TRUMAN ST A TES EQUALITY VIEWS MISS WILLIAMS TALKS ON CIVIL RIGHTS PROBLEM Greensboro The '.wont, re turf of the President s C Mnninii." on Civil Rights will become poe etfui only as the people ad was Sue assertion made here las! week at Bennett Collet"- b*. M-is Francis William--. assistant to th executive secret ary of the corn rail tee. Further Mis- Williams df lan' 1 that the answer to ' 1 e our. . "How wii! we «( i aot'o!) no the report? rests w i’h the President, Congress, and ’he State govern ments who h:m • itiionU to tai; • such action as mat b n- cc I .v to enrrv r rw • t- . niendati-'n' ,< : \ '■■■>■ Sneaking at the chapel she : - reeled the thinking if the ;?*.«- dc-pts to ctmsHr- .*i - ernes!ion nt wh. t -K \ ; dur-ls nv.wm - ; - report She -aid that hr .. eoort contained new !>ot rueie h the things Neyr -e-. h 0.- v. a.v> w anted from Atm-neap de irtocraev Among the .- . grs'jr - me hv students speaking f > floor was me that th- , v. ; < C . .1 , ti■ FISK SPFtKI R T'~ !TW ■ t-ietd. rditor and pub lisher of The Chicago Sun will he one ot the four speakers u> discuss 'Human Rights and In terftfttional Relations' durtng tin intßgvrai program of 'Or. Chailes S. .fohnsfm as president of ! isk University. November OlltiJßts with Mr t ield on this panel arc: Mrs. Franklin 1> Hoosnck, Govcnmi William H Haside. Virgin Islands: and Mark Ethridge. publisher. Louisville Courier Journal, Ralph L.'nnrhe new serving with V \ is chair man. N. C, Methodists Elect Conference Delegates .•ReidsvjlJc Fhe ciecxion of delegates to the General Con ft*, enee and the Jurisdictional Con ference of the Methodist Church to be held next year was an jm portaut feature ..i the eighty .ninth session of the North Caro lina Conference held here recent ly at St. Paul Methodist Church. To the General Conference which will be held in Boston text Abril were named the Kev. J. E. Brower, superintendent of th-- Greensboro district and Pres; dent David D Jones of Bonnet! College. KOI CVTORS STi ill VWERK VS METHODS Recent visitors te Tuskegce Institute were left to right. Mis?. Margaret Wwnrts. secretary of !>'• futtnatl-JM! 'intniitU . or Chris So UuMart for As- i; Or. J««r 11. lots iter, siw*rotar> nf AgrtpniUrsl MlssJ.uis, Inc., M Teacher Urges No Racial Bias m&mXfMi’W&Sr G-GGGT-ifeiTGl-T >: G'P.G d:..-j AIM 'SSSUI'iA ■ y'-M-lil-: A:. . A.G-i.'VGV ■ %, "TANT. ’-GPs,.-. 'Ad 'TGS: f" .. ?< ~t t£ * Tnc PADHI I\ITA\T iiT Jd AIv ULl l\ 1 A ii - . V ■i l . $G . O" . \ Ol i ME XXV!!, N‘ ' 10 lUil Uniter Has liiUTilimiTii liid Hmks” ****■* + +-»* *★**+*★★*♦★♦** + La. NAACP Launches J.C. right judse mm C ECRIES HA r E AND PREiUOiGE PHILADEI .PiPA NNPA i-KUidice ar.d bate are keeping 'the nation divided and until a - d States «annul oe a napp . . .1. ti. .m.cla red last Sunday m his first public address since his _appoint n>tnt to the Municipal Court. He spoke at a eommumor. breakfast of tn>- Catholic lalor ru-ial Council if Philadelphia at 1.. Catholic You*.:', AssociaUu:;. 3.. Arch street. The breakfast h. norc-d tin rncniorv of Mrs. Lon ise Drexell Morrell. Judge Gerald F. Flood of Com mon Peas Court. Council chair vqf.n. praised Judge Millen’s ap pointment as a big step tower d breaking down prejudices in this st a. IT rated States Commiss u-oe Norman J. Griffin guest speaker, deplored political discrimination, »r.d urged better housing an:! ice roationai sacilitir-s rn the c.-t slum areas. Other speakers included Mrs. I- an tine Asks and Martin Fields Mere than fifty persons who t( nded the Corn mure'on Mass rele b rati on bv th- ‘Rev. Edwa--’ F Cur-nie. Council moderator nnrt •'•ctor of S’ Elirabr-ih F. • : ; took part o the breakfast. Ihe 1-og'uto.- tn ill l .li.u isrlit ti . C'.'nforencf.- to bt held :r. Allan 1 a tu.xi June art T ,-i . tj M Jneips. .;wisto: • , tee Si M; : t ie,vs Methodist Chu. eh, Gret-te.- b(/ro '.hr Kc , P A 7! . Gunimor) T-- -iug:. h Sv... - -Atlanta: Miss I. R. Joni-s, Ashi - Mile: and S. T. ,k.-. I-urnlx ' Ts.-n. The conferenet- reports reveal •eu that a xoihi uj .sJiy.Tdc ... - raised for all purposes during th« last year. Bv districts the sums Here: Greensbortt $48.421; L‘:n (Continued t-. i> >■ ; patje Ntw York; t'hri-iop’ser ( os, F.d ucr.Hu.vaf .AAvisoi to the Krisi-l. Secretary i»t State for the colon ie.s: J»hn K. Williams, member of the C’oiontat Office staff in 1 on don with -peris! r< spon.dbilit;. i-wfiJeratlon of Olopim RAT HIGH, v -■(.’! if ’ \U<>l J N -\ SliAVi PR! \T UONU: » l)R. H. t TiitM, President and Mrs. Har»>d i... t'r.'gg ov >!.. \ugustmcV i «Ueg, «i»' ticnorcri .si a rcwptten giv en o> Pi csidvn'. and Mrs. Robert P Panic! Sunday rvenlnc at -. «>p look in the Building «n th< chan campus, s oOcsc official -od ibcir w ives v,-!io ecmpcsc.-i ihr »•fi> j schc-fK n> planning new develop - in Negro education. s» ..-l i... Sfta-.c President ..ruT Mrs. Harold I J T l of ‘b » \>i C’Jif 1• *1 liit-Tii .lid :t in. ,t . S-:l:!i'n:k -:l f a>rtt*:\ilJe I'eathers Va\ iige. Fkj'ctieviHc and the Ket PS ALL OUT mnm r c COMBAT [TILS HTSTON'. ! • AX'P> -• A*: --J. ! out t firnsh'e ag&insl ;Ti fornb of ’ }-•• S’c-U* A .-S' it?; i->r ■ X..5.-\( f’ ; ii nc\y. : a htch hvic h ; rTlk gVI?S J*K;**4j f j?Yn H v * * ’ fb : D iA’i TT TT- id x! vjj •»•.. •• th'Y (.''lOp’-S n'n inti: } ' CT-'.bJ ' ‘ , 4t’ s si ; j:. -ifvipj p sisc-i •..• i f. ’"V! T'-'r < ' • ■ iriG ?& TT; uKinifn^; iT'cTiFitr c:’Ti* i ti. Uir m r Sz ‘r- •«. in fin tr. ; nro§r;:r«* 121 : v ft;]j -..iti?.i?rvshii' f,»i Nt'^r*o< a . . f artt»t*r , *cs. , >iuu , :iis verc adopted. | 70-Year Man Obtains First Patent Papers By JAMES B. LaFOURCHE MIAMI i AMP' It all g/v well with William Thomas Pavk .cj . retired railroad employe wh> -• bare it e>:isting on a $55 • month pel’s;on here, he'll have to she an income tux ret.uin b> next March IS, and here’s whv The 70 ode .o u; Parker has ob tained his jjroiirninary patent pa 1 pens of an invention which. if ■' scows practical will out l<- on. one for all times the possibilities v»i railroad wrecks. There are a. lot of people who Jeivc fantastic dreams and who depend on some powers of occul Msn t . giime ’hem into ; ..-aim , o: invention, hut not so with Parker. He hrs worked on rail roods and in railroad shops ail of his l;fo. and when he tells you v by his invention is as sound as .the prove chip! dollar, he off/, rs the proof at the same time This invention of Parker's h: ito do with 1 rinie wheel surface-., and ail on the same axle. Should t.m occasion w:s< for the main m h<*el to leave the rails, c see ] end wheel surface would atomafi |"'>T'V corrie into hoinv and support ;f nr car This second surface is so i formed that ho runtiinp H alone a i ;*>'< ”nlVr Which would no sot ; *hc roadbed the main wheel rut face would he restored tn (he rei! \ f PRI.iAV, N’OVKMRKR 15. in 17 V-r, ;\i;& Mi's. K b«-: t ,?«ihiHoiv Wilson: '-tamli?*#. {lean Mrs. n. Halliburton l : »«*att foster. F. ra?*K\ run;- V. u 1 .vrsrb V>r. and Mrs 11. K. lisa< k Man «r*l r harlot nr; Miss Mane Mi* Ivor, Mr. and Mr>. b. h, ftancan, and l'»r. ami Mrs, Niison II Har ris. Ds {.italics S, Johnson ( o- UiiSbors \<'V> Uook DR. CHARLES S. JOHNSON NASHVILLE Tennessee Bringing il-e white sordid :ory of race resiriciivc cove rants before the American public at a strategic moment just before supreme court arguments are presented. Dr. Charles S, Johnson a net Her man L. lo.:g have just sr.- nounced publication of a sum mary of several years of re search in iheir asw bonk. People vs Property". In a study ot 600 race re -tiiCive .“due ,-ig covenants, the co-suthcis i»y bare the whole- array of facts -an one of the most di.tasiious blind tjjois. in our democratic way of life. One of the oldest arguments against ending segregation of minorities has been the a? - •sertion that integration would brng racial tension and race riots, but Johnson and Long demonstrate that the con trary is true because it shows dial trouble s- caused by seg regation and. the patterns, it. creates. This method Parker claims, would allow a train to run oft iho i tacks for m'ics and then grnd'iy re-rail itreli without ev n ti: wine down. "Thev could equip a whole rail road for the p:of one or two w . r-k” the- old .timer remarked. .Si )nce 1835. the inventor has vv rked in yards in Mobile and ( om H'tion Reversed in CoL Robinson (lase ADDIS ABABA The :m per ini supreme court Satur day set aside the conviction of John JRobinson, colonel in the Ethiopian Air Force, by a vote ci 2-1 alter the cot one! had been charged with assault and battery against Count Gusiai von Tvo-sen, Swedish chiei of the air tores. Judge Sigurd Lind of Swe den casx the dissenting vote in a decision which seal the case beck fc the court »1 ori gin after Robinson who war sentenced io three months on September appealed or. the basis that he was c&nvicted unde - Italian penal law in i fiteyb <- f BP -5 y. APPrM . i kll L MI < TO 81 HEARD 111 BALTIMORE \i]Cl { M M v.)\ 1). Va. =NNt > .■ \ Artmrnerits will ru-ard bv i Fourtil Circuit v _.our 1 oi Ao }y ii•;iii- in ii<•». 1 ti-nv:• • ■;* in orvals uv; (itcisio; - >■ dl'- 1 ■ L7.iA' ii 1 )IS\ nd C-O;.- i : -L-' i' lt '.j;n :i:ctrici of Soul 1 ; v,3i' ! cin-a, it iv.ts Learned la At Tir.-sdax. • :o}■;x ol c' ; -iei’v.. : peopje to vote l\- iV University of Sooth Coroh ta. ij. 1 1 Ine V-b*sencc oi eQ .ia» < at*»iitios ; i South Carolina StaL.e l\>i!eso ;oi Oran«ebm-*>, S. C. : Opini’jiis in the two prob- j tire of too olei K of iho courts . ' Cjoude M, Dean. • K-rn ralondaved for ari*uniont • "V \ embo: 18, and the appeal of. 1 the board ol tyuotees ot the Uru- Fed'oral District Judge J. Waites ’o' both oases. : :■ uied/’ that 'Hoouil dLiinehon; j Virginia Registers Short On Standard Teachers Richmond. Va \AKP) -- The s.vvi.'igc ot teachers :Pto cfn crtd and white schools of this a ■.< is si'i’-k'!in rr-ccni rcnoris f i division SUpunnTcLTICICSiTIS who S-.V :i is still :s'a-ssirv t;. cm -5.1 i '/ teachers holding substandara i; tiliralt'S. :l .vas UiStiOSfli • IC-i :: r«-.' ( v nt by G. T- ier Miller, stai • super imendent oi public insti uv : nm. This condition. Mr Miller s«id. '.vas reported by the local , viper in tendon is showing a situa tion which was brought on by war . •'inditions. Instead o; getting beit.e . tn-> dcation in tht schools seems to ■ v as bad as it was. dining rht Avars ;irui this year it up : i'ears that the number of sub s’aridard teachers WiL be ifr-nter tii. r las: vear. Compiafe reports 1 from the HO school diviston.- 'i -'a 'v that idS mere substandard license? either have been granted or requested than was the easy last year this note Incomplete reports of ih« divi sion supcflnteadonis during the Production of pi aciivTK all maiv ulectured dsivj product.- in »n ■ C:-u• >!ina except i tic iei cream te.r int liM>: showed moderate to sir.rp . j declines from 1945, Civil Rights Law Attacked In Michigan Court Ruling President Truman I> Invited To Tuskegee r WASHINGTON AM’ PresiUcnt Hasp S. Truman lis been Invited to attend the first sub of tbe George Washington l «rvM f (imirtf itKOailvt- .stamps, vo be held »l Tnsfeegre Insti tute in .funosrt, according to an announcement bv Or. Frederick I*. Fatterso.n presuieni of the "famous school. Or. Patterson said that the dak* oi the sale would he set on whatever day is convenient for ! the President, became congress . t,- - -ih ‘ :05th. Says All Have Right To Opportunities To Jobs And Education Status HOUSES DROP COLOR BAR NEW YORK - The Okla hema Nurses Association vot ed to admit qualified Negro nurses to full membership at its annual convention at Law ton. Oklahoma. lasi Thurs day, and Oklahoma became the second southern state during October ik> act to ban . . imiration in nursing. The Oklahoma Nurses As sociation makes the fourvt such organization to admit Ncgrcci within the past year, nurse associations of 14 states which Previously barred Ne ts y o nurses from membership having remeved such bar riers. The other state orqaniza tiers which admit Negro mu ses are Florida, Delaware. Maryland- Tennessee and Kentucky. WINS IN I SSVI Miv, Atthea l*roctor won first prize in the nations! essay con test -nensorert bi the Nhiimt Tabcrcwlosis association. \ st«- <1«-nt of Maryland Slate Teachers * • th*);- Bowie M(t, Miss Proc tor received SSO and a gold mod al for her essay. "How Can I In My Chosen Profession Help to < onirol Ttibercnlosis." President A. M . Ornt of Dillard l T niversity. \oh Orleans served a-, chairman of the commit ice of -i\ judges. AM': PRI! E I 5;,,-i .ndu-sbid that cuniirttons >(. -*' imp: uving. Ut Mi.lci sain. A- til,-c neared fur the opening ol sehou-li tor the 19*0 4(i >:es .- ui,. however. the svta&tkvi < r:--)c, herau-e :t vas toonf ne el t - fall back on substana :■ .-, •, mlto eomplotc ‘lit ros e-: -,f tc-aeht-rs ior the term. Students, Alumni Hjnor Late Dr. James E. Shepard Durham - Last week, the stu ; dents and alumni of the North Uwiina College here took pa; t. , speeio; pi; -grair. in memory ; the hie Dr. James E Shop .l 0 fouiKi'-r oi Tht college, whoso birthday was observed November At the ivgul;.• Monday chapel hi. as Miss Ruth <5. Rush, dean oi \ omen and a rm mber of the In ti rim Committee appointed to di rect the affairs of the college. ; 1 reed the early history of the fchooi .in a .brief speech. A! 3 p.m. radio station WI>NC was in rharge of a special James B. S' epieri Memorial Broadcast sea t.urittg the music of the 75 voice WASHINGTON CJNPA' The constitutionality of the Michi gan civil rights law is attacked iby the Bcb-Lo Excursion Com paii-. >f Detroit in a case now pending in the United States Su : pri.-me Court The Bob-Lo Excursion Company | or. June 21. MB'S, compelled Miss . Ste visited Birmingham Alabama, and found the people ’•<• '‘heated up” about tim recent report < ( the President's Commit •ld the President that he cor hoely stuck hi- n ck out in Bir nnn .jt..: '.. ' D; Johnson said. 'But tC'-.iilinued on Pack page) WENOELL GREEN IN RUNNING FOR OH! JUDGESHIP 1 !Hi VGO AN'Pi Wendell F. ■i n ■ or., >f nine municipal on;. . nic'gts •.v-rifud a? bong eli c. ip ; . ren rain r. a Hon to the bench . .a xt ApnJ's primary according a majority of the 1.542 lawyers : polled b> the Chicago Bar Associa I ,- on hen last week. Green and 1? j other voters will complete then tuirnt tcrtri t office in November ! >948. To- poil. in which lawyers wen' . asked to rate incumbents on .icnu-vl '.nudities such as diligence. | patience. courtesy, attentiveness. : legal .ability and integrity, placed Judge Green second to Chief Jus tice Kdvard S Schcffler. who re ed 93.03 per cent fm judicial qual i ita-s and 1.168 votes for renomina te, v to 120 against. Greene was rated 92.82 per corn, with 1.-J9B votes fm and 115 agtamst. RANKIN SUNK IN NEGRO TOWN Mound Bayou Mrs. ANP' Out of the six candidates in the recent senatorial race the only candidafe who got nary a vote in Mound Bayou, the all-MFegrc town, was John Rankin. Congressman Ran kin. whose name is anathema wherever people of color are proved he- was not much, more popular with the white folk of his stste ior he war snowed und'-. by a mar; whom folk out of Mississippi had never even heard ot. Judge John biennis. Stenosis conducted a decent campaign college ebe undo the direction D Jan vs Elmo Dorsey, and .ip 4-30 oi'f ials of the alumni as sociation .-c n to Beech wood Oemctc ; ■ . here they decorated the iate P osidvtrt - grave with a huge wre th. For the special broadcast which originated in B N. Duke Audi torium on tht campus. Norfler • Wnitted, Negro staff announcer ft-: WD'i:. v. as the narrator an 1 he gave graphic word picture of the educate 's 50-year caret* • which was highlighted v/ith the founding of the N. C. College and its dev* opment in 37 years to om of ■ too Negro institutions • (*• ir.u-d -. Brothers Start Farm With Three 'Turkeys Chicago ! ANP 5 -- How * trie c i breibert bomywMi land and thte< rurkeys which they here built imvto Onts rie's most protperious and thriving turkey farm it. iold in « December Ebony photo viory ststinp that their gobb iif»: h v’ v"”- s*l prim*! hn fort oh. Royal Winter fab* since 1935. "George. Donald and £!- wood Land started the first turkey farm in Western 0»- turie," Ebony says, and Ha*» Sxwtn mowing a record flaek of gntobl«n, «ipo» ■&,