r&DAT RDirr & ¥?• wa™ gmw sinfWTO vAKUL oKIvL AJNII % f AKL MlUnltv Some Southern Cities Still Holding Out On F reedom Frain Bias Memphis (ANP) Hattiesburg, Miss., did an about face in its re cent rejection of the Freedom Train visit and will now have :.,k --show but with separate lines for Nc}<ro and white citizens. This change- ovet was announc ed here earl* last week by F' 1 Fi iedheim. American Heritage foundation representative wit visited the town afte r it had u 1- ncunced that the show c uil.l rue on unless Negroes and white were segregated. The original a: - rangement was that whites aad Negroes would visit the train r.t Eepai ate time.-. Unde: the ne-v agreement. whit. and Negro lines will be formed separately to view the train and both lines will be given equal opportunity to view it.” county officials ;*v slit! holding Meanwhile, Memphis city and out for the pi a- that the two ra cial groups visit the train at dif fcient times. Mayor Pleasants proposed that whites see it half the time, and Negroes the other hail’. The Memphis date was Jan. 7. and unless the foundation and Memphis officials reach an agree ment, the train will by-pass tiro city. Already, the foundation has j received bids from Corin an d Laurel, in Mississippi, together with other southern cities for tv rejected date. According to Mr. Friedheim, i the Mississippi plan of handling j the races for the Freedom Train j event is the same as that adopted ! bv Birmingham Lines wiil form • separately ana 25 persons from | each will alternately ;>e allow.-'! | to go through the train. BOY SCOUTS W, ANNUAL MEET AT WASHINGTON HI Raleigh The Divisional An nual Banquet, oi the Occoneechrv Council, Boy Scouts oi America | wiil be held at the cafeteria oi ; the Washington High School in ; Raleigh, on Tuesday, January 27. ] i I*4fi. Dr. Stanley A Harris, re gently re!nvd National D ectoi : interracial Activities of the Boy! Scouts of America afte thirty! years of servict will be guest i sj.u nker. The council : evently passed the 2000 mark m it., mtur.-acial iru-r. bership in ki vping with th Council Five Ycai Plan and as a part of its quota in a National-1 wide effort to increase the Nt- j grp enrollment by 1000 for each j year that Dr. Harris served th ! movements. Dr. Robert P Dan- j ids, Council Divisional Chairman | anu president of Shaw Unive-Li- ; :v will preside. In 188.7 and for a few years - thereafter boatl ads oi Egyptian mummies v,-. re imported into En„ lurid and then linen -.v; sppu: - • were converted into painr; mummy paper was oi fine and much in demand. Virginians Eyeing More Candidates For Offices Richmond. Va. (AND lnd ications art; that Virginia Negri v. ill intensify their political ac tivities all over the state next year. With the presidential elec tion coming up next Novembv and other offices to he filled in the state capital and numorom lucidities in the state, it is re pelted here that civic organize* tions bent on increasing the num ber of Negro voters in then lo calities are preparing for a spiri ted campaign highlighted in some instances by Negro candidates. The election ot William Law rence. independent Negro rand' date, to the board of supervisors in Nansemond County, on Nov d over hi.s white opponent. F. E. Harrell, has u-'oused the people <’l the state j. nothing has since Reconstruction days. Oliver W. Hill's neai election to the Vir ginia House oi delegates in Aug u.-t has a : - ■- greatly encouasged Sydenham Hosoital Plans New $7,500,000 Addition ! NEW YORK -- Flans for a S' denham Institution com bin in .t the present Sydenham Hospital. the first inUrracinl voluntary hospital m the e. untry. with a new reserve:- Institute of Medical and Related Sciences, and an Institute of c.,m oionit.y Rot :tins were snnoim -tv' Tuesday. Movembe; 25 at (he Wal do T Adi-rtii Hotel I;y Dr. Allred I . Cohn nv.mber o’ the Boarn o' Directors of Sydenham Hospital. Dr Peter Murray, member of the hospital modica! stiili.. Dr. Waiter W. Palmer Professor Robert K Merton, members oi the Committc-* of Scientific Advisoif of the Nc.v Institution. and William Lescaze. architect. Professor W i'tiam H Kilpatrick, also a member of he Board, was the Lmchecn chi' m, t. A new structure, <jfe 'fined by Mr leOsc&K, will be erected on de,- site 'Neu V ork Man Takes "> \ A(IP Life Membership NEW YORK Newest *560 l.sfe Membership in tin Nat Uom! A-ociation for the Ad v.nm erru-nt nf Colored People j u.is purelia ed recently by Nui link busitu ssinan, Sidney Kes sler. In becoming ,t life mem ber Mr. Kessler expressed his ! gratitude to all of the associa tion's 600.000 members for the j "tremendous job the association ha- performed in fighting for j and safeguarding the civil rights of Americans of all races, creeds and colors." NEGRO FARMERS WILL BE !N TEST FOR FIRST TIE j ha: EIGH - N.. ro farmei's I. > j I Alamance. Iredell. Rockingham aud ’Jrbon Counties will participat | i with tin- Tennessee V-.iley Auinr,- | tty .nd tiv State Cciiegc Agncui ! !ui«.i Extension Scrvlo . lest b-ir.-j {enstration tanning next year j :ht f lime Moyle S. Williams. Extern, r ’ j Aianugf-i spec i:i I is; said this w.. j that mis work has ••-.cm conducted j j ill .-oi ..ltd cOUntie: «u!.tkb‘ jTV A are;, in Western Nor’ h !hn foi the past ■<: . ■ year:-. I n.. !is the- first US',art • . vC: ! liie program oi individual hi: rt demunsti lions has i ,ii xij-nd Mci u> mi-iucU Negro tanners. fi-- rr: two -u f.-tie Negro demo- - i stndion farms pc mint- wii; I - t up and demonsttabon farm.-is J v.ill in eh cud by the meimieu -f i the;: own community, i Tiie purpose of this j>n-gram is :• j tes ..mi demonstrate on individual ; ; -a f. ...inf; s-sUn .. and improved family livtne toi ih hoc. iity <n county. It a ill test „ud !oe:;. nstrate iht vaiu effect non I nest method of use oi new and in - ; i... -ved fertilizers in 'he uceom i piislimcnt of these objecti\ Continued on husk page I -- i Scholarships Awarded j To Three Nigerians Lagos, Nigeria (ANP) —The British colonial secretary an nounced recently the award of three scholarships to three Nigerian students n’-rfw in England fer training in Ox ford or Cambridge university and later appointment to the colonial administrative ser vice. N»-gxues in Ihu -late. (Jampaigns Well Organized Well ivgana . tuiiv | dirr-cted campaigns at’e in pro j : gre-ss >n such cs nti.-rx u> Danv liic ! Lvr.chfcurg, Charlottesville. Nor | f ->ik, Portsmouth, Newport N w.< F etc-rsburg a.id c-thei places in lhi state to got all :he Nevroc. possible to qualify t vote-. Th n>ovt.nnent ha.- oven penetrate ' into sonic of the most progresFivi i ural arcus in the stale. It is anticipated that Nt gm candidates for local and state p: j ■ sit ions will bo named within tw <> e-r three month . possibly earlier. j in some cities. N-gro politic-] leaders here, n.-wever, are study ir.e the advisanility of a workable j rlsn with white groups making j possible Interracial support ot j white and Negro candidates run r,inst on the :- tme ticket. The 'for ~r r>r. Luther P. ContimiPd on back page ! •. j .••fljc.ininfe the existing hospital I : I * edit i.l. ial and psychiatric itc ;ti- iilts will be combined in u sin* j 't h spite! i; rvicc. A sum of i; Vi .ntio w.d) be sought for the build ■ i ! " and mut&c-v.mH'i- bind in a i ' ' si ci.nuxii i tv v being organ j > rd. i The thro: mab' divisions if tin i i' 1 I«>slit*rti'n wlii tin ■, the non; |r r medicine and th. social s - V;r. 1 j r ' i votho n:• tomi npproaeft b j a study o- th; heal in problems rl i I*' c. mmumiy. Dr. Cohn said j 1 | . .• arr Env. i mu:-: of the R ok; fellei ! 'n*( lute. Dr C hn is the author i .| o r l.:c Sydenham plr \ The Syden-; . iK.nt IT sp.i-1 wilt mimic to pro- . ■ ' > ’«• the be: c hospital servie . . virile the I- .tit me of ,vud..ial and I ; Related Scieo -s will be devoted to j ■! research and teaching. THE VOLUME XXVII, NO. 22 RARER -11, \ORTA ■ AlMi SNA W A'K ( UNGRSA7I IR! VA Y. DECEMBER (», 1947 PRICE 7c j .. ~* ......... ~ r AttAW ■■* - ? DEfARTMEMP INVESTISftTIffG VIOLENCE RUStf NEW YORK -ANP. : j d oxdusively by ir.c Ass •: iated ; - ;:ro Press last week H. Horn j • . ..nd then (vwiit ,\vu i ; i ;>i have .succeeded in getting M ■ j William O'Dwsei to tad ; M n tiie explosive ampirlgii ' usnst nigh price;-- ! Oil ordrrs ol the mayor, the ue :in tinonis of r-t- ihh ;nd inarket investigating the reports that ■ ; r.ay thuv 1 .• tlh- i2.4n Street trading area it Lain: th'ng \.ol tong quiet the p- c.scnt agiia tion. The O'Divyor inquirv. i. li-ci-. i have be r. engineered by 'iai i.)u Dcir.oi.i,me Ic-oa. :s. got .tuber v ; -. a. ’-: :iit mayor had c.mierred with fir. Dan W. D.v.vso--- du •l = Mayor'?, Con r.: tH'e • h Uni ty i-t r•' •_ • Mi 'M- , -so*.-tale dir .-'-'tO!-. \!I \ POSTED or I'SIDt Ater'iimy t.v O'Dwyc-c. Dr. P d tConiinurd n i- - \ pavc nLUfVeiiO irni IS BLyOf(EO a i New York (ANP) Racial hat I lit, :,nd prciudici-' triumphed here i i -1 ; eritly when rvlayoi O D ‘.e. yielded to the importuning of . : Jackson Heient-- group of whites tout no low-cost housing be bunt .. that vicinity. Several month.- age. it , as t.eh-de to ere! i a !ow cost non.-, ing project mar tilt- Jacks it licights fettlc-nient appearing be : ir< the board at estimate with . i 'afe.xts The racial angle- was inject'd : HT.en it tv as pointed out that Nc i gr». veterans would be among i ' " e ace:; ;.n. M in ths n, ,e - proposed houses. TMthout a vote, the board ! st - pate seii-etud an of ’• • • j . liter a wav f, cm the elite, .1- j clt-rine that it f trnisbod bp: t!an>p.'.rtntion facitities and n'->re ■' - late scho 'is. lacks-.::: Hen-fits residents v.v -< 'rat tbc < >nit-mu:: ; : ’V io.-t w -uki Erins “nr. Mi able tenants" into that so »*KS. In .MKPfir Wi T lip|)s W yS ! A WRENCH Ka> • AN7‘> - ■r.-s Gov Frilly C -n a ..aec ’-'coV ti. r'onpcr •. . cainvt tbs itt.-iU- n bv su‘Mint:tug n. t!.-.- ■ U • .a..-! \ . ci--.,. c. eg: nns t<l the I ftwrettcf- Lo-agu • ft.. ! h; practice of demon ,cy ! The rvgoost of the- league was •3.- ed on the recently • published - p> rt To Secure Tnest Flight? ' mad; President Truman'.- Conunitu-. i civil rights The • ommiltc. hr La wren a icagtte who conferred lit; tlw government Nt v ;3 va..-- 'in D.ivis. xecutive secralaiy. ] :rv:; i M r Crrri« Davis. A.: M;m McCracken . - a-.. -fflmi-ntli.- chut nt - hi -- s l:nv nv.de ov 'lv corr.rm:- stat fair employment pracliwv , J .-cl which will iai set up a sct.ar ! ny- law enfnrctemen nramlr-. i adequately sassed mo provide j with a bud; :t which allows il tc. j i do a comprehensive slide-wide j- b 'and whi h is giver, the authority ! ' I enforce conipliance with the act. (b) make provision it -t thor ugh ' program of public etMralson. gia. h;;,t»y ;v t sits tlskeme Whtfit <w n. Oi, ir Hi. - \v\ W'l '■aiis rtfim.irclisn. n** * ni ls -. is ..t‘ ;l £\i« w. {;( ;• !»f exproi-st - 1 thi> (*• se: • i th itU'.i i-nroiu',/ \ mi" * the i-A iiH v- °i-«. iii'Uing ;it th- irh.'.ci. Her t, v/ith f’resuh'nt * O. I*. r i«t rt. Dr, W. C, Sommerville To Visit Foreign Missions «L ? V.;iS]{;XGTO\ •'Vrrorr.ir. ! Bf;: ! - v . ’ hi' -• V' :-l\ i> l) i.. the 'Vv \>n* d' }* C' ouir t •. -. ■ I*. *.!■; ii is ■ :D ! civo inr-'-vi-M:'!, ;by 1 >:■: n T; d A l 5 w .•> •- i;• vls i 1 (J ? the i/>tj Cd-ry Ooiivenii J ho Y,i;iT C ro" ('.ij'.vcjit <01 is . » hu-ivc foreign njisr-i r.;ir> :r» ; > vv '< loiv ■' rurronuy r.as *-.> Ir=• • - j r.i h.;> r.ctrvlng ia ih i Co.BonnucTi. Chinn. I v ;:- hnil . P O: ognes nd ;nvi V AtriCti. Dr S mrn'M’lo’s ;.n • ai irn, •!; U:c •u V. :: -i: :. Bf*. mlid. •. i k: 1. Ct. 1 tr«i 1 Ain ii i . iid SOl r.h A l . •,*: u.. T,h< !.i u Corey C-..-nv;noon ir NAACP Leads Va. Drive For FcFicat'onb! Equalities Evhmwl V: ■:ANP! Though j the Virgmiv Stair Conference of the NAA.CP pirns r- attack con i ditioral inequalities in the stale ■in the ct-tuoies separately, s<-v --: 'til i-uiirdy :: tool ooards and I vcir >ud, .mb. uot-rits are Its-- with action or pressjre to com- DC- 1 equi.litc b t;u- -;chu -i: I ; hi th races. All <>! these casts ex cuv: the Kim- George Courcy vest- ha i i- •.••"I instituted before h NAACP c-ny; yas held t: Roanoke. Vq. The latest school fight is "c --jr< i tod fi in Arlington count' j where the school board war' ! charged last week with deriving ; educational opportunities because iff race and col nr in a suit filed a District Federal court at Alex i rm dria. Th ■ plaintiff. Constant! e Carter, charges Dial the Hos fm;m-Boston Hh. ’ School jar colored docs not ‘v ; icr the same .studies th.<t a.,. a , ; . ' );f -.. hoot v. - • . ».•»;•; ir.-. building nude. i(Histris, tioi» vs here V Disk - trade at: ■ t i f Uis i ir.'; t.fn U:atl ‘.tier s(> : ■ |b >l^- Mi :.-:l> in lusi.uit (impel. VM' i c 7s.‘i'i'- "Obi thbuy-ud dollar build .’J. }•>(■: si. 1 .... hi i ~ W Afi i srmt-i . ill.’ • .sctieduifu to d( :M . ihu -\r.ni vei s.-i y sci n: n .1 Mi, i •• Proviuevcsi Baptist Chut eh • . .-vi. . 1..-'k*> t:, ;ii S;tno,->v Dc ttibi ;hv 21st P -vdcnc. bap . 'lv oi-.- Prop • ~n • Ch-trc.i m Africa; and. it was j M.inck fi by the srviWm, !<.v I ..r . , i <■;. forr. • -lava -nd the i I.'s' ■ .‘u: : ni:-. . vv;-;. ro Africa. T - c bosrdmg tr. huge Phi:- , br. ; iccn pi: n- at LaGuardia Field. • ' SJ' S !.Tf !i. y SUIU : iiiilt the u. in I. u Caix - C .n-v'r.tion i: - build * 'v-itc world : i-i-h Cii -is . -: rvssii.n- Mi. vtiv:ll v pi; ns ■ to hi: oil: ;ft ■ : the latter pan -v .Ivnuary \ liable fm- a hiu student.? it , 1!.• o Washing! :;n and Lee High j S, honl for whites. The court granted a motion on j ■ 20 permitting examination ; ■ i* the school board records, but .no date was set for a hearing', j Megroes in Amelia. Gloucester j ;-r.d Princess Anne counties arc I nr have been threatening to re- j or: to the courts to compel; e< oalitv of ope r'unitv f e edu cal i'.-r: so: Negro children. In nth- ! ' r counties Negioes are consider- j plans In <-crmv nm■•■n equita- , - ''ihuti'in of school funds for! III! benefit of Negro children. 'Abrah. m Lincolns official career j •' Wnshingl n began in 184? when j 1 *t• loon his s. ax ’• ( as ih.* i 'one Whig re ores- ntative of Illinois I Buy Xmas Seals Min r mm a-Mir v M- vii . >- fe ll gk pry^||ro HTTV n I is M'Ji i CHICAGO ,\KP) bv- v , *;.-i oi HlSpOl :U; <. iiObtrft »* i. wo- ] a.Uowed to i>iand. control V- ill pass -into white iumds on th :pi ; ■- o • Wh< ■ • r to-- Mi -«; (■ • 'itj : iy. tr> ; r . w;i'that ;.c- • • *. r.-Oed UID.-t | d. nilv since ‘he diW; pi Kobe - | ' i -'-u.. lno dor nnc. pablislx-'-*. b ; I (-;• V -•> - c (11 1.. »<.. U.'ul * * l-L.c r>. Ch.eFne ;.s irusiees of the \ mon, Aio.oUi Berk--; ana vVi!!l:v. s . ;•; si D.v-Vi. Th4- third \n : si■ is Dr. i L.tisrle* TlTimpsor.c rivnusi. vv.no n - * fn cidoiimV. J uciue t’row c nivttiiu • while an hi-Ne:: mm iervyce. H:e i y ! Diossat vs etw/.rT,-'- for the iri^t v P r Oti- L i m ( Tft y?> 4i 3 pro r I w r jisiy L£ -. n it' sjLyirtD wvnfii q I bhwft y Jo ..hiiv Dneeoiir‘fits ;ine».'L ' in* miC'.'. lvn; oi the Young conamss.-; i :•: luiying ; • sit -. df- ;* .Matv .in : - \ o»rity \ er' rt '.'e«k-d last wet k. t ■'; t .: i: s oi .ii-.v: Il’iilliati .1 v .uunst . ace aim religion brought th birth ;.! th. cc-mmissniv v bic-h IM'.'thc-; .studied tin r-vo-.i ' fni additional o; ucuiional in-tiu.! r- >tts in tiie Mato. New York bee? not hsve a slut un’versity in iht- sense of eru hose institution such as fm eon, nu n in -y. vr state:-. It support? \ oral school? and maintain rcncnurrHipj; in ntaers ,parin'. i-i;v .--uidy. However, because .>M ■-■ate schools frequent!'-' operate 'o v a quota basis. a> the charge.- sUit.es, it. is extremely difficult for persons of certain faith, oi race:, i ! > enter. t on!irm< -,1 • m , v... y.v^c> MEN. NKi. " i.rrs 1-fHST (ARt ER St *• - -V -- «*«RMK7 » VZ V.- s? 7 • . r ' N * wU *“j£ ' ‘ * -'A<- Me Genera! of the Inm Dwight D. Eiscnhcwrr i.. slusvn above re j ccfvltig Itir first sb*--ct of 18-»~ Carver Charistmsts seals v.-lii' h * arc sold to aid the activities of the Carver Foundation at Task*- bp it ski) sun mi: if-:': " - •*m—~ - -v : '--My > % T ' t .4- ' •''' t | m ’ v%> : '• ■> ■ V •-< • . A+i. . • t aroi Brier, re:fed singer, along vMb her group (si tour, was re : service while in Portland. Are. A Club of Women voters m:sd<- a vigorau. protest oh bvhaU Afiss Brice'*, prlv. White Vote ; H fO.Chyl? For IMptist dosnio:? Mind In \rk, ; ihr Arkani-ar Con«Dlidated i V'} ?h‘ W;'oomen Union injUdii*; 3 in Mol SpriiTc,- foi u- ;*> *• hospital TD-m ■ y(. i n m-' <'\nv'‘ L» t ! M’f i• fi 3 !cl f • Mii'mn .MCiCIrF. ,>c:(i f • i >;• H C. V,-'. -vdr pastor of Roa noke Baptist Chun :! H- t Spt’-i:..., C ' ft .A':'i>n. of Hoi A. . is cliainr.ua of the -ommittcc nr.g v ,- ouilding. A-i ffior vs in Air ConsoSii'ivtod Baptists wore ivefoctcd at the sc-s --: sion? '! oey include the Re-.-,-; Frr-ri f. Guy. i V.Uk- Ru::k. p'VSSfU-JVv "i O. McJunkins. F.i Dorsdo, vic-v v-. ! ideal st large; M V. HvcMor: l.vde ; Hock. A. J. Jackson, Texarkana. M Williams. Earle, and S M. P-;>„v Continued or. page eight .V'c Institute The presem.i wro marie in G-.-. I.iscnb wet - •ffire in the Pent'-gjisu buildin. \V&Nhlngton. t). v . ft: -’Ti*.burs «f the Carver Hutmmiee Inc., Os New York, the WOMAN'S OROUP MAKES PROTEST AGAINST ASTION 1- .Gland. <>.■(• (ANF) Miss ' (/, i iji Brief, ■■•.•ited contralto, and , ! t;i tV'/'i b;-i ii.v:-.-;. Jonathan, he. •, eeompanist. anti Eugene, a sins* with Dc Paul % infantry eho. - in-, w.ere refused service at two v. i ii-knr-.vn ii'-nat! ~nts here SaV day evening. Mi.-a Bra..' w; - in Portland by n.v itatkm u> - > -..> v ith the Port ir.i.d .S> m phony •orchestra Sunday .. v: noon. lit i brother. Eugene '.■■■as : t ileduie.i to appett: with ! ;!■■ Dt Pam 4 ; hunts in the public ; uhto.ium Satmdns night. Yh< three artists left, their ho- I > I'm fit because Eugene u- : a. i ;r .'.‘ei! ei advance u! ; . cone. ; IV* hotel dining •m w-v; no; open at. this early •lour Aftei to iofusals. they re united to thr-i hotel to await tit.’ r.ner hour the e. The restau • rs las' d .-.ei'vict. said Miss " ' ■ US' iC-.n;uiued on back page> : »-.**? ? CM nnnjiMrrt PMI im« r| ere ■ ■!-:.» -v., i ’’Hn - DELPHIA ';vr.\ . 1 Judg:. Herbert F Md> of thr ! Municipal Court has oecn ordain ec . .•iilur. elder of the Re<m Me i monaJ T :, i esbyii -lan Church. Th< rdina- in cc 'ersion.v wa< . •;••,!« ted Simile. 4 - \..•• r. dr: 23 ; .• the o. si■ >.- ihf Rev. Geo. ; 4 c F i.11i.-oii and - . Ha\ f-i F'in .in.'-, model at ot • i fit Phiiattelf tna IT- . - - : j-i-esoyiery | In bis sermon. Dr. Fit remind - j < 4 d ilia lisu'r.eres th.-d iht is mo |of C hrists crucifixion |•<.opts re|<- jnsentiny nil s!f.;a -. .- efiy lock ; I'd upon .its;li roni :ievci ! end lent His rf!a, i- e up ... ; tr.cm a!) :d the son:,' a vei. Lieutenant Gov.-ff Danis. 3 B | tit -tckJcr. nn cider • Kirs;- Pres j i:\ytcnan Cal luce • e. TVim i fvivae.i;;. spoke be 4 if n.y u;> ; :-.'-, 4 vi,y. r-xp’c - 4 . ; e: tin'. :e r. jove. Judge '•-.iile •• mirivr.t t. ; tf'e bench a no; ... , m HAACP' cGtESI" RUMORED m i N.), EU?!A 1 j NEW. YORK, Governor Alhvd j Drisculi oi Nt .h-is was vigor eu-ly urged y t.up-.sc- eumorea -it j tempts to csftfK; cc'.f gaied N... ■ tional Guard units a- Newark a;..' : Jersey City NAACP officials tea. .v ob from i uchiy eel eel.,' son..-,. Ghat each u nad.'nipi would be ; made by .• ;e ,v. . k i group svhicii wotild ialer . ,:;p : K- intptK-c ti" 4 - policy of .iii-. c 4 m.-i'c rhi 4oti;;h ran. the state In urniiit: ! . •; ,ra tKir's mt. r ’ veiuion il poinifd uu; i.iiu : he slate's i: . . .11 - -.i ■.. ion w ' f ■•rily recced . .-c Ben nationwide tiOfCi- ..is an 4..—. j. (K': C'Cl'C 4r ci)r- si i tut jo m . an m; -ib! y eo n 1 dr.S ■ 1 '' tiii;Tt ; V SCgrOi/Jiti > ■ ai the niiii: Immedie. 4 .-.: oi'odiu a prou-.b Continued ;>n Ik. t pigs •; UMn ini. group art . iefi f« rlghi. "O-s. I.ovcftc . if.u r.f r, Julias Thomas. >Jrs. P. I. Hfcii'.ey, Mrs. Sadie H. Alttldtrseti -'Mr. civai R. Ricketts. iASi'j.

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