WEEK ENDNI/, SATUttDAV. ,!ANt AK\ 17, CMS HIGHEST COURT ASKED TO BANJG WASHINGTON, D. C . - Th • Supreme Couri was asked on January 7 to prohibit the segre gation 1.4' Nog, lo and while sti; dents in public education ays terns. While the- argument, made t> of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Thus NAACP attorney:; Amos T. Hall good Marshall of New Yorl; City, concerned it sell with cite s fund to admit Mis.; Ada Lois Siquel to the law school of the Univer sity of Oklahoma, the- attach? v, : really upon the system of segi <• gation in education and it main tainert that there could 1 - 00 «. quality within th- me,mine <•'. the Constitution mule; , egr< gated system. The attomev .said equality of educational op,)-- tun : • wa-; * > nuired by the Nth Amendmon; and declared 'equality under a segregated • v.-’tem , a legal *•• fion' and a judicial nsvth." Mir;; Sipuc-1 ..-ppeaJe t to tia highest court boeaur.e tin- Okie horna Supreme C.'ouvt had de dared that the elate c nstdu tion anti lav. prescribe a policy of segregated e.iu, “Oklahoma ;: iehanco on ih separate out. ■ squal doctrine in th: . case hat: amounted to total exclu sion of Ne.'P'OeS ■>■X !:M - ' education." s.v.d NAACP rdtm Rsy**.. "Th‘l- c. highlight ti • impossibility of ohtaunng ecu ,! Uv in education undei seg lion statute;, ” l-II <ll BS OBMCRYK yi AHTERid BWKI.M One hundred and sixty 0 f Wak County's 4 H Club emnilnw-u observed aijothe* of tiieir quam tcrlv banking dales , ecently in company with their , aum/nd 4-H Club ka-.li-: .. saw W C Da\ enp, ft. c club . Ast nt aod Mr- A. H Alston toy 1 os ■ : s;tat ■ College Extent, l m Service .Eleven of the county'; t r , -i t! Clubs were xsrio tiled and the boys and caopened up nee savings act: cun';, and added to already established accounts, in the amount of $462.13 a- a result of savings Imm their >ear!v 4-H Club projects. This bring.- the iutal 4 II ban: savings of Wake County 4-H boy in access of the £SOOO goal the* set for the yew ending Decent be; and girl.-, up to $5671.44 winch is 1047. Tfie.se savings arc in the members individual names ,md they are striving to achieve greater sucre-s in 184-6. 86 Proof »Ks SIIUIGHT WMKKtYS IN (K» FRODUC! ASfc 4 >SAKS Oft MOKE 010 :i> , C .JI; AllJHl WMISKCtf, 49 t. NeUlkAl SPWIYS oistltu ' .. mow GR AIN ,6eStSih«9» i Willi IS (Mias. I'ittU lUHtSIi m CAM STOP WOMOYM ABOUT 0 There’s no need to let gray hair give you the blues... rob you of the pleasures of youthfult looks, popularity ond romance. You may look younget by pulling rich, notura' locking beout-.- , (ui color Into your hoir with Larieuse \loekyemyounger jUUr Iwf H*ir Tkh 1m» W*j eßP*r u■ ' ~ pon't rub off or yytfib out un*H’e.ct«d by hc«t M-0/ F-~ permits permaftienH £r>d srylisb Ivoifdoi ... ) ■ / •fcttowrt aod used for os=»r *»0 years Vour . • 2 •dealer will dive your iponey betfc b you're not \ / |loo% wrist, rd. / Elevc an tbtfy, professional cs;:>v <* - it*"n r»r your ««», [VN. / vodtc shop ttribwy Lwnwiwe at •my \ \\ swnetic -dtportacrii or «fru y.roi *. \ ’• V • I _rtff <ia SSS* ** V«MM dealer tUmt nol h«v» famuoev MWMft $1,34 pfvt Mt FwL #«« direct to wfSilllll «•«»*** **»«t*i —llll •“IW COLORW6 „ ou , s>illoo * i ' OOPUftOY MK». CO. • S»W ©MW ST. • ST. tOIM », WO HOWARD PROF. TOURS FAR WEST WASHINGTON, D. C. - Dr. John Lovell Jr., Associate Proles | sue of English at Howard Univ> . ■ i : sity, ha.-, departed fur the !,t j West to assume a vi-siting lecture ship un hehali of the American 1 Friends Service Committee* m M 1 ccjllcgi and universities and ul ] lowa and California, it was an • • nounced lust v/eek. The purpose of the.a- leet'.iva I ! ship;:, spensw ea by the Friend:', is tu introduce Negro scholar.*', hi ; to white univc rsitio: and rolleg.. ; j on a regular basis. The visiting • j lecturer assume:; the duties of j regulai member of the depai t j ini nt, and. elite, , into l!n social i : hfe of the campus, thus breaking | 1 down artificial barrier; winch j 1 have previously attached to his j rn-unbi iship .n hi.- :aci si group ; ila eo!!eyc s iJr. f.owoli \. ; | ! visit ar<-. in lowa. Parson' Col-. It;,. Wiiliam Fetm College. 1 >-:i i tral Colicjv , in California. Porno- [ ;;a (V! < ; 1 Scnpp Women*': <ol j lege, Clarem-iiit Men's t illi-.0.e. j ;\1 ill Collect . : ulcgi ol I lie fa • | ; cific, Whitiiei College. Tke adc.n.ij City i 'idler*’. Ofi-ideritai Collyge, j StaVif- rd Univ-. r-'ify Un.yevsi* v I ei California at Be* k* lev. trim vi sity 1.l t ’allh>; I !ia at 1.0: Ale',, i it--. lie i! be avvav i>"-i tu rn tire Quarter, from jfruci.T.y tu j April I Topic- which D:. Lovell ha' I been a.ski dto (1 .-u: • are: "Chal j lenge;-: lo Arne: iron Dentoci acv a | Se<*n in tin- Literature. " • h ; ‘ | Iq. a Aui'-i ic;u( d ii-at;' Bn ,-,;ud Sh.i .v and the Mhi _rv Propapt-mda Through Pun. ' N. i pro ’ lb am a Through -i liook in- . i 'l3-.- ' Philosophical L-*' | ,n Vrunds of N w r.a Nr, i Try; - cendentalism, .-nd " f iu-veau. A. & T, Stiiflputs Hoar Aoletl U-eoiiiTVplier In I eel is re Series Opcnw’ C REKMSmdfO buid , *'* ■ I i ; ; ud T f !.i:.';.e here h, ex! Dr Lbs ; jr.-v.cc W. Sorensen. •rdv. rs : * I jjii'lHV' on slobal geography, in ia i•■t.ienin.tt leettu'C of the Win", r • i urn St rips. h«*lii in Richard H. Hit's ; j ison Auditorium ,i! tin- cuHese la. - ! Thursday. - D. Surrnsen. w h,..-c ieet’.uv. <" ' Hu East A <’s itic I l '."s' - ■ i Droved both timely and stimulates.* j j vi't;- \ve‘! r (':. vived by h.*s (’i.tlicy;aie ; . .., ■ Discuss! i ■ ms-, op* I soil customs of ;he Near f iM ' ; I pe-.ki". with experuners m A j uunb its in bis bacKi,;uiirci, lulu ’ mil T. studeids Hiai .t »*'• o<he i u'iaee in ?he world dc the inlo-cs |of s-o many uaPoir-- coin' 5 into sin .. , ! dirt 1-1 conth.'i a e, :, e .ee., iii.a. 1 I • u - d'h. I*ork\ Mount Nalivf On ho s\Y lio* I tsl I - NASHVTIJ,K. Term, Four ;c • invs and ter* (\'ou\ F sk Uni versity have bOv'n suit tod h : -« th* \ 947-48 Who's Who Antonf’ S’, a j Icnts in Ameriunii lliiivuis.lic ■. .aul j it w.L. anii‘»..:;nvd rue, :n* | v bv A. A, lay S*•! i)e an *>( I Tollcge, ! ivy the Kxuc'ul i. I ’*•-m rial let- of die* Faculty j tuiiciil: are: Hul; n J. Banh. C j ambus, Ohio; e 1‘ H< mim; ~. i I \mc; turd am. N.~\v York; Chari t I ... % ftt iclguport. ( *ouihh i luut: :.u.' i 4ic ! i': O. Utter back -1 j , Olnuav. ilvnoi:'; all jimitu • , l oretha .-. Black, Newport. Arkansas; Benj.t Lit! l .fobusoii, B Aon. Masa , Be* v B Jca i n. Hose tic. New .Jers.'.v; iT.ak ) Lanier, •; imi tnat Oh<* 1 '.•! nt' Li X Mitdiei L 1\ w 11 msos. *<■:meetc. ut; intman ti Moon, L)kln oma uity Ok-janonvo lino-cm a.- V . S im n. Pleas ant V;lie. N \ ock Liihanu‘l H Smit'iJ, }‘j*ehare. A!,./ L.l. ms p Stewart. Brooklyn, Nb-v. Voile, and Norma K. Sotkcv, Rucks Vioiinb North Carohna, senior: :.-. in. " ■ s '■ j i ,-, a * .fcv.‘-xW9y * 5* S' x tin d.ilHiVr J* the f’iy t \% Wit pc par.tar of tiip Neho ifiispte.t f hurcii ucu *iuOr fiber iu»hiVy »itp lilt 1 cn*s< t»t k* j I^-.i regular iDOifliiii, SOO‘' f • it ttit* : i iljiL h o*l SUrOLiS. j Jjim.u y /I a? uhsch Un* Kcv. ( . ACLU BacksSipuel In Suit To Enter Oklahoma U. i NEW YORK lA.Nt-u no-, . UtSssf- i.n ■ iji v, , ! sf; sepHtfitf* 'CliOdi;; v. ns n,;.de lie.;;: | week by Ui. Anisii.:; Civil i.ib- .. eI re.:. U.liun ); I Sr. tiled is 1' - ■ l i Ihuroe ' Stipii ecu ■’ .«up- ' | ibe admitted to !ti. -ch -ul *>f i.<v ..' |•. j iig Uti:vci :;. s -.1 OKlailONgi ; Tin: ACLI! iictii.c cs fn&nd • . i the court I;;;. ;i; ■ i i! n; r.d e.-.v.;: ' :•< l. Arthur Gs-Ilieid H.-iyr. : uppui' ; |<:d b* Pr.if Walter GcHuoni | 1.-uiiiiiibia Uuicersii' Law Scbu ,i . ..s,i Osmond K Ki eiik.fi of Xi, | New York bar inici'v. mn.t l ; ~;;e ,-.ii.c of Ada i uis 'Sipll.-'i. wi '. r . . ... ! t NA\( I 1 Srlicilulcs I i\<* Ilfiifonai Meetings t NF/vV YORK I'l.ei are romiiicted fur NA.'-it.'l’ r.pi'mg iv . fiorud COliiClea, i s'. Gli/S'er I.J. • Cur; • t. divecte: ol ii: .tncJii. an j non need last v,. ■ -lx !• !•• uarv :’.i 22; San Fran, i .* ' will be held ii; Indianapolis. Ind.. Fix’* Slii ii liaieing cuiif.-: --lie, j Cal., March ■*.-«-7 : ’ Pino Bluff i Ark.. March y.\ I I fuakegi *. !n , iVla.. ! , r,: ]\x w Yi n \ Cit v". April I. 4. Huff kiioui! Minister * Mir- hi hood Sfirirml a Hosof ia I N«*u Urrn ii New Be: ■) I !:e Rev i 1 ’ T I Me!Vfi died her: Ml llu >d She! i K*ixi UuspiXai iit ul J \ before rioea , .'•atuiu.iv foilmvim*. a lung iline-r:. ! He Wa:; Ii?. lb v, as a rial !'>'■ ■; t'l.ifiiii■ .■» ■, j , and .it bit* iime .*! fu..; di-alb ..v i.. i J■ l - * * ; Ul ti. ■ Si. Augusta AM!-,!, <'butch at Ku.sh.n. Hi• i;. uit'vn ,*d !(*• hia >». j f,. ;j 1 ; Lai! h! !■ . 4 !•) andd Jimhlei . at , 1 acu OriiYHis i iTcnloin i rahi Plans ' | : NEW ORI.KA.NL |, a . After a| i t etif* icnce *■. *-1 projest.x lodged , : r, y Hi*' aical !:> ancli of the NAA CF, official v, *l*l the Fret don- I * l iiin **hanged Hi. pJanc that h..d ! I't'i'n made for . {; ,j l l rji the ti on j Wi,h the is raft that Ne;;r , and 1 j white- :;eh,ioi , mids on ~f in Lcd / Y'-aw the ir.ueiing exhibition ,o I tamou.-: document-; v. ithout ■ ( I 11 Oi i. oLv DRAWS HNK in FIKKCR U.'kKR C ASK j Kid/.Ai'F!]) g'f'.y i,'| H . : ,., vl Wiiliam., fj f New ia ad war found ! : KniJiv ol ‘.hooting a fii'ecruekei j un Deeend.er 18 ind ordered t(.- * tine ol hit) and rush; p-i J the \V( dnesdev ressain u! the |Vi - j I qmtnaita C uuoty 1(..v )*,!,-: C• ■ i-• ; i ) here kt.s! vveex. .; .-H was the , njy ease hoard and ! ; lita second proxeeulion in ei.virt !La violation nt the Norlh Cam j hna law which pmliibits shoot | ink >f fis'C'ivo.'its in the State. J MX'iil i'annri LuS Thiru Purehietf Bulb Three purebred registered bul's ; have recc-'iily been placed on ; lanv.s in Wake County and the 1 Firmer., a: > looking forvr wd to ; breeding up 'tu* stock on their ■ farms and tn heir r.'inmvinitses. j , accnrciing to W, C. Davenprsrl. j . f <»unt\ Agent, and F. F. Evans j Assistant County Agent ol tin- • j State College Fxteiision Scrvic* . * Tne price animals have been ! ' plaeed on the fatsos of Pedro Me ! Cuy of the Popular Springs Cum j ; ti-unity. Ulysses Dunn of the IL ! lev Hi!! Ccirnimmity, and ,1. A. i j Pen s also of the Rilev Hill Cam j jinunity. The bulls were purcha . j j etl from the prize herd at A. and ' 1 T. College. nT Cit'ii v W.t . itiM.ilb il i *>.t im ct ih: t Iliits it Sii*' pc x \\ h»lc l f ‘-i I j-;) If *? Hi • |Li HdJ.i-c t.*l Hit- Uu f i !'C»* ixu■*. (fits! if: J.l I t • V t*is IS «»i Tj U‘f { .;'.n.*rufc ui ihc AH ti.iptc.f 4 * !; .ti A'-liCi lilt* ... - _ ! .; handled by the NAA- r ’i lie I’.jncVrj city dunif-d Ajc-. ! .Stpuc! vidnuLSiwid to the law luiio.)! j , C;. Nh'lJT' .'tMii {liC Okli-ihOli l,’. j • Tupre-i.:-. cour« iicLi that her holy j ; recoup war', to • requcil th.u a sep- j Liv. In'll jui Li Ncgrms Uc • |'. -Lihlished. ' Thr urnon'c 1 vu-i ci.allicngcs ih ■ ic for segregation n • . l»C3t J.OO. :■■ ‘i Lll ' I hat to ! : -; kt .j . , Nr: TO T t L'-k T n xV :-Vizo. - li-cLLibiy Tor a shuHc ktudent. p'uk • iiim at. a;*-, tniu .i *.nr,* dvantaye |.c in. 1 xvhh :■ taiicnts i; argue-*. 1 | i;dal i. veil if Ihci'T wore LiLi.t* ’ ' : hooL Mis \>ipiK'i would be J-. niez ’ ! hc ‘T-duciili-ami value ot coritaT* | wnh « tie r Mud . f “SFt r. Mitiiied, uontendt J ih • |un ion ** 1 o if i. al »*. in*. .T- n v’ t.j u. :1m IT A of Un White Mini; M:. -vM* i could contribute to Sic-*;' odlJCatiu * Ms vvJ! * - • iicir uv, n. fl-e AU.t! i.e.vv. i * faUc: i ii.- c.-listtiationabi,;.’ of may reg*c tn.;:i*r;.s:''a. • hn.iHl ' which IT; tt.i.;! Ui orcn cd- ; i ... , ( f:! tft.Mi*en COii id MilViiU ; hiUitti hi ihc .< .: erU- ; s- Hu.' :k\ -•*« - ~ XkC'-io r-*u Oklahoma hon ; I V i'm Ii! ufi'KC Ism - | ...!- -i. Ui ;.c:r-- e r :m i m- . ■ j , ic. m Ihe ul Lw *■• hr Due.-. r-.!ty of or ! tana. Aim - T | j'(‘ iit*ss ftp :* On S. ISiC UODfl ktlTfH ■| i,r enl.ii,- 1.. iuMniii;. * i! 1 "' farm*!a * * H-rl-rt S h '* “*" ■ It Stm\e.l Fa'll tax IF " 1 11 * " ; 'when H.e ,-wt-p; thia-'W'- Lie; Ciwpyed nute- at U 5 *t->V ! vault! St. , (•', I n .HM’.-'d •* ! !» <*" " th ’ i * !a: a--. w*xv- sweeping Ihni the j ml-., , lt | (,t lin in-eie ill X' htr!t ah : t .uni: liiny , tv, damn-"-'. j *., -nd reijatt .mi -nil Pm .mm 1,-1 the house wax saved , j, .ppaientlv '-i.-C.-u ; ! be! v.. -t ti the v. il in'a i the ' bins ; J v.'hilp the pa re nls .v-re ,d ’ uetk and tM-u :■ hieti We. a! -xi j ’ I*> vvt re aw.IV at ;-> imul. .— :Sl tstH'si.-*«liiir f t.aijvi''* fh'tV.c Sl Pais!, !OMi Si Aug a * .;. ; and Si Paul rnliipf-.i Hit it ilit.Vnud ul the cal t,,- .an! Salut day mte m mat tempt, in draw (be Cage bland a! each ,Alter but St Augustin** displaying dt.! ui tit* basktlbal) xi.ill. finali.v '■ i,ec edetl ill xltxt'x I iMg the battle 4 -o a cin.e wit!: a j 40-87 e !*••- :•'*! Paid went ; head in the ft *- I half, it J, but tb-e. field r; ’T - j nrar the end nl the .-.tan.-a fiu ,# • j SL Augustine bib* t!ie lead, IB : *> t St. Paul knot led the euunl it' | the 'ond halt 2t>-26 and played j -n t ,on term* until the lasi fev* minute:'. w!ieii St. August tin : ) :;hoved ah* a.i 3B 80. 1 "" —— —— PINE STATE i Vitamin ”D" 1 'tMs Homogenised /•;■ « MILK ! I Iceeps 'em toppy . 1 f||f i For Horn* Delivery DIAL 2-301 It 1 L*- -r -i ' : . ! Hli CAROLINIAN 'USES ASKS JOGS IFOR FARMERS IN FARM HANDBOOK j WASHINGTON >(ANP> United Statt , HitiploYineir, mtv ict. in £Ol ululating tin- polioi, : j i ff,ulaliu!i.:, approval.-: ami pro ! cduir ; ;ovt'i'iiiii.thu o-fUtNitL>»i ! ( J the fur iU*d tvkU'vi high X.niv,, j (.•ifir.hl; iec{Lli';'ti Ai IL.'it Nul • > fanner/. Le gi"• n prop*-/ cons 1 cratinii in th .• farm plaoemrut program. 'I he now handbook ah la cm plaannoni *?h viva winch, bocum* J elective the litst of the v < I cSea; ly ./lab Hint it 1/ Un* p >lk - - ■ cj’ USES and .-..[filiated itaff I p.lu.yinoilt : I'i'Vicf::, to S'.'l'l’c . a I agneult are emplme; ■ anil nil az j rii«tftu ll uerlu-r-: v. dliout di‘- I frirninn I .ion ui proier, nee, 1 ■■■ I lap* ... be 1( CjUiiC'.i ill a. i On 1 la• tjiit: lion i 1 'ci nitnia: :. j the handbook suggi /fed that m: hcrif.v group orpimwationa bo i call; '.ilia I n!iill;'. v\ ■ll s utbe: '• 1 ! CK.ll, r;\ <e \eh rail . pi hi . ' ja! ami church group.-, if it !v • ] emne ) meat: a ary to u;a cuti'imm, | | it', rw.ourc- in obtain wicker • ! | The t rnpioviswi! w i vii lurth-r 1 |in niter! ■ cat a, .it-! ■ i, ■ icui • j tural wut'kfi ; hc»ult! jof k-el ,: j j curate inform Mi-m mi quiddn •/ ; rii n.- wage.;, in!tiding wage (if | , -.'j! . U a_,ip of job nil 1 u ,n, j i l ei workers' r/Quirect, k a: m nil mo i.l that fin.; /iah- 1 I I 'ient was necc/scry ;. i.au.'t Nc I gi’o t'.'oiirv i / in rci'ln!) section:; lei fltltl \ re /; oe ;; va it; r tin i.avnc ;••■■} of w k lit. i [do w■ i kovs from pi her ••rout ; If tile, fit * arc c, T: S a,: • :: i .1 r. I 0-1 ImowiiK! !' fai'i ■ all War ■ ! Just : -ntiai.; CO! Rl' DECISION V! VI | i HU ( VI ION SOI TIIEK.N s'! UIN j Atlanta, (.in. -- Almost - rec : Southern stale mav b :it'feeio i :' > v five ;Sr promt- ( >; iff i•. r ; iiianuny a Negro rigid -w - : l iin flia University of Oklahoma! fiw school, a survey ivveak I: . here this wo*k. South Carolina established a ’ law school in the fail of 1947 n.i , ( I der of the ll.'rb :i Stale.. J.irt a : court aftei a pfaintif sued n. gain , admission I > iht* state uni yi - Saw scliooi. but the -Jato dom; nw i Pci ole m p!vi -" mniJ ' 'hon! ' f.-r Nc. Crocs No: 111 (' r ••.na ha. msf ifufo ' a Saw school • North I'ac. • <.tolk‘£;e ;J Durham, and alao oo iaicr an emartt’riiii* cid!i.-,>- b u. medical tuuuvna ,co i>aid to ou : • J stale institution?. Georgia pay ; out < ■ tin ;o f‘'i;d pr ok- -aimi i sciioi •M a .i . i . .foal l.hoVv lii'.c .o;a J ; which wus :■«-! up to e-anndv u, do PiipreriH' i 'ourt lodsion re ( nb fop; aopiicant.s duoi rug ! -■’ a iv.i pe; ioj .. ji fi.od to be efpsod Vmrima ha;- no law ; uo.d - • No&iVe:: arc! under \'i- , ;;ili!l, Jim i Crow la a N. o ' m;i\ n- c -a ; •admit 1- d to white soitools. TJ.ore Is u : . mate law m h-.-J ill i oUlaiali.l, but the stall lea not provide law or medics! tiniu :m Pa: Nc-gia..- . \, -ic a S:ia. [l '/( 1 ; aniiu;.-i a-ppHiiniutiori f--r out -af rah iiiit a ,n. Fire idj mv out of -date tuition f -r Noe;,, l.iu- ;, Ul Jeat-.. Ilississippi and Tcrnf-r-pro , vi(.U* i)a ; ,\ t.;;j'ij? t;; fo* Alabama inaK • : an iUiDual .1 p : ;Vrt Ur • ('«;• pa.V tlK J OXW-f: .? ot N (:•;*! 1 I .vtCJi.h-/!' fit out -of - i't-i } prof-'usionsl .- cfio-ds. w~: -.irAP-'wst'WEaßiEsas .err/-, s- / -«rypMai.iMiii■■wwiini ’mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,/ f ~v \ With that gfoodnews i VXi Mote'dmtdekr I X- • • X bake a cabs “ X VI&M iHsveiy I urnfintmimifdL ri itirntrn nfrnimwtijiii i -unrri- —rt—irmy-r-Wiir-ri"*-* —m»i ■mmrriniiii-aw'if —rnuri r mr -r'ITT-r- —~i—*-r—ire- -« ATTENTION! Neuritis Sufferers GET RELIEF IMMEDIATELY WITH • E-R-W RUB SALVE Guaranteed Relief to those suiforinr* Vilh HcurlUs or Rheumeiism. It doesn't mailer if yvi had trouble five or ten yc-urr. 11HVV Rub S.itv- will help you. Trade Marl: 'IRQ i : •> Putem Ol'Lc Fob. hi. Iti.U. 307 HECK ST. DIAL 7lj'l RALI.IC'.II, N. C. PRICE SI.OO f.fu) • 200 a*l up Non Poisonous * Does Not Burn She Flesh Two Lsxdies of Dairy Meet . , . The Sub|acf CoySd B® Hats 1 ! X ' i | If-A 1.1 ' S TF.X. Tin.’ n,ut.ua! greeting was, “Where did you get that hat. ’" when Springka Gay Lass, grand champion Ayrshire cow owned by Curtiss Candy Company, was introduced to Elsie at the •f, v»« State Fair. Gay Lass' «niug look comes from the fact, that she jutd just been nsmr-d grand champion at the Texas fair. A week previously nhe ic.ui won the same honor at the Dairy Cattle Congress, Waterloo. Lows I’ili' -a tHSTOR', - . BIRM - MwHaM <ANP) - Tiv Atlanta < Die • si tiu , frcutlu in llc-cimvil council *;■ !.uneed;y jsiinl l nq .1 HO-min ;;i;- - ;i "The ClitS! JC !•-, J) 1 or.i apd Funo j»u-.i of the fvY.jro Ft e•* " for Urll viLufl LI flit 1. -'ijlioui tic- AOldl: o: -J-l 10 -Ml ’ hell ■ , S ill. u.’idCudlil; i < »..(< t \ jh>* f- ! ico pross and nc i‘i y.-'f history.' 'i w.v. , --V . ;i- .! : iavd w ■ I- M! i .1 i-l-i- .•. rii.-* b* by id Lit .1 1,1.1- c -11, -» if ill.- Hicroinqiiaii! Weekly iFc-vi. w, ni iht.- i.d! 1547 Lvtori- the amxual n.-eoriny of the- Missi,: fippi divisica -i the ccurcii' hold m die ..-l '..kcc’i (Miss.) n-.asl -Luv'tcuiy churches for whits.-. Mr. Durr receiv ed the in-Dict: ,::i ‘j udre.-.c f*rc>in :. •, thr 'H.. in* f rrc uT) v: v.:n ■ ino rte v , jfi. Bsvrt Sri.;'.cHer, .cinfc. presi deni - A lii:. M. . i.c-i,-..-: qrortp, Jhioinjli Dr. C. F Kcddick ot Jfecko m coHeye. fht,- M-c,is-iupi qyoup, com po; :d of ihe ni.;.it eniiqhUmed end pi .'jz ossivc whites and iNL- U'o ; »-, w.e stele, vote' i is? ci moils ]y t.i have the pre : entvJlic.rt s.:.ni-...i in. para phi, 1 fern-. ,ir.d distributed to o.U i c,; cii,: Near,: schocls, Lhr, --o', yep and the Atldsita ;-i-:Jti!?.4tlu.-i fdl iowed i ;ii. s ti'>pD?l \ ..,ur Faprrl , 4374 j for Quality PRINTING 1 0 Prompt Service (Dr..ant-. :wi j 8-i f icfaction j - Cali \ I living - ! t«ESS j j 303 5c- itb ?•. Si ; | — - . * 1 I XI \ (Ihapler I hanks ! rioiids tor Aid Given SPRING HOPE The Span id mg Hit;) School Chapter ui lot ; • If FA thanked its local ben- fact", -i i:; a (otter si pace! by W-lliom Di- - o,;- of the SiAUtldin.i high gchvo' • md released Ja..t '.veek Tiio litter rends as follows: ’! hi New Fat in ".3 of Am :, :vi Chapter of the Spaulding Hem LciK.-01, Spring Hope. North Caro- ; Ain-. v/iihes I,i thunk the loco’ : . li.oel- ettur. iies, veterans and; b loads 1 .- their part ir. the recur, ive for tr< benefit of the Oxford - 0> phimage. The total contribution of n.:. I hundred dollars vCli ;;o far m llying to this worthy cau-M 'V.n>w«iamri»«vr 3c->' -<n«maiaCTWwMg«'«n . if 8 Complete Photo Service 8 «© DFVEI OPING PRINTING - ENLARGING l * QUALITY PORTRAITS COPYING §5 # GROPP PICTURES |9 SEE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER AT THE |9 | PHOTO CENTER § m- 12 (I 1-2 Hast 11 argoti Street , Raleigh. N. C , -- nm-rr-Tr.,-11"- UMa—Waf 1 k -i mini w-iw aifnnri rntuimiii'irffifrr'i r - ir - Hudson Rclks Basement Stores January Fabric Sale SPECIAL PURCHASE! CURTAIN MATERIAL LI- ,->! .»-»•> r. Y*' ’ ‘7- ' - s ■* ■' * ,v " V i| 'urtain?;. Now you can hay them at ' • | ! cushion clots, organ ay, plain marqu). •u. ■. • 39c and. 4 : c cd l \—- - - 1 ! I 1 Ta le Assorted Remno.nl.i Nmv '.-''ni can gut that extra -il-vess or : ■' von*vi been w tiling. On this tabic I'iciv iur pt tictically every garment exce|>. w,- i r pc, satin bn-A cri-pe. georgette, iiniag la'.- I . - . | ] f j 79c and 98c yd. t tinned Outing Flannel \ I A ver.-.B ile hardy fabric that takes wear well and is v. : ,-rn Id. ul for .- ivrrs for nvr and boys, pajamas ic. j t children, women's gowns. 36” wide, fast color.-;. 39c yd. j •! i S j | NAINSOOK 7he perfect fabric for baby clothes, women’s and chil dren’s underwear and blouses. Soft end lovely, easily laundered. 36" v. id* 69c yd, Tobacco Cloth Strong, durable tobacco cloth, also has many other uses. 5 yds by 20 yds, thread count 28x24. 12c yd. basement store TAUMH CAROLINA’S LAiGSSIT PAGE THREE ikishop Dagwell Scores Bias Holds atid Tides PORTLAND, Oge. - The Rt. Rev Benjamin D. Dagwell, Bish op of the Episcopal Church’s di ocese of Oregon, in a speech at a Chamber of Commerce Forum struck out at hotel and restaurant opt ratQjs who practice racial dis crimination. Referring to the recent com memoration of Christmas, with < urols find the setting up o, B. th lehem manger scenes, the B.shop dec hired this hut a hollow mock ery as long as there is. no room ; n f’ortland hotels for Negroes, "even those of distinction and culture/’ ‘‘l know this is an unpopular thing to say, hut I wonder T the hmc). and restaurant me/' u;*.tions think there is iai It.y between th« case Jewish muther who coin ; !';• room at the Inn, and ic b ling Nngroc-i from their est/b hslmu ut/:,’ the Bishop said 1 W: sraAswai K fu“*SAiR * A »W AdfNUf&' sW*f* w a Waiaprae? M USE ONLY •*** mrtOYtO * * -«i W'y?j_ « - sn»« mm Mir offci 32 CONSECUTIVE TEARS for StuighiMi.ig Shorter Strews* i - - lit It t num l $ ["'"aicvLAl s : nrrrr 9 /.MALL [ECONC. - J i L'l J L-W. I K.i. )NCU <■ I l-'AtU \i. tO. !.< m - . g

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