if it it *k it it it it * ★ * ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★' ★ ★ i: it it it it it 'if M«s First Pnrrhiisp * , * yaw 1 Jp&h: • isaynE K# J >gfi»«B£ jfip '^w. •'■:■•'">•''■•' Wm, - # -•’■"* /SNffir^Wv gxikx'-;. sr# • •:•; £.V •': ' ’ '"■' •• : v « t’ $ -&- *Vrl|| eHH& | * • JL The local Scouts' Annua. Ccokie sals got ofi to a goor start when Prof. C. H. McLen don, principal of Washington Higr, School, shewn above, pm Students, Faculty Would Hire Negro Professors RACE RELATIONS INSi. i s u'L?• v-j Ir»! \ LAnOd, W« it i it iii * LAGOS. Nip' si . AVsi itfr.. ,'a;s!-m 4 !.;:■ ' fYitvtTf:, - ?•••• .tp .'* mdividu: is so: ec v ■' ’ - ! ’' nationalities !i\ ’•->.• ■>■ Tie ia. me in Glove H .11 !c- - - e • 1 -■ Nigeria Irislitvi ■ ot JU.et R is. l o.is. • a bod> 'S me has. i ■ W w c •: aims \h<- pfoivKUitvn <0 ai?ii••> «'»*kj understanding araunt: a)i •;■«•*. The 01 ...jiiin.- ini 1 11 '• '•■■'■ e\\ i • of a proposal : I.:s s 'ess JanuEi’y A' to “develop social in eid its ii s tivilies that would 1 ip eomimt an-:: irr.l. ii ve rood nbn iur:- i:■> t ■•■■. •' ■; .‘I.CCij. Membership in ikr - open to till person: from different. :.,(! -. mid fr-.i's b c.' s- ■. i>: oh'.-: i(ointimn :i ■>'■■ ': >; _d- : johiihon (»oes !o \ fail \ As First Ran I ores Hr PORT-AU-PRINCE, ITo it 1 (ANP> —Jas P Johnson - •-•■.■■ arrive in Haiti from the U ant'd States this rtiont-Ji the rirst Xe gro to ester ever to work in * f• = ti. In fact it is stud that ■ Johnson is the only km wn Negio forestc in the United States. He is a graduate of the Uni versity of Mkwipan Lorn wnich institution hr- hold* a row :■•* degree in the s-cienci ot fovos.tr> He Will kt'd : : i •;, S. i ■■• • • ter graduation with the rxc '/< tion.’of a period in the now ■• her he became a t..spe:io exp: r, w. one of the lany-s’ lurnbei < - ■• s pa nif is in the oorthe. est. Johnson v-Pi • th Haitian An i•.:. . u -\jf-:: t: fu. d Development comp ny, better known l.v its French initials SHAD A. Okla. U. Sure It Can Dodge Supreme Court Ruling; J. C. School Law Still Valid Norman. Okla. (AMP) Uni versitv of Oklahoma and stata officials are not completely do • i'eatod by tin recent supreme court decision 'o admit Negroes to the law school next sesm-sn According to a member of tin. university board of regents hero last week, who did not wish hi ' nan'!!- to be us- 1. there is a state law which prohibits Negroes and whites from all ending the same schools and “the court did not, ;o tar as I know, declare the law unconstitutional " The case involved Miss Ada Lois Sipuel. 23. who was turner; down two years ago when -lm rppliecl for admission to the uni versity. The supreme court ruled that Oklahoma must prov ; equal facilities lor both Nog -<> and white students. However, mvversirv and state officials refused to concede that the supreme court had upset Ok bhoma's sap,, "Cation sys 1 e ini . While they effused to comment for publication, pending n meet • I mg of the nugeuts, fir. M. A. ! chased the fir»<: box front 3 com: i Beulah Riddick. The pt cjecJ began on January if. and wiM continue through next Saiur• o?y, January 24. Ithaca, N. T A.\P) - - . ..: nu. . [ ; membtu.’S and student.s at Cor-j , noli university &iv not whol : *• ; i against the hiriiig of or working i with Negro instructors. As u mat- ! u ot tact, i siig u mi jority - I f i —1 oSi:is 1., -.I .Siia v -a: £f ia. l - - j ing ,N. g"i •.'<•-■ as teachers and pro j . . ; . I Tins conclusion was reoefcc-a >y ; the Corncil IvAACP chapter her: ] I rc.v-.iilly end was based ot.. a sur- \ ivey tondut y -.l ,imong 4h d.-pw* j 'inc-ftt chhcoi cn- i-f -v-nrious co>- : 'i lege-j at tic ii nr t rsitv am; :o ot., - i students themselves. The NAACP branch distribut ; cd a questlio-nna;re during the last • I sprhig i< rm vxhith said they wh e ; "interested in finding out hr. »v j t .•_ faculty feels about accaptim,, . . Meg rocs on the staff. We are in- j ; ter viewing the chairmen of the j . b, I pa. rt men I s rcs-rau.se wc- foci tlu*.y ; : can tell us mere about tne J.c | !• partment polic.es and at 1 'time-. Six questions "•■ re .:.ske;U The Jir-t, relatin'; to employing a qualified Negro, dre'n n v a :>t ■ 71 pc: c; nt foi !hc aic cy ::n;l fa* I per corf against. A sited ! ‘ “any ' ( ih igUi’S v.uiid obiect to Ir v ine Net.:v on the stafi,' the Ir.n: I U • n .!• • K ~. ••••: ■ Court Segrega St. Louis ;AMPj Tic S'. Louis Post-Dirpsteh took tie out to review edilurinlly tne et fret the U. S. Supreme court de cjsi a, in th« Oklahorna verse Sinut-- 1 case. iv--. on tno svite of Missouri with, its c-parav- l.cv scho<u expen:■ n: c. The editor:;:!, a opes, ring in the Jan. 13 edition, declared that the Li. S. Suprem- court unamir.ous iv "has put it up square]•■• to the : University o. Oklahoma to admit i a Negro girl who was bflr.od fi..-m the state's law -ckc; :v Norman solely because of the color ci ;r. , .ikin'' Pointing out that the decision ; was directed at Oklahoma e Nosh, the .-it:-’ chancellor. ! said, 'Tie n gems be!;, ve Okla- i lionet's problem is now one to be ; M - ttk:d by citizens through j their legislate)!;.'' t Studert opinion seems to be , equally’ div!d”d on the case, but ! pi,U conducted by the student ! newspaper sn vwed opinion pro ; do;n.,nantly against u complete • hreakdoy.'iv of racial restrictions. ! • University o r ardent., Dr. George ! jL. Cross, took the position that be had no personal objections to i admitting Negroes to the univer , si tv Pi ess comments from the Okla horn a Daily hold the 'belief the' : S the school and state official'' can- j j not escape- th <k*< ; sk.n Mean while, Miss Siouei is making plans io enroll in the school next i semester. According t Roseof- Dynj-- . editor of the Black Dispatch and i a NAACP leader, an Atlanta stu ! dent interested in entering the ! university’s mcdi ca 1 school,; j "would probably make applied : lion also.” Tie- student was re- I 1 jeeted admission last year. THE CAROLINIAN \ ULL’ME XX\il, .NO. 2:) UALEKiIi. Xf.'lT.g; tAi.UIiNA ■'.!•■■:'K' it-NiUNO - \’ : ;ii > ' JAM ■ i.c- HfjU'E •- V- b t : J* ifir + ir * 'k "k -k 'ik & ft k k k k 'k * 'k & ik k k k fAD I 17 A rvrrp c p ,: ICO f T'T . , *iV rs fl I VJUi Ij. lL.rt,Ju y a.,- IV - .5 \JtCSk & s i . ■ ij:Li k ... . • u.-Lji W » JTTg * « f V*S' # 7 T"^ ignoring F von K t <y its v Os f * A- „ f f 1’ I’T i > ■'■ x"-! M • ~'Vm Vw f i 7% i# W , A &4:M , j *■ X. * W Z-'t -M i - nr j uAL!, ; jAlLiHci .': gm? f\ S\n ? r ■ .Tr|g- ft k s j ’ £k\- t* * f 4*- fev ft .•' K‘f‘ V V Al» f? . ' '!•' :f 11 eg v -- f t;? C 1 ! • f? A **'i i*oU' fc t / %» g>- 'a j ’•' : ■ i-n T;.f r .V S n'A . c ’ ■ ■ - j M .i<ro X>eir.i«.H r :rntic; -...v -.-caiaort h. ; • . • •• '■ i ;O.t*Oo txSf* OCl.ilO iVi. • :>. I)/ . J, a : ! v..?| I -i )Asi week, ) fm<. .imr} lo;aj f u rupn, j An;or-f the ofi;ofrx eioc-eci were; j : J • ‘ | : Clim p•• s ut*v:’: T) . vV• •*. ; Lev lews High tilings ebon l tfir o -vision nv-.ici ii remarkable. "1: j; u-.i-- •! diiibi oni'i foi . stays idler the : oorf hesrd o.«; \ arguments. It bear: rue seldom '■ ced words ‘the marv’et hUI i - : rue forthwith. If go r b;ycd lm C 2 dot isisc m the Gain-: • etr-" ' 10 years ago" Heretofore cases were be cursed. • ; k-nKtii -.vishm thv court and r crTH;iri un'oeiried for week - menthr T,-v j-utii tunc for i. OLD NORTH STATE DENI «, SOCIETY 1* A' r - k, as i i . ... * •?)?• • H : a- k vW, ■eSiiMrfSfifc; ..- ,f,flfa«ir.. f : t v , € ir .O- ,m - - Pictured above are member of the Old North State Per,Jed Society which rod at Si. Agno-. Hospital, here mi January 12. ; i.eii-oya; ot tfir- ewii ri'Svts * -fL 4- ; -,,p , .s* v -i ’' ••' 1 * I ft' u*' t.i 1 ' '• ■. fiO ? ci l'e OI H’.'" t*’ Vg i I!\’ i lL - I ••'i.iouel Kriisgs ;GUiMUmu.J i. : Aeasvi *- S > Uy NEW YORK -Hailing the U. 5 : i ( ’ .... ; :- c i w. L fk'c' ' i Srpuci with a legal education .mi j a stale suppoi U-O s.v bpid so etc ; otiicr iiroup* \'Vc>: <i j : Ii v NAACP as fc?st rp |co ite i, said she op nj >n of Jan I : ''"it ‘ls one step beyond tic-j f. ■ . .-- r>r • ifJy : c-c. ! Dufllcv 'm tout the court order ;cd thtii its manda-v imie emth- i ; Ist row; Dvs, A. L. Cromwell, 1 W:nston-S».iem; H. V. Hicks, 1 Oxford; G. K. P.uiinr field, Wii I son, M. iu, VVuiis. W» I'f-fio f q üßf A dfiti a fi ,**}• -j’kfl //* /Vv IT & » 1! I b.. ti on Keaci \ «v 051O 51 ,s A? 7 ? History Week M. Sessoaas. Reeky Mount; The ir es Watkins. Sr.. Chailcitc< A. i J. Wi!si;?ms, Charlotte, i Caiitiuucd or. p.ige agist. hr, i ■ ••••'■ iv it i ‘ > . ;;r v : %ps wiiiM » . ■e ■ f'ifr't*'p . Astk ■ -'•g c , , Ij ■ ", -i ,i' ' ; ' C Tf*m ' - .' ■ • v %• ' ‘ - . :'• ■& .... -wV-'V -. 'A': 'y'vi ■ i's i’ 1 ? f 1 \ .'•■ *♦ \JF M 7 2: ■w I V it-11C *' Ls If' ••: . : j j. ‘• ejudice bf; sc*<i n: r;«•;*c. ; I vvcvd, >■ ,y x. and origin i j ..octal . ialiia is a tnsA<k'**c;4 wne o' j j tHc* eh lei ov r ' h : of niotun-'n c*v<o..a- ; Uor. anti a condition win u ieiius at • j i ■ ' -A'y,'. II lowar4 (rt*is L iJMlif | iicscavrk Ck>r?lrarl ’ versify \o -to research w:*rk on I !r. i-i! ;ny>j.••.•'. in the 50h0..1 > ; ttninxi of Chemistry, it wna j I nnrautwotl lodav by University i j riie coiu.-ae 4 ••emvsents, jf>s v j DxLot! Hydrely: - i i mine.'' which was submitted to; I s .;'.vh! in"hv.rvh offieDis fay I.’: Ik. r> B. ifo ri i. a idate Pro I fr-sso; ;.i An apnro- i I priatJon of f.-L.oOii.OO for finnrcirsg j ; .(.'■£*.cfCT.lTO h f' iT; t COt hsSS ft?* j | r-?t.vvd I>a- tl’ie l-nivcrrilty. ■ ; * it. trio j ref • ,0 nys**G ' *y» I ! rrrnSfeefion%»v‘4/ the t.'% 5 ! «i i„r. rfccrtrf ifepai&K.! a ’ ' ‘T* - .:. t?iv Known .. ,* ■ alor Heads nrham School By CHARLES A. KAY (Siaf* Crrrespondoni) DURHAM—Dr.' Alfonso Elder,; grr.duate professor of education j iai North Carolina Coll. who j , served as the institution .• aca- 1 cm ■■ < 1 :. 4 ri i , nineteen years,; ■ r- ■■ ■ ■ i d p rh nt of the eol he".' Tu< so. ay £i:.env><m by! f•, , . >' ' t , . tel ;■ nmg. It sS ; end. that President Elder! •vili wrrk in dose cooperation Mi! ... Lodge With White, i c a Member Is Now Mill’on Dollar Enterprise ! MOUND BAYOU- Mi*s. The j | nujiiri.i: str.-cn;::.:; and sclidaiity of j j i,c .i aiid Daugiitea: o£ Id- | ; -cv .'raohies-D' b;' Sir. P. M ! j -ng rip rflcsnt iift.v-eighth annual} 5d Kfa-doji iff tbt ... 1 i '.fw-ri i ! ‘ ' ~ , „ . ! :ii rn.-.'i leader’.’!; annem i that tfc | 'ti i: - .■ ■ <'■■:' CaSo" . ’ flys» tiiit- j J idi?r fiotlm i woab ai UiS#jrace and! OT’j.',i’n;:n;>,l -oi i-nJ ;ra n sort. ! ; i . .u a Uinni -.-l a iTvr.il.iCru .'itlai'a ; ihe iatem .-'rf beiay SS&a.Pfi®. • ! i j.". iskiniioii hse tw.-ri ou * move ihaii r ; - , ~ . , . . 1; ;!H-aoMiivs ar u'-jirns -it.itsc • ’ it:-- tuun- u’id.T the Stale Irt- j' ■ ifwa n cu;sv;nd ,iTac-ii‘: a-v. ■- ■ ’i.-'- cn-i - _ .nil.les rv ati j -, ■ r-v.. - hold ■).100 -i«r i tjSrl'J ev t uli . !yf KEWSPf?ES SOV.'S STAND Allontn i ANF) - A lashing at ! tack i,n attempts to disfranchise : ■aihi-rn Nt < through “trick -1 erv and subtoifuge*’ was made : recently by Gov. Henry i 'l'hosnpson. ’l' ” innson demanded that an :d be mad ■ io efforts to disfran e •- \cgrcf; and called upon -date to • accept the letter and .•bunt es tin- federal court deci sions and adjust it primary eke i tions accordingly,” Declaring Mint he would never i "be a party to trickery and sub , or otherwise in any at f'laiii to evade the spirit or let tor of the law," he further ad i vneated 'reasonable and impnr -1 Mail v' administered educational ri. quirami nts for voters applied •"Quimbly to both whites and No- S uv’rt-s." Speaking editorially of the gov i enter s stand, the State newspa • P ( ’r. white diu.y of Columbia, S. |C... asserted. ‘ ila appeals to us ■ -a trank, ev.-n blunt statement ~ ii)ci r>;< acuiailv independent 1 one lor a southern governor • j though not unique, i, "WJivfhts one agree-- with what j he savci <-,r not. his apparent ear u~sfni s: and ad;'!- r--ra a- to con ; tea ?;c-e must bv mlm-red And he | ls tilso \ oicing the approach of the Ii *; \ -: j n;’ an-; acccpiing; it with j y<iod grace Other govern difes and ' i en'iijrrnvc party .*leaders might j a i-hie ye the better part of valor | *->V folio,long his train of | thought.'* littleToc k I-fll I >.« pCTe l?L I 0 s ?SO PPfl p&rccMT MiTTf.,l Itrtciv iA\p, _ \ i-d ri of $50,000 toward the build ■nt. fund to Philander .Smith i oerje wjvs announced !«-.< ' -ni j. i- 5 -’- Harris s.,hr was not at liberty to reveal tin identity of t.bc donor, hut did soy that tie-- money i-anr- from lh<- < ' «!' a •'non-Arkansas"' white person. Flic sre.‘it’ti brings th- total collected toward a SI ,000.000 expansion land goal up to s&itO-- OOfl. Flic boat! of trustees of the s chcc! Mos already sought teeh. n»cal advice from federal agen -;■ and experts from the <b----rge Peabody college for de nim- of a proposed new layout eaHt d for by the fund, accord ing to Or. Harris. i during i.h-.r early days with the interim committee which has been adminisrennu the- college's affairs since (he death of the in itut ion's pres,dent-founder, Da James E. Shepard, last October The appointment of the 49-year old Georgian as successor to Dr. Shepard put an end to speculation on.i i'Uinors that involved several , of Negro educators in this ; country and abroad. D E! !cr, who was bom in fCfinlinu. d on back page. a stun of $80,949.66 was paid ■ c ; oims tiM year Su Smith fnr jiber revealed. In Mistirsippi. the Knights and r lei-s of Tabor have a member* ■ fit *«■«; including many i v. liile poirvas. There are 29 frater i v or ordvrs in the Stole. The Knight? ana Daughters of i'T".bor opcv -tc- the v-meus Taborion i Hospital, foumled in 1942 at an j ovbrall cost oi 5100..000. which will i • ’C-bi’.-U’ its sixth anniversary 1 Petflfuavy 12 The hospital service i vas fcv-..i! •: esponsible for reducing :!k ranrlaiity ruio for the srea by utiering fee, Hwi" are v* : ry low. Rep. esentatives oi the medical i worla from all over the country IwUl be present for the February •12 ;;n:vversa.y program. Assisting v. oc.ii m .•ar.goraents other that? .:sm■;.» will.be D ...P. M. George, . ..- ihc ,U( div.u ano X- V a\ D-. - • >«:i tme-iit. Dr. J. Hubert Clark, chief of surgery, and Dr. A, L, Johnson, associate surgeon.

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