, . l l . 4 Jt * « 1. j , i * 4 •' 1 r i * « * 4' 8|8®! 7* ■" W « W * W 7* " W « " « « « « ' ' '' A> COURT AGOOITS COLUMBUS 00= PATROLMAN WHITEVILLE —A rookie _ state highway patrolman. It. E. W hit ten, was acquitted Friday by a Columbus County Superior Clou " jury which deliberated only .181 minutes before freeing him on assault charges brought by re!., lives of the Rev. Ed Williams, itinerant Baptist preacher. The charges were brought a-1 gainst the young patrolman a ter the 45-vear-old-120 pound preacher had been hospitalized and latei conlined to u stale; mental hospital following ins rest last November 30 during j which he allegedly suffered here! injuries at the hands oi tin offi cer, S. M. Ellis, a brother in-law. and Henry Stephens a n< ignb ■ of Williams were the chief wit nesses tor the prosecution. ELLIS TESTIMONY Eilis testified that the petrol man, a former guard on the uni versity of North, Carolina football team, had told him of sinking Williams twice with his hand and once v. itn the but of his gun when the latter ressted arrest. Stephens declared that he baa overheard Whitten say that he had snapped his gun at William but that it hadn’t fired. Later, the accuser said, he heard the policeman tell his victim that he would have been "a shot mar." it the gun had gone off. Oefcnsi atto.ney- denied that Continued on page rigid Step Is “Exception ” Says Army Secretary CHARLOTTE BM “NOT GUILTY” IN ATTACK CASE CHARLOTTE—'W. E. Wheeler. 1016 Fairmont Street was found 'Not Guilty” of assault on N. G. Hazelrigg. white, in Recorder - Court. Friday. Mr, Wheeler was arrested at the iContinued on nack page? Driver oi Mai 1 Truck Balks Station Holdup DURHAM—An early-morn ing holdup of the Union Sta tion ticket office at Raleigh was balked Friday by James Malkty, a mail truck driver, who shot and fatally wound ed the would-be bandit who had pulled a gun on the wo man ticket laker at the sta tion. Miss Minnie Chandler, while, was on duty alone in the ticket office, when a masked man. identified by Durham police as William H. Pegram, entered the station and demanded the money at gun-point. Mai ey. who witnessed the counter from the Negro wait ing room, drew his own gun and. fired through a window, striking the bandit in the body. Pegram died seven hours later in a Durham hcspitai from the effects of a bullet in the spine. N. J. Gov. Praised For Stand Against J. C. In State Natn’al Guard Units New York Congratulations on his order that Negroes must be enlisted in the New Jersey Na tional Guard without segregation were wired Gwcn-w Alfred Driscoll at Trenton by Walter White, NAACP Secretary. Sal 1 Mr. While. "The NAACP congratulates you on youi insolence that the left, and spirit of the Ne w Jersey state constitution must be oh-- served by all state ageneic-s and departments end your order that Negro citizens oe listed without {••egregatioi) iu the National Guard” Gov Driscoll s action wap taken j in defiance of the War Depart - ; rnent, which apparently had. sent instructions to Opl, E. G. Wolf chief of Staff of the 50th ArriShn-d : •Division of the .guard, to follow j the usual Army policy of segre gation Col. Wolf then .snent .it) order to all unit commanders of Ij■ ■ , _ I ' '"l 'JTJf p Iyi >V\ jT T I ___^ ——————— l — VOLIMI-: xxvil. No- :‘.2 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENIHNG BATI RDAY. FERRE ARY M, lb 18 PRICE 7c it ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★ ★ ★★★★★★ ★ SCHOOL PLAN UNDER STUDY CME Bishop C. L, Russell D’es At Newport News Bishop C. L. Russell of Washington, D. C.„ presiding bishop of the CME Church and the North Carolina An nual Conference, died Sun day morning at the Riverside Hcspifei at Newport News. Virginia. By JOE SHEPHARD Sec el ary of the Army Kenneth : Royal! ih-s week gave tempo; i and conditional approval to New 'Jerse> int--grated Nation;-: Guard, out mclicnted that such approval could not be expected for other Guard units nor fm uu Regular Army. Tht Army .Secretary’s approval was voiced only alter \’ev, Jer >c-y's Gw. ernor Alfred F. Dns r 1 : had taken a determined stand ’ against racial segregation in the . State Militia to th- extent of do 1 lying Col. E G. Wolf, chief >1 ! staff of (he Join Armored Divis j jon of the Gawd. Col. Weif, apparently acting u v !de: A> my »r.i, rs. had sent order* |to all unit commanders of the New .)• . • • National Guard fn: | the continued segregation of Ne Governor Acts Follow. ng p«' it i■ r ous protes t ; j which called att r.tion to the New I Jersey State Constitutional pro j vision against racial segregation Hr, the State Militia, Governor i Driscoll sent orders to Major Gen. j Clifford Powell, chief of staff to •r*ontinned * * in Negro Newspaper Week Program To Be Broadcast Over 3 Major Networks NORFOLK. Va. —Observance this year of National Negro 1 Newspaper Week, commemorat ing the 121st anniversary of the founding of the first Negro raw spa per. FREEDOM'S JOUR NAL, by John Russwurm. has .he guard tot continue to scr• ■ gate Negroes. Gov. Driscoll acted swiftly by issuing his orders to Map. Gen. Clifford R. Powell, chief of staff! - thi Governor, to observe tht state constitution. The new con stitution. adopted recently, pro hibits disc riinmation or segrega in the state- guard and in public schools in the slate. The NAACP also wired James V. Foirestal. Secretary of De fense. urging conformant-, with President Truman’s message on civil rights on the elimination ol - riisc-riin illation in the armed i forces. Tbm-.:.-. -vl Marshal]. NAACP : counsel, telegraphed New Jersey \ Attorney General Waller D Van : ’‘Entire legal -c.tr.ff of N. A. j A. C. P. stands ready to cooperate with von full as to research and (therwi 41 - • support Governor : . DrisfwU’s position. Funeral services will be held Thursday in Washing ton. D. C. The deceased had held the post of bishop of his connection for nearly a dec ade. He was elected at Hot Springs, Ark., in 1938, Continued on page eight SENATE PR W POSTAL SERVICE PROMOTION BIAS W ASHINGTON iANPi Charge : of racial discrimination practice-1 j by post off'iet s m same of the large j i cities art being 4 in-e stigj'.ed by the j Senate PoM Office Committee, was disclosed last w.v.k b> Chau-I man Langer. Rep. The charges were brought bj the: National Allium-: of P >stal Em i First .-•n the list is the Mempui.: i post office. followed by (he one tr 1 Knoxville. Tens). Other complaint.-, i were made against in-. New Or-j lean . Shreveport. Baoie Rout;-.; Selma. Ala . and Atlanta y-si oi flees. According to Lunge 4 - 4 . John T. Richer was hired as cnief invest! Cofimied on p-gc eight been set for March 7th to 13th inclusive. Dates f-v; ti-v 1948 observance weir- announced tr, a proclama tion issued by Thomas W. Young, president of tht Negro Newspa p< Publisher.-. Association, which . annually sponsors the nation : wide program. Highlighting the week's activ ties will be three radio broad- ’ easts over nation-wide networks 4 0l NBC. CBS and ABC in pro-. ! grams design*. d to point out the 'f* on tini.iv.u •jn rwacK pagei Twisted Picture Os Negro i Role Hit By Shaw Speaker In History Week Address RALEIGH The importance of the study of Negro history was placed in an entirely new lignt Sunday by Dr John Hope Frank iin. renowned historian, author and professor o; history at How • ard University. Dr. Franklin, who spoke Sat urday night ai Si. AugustinoV College and Sunday afternoon .<1 , Shaw University vesper serein. :> charged presen; day and past hi--- to. i«i«i wji’u urn ucipaung in “The Great Conspiracy” to "sun- ; press and distort" the rale of the j I Negro in American history. The purpose of this conspiracy, i GOVS.' PLAN IS BE STUDIO SAYS E Ei E B & 1 3 RALElGH—Governor R. Gregg ! Cherry' tins week declined to con:- ; men? on the widely publicized "Governors Plan lor creation i-.t simtinvid' regional universities i and special schools pending op- j put t inti tv to -'tidy details of the j The proposal was first voiced : : -t 'Vc. a! weeks tig in the wake of ; - t S Supreme Court decisions re j ; 1 firming the light of ali stu- j cientr to equal educational oppor- j tunities regardless ot race or col- j La t week >*r i it was taken an nga«... -at a Southern Governor:--" Conference hold at Wakull.i j Sprmgs. FJa. Govct nor Cherry, l | who was unable to attend tne con ! : : renoe, sent Dr. Clyde A. Erwin, j ‘Continued on bat., page; \ \ U P \sk- Llemencv For \rnn Prisoner NF.W YORK The legal depart- 1 j n;..rii o! the NAACP Thursday :-ten Secj'.tjry of the Arnv. I N metli C Royali co;,:-idtr a I petition for denier, cy submitted a,. I da' association on oohrlf of Will;.?' j Wilsor. who was originr.'ly .vnienc ! art ■- uent-Tal coiirts-mart’a! !o Jit. j : itiprisonmem V.- liic h v. a.-- übsc - S'ji't-ntly reduced to twelve ,v»ur. j ■ r.,i men to eight. Dr. Reddick Announces 47 Race Relations Honor Roll NEW YORK—(ANP. Names ; ol the 14 individuals and five o? gani/utions on the Honor Roll I Raci elation, ol 1947 wen an . D. Ri-u-.iick of the New York Pub lic library. Each year a nationwide poll is conducted by the Schomburg ! Collection of Negro literature to determine- those Americans, with , out regard to creed or color, wh > have most distinguished them , selves during tne year in improv ; ing race relations. This is a fea ture of Negro History week. Dr. Reddick, curator of the Sehomburg collection, said in t.i ■ course of the announcement that the efforts of those nanu d "if ; multiplied would help our couo try immeasurably in meeting the ; challenge of human rights at ' home and abroad.” ' For purpose of identification, the list is divided into '‘whites” and 'Negroes ’ No attempt is made to rank the names. he said, is ’To place at the di. posal , y < f MR JACKSON day afternoon, from St. Mai k'x F. . L'. Church, when he was a liic long member. The Rev. Alexan der Mi di-r, wh-tc rector of St. : Paul’s P. E. Church, officiated, j v :th the lit. Rev. Thomas C. Darsi, white, retired bishop of the Dioeest of Ea.-t Carolina, deliv ■ ring a short . nd impressive eu logy. The b: ief and beautiful Episc - WHITIES American Heritage Foundation, foi insisting that the Freedom tiiiin stop at ’hose places where: all citizens together could view its documents. President's Committee on Civil Rights, j'oi its report calling upon the government and people to re- i ; vise the liberties of all citizens ; Actor's Equity Association, lor its stand against racial segrega- ] tion in the theatres of the nation's capital. Southern Methodist University. for cheerfully playing in Texas a • gainst the Negro stars of the Penn State football team. Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter, for opening the parochial schools j of tin St. Louis diocese to all j qualified students. The Late Charles H. Huberich, j for his monumental work, "The j Political and Legislative History j of Liberia." NEGROES Jackie Robinson, ioi achieve (Continued eri pajie> j l slaves The speaker also debunked claims that the period ol Recon struction had been marked Iv. chaos and rnisiulc resulting from . Negro dominstoln of southern | : government.. The hand fulls of Negroes : ed to stan and othei government offices during that period, he • ■ said, could neve; be considered * r.s j m ■jori.ty. He also : itt*d the tendency of most historians to ignore corn plstely or to piss owr lightly the j | contributions to the progress ot | , ('uiirißiredi on page .eight j pal service was read by the R”v. Mr. Miller. lon rment followed n Pine Forest Cemetery, where Mn j ; sonic rites wore accorded the de : ceased who was pits' 1 m the white EEpiscopal church which was situated on the come' <: Continued on b«uk p;i;/ct Candidate Wallace Raps Proposal To Construct Jim Crow Vet Hospital SQLONS ENDORSE NEW m DRIVE bt n. o, mm DURHAM Senators Clyde R ' Ho'-y and william P Umstead of • North Carolina have joined win. •>iu:r national leaden- in ndo; -.rig Un- $15,000 finance campaign vchic. ! >hc Nm *h Carolina College Alumni: ■ As-viciation is launching Feb. 23 Huey, who was formerly a gov- ; j ■ rnor of his home ate, told Mat - j .on S. Johnsc? XernCw fx id j {secretary for the association; "J i I have been impressed through tit ' -years with the ma-tnif.cent service j 1 rendered to you? rate in North- . | Carolina and to t! • whole state, by he North Cardin ■ (\4levo at Du. 1 1 /wm ; :sd it is most gratifying 11 , i note that you intend to pt rpetuai.- j ihe principles .nd ideals upt-n - ; which this grer- institution was j founded -j v. to heartily congratulate 1 ] you? Alumni A-.social ton in this i I?--? uis'twart hy est , and 1 trust yo,< ! will lx sucoes? in obtaining me ; J goal which you t. As hang as the i ! -pint or Dr. Si