Gallinger,St.Elasbeth To Amit Race Midics 13TH NON-NEGRO i HOSPITAL TO LIFT RACIAL BAN | WASHINGTON - federal Seem ' ity Administrator Oseru R. Kwin announced this week that Neino j physicians and interne:' will be ><.l- i milted to practice a! Galling i j Municipal and St. Elizabeth’s men I tai Hospital in Wa ; hin ton D. C.‘ ; Exclusion ol' Negro medical mo i and trainees Irom the two insutu tions has long been a outce 0:1 acute dissatisfaction among Negro i medical men. educators and citizens' oi the Nation's Capital. The situation was particularly , onerous as far as the Gallinger sr .tation was concerned in view of; the fact that a la'ge majority o' ! the city's Negro patients, compri*- j ing 70 per cent of tin. institution ■; ward load were treated there. As was pointed out and condemn • j ed in the recent report on Wash- i ing*on conditions of the Pres, j dent's Civil Rights Committee, cx elusion of Negro physicians £roi . Gallinger seriously limited oppor i »unities for training oi Negro r. •iciaus. and prevented many ph r-icians from contlnuim. treat nun 1 of their patients once they wet hospitalized " As a result of the opening ! Continued m page eight EIGHT NAMED FOR JEFFERSON PRIZES BY CJ.IS NEW YORK CITY -- The Council Against Intolerance in America this week announced the names of eight winners of the Thomas Jefferson prizes tor the advancement of democracy during the past year, Jackie Robinson, the first of bis race to crash major league baseball. was the only Negro among those listed. Others in cluded: Public Service: lord Frick, Branch Rickey and Jackie Rob inson "for breaking the color harrier in American baseball." education: Archbishop Joseph ¥. Rdi«r <>> \.c. Utaia * £v, 1 ; fight against amt prevention of segregation in the parochial schools of his archdiocese.” Arts: Bill Maud in "ior his powerrui cartoons on be ha it of racial and religious equali ty." Labor: Phillip Murray: “fur esUbiikbin an effectively fur thering the. Committee to Abol ish Segregation in the CTO. Industry: Charles F.. Wilson, president of General Electric, "for his work as chairman of (tontinued on back page/ Wallace lor President Club Organized Here RALEIGH Thr nucleus of the Wallace-For-President. Club of R,i ieigh held its first meeting Frida night in the regional office of tht FTA (CIO*, with' Tinsky 1.. Sprag gin: of St. Augustine's College treasurer of the Progressive Parly of North Carolina and student o ! St. Aufustinc's College and Shaw University leading the discussion as to the possibility of ■rgciiiizin f . a club here The following poisons were elec!- -d lertifmftrily .ffieers William Dai-ity. Shaw, chairman; Miss Dell;. K. Parker. S' Augustine': score 'ary; Sylvester E Then pc. treastu or. and Walter R. Keyes Shaw. ;ii rector of publicity Others present include Mis V. Clarke St. Augustine's; Mir Janie Keyes Shaw; and Miss Eunice Tucker, regional office secretary j oi the FTA (CIO*. Next meeting will be held in the FTA office Friday night, February 2d. at fi:(Ki at which lime all civ:.- minded citizens are urged to be present NEA Reports Schools “Woefully Inadequate” Legal, political and professional developmen* this week marked the nation-wide storm of controversy over conditions in the nation's schools. At the legal end of the picture, the Unit'-n States Supreme Court, declined to issue an order for the immediate admittance of Mrs Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher to the University of Oklahoma Law. School, In an unassigned opinion tb s Court disagreed with the conten tion of Mrs. Fisher’s attorneys that the Oklahoma authorities bad disobeyed the Supreme Court ruling that she would have to b accorded opportunity for ‘an eequal education as soon as appli cants of any other group” Governors Act As a direct aftermath of the Supreme Court ruling. Governor - of a number of Southern state* moved ahead with their proposal tor the creation of regional col leges and universities for |hc two kkkkkk★kkk★★kkkk k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k THE CAROLINIAN YOU -ME XXVII, NO. Citizens Blast School Plan jr+kkkkkkkkk k k k k k k k k k k k U. S. School Needs ‘'Sham,etui” On lour ’ rK!Vr '" lL '-. * Wm ~ : % - Dr. Madeline ftoiK-herea.i. as sistant professor of Romance Languages at Fisk University, ufiovi is currently appearing throughout the country on an in ternational affairs program un der allspices of the East-West As sociation. HOSPITAL CITED FOR ITS AID TO COLORED MSS NEW YORK 1 AN Pi Sydenham hospital has added tour Negroes ou‘ of its lost five appoiniiYients to t. o j rtaff because there ;>ie few hos. {.it..!.. >\ ■ tf: gel '.•< opei ,-d -.•ancemcnt to the medical ’aft. Dr Peter Mai shall Mu ray oi ib-.; hospital staff told union leaders ia.v week He was speaking belore lime:.- eon .“roup a! the Rocscvr h hole! mi the Sydennam institute fcllo-- - • bin at whirl: W'.ban. H Dii-a Former chairman ol the War La tor hoard received a •fellows.lip" medal According • Lb Merr.iy. an •lavmti . hori pc of Negro special (Sts exi.As Oi 25. WW medical pec tnli-ts ir: ;h( nalion. less Ilian iOi »rc colored He said Sydenham w.. trying do what it could to h.-ic them. The shortage, the medical lead cr said, was caused by lack ol !raining facilities lor Negroes, no: j only in tht south, but in the west i middle west, and north too. j Os Sydenham's Interracial staff oi physicians. 30 are Nygroos. Dr ! Murray said (he Harlem institution could not train all Negro specialists It could not. he revealed, supply llu needs of the state ol New York <’Continued on pack page/ j races. Governor Cherry of North Cm olina became *ht tenth Governor to sign the unfit which is aimed at joint state financing of the schools which otherwise would be ! far beyond the financial ennabili | ties of any of the individual states | involved, | In this manner the state exeeu j trees hope to maintain the South's I tradition of --eparate schools for I the races while- still meeting the I Supreme Court mandate for fContinued r.n back page; KAUOIOII, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING, SATt RDAY. FERRI’ARY 21, i I*»> TRUMAN CALLS FOR NATIONAL HEALTH CONFAB WASHINGTON - T. e no- : e ili:’ll of the Pillion's fieaho. f.-'i-. pointed up re • men fount: uutit tor miiilaiy duty in ihc last wait .vill be Gis cussed et a national <:<-teronc•' e. May called 'ey iho Federal Sere. ,ty Administration in response a mandate from President Truman High on the agenda of the > m ferenct which aims at me setting o! rr.uona! health goal: for toe ova. ;rn years will be the i re: ■’. '• pro health educatic-n. nation:*' neafth insurance and Fedora. >uo* idles for medical , !,ui(:U!g. Oscar R. Ewing. Federal Reouzi i" Administration described "• Presidential order for the hold'. iif the- coni. rencc as 'me ol ' * ■ ■{os! important assignments eve: given m peace!ime to a Fcdcmm COMMITTER' NiIMK.P Admin i-strai Or Kevin,, ::lso n bounced thr /ppoinirtH -vt oi * 21 member executive comintu-c wiik.i vill sc! up «u-. panels !" ■iChi VV.ll. M.'-C.lo pin SC:: of l,’<. iicalth problo rndwrinc the foui day conlfirence expect'd to t« ai ended by more than 800 phys; i Con tinned on i/ack page! Negro U s imd T rantein Slain Near Mimieh MUNICH Grrnian;. 'ANIL Two unidentified Arne; 1 con Ncg. •mldiors and an unidentified Gc: man v-'iman were found dead re.,, Muniro i.tst week by two Uniter Slates constabulary trooper-. ib woman land been cut. and the mot shot ARMY COMMISSIONS ONLY NEGRO NURSE WASHINGTON—Find Lieutenant Nancy C. Leftenant, Amityville. New York, is the first Nejjrto lo be- accepted in the Regular Army Nurse Carps, the Army said today. She graduated from ihe Lincoln School of Nursing, New York City, in 1344. and was appointed second lieutenant. Reserve Army Nurse Corps on February 2 1H45. Lieutenant Leftenanl served a! Loveli General Hos pital, Fort Devens Massachusetts and Cushing General Hospital Framingham, Massachusetts, before receiving her present assignment at l.ockbevrne Air Base. Columbus. Truman To Visit Hastie; Negro Newsmen In Party jll Shaw Students Filed For Outstanding %m : k Eleven student.:; of Shaw Uni- : ! versity were cited for outstand-! I ing scholarship recently by A* | pha Kappa Mu National H<>ne- i I Society. Members continuing it oir, last ; I year include. Thelma Gumbs. j i Henderson, president; Gwendolyn ' Larkin. Raleigh, secretary; Van- j ■ zola Bond. Gate;;: John R Man j ; ley. Como; and James D. Ron- ; ! erts, Spandale. New members include. Doro | I thy Saunders Raleigh: Arlelha J jG White. Angier; Carolyn V. j Prunty. North Fork, West, Va : 1 i Laura A. Burnette. Me bane; Mary j iI. Cogdell, Fayetteville. Helen J j Harrison, Wilson: John C. Hairs -1 j (Continued on buck page Three-Hour Meeting Js Marked By Heated And Vi go ro us Discus si on s RALEICStT —Schcfiuic-ri pics-.' > ntal.i.jh o: i>lun; lor a sprrtii scnoi.i L'iX ]*“,v :•( -. r-loped ill": a flilt tJr-.! gv<i debar- i.\ - : i -'.- r icruioi ini qiiMiitu ■■ os .School Supc-crnl-md v nt <). •” -.nih I'-S'in mn .Vlon* 1 i.v night with mo-rrvi 1 s o' the N- ry • <: >•; >. - :!i:ni:li.e< .it "-■■■ Bh/oilworth St,-.el LWCA. The three hour meeting between Mr. Sanderson and mei.iixi.-: : :a. "lip's :-:io(hn:vi! i ' ' ■ o "a oted :i- - - ! l ,-.a''S : by the former and school needs charged by the hitter. While here was r.o disagree- ■men! or the need tor the propose'! 1 3-cent 'ax levy for increasing sr.i ari- . p ovitijrm sick ‘or icroh ! ;rs and incrcostnc pc 'sonm > ,st rone differences of opinion de velofS-ri on other !'x of m-. : ciiool i»: ograni. Pi ABOUT REPOSIT HIT The major poll: i disagree . . . Vl . ven . ctn;om)ia;.s din diseut- : .ion of plans .yet in the future* so. rai l"-, .r; ■u! rociMTiniC'. dut.onr of i The Peabody Report a school sw ! • v f• v i-econtly oon<.io<‘i6» '< •- 1 uncovi ■ [ :we iKne'-M's in the school In keeping with thoi-c -- d lion: Supt rin ten < i n! Senrietsom hits announced his define, coifei: red in by the Board o; Education. I to use the city's two existing vvr.iU; erecting a new building to serve us Ell conned ion with Washington : •eiiv s Ncj'To htjgh v chool cm* • .e«u pSans c&U lor »o ctKin of b,ymnasiuir. and th- pvovisK-n O* • he* facilities anneci a. more rus r i\ enabling p to m>. c* the need j ; -a uieh u is supposed * . serve. OriNISI 10l ATION The N vi" jpoUt sn'i. - wove vren extremely ci’Tlichl of Ibis , !-:d • ler propbSiii. eoritcudi iitof ’.h birilding i ro lociit'ti >...- h> provici • M>i ou> traffic ,mr! ticmih h.-z; :d They also charged tnal 'be p - j WASHINGTON 'AND - Ptc.-i- ' ' dent Truman will spend W.i.-.v-:. - I ton's birthday in tin Virgin island ias guest of Gov< r;\or William H Kastie. if his present plans are not | changed. Tee long -delayed (oui of the ! 1 Caribbean will begin next Friday i when th<. President will start or jin- 14-dav trip. He expects to have, i luncheon with Gov Jesus Pinc.c i I >t Puerto Rico on Saturday, Feo ! i 21. sailing for Si Thomas in the j i Virgin islands early Sunday morn | j mg. After having lunch with Gov j | flastie. he will be entertained War: ; reception at the government j house The president will in tun ; i 'rave a party aboard .m William:!- 1 ' burg for Gov. Hastie On the following day. he expect, j Ito sail to St Croix another of tin . j Virgin islands whore he will be i I guest 'o!' mother reception i.e.iving (Continued or* twicfc page; i -ciii location '* s*uni .tic.:. *—-* ln::cct .-f.rib'k 5 he- "iinse (>i ia» k k vicquatc street* ■ 'id ptioue tkanj ,ion Yv * ii’cli r. rial red it iv unsuited for community use. ‘ Member*, of the committee toM Mi. Sanderson that the location bounded by &. c.c\ v<ei 1 . ,v. iv.* Jr* u-acks vnv ihe proposed site ol a A- «uirc sgainsl the School S'Ui> r intense l )•; i.\s cln inis Un- central To eat; or. of thr ex is bog sfcool. a cor.-- iTjltttx; spol:..smar! pointed out thir it is si turned at the we,! 'end ot ihe iConuntied on bock page > TOiiyiy ! nmm av?. l* ptn *oitoi 1 80 v/ b.» 5 ADAM t FOWFLt Washington 'A.VPi -- Pr ■ vi,, Truman agair. snub-boa Flop. Adam Ci.:yt.on P-avOI Jr. by f<;i! ■ng to inviir him lb attend t l '-' . nnuai state- n- cop*.ion giv- n ::t the Whit<‘ Hi.jsc Tuo.vdriy' i.ignt The traditior.a! reception giv for imrnb:;': i the senate and hoii.-jv l turned out to bo sonn'v/bvl .if a ilmi as as numbers • concern., d. Or. ■ about one-half of tin- invited guest- turned up. making this Ire su'iallost -ifni. 1 1-f pi,"m h."id ■ ' ihe Whit- H >o, !h:s Winter. Re p. W:: ■ 1 ■ i... > i ws*>:' ai>o conspicuously absent. Me at tiibuted his absence to the favi that a receni ueAth in his wife s larrii’iy hfid pr.'wntt'd them from .■ccen'ini; any -aiguil V.-ti e: lately. It is said ti >t not enough rli (niUicaris shaweti up to nr-ake a quorum and dal tht Democrais stayed away cm masse. Because- oi 'he recent cont'-e Vvrsy wilbut the ranks of f h e Dentocratif oarty. il is believed ibat the Dernoi. a's stayed aw: ; Irom tin Whi'v House 1 eceplio. (etitinurri an pace eis,'i>! Wallace Committees Organized In 12 St ales NEW YORK Twelve state Wallace loi President Committees have now been established' with organising committes at work m fourteen others, Elmer A. Ben son, chairman of the National Wallace -For-PrcstdeiH Committee announced Tuesday. State-wide commit tes ar< now established in Connecticut. Indi ana, Maryland, Massachusetts Michigan. Missouri, New Jersey. Penagyh ania. Ohio, North Caro lina, Oklahoma and Louisian,-., and organizing committees are in formation in Colorado. Delaware Florida. Gi-orgir., Kansas, Maine. Nebraska. New York. Oregon. Rhode Island. Tex us, Virginia and West Virginia, \nol!irr Tirst y .■ I:: civ.-'t f/L J’-f-tpr.-d :ibi>v- vs IW’ss Juanita Teuy o, j,<«s \iisvclc* >'n.ii omn,. was ret-, ntlj apt) -aits-d wt-re-tary by Congresswoman ii. lon tiaha* stars iIV, ('al!i... Miss Terry is tin nr--i \(-tm in hold ihc posninr. ~f secret u>. for a white reprexui taSive in tin- nation's capital. Regional University Plan TRPTMFMT ffC • 71 Lr * t « *J* V f*: i\ t ; f** L %{• \ ", fM ! Iliy-Jlii Sit; I'< L* **T Tjr y * *> $ ii, pof i -w. i% f* O Itof 5 i»ii NEW YORK, N. Y.- -After ve i eeiving an irony,-nous U !c: on i behalf oi 300 imputes of a Texas ! n (’Wisp, tin No : 1 om.l Asocijtooi to,; the Aci i-aneene re -.; ; Jotvd People h u protested to the Governor of {ha Sta’e . ; T' x‘i- .-..gainst s he- iru-id . equate facilities arid Tfc<- abuse oi the prisoners in the camp. Tin- letter from the anonymous inmate read, in part. "There is 1 no one we can go to and Tel! our troubles without, being beat t r and kicked oke w are does— j not even a doc tor. Wo w< have ( t to be beaten arci run hire cattle merely bee-t us ’ w«- are in prison" ! ( Do we hat'; to he worked in the ' 'Continued on rwet page > BOSTON SCHOOLS 5»? RACE BIAS i I BOSTON ' ANP> - Represent;- j j lives of four collides of greatet J | Boston itiis week denied the charges • jf a Negro court officer. John Lane j . that they had domed admission to | jibs daughter, an honor graduate. j Tiu schools are Boston Univer- J • -iiy, ■Radriiffe. .Simmon:-- and Jack ; I on College. They caint to tht-u i | nvvi defense after Lime told a let!- j ! irloti'. f < intmittee of the alleged , j iias in iei.iimony tavoi rig a pro : I posed hill creating a medal cottt | iniMee to .investigate a 1 lewd di« j i-itTiiti uioti in Massachusetts non | xiuriati colleges. ! Mrs. Leonard Cronkhitf. dean of j j hie Uadi'll he gr-iduate school said* J hot school .1 id net even ask fjues-j ! liens about nice creed or eolor j f '‘Tee :>■ esUh in of <(ur senior class ! ; is a colored girt*' rtu said. Spokesmen for each of the other ] - ■vli. cds .-seo their institutions had : | large number.-: of coloi ed students. | i Lane said Simmons fimUy artmii- { i led hi.s dsughtei although she Had • ! been rejected once. She aUendect j i {Toward University three years, he j jadded. i Death Ends Career Os Noted Chicago Physician S. C. DEMOCRATS TO ASK ROLE ON RACE SUFFRAGE COLUMBIA. S C. IA NP i Uu ■ d.dinted by the refusal of the fourth circuit court of appeals tc •train :> rehearing i.t thr. legal strug -ic ov" Federal District Judge J Waites Wai ing's decision bolding that Negiiits are entitled to pnrti cipji l.e in primtiry elections. South Car.’iitia Democratic part.’- leader* ate planning to take me malic, p,- \viih the u A. Supreme Court, -.'.a,- (iisciiofcd here last week. At.t> Christie Bend, counsel for ii-» Democratic party, said that I! " st.;pr*'-tnc court would be asked tor a writ of cert Him Vi and also a stay holdu-.g lb, cr,.’- in status quo unti' the court could band down a rul in'-- The parly has 30 days to seek the wvit but Btnet Indicated t.-iat tltey fell the matter was one writ-, '■Mould I- pre.s-.-ea the earliest -ible decision. The- V. S. fourth ~ ire.nit coin I de -11 i'. 1 1 ir. C pC ! {lO •’ i i C'V ; <f i\ it. A I '! n g 0} 'I iho (*!mtcnlion "tlH’* ooliticn* • I V'r-A.l ,j .. \ ll'i .DC uV;C•: aC<ili O s 1 Ol -('• ‘Couiinuod o;.ck page.» PLE'i: 7c Tiown Ordered To Allow Race Use Os Swim Pool CHARLESTON, W, Va.—. Ruling that denial at use to all citi zens of municipal facilities is s deprivation of Constitutional rights, Judge Ben Moore of Federal court this week ordered the town of Montgomery, W. V tc permit Negroes to use the town's swimming pool any lime it. is open or to provide them with ■au?i facilities. Judge Moore's deci-d ‘grew *' f a *u*i brought ’>y Paul Lawrence and ether iv^.ulyc-iftexy c.;.-s;Aea *no ha*s * «»n denied use of the pool last summer, The town, which has a population of about 3.000, had financed the pool through a public bond issue. The Federal Court Judge issued an injunction restraining the town from barring Lawrence or other colored Montgomery resi dents from the pool. New Yw k. >*. Y. Declaring .; the NAACP unalterably opposed ; to the establishment of segregat- i :ed regional colleges the Board ; of Directors c.i the National As- j > social ion for the Advancement of • ' Colored People passed toe ioliow ; ;ng resolution at its meeting on j February to ■WHEREAS, t h t- Southtv n j Governors' Conference, m a move : ito circumvent .ecent decisions of | the the United States Supi-eirr ] : Court, hokling that time provide • the same educational opportune I ■ties for Negroes, nave adopted a j plan a’ set up regional colleges j on a segregated basis; -‘WHEREAS, ii such a plan be ! comes a reality Ik immediati >e i ' salt, wiil Ik- the beginning of a j new pattern of segregation which i in effect will perpetuate the sep arate bui equal educational myth and destroy all present gains o' , intercultuial understanding ml education; and •WHEREAS, it is the polity . : | , 1 hi.s Association to condemn seg- j : l egation in any form; I -NOW THEREFORE.* be it re j ; solved that til'- NAACP is unal- i , lerably opposed to the passage oi j | any legislation, state or federal, i 'designed to authorize any state! |to join with, appropriate funds I j for or officially associate w->lh J •my -natt.- or groups of states for j : the purpose el establishing re- j ; giuiial colleges designed to sop- ! j arate the races in educational op- I Contimml on page right Racial Bias Charged To Pennsylvania Railroad NEW YORK. N Y.- -Charging - that the delay of the State Com ■ mission Against Discrimination seriously damaging the rights . of Negro workers of the Penn- ■ sylvania Railroad who hud filed a complaint with the Comm is - \ sion in June, 1946, the NAACP I urged SCAD to make a deter- , mi nation as to whether the No j ".re worker-, have “probate'-• j cause” for then- charges of ra- j rial discrixnination The i-ise fib-4 before the Com - mission involves the use of su per-seniority rights; for rci rd'v i hired white veterans to place , them in the grade of mechanic ; with greater seniority than Nc- j gro workers of long standing who i had not been promoted to the < CHICAGO More than four de« ....ik" f medical rod ■! servlet’ i u) his iitrople and the nation were ' ended suddenly 1 ■ i>i Midian O : Rousth Id Monday, when the pmm- Mu n' civic and medical leader tied jut Ins home of a heart attack Tim RS-ycar-old physician's career j was marked by outstanding service i Mti munv i'iHis professional city j state and national boat ns, and com j missions as well as a tour of duty wn i tlv Arm.' I the United State? io. which he received the Lefcion i of Merit \ r .-ident of Chicago since 1.111 jhe was . i former member of the Ci.u'iu’o Board::, or. Health and Education Chicaa.i: ai.d National Urban I .(-ague. Prt.-vidc.nt Hospital : and VMCA Boards and an acadcm j ic fcDow of the InsUtule "f M.’ii i cine in Chicago. MEMBEB OI PRESIDENT'S COMMISSION Ott the national scene lie was a j member of advisory committees to i more than thirty nation'll. state and j local bi'ihc: devoted to he.uth j nousing, and social work its gvn j oral 1 Simr'l.v hes >re World vVar <1 hr I was .pp.notcb by Preside .' Tense : volt to the planning committee on ; the White Hous< Conference on i Clutch <•:; in t Democracy. In this ; performed out-landing •. rv ,i* as a mentor:! oi the sub b’ai.ips or Children in Racial asc Ethnic. 1 Minorities and Public (Continued on back page! HOMAGE TO By JACOB Y. BROWNE Monrovia. Liberia (A-NP) !i. -ivi-mmcnt officials led by Pres j idem W Y. S. Tubman, members |ol the dip tome tic and consular j corps, Liberians and Americans land citizens of other countries ! residing ir; this land, gathered in | Trinity Pro-Cathedral here Jan. 30 to pay homage to the mem on and life -if the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the ! ii. s. | The services, held on the birth i;,\ of the late President, was j sponsored by 1?. O'Hara Lamer, ! American minister to Liberia. Bishop Bravid W. Harris of the i Methodist Episcopal church, led ; the services m the cathedral, j which was artistically decorated | with palm:- and the Stars and Stripes hanging alongside the Lone Star. | Reviewing the career of Pres ident Roosevelt, President Tub | man declared: “I believe that he j was more than a Democrat by I party fealty. I believe that if by Continued on pain- right grade oi tnectefenic prior to thr ' wai because of racial discrimi i ncuon by the company and the . union. In a let to.- to Col. Charles Car side, Chairman of the Commis sion. the NAACP attorneys stat ' ed: Wc can think of no reason ; why it should take more than j eighteen -months to make a de termination as to whethci or not the complainants have probable cause for their charges of racial discrimination against the Penn igvjv.mia Railroad. The failure of the commission to make any find ing on this sisue is seriously dam ; aging to the complain an is’ ant- S ployment status since under the (Conlintied on back pag«*>

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