BRIDGMAN QUITS HAMPTON it it it it it it it it it it ★ * * ★ v * if it ir k ★ + ★ ★ ★ * ★ * * * * * it it W I Spurns South’s Threat To Bolt Democrat Party WASHINGTON ignoring thi • -:1> of parly ; sion by Southern Democrats, President Truman this ween ; sent Congress a -1,000-word message demanding laws to; safeguard the rights of minorities in America if this na tion is to continue as “a s.vmboi of hop.'’ to oppivssee peoples in other lands. The President's message, a 10 point charter of human rights, •walled for enactment of laws to set an a perman: nt full employment commission and to abolish lynch ing. the poll tax, travel jim ciw and what ho termed “othn in vidious forms of discrimination In delivering the message Mr. Tr u m n completely ignored strong protests from Southern po liticians and Congressmen who had threatened to bolt the pa. tv if the Administration persisted in its alleged espousal oi “anti Southern" logtslaiton." These proti si.-; and threat:- wm aroused hist voar following !he report and recommendations oi' «Continued on >..nk page FORBESTAL TOLD TO WIPE OUT SIS FORCE JIM TROW WASHINGTON. D. C. -- The American , Veleran s Commute.’ has asked Defense Secretary, hor resta! to extend to me Depart ment of Army and Air the sam policv of racial non-diacrmiina iion which he introduced in toe Navy while S-. creiary o! that de partment. Navy Srcvet.p v Suhivan m answer to an AVC inouir l fim jv n‘lterated- ms jttrtwtonS’' determination that there should be m that cU-pai intent "rt • _ dss tine tion between individuals wearing the n.c a l uniform the uniform of snv .omed «t-rv : ee o< th: 1 T S.. h< -. -<•- f or creed." But Col. C <■ Bird on- • .! the Army's Legislative and Lease Division, said i: had lone •. .n .. ered the utilization of Negro pe r soar, el consonant with its desiio to achieve the maximur > fe-’ tivem ss, i cited p: ,-siwK beneficial nolit :**s adopted ir> the past with • ... ..1 t Nh g* sol diers. The basic n--l>cv he wrote, en visions comp:. intenspersal nl *?«’> assignment on the basis c individual ability, for white and Negro personnel in overhead and special units—and assignment of small Negro organzations of com hat service tv. •?>; as organic parts of large white units. The department intends to con tinue this policv and proceed v.i pat it into efiect in its con tint i mg effort to make the best possi ble use of available man-power 'tr mie i n . aca p-igt-> _ Sipuel Case Now Back In U. S, Supreme Court NEW YORK N Y,—NAACP attorneys Thurgood Marshall and : Aoidf. Hall returned the case oi Ada Lois Sipuel- the 23 year old , Negro woman who was refuse-’. • admission 10 the law school rs j ’ the University oi Oklahoma, to | the United States Court .ir January 2r ; *o charge that the oi Oklahoma violated tin court’s mandate ol January 12 to admit her. Two weeks ago f:u- Suprem ' s Court directe 1 that ©klahors i ; must jaunediatc- iv provide u gal education for Miss Sipu-r! equal to that „vai table to white students At that nmc the* high tour ; declared: "The petiticnei is ».-n , titled to secure legal education «>f forded by state institutions . The state must provide it foi ho- f in conformity with the equal pm lection clause -.f the Fourteen* s ! Amendment and provide it a soon as it doe for applicants of j any other group.’ As a result of this decision. | however, the State or Oklahoma, j instead of admitting Miss Sipuel [ to the state university, set up a j se- para t e three-profossoi law ! .school so: he:-. Claiming that the facilities,,-1f 1 such a law- sen. 01, established so ; one- person, cannot possibly be I equal to those offered by the Urn - : -versity of Oklahoma, the NAACP ”Jawryers have petitioned the Su prerm Court for n writ of mar; I d&mn% to compel the state to open the university law school to Miss Sipuel, in a further attempt to break tCoououfa on back page; HOTSPOT ; : wWwtl V Ur. Ra'ph .1. Bunche. principal secretary t'nited Natures Corami'- sion which is to sapervies hates Pile partition. ;nd which lias ore of thi. liirsi. tlifli. lilt diplomatic task- in history taring it. Or. , Bui flu - selection is ,t real tri- j bute to his sterling ability. ' ar/l trover- i<y Ph, !>.. I. Or. Bundle ’ wiihj| •Jew rd » uvncli. tin l > OlvS ICC cf ' ! .7,~.1:■ r -.» .* h * ' Department ot Stale btfore join tug the l. N. secretariat. AM Railway Demand i Chance I ♦ ! i C) .EVFI..AN]> •' AXr i • £qi;..'. I ! -TO fireman werv denv. nd-;-d th*?- . I -rorp. jt\' o\,i‘'Wor> of s imheaMt?: n Th RLF'K i\%k od '‘comp}(-\- ■ emoioytfd. one! i'qiiuHu in ‘ ■ . -pportunity of promotion to Mohandas K. Gandhi Dies Mohandas K. Oandhi, the high horn Hindu who for sook Hit tenets ot ms faith and the physical comforts of a lucrative taw practice to don sackcloth, and lead In dia's ini!lions to independence is dead Ih aie cam* to the 78-.vear~;>iu a pestle of non-vio lence sudd<-niy and violent y as he fell before an as sa sin’s bullets while h<*ad-;d for an evening prayer-meet ing. Ever- in death he shewed -he just >fical ion for his n! •’Mahatma". tr« Great Suuk-.i One, ior a.* tie lay dying he raise.l his hand to his I’uuic-.d .n me Hindu yustiu.- -ri forgiveness. j Ncuny thirfy-fivi. year- ago he initiated tin practice <u cmi j, i disobedience and non-vioscr< , broagn which he honed to .frc« j I India's 400 million population from British rule. 'll-, lived to his. dream of an Indian indepi n donee. out J • not that -a mc.h was closer to his heart, peace among h:s countrj - - i castes, sects and laces. Shortly before his death he had again resulted to his weapon 1 of the hunger strike which had been used so effectively againsi 1 the British. This time, however, he used it in an effort to bring | peace among his people. .He failed for his death was the ow&sion lor intensified strut j | and bloodshed among hi.-, people. I <5 ALA. CITY VOTES TO EQUALIZE PAY | BESSEMER. Ala. iG- -- Agree - ; jng to the demand o£ the Uni ltd * j Public Workers Union iCIO) Uia .; wage.- for .imder-piiid Negro iabot -1 or* V- equalized. * the R mki ; I jCiiy Commission voted to increase! — —-—-— : ——-—————i V'OLTME XXVII, NO. 01 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING, SATI’RDAV. l-ERKI'AIW 7. Lit - PRICE 7c j * * * * * * ******* * * * * * TWO SOUTHERN STATES LOWER RACIAL BARRIERS AnalnranA ofc eir.uil crxiiMilovC ! h .ichlUfOK lor Nogrot v rnovwa a nep I ; i!t) f.c ■ v.': i ]<*.,.? ;• • ; - ll YV. i.’.ri, US I ioJllCi'H? its hv<t V* 3Gi !V i-cDoivhr-: j : , n " { I noimced Xhe <1 rairp i • .-.g of 11u v ip t H 'f& i ..RoinEt colored stlidcnis l Tn(■ schools. kir. r Roe nctioc rj'c | * t m*.'. vJ ni v v..'; yiit • ■ ’ ■ ■ k•i c s ■ - i i *av:. ->i lv . sv 4l t iNeijiprfe. me jMfttttv- y. ..o \ 'mads vdi»i»nlj|. in nviiMr? .gsp.■ t : the yktQ|;igy ' e> «tateg' * - ■ r '• sfrlMfilws. adm-f^ibrs ■'('ominret otr'riaew page) ’■ Union s Equal For Race ' <:<:. n t -court deci c l ui supp'O n :n * ,-, r unf;-o v 'Tv dirrriiwa;, \c | il: ;At •! MW: U. S. SUp* oilK' WEil I •: h that federal ■ m.’. tv-v jut- i isd etioi’i in such vae.s. L-uM Odo-1 in. me IV > Circim omir’. in O-s- ! .here wages of tht workers $lB,.Mf l,i month. The increase amounting to S;M, •-*:* Mor ih-. 225 workers proved to be, j» double victory for tit.■ CIOs un , ! juizubun campaign. PREIHiCKSSORS OF RESIGN IMi HAViHOV HUISIDEM I'll IwaWWIHIIL' I i r iMr -a. w’ V ''' A. ! - - y t. ■ V: e ■ Yf j’ *Y ; A | % " -- c. > ~ a .. y-, 1.4- tis. Bp. . ■■ ■I MrU W The iv.rn iH/Un &bovr l * *1 i>r. t Hr’-tTstHdii* i A' |ii'p>i<t> 21 i Oi fi'dni, r )«OJS !t{. \rlUnr llou r i« ahiiul • chi .wars to ' »uri. tedfd !>\ Sir Malcolm Mi 1 wlvi j hr ‘:l niiw.t' for domii oih* ytar ’ hefttre turning- in ins rt'wgnathv-' -mti |tjvUH- tin %va> for appoiai mmt fd hi. SZ. Oli-ii Lanier as .icting preside Fit Trustees Clear Him Os Charges % HAMPTON. V- T'e attains HamptOi. bust inch. r.arkv.4 iy r.,- srly B. decudr o. setmus -:idtn*ti>- istrativ ■ profok ms. m.cbrd anoihf- - rk *r. ill - Fi c p ?. 8. iderr- .•:> tendered h, r< suAiaf-u to ‘-'l: i:ar a fn-nv.- n> u> years a. ■p' ; . .., ;. -j; I.a tIOUS ■ \-Boaimei 8 gm \ • ..gmuon. which .-came in tiis - 1, r.. -.:i-.cic-rs Week obsc 1 11• 1 vj.necs, follow i d a sever-.hour meet ' of use Inrtuun'i Board i,iv • during wh'ch a commit -j,;... reuert of his acimini t rat ion v, • ..isideved and adopted. This r> port de red the formed iooklyn Colieg.- Dean of charged -lack oi integrity, eo: rcian. m.p | , ;,ri: v niocraMi nation ana con . lesion in carrying out program j -n idc last October attt-* mass morn -j • n§s giurinr- which students faculty? .!,■ i.-luinni voted overwhetoaingljf or his ouster. Another Virginia School Equalization Suit Looms As 4 Counties Go To Court RICHMOND A’.'P - - It apl*T- ; ; '-*q 1 A v. .--i; thnl ate- e- Virc..-e .- unty would soon be nvolvr,3|it ; {a suit to compel .wtr>n for 3: i c.i,l o'u Mt -of .xhtcair.'-u al i.u> jms iuv its Negro and white pupb i j gVmr i-oMi'.ti j, ••• beady in s courts on thft same issue. Vtsi likely Pnnres- Arne C< *. j ty. which r-as ruff. <■ ecr.s.dt* t,le unf vorah!.- publicity bocase j lof the re; teo c-'-ndi'u-.-m of its S ! .-j o schools will be tfe nt-xf uuii' o- legal . !•■'. 1, ■ MA/ii I Tlv-'-c v/er, the tk'-v iopraeiite |s: -] surv. y<s'i ir, oducators it si c if ■ week i Spr- -ike lor Uf'nii? f-'ri'neess Afi Co.'V.iuiu-u on p-rje vighl f - tST*#' • IF? '...;• v ; .. -14BPHE I. tS'M; Or f in', r. th. onb Xesr. 1 to hr ad list- institution, wa - suc ceeded i-y Or. Bridgman in !f)S4. Saturday in the midst of tou .ii m v. ,i; observance;.. Or. Biidt. rii n tc idrrwi bis r». »i* v nati«n hi .*,rt aura whirls school trusts os >(•: scribed a- -One ■„,(!<. and «<•# p seab d npp«;sitiwn .v 1• i h is s cry Ci ious. term roxim io\s D espiie : .tv u♦•; i i r,: rnr> us .cce p is. *u: e ; n a to Dv. Brk: iimau which Consideration of tho rggldtra'liott. • vvh ih :> n: Iran termed effective -no’ latei tb.m Angus* 31" was tabled by the &>ard. hov ■ ever, pending '‘an opp .rnsaity ; a decisive action, ' Tec Trustees, in announcm:- r;-lunation and their action. plead ed with the Instil-..'• 3.700 <> dints and 300-roe nn.u?i faculty (or ii-.vir ceopceanoji “d unrig tht .-•ition period**’ During the mass me tings held . last Oncbe.i the students voted 522 ho 3 for hr dismir-ab Tnc facul’. | voted ?upp-m-d such action t.v a coats! ut A ’> to 5. A majority of - 1 shi student bod’ ana 'he !at-u! v. Con iriii'si on pag- eight 14th Amendment Burned NORMAN, Okla. One thousand white students of the University of Oklahoma held a mass demonstration her* Thursday denouncing the university officials fbr failure to admit Negro slu dents to the school. Loudspeakers were set up in front of the administration building >..!n fne campus and j speeches were made by read ers of the group, vigorously supporting the NAACP ac tion to open the school to all ; students regardless of race or co!o*“, ,j %:f g BRinOMA Brothers Will Meet Uler Four Decades RAMIIGH til.- it tv. 1 w. • '•lif' p.tslivr til (he Fay etu vsi)<- Baptist Chuivh wil 1 It-avt Ka ieigh this wt- K ioi Ciiiply, i'hi.. ami a {■’ day reunion ■ :ih hi- brother George, whom in has not seen for 4*> years. Tile Rev. Mr. j«ms an.i his iiiftiher were b«in ;.t Wilson *.‘iis. N. ( where the former resident until 15 years ago when he came to Raleigh to accept FayetteviUe Baptist pastorate. SEOESIA FCRD DO, ftCREES TO m 'WITHOUT EAy ATLANTA Tit-. Ford Molo. :\ jv,j it; Ge> -rgi.y ■brough hs . Jtisiria: relations dop r-rvisor. Rob? ri C. Cninu stated in :i recent conierencv with Nelson C, Jackson and Robert A. Thompson 1 l?.-'can La , :e repivscicativeiN that -as l:. : tile Ford is con cerned in Atlanta, tlitrc sa ill be ; \{_i dtisceaTunation in hiring, fine .-non will be used to their fullcs' rapacities wiht regard to skills. Jackson, the Nationsl Urban Lea gue’s So-nhero Field Director, an J Cuntituied on page eight During the demonstration, the 14th Amendment io the U. S. Constitution was read Jo the crowd, declared nulli fied by the action of the Uni versity officials, and burned. The ashes were then collected and a greup of 100 students marched to the local post of fice to mail them to President Truman. Roscoe Dunj *e, NAACP board member from Oklaho ma, reports that the students l arc raising a large fund on the campus to help the i cuvtion in the case. FRAZIER NAMED i TO HEAD OR® ! OF EDUCATORS ; -Washington. D. C. Dr. i j K. Franklin Frazier, eminent j scholar and Head of the Depart- j ment. oi Sociology- a! Howard : University, hiss assumed the of- : ficc f Pirsiiu r.t of the Anier'- r : 'i 1. i S< H U.'tV 105' 1940. i according to «ri announcement | I.- :.., by D. James M. Nabrit, i Jr. SiCi’etarv ■>: the I'niversity. ! Ik- was c-k-ct: u • i,« n; of the j w■i.mniznti.jn its aanuai meet- j hera r@ce.ifis' at. the femme-1 Ire Hotel, in N-cw Yprk City. Ad is the- first Negro to be elect- j ; *■-- that r-vy’.scn. i v. * ■: "V-e-S knowti hi> ; .-nv. books and articles ba«r-d • ip..?* spciofcsriv'si stnnir-3. has bold j ■iWaf responsible positions in i t:-a* orguairation in the past. Hoi m v.';i as fi:-'t vice-president of j : iu- soci.-ty last year, and has! - . n a mtii'.b.'i' (f the society’s] executive committee, and a for- j Continued tm page eight Wilmington Mayor Favors Employing Race Police EX-8A GOVERNOR SAPS SYSTEM OF VOTING IN C.C.GA. BV WILL V NLKLT FLINT. Mich .ANP) - An out-j ! spoken attack against th,e votin-.- | ■y;-ton is ol Georgia and South Car- j j lina was made here last week uy i - \-Georgia Gov. EllL Arnali. j | Speaking before a meeting in Flirt’ I j Town Hall, ht declared. I While we are speaking for jus-I ! tiee to small nations, let us spear j I out for justice to all groups in th’J j United Slates," ! Pointing to the voting system 1;. I I South Carolina, and pa: ticularly *o| | lormer Secretary of State James .' ; by rnes. he continued: ' While a -formei secretary ol' hate was pleading in UN assembly j foi the right of the Bulgars to vote < •me third of the people in his owe j .. fate could not vote. “We of the south know our own : faults and are trying to correct' them,” he asserted, and criticized the north for tolerating "disgrace : Sul slums, suffering and prejudice- -i PROGRESSIVE PARTY ORGANIZED IN STATE GREENSBORO - Unary A. Will ; lace's Presidential campaign wa: | launched here last night with the i fo' mation of a state committee *r , late circulating petitions to pu; tfiei Progressive Pare of North Carolina J on the ballot next November. Some 30 represeniaitves of late* I '.arm. yen ran. white collar and slu j cteni groups from a dozen counties] met in Guilford County Courthouse and set in motion organization oJ i the »ch* political party. Miss Maty Price Greensboro, retiring Seer a - isi’y of the Cnnmmet fur North Carolina, was elec led state chair man. Ripping into "machine misrule” { jo\ the (wo old panic a policy ! statement unanimously adopted j i said. “The time for a real house- , I cleaning has come and the Frogres-1 RALEIGH NAACP BRANCH HEADED BT DR, J, B. DAVIS j RAt tIIGH —D. J. Bustee Davis, j ptonunent physician and civic ! ( Hue! was eiected president of i, lie Ratep-h Branch of the Natiots | ;;1 Association for .he Advancement joi Cob-red People last yv ok fol - ! it;wing the retirement of A. C | Parrish. Dr. Davis, a roemb-t of the North Cutolinu Interracial Co imi'iet and ■•tn a.a-.--:: chain • | pion of race ad- an r.unmis j I|P||| Sie-w University : . Mlaß and Mchai ry a»a sR. *h a s piaciictd g-mr-ci'■< io it- Noi-tvi £ CascU-... for moc l- Ms" than 22 years. Oibi officers iKS “ 9BJS ‘ : elected by the j DH DAVIS branch included. Ed'-v.,rd Ftnchcf, vice president; Tinsley L Spvag j. .•• \ec\itivf scnreU.ry: Clifton I Sills, treasurer and T. H. Roberts I financial swretary ' Committee eh,omen elected were; j AKurno.i Merman Taylor. Legal j Redress: Janies Shepard. Legisia i five Zack Ellis, Membership; W. L. ; Greene, Kviueation; Ji, - n tl- Ricky. 1 Entertainment; Eunice Tucker. Lo | to; and Industry Vp. Tippet; aud j the Lvov Mi-Criay Youth Work, ; end the R ••. P. H. Johnson, Cum- S mltti-e Coordinator, j The new president. who roain • tains his office and residence in . Fuquay Springs, was installed with 1 the -tiler officers la. week and j pledged hi.- most act: rnvined of | for:« tow;.id the most, successful 1 «ts; t■, an of 0>« isbr-nen’s IW-i | pro;.- ■. n * | L addition to his mater eentri-- iUlfcow! . it# ■ed • vYho's Who in Ammont Medicit,- ”is a m*tnh«r of the Feed j cutivc Board of the National Mcdi j cal Ass ociation, a deacon of the I Main St reel Bapiist Church of ! Lotiisburg. and member of the Chamber of Commerce of Fnquay | Springs, WILMINGTON Mayor E. L White of Wilmington said he lav* < *employinf-nt of Negro police* - - n in Wilmington because he said he sees no reason why they wib not make good policemen in s ;t;.teme-nt to a delegation of Negro citizens here Wednesday. M.-.yor White ma ••• hts statement ai’tei the delegation had presented their cast- to the- r gular morning e.<sion of he City Council and Dr. L. w .Upperman hud cited stat'is* ! tics showing that Negro policemen h; ve been successfully employed it: Asheville. Charlotte. Greensboro. High Point. Raleign and Durham ; ami read letters from chiefs ot pc lice- praising the work oi Negro of* ' Leers. •if Negroes arc- going to play ; a part in our progress," Mayor ; White said. "1. for one, won’t stout : - n thier way. W< must remembe; that Negroes fougat side by side with om white sholdiers in tiie ; war. and I. personally, see no rea . son why they won't make good j policemen." j Led by the Rev. Irving Boone, (president of the Citizen’s Council. I and Dr. Upperman the spokesmen i requested that N-. gro policemen be appointed for belter enforce* ! meat •>! law a mom * Negroes and as an indication that Wilmington’s ; progress equals progress in other southern cities. : sivt party pledges to do it." with | a grass roots, people's movement.’ Additional members of an Execu j tive Committee are Louis Austin, j Durham, newspaptu editor; J. Hen Jry Minor, Winston-Salem, World War li veteran and labor leader: i John W. Stubbs Brown Summit j farmer; and William Richardson, j Jr., Goldsboro. World War 11 vei eran and student leader, vice chair - I man. Also elected were Tinsley L Spraggins. Raleigh teacher, tresis urer, Edwin Bjorkman. Asheville writer, membership secretary: Dor ■ oihy Arnett, Greensboro, student, | recording secretary: Elmer i. Nich ; ols. Winston-Salem electrical work- C-i nd World War II veteian: anti j Mrs. Gertrude Greene. Kinston «o« banco worker. i iContiaued on back page)

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