PAGE TWO IMrs » Webster reted In Surprise Birthday Party RAL.EIG H 'Vi s. Be..trice Wiij • i of Chavis Height w:ip si veil • ■:u , pri.'e birthday party in honor oi ■f birthday Monday j.igiit, at th. . rm- of the Web?ter:: where she ■v.d many useful gifts. Cnests present Jiv iudee Mrs. prfn b.'- iliiywood, Mr::. iVl..i;,;ie I!. • ■• i, Roy Hick:-, Mis* Barjjiira Ann 1 oks. Roy L. Hicks. Dcari Webster and Mrs Tuft Turner. Mi. ana Jc-sr 1 'ope. My and Mr. W. Boykin, arid Jesse I'o;;.. Th< party was sponsored !• . eiul Webster, Si., husband of ,\i • ebsler anri friends. A deii.ioti • vpast. including pun- h, wos *e:v debutantes Honored •n Luncheon YWCA RALEIGH The 1948 debutant: ■ ■ re presented at uie Alp.ha K. p,v Alpha formal bufrito luncheon at ihc Sojourner Truth YWCA ; 1 a si Dnv.e Street rer. Suti.nd: . ;:lu of last week The*; who parliei,'..ted in ' ntertainment wrrr Julia I’c-mi' ■’ srphiiie Jcrvay. Ada Jami&ni G ralcline laics Gwc ido’yn ii. >• v'fc. Valeria Wynn .■ ,o R, .., Mrs. Louise Benin Mm r. P: ray, Mrs. Gertrude Harris, :Ui'.'. Emma Beyer and Mrs. Marta.■ riteek- served as ehnp.’roncs The 1948 debs ar. Tiemor Be,a --01. M..rth,» A Brown. Mattie Cal ' ■ ■is \ ioia Delaine. Ei*u Herndon, '••.rah Morgan, Emma Jones. J a E::h"i Shirley Cermy f'aulw na.V. Muriel Stewart. Louise Moo'e, Reitinc Horton. Bin ma Thorp Dm a Thorpe. Ad ,n. Mm -■mol W. rd. Marginet Wallace. L.' Mae Watson and Willie R. Fill lor. BIRTHS Birth eor»iiicales lot babies bum 1 * the following eonpL. - were regis tered in the office: of the Wak. County i enlth deprttmetii dun:: the post week: Wain r Smith r.nd ?*.!:>• Glad. Thvi do Smith. Rum- Box ID Wendell a 'on. Wait-: Junius, jar ec-mbcr 14 at s, Ames H. -spita! Hr rv •■ Mr- Otilni; ■ Web Her Boyd. Garner, a daughter Marie Lee Lecembei :M G or*. L Jones and Mrs Ana -ell Smith Jones. Route 3, Zebu low • > daughter woo was not named December 17. John Mitchell and Vi * Hi .:r h Emus Mitchell. Route i Wench L ■i .row V»!lc I*»y. • ;v'’/ember I>. *■'' r Vi? l . ' and M Hi-Ifh Wiliams Over:. Route ' Tialeig’’.. a dnugthc Cent vine N vt-mite: 28 George E. Gilbert and Mis •''.Body- M rris G Ibcrl Route r>' t.igb. a rirl. Lucdle. Dee Ift KttsseH Sanders and Mrs. Jam." .Aik a Sanders Rwae. 2 CTayimo. son. W titer Leo. December 1 Willie Bridi'cs and Mi - Vnr.v , b nks Bridge «. flora- J Rnl-'ifiii. ~ riuucthe-. Rer.'.l. D rembei 12. Marcellos ?ilcKenlcy and Mr. M.'ivy McCullers McK •.".-, 1«. y G;> ■■'ov a -we who v.,t- o'! na:n..-»i, Deocm.bc 24 Muck Richard jv>n an:. Mrs lien Sturdivant Hi. borcson. Route i. Gasncr. Root: 1. a- n. Geo /, Devon, her 31. James O. M on.m;: _ aid Mi • Marfpret H ,'cr via -cubing. Wak. For;st a or. A ifxantb'r. Decern • her j. Mr Mrs Join. H Bo - u R.-bcich - .b '- j»r='nd paicrrr- of .. ‘ 1 b rn on Sunday January j, . • i i. m. at St A: r:es 11 spi .a V- Le; and baby ~r: fine The babv .. urmumed r* til:- - : Iting. T.-<r Trade ren..o- fc-r the sriallei ruerch: r.; • hat union: ,ir. 1 i e;al ir.suirnee do :■ r the w\u kef. meordim* to He .0 M ek. genet at -■eunssl of the T->ilct Goods -Yvrtcia tion Notices 1\ THI SLPERIOR DH'KI NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTICE susie McLaughlin newbf.rf: vs. EDWARD W NEWBERRY The defendant. Edward W Nov. brrrv. will take notice that n lion emitied as auox-c has he, commenced in the Surr-re r Cnu/i of Wake Ccuniy. Nh.rtlv Car. hne. Susie McLaughlin Newberry, th.- plaintiff for an absolute aivo. from the defendant mid the .1- fondant will lurihe' I .rk• • t-hat he is required so appear it ,\h office of ih: Clerk of Superi Court of Wake County at W. Court House In R deign. Nonh ( . oiina. on or be-oiv twenty days after the 2nd :l- • • t Fcbrt ", 3348 and answer o: domnr t . to l ornplaim m the said set’on ru tb plaintiff will apply to the Court fn the relief demanded in said <:■ m plaint. This 29th day of December, l:<4" SARA AT LEN. Assislar.t Cler\ r! t 0 2 Superior Coin! oi Wake County. N C. Jan. 3. in. 37 24 Williams Electrical Service ELECTRICAL CONTR ACTORS Phone 3*3560 1202 E. Marlin St R, F.. WILLIAMS, prep. _ . We Need Your Help j At Rancho Los Amigos, Hondo. California, the Convalescent Center for Los Angeles General Hospital, }>olii» patients receive after effects care anil treatment. March ot Dimes funds make pos-ih’e the best available care ihl treatment ,0 all infantile paralysis patients, without regard to ate. race, creed or color. The ITIB March of Dimes will he held January 15-30. PERSONALS The Cl u* of 1947-18 of the Har , s Barocr Collvce h?ld its mini..' : -lac- d:.nci> Thursday ’.light at <h - hib Paradise. Til- : flair - j nkumal .md ihu gur.sfs were i;.,, . ! '>' l ' run of !he club" ,nd :ohi ... j ■.! v them-elves a saw , 3: wed dine jt-ji . Aun'.- * i L><.mu and D nni., Wi.tgg was su.- , u'nucd Tin, .• *R. -i ’ ; -•bJHivu : AMU ("u.reii Parcinii.y. ,’1 Gatlin s Lane. M, . Dunn i* m 1 va ■Of ' ■ :! Icl M- .- u n. : Wendell i.nd Mr. v.h j. the so : < All v M.irthe f ,r ,- s of )?. . : eij h. They will 1e- . v »1. . ; She:-? iv. . T.'v> SL. >•: <'. mini 1 , • t :• .. jy.. •b Coii'inuuity Chib iv! ; - ’i ’!•■* meeting . • the t. on. a •,:.?;;:e Butt. 825 3-2 Jenkins S". . 'c; ntly Next 1.. will |,. J :iie hum Me cr: i, <_N•)j : r>-3 Veteran-- Annex Cr;/.i --1 Heights The Dunbar (Tub. lor obseivc 1 ' fourteenth m.irve, /-.u-.v wik , tiqu cl. liier;,. \ p iy; . an . •oivce ' 1 ■. ;:j<» ..r’:: .-si . VMCA on Monday and Tn- ,!. i m/ht of las: week T.’.osc partieipa:it:g in me :• a.-am waich was it- M .ncka- c • followed by ihi banquet ,2 Th as" G:„ ,-..e U. v, R.i 1 ■ nans. Hcmvir i. TuvJor and F . j D Willi tv- Music for the ca-ice which v, v j eld on Tuesday ni .-hi was pvovid !■ <i a; A V. : , 1 1.1 •. ■ lad | 1 .sters. Now officers f *,he el: a. i M \RR! \(,Es ' e- is- e. •he f' :: we g couples rinrr.g jr. ! week. aaCc.diug ’ . record- • ML Wi. • County Ag.-ivar tH.s: William Chavis. Rome {!. R.. ih. and Miss lb abcll Mona. ' ’•!■) B Street. Jam. . y D ■ W W'ags. UP? S:v.-t‘.’. laid Street and Mis* V • I.u Dunn. January K. Timonthy fay 1 ,1 . Rout.- 1 Ap >. airi Mist Maasa'el 1 . Coving: >i; I’i utc :. Garner. J:> u. ; y f). G m a Gail, i R-.i 1.. 1 fa t. an a Mis- lan.: Tkai Smith a.I-o • i G. rncr Route 1. Ja. jo DEATHS F:na! i’rs for ML : T ■' .s G M shot who died ■ n rlcrcrub- 31 veae con dueled ; t Met nod Sunda; ■ i 1 ween and followed by bite; j ivc-nt n the Method cc’ia. lery. Funcrsii services for Wilua'- ! Mcdlin of 6 Hoyts Ali y who dud . i.n JnmtHrv ’ were held ;»t Lightn. ; Funeral Hon-e Cha.jei ■ - Monde • !■ of Ira t week and followed by in'a ! .yicnt :il Mi Hob Ce metery Finn] 1 lies ios Mrs C.a,. 1 Thompson of 1721 l ’t»ol Road •■ h v ‘ Gi'cJ J;.nu'.ry . conduct. the I.ift'riKr Kune: a! Horne Chap 1 the same d.r-; tell oC •! by interment in Mt Hoy. * ('or. ... ; Fii-.;d rites for B .'ay Jar - - C -a I ,cwi* 'nfavi son of Mr Mrs. John Lewis o' 1?. Ch-M 1- W. ;,\ h. tied Jenuai 2 -t wen ! Thursday of ia-l week nd foil<;•.•.' |by i.itiumrnt in ,\l;. Hope C.nv-- | f cry Final rites for R, vm.iud 8n. .21 j who died Tuesday of la.- t v. .• i veae rcld at SalsJ.'iuy whe . ,ii, ! ,<niy was siiiy.peri ■ • ■ t-.ui-u.) V.’. a ! itsday of las* we k j Funeral service he \1 ■>. i’ \V ; Hovcell of 121.3 r. urici Stir,- I htd January 7 wa.-, r. Id at •' . -1 !■ in St! I-et Cl::, j lay and followed inii-.n. nt a , (Vi: H'MK- C.T'C-l- y sa , aunt of Mrs. J. net Ma e .. 1. Nicodemus said; ; Jesus answered; mExcept one be born m , jg|>gata, he cannot w ‘ ’ *r THE RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME 24-HOUR SERVICE *» r.\*r < AKAimrs ST. A. haxwood, Gtvmr y.. 1 iii Gill pr.'siJf i t. Itcrbci t K !/. vie: jo e.sidvn;: Kobcrt WMi;.’ ;; i.m;>::c:. J scci ■ lin y Ch-vlo- Cr’in. . ■ o:d.i:v secretary: U3.vss;s Bu. ou ;hs. '.reasui'e;. Don Ter. " Hough chaplnin Gcoige J- :• i.ins. igt-at-nmih. Mi’s. Fiorabcll Hisi >f T.o:- A:' .vies, Calif., spe i the holiday.* in Dullish a- house gut ft of AT./ '.Jain's Higgs cf 31” /: TaH-u ' Road. Dr M N i va' in the >. i ndiny a dental rreeting lu.- vvcck end He v.'.n accc mp ,nied by Dr F W Avan* O'. ! c.-.ry is ■ •/vomlnenr Dr mis' ~nd ;»• Av. ~n ..utst.',tiding p-'.vsi; i,m. belli • - . 'Hi Wilmington. 1 Civai lc- G li\ big ■’ ' S lit!'. East Sn': ct. 1- ill 2 hi I 1 in- Mrs. Geneva W Ilium. ' ot 217 La.- 1 JjCe.oir Si’-.-et is av 'a-v 1 ’ S* Agues Hospital. Rev Co!,man W. Perry J t . Shaw University, v.ill be .-p .:k ' at Yoortg s Ch. !"ei ('.VIE an -s Colt 'n S'r ’c! W' : s<lf*y u :.: . J. : :.i:a v 2i ;U Bu' i- Ihe a’s: ii • is cordially a:v.i is Rev W Y-'illt.ims is psstor ot Church You And Music j BY t iI»IsTOPHER~ WN* KEYIP It lui! They *a»d Ybont Yltisic Haul Law.•■(.••': Dunbe> : JuM whistle a bit :f your heart mrc: Ti- a wonderful bairn for pain. T*; pipe sen'.,, old :rulody o’er -a. i'.Dil -oo;ac like sriVimi.r rctiu. . C W Lar.i n: ‘Music God's a.c-t -riit to tn. :.. i,- only an oi tt-av n mvc •: iih :pat v.’c t.-.kc t< heaven" dc Stnci: Among ail the a rousk: a'o ! ab: !'.:•• •.-1 > religious.” Henry Wmd Beech . "Mus.t ma.-A- .ho ttnderslain - p. inspue- it r.nd in:* it tr- I ..aim '.\. ich ; t '.v;add not reacti ii e were k-ft to itself." ; P.;.ci\ 1 1": r soic obi- < , - all ri:u : *:'■■ uH i. th. glo y • 1 God '..a' Thomas Fuller: "Musi: is nothin,; .i. • but vi'u 1 .-.'Hind- civdir.rd into nine and term. Wotdsw ' tin "Soft is, ti. mii.siv mat would | • .’J'-hi m forever.'' Me r.dfl-sohi':: ‘What a culling i* mn-iri | I"vt. r* ;!.c -small! st '.ask in mi:.-*.. ;S ! <• fib-orb.tie. and tarii .- us so tar j way from town, count:': carlr . . r.d ell %vordl.v ttringf. that i: .si '. oi' . blessed ;"f> ot God." Ru- kin: ‘•Great s "ae fr ni ti ■ first day u’i.aii Iranian lips v niMved sysL. Dies hi* b:'u sill! 'if sting." Haydn. "It is the melody v.: ich i* ,h | . iiai m of rnus),." B. o:l" ■ en: "Music should -f:ik iirc fir ; ii c bcaiY of a man ••-:d in na.. l.r.i. i front the eyes of a worrnic S-■humauir w<: have L allied 1 ■ f‘X ; .1 j : finer shades of fcrlmg by. per..!.; mg men ocoply iiu.s tl’.c myslcr ■ - j . f harmony." ■ - - -m — \ Havivowl. Gi :,i :).'■•■ Mr*. France* Tu. ,-(* who died at S' A.qoe* Hospd. I j :Saturday were ;unoucto*d from ; . - .iitpitcr Levs 1 Chur!. m WriAej c O’,iity Monday aid tfiljowwl into:'lien: in u.o church ectiH lei y Support \ our Paper! THE CAROLINIAN McAdatns-Larkin Vows 1 Solemnized In Raleigh RALEIGH Miss D-'n i - l.avk. ■ , M'lt;i:v. r in . Airs G. W.. Lmkin iieeam: th bride of M fCn»«'s;t Fuller McAdams son f Aiis. Cota Mercians of Dur Nun. rid tin Into Mr'. Silas M- Adam an inprt'S.iiv ivivimi .y p; i Tot moi Set unlay e-veiiii'y. D : rnbr r 20. at Si Paul A. Vt. E. Ci'in idi. Tie Doub'e .i: :: •arcmo' v. a • rerformed ov ihc R v. T. !'■ !.)u ' i,. :•!, pastor of the church. The bride, "ivcii :n tr r.rrur’e ;■ fathei . A ore a ;.ow;i of cm • adieu'd satiri nd c. i s.'niu .rd ; w ito a satin D! *» r. ■ !/.c!ie !e. ~i t -levied neckline a i lav A : lecvr * [ '■tiriin:.: in a point ole Lie hand. i"ne imn.M'n:a la: :<u'l ended n .1 rionfi i ii; id<> Dam. IL; Lug. r Up \; ii of li .iilooni Lie • was held a, . lace with a while -a ia cot ct Li.c ..cried houquci ot white . . i ;’i . d wilh ; nre’.’.id and show cd wit.ii cio tiat iv ns ti< d to while tin .streamers, ii.. only o .:ain :... Were a pa r ;'f call '.:.s and ne la c gift ■■■ !I a •..-.lie - OO’.. Miss li. Gv l..avkin ..i --t.ncied hoi ,rt r oi maid of ii :v.... She wore a gown <«I ,c Idle i; ' !,. designed with : Br: iiv. Cape, ciue' net sn l a!l ta.sli : \|ai. h 'll . riliite i::i \\ as a-ed I ills'. ia ■ ymsmmL wammirm wnuwn mnnwuwnmn.iM -wn«annenr*w sleigh’s Newest and Most Modem Cleaners Mac’s Master Cleaners BEN F McCI.AMROCH, Jr. Mgr. 122 South Blount St. Phone 3-5132 j We Pick U;» and Deliver 1 r "* l,l -.~i r- irumurir-n- ir~nnn¥ niwuimi t. -itt mm mnr-irm-ri r i iiciiruM'iiii ii in nmnmi»r— ■ ! Finance or Borrow | On Your Car j through the I DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. I | 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3-3231 »w««« i^vi—nmunnnai nniiir->—i»Tii-iiri rnnr ir-”-*-i-r~~- tnrr,ur radios (Mf/Sk Appliances : Household wim' < RANGES i ; Hoi Water Heaters *» Expert Repair Work On All Radios And m i Household Appliances 1 HfIYES-JfiCKSON L/„7AT i 133 E, HARfiFTT STRUT TI L 3-5831 j : »- - - - - 1 | | •’.'■'■■MllUlllWlMWMitiW^WHWMiwrrwaw—WWWIiHIBniTI WBKWMWt»' WOi»»Wf..♦TWV«K j Easy Terms | Auto Fires - Batteries - Radios Bicycles - Home Radios - Appliances SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS Terms As Low A.- 51.25 Per Week 8 RFr A n^ M iAKI 322 S. Salisbury St. Phone 3 3531 Behind The Courthouse —— - - ~ '" I i | AfflESlCAtyffg^ EXPRESS 7^^»w ■' N . TRAVfcLEß?^^^i^' CHEQUES ’%r W* * froa*- risk to carry cash on & trip. An unnecessary risk, too, hivr jse we can turn your travel fund* into Amt* icao Express Traveler* Cheque* spendable anywhere, sale every where. it the** cheques are lost or stolen, you receive a prompt refuß'J. They're more convenient then personal checks, because mo identification is required except your signature. Denomi nations of $lO, S2O, SSO and sloo—-for only 7>4 per SIOO {minimum charge, 40(f)—are on sale at this bank- V V ! A ! ▼ I Mechanics & Farmers Bank j DURI t AMR AUEIGH j Member .Federal Deposit Insurance Carp. ■ an:l l v- nnd the crni. Sin earned an •t in .>•• ••!••; mt of mix. d fail tlower*' ' 11 : d w. i • xs’iiili r:bb<>n. i'i/c iv. maids ;cn Miss Ma.r : I !.;a kin. -; of ti.e bride. , Mis. Hi,ltie J.*i, .. oi’ j|. v i- ’ 'icy.:' ci j a,Mi.sac; Pearl v. c:;!:mri end ?vi, r ...r.'i Edivaras •They wore pink aiiu mv-en dre-'c?.. 1 ' ■ ’ ■ >iy f.'-ui-lii i. ’d with fittc . ! i.e-'Oi ai,! > cry ini! •i,ii'o. Tlicy j ioi; a j! i arrn b00n..,.:., J j * !i !! ’' ; 1 " ,l ci P-r.k or green! j'lh.hiu! and i.Mtciiig niitt-eii* an,' ! (Ril'H Mi'. t*ob::r! 1.0 i, McAdams’, Diirh,:: an'orlic; of .i:t:- .;ruC-m ■ 1 ' 1 V' ( ■' i:. \\\ : C Jolni To ue, t Halcigri- Towii-in and HU ii.iry ii: i' Gv.’aa. Dtiriiam. md F.'- u' U ?-Lihry .:' ’.Vi:..*t.:ii-b-deni. Jrs 51 IJ. La. " ,i ia.lh;.r ol the bride ware a y «:> of navy bluy : aci.pi i. ’fc'ta, ...... Core Mc \>i 5, moth a of the a.r.ioi;). Ivor yoivn of ! luo : •••'!•. Both, v. o.‘\ < -a.c - ot \S i'a 1 ; o- . •« 1. ufi •• ecrcm,a . iceoJtion «. held at the home oi th. bride's !.•:. ruts. Guests \vi, ! • ec.ved a tar doer i.’.v Mss A w u 1a Whit: Mi*. McAdams w: yrauu I (r:*ni Die WashiniCon High 'ii.'iio 1 . :d SL w Univ e: *2.y oi Rale :Ji a; 6 Youths, All !.8, Sign tji. For Regular Army DuU j Six youths, nil IS. enlisted ‘or i !h;ce years in the Regular Army,i unassigned, dining Ihu week ni i ; December 29, Lb Jewell M# JV -, iocal station commander, reppi i 1 ad here last week. They me: Marvin T. Aye: .. ' 318 Cannon street: James W. Cor ! I' in, 623 Tower street: Hiivvii. ;i | G. Atkinson, R> ute 1. Four Oak . Henigan L. Kearns. Pineiui'.t A.'iycie A. McCulley, Route ]. Me banc and Eve: a t D. Avery, Routt ! i, Clayton. ! - Any assault rgmnkt Fan Tnit’; j v..-. it successful, would d i 1 t 0..;, and give the write earn, r k'.-' j ;in valu • for Ms harriev-to-ge! .! ; ; :a: in value for nis i urcior-i. i-rc j t i.llii, :■(’! rdi Ito John W. And : urn, president of AnaU iran F: r j Trad, Coun ii. | i v.-ent srio is a learner in the t’a icijth Public School system and . j m int) i of the Zola pin Bern '-v- j ■ . iiy. Mr. McAdams war gradu n.d ■from ti . Hillside High School ol Cu.Mur, ,4e ■. w ! in bu- r' s ; Navy and is now campletih?: hi, j studies at North Carolimi Colkyy in Durham. Imnerisuely ni'lc-i the red s .a: j '•diday noth 1, ,\h> M ft. Park, i aid ’\i i- s - CM- n !;. a ad i.’ai'., Lni'iv-n cut.: r! a uied jnemtiiu J of tht v/edding p-it-ty and tu>*< ! : f: tends. tJI lht - SMOKIA - SNACKS i\se shop i •* SWEPT 720 Id Davie Street | lIKUCfc EVANS. Prop. | . « - ~~ j I FOR SANDING RKFIMSHING AND POLISHING FLOORS SEE ; ! 0% I v I HUJJE OIAVIS • The Floorman" j 5«9 S. East St. Dial 3-TT!O * Raleigh \. <a j Hunter s Worn! Yard WHOLESALE - RETAIL | Jesse “w""-Hunter WSIV WOKKV j Hit re a,re only D\o **j ji y to | '.-'rv. aijon: ciMiar you arc well, | you a.', sick. If you are well, ! hen 1 here is m> rung to won-'. ■ about But if van ... - sick, the;* I two th-.uss 'a won \ a lav. ib ! Eh hi r v(.ii A] k.' '■ ji. or you svi!; aha If ~ a <-•: iv:il th . a, nothing to worry about. If you : vie there ore only two things to worry about, either you will g; to heaven or bell If vou ;o I Hi wan. there i: »--t thing to woi ;about, ou! if y< ;. -io 1■) he)! you will be so busy rbaking ■ hands with friends, you won’t , have lime in worry. 788 id MARTIN ST. TEL. 9293 1 AKf U1! snoE snixE \h parlor ARCADE BLDG. JAMES “Flip" MASSES' Prop. i CAPITAL CAB CO. j » maim mmwr * JBI;! | j|p| DIAL #137 j WAKE SALVAGE CO. Wo Buy end Sell Erwrythlev of Vain# FURNITURE STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS RADIOS 337 S. Wilmington Si. Phono 2-2327 Complete rTTW i Home Furnishers so^ We ran furnish any room in your home from the living j room to the kit-hen. See us 1 first. W. E. COOPER FURNITURE CO, 121 E. Martin St, WEEK END NO SATURDAY, JANU \HY 17. 1.948 | Gwen Tyner, Loses $2500 \ Wardrobe; Cancels Dates NEW YORK (ANV) - Beciui.: [Mi- entire valuer! I more than $2,501 and eon -i,sting • Übuu* and f iver.t aUt-e. was dcrib'o; • j:d throu; H the in,nave: tcnce of ■■ aiillman fart Iv. week. yin,,.- • ""T I'ynes had I i e eirol sever, . luciativc her num jager Dick Doone ia.j.<, J e< l . Traveling frnm Chicago w'lci'e j aha }'iid just cioked -aiec ' ■ ■ jam o> the Ritz lounge, tin sv i • j I •iv i v,; :■ .-Joe,} in i, i tei l J vdK'ii ,i jin)-:- -■ moved her baa ■- : a!. Altoona. Pa. When the ink.- Make was discovered lava st.ati- a j attendant l e ’.rain had pulled or 1 howi Vita h threw then, on a ! imd 1 art. to await the tu-xt t ain enrot. - j New York. | Paik.d on a slig.rt downgi'.itle ] ho cart start*.d rolling ,:nd bad'o,- |no could stop it cm ■•bed ini • a i «w ; -tch cm ino cumin,.; into the ie ■ •nin; 1 Not until -he arriv.:<l ’ at i.i x! Hu■ nin - "■ s Mil > T. a.. .hiDmu-d of tft: itnioi lunate in.- - Irkcord siiop| ! | OLII fit I ELVES \KF f Sf.Lt.O , j WITH CHOItIit’ORDS AT ALL i 'MES j i 499* 19. c ! rl/ 1 W. &E. Sales A;reiu^ l‘| \v VJAR'ITN ST. I ,a>T HOME-COOKED FOODS | And what a meal is - be- « so&soncd exactly right, and I l every dish boasting a real } 1 home-cocked flavor. !»& II CAFE 411 S BLOUNT ST. l\W J ; A Lifetime in Flames Why talcs chances an burning up a lifetime's effort in t> sinc?le tertifyinq hour v?h»n it's »o I simple end inexpensive io pro- j feet yourself any xiossi- ! ble mishap. Your homa and family car. be absolutely pro fecied from ANY disaster si but a few pennies a day. We il | show you hew. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT | BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. j DTTMHAM M C i (Taxi Cab I FOR PROMPTNESS I AND COURTESY C CALL I EAST END 1 CA3 COMPANY I Dial 2-20861 24-HOUR SERVICE I - --- r 517.25 Electric Heater & Fan Combination SPECIAL $12.95 TRADE-IN —SALE ON ELECTRIC IRONS livroive \Torn SI.OO up on \ jur old irons NOW’ IN STOCK—Electric Water Heaters, Vacuum Cleaners and Many Other Hard-to-get Items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co. SALES & SERVICE 224 E. Martin St. Claud Taylor, Mgr. Phc,ne 2*3950 LIGHT HAULING HEAVY | LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS - PROMPT EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co, 502 S. Dawson St. Dial 9478 - 9212 Ed. Umstead, Mgr, j d 11;. Railroad olfi la 1> at pt in Ikui (xpr.k-ocl re' rv. at lit:: a:'. ■ <!<*nt and promii-v.l to nv.i! :■ jr,.- IM -It her fm- h*. - U .i . ' ,i -] it- c onu-nt; in ' tr,. n::: -i, , ,ho pwchav J ■>! ' ve-v... -Nuns in .vder iv- :In- cn.iH ,-,'urt ;i (wo >• .ck 0.-nu ,J the ’ -i- Vi-1 . Kimi.Joii ;. in Hr i : j Fivc-rv hoiikowifc buying a Fair - Trade vonttvi k'ity knows the or 1 • i.-l lishod pi t'..'; and ;s able to bay • ... ith the assuranc .* that she. is nu ! i.'Cin;; ovorcii irgcd. Paulco Radio Service “For Lasting Repairs’* !02 GLENWOOD AVE. Dial 3-3123 ■ V>'Pick up and Deliver i-Afi r.-.s. COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 515 W. Mor«an St. Dili 5567 for: I —COAL —FUEL OIL —KEROSENE CORRELL j COAL & OIL CO. j | JOE S CORK ELL, Owner DIAL 5557 I 1 j | 307 North West •• ~ 'iiiiimiiii • r)' ti i iMiii)iTiw—l I i i:l hi sir coup wv p ARTHUR DOVE. Trap. | | | Autmnatit J IPhonf>*zraj)lis ] ja Rc-r.f.' : For Special Occasion# 1 • a and installed on r 'onim'ss!Oß R bar.iS I SLLFCT RECOROt? OCR SPFCtALTY Dial 3-2714 129 E. CABARRUS SV. FOR Split Pine & Oak SEE or CALL Leach's Wood yard oiAL 4535 706 E. Jones St. Pallas Leach, Prop. Groceries ? Notions l,lilies Grocer terla 6 -L-’ 5. Boundary St. Mrs. J. O. Kearney, Prop. Telephone 2-1403

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