PAGE SIX BOWLING TOURNAMENT SET FOR DETROIT' A Beating The Gun BV AI VIX AIUSKS _ ___ THAD STEVENS. FINE SPORTSMAN NEW YORK (ANP) ln many years of r.t-wspapei reporting covering the theatre and the : ports field, it has been our pleasure to come in clow contact with many fine women and men. A trui sportsman has been much more than urn whom you saw in a high priced seat at every important event We expected to lind him a good mixer where his lellowmen an eoncetnod; impartial and eminently fait in his per.ono! judgment : when called upon to de cide an issue; arid me intensely aware of the eommuity as well as the national need; of all- American:., especially those ..j the rat e he happened to be a tne-mhei of. On these- lattei points. I present to many of my reader; in various eetions of t!;e country, TIIAD STEVENS, pal of popular "Sonny” LaForU and Rob Arne-dead o! Harlem. . id owner oi the Harlem Paiarv eg ill, o\ < r un 1.,en0 ; avenue h t .ve. a !271t, and 128th street-. HAS TERRIFIC it»4« PROGRAM Whi'U d Would be .1 lief mill br< yeli ..-1 tiiirt and frieiuli;, eontidr-nce were 1 to let you in on a plan that tour he-: every pha: «- of life .living Negroes on the >lOce--':iai'V side of life (edue-dioo. hospitalirafion, lion inj/, delinquency problems ttc.) I at lea l can conn'l l you to remember he. name. In less man two word ■ Mr. Steven: is bringing a neatly typed repoj-1 I- lore the hoard ol director' of an urgamyaiion dedicated to Negro problem-- the country over. Many promote; ■■ nave a i.nbbit up tiieir .sleeve wifi thi or that, u.y* to grind i-om ’which no one l.ienetits but himr.elf Mr. Stevens' plan will be Pie grualrst boon to Negro organisation : in the categories w«- polo- re above We are solidly behind you, Tha i Stevens, and wi!i so all not ' in he; beiialf. MELTING POT Writing their name; high m the fi.-,.iball .skies ol HI-UI -w< re GENE DKHRR’OTTK, ! FINNY FOR id amt ROBBIE MANN of ih.- brilliant Michigan Wolverine.; who ran rougushod over CSC in the Rose Bowl be!u! e o.I.UMU ehc-ering fans on New Year’s day . . . Wally Triplett and Dennis llouggaul of Penn State, gained dis tinction of being the sole colored Americans to appear in a major football game played at Dallas as members <u a white college eleven . d’lipi-t: payed a pleat game and Houggant, .son u! the fartaou- Philadelphia mmistei came within ui tin h of catching what would have been a touchdown t a against Southern Moth odist. Penn State and SMC wound up in a 1:1-1:! tie while FRITZ (master couch) CRIKLh It S incomparable iUiclugunrft-i.. repeated Hi,- score J 49-0) chalked up by Fielding Yost's Michigan squad of 11)02. by whipping Jell Cravath's game Southern California kids by this overwhelmings score. . . . was a proud day for these colored ki-as who were treated handsomely in every respect bv the vast crowds ; before whom they gave their utmost .... Perhaps m 1948 AMER ICANISM will not only no a part of the U. S. sports picture, but an ! important part of the whole American tapestry of liberty and jus lice tor ALL When Eiwood Petehell, mighty atom of Pi nn State threw a pass that was caught by glue-fingered Wally Triplett in the end zone tying the .s.-orc for Penn State at Daiias the television showed the entire Penn State bench jumping up like wii-J Indians in the;' unrestrained joy. . . Yes. football bowe i nut. florkutslv for our col ored he men of the pigskin parade. til.C LOBY, moinbei at the Cleveland bcs.-bail club ol the American league, is now a member I the all-white (save to: him) Paterson Basketball club of tin API. (Ana rioao Basketball league• • • Signed to .! Hat k m club at .. tone when its members felt tin Hoby name wnuM pack in hundred; v) | i->.uit-!oviiig fans from Ui. ■oowii 1., R a i t-a of New York, the Jersey iimne.x bag , i ave -mate '.t fk-by hkc a In and bum the uovnittg from the ranks of ti-e un derpaid. to ! w-imr a trey. maced couilei r m si; called last compare., A); of v. Rich icing nu- back to Use story 1 wiote some months back concerning tin- u:i- Amei ioan treatment (he us in a meals, com-, ol the celebrated N. Y (Bob Douglas) Renais.’un-t- Five, and DOLLY rnon courtesies, c-te.) a.-, inied mcumpac.Cik- PAP GATES. rapt.,in KING of the same club-wini t membere of But'Luo and the Riches ter-Royals respootivciv . Money e- one thing, as is prestige 1.-ut inhuman tivabncui can>- a playei almost worthless unless he is definitely out ,o JAi'KIE ROBINSON or JOE LOUIS mould, and—that is-that Kii) C>A \ iLAN s t uni v ( üb-'m weltei w-cgii; a untender for R;r' Robinson's crown, signed t-> meet tough GENE BUUHTON, New York entrant in the 147-pound swtvpstakes, m a io-round contest ! that will be held on January 12 at tlie St. Nieh >k-e arena. . Bur tun, unbeaten thruuut 194/. was good enough to wliip poker-faced IKE WILLIAMS. World’s lightweighl monarch, in a nun-title affair and soundly t^- ashed highly touted Berio.- DOUSEN, Louisiana bo\ing-cut*y LcGY b MARSHAL was stricken with virus-pneumonia fare mg him t... again caned hi.-. January 9 date with the brrnvmkin southpaw tough;.-, BERT LYTNI.i. al-Horn the coast, in what was to have Em, t t u Madis n Square Garden windup attrac tun to Oik- Tandherg and Joe Maxim. •Joe Louts, tells white newsman; Me arm ha been ioeling pin and needles since tin- Jeis.-y Walcott light. Cuuht it i e neuritis?? . HARRISON DIl .LARX, beaten in only on - race during eight pehtsnr, is America’s greatest hurdler as we’v- often related here, months of American and eantinenta] Fan ope track and field com- ' In the voting fur the JAMES E. SULLIVAN MEMORIAL TROPHY ot the AAU, an honui that might be likened to winning an "Oscar" j in the Hollywood motion picture field, Dillard Lnshod else second I tiOd Nationa Amateur Athletic- union voles to Kelly’s 663 on a 5-3-1 ■ to world’s No I scullar. Jhn H Kelly Jr., Philadelphia by scoring i exonng basis. The voting called by AP one of the closest m "th. history of the award.’ showed KeHly first ehoi.,-.- mi 17 ballots while Dillard was first on 71 ballots. 808 HIGGINS, coach of Penn State is prouu oi Wally Triplett as well Ik; might be Rated as only second-st>. ing right halfback I oe-umi JEi t DURKOTTA on the Penn State squad, he is notwith 1 Standing the be n kicker-ufi; one of the game s; fastest and most c s i ective kickoff returners, and a pass snatching wonder Ask 1 SMU if you have any doubt about the accuracy oi mv‘reporting. GAIN ir r° M KS, joe Louis, the great man of boxing whom J ve pleaded with to retire as did Tunney alter the Billy Conn fiasco. 1 lias broken into print on this chant as follows: "Three cities ere trying So outbid Now York for mv return fig hi with Jersey Joe Walecii (not Gus Lesnevich), Th-Jse cities are LLos Angeles, Philadelphia and Chicaaao. It will be Walcott, 1 wouldn’t want to fight anybody else. And it will be my last one—win, lose, or draw." AP Makes Half Apology For Statement In Article LOS ANGELES < ANP) ~1 ii , <•> Hedda Hopper who considered i: ' all light to write of ILattio Me Dan | JH as a "Negress.'' Trd R. Smii:», ! general sports editor of the As-o ! t'ated Press, is one of many C.m ; casians who cannot see how much j farm outmoded expressions about! Negroes ran do <n pre-ent-day ck- ! if i! LiSteiJd at She public apology i it local NAACP branch expected in antwer to o letter it wrote him j complaining of AP rpi->.K»ng of M».«. Borrows, mothei of champion Joe ,Lotus, as a ''mammy. Smith wrote !"AP had found by experience tW !an apology would only emphasU ■ J what was at worst a thought lea. :ok of the word, and magnify ;hc ! mcident out of all proportion. “I admit,” he continued, ‘‘th,.t ! 'mammy' does carry racial connota 11 hill.-, that Ap usually avoid, bu< ! vli:ie l am chagrinued to leant |an AP writ-’r used it in referring io the champion’s mother, it L in ! reality a term of affection, pretty : thoroughly ingrained in our langu COURIER SPORTS AWARD BANQUET HONORS STARS I,OS ANCi ELKS —(AN P>Hi..nor ing the nation’;- outr.tanding ath lttes of i 947. the Pittsburgh Gout i lit * .staked its second sporty :■ ward banquet Friday evening at 'Elks Club 99 in down-town Lo Angeles. Nearly 200 Emu ! athlete ; an-i guests alt. uuc-f the gala even! i which was highlighted by the up ! P-f aram e us li.nn and radio | stai Kddii Bi acken who aett it . master of ceremonies. Among the .stelhir athletes lOTHUrd Wt'-I I Jut- Louis Jacks Robinson. Dun Barksdale, Marion Motley, Hell’, McKinley, John ; Finney, Bill Anderson, Bob Maim. Joe B> rrv, Ted Rhodes and li;n i :son Diliaul. Mrs, Clara Manu. • u; .tic , o| MicmganY. All-Amer can end, ftol.) .Mann, who cam west from New Bcrti, N C. to sec the Hose Bowl game, graci ouxly receive :l ht-i illustriou son’s trophy. Henry Ai tri.-trnng sot tner three crown world chumpiuii, rt-ccii-i:! Louis’ trophy when tht* latter wax unable to make plane n -ei nations to the i .as} m time lor the banquet Sapet visor Leonard J. Roach made the pro-< utntsm to .Jackie Robins,in The 1.,0s Angeles Kwhis. Dons. Santa Anita "and: Hollywood Turf i-lubs and Bohc mian Distributing compunv were i '’presented, and former Lt. Ciov. I i edonek Hoiiser, Coun, iliri m Don Allen, as well as the ('ream "t tn*’’ Angel CitvY ;i | wi re present. Proceeds of the award hanque us f (i hi proiide aid to wu Hiv athletes who are seckim- t . Bo ther their e iucation. AGGIE GAGERS Ilf 55-25 WIN OVER SAINT PAUL iST. GREENSBORO Paced bv E.- ■vu (Acer Harper, hu.sfgug s h ;i! .- shooter from Hammond. led. CouG. Eldndge V«, ithams’ IHJB A and i. - 0,/.cage squad swamped •Yum but outclassed ! ‘ Kf Paul IrtstiP.le oy flu "t til-25 hi a ialhe,- on-- • ided " ; 'e la:-! Tun -.da . oietif l! ji”; ”:.r... A i d ■so d arii; : .aid a noidavei li-an w !>i ' G,,-u- a.,. i-f imbin.i! „ ,; ca; v f la :ui .'.iiiiaf.i- ,i< ~ aug up- ft points in field . • gams! the Virginians. i was a coni pa. at; ely easy ~. ’’“y foi she leva! fne as the Car. iinmns wi-re aide to . mb an ■■ lean oxer flic- visi; a- siin- ' mefta ed ciniusi ~! wi“ • mug oqi fa,- in. si, Liif in -rjii E’ l )-e’k ot am os- ennuh-mn.i VS.--.a-;. :,d !!u> A:;- a- ~,,!. !• ttu aliie f.isf \*. eOk, C Vas; V ; •'-111 to fans WOO packed fin- ;;va, sc-li/oi j,, eaj/acify fil.e tins \- -mtn/ii ot ti: A a I ill T. fa.i: !<• I • ... in;, should pn/vo s’ onger than Ui,- >n tielded at the Giecnsbo, . 'ution last sC ..--no While the Ari.ii-s eujov-/-ii a fc;table 28-10 bsigin . ! the 1 \vas actually in Hu p . u,o that ti.ev realty stilted toihe . la; ling i't livid guals and i ;• 1 tree ihiov.’: foi an add,Hon e ; tj pl'cllis Ui the latfcr !i dt Foi 'he Si Paul ft-iin F Pit-’ h> ci Wills.i, too.; Pa I. ; pc; Hu man.o posting five and t<v, points, r■ . p L ctivci v IK- Mayer li Ft! PI TP !”t o’ A \\U 4 itiai F A. Dave I 2 I 4 ! F Hayw a>d f 2 ) 4 i ! F Huy wood 1 ts a t ! . F M. Davis 4 0 u fl a : !. Leffwich 2 1 i a i! ■ Parks if 0 1 9 o 1 Goo;fen 0 3 2 i 2 < Martin ,4117 11 1C Wight :t u 4 il a i C Halth :! 2 f> 8 C Douglas ft 0 2 4 1 hi Harper 7 0 0 H , ' J belli : s II 0 II 0 ! G Priestley 1 (I 2 2 j G Mays I ti 2 2 C 56 9 26 65 E. ST. T\ ( t 1251 Pos Player G KG PI TP TTY* I F Artist 0 fi 0 il i i F Austin .11 2. J > : !r’ Cafield II n fi o j V Diggs, j 0 j 2 3 j C Drew t- 0 0 2 J ! ;J. p: (Sl.ley fi i 5 l 2C. Pressley I A 3 5 -5 : » Sava Re I i) 1 2 j 3 Washington o o fi ;> ! Wilkins ! 2 I 4 1 i ■ Wortham .11 0 3 J I f Young o 3 4 :t 4 Toh.l > 7 i| ft 25 Score at half, A T. 23. Si. i >aul !0 Officials: Burnette ard WilHjwtjs i li-Duis INaiiif In Tup Ten NEW YORK (CNS) ~ Sport Magazine, the leading publication in its field an n-ounced Joe Louii among the 10 top performers as picked •by the nation's leading sports experts. Others included Johnny Lujack, college foot • ball; Joe Page, baseball; Spec Sanders, pro football; Ralph ; BcarcJ, basketball’ Ann Cur | fit, swu-nming; Gil Dodds, -rack and Joe Di Maggio, ; [ baseball, I'liK CAIU.U4NIAN m\) CLUB HONORS SHAW BEARS WITH BANQUET _ ; ,Lv.- Grid Club Honors Shaw Bears as ’4 7 Nat’l Champs j nv .1. n n u s At t. ’!;■■' Shtiw It. ■ CIA A full.:,il !. ,o , . : ; winner.-’ «>l ill Tit ! , pin./i-mp l-l: il. .; , ~! : n./lKpic; ICC. tills In I. , Sli.-.V. Pr; .cl .Mly (!i luii on ( lub. The Chib. cccntiv <> ;-.i( ; -,'d : : .(■; u mill -ill Dr .J;-ins O ! imr.o' .- ft !t-u-.}>; I; I. P D.iv Kuqic. > ’■’pi oc . n.t j tin- l>. \ C. V. Gnlfoi ./ m.-O/b-. isi I}> i.t ::■ ’ 1.. on j>. : mo I; |-v}ir. si -ul. ;C i\ ;i a . out. idr .-I Pro: on ui H . Us-rt P J / mis-i >. • d; lu f red .HI ill - Jiii HC- ; uiqi; ••! Jit-’-, .m l dii ’!- . j, Min-i jipid i ■ to Ito in- j, H t ♦VIi: un. A: -.::•! oil (’unci’, .hill • , I Sn-Vi jig. Il i At Idol n’- IMIC-I.n ,): 11 .: o t: J' : to uni « c, 11 . (c. H: - - 1 jiiad I n lb- , • , . (11.-IVoli I ■ i Wind :). i• - irt) ■ lo iihuiit c.i 'n Vul, who .-1 -, - -• t in I: ■ : way ccic.ii il ut<-d to in- -ucc- r ■ ; If;; l< jiii. Jti Do nl .i - i.c , d . : Ri-\ I t;n.v, lie,- , . n. .!,. ici ;m i’,.;.c of ihe club. .- ci i.-ocl ~ ; tor,Droast i lie ■ ibc . , -i ( . v im i : ui; id’ 10-- ji- ,-ii>-.i iv.idUon. litt rsjio: sfs.l with a ccic'-ic;: -up joy ul \. ; and bum u j Dr .1 H. Davis. bet-alt <,f ‘v I | club, present.’•:) SBS ou to Prcrni. !; 1 • !) a mol .’ til wine! i in p;., :ci r : !8. addi til ■! i- : .iJV- ■ .; r I’ll.. ball- to -nj.ipit:i',’M in II • : ; .uva.. ;;d the loam by ti ; nr in,l < liain piunship t.|jon-.Ci : 's Tii- chit. j gavi tin- plc: idcnt $:-40 00 vn \ which to j>ui 1. 1 ci.-v cb.i; l,jouii. ic i. ai 111 ban c ior I .K"h Oi ! 1 n■ i-l. Applaudod bs Il,c .up - .: - Halfback Tv.-il!; tl llair-s nam ! A! l-O! A A i aliba k aa-.i doc! -I a l,f v,"’q a pm- puh; iarus W . now.-pr.pi i choice ai guard, vvn.. j Bill Elliutt. Leroy Scli. r.-; m c Clark Quintet Tops Fort Benning At Atlanta Club The Clark Panthers Quintet de feated the Fort He twine “5" 42-'M : m tlu eollogiurr ’ opi.-net here os i the Magnolia flub in Atlanta. ; J;m Stli. tit-holey WiHiani 1 son it cl tin ( " s; k li\ c in Kick - : 'up 17 points to load the field in ; ; snoring. The Clark Quintet, although | slightly hampered ny the holt- I I days, l-o t no time in getting -.uni j ed us Ruyrrwiirf Williams s ing :: i foul to give the Panthers a 3 -10 i ! lend. The army five field tin lead j | only lwife during ihe entire eve- I ning, 'i_2 and 7-0. Freni then j on. ii wrts strictly a one sided al ; tair. Scbeicy Williamson was. ty j far the star as the game as In j thrilled twS packed casino with • (several long shots that didn't touch anyth:-ng but strings. coici FiV-iJ We; til. Ml ’I \ \ re. i \v I for c. l! ! .i ( ai ! .l:Ci.., i ■ t. ;i . d i,v AC ’ Uiii‘l !-’ (J il-.i- cic.l j ..1 111- . -; ’T.c - i.ibl Ua ill,l 1 ■ j Ul !•; r I I ; : I l; i; -ui . I. ui n,-,c ) vv 1r- n a-, j j< . lie - : .11 -m. Mil; G i (- j " il ci ill.- .. cretcii v r>: ,! .J., j -c r i • I'iVc’.n. Di i. Wit non ;.,. > i Pm l ' I till i No, folk. Va > > her Gi |. la la. i- of sh- i 1 ■’ i . \\ ; •.■ ’ - -:.. \\ i !c• ai .Ar!tin. Dow. Na!!,;.m. :j . - !* !: Jo. wv. .3 i I Pima ; M; ! uia W John on, N ; p. . F X. 'X al. .'!i, M 3 j >VC'i !t (' ’ A t fay Wo.»( ? ( ’ !”i ,y;. . i 'A ' V 1 13, .a. i allc:; Hun' W F i ■ ’ XV. Cuci'i-; o t-tln . man. \» 1 I n-khart. .) Touia i Hamlin, !../ Wile. : n a ci c.-n, c a m.c I IX: < Hill. F .1 G.,n,a;, - I : Hamlin W«M.-. I W Addc-on, J. ■ ■ i | Blench, i K MeCaulf-y. I T. .> i I..ny, A i 'l;iin'. ■ r \v gci ft--..- ; ; .11.-, (‘ !•; !aGiUio: all . A Hair , - I W T Aim lin.ii--.. Kw k > Mmiii | vii • Dm in ltell, luaymouth; M. i .iiUi; i! t; i iunii:c. Gi ■ - nvi!! ■K ! !I. I ii.un. -rid. < ’li.-. luce W 1. i Non'-. Oh:.- 1 kite I |. Johns. M i 1-s • .ii Ai kn 1; II i r .toil .n.l i ! liil P I.- j. D ivi I!.-s ■ G. G.isino Hdi. Wm-ihm-Sal.-rn; \V !•’ (' iiins. f : ini 1 .)]’h ui; t- -II- ; i.:rv (<; in. i. .1 XV iVcrley. No: U vv'Pkc; b O w B .) VV.,." I- : \V -TUngtl-n. Ruber! M Emi! f-Oalm. ,j -tiic. D- .1 A XVi i ... Hoi!, V , The first hitli w,'t■ slaved (aid,’ j Lore, but the Panthers car ’inn-h ', i jo ; hold l!;c < hyo „i 3 to 5 points, 1 ; The at the half: Clark, jy;; , jFori Ik lining, 12. Ift the i.’iuSli ; i minutes nf (he pan if, the For! ■ i Henning Bullet; found theit ranp.-y| j and ear Os from the short end nf a j "7-22 ri'oi'c i.i pul the rame on j I The Army 5" was puocd b-, ; ■ j James South, who was second ro.t 1 Williamson ,n .-.coring with II j< , points ; l.t: Lloyd Jones, coach nj the ! Fort Bc‘uiiinp, (yuintul. is a ! > rn< •• j | loot-ball arid i esketbuH star a; ] Tuskegfe. j s Like Jones, tenor sax man, re turn.; to Red Mr-ck'‘- band (or htstj’ oni?;ij*emoni at £.! Prr-sedio in Up- ! i 1 ra a Ww, ■ ■r,\w is<i\<>l;!■:i> .u ! i il ( I.VA (hum pi. I';-:-.- ■ winners •>' 1 ■>! nuiimu! i hu>!i|)i>.nslnp ui-ip KHi-ii u vii-titr* b.m --1)4 H U (ji.i !i.l\ llU'dll li> tile • <rui foil » tui; ns hluu 5 iiiv• rsi ! In ih top photo President l; Dutii- i > ilt-livt-f iip; 11 it* buu i;ll *t uildis-ss iii whirl! he praised the ulileli stall the sijsiail anil . i ' ■ 111 ■ mi:ii <• >n t, ,I‘llt, ,] In the ii :m ; s siu Si* iii *i from lelt in i ■ lit ,i !■ fir I .l.isjn . 1 ret- I 1.111. \ rlnlli; Kev. G I hrrk, N|‘l ! : i .ll I li tin- i llsli: .1. Royal , li: tin miij-. tins hii r i, Dub pi rM ii, iii ..mi ic t tinu'li !' mi Couth ilmvjtcl K. iK .-ulit-i Wilson, in *.!ii iriitri piiniii ~ i■' infill lii, nl ilii .nil), ii, ‘-iiii with tin . i iis:i; m vDrlri tril tram i . i iii. proin led in right are. i i,-h V. i win, the hMS captain i.sir-ii I udiiooir Ptuinlll'hi. N. .? \:!iteli< el or Saiii' - - 1 i tit. mi; i Willie I.Hiutl i iii iiiim: amt As-astont i act. .(.titles I! SI i vrn--.nH. hi iiit- inn it pilot**. his Irani Hi id-, , , 111 ast l ! a- Ttclllip i /riir.k) lu-Uuint iici-ivr-. 111 oginl'on from s-ii! it.- ttnct-lor l.ytle us Xil i ( i \ liulif.urh ami i inner <»l •< in w • paper ii- AH Vmf'i iean J iitu !,;. .1. V> VV.tHu.rt £)uL\ Siiitiftl 'S *J h tVu Basket hull k *> NEWARK. N. J.-(CNS)— Lurry 1 \ by, the first Negro over signed lo play baseball In the American League, came up with another first iiii; week By going with the Peiu tKin Crescents cf the A rnerwau Basketball League. Larry was officially welcom ed by tin ctv nor of Crescents, Sem" Bor?.,! who announced that Larry w aid play as lo.ward end hit lira* game wt uM be ever the weekend when the Crescents met Wilkes Bar re in Wilkes Bar re. _ . , Meanwhile, the Preside-n. t s the American League John J. O'Brien, ( : a ; me d he had not been told of Limy's signing tot assured "fhere'd be nothing ii Accotdiitg O'Brien. the Leagttfe nas no ruling banning NegrVes. aALEIi;H TILERS SILN Lamb n.'i: be- -of Durham ha bi-i n ,;t;n* 4 d up as new 1948 man* ugt-r .ts the li jh-ifth ‘Tigers, nee ir ember of i n- American As-o < r.itiori. Tipi - Ij.’i-t'ball officials announce- i her" Thursday. Barbee, a slushing out -fielder, j was place .■•manager of the Tigers i last year when the team won i see;>r>''f plaefc it; Hit- Southern As- ; sok i align. tl - is exotvfed to announce a | ;, ."ter cf pl-tyers within the next : itvv days who will report for; ypring practice an Match 15. WEEK ENONt i .SATUHUA Y, JANUAHY i7, I'.MM Michigan Tourney Will Be Open To All Nationalities DETROIT- (ANP)-—A bowling j proprietor who believes in democ- ■ i racy, Herman Fenton, and the; 1 recreation apartment of they ;.HAW-CIO, hei ded by Director Ii I Olga M. iVladar, will be making . rpoit.s history ft am April 3 to May 2 when the precedent-breaking U AW-sp ons m e d International i Bowling ehampionship;; me «k : cidetl at Fenton's Dextei Recroa I : turn in Detroit. Contrasted to the un American '■ I events of the Caucasian Arne t- j can Bowling confftess, the Inter ; jgitiunal Bowling championships | will bar no bowler because of ! i IPs race. Inspired by the dorn ‘ ; ocratic nature of the tournament, | an e-liniated 3.000 keglers, but t ■ nu n and womc-n, will be rolling ! for big prize money on Dexter's j 24 fine alleys "We of ilie LAW believe that the uniy qualification an Ameri can citizen should bf required to meet for a national, ut interna- i tional championship is that he ,r ■ she lxave an established bowling ! aveiage,” declared Recreation Di- i rector iVladar. "Wo have appealed to the A- | nieriean Bowling congress in the I past to cliirimute the di.scrinina toi'V clause in it.-; constitution i which limits participation irt I Shaw Cagers In Brilliant Attack On St. Augustine’s RAI.EIGH The Shaw ea,;er:\ dispalymi' u brilliant attack carl talented, bah handl ! .r,;i. trounced the St. Au.-'u;:|:;ii-'< Saints 52-13 Friday night m tin- St. August me' Gym The Hears I d alt th. via., gui;.;, nib in front at the start on a Cook i shot by Mack Todd followed by j Donald Ford’s hit from under tin basket. Tin- Saints got into the game at tins point with a tally by h\,• land Chippey and the si iisatlona.. hotly contested battle was under-j way. The Bears si i up an alnios 1 m penetrable defense curing the iirsl | half and most of the Saints’ ;.boot ing in that period came from mid forecourt The half ended, Shaw; :/-si. Augustine’s If. The picture changed in the sec ond period with the entry of S' Aug’s Janu .s Robinshn. who be/.in ! lo Ia: i and was a Ihreat from oil angles Robinson was high point j man for the Saini.i with 10 on.- . j ..nd was followed ijv .lames Hu ;g ; and Paul Kirk with 7 eao-u Kdward j i - Jd was htgii score] tor the Biu;;, ; GIBSON HEADS WIUSTON TEAM W iLA'i fNfJTON ;V 11 -*■ - Alibi..' Gibson the Willision net burn.,-:. •I'd hardwood flash oi last sea.ntu was appointed ..-aptrun of hei tear,, tor tiic IP4B season The ability :c hold the team logelhei, push th,,. toward victory as well a.-, her know ’edge places her in the ks-v positioi Fans ol last season will agree that iie bad the ability in play li.ei gain- effectively, and th, aide, coaches Williams and Robinson a; well as her teammates feet that -tie ; has ill- other qualite mention,-.: : ('apt.,m Gibs ii has confident that the team will do well this yeai j m that she has the fieiing thal he i I■ -fVvuiils. ~rc w illing in play ha; j \ and iron out kinks daily. Williatoi: | will make it- first appearance o-. ■ tin- home mult against Km-too i Friday, January 36. at 7:30 in the! Williston Gym. Many new facts i "ill be seen with a few vets of last ! year's team The Willision team lias won one and lust one Gibson iirsi 'averaged 27 points per game tin;.-j j lir ' I Nk Ml m; contest TO BE HELD HERE i The Raleigh Recreation De j partmerd will hold its first city; skating contest on East t.orioir - street on Friday afternoon. Jan uary 30, at 4:30 when the lower end of the street will be blocked ; off between Fast and Hay wood j | streets, Howard B. Pullen, diree- 1 tor of the- Chavis Recreation C«*n- ; ; ter, announced Monday. The contest will be under stt ’ per vision cf Pullen and events for, all age groups will Ik? held dur • j mg the contest, blanks for ent-rv ; ! into which may be secured upon i request on ov before January ii.; First, second and third price.-- j will be awarded. Persons who - | desire additional information should apply at Chavis Center or call telephone 2-1064. MOVIE TH) BITS Jack McVea has been booked j for three weeks at El Borraeho j . in San Francisco after a holiday ; . tout- of one nighters. t: ‘ * w Dallas Bartley, Milton's n« w . bass man who was formerly with | Louis Jordan, replace:. Clarence ! ! Jones. Sherman Williams and his Or- j < lu-stni close at the Bronze Pea-| : cock Club in Houston, Texa. on ; - January 51 h and opened at the : Savoy Cluli in Portland, Oreßou ; on Junuarv 15th for an extended j 1 tun. He will play one nighters j ' on route. ' bowling champiombip:'. to Cau casians. Tin- ABC has consis'- ently refused to become the dem ocratic organization it claims it self to be. We are now taking our alternative. We an* sponsor ing a championship fur all bowl ers because we believe it is nec essary for some group to take the lead in conducting democrat ic bowling competition ” Tournament Secretaries John D’Agcstine and Jess Corona re leased prize lists for the interna tional tournament tin. week. Guaranteed first prize awards will be as follows: Men’s team- $750: Min' duo bles, S3OO, Men's singles, $l5O, Men’s all-events, S3OO. Women’s team. S3OO, Women’s | doubles. $l5O Women’s singles I $100; Women's all -events, S2OO Competition will be at 1000 scratch; 70 per cent handicap, tor teams. Double:: and single ; will !be at 400 and 200 scratch, re spectively, 70 per cent handicap. Entry fees hav-, been set at >. 1* per event, S2O pel team, and $2.50 for all events, the fee to include j bowling. -Deadline for entries is I March 6. Send all entries to the ; tournament secretary, HAW (To j Hi creation Department, 5707 See v lorn! boulevard, Detroit 2, Mich. wdh 111 points aid Diiiiakt Fi/si : aas runner, up wit s ; | Horace Burton and Lythel Hick . i .an were cited for bicliant \v,-i k for Shaw m the bai-u court and t o ringing up a couple of i ttncl> long | shots in open the .Saints’ defense . Alfred Shileds and Charles Wilson, Shaw forwards, were a .-gressivi ii : tin- forecourt. SPAULDINB HIGH WINS FROM NASHVILLE 20-23 HV VVSI.LIAM DICKENS NASHVIU.E Theodore ric- J bound) Brown. Spaiikiing 1 • i School versatile guard, dropped /# ] a lay -up shot with one minute re ' .uamios io play tu put the game oi : lei .md t-n.'iidi- Genii Chris ii:y i ant'.- 'rigors to gain a thrilling 2.- . • 'riumph N;r!i I'l.uiv i ing Soh d ! Nashvdl- ‘s.-foi. ft j capacity crowd in uu local gym ' F idiay night John iStret.iii Harris was the big- gun m liie loiul attack i i'.e : taugy Spaulding ii-iiiei tossed i t rune pomts also Frank Dean. Otis F’ndgcun and Roosevelt liudge continued to d. - play then usual inspired brand o- L.all for the Tigers hi the pr. : lirninaiy the NashviJ girls nosed out the Spaulding Higy School sextet by a score - t 23-I*7 Aug* line Mingta and Delores Coke,- ~t*r; outstaiidiny for Coach Whec c rs' local sextet. lliuli Sriiool Tourney To Be lit 1 d Marc h 18-20 \t Fayetteville State The Athletic Department of i Fayetteville State Teachers C<' liege has set the 18th, 19th arj| |2oth of March for the 11th An tiual Invitational High Scho i I Basketball Tournament. As has , been the custom in the past ft- e : y ears, the tup scholastic teams j from North Carolina, South Cat* jolina, and Virginia will be ex.- 1 tended invitations. The College i Tournament Committee is already I busy making plans to restore this new famous Fayetteville '‘institu tion” to its pre-war level of pc - Ifeetion. The defending champion lis the Carver High School of Sa lem, Virginia. Louis To Fight In Junt NEW YORK—(ANP) —Al though final papers have not yet been ski nod. it is reported that heavyweight champion Jce Ltvis has cs.tie to tut «- greemwnt with the 20th-Cen lury Sporting club, headed toy "Uncle'' Mike Jacobs to cie dend his title in New York sometime in June, Bcctxding so Sot Strauss, spokesman for Jacobs. Li.'ui; will rec*ive 40 per cent of the gate, plu# it cut in the radio, picture and television sake. The speedy action by the Jaccbs interests was taken fc sfc-cvt circuit h Jars. con ference with Herman Taylor M relative to a Louis-Walcott .bout in Philadelphia arid oth er nett ■ ration* bv represent atives qj. the Yankee stadium end the Polo grounds, who were reeking to promote a ijHp trout in New York. Walcott, however, has fcf-om holding rit for mere than & SO o»r cent cut. If i* expect ed that he will, eventually sign for the figure since 26 percent will run into Mg money. The returns from fa* n'Ctutes t { the recent Lauta- Wo)ccti figh i may reach ilia $5 00 •*)(}& mmh ami «m.

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