ?;ovs* Af ter her tram st. ’Tun ica’s VslholU f', i'-K i: «■< Raleigh i \r \m\m< hold ST vn. BOUIO \mr\M; teOl.n >T \Ti BOXED MEETING j RALEIGH ternco «-■ M.'tb : of North Carolina its S*at,' ftenrd me.;:::- at Maty Tulixr j ’!vrr.e, Monday. Ju.v '.tHh ai ten j , 1 ~ csiding. The vr c. ten:: was csll- I to order in the ftsual manner j -.u by «v',teiir j ir,e ; tollovtuft t Iteipi te s vwrv tep j . . {’ . i, . ~ , .. r r i | bane. Selma. S:r,ithf:Gc F.H'juay jf!iid Raleigh, j Diirfrc: was served a- ’he YMCA. jEi which lime Ia• ye r Carnag' a r'jxAc \.ii v.Lapu ■ ob,ree» i t v,. Raising F 1 ■ mr kiwnc ■ j rial Buidiia Tte- pf.,ien is m i b>- ottrried ,e »v, ••' ftve \mr per tWU-folO .Mte''V - i sionally; second, a? hr leoti;.rue's ! fer the Unit, d V. ■■ ' ■ 1 -■ '' ;i Finance or Borrow j On Your Car j ihra ag h the wvm mm finance co. i 122 E. Davis Street Plsone 3-3231. f dmmi so £m& f&m §€4ti * ! ML Ml-ATTACBWNTS I &§e &&&!*s‘"■&&F Heir #»’s-«» BIW! fifl rcrc. ; or.£ ( «f»v e*/t ffiiwßie* mm j 1 nMtrtO.) . *U»UI- i. ~xu I -mi-r- ■ ,—. , r| . -|,n 11>r |-i lT miiTii - -w-.ii - tr— i -t ——■©!■■ ir - ~—f ['joss' mm mm mmm j 1 $# «HH SVL fffctm* 4tS) MB* TM 17, *». ¥„ A j THE CAROLINIAN i a June r . ih. Sft*' *A 4 3s vaU‘4*i tor ,*n of hrr cJas> with At. axevagi' 1 • . >h y will cnH*r 1 9« v. v. i: industrial S.-KjgH !>oyx tj- Fei*n.. this 'xH i«> on- Hi ui* Y<*r stwriifs. HhavfN Ikr-Ovl’- F,y MAX t BROAD!E Mrs- Mnry Smart of Now York •APR 3 «««; <>i Ate -n-'. Mrs.Wdriam ■> A \v V . r-*r< G >v . .V1 i's-. A’l r*: lyJ'O vt Ql $ t-Kl --X\ 1 Tt-rracc the ChiiSi;4n Afr• at Ncr '>iAk, ihi>, - 'A A-ek. :Vj-. G Hun* .rid Eu « gome, of 9 Hyde- T. rrscr sre v sn . Wh‘ tee. i ' k. -I --■ •■. ai Durhair, on Jnte- fi " th» : White Rock Baptist Church. - . Joe Richard of 7 Franklin to his h‘iire His mem itVier ds Friends of Me v’tetee.e. Me Dun ie! of 5 CL.;\ is v'h-jv >.vho is con - firm'd at her hrinYC:-. ftev c Mrs. '-G. Jjfii'ksot-. cAt’- Lsl:*y ’Y”» >’'* . S'l.rff.f-1 if- vAiiir:; in y•'.'!!. •! Chavis Way with the fft ij..), ;. ■; -■■past.- v. ■ : ■■' hi ' ■ .i be !,
v T’ A Svsi I , n $1,731 . «~ | $2 M j % I » ! PROOF Preiv.-d t' 4 Bettkd fcv ■ i 3£SKE SPOTHtSS DISTIUEWIS. IK*. j N BOSTON, rJtiSS. Tu \ofswrriN THK nROUMAN THANK YOl! | FOR SHOE REPAIR TRV | CHWISEU-CTRIC! snot shop ; , | 204 N. West si. ftial 3-3314 f CAPITAL CA© OD- f m mam smvTCT <£*[ it:*- ' -T.-xrc r { dial ©137 I pi i i isP I ! i(.-| • f j ‘” ' PARLOR ARCADE ELDG. JAMES JSASSESf Prop. s.wmvrt in:>; smokes SHOT. jjHI'NK Buriiel te Sw r ect Shop | 8354 1* g owtVi St. Burnette. Prop. jt-iuwr. niiwui —r jr-w»»mmtF, v. : DINE OUT! j — l '. r— ■ OWENS Lunchette j 121, I'.. KARC.RTT ST. i - ... - • — | WAKE | SALVAGE CO. f W» »wf mi WHS EvtrrQs&w «# V&ln-is nffiSflTWE • STOVES 'fiCFBTGF,B.».TOHS TOOLS -RADIOS 33? S, Witodngtan Si 3*h«t» 2-3527 | Complete r-7W; ;j ; Rome J \- j Fnrmshcrs : I Wg ran furßisr. arc' room in i | your 'h'tffip fr*?m the living ij ; I room to iho ki!”IKU. See us j I W. E, COOPER ! rußNrruF.r. co. IT>. fe. Si. hnpny? Vmir > ittmg space is much: in: gei thaii your spwee. and 11 ::.v isn't the way Uiey wtittl it. Several times floormaii had to slop couples frfifn rlsncitig out aide,' the rail. You just can't keep th • , !■ ct of ;t •jiUe-rhu!?" when you - furnish list- right kind of music. So. 1 ! Lir. Manager, can't you do some ■ I tiling about that space? N. {.’. g4 | 1 rZZ l *-V ymli i i ! I A Lifetime in Flames i } ! . • Why take chances oil burninp | up ts lifetime's effort in a single | terrifying hour when it's so simple and inexpensive to pro tect yourself against any possi ble mishap. Your home and family cart be absolutely pro tected' from ANY disaster at j but a few pennies a day. Well show you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. DURHAM, N. C. Taxi Cab 1 FOR PROMPTNESS 1 AND COURTESY CALL | EAST ENDI I CAB COMPANY # |Dial 2-20861 | 24-HOUR SERVICE | «*>mt •waawn' tMiewtc* r |lmj>jTp j I of ?nt.isfr*cii.'m AH Gal. S I x.jors—Stfiinf ;-md Knnmeis y. tV?I.MIN€TON ST. | Mail Orders Giver, Prompt 1 j Ai ion. ; Railroad Sab ago Co. I MOMewßa TWiCTiiWTMnwafcwcg^v.-^—■ * wk i i ilTal ■»* c wmm r L\l Li i'd.® ■' «• A PIT* I. roc A-COLA iiOTIXiNG CO. 515 \\ M (.reran Si. MWDan*uN»«Kswi> ■ - wßeewwey r,» «wwiMk«sw | 3hSr«MMe fc»u(a^i-a»u«^>Wkw*ea*ie»<»»*M«« Ota! 5567 for: COAL FUEL OIL KEROSENE iCORRELL | COAL & OIL CO. j JOR S. CORRELL, Owner DIAL 5567 307 North West L - f Fast While You Wait Service! EFIRD’S SHOE I REPAIR i DEPARTMENT ; THE BEST IN SHOE j REPAIR WORK -j .IN BASEMENT! i'll ihi'h f I ■-XJ[ j I I ■ qpr % DOVE ! n HJ[ SIC COMPANY | 7 ARTHUR DOVE, Trap. | | Automatic | Phonographs I 8 R.-nled For Special Occasions 8 8 and Installed on Commission 8 I Basis | SELSICT BLCORBL' ; - OUR S.PEUIALTT * {Dial 3-2714 I 123 E. UABARKI.'-S ST. i | FOR I I spl? f Fine St Oak SFX. cr CALI j Leach’s Woodyard DIAL. 4535 706 E. Jones St. Dallas Leach, Prop. •j'mnii.mmwwn—wwitwijrsmiiTumvw J HAYES-JACKSON | Electric*! Contractors I aw v. STATE ST.-HIOM; «4.»s RAI.J.TCIt N. C. Home Appliances Riser Vftßi Order Now I'sr ' RADIO S —K rrR 5 O tut A TORS : —WATER HEATERS —RAXORS : —IRONS j Groceries Ned ions Lillies Grocerteria 640 S. Boundary St. Mr-. J. O Kearney, Prop. I Teie'pbone 2-1*433