Pies. Tnunan Uiges Equal Protection Foi All ★ ★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ k * * ★ ★' ★ ★ ★ * k ★' W ★' ’★ '★ HEA VY NEGRO VOTE EXPECTED IN DIXIE PRIMARIES Nation’s Chief Executive Speaks For Human Rights In State of 1 Jnion Message WASHINGTON ■ lANP)—In his “State of the UMon” message to a joint session of the house , •and senate Wednesday. Pres idem ' Truman ur>;od that vast legisla tive body to concentrate its at tention upon the things whi.-it bind us together in this country and for “common aspirations so. the future welfate and securit., of the people in the United States.” His first plea was for a great er consideration of human right, lie urged the nation to regard the four freedoms, and emphasiz ed the necessity of overs citizen to have the right to vote He spoke out against discrimination, arm favored equal protection un der the law for all citizens. He pointed out the need for eqßai educational opportunities 'Continued on back page) FIRST ELIMINATE INJUSTICES ST HOME - DELS NY RALEIGH If America is *o - lhe bulwark of democracy as 5... was so recently the arsenal of dc n ocracy, she must first eliminate hr. justices at home based on rac weed. national origin and claL -aid Jud;*e Hubert T. Delanv i>. .„• address at St. Augustine’s Colley; January to. The -ccasion was the celebration of the local college •' 80 th anmvc rsary. Judge Del any. woo was born too campus of S’.. Augustine’s, .mu graduated from its academic de partment it'i 1919, is a justice of ' ■ Domestic Relations Court if the City of New York. Paying tribute it> two of tli members of the present faculty re - det whom ha studied 30 years as > Vfis. M M. Latham and Assisti-re Dean Reginald L Lynch, the speak er also said that he had learned j as a bfr y a’ St Augustine’s that *?r people were born mean and y kind.” and here he referred feeling ly to the late Dr. and Mrs A Hunter (white,) to. ;,>s many ye.. head of St. Augustine’s School .-n St Ames Hospital rc- i-echveiy. In a challenging pea lor thr ab: lit:on of the "dual standard s,f citizenship and Christianity" ,lud.:- Delany said that he spoke so aii American Negroes when, ho assert ed. 'I do not '-cant to be a second class; citizen all my fife j word • Continued on back page) 200 Ask for r.harlcs H. Houston As Washington Commissioner WASHINGTON (ANP - A tith>n requesting t.u appoinlmev cf Charles K. Ho-u-toi commis sioner of the District .if Columb.t signed by 20,000 votnie.-s citizens »> the nation.- capital war presentee. Monday to Phi He Nash officia' representative of President T< u : man. Th(se spokesmen declared that. 'Mr. Houston's ability . nd roc. of public service masre him ivi 1 qualified for a position whies should go to the ablest exponent • f home rule who can be di’. fuo for the assignment.' It was also pointed out by this committee that like ... powerful force, the appointment of Mr. Hour tor. would throw a nn. around th. • Continued on oack page) A. C. Powell For Eisenhower First, Henry Wallace 2nd NEW YORK—(ANP)—Far th: first time since he was stricken bye. heart attack last spring, Rep. Adam Clayton Powell ap peared before a crowd ol 1.500 persons here last week and warm lv endorsed Gen. Dwight Eisen hower as a lib<.val he would sup pan for President. “I believe in Eisenhower, Powell shouted, ‘and I am will ing to go out for him.” If the Republican party fail* to nominate Gen. Eisenhower however. Congressman Powell said that he would go all out for Henry Wallace—“my old political hi end." Powell’s mentioning of Wallace j brought prolonged applause from i his listeners, who had walked I through snow shushed streets to 1 get to the Golden Gate ballroom j where the rally was held in a he all css auditonu rn. About his own political plans.! • Powell had little to say. If the j major parties insist on nominal- ’ mg some "hack,” it was made plain, he will definitely be a can-! dictate to succeed himself. Oth erwise, 'Congressman Powell im plied, he will throw his support: t.« the strongest auaiiliMt C - r h NEW 4 *r DIRECTOR ' 1 I*#*#*! -.kiw .. . \ 5 .4:.. k mi ■ M Mis. Emma Perry Boyer was elected to the post of executive director of the Sojourner Truth YWCA at a meeting of Use hoard of directors Thursday morning succeeding Mrs. Ruby B. Stroud who resigned on January i Mrs F.’oyer, daughter oi Mr and Airs. William \. Pi tt s, w a horn and reared in Raleigh she received her A. B degree from St. Augustine's College in ly.'Kt, a diploma of socical work tram Bishop Ttittle School of Soi tat Woi'k ill !<i:'ig ami graduated from the Atlanta l nivers.ity School of social Work in 1945 she taught at the K, < Lawson Institute in Southern Pines for two year- and served as teaclier-priiuipat in th< same school for n additional two and a half years before going to Atlanta t nivrr.iyy she dial her field work with the Associated ( ii.utUes in Winston-Salem and with the Fulton t «usity, (icorgia, Department of Public Welfare and the Atlanta t ihait l eague. title w«s employed as i as worker and dirertor of recrea tion at the State Training School for Delinquent finds at Itorky Mount and Kinston from 1944 to September i'UT when she gave up her position to return to Ra leigh So he with her husband, James A. Boyer, who is a profes sor in the English Department of St. Augustine's College Mrs Boy - er a'reunit'd tier duties at lb*- YWCA on January if). MAN DISAPPEARS FROM COLUMBUS ROME SATURDAY Whiteville A disappearance mystery came into tne open here Saturday as law enforcement of fleers revealed that Neil McNai* had vanished from his home in ; the Hallsboro section.. | Officers had been quietly in vestigating the disappearance for , the past eight days after the man ■had vanished 10 days before but no report so la. has been made. According to reports McNair Jett home oi. lire morning of De cember 20. without any cclothing for a Lip, with a single-barrel ‘ shotgun whib he had borrowed from Charles Nichols. neighbor, to go hunting and his wife who said she knew no reason why he should have gent away said she had had no report front him since his departure tender. From what he said about hous ing. the high cost of living and jobs, it was evident that Rep. Powell was sounding a call to arms and had already opened his campaign tor «• election. Among other things, he prom ised to finance a grocery store in every church in Harlem if offi cials of the cooperating church es would furnish the manpower lor such ventures, He added that butter could be bought in the store at Abyssinian church ; for 89 cents a pound although 'some storekeepers here a-o icharging as much as $1.04 a i pound, Powe.ll promised also to again : show Harlemites what a picket l line is supposed to be. He men i tinned the city's largest dairy and . several brewing concerns by ; name and claimed, if these corn - 1 panics continue to refuse employ j ment to Negroes, that he wuM 'personally If ad a boycott against | other products ! “And don’t think," lie admen -1 ished a few Negro store owners ,j present “that we won't picket . your store for carrying the wrong g , ?.'" a s , , T , .-our shrives,” _ ■''■■■■ —— —^■— J , VOUJMK XXVII, NO 2S KALKiCII, AOR/Hf CAUOUNA WELK l-'.N i >.\i. :-A i : !-‘i)AV, JaV AilY 17. i ; H-: FUK'K 7 c Prison Break Ends In Death -«c it■ -k ★ it ★ '4r ★ ★ ir ★ it; ~k ★ ★ ★ it ~k ir ★ P Gangster “Fashion Killers Out On Bond ONE MAN KILLED IN ATTEMPTED PRISON BREAK IT AM Kill A pri-oner <«n '•vied »! murder, kidnapping and robbery fell t<. hi- death from a Centra! Prison wall and a -z- ire.’ prisoner who hud been convicted mi cioTit charge-; of breaking and entering and damage to property was iceup turerl immediately after he had jumped to th< ground oaf sidle the wall in an attempted pri -ou tiri.ik ,u i(J:SC here Tuesday’ morning. Ihe two men were T imer C. Turner. 3*-year-old Kanapolis white man who died instantly "hen he fell from the wall hack into the jirix>n yard, breaking Ids neck, and Ho-ea Parker oi < aharrus County who jumped from tile 15-foot high uiison v> ail practically into the arms o' the farm foreman at tin prisim. IS H. Wilson, prison warden, -aid the two nice were in the Sirjson y ard during ihe morning, but were assigned to no parti cnlar job. and added: “.Apparently they figured that in view of the cloudy. dark weather no one would pay pai - lirttiar attention to their ac tion-.'' They apparently mined across the wall near the hospital and skinned up a drain jiipt there, turner Dipped and fell to his Continued on p-;ge eight 100.000 NEGROES CAMPAIGNING IOH MARCH OF DIASES NKW YORK Rupoi’ts fre»-i Campaign Diveclois indicate- that more than 100.000 Negro volun teers will pariicipate in the- 1948 ■ March of Di.::os, Charkr NT. By ! num, Director ’ Interracial Ac tivities for the MTati mal Found • , tion for Infantjlc Paralysis. just announced. Mr. Bvnuir staled that more ■ than 80.000 pn-suns had bet-n .-trickened by infantile paralysis during the five-year period 194.';' 45 and there is a steadily incres ing number of victims requiring after-effect, care.” Volunteers, according to Mr Bynum, work in the service pro gram of the National Foundation as well as in the March of Dimes. The 1948 March of Dimes, Jan uary 15 30, marks the tenth anni versary of the National Fo nida tion for Infantile Paralysis. MARSH OF DIMES PROVIDES FUNDS FOR EDUCATION NASHVILLE. Term. - Funds raised in last ve.iv’s March of | Dimer of the National Founda tion for Infantile Paralysis pro vided 18 scholarships amounting I to s3l.6f)fi, Charles H Bynum, , Dirocti.i of Intersacial Ac'iyitics , of the National Foundation, an , couneed at , kick-off dinne: . meeting of Nashville volunteer . . wot ken s Mr. Bynum stated that nm i i fit a’es are represented by the t j scholarship winners They are : Alabama. Florida. Georgia, llli* t ' r.ois, Mississipoi. Missouri, New • York, South Carolina and Ten .! nessee Illinois had the largest 'number with four winners. 1 ; The students are enrolled at I j Columbia, Howard, Nortliwestern ! and Harvard universities: the -jCollege of Medical Evangelists. ?. I Lomu Linda, Calif.: North Caro i jlina College, Durham, N C.: _the ? 1 universities of Illinois. lowa, Chi t (Coot-ihueri of) pn"") j Fellowship Winners j jr March of Dimes funds enable t c National Foundation for InfanHie I'.iriily .is to provide feliov.-hips for training medical social workers, health educators, orthopedic nurses, ansi physical therapists. Shown above are represeniati -. s of these four fields in winch twelve Ns-gio '-Laienls hold Na tional Foundation fellowships. Left to right: Gilbert Rivers, studying physical therapy at New York University; Airs. Pauline b. NorviUe, medical social work at Howard Unlvczsil.v: Mrs. Mildred V. Uatchings, orthopedic nursing at Northwestern University; and Thomas F Roberson, Su-dth education at North Carolina State College, Durham, N. C. * Dentists,Of North State Dental Society Hold Meet \\\l KUAFIDW M;iSHun:Uui ; oß PA \m\{ IN'STITI TE SEDALIA AN?) - - The annual roll call and "gift day" participated in by ;tu dents, teachers and aiomui. of Palmer Memorial institute ; neiied ihe school the sum of 51.843.65 hera last week. The "gift day” is an annual affair 1 held on the day students re turn from their vacation, the whole school turning cut lo make gifts fur some par lieu i lar purpose suggested by the president. Dr Charlotte Haw kins Brcw’n. Os the amount iaired, SSOT? will go i_ rep.act school funds used in part payment of the bus purchased last year. More than $2,000 wih be used to set up the starting fund of Slot‘,o3o as a nest egg for a prepnsed half mil lion dollar endowment. Jewish Congress Letter Sets Forth Basic Principles For Fair Educational Act ( ) J NEW YORK sir. David I". i .wsk>. executive clirettot of it: ! American Jewish Congress. dcciiu | fd this week that authoritative :v ! ports that Gove.-no.: Div.i.-y wouib : I call for the i.rie: imenj of a j.■ ■. i educational practices bill at tins * -cssion of the New 'i ;;rk Stave Ixy g i i - j :stature- was s \l; iiuC, cnciJujVi ; in £ i new* ane: a,,,.,|q ii,-.\ . -, e . ; j dons significance throughout th-. ... | entire coußtry. ' Dr Pc-tegcvsk;. said ‘hat Go. | nor Drvi’pe would probably incc-i » ! poratv ids i ot*om men chit 10i.v.-: n-. ] : l such action in a special messag . b•, r ! ;he legislature within tv.\ week's | ! In a lengthy left-, r published t: | • • j the New York. Times on January V. c j Dr. Petegorsky -et lor*h six ba.-..-- c j principles which .--n •nieetivy :.e -1 educational practices act would, - i ” : Stive ts, con'.a m. " j l. The law must u,.equ<vo<au;. i vorbid discriminatpoo because G t | race, color, religion o national on i gin in the admission of students but “ ; -'hoidd allow denominational ins -i , f - i m turns to prefer ;.<ppln ations law | I their denomination j, I 2. 11 should assign an hub pood . , cm. administration in too State I>. j j i timer t of Education the respou j T■ s.ip y .: ■ W*‘P x : l- w,. ' a : cy.’l 9■; A . ’ •• i‘S. ’A ’ ’■ at res- ■'. it-- Stale D-tl .1 StaS:y met in .. one j oay session at Si. A■xr-.es> Hospital; ‘ hcic Monday. A clmk: on the ana : tomy of t’he head and nccl. !' i a.uc'C-d by Dr Keiineth 1,. ! of Raleigh, featured the first he.i: < >.)i Ihe meet ing D>' Join;; • -. \*< ho ; 1 ritest O-CFitai -aageoitr i n v h)> rcciioo i among otiii'i tiungs. tne o* : 1.11 pa cted m < >la rs. Tili? was the in s- meeting of nye > Old Nor tit State Denial Society a «a oody mdep .ncieui of tne Oic \ "is o rtli St at t Medic a {. Dent; 1 1 utu ; Pharma reuuea 1 Si cieiy. from wblen ‘the demists withdrew last year. The j second naif of the -a .'-siGn v-a*s o ' votec to a business meeting, indue • j : ux.. plaiis for the convunfion of -.he | new i.focsy which ill be .noid a. j I June Dr G K BmIU liI: id. of Wils-.u, i rangoiTientA for the Kadeugh mecu-! -ja A; were in diurge of Da. M. L.\ Yu.. ID. focal pavclitioiicr aod sac a- 1 'lu.jitV 0/ niv-.-iig tin* complain l-: <'l' discrimination. ! It >,U: jui d aut'h-:*; ■/. the <<■*/a 1 rt j-it rater to investix.-u either .■ ft> i ; receiving complain os 1 ■; on hi* ow.'i J : initiative. -t 1: should tun power dti .idn-it.- 1 isiratoi <>t attempt ••• c-ilrrunaie on-! t.-ir pvacUerCs by cordevence ana' conciliation. 5. If such persuasion f.uk t!i— J .iriministrator should i>" 1 napower ch p> ■.issue a formal <• *mplainrt ivi 1 the purpose of ofe'ritilr.:: a rij ' .cl re the Kc-gcnt:; .>f the Slate o. i New York. h. h the ■iriplaijr. 1. siisfainea ; I the Results sit on Id he ii .■ 1 1 ; ionizer! , . i a judicial],; c.'.'ifoi'i cable o"u> : ;• •. qui'-im; the iiisliiutio!. to ••-. iimui : I r.ie the unfair practice and so-cowei ' ,:nd desist, Ji Mta further disci unio-! I i.iion. Dr. Steplii a Vi’ '.l .-.let< ;• • < i [ the American Jewe*. CVn./rex -1 s-civcct ms a member oi the Pres: ' ic-n!'s Commission on Bittner Kriu-j . cation which recently began llv- | ' publication of its epoch-making w : port. He was also a member of thej : .••penal sub-committee on equal L- • • ng educational opportunity which. I called for the bam mg of scgiega-j j tier. and laws to ptvi giscriminMif-h ■ s§s&&!. ■ ■ . mm ‘ 'jm pc imtm lil .a Nation Pays TrißuU to Geor«e W. ('.arv*T .Noted Race Scientist NEW YORK— (ANP) — The late Dr. George Washington Carver was a "great inspire lion lo his people- and ail of America regardless of race, color or creed,' declared Jin cent R. ImpelHtteri, president of the city council, here last week, lie was speaking at a meeting sponsored by the Na tional Alliance of Poslai err-■ ploves in the Harlem. Brar.c * YWCA. Postal employes, friends and admirers were gathered to pay tribute to the memory cf the scienii.-t and educator, in whose honor a 3-cent commemorative stamp was released loccdy. Speaking ci the peanut wizard, ' Mr. Impellitteri said, " We are honoring r great American who in the lifetime* oi perseverance and accom plishment, reflected honor on his people. He traced Dr. Carver’s life works, and laid emphasis on his devotion lo the betterment of his fellow - man in a day when many men devoted their gifts whol ly to the quest of profits. NMCP REQUEST CONSIDERED ST m COMMISSION NEW YOT-IX- A request that [ I lie American delegation on Iht !drafting committee of tin- UN i : j mmiss I »>n 0 n Human Rig Itl s, : ••recommend ana vigorously sup port £h>: establishment of an .n ! i.eraalicfjnal court of human ;ig-hls ! with authority to receive and irt *st ....h c'.n'.ur 1 ltd: >■' the mis i tu*u: men! of luriiorifies in an.s ; member nalion'' wan given con -1 sidcration el the recent meet-trig iin Geneva, according to Mrs. Ei i. a nor Fioo'.isa v. , 1 . t nr... ivian ax the I committee j The suggest it n was in the. foil*) ’of a cablegram to the committee | from tite board oi directors ri I I h e NAAC P M. s Hn. se vc. t i wrote the NAACP- "The subcotn j mittee on upplcntenlaiiun is con js-dering the suggestions m your ' foiegnirn. ’ mmm Irnm v ,. -'d *' fe MEN GHARSED !l WITH SLAYING AGED NEGRO LUX)NGTON —■ Thu two white] men of Angn a. charge? with ib-jj ;.r ; gster~fasiuon shooting of fifty •j J old diaries Suntil in Tnovcuv | ’ ,n: jj i<■ on! lhi.s ihTK ire- 1 jd'oi -i £5,000 i:ond c.-.c!:. Tiv- bi.i.ds ■’ e.\ sot follovvinii n decision of l 1 ■Urere-t Smlh-Hoi- Jack Hooks tire : M-c-k io hav<- !he meu ivied on sec- j] <-iKi :•.< ;; ,t. -nui•'.oi' vh:icgos enure'‘ ; * Tut- H ‘OK'il Gi-aad jurj indicteo 1 , iho two. Wv.u! Adams. 23. and Alar vin Matthews, 24. last week on;' first ,;!('-'rcn- murder charges. Brut’> • ding.l to ■ Hi;,i,r a bnbe >. . !ds f or his clieivs were halieUo . a ! .'■ nit 1 DiiU'i reivre of Dunn, i ;; iC t-lv.rfc.s -v.tv rtdufod, Th’ is plareung. he says, to prepare hire' , L-auitrl -rese to foiretai! , re * temptaion on the part of t': 1 . ■ - q.vtor v. dviti|c his mind at the ! h- ~ks. Vi:.'- feefs dire 1 :h D 5 - a sJi-oijs case" against li.o ivi:i ■ ill pres ret lie tii.i ut the Vire i n-vir: of th Uamt’tl Superiu* , vC•‘i*•.ni on y/ccVt p3jv v NEGRO VOTE WHY RE DECISIVE IN '4l WHITE SfiYS NEW YOBK— Predicting tb;M ; Negro voters will play a sigmft '• cunt and potent islly decisive part v'lertiun tri >” key: Walter White told the 39th reuiirei reevti!:; of the N.Ui(.-nut AssLciutton for fnv Advjivx men' . . . Colo 1 I PeopU .. Jaiiuary u. that . •■HI - A -ho love democracy _must, their be.l’ets wisely unu '■ r< - ■-vir.shiv t i the ena mat the best i .indidatt.-N are elected, jrrespee : live .»4 politi-rd parly.” ; f.:i c.\ iz D..'.-'tors v.» • ieefed for trereo-vear Icitoa: Mrs Lillian A Alexander, N. Y. Threvic.iv -M. Beire. Cincin-; • :(i. Ohio; Rabbi Judah Calm, i N Y. C Ru.'-.'.> Dunjeo, Okla ' i.o’na CiV. okla.: Rev John Jlavnes- Holmes N Y C... Charlres' 11. Hourtosi, AYasr.-.ngton, D. C.- , Hon. Herlx » H 1./.-hman. N Y. • Dr. Allred Baker Lew is. Green wich. C.<nr, ' Dr. J imfs J. Mc- Clendon. Ds-ir.'.d. Mich.- T. V. re .iigu‘ . St; n-svilj; N. Ku- j g. NT. ivi..; -.in. Atlanta, Go . Bor. Vre. -no Morse. Eugene. Ota ; ; M-s Are- Spincarn N Y. C.t i tCivnfinuod ov back p.ig -) AJC Asks FCC To Deny Daily News Radio Permit WASHINGTON - Aincn ca u ’ Jewish Congress Monday filed a ' ! brief with the Federal Cominun- | , kvitions Commission urging it to I adhere to its decision denying a j i req-uency modulation <FM‘ broadcasting Met mi t to the New ; Yor k Daily News. In the brief just filed, the A mcri: m Jewish Congress argues lh.it evidence' which it submit ted to Hie Commission shows that Vie News -has demonstrated anti ' Se.i-.Uc and anti-Negro bias in its ; ditojaa! and policies. The I brief urges that these policies, if Willowed on the air, "would ue de’nniental to riidio broadcast iriß." * • Alter rcl'etring to previous de cisions in which the Commission ; considered past publishing as woJ! ‘us hioadcasting activities of ap plicants for liconsei the brief ar gues 1 hat ‘this approach was b,\ 1 »K* TYWiLTiS Oxl.O blc 1-0 the ' News at the omset of these pro ceedings. Its application rested on e\ erv favorable inference .which it couid draw frAtn its pas; ■ publishing activities and. the ‘Jr&fck M-ftteinent- that ;"Tlus policy SUPREME COURT OUTLAWS ALL RICHMOND (ANP) —Tt ap pears certain that Negroes will have the right to vote this year in the primaries in the south, and as a matter of fact nothing in the cauldron of race vote is mote certain. Tin U. S Supreme court since 1927 by several decisions has out lawed primary elections limited by state laws to racial groups. Tin Supreme court voted defi nitely against the white primary in 1944. Quickly South Carolina responded with a legislative act repealing all reference to the pri mary 'in the state code paving tiro way for making the primary the function of a club which os tensibly could determine the qualifications for members. As a private club the Democratic • Continued on bach page) N. C.COLLEGE 0 PREXY DEFERRED BY < HARI.BS A. RAY DURHAM ■ The special trustee ; emmiltee seeking a successo. to the late Dr. James 10. Shepard a, president the Not In Carolina College it Durham has defers to nominating < successor for Dr Shepard for "one and possibly two more meetings,' according to Dr Edgar VV Knight of Chapel HR! chairman of the nominating com iYUit£€'. la a telephone conversation v. iUt this correspondent last Saturday nvrnii... Dt Knight sard his nutice met in Chapel Hill "for the better part of tin J -y ' last Friday ,i T Pritchett of Lct.oir was the only member of the sut>-comm«Use who was unable to be present, Dx. Knight ska. Dr. R. L. Flowers ci Durham, ■tru-nre chairman, sal in Friday's ,■ : ■ OS ltOUl f ' > * > f \< While saying' that Ins committee had made progress. Dr. Kuighi a,- ; phasized that "One and possso.y .iriore meetings vs the nouiina.- (Continued on b-..ck page) IRHU ML ORDERS Okl UIOM V TO U I RACIAL BARS DOWN i Washington - _ The Urn ted States Supreme Court Monday unanimously ordered Oklahoma to immediately admit Mw-. A<n Luis to the state university lav school in a decision vvhicn ru.ed • i'.at Mias Lois is entitled to cdu tulum in a stale -supported edu cational institution, and tout me Mate must provide it as aneo-.uiy as it does so white applicants. The speed with which •he court a ted : uii-d out any possibility that Oklahoma might erect a Ne gri. law school to comply with the court decision, and ruled that Miss Lois is fully qualified for admission to the university, but has been domed admission for 2 rears because she is Negio. The to- -non ■ :ud she is entitled to -secure education afforded by the state institution, and contin ued : "To Shis time it has been denied > her. although during the same period many v hite applicants have been afforded legal educa tion Ip th state. The state must 1 provide it. fur her in conformity with the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment anti pro • vide it as soon as it does lor ap plicants of any other group.” will cany ov..s to the tadio sta ; lion." | The brief further ion tends that | "There is nothing in the Com mission s treatment of the other j applicants in this case which jus j tifies the conclusion that only i favorable evidence may be con sidered. it would be an anom alous state of affairs, to say the ; least, if the Commission adopted the “see no evil, he.n- no evil, .speak no evil” attitude which the ; News v. ouki impose upon it. Declaring that, its charges a j gainst the News "are of the ut most gravity," the AJC argues j “that if the News is granted a ’ construction permit in place of j other qualified applicants ,the : Commission will have approved "Suren the fact that policies bias in a contest with, fairness, of the News which are to be i.O:. iC-vi uix-i to ilte air are no#- ; tile to American principles of e quality • , • is a factor affect ■: ing the public interest more di j rectly and. furdsmentally than any other which coaid be su|< ■‘gestecL”

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