WfcKK ENDING, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, li> R *Truman Sincere’ Says Dr. Tobias BY f'HANNINti 111 TOBIAS (FOR ANPi ! regard Truir»an’s 10 point m< rage on c ivil rl>• ?« f dire ted to Cun • jtress os a bold, ciHtt a,you utl*»- t.nce of a man who r* tii• • that to international profittan f the Unit fed State cannot bo cairied out <# leclively without senou-' eonsiin a ntJon btit!! 1 gmn to mo demaE. w democracy in the ptacliet • of tin American people at home. J resent the cbarg* ■■ direct d against thfe President of deal.-, with the question ut race relation ships politically, it was nearly HI months ago When the lirst coinmil lco visited him to call to he allot, ion the necesaiy of doing am eh in to safeguard the rights o! Ament citizens at home a moeling which shortly thereafter resulted in th • appointment of the civil rigiil committee. it Mr Truman at that time want ed to deal with the question poli tically lie Would havi put certai.. iesirictions on the work of tlv’ committee. Instead, he left tin com rr.ittee absolutely tree to make n study unhampered by any I in-.t >i outside interference and at no tint since tlit intents,tn; of the npo 1 -.. of the committee has he offeiin'. -n apology for its finding: <>\ recoin rrieftdatlons HITS OPPOSITION Those who oppose tin 10 pom program of Presidtrtl rruman <■ < thr people opposed to ltd) d, iqoct.. • ey in America. In tret the;, -ne at pealing for the right to pm Ann . tea definitely on it cord before the LAWYERS' BUILD SLATED TO HEAR mm Am. ci nr ago • ani” good Marshall. NAACI '-w ( ' v ' counsel will be one f die Latte" speakers at the en'hih cor.vemmt. of the National I>awycis grid whe ,» meets in Sherom liotri h, ■ February 20-23 The convention wdi mark ihc u,d the uilJ. s l" f ' vear of 'Operation. Ally. Mmsh.di Üb speakers to adun • s the >-r civil rights or, "N>--■ Tests of ally" and "The status of .vUi tt Rights." The ,-thc-r spcr.Kei will w O. John Rogge former chief of tm. criminal division of the e-P-- of justice Alex F-lson. Chicago, v.u. present a paper on exmnding -• k - services to low income gi ~-up. According to presi.v-nt Robert W Kenny. "Wo oe today •. r al liberties and the roo t of work ing men to organize ano b-muh < f " irctively for a belt-, t m.-ci ol die condition underminoa, the U-, a . standards of the psoph depress** by mounting inflation, at “ the ,i< ue* won at Mich a tragic cost, rap.d fcein*- dissipated less than thr, \ears asV-i Site r-nd of the war s itrein to have forgotten its lev •_u even \v h> w# ton- hi "At progress :'vf aawy«rs, wf can make an irtvaiuvibJv <**.m J nbiH">ij id 1 the public good by helping 'O’ through the current tog of h>; iet and bring the facts into clear lifhi- We can a!.~u the p-w-lr. to the naw gers inherent m our present wur.c. We will fulill our responsibility a member-' ot the h&j ir make out civil rights an active: potent fore in our national life Maw U**n Say ff»@y mm mi ft fFfMUTCS ®ROWTH ®f Mfttß ?•*-—ted*» giw may B*a mltrt liofii t-«Hhi*s*, is* tot- aak»- ' ‘-Ut MMikaMt rtteitt ttew *» Sa«*e*a enstoitiar*' «•*•* ttuwiiea m f*W*l Sunory tf»rs it no' tontbrn'r**** »«» O’ C.O 0. s<■ O, hu 185 1 ? IS. C,<»nßia«» feiviS., fa \ NORFOLK, GREENSBORO ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE Lv. for Norfolk: 10:30 a. m. and 2:3C p. m. Lv, for Greensboro: 8:00 a, m.. 9:00 a, m„ 12:00 a. tn., !:00 p. m„ 3:45 p. m.. 5:15 p. m., and l t:SO p. m, Ur. sjt Charlotte: 9:00 a. Ru. 1:00 p. m„ and 5:15 p. m. ' ~, ■ • •■ /*•••• " il,.lions as a country laat believe*.' in slid | .in t'res -i elouDlc stand...'! ■;l cii/.f iii hi;. The is. ue i- clean cut ami Pi widen*. Tn.ipan kuov. that. Either wi will do rtevny tviln racial tli‘i'i'lti'insi mil and have fit. kind id dcii'iii'iiicy th.-n tvr can 1 ; ..ininciui to the otnei nation:, m tin world, or we can ehntinue " nraciicr- a double stanf-rd ot 1 hi /.in hip and forfeit the opportum . for tlie tne.i .1 In-dr; *hi j -of li'u nati ins. Every loyal American citizen ts whatever 1 u<t or wuaiever ieetk-n of country wiiute*. 1 -r puJitical ! 1 ; lioiiid support the Prc-.-idr-nt *u Ihr IJinted Utah- in h;s sine.- r>- • f h>rl to m i-.e dcrri.icraey a real»t> s-raoru all Anieric-ans fihPORT SHOWS WORK FOR NEGRO NOW UNDERWAY \V : ingtnn - From all wr. Up* .lion come ro('> >rt ■: ol pr emc, , r ing inede in the \v-n k >d i'., Cathnlic < hut eh atnorut K>- in n 1 nmunicr.nls, accorditip 1 . .nf'orti . tion teli-aseil by hic;!i 1 hutch olficiais iti’i’c kv l >*■ l '*■ Tin- f .Mc.v. it, ; arc- typical of ' ■■ pnvts ol wen k now yoiny on in Negro parishes throughout th <> 1 on I >!.« •. -a.i. 1. . - A 1"i itool, con cent and rectory ha--, tccentl been completed. Fresno Calit A kindt'-vi;:i ten f.cho.**, ineintlir.g lir- t an.l - i.oiul gi * cl.“st-. Willi i: total clHOlhnr. it Sfi pupils hi- just opened. Tolrd. 1 ' A itou-t next in the cttiiivli ir. tctrif; reuKvleied t-> , in .o.'idt two’inor, I'lits.M'iiijtns and living Quarter., for nuns. 1 .al . ..1 ki A > nun li as- 1 ..chon! heir opened up. Avntfo ihu. 'll x l)..mi’iH' .n : Faliiers :ri l into a new rrc toi.v i„ make ocivi for pupil', ut . Site -ehool. GS.iisv.Ue, Ic\ A no . churcit end . rvlory for Neg roc-, t has tost lir-r-n opetied up. Dallas. Tcv A new site lor a Nis’.o parish has bt-i.-n seem e !. Brauvnont, T, x A t'aih.:!:c •hospital for Neproi's .. now tin nor eonstructicn. Alexandria. La Tim ■ir-coao . now has two new sc-hc->ls but unable to find sister a to at all thf in. i oh! (dire” Warning CHICAGO -- Dr. 11. C l.'ailey, cbief ciiv.y-oi - at ("in.- provide! t Hospital, warns; in trie current is..-ui .-‘ N-. -;SO D; that i-:.,-' Ill■ -1 1 i V>. hundreds of thousands of X - ar,s*s who yearly pay through th, ni , tor “quick ,-ei and "■ cure** cold t’crnedif- are trus Us "Carcful investigation shows U., : m;nv ot trie most wide'v advert:-- ed l-ernecher now on ifii rns.vket as uttc-r'iy worthless," Doctor DaiF •i. civ: a; "Some of Pa irs may. in i.:et. bt ac-tini!*ie .ruiuJ. fit' "Seitnee is ‘till fat frcu'n Ilw :.newer to what eonseiut.: a sine cute' to a cold. D-.'C-tur. anci eiicr.i ets an hard at v. 14 K nigh* .aid -4a . set-t ching lot a cur). -The man with a cold is not hi.e ly To find his cure in a bottle oi pattern iTiedicinc. he irisists i l.if.nng the vanour. t-pesos pa tent medicines and tr.eti actual el feeP when ured. Docti r Dailey a)s< li.steJ th- is.etiiods doctors use - i their fight against th conurwi: coid More Important, fit rn.verthe iess poirits out t preverMian of the cold ‘ Among old-fash,cn:ed rentedie* which muy b< helpiul arc the h ■ i foot bath which de-r. have y sticr, I tiii. bt,-!- and th.- hot mday v luc. if popular for its high alcoholic ; ’ tent EM'KRTS INSPECTING CARVER’S FOOD FOU MI LAN AT I'IiSKEGFE i Revival of .1 "save me wheat \ bis id imnmhi worked up by the fate amt notf-it s.i-.ntist. *U tie,tree \Va,!ilr,gion t'alvcr, has al lui .gii institute lotik iutv ut-. i.iir nuuirrcus i-esuli.. ot 1> < ip: for bread, toll-, and oofiku i.a-is! i. n a formula nidi It <Cill/r sweet potatue l : .> . the Race GOP Vote Predicted By Philadelphia Lawyer W.r b.n.yon (AN) Negro people ! Atm . ic:i will not l> - h'd .cw.o from the I. 00) p:ouy lo ■ 1 ;-i tals 1 piotnio. s 1 -illd.- to them Uufin.t election ,ver«r, - 1 ' Aiatt-J iiobso.n , ileviKdii-'. o c riicjit •il the city ot Phi lade 1 1.-! 1 .a, 'speoloiiy at the annual l.mcoli. day .innif'i' held at the Statler in h i ’i'humday rcminp the U!u!a dpi pitta law ye: - assured tin- part; that the memory of An aUan. is i .‘•till deeply enshrined in _ the ] hr art: of Ne; 1.• -Xinorteans >.\ho.-a hi-t.-cy is . a !•:■<. ly f nui-.-cti d ...; «t, i. \\ -‘ It I;J S • "The Kcpubiic::n party me* the !s ut*s of ihc t. o. :] was t.iio juit.-i, cooitnued. "and wre.t,* the idth. ■ Nth ami 15th . o-endnu lo th I'.iti 1 dtition at in- Unite t Stal<.Hr pointed out that tmiii- ; sUils had bee 1 nrouy;iit to the ; courts :■! »hr United St;;'-. protection undo llie-’c* anieu.-'l itfsmmc I ><* ( on lah \ o Holt! Si‘s>ion \i Not ill idl'oti'!;] I oihv, DURHAM - A tine day cairn) ' rtl.. e on i,:s.o.:cr- 'lvtcat sen 1- . tic.abi d t.s be he id .: ttiC- s - ■ o l iirohiu i 4h- •• tic- 5...:m rVti! uai-> :!!>., b 0:,.-.a p 3t> « • m., accc.idin,- ic> D. .UiScph S ! ! i irr.c 1 c-iSt o! Tl\. college • s. e i partn.-•nt ot sivcialc.g, and chai. ! man nl the K. nHim ( c •••■• icc j..; s < ' t in, '.-.sum will begin w i’ll weli-un'ie finiu , : t ,\ )s-c■ -s, Isidi.-.,- pic-Siiiiiit ot ike ciillegi-- Actai. will fulhuv icon i>r Clyde- A I . . in stall? - icpct intc-nuetiT of puLl-.- in-mictioi: arid I~>; -fa-n f t t'cM.-OUfIY t* Molvidl V Ol IFt Ci.lYl li\: U.y Fti tUih .iai .btUGi - and cnslli • oi tSi. tmunYun n I*AM t si Ui !t Ali pei.-ie, >4 oternsuiiu wo.- p reen I motion pictures pi-rtainn. ... to i-cs-ourc use education. r rhecc will be a pan-- 1 led by Dean Albert ' E. Meniay ox N C t liege ciiUGcu "Some Approaches *o Resource U , Eciuf-3ti..ti r.iiii.,s; part in the <i 1 scu.'.s;,an ,c be E E. Gan-eW. Ulaet. Scut Co.'- r. r\ atu>n Set vtco. rfalf. .11 Mrs 1 h .Uiiir; Itin. -.,ci f-tnme D, in onsuatiori T-'-aciifr Sup.t*. isor. Du oaiii: Dr L S. Morgan. Profesor oi pt.t.hc He-alm Amr. mist rati on, U N C* ami *- t t' i Mr):an: X):’ Percy Young Prcur- -or of Educ-a tc.ii, N > ’ v'. L’ni tciiU; an-h IT Ed il 1' T'.... -i), tori ProfC-: or Sociology, Fluke Imvic'it; EducM'.onal and o etc I ..ado.' • from 13 central Not .a Caroleo Cotifittej have- iix-: u.vitfd to unci i-o. cii 1 • poc sored joimiy by tin? North Cam in:. Uoikcc ,nd the- North ly.roi.i.d ■ ■Col'limi: - :(>n Oi'-l Kr-SC-U, ‘t* Use t-. ■ uoati.m ot tveith To RicFiard vVi ■or Os Chapel Kill is. e; eenii e ' .1 Gary. | 1 86 Proof 1 wtsr*.«iMS«T wmsvirvs tin ron pttowyri I rtHC « rfJKOt OK M SIM <JtO JVf VOIsW.iST B WSfMttX. 6S‘V KFUfBM S»>Wlt*. OlSltUH® I . n*t»» (Mt a cm. % mwm t mtt imn. mm, ttimu j i lour. I.- u to rig'ltt are t>t Clarenee 1 .Mason, as-iOi i-iti* dnertor, tai - vir Rt t-aicli Inundation' Mi Iliilit.ili (twin nutritionist com mil, 1.1 i ilirtfUi‘: lieorjp.e t lion dy, agi'ii'ultural econoof Tit »i icc srhool of agriculture; l>• Ku i*ll Vt Ki'iiwi). (liteclnt, 1 .:i iitcni:', i>v |H'o;:)s utiier tiiun tb Nr-gro pec,pie for whom they \vor«> \v ci) ten. Lincoln '.-.-'/n'lbolized the hope:. _nd tc.c: of th*? common pceoplf tin tudge dlvtiiad. !y hat -m - t. 1 ct.i a race, bit*, free .i all m* ~ ii.itton "And the Necro p-cp) will never turti the picture et .A !,. ..ham Lincmr* to the ■■■ i He furtlw ; ‘Etten that Ih- v '\ ~11 N. \v:e t.s to ‘-have rwnly with other citizen' ->f his e.iutu: -Ho asks no ntoro and wtll !) e : I 1 icd Wli • Ir---:. Tin* main speakn tor tno ■.<- va . lh i>. rlv*. a-tt M l.»n k.w:. ■R. li; : who in 'his "u munite a-i --,'ycss ,1V c i the Mutual Ui' a ting y tcin - ' WV.tb, Ab; ahosn Lincoln may ,-u*; have been m. liinatoi c: the l'tnul dft'-aotion of *;i!s H.hastlv form ol tj'ianny si our own laud. ' A.- a flat boatman on the M y.-tssippi. he in ids heart to vrns 1 the instuutic; vwiic*. onlhrelle.'t imum l'»■ s;n«vat. o • u' r 1t was tie- c “I UE-.w. Winch spake V. diet. .r. ■ n,-in Thai tint a forward then w,. t! i uru'oioui’hhbic tee in :.: * -n ; Ur.c CaU c. i l*Vi-1 w! M • I; 1 t • ps :.n;l design - i hi; life. Dek'i -a was introdnoe-! •1 - speak it of t l .-' H*>use Joseph IX Martin Jr. who blasted the Dom ... jtic pa: ly f< >• it. fft * .- pending i > :4 ..a out that 1: >.• N- W 1>• «"! ~ ■ MM BL A CKWCOD’S I YOU DON'T NEED CASH I BLACKWOOD’S I j TO BUY ISEIBERIJNG TIRES STEWAR F-WARNER RADIOS NATIONAL BATTERIES AISO HUNDREDS OF OTHER NATIONALLY KNOWN BRAND PRODUCTS i FOR AUTO, HOME, YARD AND SHOP Buy On Easy Credit Terms Upk iftm f&fa s*44/ s£& fIiL&CKWOOD'S sjFS*H22&ezzx jss^mams^^j. AND ALL BLACKWOOD ASSOCIATE STORES | rA YE TTF.VJLLE • RALEIGH - BUaLTNCTONI^^ 4SP»@*>*w3?3B»» -■ Save Money! I BUY ■ j I mil si mi,i s I ‘CLOTHES • GALOSHES ‘SHOES I »BLANKETS * UNDERWEAR I * SHIRTS * GLOVES | AND NUMEROUS OTHER BARGAINS Tab aTV*MABtU.T ~ j TiiE (JAKOLBN IAN \es itet ttarch eaundation; .Ml. itfablr E\ ins, itutrUiiiinst, hunie ( f ottomii 1 -. drqiat trntni; t W. ft,i iiis: y. director, l ommeri ial ib-ielu-'.. President 1. It. I’atter ois, ana S . M <. aupbell, veteran sofcrvisiir of the fvti’nsiou set vice. (AM'i y;Tiiiin i-,'\r‘all,on h.i.l put tlti: •"•-'un t.i \ il; ,lei'll icilii' iicfuic- lui* war ilie li.iu-tc .-'pc .1: *■. t al led i-u a Ltpublican iti tie'- White House vt h... would c.jont’i ale with aK< publLan cong'.e.-. "to pull thti country oi the laP-s it is in cut a a gin t. t ack tu-e. atd a sound pear, t inst* Las li. accused th-.: p.e Cfit adllHOl stratino of not being interest' d in wing !;ul in ennginy, to the lini ■ v, t ■ n.nia of lux and i,* fax. t i and .-pr-tni T ■■ ie.ison *,,: t 1 * - i- plmri, In' raid. "Such e policy mean;; more fa. political jobs. It mean:', mare race i.ta-y C«?tltlTn , fO’'S to give o'Ut.” L, ivtYtrinp; t the ptcra-nf r.i tnin i strut ion as a bureaucracy wliu li is ttvin-j lo block any aigs winch a R« pubacuit congress endeavor-- to bring about. Speak er Martin declared that what thi i ;r: ' i iis 1- .■-!u.v "i!i". • * 1 :-. - •turtl of ",u and of thr ‘piril u: 'i’ii.O'ji! uioiun.-t 1 dive I, -,uh 1 .0: .vLc, than peunh' .-iter* f • ! fit: , (lllPiei To - diM'i'VC fits !:!:): attniver „.ry ,-f ihc bo •!', of Ah: uham Lin.'olii, spon mvd !•> E.c K, pUb'i•'! ConcU's:. Uir i.riic'.v- oi Ilt-pubiican women of the District .1 l'o]urabi3 John Marsh'!;! Ko! sjr.n iR., Kv. ;wleil os general chairman and M ' Jo.-lph llldf; F.'iJ'iltlgt,,,!, pro siding WABREKTONMAN IS ST, PAUL AME GUEST SPF. AKER ft A LEIG LT Tin? R , William ■ m <,i vVai! ..nton v.>H b< > w flanker at the St. Paul AMI ! Church Sunday in ilu; abi-enct W tla ReV T P j am:... v.-i, , . . aMi - Imin.i?" tin' 4 Hishu}'.' i ouio i T iAME Chm oi. ,il 1 Ml’.. 4 I. \ it v. a rep.‘ ;.-,j sh v ih** n. •(> !r. T! .• Rev Duhart v..... i.-tt aR>;. uiy of iii: week will aDo : Oklahoma {.'Sly. 0k,:;., ar..i Lilli, Roci-r. Aik. ar.d returned •:> fill b i is)pit on Sunday. lyyy.' Phone 4374 For Quality PRINTING a Pit.mpt Ser\ ice «. luaranteed Satisfaction * - Cal! Irving - Swain PRESS | 303 South East St. j .-■’‘ ~ ' " ! I f Now In Hudson - Belk’s Basement Store! , Sensational Values In Window Beauty | iIOWY ! 4 Sel Imkuted 1 B a up IS j Btill8 till ° bi >aha lIUC %m| Hn * i |WM v/Unii i jSp >*wrflwi walad. m pnea ihcit will «tna«« 9 you! M«d* of strong callu ,■* * ?*£•! I !os# }ibrs »!*«« i-»ok» tt&s y m* haags lik* expensive doth. U ffi • TuU 2% yards long • @W * Matching tie-hacks f tidtel j £Js# * B " ,, ‘° r '* d ' d, “ * ,ea ' Jt *l* u ! «o!orm I | j cußmiiis * .’• pilta lint and *’ J #lrawb»rry pffit*n»s * Hod, blue, or gr««n j BASEMENT HOUSE FEE NISH INC'S || ~ f ' ' y’i.. V j j c/vt/dw/i -cßeii \ 1 * EASTERN CAWOUIWS UUKHBX* j SOUTH CAROUNSi NAACP LAMENTS JIM SHOW STAND Columbia, 3. C. (AnP) ■ Tn j ;i letter dated Feb. 8, ta Gov J. ; Strom I'liunhoml, the South j Uat-ollnn State conference of \ NAACP told the governor it o'b jc-ctcd to his leadership of the in. um t'n-htm . the recent civil i 114 iii-; proposal "I President Tru man. The letter, signed by James M Hinton, conference president, ex liUoniil to the rv c'uiive that Nc* ; croes i.f this ida 1 0 wuhted .1 • halier for equal .job opiJortuii ity. to he ral'e from iynchimy ‘‘The South Carolina State con i which 1 vires tbr Junior Churct | will celebrate its founder's day. ' ARC m HTTm •* #W; • /* •# #¥ AV, ,4 ' r.- re if iffff |.,^ r 'JF r ..y / ii/ff ti UU I KM ROMANCE? i,\ > ... Gray,, dtab hair cost mat# you look older ■y F p, di-.coufoge invilaiions to have a good time b«- iff .--Ur 'Ouse men thM you're fob old. Don't iok« o chance with your romance Give your hair rich, / natural looking color end beauty with loHau&a. You. friends *itl appiove. To o ►- 1 .. ESS?# new, Aiii-i. «\ iooicin^coiorCbisric-., fv.:-,:, Oiily •iA V wen t tub off or w.v»H 0 ,:, t br Ip. *: | mk\ ■ - cerrw-i j.:€r:r. o;,J av-sh hi.tdGs ! «srtd tui«d id ;>,*i SO \f.yrj. Vaur | *S ) / “ rffoN.- Will givf yo*j; fnoi-c'V bd.icit yQu’fi 00 \ / ! lOOsi, k / H*V€ ar. C.!iv, prrw ,• ,1-,, J; Imy . .;p t: b y i.S- ■ -~.|\\ / ■ ”■'— \ n A tjf y-uor (Stxsj ?•*©s hav«4 tttsiitt/iti, itend SI .'is pi** iSp JQJO &©S>tfsS©* , l f ..j£tXi£M&£ HAIR COLORING 1 CODtfROY MFO. Cf* * a'iiO OUVF ST *ST LOUIS 3, MO. PAGE THREE | ierenee of NAACP.” the letter l said, “takes this opportunity b i denounce and condemn the stand lof the Southern Governors’ con* j fm once, and regret that our chief, j executive was the sponsor of the j resolution that was adopted. 'Negroes in South Carolina j will stand fast behind Mr. Thu* ’ man, and all of those who dem- I must rate the consLitUtiohai, moral 1 and Christian example, so much j needed We know prejudice, sfek * * legation, discrimination must ! perish, if Christianity is to sut* ' viv«, and we know f >.vßl ! 1 OM at 49,50,60?,/ Man, You’re Crazy t •.••get vow Jtjre! Thottfands ore s>t?ijr»y at, 70. Try up with E'stax CQUUIfe tonic rerf 1 w c\k, nii*KiG\v« fTOtUig tJtie Knlßty th Doom'd Htclt at *rcu flitch thru, men ;*nd women wtU '‘old." Try Ussyer, Tiprnc T'tWp.u fK nevf any, yifr>r, yowwer fetitfflfi, tut* vary dav, *I,OO stM &nlv Mir sale at all ur .*.>••',u>r-r» mis whore—-in Raleigh a- Vjiilgrt- .t • and Eekeril’s t ilt tfhP

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