WEEK ENT>N(t SATI r TIT>AY. JANDATU 17. 104* YOUR CAR "has a date r- Laws enacied by the 1947 Genera! Assembly provide tor the Gmciai inspection of all Motor Venicies opera wirhin the I state at least once during the year (and twice-a-year thereafter) effective January I, 1948. These laws (patterned after | •:successful legislation in some of the leading states in the Nation) were enacted after due consideration by that governing | f ~ . I ' '? \ ! ri* ' \ I Em\u Hl> factors which your car or truck must pass in order to i 2. MIRROR 14. PARKING LIGHTS ’ r „, 0 ... £ ** , . »/ i• t _ а. windshield wiper is. passing i.ights be given an "APPROVED" Sticker). Study the points T/ic Sf<»/r Department of Motor etudes I ■: k£” ", \ss =r° nTS enumerated at the left, and, prior to compulsory state Urges that you take your ear or truck to this б. STEERING ALIGN MEM 18. CLEARANCE LIGHTS inspection Inspection Stitt 1011 OS 50011 OS tl Opens .. . 7. STEERING ASSEMBLY 19. REFLEX-REFLECTORS 8. REAR WHEEL ALIGNMENT 20. SWITCHES AND WIRING , mT m ». KXHAI ST SN STEM 21. BR AKING EFIORI Flit Voiir far i»l You will be S,v,n an INSPECTION (’ABIV and your ,ar | |0 T j RKS 22. BRAKE EQUALIZATION checked throughout the tan, for am dHincneies on the ii_ TERN SIGNALS 23. BRAKE PEDAL -I* ' t %T $.% *'*AJOU POINTS listed on the caid. Any mechanical p 12. TAIL LIGHTS 24. HAND BRAKE MW.* Will I 111 **l*"F“ If * defects will he noted on this ear.l and vou will l><- required |i| —~~~—. —to have them correct. and will be used later IA. . |(f. AlOl r ItM . will he unwise to wait until the end of the year to visit thi lvpail . ahor>s in rol . re< . t in« rh, d if» vchic* i I All‘<‘ha»ical IltM|M‘rti»» Ilf Vision Inspection Station. You are titled to fro early amt avoid tm- wjwWd „ h ownei thf cO ,- H , . . rush. The inspection of each vehicle will take only a short " ’ , . I L ' 1 • ommissioner (j)ne (ab(n]t five (o u ,„ nljmites) . Jt will not bo necessaio *•» '»'<*" "’ p cw bc | * - «n«her t«t. ami it to..nd to This TTrtn Is A Member Os The N. <. Automobile Dealers Association bv t,.nv licenced operator.) be in stood order an “APPROA'ED” sticker will be issued. If. Lm... —J These Automobile and Truck Dealers Will Be Glad to C ooperate with \ ou in Placing S our Car in Such 1 Mechanical Condition as Will Pass the Inspection Required by Your State: SIR WALTER CHEVROLET CO. STUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE | SANDERS MOTOR CO FORD CARS AND TRUCKS j K- & AV. MOTORS. INC WHXYS AND JEEP SALES AND SERVCE % SUPER SERVICE G ARAGE KAISER-FR AZER SALES AND SERVICE 1 NEWBERME’S GARAGE, INC CHEVROLET CARS AND PRUCKS | ATKINS MOTORS, INC. HUDSON SALES AND SERVICE r MERRIMAN MOTORS, INC. 24-HOUR SERVICE i MOTOR ASSOCIATES, INC. NASH SALES AND SERVICE t CONN GOWER PONTIAC CO PONTIAC SALES AND SERVICE > WILSON-UZZLE, INC. CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SEKV ICE . ■jam sHEcrra Tin: CAROL! NTT AN PAGE FIVE