uDRJVEA GAINST JIM CROW fIN AM ALA UNCHED IN NYC Rankin Says Bilbo's FEPC Fight Caused Death Philadelphia Lawyer To Have Say In SBOO,OOO Case Calls Bill ‘"Communist Inspired”; Claims Negro Better Treated In South WASHINGTON tANPi Race* catling John Rankin vi: ; has just lost .his. <■ fov ike Th. dore G. Bilbo's disputed seal in the se.'un declared on the upening day of the special session ol ccngrc.-s that “The Man's” fight against FEPC legisla t ion cost him his life. Race-hating Rankin wa.- spear - ing in eulogy ol Bilbo when he made the assertion Calling FtCPC “Communist mspired,’ Rankin said that when Bilbo look the floor to light against FEPC. "one of the must vicious pieces ui communis;.i legislation that has ever been pro posed in the Congress of the United State, he was advised by hi* phy rtcian that such exertion might cost Continued on page eight GOV. CHERRY URGES SEAL SALE SUPPQHT RALEIGH Governor Cherry urged all residents of North Caro lina to cooperate n the Annual Christmas Seal Sale which November 24th and continues until Christmas - . If is in true American spirit that we, the citizens <>i the United States and North Carolina, band 'together V ffiJit' a 'edrrmibn enemy This enemy - tubercu 1 '-'is. a deadly killer. This dreaded dis ease took tin. lie... , ) 5.274 persons' ir. North Carolina dm ing the past year. 194(1 It is quite natural we want, to secure In. our childnr. th.- rip?.' to grow- up in a heal thy environ merit which is free from coramuu icobk ni- loses It is an evPr-pro «nt enemy that may be defeated ii ihi proper weapons ore utilized Continued on . age eight Secretary of Commerce Proposes Lifting Bias Ban At Virginia Airport WASHINGTON (A NP) Secretary of Commerce A nevilie Vv. Harriman dispatched a iettes to congress here last week pro posing that legislation be enact ed voiding Virginia laws which legalize segregation and discrim nation at the government-owned Washington National airport in nearby Virginia. No "Freedom Train Jim Crow Exhibition Open To All In Atlanta, Ga. ATLANTA - G. ! James Fi.iTnn,.- ui Philadelpni > i act relations -ccieiar;.-. Ar:te-“.. 11 Friends Service commUtee and . ■ Dr. Stu -it Nelson. dean ui U'->' school of religit n Howard Untver ■ sity, wen among a croup ot vim-- i rr. edw: ator* and lecturers who . took par; in the inaugural’ -n ui Dr (Continued on nick page; Citing the segregation of > i whites and Negroes at the airport ! t-s, being ‘‘contrary to the policy jof the federal government to en • dorse racia ! segregation at to; ! j aerial gateway the world travel Ihe asked that congress make m i j applicable to the- airport the seg i! rogation section of Virginia lav | iConttnued on pa^c “In Atlanta th; Fr< edoin Team - will be open at all time to all pet j sons regardless of rr.o> or creed. “The exhibit on the Freedom | Train are those priceless documtnt* - ' I'-unranteeing th-. basic ireedoms of I the American people I do not stv. \ how anybody can draw a colot : tine tbr. ugh freedom and justice. •'So f;u a.- i .«n concerned, I am : willing i stand besidi any Arnci 1 j hp never been the idea of the committee on arrangements or : myself that there be no segrega• : tion of the races visiting -the ! Freedom Tram, but that a plan could be worked out that would ! conform to our traditions.” However. Mayor ‘William Harts -1 field of Atlanta said that the • Freedom Train would be more i then welcome’ so far ns I am | r oncer Tied.' "1 arr. willing to stand beside any American citizen, regardless jof race or creed, in mutual ad miration ard respect for thesn : great historical charters of Amc-i - jlcan freedom.’*. The Memphis Press-Seinlter ' ('Continued m back Mfe lTheCarolinian I . ■H. C. ■■......./ - ■■ ■■■■■ ■■ ■■ ... i -' - - - -■■■ - —■—— VOLT Ml*: XXVII, NO. 21 RALEIGH, NORTH C’A BOLIN A WEEK ENDING. SATI BD.W, NOVKA.BER 29, HO" . PBK'E Vr. PROMISE'BETTER BREAKS FOR LOS ANGELES POLICE NEGROES WILL 50 INTO VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS : .OS ANGELES - (ANFt —N; - gro police officers will be'- admit ted to ail branches of the police department and given equal op portunities with whites ioi ad vaacemeut to the highe-i brack els, according too Mayor Fleleh- Bawron her* iast week H ' matte this ann./unci men before , -j. -group h.-wd •• t An •\Ukt so studv crimt condHions in th-. Negro d-t;u‘ The commit• made its rr port recent] . The mryu; said that prepar.i --;i ms viva I.h mg made- to use Neg i ;•> c- s .n all departmc - ”; branches, including the motorcy cle division and Inc squat) (.. traffic division. He said also that Negroes would be given equal on ;>ortunities in upgrading of p;i i:.-linen and detectives tu the brackets. Credit for this move is bcin-.t • g.vtn Leon H Washington, pu -1 in- -, r of the Los Angeles Sent. j n.-i. who through persistent c‘!i-j iGonlim;:■■(( - i’ nuci page 1 < m phana«e Broadcast Set For November RALEIGH Th- anmttil Th.-. Mr- - ‘iving Week appeal on behul! -I ; a Oxford Colored Orphanm "ill; be br» arieast over WPTE Siii'i.u) . November 30. tr<>m 12:15 to 12.1L> | p M. Pie ripa] .-pe kcr will be Me Re. p A. Bishop. Tile ii, \ O S bul- j i ck will rimi-a the introduction, j ;::i music will b lumislied by ih" I Curls Quartet. ic. n citizen, regardless, of race or J creed in mutual admiration and j espu'i for those groat historical j i chera ters of American freedom.'' i-d Negr> e;> to a committee c;i c.iii . zens who wil 1 implement ths prop ■i -ignifieancc during the Freedom . nek celebration. Iberia To Issue Anniversary Stamp MONROVIA (ANPi Comment- j orativ.' stamps, observing the 100 u» ! anniversary of Liberian indepen | enc-e. have been issued by the , . African rtpublic seven new prim: | iow be inf; offered. Four postage and three anirmail ! , stamps have been printed by the j I : S. A. Wright Bank Note company | 1 f Philadelphia. The p' stage stamps will be otic, 1 ’ ; vyo. three and five cams while the : ! ur mails will be 12 25 and 50 cents. ' i The 12 cent stamps will depict he memorial monument to Joseph ; ! Jenkins Roberts, the Virginian, who 1 ’ J was governor and first presidtsnt ot ! . j the republic. The 25 cent st amp will j • show the Liberian flag and the a0 | cent stamp will have the centenary . i monument recently built in too ! LMtmk&te cap, hsi . Garver Seals ! o Go On Display December \\ WASHINGTON t week by the N< w Y-. k County M. dical society, .largest aifilmio , the AMA. A resolution calling upon the >. eni body 1-. sot up a special ;> pc ot merttbe rship which would l 'avail.MMc on application ro (i.'iysiciun.-. who, so; reasons of i icc creed, eoioi m st-x. have b-..5-n di'iiied admissions b\ their i-H-ai county nb-dical societies.” ii:,: been adopted and will be ' brought to lii attention of state .-flu-ials. This action was taken in ar: cll'“it to end the- lone standing •-> t-ri’vt : n: ' -• ;- - -s -■ •:! ...uc ' organization in 1.-- »uth, includin'; the natiori'.- capitol. which rev alt in the ex- I c1...-ion f Net.ro physicians. According to AMA President, , Dr. Morris Fishbeih. membership - ; ' c;,n come only through local croups, many o{ which discrimi nate. It has been pointed out. However, that this statement is iContinued on pack page. Recorder of Deeds To S Speed up Backlog | WASHINGTON < ANl'i M; . ;-hall Shepard, roe.,u .!••. .Is 1 st, d Wednesday that ho expects m i speed up the processing -i ,i log .if 40.000 land records by put ting info operation »wo new photo mat rr. '.-Mines Whirl; hi.s office Vih jusi pm hasori, Hort tofoi’c .1 h. -i, rcqi.iH-' fcy low thm rccards be typewrit ten H w, ar. congves* ciiungni this rc; oy.rii.tcd s>6.&otN) for «.i< I nh< tostat machines !' i Paul Williams to Design I $3,000,000 Hospital Unit i LOS ANGELES iANP* Toe I Board of S ipervis -f- here has ap i poiined Paul R. Williams. nc oi II hi- leading architects of the coun try. to design 'ho new $3,000,002 psychopathic h- spita! unit for Los Angeles County. The commis.ion was made reent jiy largely through the efforts oi 1 Supervisor Leonard J Reach who j was determined that merit should l oe the sole criterion in the selec tion of ar. architect. Aithongth WUllsaSi: will be th jfirst Negro to ik-Ur: * large ifuLuic | TRAINMEN’S PRESIDENT i DOWNS DISCRIMINATION WOMAN LAWYER and business woman in mm NEW YORK • ANT'» A pro nr; - ■ Hariern worosns Jawyer an."! ocjualh well knc-v. newness Wi'-fum art .-.cheoulrd to clash in .court here soar, and utvinlfi the di - , uuis nf a lend which has been go nit on since 194 A iityit Mrs. Uv-.'la S iiov, iw-i *.v;r- served a ,tb a stln.i or: I:: week end. According to th* i liiplfi!;;! made by Airs. Th-dsna C Bro a . wrier of a si:.u;;.nt which ciders k. sonic of the biggest nanier in Harienv Aliy. Howard dashed buck i -! -water into a tivn-- r>> window ever the entrance os th« When the business Wi.-mon ash d ■■.■.by. Mrs. Howard angrily o-id ’.Vlrs Brown that •she had dune ;t oe i a use -he its; ntoci the music email iiia, from the restaurant's juke : box. The attorney, whoc husband it: . lsc a iav- ver shares office spue: v itl: Aty. Aim Dic-gie vvhse suit, i..- lucair-d on the- second floor dire av move Mrs. Browns p-ace of oast- BEN DAVIS OUT FOB TWO MORE m m mm t'FW YOR K * ANP i Council man Benjamin -I. Davis, began a • ''needling'' campaign against Be publican and Detnoeralit leaders in - H..i hin last work by outlining • p. • -gram to elec, two Negro couri i oilmen here, instead *.l one, and •.- • <.'ii Necroe.- to the state legisla j iur including ;t state senator. As D ivis plan uas made known i : tne GOP ind Tammany chiefs were r'i ~ rtng to relax sci a couple ;>1 months. Soon- of ! hem quickly .-hanged their plans, however, and I unnounted that they would prob ■i ly stay , n tnc job throughout ! leanings revealed in the mean ! time that Communist,. American • j t iibor party and independent stia-- jto jisfs would also back “Henry • V, ilace delegates'' in next year's i pri«»iry election. Which means, although most j I'ammuny leaders here have no: Co - n told about it, that the leftists • avc a strong feeling that hey can • ver both 'ho Republican and !'Democratic Harlem organizations. building in Los Angeles, be has an ! cnviabe record in designing homes if f many Hollywood movie stais, ; p liticnl and industrial Sender*. : Roach declared, “regardless of Lite c. lor or or- od. I was motivated er.- tire ly by the desire to obtain for the people of Los Angeles the best | available talent for this building 1 which is to bo erected as the rc j si>l; ol a grand jury recommends | tion. and I am confident that Mr. I Williams’ outstanding ability twill i prove to be of inestimable value i H> Us.” Segregation Boosts Membership “More Negroes Belong To ‘ Catholic Church Than Any Other Body " — Digest N. Y. AMERICAN mm ADMITS FIRST NEGRO WAC NEW YORK «ANPT Baroart.! t- ■ , chi. - - ■ I M •,!' i tmi-i-n. L.gion dr. ppc-d it.-, long-ianding i ; jir:i row policy .ir- um-'t Ncgroi> j .c week t-.-h re );>m with tnc- ad j .-vus.siop. to membership of Mis.- Yc-r- j i !..a! ,Vs. Austin, a ii.:sv>.-r rna.i ; in I WAC-- win spent five .yeans ir. Ci V-icr. 'i'lu in; xpbiui ii actUii ’L ! '.ic.- pos? cairn .n- i sii .-risi: lo ,-.i;s. i lustiii w! o had iiccn giver, the, sntal “runav uncT' for sevcfttl ; r.onths The envelope bearing th> i •-iiimissi'iii (-iii’d cont.i.ned no ;o.u-. i )’ ackovledgorn. nt n r w clcomc. ; Although the post was panned ;y the pre<- f.-.r its action, it toe; :>.;i itmmdiatt stepr u reverse it; s position Thi receipt; t the ruem i :?c: ship ear J reel nil., came a«: ■n-piist- n Miss Austin but sir, ' J...is to make full u.-:- of her p.'v- ■ lieges feci, she says. • thai mote t.-i • .ur women >. elerans srould apply ; n : membership immediately. Such mciaimn beiwe; n white and No- 1 .hi c-\-s. .- vice-.omen can aily a 1 suit ui better interracial under- j ! ..landing unci goitdwtll. Reiterates Huey s Long’s Advice Wallace Tells South Howto Save Democracy BY LEON LEWIS NEW ORLEANS iA NP A i series of speeches in Louisiana be* | sinning with the late Huey P | Long’s -tfttenv. ru, ’Fascism '' ill ! come to this country clothed in the ! language of denverac.v" at Louis:- itia State University in B.Tor | Rouge, told southerner.' the Henry j Wallace recipe on "How The | South Can Save Democracy.” The former Viet President of tin United States wound up his LouL ; ana barnstorming with an address 1 under the sponsorship of the South ern Conference for Human Wet j fare at the Colonial auditorium u. : Ne w Orleans His speech here was a replica ol i pronounced advocates against feat i of war with Russia, a decided op 1 position to segregation and Jim I C-.ow laws and a challenge to south j enters that, "We are untrue to thi j American tradition a* long as w ] deviate from the proposition taa 1 | there should be no second class cit j irons." | The series of speeches made by Wallace took it) Louisiana State I University and Southern Untver ‘slty in Baton Rouge.. Dillard. Ti:- lane University in New Orleans and the principal address «l iht < C nlwltil vuit tor Sun,. '. HIC AGO -AND« - - M«uv W • gross belong to the Catholic chore t i char, q> any oti.n Christian reii- j ; .Cions body m the -v uld," a Do ! cember Negro Dice. ! article- assorts j announcing th 1 in th,- .ridi ’t; r’c i’ Vijs tr.ai. f( mto.kjn ren lured people are Cali ..;s. ' Here in the U S.' the Negro ! Digest story assorts, “there is no • hvuth Ctilholie eh-ttrcl. Do di.-ti.i --; rush it from the- run: > at:a n IK ] . ;:i ; Catholic church ; ;t ir-m white > ' One.-- a Negro oec o-r. - es j Cath- I ■h tv.'i. ;-nstructions and B.;;. ur. j j h is fiiily and c.viiip,ctely C t..-! Continued ui pa.a. eight I Handcuffed P Shot By Alaba MONTGOMERY, Ala --(ANP; A handcuffed prisoner, arrest- ; jed on assault to murder, ami j j assault and oattc.-r\ charges w r.s shot in the abdomen by police Lit .', recently after hi- jumped ! I Lorn moving squad car in an ! <•; espo attempt. The man, iden tiled as James Adams. 27 had; ■ hot n wanted since Oct. 24 on a • charge ol assault to murder. Arrested through a tip at a , ,local case. Adams was handcuff cd artout into a squad cat by Officers W. Campbell and R. T. Tdford En route to .mil, the . slowed down in tlu- heavy - Hailed by the local daily press \ is the most controversial figur- on j ; the American scone. "Wallace em phasized thnl the south mat do its part in helping stop hatred and j fcar'and prevent reaction from run ning rampant ovet tin practical; ; ideals of democracy ad interfaced. ; unity. ■ EVADES- THIRD I'AHTY RUMOR Evading, committments as to his in. mashing nrQ third party anmi , t;->ns tor the 1048 or Rtf 2 presuitm tial elections, Wallace expressed a willingness to "make democracy' Founders Day Observed At Shaw U. Last Week RALEIGH - The 82nd anniver sary ol the founding of Shaw Ur ■ I ve.rsity was observed Friday morn i ling with traditional Founder’s Day ; Exercises. The observance began to 10:30 with services at the grave of !the late Di Henry Martin Tup !•.*> | who as an honorable dlscharg. ti 1 1 Union Army chaplain, founded t:u ' institution in IMS President Robert P Daniel open-; od the ceremony v-ltn the t!*be , honored tribute to the founder; JSfeJ JOHN BLESSING APPOINTED IN McKEE WRANGLE P’-ill ADBmilA :ANPI What, lo do about the SBOO,OOO estate <>£ CoS. John McK» <.. Civ >1 woi veteran '.' hr died in 1902 and who prr.vlid •• • in iiis Pi:,i ~ •junior AtuiH i pi-h-i , establish,.v; , t Bristol, Pa tor 200 N: gre and unite male- or phans. w ■- :-hil!cd to th-. shoulder* ■ At! • John Blessing here last . I't-k Blessing war appointed ami cus > urine ifriend --f the courti by Jnc-rv Robert V B:*lgei of Orpnan* coiut }•<; reccmmi no what use should be mac-.e ~f tne estate. C l McKees vviir pi <.vide that ■ n the death "i his lass surviv niv, grandchild ih cci.i lor os - i pirrns a set up, as well as a Cuf.i- C-mtifMiied on page eight Will FIGHT TO GAIN RIGHTS !N HT SERVICE By ALMITA S. BOBINSOft FORT- WOR TH. Tex.—(ANP) M the Association of Colored Railway Trainmen end Locarno . rive firemen, fold m overflow iun, audience at Baker Chapel i AME Church last week that ire (purpose of the A. of C.\ R. T. & :1. F. is. to otyfirthum disc rim ination ;n organ mi la?:*oi ' ll i-rd the organization is pledged to destroy discrimination resum ing from attitudes of both tin- I-pkyers and employes, j Hark lauded the work of A | Philip 'Randolph in the right j gainst discrimination in railway Lno all other types of employ | mem. He said that the Amen 'can Federation of Labor viol at*, s I Continued on page eight Vlsoner Is tma Police .afternoon tnai’fu:. Adams balled outof the car and the uoliivnivi* • chased him until he was cornered at a high brick wall behind u curb market. They alleged i w m;.n charged a: them when the-- called for him to halt, and that ;they shot him when he tailed t > d o so. Warrants h*n been issued to. -Adams by Miss Mary Pearl Belt son charging assault and battary last Oct. 18, and Ernest Smith filing assault with intent to mur der on Oct. 24. At the 'hospital the prisonet - eondi'inn was re 1 ported os “no' good,” 1 work' w thiri the political throes !of Mir present major parlies. Ha did, however, warn that, the trend j toward ir-cism in the United SUiuu i may ";»rov»>Ju n political revolu tion" to restore d- moer cv. "It really calls l'oi sacrifice day to join the resistance move ment. against American fascism, but Thank God we cun operate ab- vc 1 'tic ground. Tomorrow it may be lie ( ■ -viry to us. the basic political n h. of revolution to restore de.no racy, i don’t exaggerate the dan ac-r. be said. r unted not his life dear unt<> him self that he might lift Gadworu his | brother. The hymn. “Blessed As .name," favorite i.f Dr Tapper wus su'ng by the assent® age of fac •li.v nn.-mbr-rs. ■ tidents, and visit >K friends who had lo mod around I the grave. The Rev. T C. Graham i Durham offered the prayer. A v. reath was. laid on the grave by ; (Wist. Milta Davits senioi of B-- m , fort, representing the student Continued on page