PAGE TWO 1 1 RTIf S j.,Birth certificate*!; tar babies borr rfi t!i‘ following coupi*. were reg i.lijed in Ihe office of the Wok a kjuuty He*jib Department durii , liC 1 pct fc : t xv(‘ck: Rufus H. .Jones and Mrs. F.nn () .rtun .Tones. Apex. If out e 1 > • enl. Jaccjui line Ho.a a. January 4. Will'.in': Roberson and Mrs. S.d fie price Kobe.!'son. Holly Spring.? daughter. who was not, January 27. Moses Vick, and Mrs. Evt i line Merys Vicks, Route 2. Zebulon, a sal, Moselle. Dec* mliet 27. A'.'Unit Jones and Mrs. Quee.i '.Vilkeiw i Joins. Route 1. Zebulon, a c!au Jt; r. Joyce. Jnrttlrry 11. Ernest H. i.eak and Mrs. Adda' Fields I. ok. Route- 2. Raleigh. '• idij. Daniel Ernest January 9- James Coefield and Mrs Marie Bdakrr Co;.field I-I -ily springs. : a , dang!her, who was not man , January 30. Joseph Wilson and Mrs. Luci!' ■ Clay Wilson. Apex, a daughter, art.-, phlnc January 2!i. Jam; ■■ Sylvester Hnirington and! Mrs. Fle-ri no H>untei Harrington Apex. Rente 3. a son. William Oh- January 28. Hugh Bullock and Mrs Ruby Mi t. in Bullock, a son. Algernon .iunuruy 29. Chmmon Garner and Mrs. Et- j lit Benders Garner, Route 1 Willow : .wirings, a baby son. Bobby OF n. January 27. •\lph Bunch and Mrs. Ruth Bunch. Route 5. Raleigh, a son. 1,-.- ,oy, January 5. Patrick House and Mrs Louis. Frizzell Rouse Route I. Monisvilln. . daughter. Gcaldiite January '7 Ru-S' 11 Coffin and Mrs. lot/ Lyon Coffin Route 1. Morrisvi’Je, a son, Edgar Lee. January 20. CARRIAGES Is! reuse to marry wo issued <w> inn pics during , . past woe! yCCordii,:; ot records of I-Umier i-J • irgfon. Wake County legist r -n dc.ds They ore Leroy Avery < Route 1 Garner, and Yi-ss Edn. i Ke.. ;; v Louisbui-a v . we rc i.vucd license o.i February 7 and B.vnuin Crews Jr. 1802 is. [4lh Street. Winsio.i-.Stitent, an i Miss F.ielvn \V. Wright, Frank!.n ton. February 54. Legal Notices vxn-i ntix noth t: NORTH CAROI-INA WAKE COUNTY FAYING qualified ;,s Kseculi i • oJ ..■ } 1 1 - of PnL . W How, f< c iM'd. laic Os W. i.c Count;. N :r.h Carolina. V - is ‘o notify hi prr«ons having claim- against ik Ksi.rie of said decease- to < xr.ib.t them *•> the digued at' IJ r-.-adev St of Ral--rh’ N. I <rn Mr Li fore te* j7l h cay < t February. 1549. nr this m-tiec will be plt-adi in ear of lheir rcrov* y Ail pt r sons indebted to the Estate wilt pl-. ase tnaki immediate payment This, nth' day o, Fec-niary i<l4" CARRIE R DAWSON Kxce ut i ix F J. CARNAGE Atte'.-iny r’i : 21 26-Alarch !> 13. 20 27 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE HAYING QUALIFIED Km cuti o of the p.-iute of Ada I . v Smith, decease**-;. late of W; O -only. North Carolina, this ?■- to noi>'\ all persons bavin.; claims against the Estate of said r;ece.-,red to tex'-ribi* their to th undn .signed at 6 North Tar bn > Street. Raleigh. North Carolina, oh or before the 6th day of Feb ruary. 1-943. or this notice will be pleads a ;n bar of their recov ery. All p. : ms indebted t:> the 33kta ic will please make immedi ate payment. Th;' ! Ith day of Fobruat. 1945 Ulysses S. Rogers, Executor F J Carnage. Attorney j 1 --luory 14. 2). 22: March 8, 13, t ? >MI Vis TR A TRIX \ OTIC F; Levin;; qualified as executrix - i the estate of Bi -;-t. E. William. - ."’ceased late of Wake County, N C.. this is to notify .-ill persons h,;\ mg claims ayams, the estate of sai l deceased to exhir; them to Ell rSbeth W. Johnson. 1303 West Third Street Greenville. N. C on or be fore Ur: 24th day of January. UK-; or this notice will be pleaded m bar of their recover;. ATI person.- -sdebted to trie estate will pleat. ’ make immediate payment. This 24th dav of J; nuary 1543 ELIZABETH TV. JOHNSON. Administratrix Jen, 31-Feb. 7, 14 21. 28- March 6. AoivrrvisT* \tivf. notice NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY HAVING QUA I,i FLED ;>s Ad ministrstor C. T A.. r> B N. of tin Estate of Maggie .Hiniurt Brinkley, deeosed lute of w-ki- Count,. North Carolina this is to notify all persons having claims agninal the Ertrtfc of raid deceased to exit'd.-. tHorn to the ui)ders.;;*nodl at 115 1-2 East Hargett Stroc: HBlcinh. • No; fii; Carolina, on oi before the 301 h da;- 1 of December. 1948. i>- this noln-t; will toe ptetided in bar of t telr ,e --"overy All persons indebted to ih Estate will please make immedi;. c payment. This I'ith Hwy of .Tamssirv. !943 F. J. CARNAGE. Admin Lira to, C. T. A , D. B. N. Jan. 24. 31 -Feb. 7. 14. 21. 23. ■iwilMMMMMStolteMMiMm • Williams Efeitricai Service ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone S-3560 1202 E. Martin St. B, E. WILLIAMS, Prop, fnNfßmnffiUtffcL»t*.v ' e .s*r 1. 1 ,*uu I'tiHrti iukt.««as3*S ytm news After being tlehi'ed for rnm ■ t 3i;jn a week by inclement wetnhe. 1 the “V" Membership Drive was n ; sunied At the meeting hud M.-«i:• day nigh< it wus revealed th; i toir ktekers are making excellent pro : gross toward the uoal which is "0-i Ateml'.i vs. Are you t) Member of In YWCA? If you art. . ;:»e\v .war mcmbersliip If you art nut. Now , the time to 1- come a membe •• Ru •nembi r, you nccu the ‘Y Tin Y itc, d;- you. t OMMITTKI'. OF MANACEMFNT The Committee of Man aye me!'. 1 met Monday niyht at trie 'Y" wi' 1 : Mr-, t. F. I’e.-Tin, pro siding. Plans write made for tiv d dtefttioh of the YWCA buildtn Mry. Noia Lockhart was nant d eh lirmnn of the I)ed:e:ii am t’t o ytam Comraitrr-. After ti e busme • meetiug, Mrs, Perrin cntcrtaiiidl i the group in the tivinc room with i vi rv o Jicious supper. The Veil - ■ sine mo" if was predominant. The meeting was climaxed b; an impre sue installation service ted by ,\h D. M Jarulgan. The oifictrs were as follow: Mrs. L. t' i’errin. cha. • man: Miss M. E. Li con, first vice pasident: Mrs M R McCauie,.. .-ccond vice president; Mrs. Vv. B. inburden, secretary; Mrs. Bertha butler, assistant secretary: Mrs. Nora Lockhart, treasurer. Vl.tN PARTY On Saturday nlte the Washington Hl-Y Terr.- entertained at a vc icnutiful ValentitH Party at tha YWCA. Red end while pap* i caufh! up by bows and hear*: dev orated til; game r am and ; ’- i.'-rs. The couples danced to swee :. corded music. The playing of va flows games added to the lifct-viu.-s of the ev.ning. TheY-Tcens In then p.otty dresses were charming hu. - ,'ii-ry The group was, enaprr n:.-c by Miss Mae E. Ligort and Mir.. 3 E. Hiegs. nv n ? n shower The \ \V Craa. spe-nsu. ed a •Lower ; v Mrs RiPh 1- Davii.po. I •.• bride .o.d Mrs-. Ruby stroud forme. Executive Diixn.."' f il i YWCA Tit - fcir e rtceivt :< \ arrel filled with t.s.fnl kitchc . A.t.db.. Nil's Stroud rc reived hand kcichieiY Both iv.cuio. - were d. i t;i> fnJjv surpi ised A buffet supper was served Ti. table was b«-,utiiul wtih a ce.ite. piece of red and white carnation.- The Valvit; me Color itv tis procti v mated. Gamrs c’imnxt.n the eve - li.u. Mi: - Sadie Cooper \\ "pocket book" contained 5Q arti i.-lcs wot. the eraud t.‘’ize whic... v’.'is ‘i flower bowl. IWAUbsK Fl-\KR\LS Funeral services ioi Alcxand.-; Tmtier wh died Febluarv 5 w.. • tr-id at ! y. .R-,, r! SiJms at i « Momi,r. ,- fieinoon ! las* wr-r-k .. . followed by interment in the loc. ’. cf-mclery. Mi. Tinner d.ed u. Baltunor. Md.. and was brought his hoi , m Sebru: for fun*ral and burial. Fin,.! rites te: .Mis- Dorothy Be. nrit -1 RaUdgh. Route 2. who die . • n Fel.oi: ry ti. v erc eoi.itwcn.. -.:• m :nc springl.oi : B:rp: st Chine . 1 Auuuai at 3:00 Monday r.i i.. • week and foli-owe*! by in;.- rm»i ;- tin church cc-rtieie; y with tn- Ft\ M. \V. Willi; ms. pastor of th . hurch, , iiiciatmg. Funeral s.iw.e f>. Mias Mas McCoy who died S..TuiPay. Feb... ut y 0, h id a* t, i .;ncn!nvt,,e Church m Wake County Mono- . f last week and ftillowed by inlet n, it* in the church c; vet I inal rites tor Joe waiver died Suiurday. Kei'i-.i.vy 6 w: C'lnduc'.i'd from the H. 'eigh Fuu ral Home Chapel on Monday vs; week and full owed by in'ei - ment in the Zebuion cemetery S. (.. (»ets Chaplain COLUMBIA. S C. i ANP- Cl:.”; slain Georg* W Williams is ihe fi-st cbllored chip.Jnir, to be assigned to the Vet van’s admin. : rattan hospital here. He was th. >nly colored officer i ; tht 82 at>- P-'int; d. appointed i'rofn thi- state in the regular army. H; is a gn :.- ustc o; Claflin College and Gam man Yhpi'dogici/I ;:c.nii,iaj-y Hr: serv e.i with a lank rcuiment unde Go:. Patton. He is a Methodist «mM$ » „ .. vleigh’s Newest and Mast Modem Cleaners Mac’s Master Cleaners j BEN F McCLAMROCH, Jr, Mgx. 122 South Blount St. Phone 3-5492 f We Pick-Up and Deliver jlEjcoepi on# be ban* 8f . ho canisot see j j||^ 24-HOUR SERVICE m Ka ST CABARKUS ST. C. A. HAYWOOD. Owner I Maple Temple (iiureh ! ' Regular service was held at thi Maple Tempi** Christian Church Sunday. Due io the Condition the \\ oather no services were held or : the previous Sunday. Sunday school wax well attend 1 cd and enjoy**.'! by .'ill present. Fblluwtng Sunday school Fie morning services began with th ■ ! Senior Choi; rendering the music Due tu the illn of uur parlor, I the liev. O U Burson, tin* r.ov iv*.on was dcliv feel by the Rev. Shipman u£ Shew University. As ! tr-i* the sermon Mrs Lessie Dun st on sang 1 beautiful sola, "I’d Rather Have .ft su.s. The Home Mlast:.*n Society me-; at 8:00 p.m. with Mrs Lcr.-cdu Dunslon presiding due to the ill tte.-,s of the president. This w,. followed by the evening serve.- with the seniot choir again ren dering the music and the Rev. Shipman delivering the- sermon, We were happy to have many ‘guests present during the dac among whom were the Rev. and Mis. E. Hendrix and Mortis High of Zebulon. The Woman's Club met at the home of Mrs. Hattie Perry of 027 >S Church Street Monday night ;.l 8:00 with Mrs. S. Gregory, vice president, presiding in the first meeting el the year. Follow mg the business session, a repast was served by Mrs. Pen* and daughter. Miss Lizzie Mae Perry. Next meeting w;!! b* held ~t ti home of Mr Pei nice Hinton. 304 Carver Street, v hen all member-', art urgently requested to be present. On our iist arc Mr.-.. S. Williams. Mrs. KsieUa Pulle; . Mrs. Julia Lc. Junes and Mi:. Rosa Penny. The Raleigh Safviy tour w-l? lender sc-rvices at the church on tiu fifth Sund. v foi the ’*x*ne ! ':". f f the ehureii Members o: .lapit Temple t-x tend their sympathy to the frur.- >:> of the late ivi.s. Amut Tisdeii i t B**2 E. Da*. I'. Street who died o Si. Agnes Hospital Sunday Mr and Mr-. George Hinton of 422 S. Hay wo-, i Street left Sun nay afternoon *.<*: Durham due the death of Mr Hinton's broihtr.. Robert Leon Sapp celebrate d his first birthday mi Fehrurrv 11 a. his home at 420 1 2 S. Haywood Street. He is the son of Mr. ana Mrs Frank Sapp. Sr. Both men md women will be present to p..;: rirs,". ;n the r ;• vices rendered by -thy Safety Club at the Maple Temple no, ■ on Si, id ay, :■ >bruary 2b. The services ' ;e toe held between 3:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon. v. Inilia''v| Into AKM Sororiu at N, (. Ciollc^c c DURHAM - K ;hi honor stu- Gr'-I wot Snit; -,d into Hupp. G mo a chapter o. A’i-ha Ka;y, 1 • Is- hone- ‘octet; at a C. Col’,.:* Ur wo k. acvrrdutg to an an <ite"n.*emt m from i> \y E F :*.• i ■Si r.. English rcpaj-iftt. nt head. a!.,, .dvi or *.f the s"*xdo'.;.* Rossro* Uru. !-i of 1 1 e nr! - .. , idoWL and Alone Coley of Cre. J nil-. is ri-cr*.tury-treasurv Ttio otr.*r 'members arc Co; n Bridloy. Si ivi r of I'hiiadetj;ii;a. pa. Tw-: ndeiyn Browulet. .* * nior C, anden S. C , Oscar J ncs. jurie ■ : Lexington. V . Duri.s .VU-Lr- r junior, os Now Yo-k \ Y Kn.u . Thompson, junior oi Newark, N j. m.u M« ble !■ Whiter:;-;.d, 50,,:.; .-. VYiison. I ibrar\ Txliibit Held Vi V, (college Librai \ DU R.I Ay- - T: e SC -. ooi of hbi ty sciin-re at th; North Carol.n., Cell-, g; displayed lav. week a sfcf - i;f exhibits as a p;in oi : , ,r>- v. v...•;*•*> <*! N tiomi Nr. ro H : S*i VV* k in the 1. ; of die , > ic."* library daily i'-om 2 -c *j j.. ir Th-r project was in charge oi ~n. Anna McAden Jonnson’s class children's literatur.- an : fared around the ".heme of it r* week Tar Whole Truit* and N 0,.: mg but the Truth.’ - The di-•- . ere enhthxl" T> Negro In Yu::.. Th. Negro in poeiry. Th*- a., a. Athlete. Negio W'lmei; Tiv r sn 1 Now The N*:g*"o in iviste. - T>; Non in Sc-cnce. and Th X; an Drama Tim C.AKOUNTAN SIGMA NATIONAL BOARD TO MEET IN RICHMOND, VA. Richmond (AGP)—-Tin: natio r 1 al hoard of Phi But,- Sigma. Inc., held its first meeting of the year in the assembly room of the Sla iahti’l’ hole! !a-t week wit:, iota Sigma and Lambda chapters as hosts. Thu group made plans !■ con flin t national > ssay contt-si.- rmong high school .seniors with j scholarships on the state, region al and notional level. In its social action program th fraternity will participate with the non-partisan lobby now hi-.* . conducted by Greek letter organ’ohs in W.tslungton A youth program will be test, tut i i in conoc at ion with Jitnio. Achievement. Inc. Unde*" thi:-" prog: am young people mtero:!*.*,; m business w '1 be u-gonized c compani -to gar, pjaetical Un Judge of Am-- van fie*- enter prise with emphasis on sides ntanshio. tm-i kandi.u and man agerhbnl. J'lif* i.oatd cUcidcd that the fra terhity’s national meeting \\ i’i be field in split m;.sum Aug 1! !4 in L-.p Angelo; witii Phi Ret ; Sigma rib Ah ; - i --lac iliap It: •• as it-. ,st.j New ciiapu-t - wen .tmhonz <1 ut Benedict co!h g . Columbia. S C : shr- vc -port La.. Tuskegcv instiiu,. : Broib lyn , ~'i, and beat'll co'leve. Washington. Or. R O J . r m mnional p.esident. W : r a". : . p’v--d i Other nata.nul -. ‘filers pta an; w ore P; . Pdix B.v.wn. vic-a pri -■> dent. Richmond. Dr Gcorcv W Hightow* i". treasure!-, Atlanta' Lymvoi.ri Brown. ; xt.uuiw sc retary, Richmond: J.tinis C. Thomas, juiti--. vivo p: csldet-r Finance or Borrow j On Your Car j through ihe DILLON mm FINANCE CO. 122 E, Davie Street Phone 3 3231 RADIOS Appliances Household wim W&r RANGES Hot Water Heaters Expert Repair Work On Ail Radios And Household Appliances HfIYES-JACKSOM tU.YA'f i i;;;> k. ii.\roett street tix 3-5031 i - r , nfr .„., n - rlr^^— , »i ; ; _ "_; i Easy Terms ] Auto Tires * Batteries - Radios j Bicycles - Honie Radios - Appliances SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS Terms As, Low As $1.25 Per Week ■r 322 S. Salisbury St. Phone 3-3831 Behind The Courihonass i .... Jr'- ''£&%&&?*' \ aMRiCAHjQN. j: ( EXPRESS \|l; I TRAVELER V*C||MA 1 ’ 1 j CHEQUES ® fe*t » treat- risk to carry cash on. a trip. An unnecessary rids, ■ «00, because we can tarn year travel fund* into America* I 1 bpwt Thuveler* Cheques—fpendable any where, safe every* 1 8 where. If these cheques ■: e lost or stolen, you receive # prompt I 8 ffefccd. ,i' Tbe/te more convenient than personal checks, because I 8 »* Identification is required except your signature. Denoad- 8 i 8 nation* of $lO, S2O, SSO and sloo for only 75* per SIOO 8 1 laiiahnaja charge. <%Qt)*"*e* on sale at dm bunk* | 4" Mechanics i Farmers Bank DURHAM-RALEIGH ; Member Federal Deposit Corp. (iensiis lu port Shows Iriconii Differential Vlong luicial Linos WASHINGTON iANPi The ! median Income' for toon-white lami , j lies was t;>r b*l')w that cf tee whil* i j.-upulgtion aceordiug to facts rc- 1 willed in the cu'-rmt noouiatiu-; \ .p,i’ U oa censumer v-.conic ior 1948 just rcleus d by the U S Be-, i;au of the Census for the nation a- <i whole tn<* I ■ median income i- S2.CO’.S for in dividu.-dr ,nct [amine . $2.74! tan white- on! only sLf>fl2 for non-' :iirs t-'amily incori-i- medians ;■ S,..f)7ii for tie nation. $3,094 (or wliif . ;aid si.J3t ior non-whites. ; Tor toi ii families and individual non-whit's in the north centra.' l -lutes corn the mou, a median o'.' : 4?.039. ,nd in the south they ear” the I a st. a SLUR! median The me,!- tun lor th; in.ii tn--, *1 is $1,773. ana I west SI .970. Family incomes in die .vest an' highest for non-while. s2.(.i,iJ. I• . lowest :n th: sout'i. $1,527 T.i' r> : the.-v-: rn ntedi -n k $2,220, ar.d Hi'.- north certral. $2.271. .Ml s F.ffie Doiu'd'i? of ti 15 Solid: McDowell Street, let* die city Wed ri'.'-day morning to attend Inc wcu dhi: .d tv-; sister, Pauline, of New pott Ne ws Virginia. (Chicago. D; S. Edward Gilbert. Directoi hv:e.; and Be tier Bu.siness, St. Lam- Hr-:;-., v Juimnon II i - uet-ir education. Chicago; George Parker, di-t.-atdr social action, hi.-sgt.-.n. WlLi.un L D . . . . n.b e..s';- ;• region. Brnc-kly n: J. ' 1 1mi Y,-k-. 11. se;-?l east ~ giona! direct u. Sumter. S. C. 1. I .Vcwneor. southern r<- gicn-d director. Jacksonville, Fi„ . ■ A Jesse O. Walker, national ■! Be:;-! Ncroerrpric;. Washington UNOF BROANSZES ALUMNI COim RAtifclGH Kopresentutu ' A'umni of ten o| vn 33 membi 1 colleges of the. 1 United Col lege Fund, assembled ul i FelluvG ship Dinin'" Mu Ury Friday nigh 1 I and organized the R-deixit lute Alumni Council of the UNCF. The following whoon were re; Invent; i: Knoxville Cm It ee. Hantp ! ten Institute, Spehnan diet; .V; Union, Howard. ,1. C. Smith. Shav j University. Moro.iou? College. | Lincoln, add Benedict. Officers elected were: Mr. M. h | Crock, tt, 11; nipton, president: M ■ [Kora E. Lockhart, vice president; : M's' Jcaneltn Hicks. Sprlm ui. sec , rotary; Mr G. E CbeeiL Shaw Utn j vti'.- ity. roc: rdnig seer*, 'ary; Alter rtey F. .T. Carnage, H« ward, trc-.t mvr. j A similar croup met in Durham ' the IWno of Mrs Doroti.y *? Manley and organised tin: Durban, fnler-Aliurm Council Sunday evt ! uii St nodi? represented wa< ; Hampton Instiiuto, Shaw Uniw : shy, Moi ehouse Collet.c Spclmtw | Co] ip or. Livingstone College, Fi.-k I University. Tuskeqoc Institute, | Knoxville College. f ‘(terrs eie .'tod tor 'he Durham ; Council were; Dr. J N. Mills. Shaw ; i'i-'h ■ p: si.ami: ; ir K K , ; ;. Iryont. Hampton, vice presidem. | Ur- Roy N. Moore. bpehnao, »ee ! *’i'iy. Mrs. Dorothy s Marie I Fisk, treasurer Marshal! To Speak SAN r FRANCISCO, CM if. - ! Thurpood Marshall, XAACP chief counsel, will address the dosing s oi Wcy" CoOSt R. gj > a Confererart* v, inch, will meet in • Los Angeles March 5-0-7. for SANDING REFIMSIIING | AMD POLISHING FLOORS j r t* '■ mi h -* ' "1 Mm HALLIE CHAVIS "The Moorman' 309 S. East St. Oia! 3-312© Raleigh. N. ( . Hunters Wood Van! WHOLESALE - RETAIL Cal* Jesse "JlTCHmiler 1 i WHY WORRY | vv-try About, en: you are weli. j j :>r you me sick If yen are well j | then there is nothing to wottj I i about, Bu: if you ore sick, there I I ire two things to tvo: rv a- i.out I | Either you veil! get w:.31, or you I l will die If you get well there is I ! nothing 1o worrv about. If you j J- die there art; uni two thlnyr- to ! worry about, fitly :• you will gi. j to heaven or Ivll. if you go te | Heaven, there is r<-thing to vror- I ■ ry about, out jf you *;o to bell. you w;ll be busy shaking | hands with friend:-, you won’t ! have lime to worry. 788 U MARTIN ST. TEL. f>593 i VKf-iDF SHOE SKSNt I AMrUfL PARLOR ARCADE BLDG. JAMES "Hip'* MASSEY Prop. wwimiwift, CAPITAL CAR CXX f M boos nmwzr hgfif] ! * uffi- j / i 11 OiAJL »137 j' •Mcmim/tm,!*. -> ■g»wisw^<wnißi3rwwiiii)»»<wWßroe6Mil»aiWwnwiwwi«tiwaaiwaiiW'«* g | WAKE j | SALVAGE CO. |i I Wo Buy nm<t Sell Evwryt&iag 11 of V»Ju# I FURNTTUBE STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS ~~ R ADIOS 33? S. Wilmington St Phcm* 2-2327 j Complete : Home I I ) ——‘h | ! i Furnishers f^pTTT^I We can furnish any room in | your home from the living J room to the kitchen. See us j first. W. E. COOPER FURNITURE CO, 121 EL Martha Si. I WEEK ENDING, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 194*3 33 Veterans Taking r> .Special Courses At j Clinton School CLINTON If C. Sipe, superb i tendon) of Clinton "cho As this wi; 1 . i mncunced that 3:-. vmsrons iiav ' :m'cil:d in special treiriii;; course c-'.-'tehiirhcd ai the Sampron Counly i J'vfimh'ig Srhoo! tbrouim coop .-n ion with the Vctc-un.- Admini-i 'a : lion. The com :;es con-i -t of brick nni • 1 notify. shop niaihematic? and : j. ,-i ' . ne.-s En.gli: ii. Three hotn-s daily are •pen' in practical and thy or., tier) • maronr.v instruction. \V H Wat-on, priinepal of lit • Sanin.'C!) t ’i■■ miy :i u )ln .• y, ; -h, its serving as supe. visor and <-:ot j dinaior of ih- euur. r which is i | taught by Marion Moore Th, noted ruffo- -an, Dr. t. arlci 1 Cl. Woodson, \-- r-:- featured sp, nk or at the 23rd annual Detroit oh setvance of Negro Hiolorv Wo.k During his slay, in ! h Mote;- Gitv lie .also addressed students and fac ulty of Miller llich School. i’iFcoß'imFoF J OUR SHKLVt S \RI: PILLED I WITH CHOICE RECORDS *T ALL TAMES IQ r sy W. & E. Sales A;:enc\ ill IV. MARTIN ST. WiiinwwwwawwoM* i'll .i <H<HICWB<W . ! }&S\ | HOME-COOKED FOODS ! And v.'hat a meal it will be— j i exactly right, and » every dish boasting a real f home-ccoked flavor. B & H CAFL iii S ELOUNT ST. ymmmmmmvmmem-Msz mm? i v m^T*******, i rzmJJmp ■ - .. ; ; A Lifetime in Flame* i ! Why take chances on burning | j up a lifetime's effort in a single | : terrifying hour wDn it's .so ] simple and Inexpensive to pro* j leet yourself against any posar i I ble mish&p. Your home and j i family can be absolutely pro- j | | fected from ANY disaster et ; ! but a few pennies a dey. Ws'il | ; i show you how SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT j j | BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. j I DtimttK V c |' Taxi Cab | I* FOR PROMPTNESS I AND COURTESY f CALL I I EAST END | CAB COMPANY I I Dial 2-2086 j | 1 ! 1 24-HOUR SERVICE | P $17.25 Electric Heater & Fan Combination SPECIAL $12.95 TRADE —IN—SALE ON ELECTRIC IRON'S j’ Receive from SI.OO up on your old irons NOW IN STOCK—Electric Water Heaters, Vacuum Cleaners and Many Other Hard-to-gei Items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co. SALES & SERVICE 224 E. Marlin Si. Claud Taylor, Mgr. Phone 2-33 SS LIGHT HAULING HEAVY j ! LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT EFFICIENT,. CALL • UMSTEAD Transfer Co. 502 S. Dawson St. Dial 0478 - 9212 Ed. Umrirnd, Mgr. > ' ; Kansas City I For INAACP Convention KANSAS CITY, Me. In po p . ration f f '!' the 3iUh .annuel MAACP convention which meet.-: hr re next Juno '>■?. 27. member; [ of the seven enHventiori cofnmif tres met her" February 18 wits? I; v Wilkin-- o! the NAA CP Nerv York office io lay plant, for ti e trier, ting- PieHidcni. C itl Johnson .uij'J the convention will utilize not only the new and modern St. Stephen Baptist Church, but the 1 eautiful and spacious Municipal "•Me ium and Music hall. * Pan)co Radio Service I “For Lasting Repairs*' 102 GLEN WOOD AVE. Dial 3-3123 | We Piek up and Deliver Bit Kit - SMOKES - SNACKS LAM SHOP svt nt 7‘tO E. Davie Street BRUCE EVANS. Prop. w» »• «anwMMHWMMMMn i.Artr.M, COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 515 W. Mori rn St. Dial 5567 for: | t —COAL - FUEL OIL | KEROSENE j CORRELL COAL & OIL CO. JOE S. CORRELL, Owner DIAL 5537 307 North West •*i * ' I .i ii-t-ii iimgrn- n —i r - WRSB-egKlryftgSiffEiP. . DOVE | I Ml SIC COMPANY I ARTHUR DOVE, Prop. | 1 \utomatit I Phonographs | Rented Fer Special Occasions K and Installed on ■ basis ■ SELECT RECORD? | OUR SPECIALTY | Dsa! 3-2744 I 129 E. (ABAKKVS -SV, FOR Split Pine Sz. Qtak SEF or CALL ' Leach’s Wood.yard DIAL 4535 706 E. Jones St. Dallas Leach, Prop. nr mn •mniir-.-nniiTir m.i-KTii n-irrt mn-rnn^nniwwin-iirMinnw- wiutil 1 Groceries Notions Lillies Grocerteria 640 S, Boundary SI. Mrs. J. O. Kearney, L-rop. Telephone 2-1493

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