1.0 JI3VIU . ' HARLEM TO GET $4,000,000 BLDG. STRUCTURE WAS ONCE OWNED BY HEBREW ASS'N New York (ANP) A gß't j presentation of a $400,000 night- 1 story building', to oe used as an • interracial center, was made to , residents of lower Harlem here lust week under a joint action lr the Jewish Association of neigh i'hood centers and the Your..’ Men’s Women's Hebrew assoeia t .on. Formerly the Hat lent YWHA . branch, the building will be opr "hied by Us new’ owners, a re ; cer.lly formed interracial group, ; the 510th Street Community 1 < enter !; r children and adults, both male and female. It is pri - | let rily intended for Italian ... Puerto Ricans and Negroes who lltontmunl on bar,' paste 1 ESCAPES LYNCH MOB; INDICTED BY GRAND JURY Carrollton, Go. tANP) -- The < 'e.rroll County Grand jury last week. indicted Eddie Brown, 28 year-old farmei .n the slaying oi Get.rge Andrew Boyd, 28-year - old white fanner, on June 27. Judge Samuel J. Boykin set the l ial. for July 24 with Solicitor C< neral Luther M Wyatt, oi La- Grange, <3a., directing the prose cut ion. The case involved national re al lion after Brown was captured on June 29 when a mob form d a‘ the county jail and deirmnac-J i nit the Negro be turned ..vci b r lynching. Brown claimed upon intervit w that the slaying wus aceub-a-.i and that he was so frighten>. d that he rolled Boyd's body into the river where both were fish ing. Brown later took Boyd’s car into Carrollton and traded it for another automobile before aban doning it near a creek. The death v capon, a shotgun, was reeov- Petitions from over the nation have scored the holding of the t: iai at Carrollton, because of the increased racial tension in thi area. Judge- Boykin ovc-rrulf-d a hearing on the charge when ad< - cyate protection for the prisunt-i was promised b;> the Georgia i da to patrol. YOUTH ACCUSED ATTEMPTED RAPE! MT. AIRY Miss Lila Long, 14, Saturday charged that four: white youth tried to rape her a' tv; forcing her into their car when j sf *• refused to t ide. She identified the four men a tier they had been arrested on i barges of assult with intent to rape, and told officers sin* was standing on the street cornet j when the four youth drove b;,. c-ifered her “a lift,” and dragged he? into the car. She said they drove her bate the woods and parked the car, that three of them left her alone v-ith the fourth, Marley L. Hodge, end that she fought off his ad vances and finally broke away to (Continued on back page) Inmates At Georgia Death Camp Smuggle Appeal Note; Fear Future Danger NOTICE TO (H R j RENDERS THE CAROLINIAN' wrimrs ail local Churches; Fraternal and Veterans Organisations; Civic and Social Clubs; Foliti- { Si cal ami Labor Groups; VlVt j and TWCAs; Colic***. Publif ; ntd Parochial Schools; Comnnin- i ity and Recreation Centers, j Charity and Welfare, bodies: { Choirs, Cboroaas and Glee dabs I to send their SEWS NOTES of ] coming and past evoats to Shis I paper for pti fell cation. Notes on Birth*, Rnisgoscatt, Marriages. Deaths and Funerals may be j submitted. Also items on Pa*'- j ties. Vacation Trips notices about I the sick and any other news of | personal interest may be brought j in. Pictures of Individuals and gWSHfx will be ran at & nombsa? charge. Send «r bring ail nm items to THE CAROSTNiAN ll« East Hargett Street Raleigh. N. C„ PHttNf? 9474. To Insure publication in the entreat issne. all news should be in ibis office S»y NOON TdSSDA'V of cadi week. _ ITHE — CAIROLINIan ... , : ■ - VOLUME XXVII. NO. i RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. AUGUST 2, DOT PRICE 7c Jones Gets' Kiwaniaits j I.ITTLIC ,11 MOB TAKES ONER HKHI-1 j Harvey Jcnc-s. whose Stl.aofi Cadillac story was heard around the nation and some parts of the Dominion is shown here with i his wife. Mrs. Pauline .Tones and | his two-mordh old son, Junior • Junior hold ini’ the i-- after receiving a check for from ihe tUwanis Club ir: lieu of the Child Becomes Delinquent ; Grandfather Sentenced | MOOR ES VT LI ,K - Rr.-sponsi- I i.-nity oi parents for the delinquen cy of their children was clear] > de fined ht-r<- Wednesday vh«- the i edeii County Recorder ,- Court sentenced Bince Vandenburg to Hi months imprisonment after he was convinced oi allowing his grand son to become a jnvi-t.ile drltn . Qiu.-nt. New York NAACT* officials in New York disclosed today that terror stricken Negroes in ih e Arigiulla Prison camp near i Brunswick. Ga., where eight, o' i their nurnbe; had beecn blasted ito death by the warden and St ; j/rc- hating guards iast week, ban been successful in smuggling .. desperate appeal for help to th< ! Association's representative; The |! letter, painfully scrawled on ■ crumpled npaer, reached NAACi ! national headquarters in New : York today [:. The convict, whose identity j .could not be disclosed, wrote . . . j ‘ Dear sir. Just a few lines to let you hear from us nil. We a!' 1 1 are really in danger down here i; and we need you all help at once 1i sh fi-so this warden is out on Bond [: ei an still has .same Job as wa j don over us .prison*>. this Man j jhe May Kill all of. us an his wife |: to. Why he si ill bar- a rustic ; oi; him an giveing order to us somethin may happen on the 2; ! cf July we do not—knew for the ! warden he tell us all what will : happen or. Monday mo*nim; 1 v.-t is noi giveing him rot trou ! b!e but he is all the time riaggirt iat us all every morning he says ' something to us for what we do j not knew, be tell the short, gun I man if we sioup down to fire j tin. fan; that is doing bad fill * Continued on page eight automobile, which he won in a recent raffle in th«*kie. X. C. The top prize was first denied him. when it was discovered be was ,i Negro. ( i nnt page story si'- is details of ihe climax and anti-fiiiiu x. Photo . News -v OY-(-r"er : -Y ■ ! ‘,• ; 'c.- 3> p ' "4> - , ! ins grandson. George Phifer, 12. i oao Ernest MUchtl’, 13, confessed j * Roy Lipe, Mooresville j white farmer in death on Febru-! :r; 24. i34(>. and have both been | •-m to the Morrison Training ! School for correction. The charge of contributing to the j delinquency of minor was brought ! ; gainst Vandfnburg under a law j enacted in 191& but has seldom been l invoked. Assistant Attorney Gen- i t.al Ralph Moody said Tuesday i ,o hr and pointed out that the law | ’ ..ei been on the books for many j ears and is valid. “1 have been out of touch with j t iower courts for a few years.’ j said, -but I have heard of only j ■\ very few cases involving that j ■ barge.” Dr Ellen 'Winston, state com mis*! •.oner of public welfare, agreed] with Moody ’s statement that there j had been only a few such cases in i recent years and added that the j inL facing the Department of. Wei- j ;.re is that of trying to do some- j . ing f.a the delinquent child. Vandcnburg who is free on bond I •m notified the courts that he will | appeal to the next session of the j ! eck-li County Suprior Court. Greenville Mao Dies From Accident Injuries GREENV ILI .E— Reddick Km- j |c Greenville tobacco worker] no was injured Tuesday morn- j ;r..yg when hi- lost control of a pi: iel truck was driving three l miles East of Falkland, died in j . P.. 11 General Hospital at. b:3G last ] V.-idnesday morning. S G. Gibbs, state highway pa- j trolman, quoted Hines as having ] :•;> id hr- felt sleepy, gave the steer- ] inj* wheel a sudden turn and the i truck ran to the left side of the ; highway about ISO feet nod land eci in a ditch between Falkland | and Fountain and was severiv j ! damaged Leroy Ed-wards, a passenger- in ’the truck td the time of the acci- ! ; dent, was painfully but not set'.- : ' injured TEACHER'S WILL CONTESTEDDY BROTHER, SISTER Houston {A\-P -■ The last v.li end si ament of Mis. Georgia H Muldrew. laic teach*: at Whew lev H;eh school, is being contest eo bv her brother a d -.isle:. C A. Blown and Mis Fife i. l amb. Ih ’ .ing on the will comes u; in rou"’ in Septvrnher. Thai ges made by the couple ’ v«- thrown this city :ntu an up as citizens denounce then: tor besmirching the name of their ricj'.l sister, who was head of the P’lV'sicaJ department, of TYhcatioy *, - i 20 rears and wi : ...■ so 'beaded the same department in tile recreation department o? tht city. Loved and respected i-., every one. Mrs. Muldrcu i high pk;< i: in the affection of (.‘Ei re ns. According to the provisie --s i the will, all premiums of her in -u. ranee policies, a considerable . sum: her home and all the furni ture go to A. B. Byers, a lotto-’ carrier. To Mrs. Green, a teach- ( - : also, Mr- Mill drew left ail h persona! efforts and her interegf 1 it property owned in Word (Continued on page -3> Mrs. Ingalls Fined $2,500; Must Pay Ex-Maid $6,000 SAX DIEGO. C-.hf Mrs AT i fred Wesk-y IngHlk. gray -haired i fcosion-r.orn cl si-e-iicjcjn’. of ui■ sss c i sells Colonial Governor Brad jto d. was sentenced to three years j ::>rand tired $2,500 on a ; barge of holding her maid Dora j Tones. 58 colored, r slavery for I nct-irly 40 years. The prison tern: -uspended, but the New Eng land socialite was placed on pro ; - c.tion for five years, and was ord ! • ed i;y Federal Judge* Jacob Wein j L<c-rger to pny her former maid i SO.Jt'O for SO year.' pay as her do ’ eristic help. j| ELKS GIVE SIOOO TO FIGHT S EP! I * WASHINGTON J. Finley W“.se», Grand Exatteu Ruler of tht Improved Benevolent and | Protective Order of ESkt, of t!»»- W«fid jmeeb a check far $3.,W8 ... -- . ! ' G- Ylen ln\estiva It 1 4. i Cra. Police S!a\ injjs | WASHINGTON. I>. C. iNNI’A) | j —Tin- Justice !>'.-partment suni ! fast TnesJay that the mass kill- i iti}- of eight prisoners end the , wounding of five others at a ; Glynn Count;, prison camp, rn.i. j Brunswick. Georgia July 11 is ; nod : "a li\ie t-ons»derati«>» by i 8 - Department. This was the only comment j (ho Justice Department vermin j | but sources within the j :ic\ gave broad hints thus the j ; : apartment h::.-i made consider- j | .( :e l'.-.:,-hva\ in investigating ! j mew acre. I j \ Superior ( nun grand jury, j , o-invert (i in Brnnsw irk found j ■hat Warden t( G. Worths and 1 I J i his guarD* were ju tifu-d in their j , aeticfs. * v Ncnanl Olferud SPARTANBURG. S. C. —Th . rt-ward for the attacker at a H > e.ur-old girl who left her dying :. vacant bouse aite- raping he: X t.unted to 5925 when the lor Vi • «; ahe Na- ;onoJ A ; fion for the Advancement of Col ’ erect People added. $25 . the re word here Saturday night. Mrs Incalls vas *onvivicti Tuj\ m the first sh.vetx cr.-t tried in California since Civil War days. Her husband. Alfre-y Wesley ln , i.i -i 1 if. former member of the Massitchuseits legislature was Hied :o.:; but tht jury failed to return a ii; n mum m u: (OLLai st: TVlis. v/Lpt uno vyjis on vhc* ■ ' 1 ge of collapse while she stood i tore th«. bar and i.eard her sen ' r ead She was suppm t«i !v> her husband and their attorney. Clifford Fitzgerald. Fiugerald made a mot lor for a to Elmer W. Henderson, Executive Secretary of the National f'oim cil for a Pf.TßimeM FEPT as pari of the contribution to he tuahe by the; E!ks in the effort, to gass the PRIM, DNSMLING K.I.3ELEGATIOH PRESENTS CHECK j by P. BERNARD YOUNG. Jr. 1 | Abi.kic. N C. NX PA* On t - s tisil lasm til the end of a wind- I nig muddy, and gutted toad nea: ..• r.urnar rieconey at i..mg last j evaded early Thursday after I .iron when a grim and unsmiling j c': legation ■ : Kiwani.-ns present | • cheek to Harvcv Jones, L : I 5 ..2<n'» r.s a make--good gesture t j fi.e youth who won and tht n j "It si" the Cadillac sedan offered I as a prize o contest bv the Aii-askie Kiwar.-s Club In only on<- stage- of the event lid any of the Knvanians show ray cordiaiity toward the winru-i When Dr. Charles W. Arm.-.ttong j • Salisbury. X C. president ■! H* Kiwonis international was in i’. oduwd to Mi Jones, he shook hands with the formes New ste v feci's mate. Following the ceremonies and 1 during ;h«* picture-taking by n-’w-spapermrn this writer sug- i . -. I te(i that the KLiwart'a-ris, j.,r the | pvifiosit m a ptetttre. cir- erage on tr.e winner and enact a -cent- of cc.-ngratul»ting him (Continued on back page) : w trial which Judge Wcinbeigei rued vrs?ts• •>,:! c-.rumen* The idling tna. Mrs Ingalls must oay fur farmer maid $6.-000 came ;.-r Fitzgerald notified the court that tie had telephoned tha’ offer to tiu Negro woman in St. Louis. In addition, be said, stock? and a bank i recount field in Miss Junes' name! ■ i'la be turned wet to her. Judge Wc inbercer commented tl at Mrs. Ingalls mother of wo •own daughters, had been held ar to naiion, l )! disgrace us a result •: the trail and had suffered from - Continued or. t?scl< page) M» FEPC Bii! in Congress. Otb ers in the photo are Charles Hor sey anil tvflUam Carr hijfh ofl'i | esak of ESkdom, i j Bill Must Be Brought Up In Next January Session Says Sen, Kenneth Wherry WASHINGTON —The bill to outlaw the poll tax passed by the House ot Representatives July 21. has a ‘'good chance” of being enacted into law by the Senate, according to majority whip Kenneth Wherry (Reb-Neb,). Senator Wherry endorsed the legislation and added that it must be b; aught up re ly in the session next winter. H. R, 29 the Bender anti-poll tax bill was brought up ijn the House in a sui prist move under suspension of the rules. The poll taxe! tried every tactic possible under this rule to prevent a vote, but succeeded only in delaying it an hour or so. A strong combina tion of Republicans and Northern Democrats passed the bill by i vote of 290 112, many more than the two thirds required. I U TS PHI) AT IOWA | The Ph. I). degree was con ferred upon H. 1. Fontellio-Nan toi) in Journalism-Sociology at the tune Convocation of the Uni versit> ot lowa. lir, Nanton was selected by the t diversity faeui tv .is the most out-landing stu dent of Journalism for 1946 and was also winner of the Sigma Delta Chi Pencil Club award for ■ rhUarship in that same year. One of the few Negro students to become a member of the Hon orary Journalism Society, Sigma Delta (hi, T)r. Vant on received Iti; Master's degree in journalism at lev, a University in 1945 and is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. At the present time he is the ••ditor of EYES. a national Ne gro magazine, with offices, locat ed in San Fra-iciseo. Cal. J>r. Nanton is well known in this state. M one time he was the « ditor and publisher oi The Car t lina Tribune and new s broad cast er <»t Station WRAL, Raleigh. NIGERIANS DON’T LIE PRESENT CONSTITUTION I LONDON «ANPi Seven mem-i j hers of the delegation iron the Na- I j tional Council of Nigeria and the i | Cameroon* who have come to Lon • 1 don to protest the new Nigerian constitution, arrived in London j Thursday night. They were met at j Waterloo station by some KH) West! African students headed bv Dr. ; Nnamdi Azikivve, president of the j ! organization and influential Afri- j I can publisher who had preceded i j the group having arrived from j | America by plane the day before. ; Dr. Azikiwe explained the pur ; P°ses and aims of the delegation to j I newspaper reporters who met the ! i delegation. | | Harnett County Had Its Interracial Experiment : With A Different Twist Ik WILLEY A. “Scoop- JOHNSON ' Carolinian Manacling Editor j A.- tciri ay William Steele 1 After having read a pout the up state Negro and white children • i living together, playing together, j j caring together and sleeping to- j .-•ether, William Steele of Harnett | County, Box 2, Rt. 171 near here, ! | walked into the office of the i ; CAROLINIAN to cite his experi- , i ences anenl the mixing of the ; ! tw<. races in these parts. According to Mr. Steele, the j 1 .'un of his wife's sister, Linwood i Karris by name, age 12. re- ‘ I sides with his mother in Haiti- | n.< re, 'but comes to Harnett j County to spend the summer with | his, aunt and uncle (The Steele's), i linwood has a playmate in Bal- 1 tamore, a white boy whose name ! : William Way bright, age 10. Mi. : ! £>leele says these two youngster? j jh.-.ve been playmates ever since i 1 they have been old enough to ' know' each other. They too, play j | together, eat together and sleep together many nights, in Balt’- i mere of course. He says these ■ two boys are almost inseparable. ' One seldom sees one without see , i-i; the other. A modern young Damon and Pythias. Whet* Things Started Happwriaj i Caine this year for Linwood to j < spend his annual vacation in Har In hi.-; speech urging adoption of I mtv.suie Mr. Bende. expressed diet that the 80ih Congress will ' : av>* the honor ot enacting this leg uiation raid restorii »>* the constitu c naily guaranteed right of repre ntative government to all citizens t the United States. Rep. Mary Norton iDem.-N J.) ; pointed out the fallacy of our na tion attempting to correct abuses in other parts of the world while American citizens cannot vote She \ appealed to her colleagues to "prove > the world that we do believr > in democracy by practicing it and j by removing the shackles from peo ' pie who have been denied the priv i nc ;e of voiing because they were i to.- poor to pay a poll tax. Rep. E j Birksen. (Hep.-111.) stated that, ; ‘‘anti-poll tax legislation ss the un j finished business of our time. Reps. Karl M. LeComple iR.-Jowa) : Ralph A. Gamble (R.-N. V i who . tcertd the bill through the com mittee also spoke ori its behalf. STRENGTH TO KIM. FILIBUSTER In commenting on the House action. Mrs. Sarah H. d‘Avila. Ex ■ c.utivc us the National Committee *c Abolish the Poll Tax pointed out tnat this is the fourth time that the tdl has passed the House by an overwhelmingly favorable vote. Each' iirne a Senate filibuster has killed it. "In this Senate the Repub licans together with Northern Dem ocrats who have always stood by th< bill have enough strontgh to S break any filibuster. I am gratified ■■ i Senator Wherry's statement ot support. 1 feel sure shat the Senate j can once and for all end the aborn ; uiation of poll tax as a pre-requi site of voting in federal elections,’' -be said. COLUMBIA HEARS MRS, ROBESON By GLADYS P. GRAHAM New York (ANP) Mrs. Pair F.obeson, the only Negro gues’ lecturer on the Your World-—Te at,v and Tomorrow" series, spoke to a Luge audience* composed of tr achers and other professional from al ‘over the world last Tu.es cJ authoress and unGiropdlogigv day at McMillin theatre. Tlie lut discussed the "Negro’s Place in World Affairs," at the fourth : stiramcr session institute. ! There is a rising tide ot demo . .racy throughout the world and tht '‘horizons of the Negro are widening in the sciences, the professions, the arts, business and ! all activities," said Mrs. Robeson She cited the increasing contri j buttons of Negro citizens of j many countries to achievements m various fields and noted the | progress being made in the cam paign for equal rights by organ ized church bodies, civic groups, women's clubs and other groups | active in the drive for democracy, and declared that, “We must ccn ; tinue to develop democracy is j this, our own country, if we are 'a lead the world n democracy. N. C Governor Sends Haiti Felicitations RALEIGH G«v<r rnoi St. Oregg Cherry Friday feSkiaiaieil the IqwUie of Liberia, West j 'Africa. the I birth anniversary «f the founding of the Republic lie sent, the following tele - grata to President V. S. Tub man of the Republic; "Please permit, me to fftliei tate ytm ®n the event of your nation's centenary. May CtacPe j Messiahs rest cm you and LB - iwria." | i Jm tt County -with his aunt and uncle, Little William Waybrighi 1 tvsnted to accompany him. Hf. . bed never been south of Balti more. He obtained his mother's j consent with ease, as the sto»y goes. Mr. Steele said the pair ar rived. here on June 23. Prom that tune until . . . The -boys had « sollicking good time on the Stwe.lt farm. They went on swirji'.Tnrig trips, went on picnics and en joyed themselves as all innocent (Continued; ou back png«)

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