EEK ENDNG SATURDAY, JANUARY t?. 1948 CHAPLAIN DEBATES SEPARATION PROCEEDING Nitelife In New York m AIAIN MOHKi Tin: DAWN PATKOI lIICmVAY NEW YORK .ANPi • SAYAN NAH CtIURC-iULI lno ;;irl will; U;ul "iilvv look" 10-18 M;, U\ wur. „ fcnsation at the APOLLO iheat. during her week'- Nay tori' U> j.lea fur u ‘‘hall f fan:-.'" fur Nt . performers who li .v etched ! • names deeply on the Artie, n ..- panels of mirth and b; tier race lationsMp was one of the smai ,- thoughts we've heard for .yen : ... Savannah, beautiful i-' •• ptisonablr, is a very special 1 . evite of this column ana we're .. la ' to see her renchlnout 1 r inipos Lint money during the 12-rn a ahead of us. LENA HORNS;, v. <> ■ P' ' ■ appearance added now to her hemisphere fan sl.u. d " j crfoi m m a M l;■ uo.ri >i ■ '• woven around the orilii m i . .ni cnreel's of HAMtviERSTEIN hCDOERS. In in-i n\. . . i i ■ way. hi-eio.,,- 1, in v. .•. warble nor wa. into : ..-w m:i;:« - : of movie-got i> nca ; Sa ■ . . . Hark in mu-u x u Lnv rpembrrs of the WII.LRuSI At-. AND MUSICAL CIJ ii. INC . the heart of < n-.",v>■<! Mai : ' mourn the death <•' K AL>ER An\. SHALL. cli ununt 1 . i d r.. town. So long. K.i ci. i" > m ' ci pasture", await \ on t tat a U't iOUS Shoe from 'Ware n ■ : eiicr ban ever rei.aivd < ■■" Lord! !-• tell Us a (Hi! it. REX INGRA M v. r.o h .••••% conlrai erdiip. lui .. ••‘i.w > ru ci than any ech ■ d actor 1 a coited to da'. . a nn'entb' ■i. ■ s-lm * in' Egypt • • ■ f (1 I'* l • • N. V Dailv N.-v. ■ 1 • producer ; T:. talented w. • r.cler acto who ■ : 'e. •••• : - I.4Wd" of "G:<- . Pastin'", had an cp-agnin-oif *a;-uin r.-,,ic '" the tup of the ill.;:;.-cal own proving, as we say. “the hills an* - ■ ; 1a k harder than lho\ are Dr r. ELLINGTON, niu-t it ' kly-hairi to have his mcomo-t..'. blanks made out with his disc jo - cy setup running into s:>: teeur. HERBIE JEFFRIES, consul rre.i homesomc- by girls from Maine California, has a singing voce :»>■ rounds out the flutter-heart u. tine. His -11:30 P. Id Town a : Licit,i] January o with mmole--' cred BILLY BUTTERFIELD m c-.cnpanying v is , distinct 'u« • ■ Hurry ,up and ft w.-l! F.K r , JONES. well-liked narmaid ■ LOU'S BAR and GRIM. ' Vs. fare Island hoSpit 1-. your u lAends ask me tom-'a-ntly you. T.ndy. - NAT "KING' f d:J ter this past two wx a ' * las had the first ue . i ecoi'ili sales m the metropolitan nor,: ah, a smooth pianist, vhat an omi way of putting soai.- acrco s • even less effort th;m SINATRA u my money i, viiaf* •'< ri.t.—y 1.-.- are the “Cnlc Men." At the 1 OTUS BAR v. 1< re N •• ny” LaForte aed v Aa 111 work hand-in-glcv<\ v r,m im’-’ “landlubbers" 1 seimv.'iK; ‘ t., with Sonny's con-in ALF Own back m the states Bom a u- p lb; United States Liu>. flagship AUSTRALIA. j;md of "while s.uprt ■ meev." the !■' ’ " -ikc in a'-'"' : Plane Trouble Stops Date NEW YORK—On. of the many victims of the “Big Blizzard d .1947" was bandleader Illinois Jacquet, who missed hi.; opening day performances at the 125th Street Apollo when ;.n airliner he was tlying from IX troit was unaoie to land at N. •. York. Jaequet had flown to Detroit Deuces nitery on 52nd Sire< and following his closing at the Thro on Christmas Eve, immediate] planned to fly back to New York on. Friday moraine. His plane got out of Detroit all right, but JIM STEEU fiy MELVIN TAP LEY smkumr fflffJSLgffl - ifth - ' «oi| wto®? 1 :+ mg ||£cjf. 3c TY vsmmm 4, ' ! 4$ %■ 1 ass *th as «; sssc bmifm -i ■■■ t Bpl'^y' jfe „ BREEZY By T MELVIN • pHbAfeCHie/ THAT I|P iil/r-WHY^ PrHBYj * YOU&UI OTTHERzy HE SCfcEECHIN&f MAW/1 piiiAv ANDTHA] AL\)AYv ;! H-„ UWbfWMggZßg HIS HEADOFF?/WEMET £l S MAKB HIM AV 2/Hh S Hr:*6AEV DA2EJ/^ P y%, apppWli PINS 6AN(.:r 11 HATES EB&3&SSEDV br VX )/ i / # // SjsfeMYlJ'L-CkSd? 4 f hf i l 1 - if’" ' r .ywi i. w .«v»if 'Slijiwiiwwife ltd'llifei. •——-' . ■ *1 ■ ~ ~+Zr*A- - ■ .v: ..^ ginns find "Sm'th’s: Weekly : why fairly i. i.-.with a policy (Ic-sigui:'; . ’; to keep Nemo seamen off -hur. 'v» u not b. ii i<| , itfv ing tln.ii I .-ooJ liehavior. . . The r<•••.•• o j given for this is thr. alleged iinpa.- ' Lticn of manl'.ua'ia-. i;vr ties . :htse bow " wii : which ih;> ip I iarouse and evree white An , li alien ;ii IN' On, ha.; bi io read the foundiii;; of tins land ' i -iten celled "Down Unhcr" - nd th . . -l A-itlpw.le.,," io lUHterstancl th [i itethin. - hate a:ul injustiC' that have c.; sled lit 1 e tor uni ■ 1 . i. ars 808 ARMSTEAD. owner MI.KS RENDEZVOUS rnd SIIA'D , OR]-LA HI Yk AUR ANY. Jamaica. N. Y.. di-t; ihutrd he finest ■h.y cakndar I have sent in more than ill) .veins of m w-r.-ycr wt i mg. Up on n c iuoij'i siion voivo' .It's'i i.a , ate bird.; of the Uv ■h . p i.- es-ed u tin liv-feath ’ itmplete :h settine IZFA'" tM-s | '■•! v i !U,WF: l< m;:n« as t adiai . i the days when the three of i ,i re me. ..... m r.■ ;i Hr."Jem v.'i ~ • . oi . uie ' J ". is <ln '' stale T;a li.ti editor, called ■u. tnerniv n ne the mini .die evening Ncc 1 fork < xpcricnecd Aniciua s heuv . t -snowfall. ?.: ear Xv w V-V i-e. t*. *r.‘ . h)’ p.:: ietai]> m 1 our Ci AUi )F .\ j ARNETT. diri'aai ■ of ANT b. ughl h'-m "dirt r. - litshod look ! after view'ng hi.:, phato in tw i. ;ions] weekkes ivecr.tly. ■ • AT. r.d ?ka Oaca\ Lewis, who s ue: a; o cel tbraled iiuir 24-ye.t. si ring:, fe l letdown by the 10e,.: ■ css' f.tiliuo to writeup the event i ■ r tin \ went to t.'e i.oubi.' to in . 4lc two import".r.s mcmbeis of a ut.'f to a pasty aiiettdeu by Jt.c . u mere persons. . 'THAO S'l'F'. - ■NS. owner of t,i~ HARLEM PAL ACE BAR, dirpi motion ei.r ■■ ' ; apt . ; ratrahovni!' 1 '.i 1 ( p ; - ! rn a 'ablisTed bv NORMAN WeilW'.-'i'th i:Wn>a FORD. »fi> -j. Lend oi polititol ispce.lters bu reau 1 days .... Also from W e .; vvoiih tavern. 'TITTLE SHOR'I i . ; -;nown the- rount 'v over by Ntv •iK'.dle sene's (tom;, adulations SON NY ' . : .he Jb'fK k- '.u.-.- 1 ■ r his venture into the field tavern operulets nix! wants him w • iato’v that he will drop in persti, ■’!y before the irac on this soa s is ics. SARAH \ /'si. :, 1 iN. i■ iT't c o< " : hell of rni!y, is cut.emly cioing ,d; aaii; ai "- ■ itiyv club - - EDO ?OUTH. on oi Ame ica's fin*- ' ir Jin'ists ,ha? Rtousinds' cn rrd'a '.-ns who tune in each Salure tv a ' w noon (.vet ■ iv ‘jonai hookup. ■ BILLY BANKS a . BILLY Ru IE : xture ana that 'Vi )lma O’. ■ Broadway. Ross cxtiavaganza >' aw! wi it. t-.i''.' . . CLUB FDONY Tk aid do ,:s . tandhi;i-ru".T. . i,- burinc* s, the show is that yo'ca ■ 'h. place D the! v.war.k. stiil. - ir/h .s r."v lVic fas,: we are puna' s for you A! M.iilin Dici-.i; Am ■ Levy. etc. . . . SLAM STEW AT £ ■ and ris Trie, gteina big at T;uv» . Deuces Chiu. . Ji.UAiY la '.v. • FORI) BAND h.ix turned o:it m ..well rlei-rds for MANOR C'OUT . ,dt-r some now. ian into Nx st,vix owi New York and h:id to a ) to Boston foi Sanding. Upon arriving in Be ton, Jaequet had to wait almo;-: 12 hoU'V bofi -'c he could get • train to Now York. Jaequct’s band went, through it: opening da?, oaccs at the Apollo with trumpeter Dizzy Gi.Hesr-ic {renting thr- outfit until the dyn amic saxoohoh*-t -returned to take ver the next morning. , Fresh, clean water should !>•.: available to poultr.v in adequan i: mounts at all times. Si* i s; \*“ * *>.'i*jtinr-; rrom unci; i'--r*-a i- -;-''Vf:e^;.rnTT"Rs-Y : r!;'k- " ' r ' - Yi!\ v'.' : ■ : ... ; •' 4- ”»• N'T/N V ■ - iU n1: ; ; Y 'Y.v ;> : v ; «:• fUaaN. U, - v ■ U . f TfA f m/mm :v:S’ J fr . V I'.rf-I? --.a 'A N, •u ' w- 1 m % $ 0 : : . .. . ; a,,e .. '0- Y K *‘‘ - V/bA T ’ ' ■ Y:"' v " ■ fc * Bpi f | m ill N 3; ; NMsA ■ • : PI Is, ■ 'I 1. * V.'4-N . .av 'EiY'-Y'T t Miss Jr.fia Motr-a. who has just returned from r-« exten sive lour of West Africa, and wht is shewn ;n native cos i -rne, was so captivated by A: rice a iilc and 'u.'.k. ihet si:-*'- has added io her d.-ar. rs p:-u gram a group of Africhn sengs. ' In the colleger, and schools be fore vvht n ?:.c is apperring ix. an extensive iifnerety she i; als-3 showing cold- films which i she and her l.usbara took de pic?::>g ccc.'ivs of today in M.-'N- Afr:,c.a Slip :■ 1: xhe student-; aucuf life fa are auu ctjpec.allv ! among Africar wcnen, whose sfciu: rhe uccl:res must be i r.fU.eJ bf.'k. Adi orogroAs e«:-i I e achieved. YVh-Je overseas : she gave concerts m each of IR." ccl-:;, rap.bfs oi West , Africa, donating the proceeds I iu the Red Cross art.i wounded iVldiar; fund. M I ' :!*<?'s■'■? ■■ it £ >'F A- J •{. c-t■- . . . t ; U- Y kp t .j ;if ,j SILnH u U;." . ' • * " ** t *•' A , *.. NV-V VORK- nii;v ,T lK . n u-‘ I •he ex : e-ting “D-yramur Os Tl\- Sax tfp] tone . ».. • d !u‘- fly in it • N'exvuttu xcri ur id or the i ucordira.. i (ita.-Uti;c ty v- a vine a tota lo!1 n j sides xor sICA \ ictor during j hi si ? woo \veC‘-k s f .*i 1.) ccrti bi w i ni. - iHediatejy allay Jaequet hud siur; * 0.l a two vefi s ?*ecordinft contract j with the RCA \ n.r r Ccmp.tny. ! Atni.-rig 'he selection> roecov.i ; ix Jarqu. t wei. a par: of Count: Fsa.-'ie oritutu.D. •‘Mutk.m Leg ■ and “The King." winch v.-c-re t*' '' frantx' tenonr {irat big hit - ■n Coini'ibia , i cords when h>- we | a n'lCtnber of the Basie band. Alsu waxed by Jacquet were six oi' his own o:iginalso "24tb Str< ci Riff" "Embryo", ".)< i Pro puision". “Bottoms Down". "Cl .Htdv Day.’’, and "Pa ■ It a ! Min;-;."' tee lath v 'caturing a \ .'• | eal bv Russell Jacouet. It Pays r U AgutUsd! !' josssf iups Ts?r^‘ r i* b’tH' r'it A -cd ■2' \? S j .; i. i. YsMb biVt j dll Last -* i. st?iu)iV ii il* vv - J LOS ANGEI.KS Caiif - l--bnr ' kha e’s Thri." I’.Ri/ us can prob ybiy cloiiii ill'- ~i-Jiik::lon of • trig the last rucoruing artists to get tit unaer the wire bet ore the January i jt.c.’i'dinc ban. Wind mg' up a Cnristnua; week end engagement at th.,- Savoy in kni'-i.a, i'n.' jkazc’..:' hopped a i'luCa !,.i. A • ';(•!{ :. : -, a ;.!) ,-JcU' iacir recruUitig ior the Ex.-tu: 'v< Libel light up nntil midnight of Dec. 31. foil-.? ving wbuY they dashed out oi the sUc.lh-; t.i ei *o bi-ate the com big of 1041! ius: tiie- nt vc ye;:i \c. bt ine, y-clccni e.l by C'llifu!r.ians. Yoiuikrf to k'u-ii diligent re , cording clforts the P!.ia now rnastc’a. which 'vi'l k op the dica : jc f-’kay.-:, jukob. :cs and the gene ral public cel! supplied with theft" piatt* ; ; fvci ;f the recor.l bun si i iild lasi as long at five years. The unit cancelled many orjgagenic his in the past , *ew months in order to devot. 1 their iiul time to recoramg. ■UhtU' Hit: - f■' H '* i' 'i-Yl \\ vH “kA ' • 4 • •'ly % ? , i jjj£ |J S y h ’’ 2 ii * ICC\L ij.C:YL_y CIIK AGO. i;;. ■- c - u n: D.. b . < ' Ki’x; Os Swing". wi:i ; intfr; upt aae ;i«t>-; tour in nan- . :i ' my i "ip |a l :a \V t'a i V NO.' :c, F; . J. -y *!. to lend ha morui suppn ; t , Ai ifyo .man. Up: | young; Heavyweig.-n who.-c rins : cci'nc - B'. -sc is : oonsaring, w-;e ’ : A .srmjn goes apainsl E/zarci . '-Marie-' in "h,.- most important i bout of his career. I Befo.'i- embarking ft'-ont Los Ae 1 gcies on his cross-coimirv arc : '-'ter too. .. Basic instrueti J h - i no. Kers to '.cave the p;gnt of Jan. 19 an open date on his dvr dale so - '•■!• lx c. -add :: to Chicaco f :ii:c: ai am. a !>ig ayho and cejoiii NtiS k iJiu the foliuwih;?. night. ' Th: "Jump King'' and pis banc | -.iiil play erne night dance kw G vouch t;-.' . mthwest and mid • : c., - * during t.*v munlit ot Janu j < y, h aciing them into Chicago ■. ucre ihov : ulc down for a ] .ce-ok on stag 0 of the Regal The• i . ire starting F> ’in-uary t>. ■ lll’ TR S y VMX ] »- '* f K Us, fit-.'. m* Vis' • „ "S - tp sJSr-y A? B*/ of I- UdLii .. : Uwi O i IDS A.YI Ni Es - iCN Si- if. jth • time "Kid' Thompson, hu. j 1 • i!.". U’.lw : •t.P.U'i Ul't.'u;': • 1 it rei'iCu Mi:!;: G’iiVfd in tiie eiiv j ‘1 iAngles and ai the honte ;t eonipfis-e: c:nduelor Willirnn -1:h. . ha 1 -iuiu . a Itcr.simg story tv, relate on how : - ulmo't didn t t-w : ii;.e.'v. He had been arrested for speeding It mmes th;.« Thon-ipso: tan-« ■ im, pre.v. nt .vti'e Were riding a lone pea. cloo' in INc.r big P> ' ■ th,-- comttmg Oklahoma ok well . 1 c.'hcr, .liev de, ided to gr ' eon. j ga--. They came to a little town .and pass'-d tlu 1 1 rs.t. gr.s station • , get to thi iiti flx r rtr.” Alto: the' bad traded wit’; Gas Statt.'.n No. 2 a ltd wmc cm tir "away a .i.'i. tite :,■ v 11 .- big Shfaiii ay' ■ ! them a merry chase, arrest-." . ; iiern and look them to the coun ty jail. Charges: i -,‘ekless dGcing and trespassing or. otntr person property. (Thi latter statemo’':! impact that I.hc a should've gotten the ga. at Station No. 1.) Fine 52U.00 or im; 1 in jail '■’■' turv trial -indeiinit* '■ Dm isxm: 1 1. lid, but re ictantly ,: - 'as; through Oklahoma and nev er ■: 'ci look: cl bock. THE CAROM NH AN Door” ted sheared / i (■■'.#/ 'V? (P*b I jj j vW \ M l ihlv i 1 Y-C F 1 h-1 I a C-% \V. \ Ir- A! Nj>“--GGAA4f JkFA/k | ■ Wf 'coin: vc In xiv;r '* Ji-hr-iiy ;> fair cuancef •!’" ")Vi Beautiful Woman' Contest Opons In S. Africa Y DURBAN. N.sulh Alky.-iAh »; P) —A .search i'oi South Africa's : : most photugetnc ictucik. in wike'; ; v/omen of aii raec-i .aid colo. •> can compete. Lac been launched :by the New I'm.- noti-.aai saw and social vw-akiy putuhsliod i.a.-: y for Indian.' cel; .yd. am: .\y ■ peoples cf Sc-ttlh Africa. ' ; The cnmnoLtior. is onee t:■ N, ' : m living :n aN.-ye. N.m. f% $ n ft Gi ;'a « ' - r b >3-f ■ a-Jgf.'mMG .-,aV ty u t.-s ®i> ■; “ ti a; 1 , SETS IYY CAY: L j ■ NEW ’FORK -S-.-vh \\ a :'aa, ; who h<is won the unanarti a. :■■■ ■datm of critic: mid th-* publm 'like for her hailtnm vor;>! ny* I any. .<•; c\ id. .< ■- t im tx-r t, i ■ - L ;j-}iubs. rU ivt'V'! -' rv 'xk’ c ! >a non given a now name h> the .‘cluOn ; ih'.C U imi'.l }K''V' i . : ; ml! k, . y ! >\. J s o jnn." 1 I ft. ... . • >; ■ ,-a- : a a"' lyd f :i' jSaiah has crcaßd defii i s ■ ■ | sound " with hf.-i didincta ~r. . 1 • ing. Hi ■ menerk rise tbm n. ; iCu 11 Hl>r. \ T t‘ mo.'l f m dlM'hy' : ' ojivvys as Jo IStaikv ,'l 1 'ay-' La" Ejla, pa 7 , , a’ i 1 >m.'l ■N ■ ' : Margaret WhiLng in all p iptbm itv polls for Vl7 c:<at 1 ■ ti ,-U ,1 to ; vt y ii ■ td-.iis ' '•- !; ioi re has : if m the put-be il; -• V. :i'j ' ha ■•-■' ■ ' hr •cl\\it ii ictvin . krok y't - ' ■ inn attend a.: vc roc >rd a; '■ t cm . rent,' k at ::x Dram. ; . Club or; f. 2 \ ’ '••' ■ : w! -•' a ! )ia> byaa ~ otn ; ! 'i am. llldil IH'( 1-- ; IIOV TiSld'O - li.k !’% UOSPITU i: ; HCLLYWCOI' All'., win - ; ■ :up a hectic scries of reoordim 1,0 Sp*'Cialtß< as;!.- to ' .a', ' Bet; ibo ban, Roy Milton elite,vd Lea A.iigoi'-.-'. ilospiLii on J ‘. uarv 3 for a lonstleetoioy, ard mil! taka two weeks oi't hefarr esumi ahi ■■ Third rniau. ; ians jpoMMannnsxmv.': ? yt • yszxasesw rm^Bsmr^rs^SßßßS3sxxxmm^ | THAT ACE fl .'H? r 1 DRUM YER ** DW «* ffIUMS |l * . .- : t 5 «B£a» ctuutUE kekmby * fastaav cmkui Wmt't-, Jt'i $ PHK «».THE JAZZ TRIO «S® j [raleigh *" E 26f ■ MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM MM.A,. • MV g 1 ADVANCE SALE $1.50 | HBactnise of contract price cnljr c lira if-ad number of Advance % ■ Tickets can foe sold 8 in..i.■ if V- m,Tmnswnl, O F. Three iitiiUbt- are t > be chos*, ' T.h v will compel'"- r; the nation '! :.! final fro,, v.-hk-h only imt-s ■: b- -..-i-v’-d fen tho final run off. Prizes tor the w inning coir :mhi ? <?• >, '■ cv. a t •. h f* ? Mrci, 2 J j > Njv •ft tj! Sir.!* &* 'VjL «: f» sa* <•- W -jTsUA ‘ii L ■£ m | |i 1 ? ? Nil t.p.i , ,-UI? Bi . . ti V\ ■ Guide r; v oi»'r \ i uent the Chri.;« ; m&.-. holiday week in the loco! .' Audio, of MOM Re*curds where : ; bac kGy of si-kxs he had made l:v; : ; ; the MGM iahe] in the past seve-: Arnene the e;de> Billy recorded ! i-r''vl’.e'v^"gAv And Got rhe ! : *Sii> i ; pviie ! hie ; neon! r icav‘ .]•-,• • //■..: \%\ f the vinyiey kio* • her the next t.nrec ! Ij-Iv has 'e.'-i ■' i <y. vi*. jo 'tj T ' tJ ]•' a n 1 “True . ,• , u ’ ,‘r ’to ' V 0; ' ; i That 1 Ant tit ShJ ANS TO MEKT i iiif i- • \XTiie N:. - ,o e N.gvo M.i --; e ri ;;,-'s Lie".'. , n oraaniiiation fm • ' : 'mr oi Negro lifter) t, will 1 hold ■ . Id-18. jvlionai convention | ■ • c-..!iun:): .. C.. Aa a. 22 2«. ac ; , ; , rc Lm rbM.,l Havden W-! ‘ . j.!| I'.fv lii r ; t :! * association. :.r ;• ; .i r„:;n- Mu, • and ! Mrs. Ethel Alexander are co- ; chiiiimen c r Sie < Tnc ii .■- dy x\ 'Hi-. oi xaiij aed Jul y. 1-9 lit Chaplain Faulkner May Drop Joe Louis Love Suit NE iV Y< >i'K (AN P i 11. S. i Aim : Capt Matthew (’. I'aiilkii* :. i c",apian, vii . . uspec! k .". : Icavyweight Chan jiion Joe l.ou, at o twin? 1: ir i 1! to i.i --.■ a '. ‘' : 1 ’ .: ' ■. I- - I>] .1.,e '■ ulicnor tb. li'iniot;. i-’f: wife, o it Ttro.'i.:'v. ay • - at clubs an; ••> nr:vo io a'.ii.p in.-dc ;1 of .-.' ... • i li mo with •'f c.hi pic's i »’•••> c.itldrcn was trying hard t as \v '■ a. ! decide Ott an! • 1 :UI: a! tIU ;ai 1 a- :a ;i.:i a.lion :i;ya r.l Mr: . Failki Ora last. \*.,-c!; Rev Faulkn- ; : "ud definite!ayict'd in v.iliicliav, . follq ■ - D;i I);-, wkt '. 1..V vi.ii Amor. L. Nv. "" ;n. 1,-s.l -a; of us f. io -' ••uccccdeil in. g ftin - lam to ehars-.o t ! is mind. A result, tho Invo-sti'iilii’g 1 ■. . involi in'f keuis had rip i srentl.v developed into n stric’ •> ■d h. I; ’.. ■" 1 :1 .Ml !! .win s . ■ v.anising to fi! an answer t’n.a | -iiid "1 i"\v th-.- 1M off" and John r. Dales .Il o,>.inse! f r Cam. sl'- uy. ii;s ; : ting that the ca ■ I ' yuM so !o trial Mot to ho outdone, some mem | F tkia pa a a ! mod lo ba takin,: sides i. l ts.c wi.iil.v publirir. d martial spat. On '•c ana b .';-: Bii.y 'lows, i! se fri nd and business as ot i : .tf of the ",'bnmp." was riding yvhh Mrs. Faulkner; on the okics , ~ atu ■■• writ r Kay Kcrby. of :ir 1 msterdam News. \v„s telling ;uN vlr- v/niild listen Hint sh was iu i Nipt. Faulkner's curncr. ALL A MISTAKE The latter's decision, temp in :■ ikoiish it was. csin■ with a drain., ‘ : • .y'Anncy. Ai on ' point. C >' '.•li’ikqer was cl .-a'ad with ' i'Mc r- lawyer for .sure titan two \ ■ .as before Alt;.. Bowirr.ii an ■ i,ouneed t'y.t Mr Faulkner would j , ; ,v» vistody of the children, Mai.-1 I isv and Oran. O'.' r night the report swepi j Lyu; Has! ur; ili:- apn t'i; k-. 'hi'. 21 hours Rov Faulkner, after -ca:-i as. :ia- ;;i.y va,th Mi c s Ka- , ..;-i all CIS- iv Villi At t” | i tales, was lollhij’, repatters thai i» ■■.■ as .ill a mistake: find no i meni, bad been reached. Oi, the nau- ' laui'.J. C.'-apt. Eeaiik ! cL'iimcd that he had ‘urrender 1 r h-;, two l>ny: ,a their nvilhc ■ •-.•al'.mtariiv because it was expect ■ ii ihai nc would rAui■ to his i . i.v}; ibis t\ rk. i iif. fji.ii-• tut'; i t io; marunt cu - ioc!' ik stiH' to be decided the cht, - ] -un added ..nd n is !w Ain. m | THE NEW I I Royal ! i £■/ | I* 1 "ui.i .in I :--.iiU‘ J.-' . tan. ill | WILD U.l L! 2 IOTI 2'. | j Prairie vhouiter | - AI so -- V i ?’f *i It ! i N j ‘One i.’xeiliitj; Vieek j ennday and Monday, .fan. IS Ik 808 >n i i ! - IV Td! d>t-k i'o% V Tuts and W •!.. Jail •>«-'» 1 ‘•Till-; iA\¥£\ PASTI RKS f ' I Thursday. Jan. li Ann Sit rlcfan. Rcbr.'l Ciimmlip j “KiM.S HOW" NOW PLAYING - SOLID FNTERTAJNMF.NT! ... A HEART _ FULL Or- HAPPY SONG! DANNY KAYE VIRGINIA MAYO IN “The Secret Life Os Waiter Mitly” COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR WITH BORIS KARLOFF Q fW WppU • Scmething Grea * For Une VVeeK | -’4B . . Their New and Starting Sunday * Gayest -‘Road” show! BING CROSBY - 808 HOPE •* DOROTHY LAMOUR IN “ROAD TO RIO” WITH THE ANDREW SISTERS “ Ambassador PAGE SEVEN i .iu:, 1 lng ih(> suit fee' :-c-puration. \«N SI ITERS BitKAKIIOWN .MiDrake, r. Carrolle is known ■ giainriu! eircl . 1 oUi her hur ; nf. : ■ft •.vhni !': - e:i:u home re rlo'i Dee: mber 11. Ai ih.v : lime, friends -y. '-he made it plain aim found 'si-neon - who could .nd v.’ mid give her jewelry, furs . nd Jirrousincs to ride in. ! Rv. Faulkner, according lo th 1 i s .l il'-d by Doles, felt so ba i • ibout "jl this that he suffered a - ; \ i.i; bia ididown and spent sev’« era] days in a lon l army hospital. Mutual !,,s'ns, .'ll di<' couple said i s! \\a i'k end th."! C.,pi. Faulkner .ad , -tirru.d tu uni;, and that C n .olle. the tall, tan and terrific hunk of beauty, had gone into seclusion at die I.i in;’* ishnsi hove of mode 1 si.a , Ciiiii,;’ sam. wile was naif i in liie ohspiain's papers as an i uncii sirahle a: ociale for Mrs, F: ulkn: r. la the me.iiitime. Atty. Bowrn.. 1 ... d n-t filed Cavities answer i - ;i : husband", eoir.plauit because, ja - lie put it. 1 them io sC.- this n atter call of curt yet.” A ~a!.i, i'aeteiny brooder ls pie nty u: hopper spat e from which *o teed . nimble ;tn:i ample number ! w-here:-. nt’K shelters, am. i., a * . pasting ".rieilitics, roosting ssek-', catching hooks, nets, o v.-hen property used, make which to dispocso r-.f all dead birds, ns. and iocenerators with i j >etter health mid winger produc lion oi the farm poultry flock. “"j ! lii coin i lIALKIOH XOPTII CAROLINA [ WED.-THURS. January 21-22 Color By Technicolor STARRING LINDA DARNELL Cornel Wilde George Sanders Richard Cireene * !

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