PAGE TWO PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs - Wihiiun N Evany. 1 '■ i'! 1 if, snv i Now Vm-k i ; ni ‘Uiv i’ii of u d'Uig‘l ■ ii.ii .' Aiin, .1 iriuiii v 3.. 'Fit ! I ill Diet K (if f ' li(. I(' I: I ■ . limii.l iii .r ( at Ml - Jolly | 1 • I ■ mi vo!; i" i . k-m di.-n-ny , j .•••*• , twill wore Mcsdntnci? Jo: ; jit .••-.ill!. P fir I Herndon, Nid-' 11 \u!iv Green Acidic !• As:.. W.iile, Catherine Evan.-,, j ■ Ik* i. llis:;!?, Selena Scale.-' Ruin j ic• filanehc: Dovci. Special! i fs vi i T R. Herndon and F,d I . Evans ■ Jen nolle Fleming of all S. 1" ■ii Street eelcb iitcd her i 1 ■ : i.-i f..k.y Suttcay. Cake and ! ii were served all prererit and t: ! inn contest wu condiHi :, er:: in which ware Dorol'U j •'• n.ii Arthur Fleming, .L-u. j I ', mid Hose Hud Whitake: j - i:is.ived first.second third ?>s: \ rifs ]i: ;.-l i i!C" for Mrs Mai : | ~ ’rl who died at i.c r homo a* j H'-nMi Blnodvvovth Sir, et v. i ' : l ld a! ti, Black Riv* r Oj ■ »■«:■ , ' .•■inch in Harnett County Mood.. .a! ?o!L\v-d by inter men i m Hie! < -'o ■ i reh cemetery. Lu-ai rites for John Howe of j • Gberlin Road win. died at St Hospital S iturday ..if last , \vi*re conducted from :h>- j ad in Oberlin, VVcd.'i : Mu ..! services set Mrs Kiw j H • Terrell whr. died on Janu- I y ': ..1 hewporf Mi a." Vn vvt-rc j • i .i ih> St. Matthew? Cnatch In ! i Wtd... s lay of la:1 ! . ■ c-k with the R v VV. Smith of- j ■ ..I. tom uni followed 'ey interment j ’1" church cemetery. i service- for Mrs. Trio’,a j ’lie who died d St. Agnes He: | ,-Hal Monday of last week were ; ' nducted fora the Oaf City Dap | Church at Methou and followed I nl.mien 1 in the church com: Hr. M - Kin. 2 lived on Grant si ' .a Ob::rim. '8? COURT ' \ : vice h: in vfwbfrrv : vs. F "HV BERRY 3 Iward W. Nov. otice that ;.n ac ! a r. .s above has been h-w;’ n the Sunsrior Court "f ' - C uny. North Car lina. ’ey 'a-i McL ughlin Newberry, the i'riartf, far an abs. lute divorce E ,; ia : : :■ defendant, and the de :' ' W;R further tak*. r;oti>.« ' b is required ro appear at thr H • of Ihe Click of Superior ( nr! of Wake County at to- G' iirt II use in Raleigh. North Car 'Tin ■ on or before twenty (20i days after the 2nd day of February CM.', a:id answer ti: demur to tit- Loriipiaint in the said action or irr t !.: .tiff will apply to the Court fat Mm relief demanded in -aid c- m pte nl. Tri-r . ..... • SA .... Cl rk cf th S.iperloi Com ,i. m Cake r< m:v. N c Jan. 3, 10. :7 24. .‘.DMtXb" r v* 1 ?' y;>Tl''F NORTH CAE Os TNA WAKE COUNTY TSAVING QUALIFIED as Ad ! n.u'i;-!; atur C. T A.. j> B. N. nl tn. j Eh.u lG A ■ ■ ■ Hinton Bl ink!*::... i dcecsc-d, 1 le o' Wake County j, NoMri Carolina, 'hi? is to notify i.ii P l ''• having claims against the ■ E. i ' f i deceased to exhibit! 'in:. !•■. !:a- under: - mei st 135 1-2 i j U 1 i:ar,.v* : Sire:-. Raleigh. Noitiij ” n i e'ore the 30th day ' ■ L'cr:-rr* -nr this notice ! 1 a plv : bax of their ,c --• U All person.-- indebted to the i Mate will plea e make immeduac .yrnent. This 15th day of January !$43. C J ' --• v <-r AdministraiOi C T. ' B. N. Jam 24 33-’"' 14, 21 28. IN THE SUt I ’ IOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA V/AKE roi rvrY NOTICE LAVTNIA W. HE'RSH VS. SIDNEY HEKSH The defendant. Sidney Hersh, ‘ V'"i!i take notice that an action on- i tiCcd as above hah. been eornmerte- j cd in the Superior Court of Wake • County, North Carolina by the i piHiiififf to procure judgment 4 j against the dcfcn-citim for divbrc* a ■ mrusa cl fhoro. f.mrri bed anJ! board; and the said defendant vvrli ' further take notify that he is re-j d'orod to appear ai the office of: Clerk -f ! ’e Superior Court of | ouid Co" •• 'n the Courthouse m j 3o■ ' 'e.v -• ■ Carol'na on the 23th I <'' ' ■ > tv y P4B or twenty; answer and dr- j o- " ;>1 int in said action !' will apply to the j. V N demanded ink !■ Mi MIN. Assistant >. . iu Superior Court ; t ouib.v N. C. • ’ey of January, 1943. Sari -’■■=. Plaintiffs Atty san. 24. 3 1 E'en. 7. 14. $ Fleet rival Service ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 3*3560 1 1202 E. Martin St. K E, WILLIAMS, Crop- • fourth p’-izes j;-aj: ctivy ly. The |ii la i -11 i! win: Club v■ t [st the home of iVii? Wilhc 1') 1 j pot of 722 Houth I law-on Kin-i-* I ii,., ■; * j j,... i/ r . 11 ; ;■; An illj. :y abh !pa I I ■' '"I Hieii Hi«iton of l’riii-month. Va j i:> in tin city to attend tin fan i; , In; hi- grandtnothei. Mi Allroin I Penti'in i Lonnie iSllo: i I flavi: id H''i ! West SHoet ami Janie- iSimokl | D.v. ‘if \\ ■■•! Leim■ r £>trt". 1 * ' an exhibition bout durin?. ttn fab lat th. Shaw-we-t Vurit.ia game j . i iu;.,. lugni l.onnic- won tun name I -‘shoestring" while Jaiv.cs won hi> I name "HO liis Gv oi ' Hi-ridei sf.n ot 21 1 1 i L-hfet left Saturday iiiomui: f.r I ivloi-cheud City when; v. ill a I • n i in \ pies.-nting in > a 'ioiid'vv gill Ben Hlaekiran of Howard Lm Versitv bar IU; lli'ii .'do i Vi i inf! iu ' moth' r Me: Ruth I'* I Berk With of U Smith Lia/a | ,vL Hud v Bui!e of 10 J* i; 1 - lift Tet' A-> i ; out again aflei a lecout i .nfinttnent. T'.t Rev, Jareu" Lavrilm and Jana .it , of Cieevlan; 1 ! Ola,, have e :ut rad afel' Vi; j rip their 1.-nnih in re. They a., e : -,11";t Oi Jam. Li. d* Mi i La-rate! is er: ployed in ■ lev ! laiivl and Jam* Jt-, ■' ;il ‘ n '" -1 I ': hv t e- I Mr r. Maiy B, ■ ant ot b .'••'«' [City spent . > Id j city v i?it re - : •* > ' - - ‘ ■ i Mrs. Addin M-- n ’ 417 "■ It a ! ring ton • i Tno Booki T. Wa. iiinnKin | Club In Id ;• - '■ ’LI ;A ■ j party on Friday ■ venifijb Jatiu : ary J at th- 1 ro, of .vi jit • i Mrs Lmmitv Dsv,: idtl b Ha.- iington srret’t with L I F-ViU j honored guest. Mr. amt Mi • Juh; Lev; :18 (.Live VV:. •. ‘i. ft tire aiiiei i biith and dedtii -d * bai .v sen, i John Jr. ho v. as 1,0r,a J;mu:e. j 4 and died Jaeutn y V at Me* 'an I ley Hospital. All fanulie : of . Chav is Height- and else vin | share their gnet. Johnson Wall of 9 Smith Plaza ! who sustained mjnrie • in a fill from a building on which lie \w •working is reported improving rapidly. Change' Chaodbei of Now Y-; ; . City will return to his home a. 12 Chavis Wu. thi- week to »-ntet At. Align:-tine ; i ollege. The Bookei T. Washintdon Club met at the home of Mts. .fohnnie Little. J Chav:-'. W.t' *4undb *l* i i it -4 DO v\ , tin': i.iit-.a.l'. nl. John Lhav, . odiiig. The 10l lowing offiv were elected: iohn Chavis, pro:'; dent. Mr.-: C-.if rii' Hay wood, v,- pre-.iclen! Mrs. Roberta Partin linonekil secret at y. M. L Bi aau ie. t ..-cording ri-i-rctar.v: Willii-m Setu boro, i happen. VI;.. I' I. Higg-: Christauis saving? i-ov ta.a ; D. H Reid, if. erw: Mr? Ruth Davis, c-ub ti't-asuroi': mid Mrs. Mary P Lane, assistant at retarv. Following th»* business session a drh'-'CH: repast wts sevv'.'rf. ’tray ;:oo!:er T Washington file, id met Stmdav at. 4:00 at th m Mrs. Sal lie Gray at 4J 7 rviOii Avenue with Mrs. J Pratt host:;??:. John Onvis is prrsideie. Mr . G-eorgiaiiH Hunter of !) Pyti •.race who has bmn confined is; Y in to be out a pain. Ow n Chandliei of New Yoi k 1 City is. horns visiting his mothc., i Mrs. Essie Chandliei. at 12 C'-'-uvi- Wav. Tvlir:- ’Vfyrtli VV ,11 of ft Smith P'l ■: : is able to be out r-y m after a .inement of stveral a;*;,r. .vlI: Rath E of 1" Si-u'a ' . iin?- been ill for revei a I day. Families of Chavis Heights at • Isewhsie are ih deep sympathy with Mr and Mr; L Partin air. minify in the death of Mrs. Partin', -.randfathi-. tie Rev. W H Pv * Cabarrus Siren. Mr:.. P-e --n lives at Chatham Terrace. Support 1 our Paper! ipu)M|i iimmcrir_itjc , Owner I HOIA SAME SOCIETf 4 EEC iS 01 l iOTS 1 RALEtGJ! The Holy N;m. ■' 1 \ tv *il tin- .ii ivionkui i: t'alii •ilt C.’lilil ch nil I i n i‘ii):ll i w ,i ; m !li‘- Jmij ii j! ji’i n{;i;/ *\ t .»ji:; :t. ii.oO Y*. ill. Ii .. n.( W- i< pi ; • Irni, j»' cm pi i fii-p * i /jnrrj*;'.*<'{]ati'iy lt.iiowf'ng, ttn iou till'- hip iM* . M ni ill.’ : ■ SP.M. ‘I. j ell lit MM . Vui;m! I.i i.t;* UiL* j)|V ,ij. lit ! v' fit H- \ Jitim .; f Jillon, ,r - : : ( fi! |>;i I«>/ of I'm i iuocl'i ;uivi : : - ual .'' 'it thi I’.'irio!y. < t ifpii ,t l ‘ cd tin- I Mia rlprtiop. i'h' loiiowiiip, plTlcfl:' V. P) ( [(;* *t - •• M i ' iJ m I W ('i;ie/r n. pr Mdrnl, 1 h iovd Pop. vim 1 j - - iclt nt; IU i j : Rei 'Mii '. .tiid ' i; Turnor, , ; • CvUUI ti .1 hn ii. Sill.--. Hcovnrd \Vr.;h\7 Alb rt Evans w-mo « lets ' : ’ \r- in Ih- . tit tin* : Sick ( <»; liHii 1 1 * i . .«. j* sit Popp Jahi». # H P'l'* **:t : Pi ( : Hut'll ’ « • mm r i i 1 : ■ <)i ! • ‘* l i.ll and I’n <. I'( ipv ; 00. mini lb' « I ii T U S Hr lit c< ; 1 if. .:- Ill* batik i■, r: In t.lir !* it [,r ■ll u» -aij *i* - r. r i : '-i oil in tin- t'Lr oi lie VV ni." Comity hc.iltt: lii'j;:, Il'iiCil! 1,1.11 ;;l' Com ic. Ho. a", mi l Mr V ! I i;aJl tOI . i 1 :I ‘ ill t till* :* HI, V/.il land I'Jecrm! n 7 .*!. Aviu 1L» { pii.-jj. Elli .<,n Srtiiti'i 7t ; k Hi. ... ■ Sncct. * <*n _V|, • < . ! ■**!'. i )*: afttli* ! A! it .'... Ay.ii* ■ n-.-i.b i: ! 11 III:. t V! I ; I'" !.,: M a,;, .' -’■■t*: ' fTankiint it. :.;it tiol,* rt L i*•r. . -I i :.t St A- a,. ? 1 Ro. • ,ltal. > !*..i ,* r.;"*" W .Toss, y i fid Mr, ; Ola Ov/ehs .I*"lfcry.-. “777 E.i.-J Le Jr. Deccr.uv 22 at Si. Agnu - nit si i I !(.- Mi;;; anrt Mi M igme h* i .i- ' IHal i ;-i,. evtua : ■* : nt -1 * A ;av. Fii)?p<:r!, Roiri: t i.Tp'oi'i iv-n. Ji . and Mr?. Vi: bln ;V!a *i '. ill ** j'-r ria. itiii., S New 13", r. Avoi-i a : How an' : i .(■ . ft * .vab; r ■: ■ t A 'm j i 1 ' npi* lir nr v ’ i ’-’ani't Niehot- Sia.m 821 Cirn... j ; Street . *.n Jo-', o 1 Gv,:-!;:. I•• - j • cenrtKr :.u ivi .-J. A H - 0.. .! i i I * >.v i- StK-o - i and M i \ . j s vhiiMKci* ‘she'pathi, C« L-iitr. a ■•oit. I ! Loins, at St Allies H-.Mpiia! i j D?'fmber 25. n- / hah F MIC ana M >1 •- | i Goib.v Fast , 12.-3 Fnyetieviili | 1 -'.reft, a son who was not named ! ■t At. A- orn Hov-.yiir-i Drcimba- 2.3 \ Floy Flapp- and Mm. Ben‘-..v ! ; Alnriin fbipp.s 3 Le,- Lane, a son. I Drudoa Dec-ember 29 at St. Agn. ? | He- pit Ml. Watson Oievelfiiiri t M Bui-tj i Cleveland 707 Pin Si reel, Dur- j ham a ' or. Harc.l ! J Deecml ! nt St Agi'io? Ho-i'd i!. J.:ur;c y Mite! ,di mai Mrs. L niw; j 3).:.- Mitcb-.TI. CD. 13 n:., , Stj j s .an. S; Ivester Hen: Dove mi- I i-.mi J i...t• "W :;:'d MIV CaUi-| |-! in : Hnide .. i 101 Sou lb j i Blount i: i' 1 !. a , .ii i,, Fa .. ' | .rnmu.ry 2 at St. Asnes Ho-pit-d.. C! fie Miller ;m : Mr ■. F. mcr \l j Iver Miller, no West Peece Street.! ! '* dr. light er. who war no' named. ~ t j John L-wis and Mrs. Cora Da - | 1 man Lewi-. Li ('b; \i- \V:.y a ■■ n. 1 limner. Cnrlton. .iam.pry :7. M Me-j aiuov Hospital. MARRIAGES ' " j tier:!? s, to marry were issued in] : the following eoup I ns during the! oast week recording to records nl i W..’,Countv Registrar ot Ore 2: : G ai'giT Gu.!!*.. i! id Ml':' Lilia j He'd S nth both oi Gain i. Routs i 1 J;n nary 10. Johi.-rbe R MeLr-uri. 1..;j13r.g , .,*ti ! ii'id Mrs. Katie M. Allen, Smiui | iield JamtaTy 12. f■: a ii.rfl Wiili,u'a.: .ili.i Ml: ! . ■ Jones, both of g.r'oiai'n Janik. 14. j *l> 1 o AiHc-ri ;•*!•! ! : "C m—- TUMV •—V “ tr-'T--'-: .----Tr: -r i ■ • - THE CAROLINIAN !\! PThL vows spoi;e\ mm recently 1 4, *■> •*; S 1 .1. > <. • i . r ,i i i ,, ,i, * M llt 'Slum.; ? ■ »»; in .mu m *b [hi 1 tWd!' : I J * (4) i. a j« t'. iHlr i?i ••'!!* ' 4 1 1 iP • ■t . I> i ’ n . UIJ ■ Hi G'lrMiiil. pi f i»«! ilit :f ! ?•<•'<'« tui,. > • ...»i if tIOIHH *->! ?iM pfi.f vs i.i) '. .t ; ivt.i i !1 i t•i-tl. ! .1 *; i 1 y It » j ?j | oMirt l Finance or Borrow ; On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3 3231 t ■IT I Ul .. wu <4«MUr radius Appliances ! 1f ou sen old w£&f RANGES Hot Water Heaters | Expert Repair Work On All Radios And Household Appliances 1 HfIYFS-’f4«TON E, - ECTR,C S lain 1 /riyßyi/N comp an y ; { ' ; 8 L Vim. '; t Sn CHEQUES ■ ! it’s * sircar risk to carry cash on & trip. An u?inecessary risk, too, h«c*t*te we can turn your crave! fun,4s into Amt*. icett K*pres« : • ;ivc!cr» Cheques—spendable anywhere, safe every where. it tbese cheques are lost or stolen, you receive * prompt refuel They're core convenient than persona! checks, because no Identification ia required except your signature. Denomi nations of $lO, S2O, s“>o and sloo—for only 75 1 per SIOO «-n-_i«-r-iiOTu rmwi—wwf- V * I'.. PO f , l> i Atih \y : - .4 - I .HU iMi i .11 0,1 ! mo t !],■ |v, i, I r ihf ■■ ", '■*< full i-i.. an,l * i: > ■< »-.■ • t >. ; vs) .mi vs, | ' i * 4 o*.\ it .ilf.Yc iiihiss* -1 ■ ialr : lv \OfK- u »>«:- tUt? (A32 i }Jt%* •vr Holds 21 tli Am.iiaij 'Membership VlrC2ii»‘; _ I j iCAI EiGU Thu 'JAth Anriti;!: I in ~ iiip \ tu.M in.: ol the Soj»>ur ’ nor Truth YWCA was hold m :i;o | * Tiit i YWC’A .hi ’ituiiurn ut //.d ! Sout.’( SafioLin v Mr .■! Tlmr,s(i:iy | I With Mi. . Ruth G Vv’ilSwn j»)'c ■ | i• i< rll <,f Ihr bonrti < 1 i ■- r i t s pi *. - | iciifi: : . ;.ii!»J !Yii : J }•;. Hurv'< , ,i | j.i'n < speak o 'I iif (A iinni* io* 3 < l l 'la nap ei) ton‘ wo pi<’ f-ntc'd uy Mr Ir/ui : r‘ jIL ;ri n ai id iVI i ! S. .join i.m •.! j j nu'fiifj'T «»l 111. 1 Nn I imli., 1 Jjiiiti d nl ; !hi YWCA, it).’ldo a i oporl of (hi i.O till mC’uUfu V- In u \\ lim •4 * 1 11 1 V I In*ld in New YorK Music fi'j’ Jin' uocasion was pr rented Lx the Giutv. l!mvu;,!y I Wei nan’s (TiOitu. with :\[;w Knnl » tii •■cotin-.' and flat ry Mi! j * ' “ ' I • -'> t A | Mi i«.in Jiifljic Presides < rPKI'TOVv N rru I,«*cne, Wed AlrUu (AN)’) -Lot the f’r't time >n iht- hislory of Garble, cno of Great Britain's coJ.-nies in Wed Africa, an African judex ha- boon ap- I jiilHd pet -nuiiicf justice over the mu on me c r ’ding j;r id o L F S. Rook Bel):;, puisinr- judge of Sierra Leone, w) • took over hi' new duht:-: Dec. 27. 11l 111 sMOK!•.:•' SV AI KS HM. ' SHOP SUM I 7 s !- I n ,vi, street " | !*•'' i . - ■ : . in op I' lUK S.-VSI»I\<; ill hM illM. ! ASl> fOI.i VMl.u. t I «iOß'i Hum: chavis "The Flout man“ j r,59 S. I 4sf SI, * Di ll ; 420 ) K..if>ah, r. HsintrrY Wood \ an! WHOI F \1 I KFTAII. Jesse Hunter YVHV IVHRRY i Hltre art only tv, things to it v ai'-iuS i, i - < *;: ;. re Y. 11 . Kithcr y. u wifi .s-. t vx H, or vo« I | vii! dii .j:y. u :>■’ xvoi! :L r• is I I nothing f.. •.•.<>. >•• ab,n,t. It you | 1 : horo .-ire , i'.vo tibor s h worry ahnol. > oLt yy>i: will gt ‘o heaven or hoi! If you go to . It even. There t ! 1 ciiiTig lo xvtvr ry about, out if you go to hell, i .ol.: will be ■ ■■■ busy shaking ! hands v ith triemls, you w«.'t ; haw time to worry. 70S F. A! \«TIX ST. TF.L. 1D93 » - - 1 Jtf 4HI SHOE SULK i. * ® j PARLOR ARCADE BLDG. JAMES Flfp MASSEY Prop. - ——' | mmmmm j CAPITAL CAB OCX ! j u ytmm smarter ? H| ! -j/ i | j DIAL 9t37 I „ jn „r r . i „ L . jrr _ | ■ WAKE SALVAGE CO, j I We But »isd J| J of ViKw FURNITURE STOVES 1 REFRIGERATORS ; TOOLS RADIOS 5 337 S, WlUninsrtisa S*. ' ; Phor»» 2-2327 | ? Complete f7TI Home : Furnishers We can furnish any room m j your herna -- from the living j room to the k i t/'hen. See us ! first. W„ E. COOPER FURNITURE CO. 121 B. Marlin Si. VVKKix K.NDINC SATURDAY, JANI AUX k 54, UJ-IS | Carnegie Fund Supported I | Important Activities In ’47 j NEW YORK (ANPi The j nuu I i epoil of t)u> ( hum gb Curpoi iatiun ol New York. ..- sued (:.• ; v, L -ri. P lb . : nieiil 111-, i ii-.ii!-- C .1.. . pi, | :(11 ti Secy, Kub', t M Lester, show.'-’ tli.r-o sctivitii- which flic fount).: bee had Supp..l ied X-. if 11i 1 * I lit h - . •«> t MIC • :: 111 the Louth’ .<• U\l i. Uc- Olht-;- ctiuc.-.iioiict expend i i lire i liclutlefl l!, l n In: tit,He 100 to: I rainm." of Me).r-. nc!lilt wt uc .lion It'; : li'-'i :Spc!l! :ui Colli’:;. . All:.iita. Ci'liOO tor :l . dovt lopiiicnt : : i urn, Gammon Tltcotogi. ai Mini nary, s;'.:>i|(, for Hie develop •inxt of it.-: library: $2.-300 for the -nijipoit ol the 1047 United Negro Colli;.e fund ;-;o:'ip:ii:.!n and AtlMi ,la ! Inivot ::i!y $5,000 for illrlttUU ior public librarians crviny sh V i O '. S. The National tli ban I a‘Mf’.o vvl.ii h ha. rei iTvial r.uppto t lor a no ml i. i ol ,v : i< i- iii-il -i li. ant of SIO.OOO. The l i.iv.: -it.v of I'lia no reciiv -I $75,000. payable over liv. yea: . i ITTT sTTTTF ] (UK SHELVES YRK I ’ll ,1 .El) iUTTH ( noli I It Est) It ns VT Al t l-MES 19c W. & E. Sales Acenn 111 \V MARTIN T, ■1 HOME-COOKED FOODS j And what a meal it will be— seasoned exactly right, and every dish boasting a real i home reeked flavor. B & II CAFE ;iioio.ilioo ot euirvnt ell,. - linvim! ! i diii-i ion ol i ;uo: 1 dir.criYi io:.lion, for iid.ipUiUon of . xlsiio;.', kroiwledf? to i :(• drily in-d:, ol li;o;--,i io gox't-i nuieni, ouueativih i'. ,; j ii/LiHr.y who mu l ..tudy of iht- n.:o: - 1:0-1 Ivt-d plobli-io: 111 th'- field ... .i’ .jO[j (.(dif lie I. l-’air Trade i. p- for the i is't’i i-lv.ilil l,'hot union:; .in 1 : ciol iiiMiii rnci flo tor the work* i’. aci-orcllne to lin o Muck, general i, ,oi - l of the Todei Goods Asroiia j ! " m I’aulco Kuiiio Service “For Lastin'* Repairs" 102 Gf.LNWOOD AVB. Dial 3-3123 We Pick up and Deliver Vf/ 1 .inr.xL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO, 515 W. IVI or* an St. -■ .wcr@rsTr«*nwKaTi Dial F*567 for: COAI, FUEL OIL KEROSENE CORRELL COAL & OIL CO. JOE S. CORRELL, Owner I DIAL 5567 i 307 North West I Mm mm: company ARTIHTR HOVE, Prop. Automatic Phonographs Rented For Special Occasions arid Installer! cm ‘‘’onhmission Basis SELECT RITOfIHf ■ OW SPECIALTY | Dial 3-2744 I 128 E. CABARRUS SV. | FOR Split Pine Sz Oak SF.F, or CALL Leach’s Woodyard (dial 4535 706 E. Jones Si. Dallas Leach, Prop. Groceries ** TT “~ - “ Motion* Julies Groccrtena D4O S, Boundary St M:-. ,1. o. Kearney, Prop, Telephone 2-1433