2 Men Arrested In Harnett County Slaying Case “PRIVATE CLUB** WHITE PRIMARY ILLEGAL ‘ Whites Arrested In Angler Case LJLUNGTON Marvin Mail hews. 25*y.ar-old :on of Mr. an; 1 . Mrs. G. W Maitnr.vs of Angit;. and Wyatt Adams. 22. :;oti "1 j«• Adams and a broth.’-, o-.' Policmnni- Wade Adams oi Anglin’ wire ai icstcd Sunday m onoection wiv die slaying of Cb’iili- Sindh o‘ Angler hr re on November 2d Sheriff!’ VV E Sojorrmn nrous: ; Monda> Sheriff Solomon .a;:! the two white men are being iuid ; n th-> Ha; nett County jail without privd ■ gc of bond trendin'., inveslingauon by sh grand jury w men r.oy. , session. .Tru k H> r.K . dii u;‘ s -lie tin • <dd is<- wool: •■.:•! .. !>:ii oi in dictment <■ i :.i. in; ; iii.ro with an',-, hr to ibr j..',uut ;,ury probab! Toe. d'.;y. Smith was I H> o. • iii i ti; Continued on page fight ITALIAN GIRL, 22, JILTS OftYTPN BUSINESS MAN NEW YORK— (ANP)—A young business man from Dayton. O. who arrived here Christmas Eve to meet and marry a beautiful Italian girt he had met in Salem*- in 1944. was preparing this a«s to return home minus his pr*a-. pective bride and the SSCH ca.- h bond he had put up. The sadly disappointed Ronn ■■:> who identified himself as Charle- Butler Jr., son of a Dayton ga r-age owner, "lost” the 20-year old gi:« from Italy one hour be foie they were scheduled to be. man ted. Tina Marino, the missing would-be bride, vanished from the apartment of new four. 1 Bronx friend* while the :-.»nd some Ohioan was shopping in .. nearby drug ;ioro. Bishop R. C Lawson, who was to officiate, had been kcot waiting two horns before Charles walked into v - minister\s study and announced that _M,v Mu: in. ' had suddenly n V/mcV' i ST. AUGUSTINE'S TO HOLD SBTH ANNIVERSARY Celebration of the eightieth an nivt rsary of the founding of St. I Augustin! s College will be held at the college January 10-11 with : two natKinail;.'-know n speaker.' scheduled to be present, it h-s been announced Hubert T Belany. member ;u me class ot T.-ufi new a judg. oi the Cou:d i.i Domestic Rela• turns oi New No rk City, wall ao dvess an assembly open ;the pub -n T.vd. Hall u:i Saturn;.- at 1 i:OU a.m. .-rad the Rr\ Goo. A. Wieland. director of the homo department of the National Coun cil of the Pre-test am Episcopal Church and executive secretary of the Division of Domestic Re l alien?, will be the speaker at the annual anniversary chapel ser vices at 11:00 Sunday morning. Si Augustine’- was chartered on July 31*. 1365. with the Rev. Thomas Atkins. Bishop of North Carolina, a... president ot the board oi trustees, and opened ii.? doors for instruction on J.n uia.y 13. 1368. ms a normal school and collegiate institute with the Rev. J. Brinton as principal D;. Harold L. Trigg is the 6lh president of the school and the first Negro president, having as sumed leadership of the college last year. NAACP Reports Gains | In Race Relations In ’47 NF.'vV YORK-—Outstanding gains were madi in :94V in toe comii, u4ng fi.eht tor fuU eitiz* nship rights, ior Nccro Americans ...-cording v reports submitted u- {hr- annua'* meeting of the Notional Associa d.on for the Advancement of Col ed People here- January S ir: his report 10 the gaibcri.t?. VI i.Cei White, NAACT secretary -hailed the anti-segregaiion sections at three committee.-, appointed b> President Truman on military munme. civil rights and higher education. "These reports are evident --rid Mr. Whin-, “that there i« growing recognition of the far: ♦hat segrefiation xti itself is dir - criminatory. and <hst until it. .c ished N grot* and other roc urity groups svill n<- enjoy these rights as American citizens," The NAACP pet ; tion to thi Unii- Nations presenteo last Octabc: Carver Picture Now On (alii. SL Par Passes LOS ANGELES (ANP)— The late Geoige Washington Carver's picture will adorn the weekly passes issued by the Los Angeles Transit com pany. beginning M o nda y. Jan. 5, it was announced here last week. The lithographed passes are :old to bus and street car passengers for 51.50 and 51.25 Idea for having the late scientist's picture on the pass es came frvm William Jones, local Urban League execu tive, as an effective means of honoring the memory and works of Dr. Carver. They will be in the hands of Los Angeles cities in lime for Carver .Week.’ A spokesman for the tran sit company said, "It is sc. lit tle too do for a man who has done so much for the world, but it will serve as a means us keeping his deeds alive in the minds of the people •'i Los Angeles. Howard Professor Kle< h d Member Os f.olle«e Os Phvbieians WASHINGTON b C - Dr John B Johnson, A -u.;, Profos ' ■><•;■ of liii.mal M-.dieme at i: Howard Univ, t »u> .Sch. ol of Men. ■ iv.;-- has been elecicd an A-.. • n American Cuiie.no of Pbysi i cions. Howard University .-•ffic.ai. ’ rnc:.d h ;e W.-d.u sdry Dr. .T. orison's eleetioii 'o in* o; ■ : aura:Mr marks :•>« firs* ;inie W*,*ro physician i,cm below Uv Meson and Dixon line Ivas bet r a-dnutted n> ■ h,- Arno: i. an Colic ct Physicians He iy u,<- first mji oe; of the sr.ffs =f Howard Univv; • Jy .-.nd F:. -1 b.-t-j. „ ix . f'-me n nvmfc.-r Afte r -moving *v a R-ckefel*.. Foundation Foilowshtp r. Medßm-’ M ; -'*v I ':;v >;iy «.1 R ,»!•. V; Jii-m iit.'lP—;; Dr. JcJiii: an was re; ti!;.-: Uv examinations as a sptv ■aiist it l ft'i*.. :i.ii Mi ti:cine in i.'HJ Ho :S ~ ci, .. tv v !'!'ie-nvb< - -i :i*,e American T edentuon to; Ci-.-ui.-.* , Re-oarcb: holds mentbarship it ■ r .--'i-.a N: X:,!,, nai }inro,... | Scientifii- tvx-iety md js chan -T, . ! -1 tne Medical See ton ot .; T.,d,u f ) I A . Rankin Leads Against Henrj Wa shiru&ort (ANP) The cap-.- la] cily has been y sea of n’lixce 'EwcXioTis t'-cai.-; rniTig t.if third party idea Mricb Henry Wallrtc t-fT’-.'ially nnn umecd his intenticm of ninnine for president In opn-ving Mi . P; Rep a,‘ in R.-oikin c\ n* 1 men ted that. • ■ Henry Wail era.. fuliT;motions wiJl have little oi no effect on President TTunian s I *-‘hsnces for selection. Wal‘!o<"*n ; . up ix otic appoa i to the communist elements of racial minorities :-..-unoed as siilv as did ihe i-ej-rar' ■1 t.-'t: SO-calk ci FEPC, Oi' Seil bait’s pci'secunor, of the late Sen. Bilbo. They were all trying t ploy up to toe radical, racial groups, mans ot whom follow the Moscow line _N;:. Rankin’s statement cam;' i c-iter Mr. Wallace had made n ! - fighting “declaration of indepen- j aenco sot minority groups. In j h’-s radio broadcast over nation- ! wide- hookup Monday night, Mr i Wallace called to: an end to dis-l crimination. i "Toe abolition of ji m crov. must have too place an the ages- Jo of a prourar-. for nolional Vie : |"’as cited ns recognition ’ importance i the Nero cpiesu-.r, on an internation.il scale., as in ]- heated by the two cs-ye of discus :..on devoted to ft by the Human Rights Commission oi the UN a ,fs me rung in Genet a tv.; ]v -n j Dor mber. 3M> I.E<..\|, CASES I Also cited was the June 29 moon ! mg before the l. inrn]r; Memorial , : V\ ashingti 'ti. D, C. where Pros idem I Tnurism delivered his speech on t.fl" | rights of citizens to an audience c jiOimo per®nag and by short v, ,-.v, ■ r.U points overseas. An increased am nun. of radio |ft trie and magazine and newspapn } space was made available during 1 1947. Mr. Witi!e said. Radio ineJiu* •ad 'Town Hall of the .Air and she j Chicago Round Table. noth oafion- j i wide .programs. Mow. than SOD k;.y;il ca&o-s ware j t Continued an back page) j ■*«, *L i m Ipiis*■< ■Jr- -« "• * .$5 t THE VOLIMEXXVII.no 27 RALEIGH, NORTH AKOLiNA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JAN GARY 10, I'M 8 PRICE 7 c Nominating President For NCC ★ ★★★★★★ ★ ★ t * ★ ★★★★★★★★ PL A YM ATE SL AYER RELEASED TAYLOR. TURNER. EIDER, MANLEY IK SPOTLIGHT BY CHARLES \ RAY ''prri.il ieituses Editor Th< V r \i’«,)>ap*’r \> tw k DURHAM i Exclusive) - nice r lose t.-.- Jh R i. Flowi.s <hairtnan of the Nc.-. : ;. C..- CtJii-ge mis! c ... ... . said h*.u Monday thaf Dr. i had . summ nod to Clm-a iiii: "Ti:-- day ii Friday” ■'{ it',.- week to - ■Mo iiG IT* i• j. jr* Sh*‘ is< of *hc* NTj sh C'isi'O'- Coi: ». v ■ Oil L, . i S‘L • • . ■ Tie XCNN’S n.i imsnt ' sx.Av' ?>- •Dr Edgar W K,. • A Cm';... • mating committc. na: reouerUa •in members of i-i. , onirmuc-. i». CJvi-e A. Er.\ ,C;.p-u: Waynfc./ ' Fr.,n»; T. yief *>f .iu/'.o-'oT'j T o*. v ji.jjfjjl tO .' to ' .v ILt *« Con 11 nr.;: tlm <.; i«n inn n■nc• ••: • i‘T* the • ' UTi i i ,-. T . V< L '. ~•( So: th C.o'olinn Collogt i >eei . :i, ■ .go in Decembei vote n porM ■ 'A, ’ .. S r D, C. Gang y A. Wallace ; a .i| -Im-,; ’i' i.. ;-i ‘dC'U : ltch'V and 'freedom’ ana justice'' used:--:, ghbii tn .supper: :e. i * ign Dfilicv e ill ring ho-lk'-c : ' throughout tin.- world ” Mi'iin>er> of tr-c national eoun of the Na;i..«na’ Maritime un ion - -AIO) hailed the ' momen ioux decision” by H-r./v A Wa 1 ■*/-, , n ,-j .• •- paeskterd In f, K-legrom to the- former vH't- preside et. T\Ml.' declared. "Your olatfo- it: is the eoncretv ■ answer The Arnc.-ican people hav ■ i been {JcmandiAg for a ger.uirx j people’s peace. In taking this his- { 'oric stand you have acted m the '('iiidi.mu'd on pack rmgei i - - Dewey To Ask End Os Educational Race Ban iBAPTiSTBOABD TO MEETIM ALA. ScnTis. Air, ANP) T.'u Board of d'ij •.-•;•• tors oi the National Bap tist Convention USA. Inc., will convent- ir. First African Baptist church. New Orleans. Feb. ' 4-*, to- draw up plans so; the opera tion of its pri gram during 1943. it was announced here last -week by Dr. D. V. Jemison presidem Host pastor is the Ret-. H W. Coitmsn Tlh- director.-, will be confront ed with the prospect .>1 raising funds to carry on its educational foreign mission and state schools programs. Its odui-btiwii,] p'rogj-rm calls for men. than $206.000, ■' the missionary set- un. $200,000: and ;rhoul 3P>0.000 set thf various slat? schools. .All thefte funds are to jße raised by the group, j Dr. Jesnisofi reported that the j convention hss doubled itself in | ehurrb representation in the jm-H ! five years.. f Annual Speaker ioEw':' i:YI A -wl* . v »!'• lit LH v: - ‘ WtEf!-*' : -\K w ’ vi ' •--- : pf. tT (Li ’ Ju.diee Huber: T. Deiany, Judge of .the Court cf Domes tic Rehstit-ns. New York Ciiy. r.t- ■■■. v 2) cii-.'V.-, ihc «# versa.-y addr*c-< at the eightieth anniversary celebration cf St. Augustine's College in Tayloi Hail a! 11;00 Saturday mom mo. He is a graduate o the class of ISIS. 13 OfIROUNIfYS CCMMISSISNE3 ST HAMPTON, V.B. BY THOM AS si HAVI' r> 7YTVi" ’ttv ' ’ ’ ’ * - «‘\.) i lit; JL, v 3. ; ser-cant: R\ -, Lilii'C m: Oarenec MeXay. Rt-vi Spr;n;,:. L::. r ren.:.- C. 3- j nil; ps, \y. ■• o. - -Alik E- hferrat. High ■Hi itj:-..-; l’. H. -5. Saiicbu:;-, J; Snuaj-e. ./,-d -George Tillery hi: se appiunied to ine rank <4 1 11 - • -‘ ' - 11 -' :il V B A ill ;. Durham: Charles A Clark. Bek- Ijavcii; nd Richprd Wiliarjai Giilt; boro. Charles B Pittman of Fair ::’io»t was appom'nu corporal, and - i> ; . M‘ lof F.atc:. vriii-, v. fnar 1 !:- • 1 ~:c fux ct. yy. Albany Governor Dewey, in iii.- annual rr-a- to the pjmmj- - mg session of the IM® Legisla- ! ume next this, v\ -J j reeoinn ien i enactment of a law barring <L’s . rn mutation or, racial or religious ' ; grounds m ad miss ion to colleges. and professional schools, it was j ; learned recent’)'. Thf- Govemoi’s proposal, ;t j understood, \v,U call for placing : rtrsponsibility for enforcement of! the ban rn the State Department of Education, which already ex:- ereises general supervisory power j ove: all ins: if al tons oi iearnxns | wiiton the stale. While desiyiiod to serve t he | same purpose as the Austin-Ma- • honey bills of tlie last two legis- j Ifitivo sessions. the procedure fa vored by the Governor is under-j stood to differ in many respect•; j i t.-. r- earlier proposals. Mr. Dewy’s plan is believed ! to anti final a a roeommendatlor.: i of the Temporary Commission on j a State University. headed ;■ 1 Owen X? Yoatyr, retired mdus- : • trie list and Sonnet member of for -Stab- Bomb of Repents. Ti - 4 Young Commission has bean m- ; hr 'C&nunuc* on back page-) BJY WHO KILLED PI'YfMTE fSEED 1> AROLEOOftRB RALEIGH - R o,:r* j , . Ducky. :f V...5--OM WilsO,. VOi.itii. Monti •> '■* pm I d from .1 four : ’>e., prisoi term nfKi court wi lav- t-nfurc rrt’fil -Jficiols earn*- u. Frtx-doni for the yo.j:}-, came al . T.-OoS a year .nd .. J;,if ;,?;or he ■‘ ‘ .* T *;.* 1 M .i{ ’> *5 G; iih* K.I fi S. • • yjrt-onihL tif'lcr h we-T fit Cert*’ • T LIN •;* ’it f \ 5 ? f L %p. iNJri u.tO pi V ITS OOV. wi*s'“}l 3 dji pros Wiis t<’k* ■ in j? t *' j Lnter parents ot* the victim ?e •F. r .'i Ttcocic, ■■ 1 i-.ii ; | inA riTit-a 1 !?<•' Fll Tie ComroL^-o . nt intended to kill Gaskins. "It V‘ r Gfv not li': occideiVici] .•shod HOBEHT !>1 RRELL i.l KM 01 HONOR vi lUSilh Oil ROi BUFFALO. X. Y. (ANP>— I : Robert A. Bu. - -only Nigra c-ffitv here, broke another pro idtm 3«r; wee-k as the guest us ciuh oi the v-entrei ! Alcbn go. Ist church. The organization, eonvoosed of c-mgregation, invited Mr. Baneil to address them on the Tee em endations made recently by Pres ident Truman r t’ornmittee on Civil rights. More man 200 persons turned out to hear the brilliant youitg prosecutor oxptxss the hope that ■ legislative decisions based on the i■- rn :n ii lx- s reeo: rriiond rt: r ’A'ei’id and snould not becr>:i'.‘ u political foootball if the voters in communitk-5 from coast : voxist let their representatives in Congress know exactly how mw: Americans foe; on the basics of human rights.” ? LYNCHEO IN '37 REPORT SHOWS rnsfosGEE institute, ai« ■'According" tc, the reocnds coinplleu tr ‘ ih* Oepartmexi t of Retards t».to - K:search of Tuskcvcc Institute. I i iIMCi Th3t -u fi ;. ■. jvTr m , during the year,” Or. F. O Patter | '-ow, president of Tar he ace Insti lute, reported here Wednesday o* his! week. Tiu' lynch vifthi'i was WSiksi -trie, iM-yeur-oici South Car Oias j .•'oiith whose body was ioxmS. routr- j iated wife knife and bullet wounds j after he was chargee; with robbing ar>d slabbing a white taxi driver. The JyriCfe : Tig during 1547 f», five less than the iiußsnber <six) to; ; 3040. equivalent to tt® jittrrifeer !. tetm) for i»4s, one Sks* then the j number '?.) fur the year tM4 and ; two baas than tne- number «'£hrc-;-< j tor I,hr yesr IMS (Coatkiaed <*a back page) j ... ’* ... 7 RECEIVES CONGR.-VTI LATIONS | 1 , I ! I ‘ j ,-y - - < . .€• r • ' / ■A . r,kL' ; r'.’ P CkF'' Hon, K. iUui r.f* SlS.rigTit. c.aii riv’au fttr the l>«--v-*i r.ni. \V, : t malioii for Govern . •onyrxiiil.it iiii- the iJev. SJ tY Williams < ii.iirman of sh.- Kaliiftli Ar<> Gubernatorial Candidate Praises Local Citizens IMbFICH—!'•• •! --v. f.i»t - North C - i,-,ng i .cn committed to the piineipio of equal opporiunicies for all its citi • Yens I,ml that it has mark progress in that direction, R. Mayne Albright. Dcnioerji;. uspi>ant for Ck -. rn -:. c.-ngraiulak'd the R.. - | cigh Negro Citizens Coirmiite*. en ; good citizenship and us progress in 13 phases of community life • Through its work." Alto iebt de clared ":he cs»ix--l of North Ca’ ■> 3iia has sot a good example for ail ■ itoe slates.** Mr. Albrigh! addi-ess the Com j mitred at its Anmn::i Meeting Sun ; das afternoon at Blo*'.r;w<Vlb Street VMCA. ii ■ tpuiie on Css-;,, .-hip Respond ibil ill ■; The Gubernatorial candid.; le ; made no mention of his candidacy. I but said, "This annual meeting Mind.- us; not only t.l the ijggiarnr.g lof a Neve Year but oi New E, • The citizenship responsibilities of this New Et a eu.-awn L>< i 0.-ifiited to the boundaries •■! the cay or U». state, Our hope.-, sot conirtumg p-u --gross in the state arc inevitably bound icith our chances of living m a priopercms nation icoa a peaceful world.'’ Disavowing the I...toltional pr- • sumption lint Negfoes r hould net , participate in Givcr.inient. ?-'!■. Albright emphatically sata. “il is Usc i'es:vrt>n£bsiiiv of each of us toj exerrse fr.s citizenship in the fw-; kst tvi-se. and in faith that \v ■ j can few .id t i- state pre.grasns net Continued or p-tge eight Charles Houston May Get Commission Post In D. C. Washington iNKPA) Presi dent Truman last Wednesday left, the way open f«t consideration of Charles H. Houston, nationally known lawyer. for appointm ; *nf as a commissioner of the District of Columbia to succeed Guy Ma ss®, whose form has expired. Asked at his press conference 1 'last Wednesday whether he hid decided t.o reappoint Mr. Mason, j rhr President said he had not. bu: added that he would announce | tne appoimment when it wts ; iready. ! A c-vmirJttoc- supporting Mr. Houston fr-r cc Titnfeafener has ob-1 tamed 20.000 signatures to ape- • 'lition for iv.s cppoipt'itiewt. which , |it presented to one of the Ad- i : irrinistmtsve- Assistants to the, i President last Monday moTmng. A grafejate of Harvard Law* i School. Hr. Houston is one of the i i outstanding lawyers ol the routs- j | tty. He was rcunrel in the ceie-j • uiated Gainss cast ir. wirich the* C iaciL-* iYnTndtti*.'.’ on the film millerk •. htexciiu-m»- during Uie yen-.. >./ \lhright lias prin cipal spcaJuM- ii the Annual ilei’sijjj. ijs.( .Sunday. Annual Defender Honor Roll Announced By Paper CHICAGO ( AJvF) National ieaders end orgnr.izatioris were ci. cd in the ;.nuual Chicago Defends llo.K>r RoU of Demecracy this Acrovdin.; to John H. Scng'siakc. persons and organiza lions have -r)‘o .r -, j'.OC-i;SI)V-. . iU' i->ii .wing i-r «s;-. > 3947 Houo; Prtsidt'irJs Ciwnittee on Civi! Rights ch- se unn imous report ha. been seheted for tnc 194? Horo r dtcinraiio,'. uX freedom in our time. Wait,-; Rout her president of A.. United At;:o Workers-CIO. for his stand on discritmuation in cm ploymeni and the trade union move mem and his support of a Negro who was eh cted to the ua ion‘ executive board. Archbishop Jasepn E. Riter -of the Si. Lewis diocese. Romm Cathohc Cisarch, fur refusing to retract his 3;.and on segregation in patochia? v.i ; Hi school of the diocese. Jackie Robinson >vnose play and Supreme Court ruDed that a Si;,-. .- tnain ia ining .-epar ate seh-ot* 1 • must prwvide c.gual -rducntional opportunities for colored students 1 w.phm the SPMc. or admit them to the white stau-suppored uni-; vtsrsitv. Be was also counsel in th t . Steele and Tunstafl cases, in which he Saw. omc Court held that si labor union, which bars colored | v. os'kor.s from raembership, must i , represent ail members of tbs | era it or class of locomotive fire insen ’vhkoot distinction as to j ; rare. Mr. Houston was a member of | the President’s Committee on ; Fair Employment Practice an d frotri that group when 1 . President Roosev-.'-It refused to di rect that the committee be si- i j lowed to proceed with hearings! Una discrimination m the railroad , I industry. j In addition, he has staved as I i iCon unued on bsdf. page) SECUNS COURT RULES ASAIMST S. C. PRIMARY j RICHMOND V.- ■ Smith Caro lint; s prlv tic clirj wnite primary ,-h-.-i m.i! ; bar Negroes fr.,.n’ v*'t mg was declared t)legal here Dr i 1 ember 30 by the U S. Circuit | Court of Appeals for the fourth j'tii'euii in an opinion affirming » similar ruing by a lower U. i Court, in South < ‘arolina, handed | down last July ir. Democratic parly leaders in !South Carolina had contended' ta : their argument to tne court that Negroes have “no more right, to vote ;in the Democratic primary , . • Hum to you- in the election of the j officers of the Finest Lake Country * Club This argument was blu.-.tw.t : m Tuesday's opinion. NAACF attorney Thurgood Mar .shall and Harold Boulv. vre, in pie iCoiitinued on back page* MILL PUBLISHES FULL PAUL AD 5N NEGROES IN POST Philadelphia (ANP) A full : page advertisement containing a : painting showing graduates of a Negro school and telling of ad vantage.-; to Negroes who work i for trie Avondale cotton mills of Aionama appeared m the Jan. 3 ssucs oi the Saturday Evening Post. The advertisement described the p ineipa: as pointing to the siutement of Booker T. Washing tor;. lei down your buckets where you arc.” and advising the -•r;id-rates not to forget that their pai e-ntr and friends are one 12th «•: the 7000 people who work at 4 : <• mil Is. Advantage.-, of being employed there are listed. PKI SIDE NT S JIMI, RMIIITS committMe RECEIVES CITATION War-hington (ANPI —The President's C.mmittee on Civil . ights was th,- recipient of a cits* lion ar./i n award, given b> the American Polineal Scciene asso ciation during its evening session in Hotel Static • hc-:e last week. Tm p- rented by Louis Brownhivr, president of the y cnklin D. Ro -.veil Memorial inundation, was received by Ro il C.er. t \ecuiive secretary of Inc commitiee. -..->.>it.-ir,air-mp hriprd prove that Xcrroes have \h ■ right and abiliiy - paitk-iuaie in ail spurts; and R;ckey, Sr im-sident of the li.-.'uklyn Dodgers, whe gave turn iiis chance. Walt-- r S. Mack, Jr., president Pups: Cola Cuntpunj. .tor setting up the Peps? Cola scholarship program ■ n a fan ;.nd equitable basis. i>r 5. rd A V»\lters. Illinois Sta'e i\ i.resc-nteUvf, whe resigned - : ■-m tii.* Republican party when it sabotaged his bill to withhold las .xemption from hospitals practicing discrimination. Dr Ralph Bum at-, chief of the United Nations Secretariat of ihc Palestine commission, for helping solve one of the great international problems of our time. Naomi Cbarner who resigned ,*j president of the Phi Omega C2u •oru-rity chapur a' Upmla Coi. Kvc whet; tn oi ...unuariun refused to admit a Negro me.nberslity. (Conuntsed on back pager NAACP WINS IN CALIF. JOS FIGHT I,OS ANGELES -- (ANP> Discrimination in the employ ment of Negroes at the mstn ; moth Sewtelle Veterans home : raid hospital has been brought to an end. according to G W. : McKinney, executive secretary .and investigator for the local ! N'AACP branch. The- NAA-CF, supported by a host of private citizen--, had filed ■ a formal complaint with Col. Rrinsham. manager and chief ad i 7Tiini-tr»tive official of Sewtelle’s . i xecutivr staff, charging that W 1 cto employes, though comprising much of the large staff, were ■ übß'-ut.ed to the inconvenience of '4c- crowded dressing and rooms. V igorouslv denving any racial : discrimination onliev. Co Bring hain 'however admitted that, ex amples of personal prejudices by i white emnloves or staff membexs CPDtuaued *» p-tgi t-i&bx

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