FEDERAL WORKER CHASED OUT OF LA. CITY HELTA PRESIDENT '- i Mr*-. Mat* W»i|ht Omvns «i Hal- ; few 27*31. wider the eonvemion timtiff. grand president «t Btlta Iheme Toward sec-uririß These Sigma Theta sorority which meets titsri-1 •* IXPi in San Antonio, Texas Tlreem- CONVICTED NEGRO SPiSITED T 0 COUNTY JM F"5 SAFE KEEPING JACKSON. Mi - ANT Ea , ! Hasten Palort, rell, ;t :. ■: a ot Jitr. Mecdotvs. Meniiu: wlsriv man, last February, was n u .n< to county jaii her last o .• • 'Lauderdsit- County for wTekwp njg, to await re- triO next Pebru m>. Aecordin; to Lauderdale C'-ui 1y Jailc-r M. !-• G:;;i the » : % war necessary nr re-wt the 5 .-’.sr ; U s safety fr w -rctc trxrw , rfo who had Test, vm d 1h;o ;r. ■ s Sn jji'emo Coin ■ :-'o, -I:, court's Pee-. •>. nr a, conviction. Patton was triec. dale County circuit court. ..lit peal ic the • .inrenie court -couteiu. ed that NegiXu r were systematical ly excluded from ju>j service The Am vets Asks Forresta l To End Army Discrimination WASHINGTON. D. C. .W A— The: Ar.'T’iewws "veteran:-. Committee ku-ri Mo Nay called .n .Secretary ,-1 .nai Dt-u-m, James Forrestal to end. 1 anal di.- criroinalior, and segregation the armed forces, "in !su« .. ith the rec-ommen.’t.ti.-ns at' the Prts ictoni’s Convo’-tTtc on Civ . i Rlghte," Chat Pah-mo n. AVC national , ? no'rrta!; ; the on- y !( 1 1 sent to ’Vi; t-'e: rest.:; . See lota.-v o.f the Arniv Kenneth C. Royal!, and Soc-retarv of Mr W S. Symington Offing the (/ v:! Rights rep o’*' which askfer! t nr l merit. r.f i ::is]; ■ lion by Congress t- -ml dtr-crim ♦nation in the armed f > ■, - Pat rrsor. said: 03 -discriminr ' :v' ; ’ await Je.cMatior> Presidential Asp ‘rants Lvade Comm tments On Civil Rights Committee f w»k Applauds i»ra?vj* k r NEW YORK ‘A Ai Lcsre: Granger. Kec.it.i v>< H's-", ry of t’n 'National Urban Limnit was seine; e«i by the picture ,iews . Lo k. for his work m raisin:. em p ; yroent opportune tier. <m>.->ng No gtviffs. The cttotSfth appealed in the car r.'.ni ssr of the magazine, under tegular entitled "Look Applauds T .ese People Wh Are Making Good Ne-wr." Spot)king i M< G;. •■ u.ef s work. 'Look Applauc said. "Hi help ed 1.500.000 Ncv'roer nrdo- y -cd n industry during the war. Today thanks in great part to Mr. Grang er. nr»t>jt c: them . re stiil at wort:. ' "■> • v ’tis res'ilt'i Ay petawai e< .■ > with Ice-, people ir. iKKimg Cioer He slm.' work, amen?; 'Nr fCo&tiuuftu u»: &«ci, ifo--* - c mi;. A: a . W. L. : Tiigm chance tn£U. Negroes wii] u r accepted for jury duty, though they j wHi ire called. The- f'ic'Uior. ic.i V_i. > i 4.. j . Z V r,.d i tTiCA 111 *1(1 so ijury duty arc that they be male, i Oolificci c-icrters, :iaid poll tax for An past two years, have no co.-- a:‘s. or any "ml,won;-;" crime. IN ‘ that • n- i,f more of tiiieso mig r ’"host no! disqualified probeLd,-. ,euui.; be removed thr. ugh to. 12 !prec:'A.*? nr> chalk s allowed the « crF^fo > .Act- these in ..ct.-c: are not r.c• c. rsiiated by law but nave be ;• arse policy through of usage." tie said i.hc exps fierce oi the Array m ih. Huropt-an theater. ‘ i.L jirtp the la.a war offered “cor; - 1 elusive proof tries! alloyrt-iti;ei can ■ be ncvc-mplishtci with >ui, the dire irmjry to our fiuhtin* fore ■; v bir-h some- predict. "in fad. Iht result* achieved f ■V- . , y ■-* r. n ' ■■ , • - ■■■■-•: ..el o "H eg ration i- the OTijV way . 1 . e ioch the fig-Ming force.-, ,an oe • e t.-fieet j v.•.\ mo •. ; ;'U :«-;■) i 1.-. j:h' bilifcc-d. "‘Wiislfigc nf manpower * - -i - '.nedod, and '-..unoral pi. ci • vial discriminat ion ■ - . j; ilnjuries of rac' . . <• : hit-hat •> lor •riUtikv.tual--/ ' ' ' luxury 1 c];y f -; 'b-y.y YORK -- ecu of >ho ln r vidua Is who hov been mention i e • s possible ca.'-tiidates toe ' ' Ibctab'ncy . n th tsey-üblican e cra.ic ' ekets hi.'" b-.-c, will n b e- ’.t I- rm.f'ei- the rc.ciueei iht NAnCA V c opinions or. (j;, ~ i t th- 1 '•• ■stci i/ii Comm • b n -Ctvil Rights. On N vein.be: i4fl. vValtf-i White. .■. AA* T ’ secrc'riry aitv.ci oae!) of hi 1 s.f.rceii. "Do you approve of ft; C - mi Hoc' i'ceoni:tie..fi.;!ti>.n:is .’ 1 i- t. will you tell us which one*, > you disapprove "m:’ th: rorf.ons r , : : f fhsfilpr \ «i..' j Sue: » A fhur ndenber" si Yiicii. ..in -.1,1, Shi il W:iv;i .Viorse , ’ Ob-- have . plied *h ■ i i pres®- of work in tonriecium 'V’d to. spy I session of Cf viau-sr • h-e cenif-'ti tv' frem giving he r<-1 r ri lll u■ wdat,ii jns -ontuined in the i : or; .-. •ti Us.-iecu m study as th«y : wish f' &"t. Hcb Stmsrtolj hav< ■ p! : ITUSCh r.ioit.. r ,g jjj.;,.. i i.Lcutu-ucd on boef. pago.i | A .\, • v * v ., •" i _ —* .mmMmm* • —— «*» ————~ —" ———— * VOL. XXV H, NO. 2-1 RALEIGH, NORTH C V ROT,IN A _ WEEK. ENDING !S A TER?) A Y DECEMBER 20. 1917 PRICE 7 c HOSPITAL MSIS PLM TO Ml 111 STRIKE STILL SEEKING NCC PREXY No Successor To Shepard To Be Named This Year By A STAFF CORRESPONDENT DURHAM (Special) .... No successor to Or. •Riijv*'- l . Shopa: il a- president of the North Carolina Colic;!'; at Durham will be named duitr.g 1917. Dr. Edgar W. Knight of Chape! Hill Kenan professor of education at the University of Nor! h Carolina, and chairman of the North Carolina ColUnve Inv4ee bo.-ii’Ts suiw-ommilieo charged with findinjr a successor to Dr. Shepard, made this statement to The CA cOI.INIAN in a telephone interview Monday night. Denying rumors that appoint* ; int of a successor- to Dr. She*- , ~ T -, .... ... ~ . ' v’lci --Youia du m.-uup nitrmg ino h’diday 'oxs.m, I>. Knight said, r. ad in Durhnm last Octrher 6 ‘‘Nothing will h*- done before h..s ulr-widy bcvarae one of the* vuN v. Ou c ;rurur> : je ;;tu >1- . rcught .a •■ post* In Negco cxolorine." cducatianal ci.vies. ■As to tnr Kind o' man tnat tne Alu-o h- it is reported that ap trustees arc ss'-ckmg, iir. Krugh‘ u.'io&tions ha\ e been received save this dcstviption, -One ;-* . i0! -« ui educ-id.;.-s r 7 ar b; i'se Dr. Seep am as pos , fj-,. oucaout the coutitry. At least Siole. _ on* educator outside the United ’- ! Knight -:i. ad that form aw States a ibis fme is being c-ur i.o secbonal ociiis'idteratioris enter- . -n.!v mentioned. He is K. O’Hara mg into his committee’s plan* • Loniei one time acting prcaident ame We are looking tos to - ... Hair.oion instibite rrfo at pn-s wst max wh.-reve he con -x- m, UnA-i States Mirnste: to L.- wand, he said. b.-;ia The position of president at the O’r!wo LarT- rhe ’i North Carolina College at. Tlur- i among 3 Jorcn or m re pdnea sic.-Ti made vacant by the heath t mportediv’ ..•onsidcred bv"‘he TRUMAN f.SKED TO END JIM CROW SOL STRIKE c i . ■: ■ -- - t.. • TYASHiNGTON iANPs - Knca ib-.M-o. director m toe Natipna be. re oeurtc:J. y,fired Presiden Trmtotm Tuesday to • take uffic-k-. ref iu one. a deadlock" t.revr,if; e: ; . f a parvnt-pupii strike irsvolv '■> si net ■ t Colvinybi:.! schooli. Tr,e Sinks breae a week ago as ■er the district school ~-fuu'd iraur ■ erred a large rrcrobei of JJogn ; 'Uplls tc school buildings former i..' used by whites. of the Nr -" students formerly pad boon t efieny cliisses only part time be <• urc .if r wded facilhies. Their parents protested the tr;. tc: say.’-e the buildings former!; . -vii ey wnu'' ci.c j.;> we;"- diiap if eloci a::e .'?i,id.>quaie. pnlieuiari; 'v,., r.ii-rricf ciemenrary schno ’ MeJ'iyff v.’lic! vv l-egii.) juni r !:’gh Kcbo,.. rires..:. The child-cn fcr.v-: ro t nttende ■ : sos '( iho yc’S! week Brown urtfet. Pros idv nt Tr.imar '• - . k-yrrm t cal', up n dir ■ ,1 sc’fiooj board ': ■ immediciM . o tf.alize- th-; school i"aoilit.ies r>- Continue.! in n . . ■ i;'ti Nominations For 1947 Spinga i n Mod al Open YEW YORK - It tv ns unnnr - led Th urn lay that nominations l< the :i3rb Annual Spin gam Med i •'}' ! the highest achievement of • u J i-unerican Negro" rrc now op<. > i The Award CommiUet will mem . i - rly ir, 1848 to make its selecliopa j : 11-e American Negro who in 1847 j made the highest rchievenront in j,w honorable field of human m ; cleavor. j Nominutions sho-rid be sent U; * th; SpJnr.am Medal Award Co n milter tn care of the NAACP. 20 .- 4d" Street N m 'Wtak N. !■■■ It] - i*< 'in full : lions which the person making jtho ’-*c' mmendation believes «m --.. ii'tTsy (he individual namirmted tc icc-essor at o:nc time or Htioll :s perfectly Iht description rative t son what has ti s coTi‘i £.’ an iji tc-i n ali on a 1 rep :.n. Lanier is a native of \h on Salem. I- I.a understood th a f IJ. mister to Liberia Lank-.. -■ is been proininentlj’ mentiw head Negro graduate insti rn?: in North Carolina and T told f'ionds :n Washin? t Die.ifiuea ■ -i: pay. -::ch; irnds. I.ELEIVES (oM;h\Tn I \ Dr. 1 . L. Atkins |i’»«id«il of Winston-Salem s.VGi Teach ! ■rs ( ohi-fro was rncenUy e»n .. 'sibilated in alumni offirittls. aeuliy Bismbcrs and studrnts iti ih. award tn the coI'l«-ge m [ ■><■ "5’ rating !>;, the Southern \ r-or’,.Acfi <»f < ■ Oercs and See- I mi ary S hoof-, which was an ' un. :i al th! anuuai src'-thiy m ; .he 8-ulhrm Association held in j Uwi-viH*. Kentucky November Bill Outlawing Closed -Shop No Aid. To Negroes i j RICHMOND—(ANPI —Teke is or leave if is abc'tl she way Negroes here feel about Virginia's right to work bill. The bill pasted to outlaw the closed shop was not intended lo aid j . j NegtLes in getting jobs except, perhaps, as scabs or strike breaks. The object of the bill is to secuuft the right of. all white workers to a job regardless of union or non-union affiliates ct the right cf Negro workers to a jib as scabs or strike breakers. The right to work law was aimed at closed shops in Vir ginia had the strong backing of Gov, William M. Tuck who is bitterly anti-uni; ta. Tuck would hardly ask tot the execution cf the law in fevoj of the right ot Nogroes io jobs they are auaiifiod io fill. Labor is fighting the. law—net in i gussm-val sense- cf the right of all men U> jobs, but m * right that white- union men should enjoy. Both labor and the afar* official* are thinking ; in terms of white wuffe»». MORGAN CENTER 'OUTSTANDING' ESS CHIEF SAYS ■ INDIANAPOLIS. Ind >NN? ( fK) Federal S- eurny Admin;.-;- ! : itnuor Oscar R. Ewing last Tuos • i<Ky called the Tiemion G. Mor-: : x, s j\ center far colored funv.Mes i-Ju>tc- “one of tnc outstanding m j , tnations of its kmd in the! • 3, The statement was made while ; , -.Mr. Ewu'4 was on a tour to pro , hu-ate plans t • increase the r.utn- ; jjfeei of ccdorfid doctors foi the. > 'l' i refit of communities with large Colored population.-. ■i He said he had visited the era i whim was built las' Febru ; . " u ith a s7'VC*hO .grant <>i Fef -1 ’i-rai funds approve by the FSA, i ij so sec ' how the morse, was being rpnt I : • fa.- P’S A ndtr mistvutor recent- 1 l £ is'ie.urseou in Washington that i itc \va* carrying on negotiations j ie have- colored doctors intern at j the GaHieher there. Of-; r # 'el •Mt dkai School T,said such a’ I nil,vc wouM double Howard’s ; . ; . ... l \ Refuses io I nife African Mauds ; lake success. n y. -xvpat ; I !- The United Nations Trust .-c-ship j C oanci) lasi Wed■ j esday rejected h . : pie;; b,v ! .000,000 Eva tribesmen uT • West Afica fer u->''Leal ion of their ■ tr A to Bw-i-nilipr Ri'd IT is hrittc {•«Mi#ra lii'iltfiS sbwrr to A B Uio )>!.UK prfsid<>rit a! thy Wit>- >• rti Traihf-rt, Cfiiicgi Al atnni Association ami hj Yli •Hatvhri I liipps. vxi-cutlvr ««•,- t-Hsiry of the assnoistioii. For the past ion years Pr<-;i i<‘. i Atkins, lias urged the (irn ttral Asaseroblv of North Carolina he importsno.-,- G suffis »ont ap fContinued on okc.F page; Port City Nurse Walk-Out Effective N ext W ednesday WILMINGTON - Unless thv ! Community Hospital nuMM dispute ; over a wage increase is settled. • the nurse will go or, strike effective 1 , Wednesday of next week, the | ’r. arses ’.old the hospital beard of; ■ trustees in a letter iV re Saturday. The nurses’ request was mad;- at ; mei-'.uu. of the hopital board <>. ; 'ntstees Saturday afternoon is "> : r-i.rses joined white 1 nur.'es at tlk I Jiurtf Walker Memorial Hospital in j iv q u t in}- pay ; ncrea sc because | they said "the cast of living is soat in_, higher <-,nd our salaries are noi I bn keeping with me amount oi i nonev necessary for bare ex is- I li' II’ iiit . .v 1 askect lire trustees; to meet :he nnrses as a body ana; did nut mention negotiations with ; ..-. outside agency. Superintendcib ‘ Meat's ret F. Greer said the nurses’ i iiC'jUOS I ;: ’: : - CCSidfej 1 lOU bt (V'.ISC j iney have all been patient anti loy juL but no action was taken on the • j reques:. | "In October," the letter reads in , ' we. the graduate nurses ni -ti c -,A. ,'t •; a It; Vi- to Mr. Bellamy ‘Chairman or FREEDOM TO WEB FOR ALL ISSUE AT ON MEET Gc-nerua. Sw-ti'cTar; d(ANP) - | A proposal that the human ■lights declaration contain an su* , , tide giving i-aah person/•freedom : II ma'.rrv without regard io race--, ; , religion - or origin.'' brought abo id '• u mild difference of opinion be* uve«6 Mrs. ESranui Roosevelt and j Alexander E. Begoxne-.lov, during ; a meeting of the UN commissar* jon human rights here last woes, i j The issue under discussion was • ''marriage and the slate.'' ; Mrs. R< ■•soveJt, roprc-senting the United Slates, held that li - i human Tights declaration shouio | hove an as' stating nr 1. I ;;*d women arc > q titled to oquai ;f . eouem to ma, sy. oc-gornol >\l i t;u ffeussian d. ogeic, Je-Jt that o-s j opponent’s proposal "would have ( born rt vohitiorary back m A, ■ | lHh eentu •>• ’ but that, at pres - jor.i, the .-rati. sh.H l.i protest l ie Pt titis l on o| !p;»’Tiaec and the j iuiTiily and gi ve eadi person five jeon'; io marry without regard to irate religion or origin. | His surge.-;'!.ion was in line- with p ; g rit pro-.y ,:«-d be' A S. Su i banerko. th White Russian dr! ! late. No ngrf-i-ment i'enched i n the issue. j Connecticut Governor Blasts Segregation In ; Conn, National Guard 1 12 Nigerians Ordained tloh Priests I " | ON ITS HA Nigeii* - Father) | [ Godfrey Oi-mye, twelfth native in; | • nrckini'd a Catholic pries.'., of R. • ! Jus v! el ion ijf S U- [ i i'fi h:s: Firm Muss he-.v re cmiy in ’ I the presence «l' s vasi throne, oi j r. I?Sp and friends. Fi>lper Oke>e, who became ■ j Catholic some years ago. is. the ; ,v.. u'lfc'.est oi 41 family ot < I even j jTbref brothers and a sister huvt j j«ils;i become Catholics. This y ar 43 000 uat.ves in the I Onitsha-Qwerri vicariate became : Catholics, bringirtr the total num ; bet of Oath', lies hi the vicariate to i ihe half-million mark. The Holy GU' s: Fathers. Irish i i priests. are in charge of the vii-c-! [rata. 1 the Board of trustees) requesting a i else in salary We w re told wc; Pv' -uld be considered ;.ftci the bud- j 'get b..r the hospital had been ap- j ;.roved. Time has passed and wc ; |J,.ive been given no further con- I I siCthr^'ioi!, "The cost es living is soaring ; ; higher and higher, and our salaries j me not in keeping with the amount i -a nu-.'iev necessaiy -ioi if&ie - ...s --l‘i nee. . . . i Graduate nurses* arc paid $lO5 a I inv-iiui. pins subsistence with no | in-ovisum for automatic pay in- • icreases regardless of the length of*, ! cervicc. j While n o act a n was taken on the i j roq.igsl Bellamy indicated it would ; : oe considered at an early meeting j ; ui the trustees i TOO HEAR MOTHER OF BBRIE MILLER ST MEMORIAL PHILADELPHIA •'ANP; --Near-' \ \ goo pers-'Ms filed into Tuivt.r . I .;j 1 SiVida; to vva ve Dorse Mil- i jkr services, which were sponsored J ‘ by Colonial Knights club. Mr-.. WererieUa blsilcr. mother of j Mbe head hero who as a mess at- j 'tendant third class aboard the Bat-; , (Joship Arizona at the time of the j :nf.-mous sneak a lack at Pearl • i Karoor. downed lout Japanese j ; planes, jouoneyoci i’-rom her Vo ac % j if. - home- and appc-arod --s itic i ,gir. s i speaker. Negro Press Attends White House Reception Washington f.ANPJ-Mrs Alice A Dannigaii, Washington bsurea-t:. Asstviatcd Negro Press: Lww ichid. Nanonal T\c:vvs.pi. ■ tv." Pubiishcs association; P. L. P: a:;.. . rr o.■ the Pittsburgh l ,wrier and Washington repr.- smAativc id Oui World magazin ■ arMS Mrs. Prattis ware am png th-‘ ? f*Oo members id the press, tu ':() and pi'HitcxTarsh.'e association .• ho «• tended the annual rwtp i> n given by President and M;*. Truman at the White Hors;- Tuc. ; cloy evening. The- “ladies oi the press’ ’ m tb-.-i. pay g< • ■.. n> cif shmy sat , ■:> , i tc:i velvet and draping crepe, trimmed with ruffles, hustles and klmr sequins. and the "press gentlemen'' in their 'lux'' and !v’KW YORK ln response to aa j inquiry of the NAACf- concerning j i Cooceciiouts policy • oward N - j i grots in their National Guard units, j , James; L MoConaughy, Gwenwi | ; a the State of Connecticut, in a j (letter dated December 3, 194-7. str.u I j d: “I am uKing every influence 1 ' withro my newer to eliminate ra i icir.l discrimination in our National |. ; Gua’-d. with the firm conviction j j thai ihere should bi no segregation! |of military units naset, on color m j Co.-»n£ct.icut.'' I After refer.-10(3 in .he War Dc. ! j piirm-qnt policy as set out in thv i j Gillen, Report pr v-dirtg for into- j, . utioii on the uni; basis only, the ■ I Govt nor's letter continued “ This 1 object t . particularly in j c>.riruction with Go n cc*lieut iirtiis. ! !OUicr mates arc free u set thru 1 j own policy, but it is my sincere fa,. j fttnti-jn to set that enlistment's in |. jgy Connect icut Natiouttl Gaur ur, * p “‘GET THE H - - OUT OF TOWN DON'T RETORN'' | MONRO IT 1,.. eINKPA) -—“Wind ! i.ij.- you; business today and get the * liCil oui of town and don't com* i buck!'' An unsigned note, so worded '’was found, las! Wednesday pinned : i'it official Federal Government automobile, used by Lawrence J 1 1 Honey) Washington, an employee of the Farmers Home Administm | Hon. •vhil h< was in Columbia I Tiilliis'inna oom h yr. no official I business. Washington, who works with col | ored families in - annection with the Farm Homt Administration ; had gone to Columbia, a town of some "OO population, at the request of the county supervisor First indication that trouble was brewing came when a telephone i all was made toy the local shcrili 'Continued on back page-• SUPPRESSION OF NEOBO KEEPS ALL DOWN - JOHNSON s LOUISVILLE < AN! When 'white American; sap - Ncgi-oes I educationally, economically or po .' litically. they are n.-; oifly keeping the Negro down out also them • solves. declared Dr. Mortice u ■ Johnson, presateni of H- ward Uni* I \ al'Sity. Si-rnking before the Jt vish Pub ; lie. forum, in Temple Adath Israel j here last week he said that white -Ana-naans should .approach the N,- j pro problem with the realization ; that ii v itally affects themselves. | and that an offhandedly benevolent j athtude is not sufficient, i He reminded his audience that j “the peculiar economic stratifies* non of ;he sauih in 1929 robbed the | nation of $10,000.(nX;.000 worth of or. back page) \ outfcu 21. Acquitted Os Surimis Oiarve RALEIGH -- Edward Joyner. 24 : year old, was acquitted ■•i bastardy - ebaj gas, b v ,»a, ; ,; by Doris If ay - j v nod, 18. also of Raleigh In city {court here Wednesday. I The girl said he fathered her : child, which was conceived m tit jiaie summer of 1946. but she ad* j mil ted on the stand having had re jlwiions v. ah f S r.,.-tho-i man. Joyner | said he twice bad relations with the j giil. but denied being the faihej ; of the child Joyner had submitted to a blood | test, but this proved ir-conclasivi ~ ‘'tails” were received in the blue* mom by the President and the F*rst Lady Afterwards they r issect Ihr- >agh the red room into tb' state dining reom where punrii was served. A- ..... T» J, - T*T *T» . 1.•? ,» . i.vAi • cxi iu jSX i &. 11 UMUUI iWltt retired, the guests milled into the bail room who.-, they danced to ;i , musk of the- marine band. In addition to mem beers of the newspaper trail mity, there wore also present members of the F i esident’s cabinet. Among distinguished guests who attended the reception were Secy oi Labor and Mrs. Lewis Sub w <:• i1 r nl' ac h. Secy, of the Treasury and Mrs. John Snyder, AHv. Gen. and Mrs. Torn Clark a d the nevi postmaster general Sheriff Order* Seizure |Of Ballot Boxes NEW ORLEANS <ANP> SeL in»g of the ballot boxes which con ! 1 wined the votes cast by Negro 1 longshoreimm of Local No 1419 ! here last week, was ordered by [i be civil sheriffs office when it I was anticipated (hat goons without | the organization were attempting to commit fraud in o*aer to perpe~ luafe the present machine which for more; than seven years has pul ed the organization whlth an iron hand. Called in to observe, but not to intefere in ;-.n? wav with the elee •i n at pr-sidr.-.q.d candidates, were several lap notch Negro ATT, officials, among whom were Chwlcs A. Leckhart, imcf Judge Hender son bmh of the Gulf Stott* <Ustr'«^

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