WEEK ENDING, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 19-18 Graduation Exercises For St. Agnes Held at Ist Bapt. Though the streets were ie>’ and rain was falling, the nurses of Saint Agnes Hospital in 1 u tradition typical of their proles sion braved the angry elements and sauntered out in spotless uni forms to celebrate their 51st Com mencement Exercises at the Fir ' Baptist. Church here recently. Unfortunately the bad weather did succeed in preventing many interested persons from attending Alexander Webb Sr., President of the Board of Trustees was unable to preside in person, but Wc wt-.e fortunate in having Dr. Harold 3 MILLION QUIT SOOTH YEARLY SAYS YEAR BOOK TUSK EG EE i.ANP) - According to The Negro Year Book 1947. in each generation rnou than J.OOD.OOu people born in the south vr vc * ' other states that! those in v ’• they were born. There is a much higher ratio o school-age children in the south than in any other section of the country. The N>gro Yer.r Book points out that oi the 17 states: nav - in? 250 01 more children : 5 -■ 20 with a ratio of 296 per 1.000 pop ulation. has the large 1 ratio ci school age children, the tverage f< the nation being 227. The eight daft- in which nv. oir... per school age child i> least m Mississippi. South Carolina, Arx ansas. Alabama Nortl Carolina, Georgia. New Mexixco and Run tucky. The year book stale:- ihu* Florida, having in 1940 an income per school age child ol $2,094. wa superior to 12 other southern states in this respect, but tl; - .-um ropti sent only 33 per cent of the aver age for the entire nation Commenting upon the problem -> equalization in education, the ye. boos declares that, approxima’ .-!y four-fifths of ad Negro* s >»>. the U S. have had acccr;- to •-••m 1 than segregated schools for the public education, further, to th u sands of Negroes in the : uuth. no* even segregated senooU hove available. Posrottiee In Virginia Honors B.T. Washington 8 O O K E R U ASHINGTON BIRTHPLACE, Va.—The Book er T. Washington Hirthplace flfeitkwt’is.l Monday focused it tenitoß- ttoe nation on the sacred spot in Virginia where America’s most outstanding Ne gro leader was horn when cul mination oi its efforts result ed in establishment of a Vnilrd Stat.se post office under the name of Ronker Washington Birthplace, Va. President Truman sent a let ter of corrinrit rielation and con gratulations and the governors of Virginia. West Virginia. Ala bama, Florida. Minnesota, New Jersey. Connecticut, Tennessee. North Carolina Maryland. New fork, Michigan, Ohio, Nebras ka Arizona. Kentucky, South Dakota ami New Hampshire paid tribute to the occasion through telegrams which bore eloquent praise for Booker T. Washington and the idea of perpetuating his memory, bis ideals and his teachings. Paramount News had its; cameras on hand to record the colorful events which include swearing in oi the Postmaster, Mrs. Ada I) Chappell; mailing of the first letter which was sent to President Truman and receiving of the first letter to the new post office by Mrs. Portia Washington Pittman, only living child oi Booker T Washington; and the lighting of a toi'crt on the spot where Booker T Washington was born by a- representative of Ne gro youth in Virginia j* ...jiiitn-mn*—**——I IK Mwwßiaiw 1 iinjuiafl fi didn't mw ybo > /p'S&mT/) 1 %*sta*\Her.frJ UA^rS~ Win i uwiminM. ■. WMumwinMinw,... «wiww„iwi.iMar,-;jca«^ >wl< || X>on't Take Your Joe For Granted Even » ‘Sad Sack' Is Critical fc Wiwisi I'lucts iuu Looking An Old Bs»g. S Trigg, President, of Saint Aug ustincVs Collet;.' with 11s. He glad ly eon.'-ented to fill the breach and aid so perfectly. A..s the College Choral Group comprising 45-3 students marched in to fill the vacant seats reserved lor them, otv- was deeply irn pressed with .he true spirit of comradeship that exists between these two sister institutions With this solemn setting, the services began as the Rev Lloyd Alexander, Chaplain of Saint Augustine's College, audibly in yoked God’s blessing. The guest speaker the Rev. Ray Holder. Rector of Chris. Episcopal Church made a timely address in which he stressed the lollowing points: 1. In all professions we should .be “coldly expert’ in order to succeed. 2. A definite compassionate at titude is an absolute necessity m any field ci endeavor. 3. The nurse- should actually become a part ol the patient’s ! suffering in order to adequately i relieve his ill-? both mentally as well as physically. Mrs. EJma Rise Moncrietfe, Di ! lector of Nurses, presented tire members of the graduating class to the presiding officer, and as one by one each answered i!u roll call, thei. were responses from Florida. Michigan. Arizona. New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Geo ■ gia, Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina. After earr. received her dipt-* ma, Mrs. Mont loffe attached the school pin each nurse’s uni -1 orm. The lights wire dimmed and Miss Gwendolyn E. Turner, the Assistant Dir ;ctov of Nui.-m am ! Educational Director, with lighted candle' gave of ner light to a member of the class, who in turn passed it. on to her fellow graduates. The College Choral Group, un tier direction of Mrs. Victoi ia Da vis. Director oi Vocal Music and the perfect playing of Theodore C. Mayo, Dim;to: of Music, botn oi St. Augustine’s Ccllc-g >. pro vided music- lot the exercise*. The following prizes were awarded: 1. For thi ighest Scholastic Avevugi of 33. i, Miss Josephine Grc-goi y. Honorably mentioned, Miss Erma White, average 92. t unci ML-- Ist Cnmcrc:!. avc* age 92. 2. For the highest proficiency in Operating Room Technique. Miss Yvonne Cason. Honor ablv mentioned. Mis® Daisy Carv.m anti Miss Lrlliv Baker. 3. For Executive Ability. Toe’ .-md T aching Ability Miss Ma- Crawford. Honorably mer.tioni d. Miss Josephine Gn.-yo; v and Mis? Juanita Pugh. 4. For the highest Proficiency in Obstetrical Nursing, Miss Krir.i Whitt. Honorably mentioned. Mis Mae Crawford, Miss Isabt 1 Cameron, Miss Emily Cuimer. Miss Josephine Giegory and Miss Mb' go ret Lattimoj 5. For being the best all round student ifi Throiy, P, ictite and Extra Curricular Activities. Miss Margaret Clement: Hon r-thlv mentioned, Miss Emily Culmer. For outstasru ng Ethics. Miss Martha Aw-y and Miss Hot tic Williams. HonorToiy mentioned, Miss Erma White and Miss Lillian Mack. 7 For keeping the tidiest and neatest room, Miss /Lease lias ris. Honorably mentioned Miss' Josephine Gregory and Mr-. Roxie Vereen, Charles S Templeton, Admini strator of the hospital who was introduced by Dr. Trigg offered his congratulations to the class and his thanks to Dr. Trigg. Nr vie;' Un-versity has bought ;> medal given to the. fina -Neg o 0 vote in the United States after If. !■-fsi.se of the IStii amendment i i U. S. Constitution Th.- firs balloter was Thom at Pe-tersou MuikK of Perth Am coy N *.}. Kc voted the da-. after ::u amornrnui ll Pissed. March 31 1870. and receive-; his medal front the dtv May 50 1884. It Pars To Advertise! ! ’ WITH PRESIDENT fB iv M Wfe L ;| : T# ' gPlr V- Jpjfe jf ■l J Jkv I’. it. Vomit. Jr.. Journal ami Guidi editor vh«i is one of the two Negro newsmen who i\ nil a. - ompany Iresi k-sn Ptanim eat his i'.tnbbi ;.r. trip which wifi include a visit with Oovemt 1 William ii Hustle of the Virgin islands. Hie other Negro reporter to make the trip will i.»- Llewellyn V Coles of ( oinmlius Ohio mm LAUNCH WTI-C r? f T'V Bu’ti i 1 yisr-:0 lit 1 !! \ : awrenct.. k-d • a:jp> i • j , cmt arid niam-aiu it u»vti vig-:t us a!. 1 th'.-* people oi rLani'U.s’ \v.. i olved as iivc* obj-.vuve of U : Ki.iisac Star I'- Mc': on Cn'i I Bit’hu its first el fit. i-m! r>-o\: I j:; 'j'opoksi So miry Ralph Smit is L:. v-. . v•• elected chairman Rev. ilerPeti C ; D roc Km an, Wellsville. was eicet ! treasure r Miros Lo.cn ' - cen, I.a . i roneca i- • ( ceut i\ e .a■ •. e •'Kans:.-'* is tVu fir. i state wi-.r: IMe xoept iui: Os C •iui a.d-. i aiio i : ?foi'iiia to lake such a step .1: th-.. | dire lion of praetical ell nts to irn I plemcnf Pro so ent ivuecan •• 1 ope* J Tf..‘ S ci-re Th. sc Ka-;hts', .said Snv. 1 u*. j ’irnrn c cl 1 s tc. a clion i s 1 ■ cce >>avy 1 o cmji.Jv tne Di3ne ji.» -a. m at. - k.v/s es Kafvm.s ii we arc to eu,:.-. | the Uni led S-atcs ieinocralie ex ! simple 1.0 ih: weld." About 15 organ ixai ions. wit e. : • •;m : .m.d 'fr.tin'ibrr.-rjip vsbiTmtcd at I . dirt* Karrmsans, are represented or | h? eouneii. They iri-iudc )mm I • ?I’Ches r.f YMC.-i, VVVPA, Cur. I '-n U’.;ci ■: equahiy. LeauueM; ! ..ommim-c .\ A AC:'. K I'oya lcd oX C'niirch -. and vino ;Lam. ae l'o, ■.a rnvKbcc oi' cinm-- • Ci ci V V . , ’' /•..; v K; i> eran jp \v 2 !’l b< it'cled. i Tt: police A'S./rr non of lio . -.df-Wct!;. ; an*; )a Vc riiia you-u I . -'.vii proporal i-- bar colored bf | 'CiiUCi-sian r:.ee only. The pm ; O'Scii came t-; f. -i -<■ vi the p.\ i "co of Negro - ffr.f-:-.-. on the Nor- - ; --I.K rnv, Nrtvport Nows polici SPIRITS 86 »SOOF * fNodactc tmS Set!lad t>, j BOtKE BROTHERS DISTILLERIES. IRC. BOSTOfi. MSSS, —— _ -' 1 " . %Cc c FOR HOME DELIVERY DIAL 2*3911 N. Y. Presbyterian Pastors Protest White Clergy Bias | Now y..r k (ANP) - ■ A recent ! rift. bin tvtfcu Negro av. vi white. ..past oik of tho Presbyterian \ church here ivas .«arded !h. jci - R doctor of education d CiJumbia University it '.vas re ttThursdii.y by University - i i fid ils. - If Blackburn, . native of Dari ■ ih. \i teoived hi: oat lj t;du -■ 1 ; i-i ;i rsn:i; mo rc- i 1 i,- A B. jo : 1 at Howard Uiov - •• • and 'res ; A. M. at Columbia. He began hi> career as a school teacher in 1928, a.- the principal «»! . '-I--- elementary school ;u Rowli.n N. C.. end faugh’ En.-.Msh at 1 . K Smith High Sen -.J in F ottcville, N- C- toi two years, o ; ! .:, which he served • principal ; f • -amt* high scho-u h 1940 ho came to Howard to a i' -id agent ioi the Uni ■- ■ iho position, v, rich he stir o in new to serve as acting direc* i -i' ol Ktudont affairs m Howard. Wr.ilo not.’, a;.; for ;e.; do-. e-i ;. . t (ft-liimiti.:. .10 wa. OkCl.d -O t I *ap) -. ::: Pi and U-o D K: o. - ■■ t- Vi, : .. i |ei :n McKay BUc-i --burn tv: met 1; a if - : : vllL-, S - --vh... r new - tea -tor in t..- r D.-si-Ti. oi Columbia public school !( Cl Ann Page | l rifp FOODS | I JSlSsii A & P’s Finest I R | .... i | Sparkle V», FfT 3 p 19* i I Macaroni \!>s; Page 8-02. pkgS. 25c | Ann p | iS©rillS ' 16-oz.cans 23 c | | n 1 I Preserves X 7J£ 1 «-<>*- 23 c | i Syn,|> 25- S ■ irt'ri ■ • EHii ni.V.K 1 1 . - - >-F\-- Yl-Ifii H 1 I APPLE " 5 - ! 1 JUICE FLOUR I Qt. Bot. JS C L, 41 c T! b ' 80 c I WHITE HOUSE H, #*ll o . o/\ EVAPORATED MllK 3 Tai! Cans 39 c I ION SLICED OR HALVES | I Peaches Nn - 21-2 «» 25= 1 I SWIFT , I I Jewel L ard 1 ih. pkg. 34- I I --iILO AYD MELLOW F I 8 O’Clock Coffee 49 c | 1 CABBAGE F irm Heads 2lbs lie 1 £ .TUT A BAG AS 9 ?bs. lie ff I CARRO * S $ Fresh Green Tc-ps 2 bchs. 25c; 1 I GRAPEFRUIT a f or i9 c j I Pfi'E Chops—Center Cut lb. 59c I W PORK LOAN—End Roast lb. 49c 1 | PORK SPARE RIBS * jfe 49c V I FRESH POULTRY AND SEAFOODS I | 20? E HARGETT ST 4lO HILLSBORO ST f THE C/MOLINIAN Tim viaitii were dated in con nection with the nation;'' Pre< rrian ui ivt? for m\> membt.’s md the return 01 former mem f-ei-K to chu’.'tdi. Ttte five (.>l-0 testing minister--- \v..-ro the Rev Dr EtJler G. Haw -1 ■ ms. St Aiiguatme Presbyterian enureh’ the Rev Shelby Reel-..--, ’ ■St .lames F. sbylerian church, lh.e Rev. James H, Robinson, Church 1 - tr - Mii.stor: the IF ••• Eugene Adair, Mount Morris ’ ;f t ..;byi:m church, and the Res. A Eugcru Houston Jr.. Rtlt.-F . Memni ia; Pre.-bvlerian church. In -a Sunday sermon, the Rev. John Paul Junes of the Union (Presbyterian) church of a Bay Ridge made the incident public tailing it an "absurd an i regret table incident.’ He .said this snowed “a lack of im .gmation end common sense causing di.- uption whore unity was needed ’ .: r> unming interracial re-lati.-ns. As an aftermath of thi protc-si the Negro ministers al refused to attend the recent visitation evangelical school conducted by the Presbyterian church -fanua-v 28 39. REDO. MEET >l*i a KER fSIJVILLE To; m Doctc: '■ iv-' ks head of ’-ho dij.artmcr.t o : lu-ritiun it Fisk Ifidv.-vsity, will a r. ;.)”i 1 on " Tht Skilus o. R( - .I'v" or'. K 'n< - ioo in,. •f ” r-urm-.- d'a- un; ml tin/ of ‘be American Kdui .uionrj K, "• wfh A sw,-i:itioi! wiuch canvci.cs vi; Clu Jersey k'-u ■ ! I: !: 1: 1 r.f Fcbl'ii. :,v 28. He. 't i-Oe 't< t. ;l c lo: r!),lt J.:> • ihe History of tn Ua-u; ' is biting ■ ■ »j ih v" e Hit* ry "i - oi Terr,' Haute. 12-Ycar-Olcl Girl Gives ku sh To Baby MULLINS, S. • Or. James (~ Marlin, director of thv> Mari in Hospital thi* week r* {forted the birth of a seven and one-halt '•'ii i bah.v bo} *o a it-yeur old mother. I . ;as is Vi >i old daughter «r a l air lllu., fanner, and the baby v. ere tie c:-bed as dnijti; line. ' »erie> os Sermons v f irst Baptist Ending l! A LEIGH The sere : of s. vr.r ,r --. iiie piedt.htHl by the hov S >• ;) 1; at. thi Fits! Bap is* Church, • ,!r O. S Bullock. 1-krr.or, wtil • mended Sunday. Fot niary 22nd sis übjed Sunday n.onwi.a wi» I i "The Fall of Adam and Ev\' .1 which time the speaker expscnS i > i'll just hi>w the ■ iovi! trit iAt i.o taste of 'To v, forbidden l whose mortal tu-tc brought d ,ath into the worid. and all a woo." At 7:20 r. M. he will speak oh ! world’s public one.ny nunnn a ■no '•Sin: What u is and Wi i\<[ Raleigh Eivic Rinmi To 'Meet s^un RALEIGH - Fori aa. its in- Sunday in January meeting ;o ».* '• Iv'l'KJ ‘’SfiOWOd OU t.'j* j 1 J " 140I 40 IsjF cPi I \js I wSM &o «MwP )i: 'Bool* W* 1 70% GSr.AG- MftftßAi sf*SfflTs | »'*« BROTHERS OISTILIESiW, IRC, j * BOSTON MASS > j W l -Ht V| iimiinniiinm»iifi ».u.i_»jmuiuu;_i. irn inu -n.nijw.«ni u.< j.«»ui ».* j|^ g~„ nra ■7\r.y7\ *** ! for jc3y moro< ■:, wm, ' s-N % or . «CS*r- 4 / ; ; \ .. . o^4 f \ ;'M ~~ f # ilk •■> && \ \jflh ■ Mfi r :€fl| \ I '-Wm * /V i£«^f f •EMMX STANDARD :JT ESNDIX DE IUXK $23950 $25950 Ns other washer can march the ORDER YOURS TODAY.** Bendix 9-year record of perform-. TAKE YOOR TIME TO PAY socc* >:. ' v. !:-:■' service, yet it costs 540 to S7O less COME IN FOR A than other automatic washers. FR££ DEMONSTRATION! w first Sttndaj if F. hrumy. !h f.„. ♦ Was Sipue! Fis.hei Case and ltd P a mii ; i t a,..- Mil ’ 1 i'u'i , ... iVorl.. Carolina .''Hilda>. r.. hnr ;.t a..' a !. I’aylnr: "Out the Duvi? S’ red ■ , ’i ■ • lit. C to- Church iii its first im.eun,. , f t f G t vear. On the agenda lor that tii.ie a; are a number of irnpoitant mnbor. ahni the no t Guu'eo i.;n> ea "Employment Policies at the <::) >nvi c-i to furnisit ie.Rh Post Office": "The Ado public urged t. ntierv,. -xasrv/’-v ~%mm. vsesmam MADAM ADRIAN FIRST TIME IN I HIS CITY AMERICAN PALMIST AND ADVISOR Wiii ad ycur entire life without asking any que-. cm, gives advice on all affai’ cl life fG'Ah'A *w Ir &JNI • veil as Love, Courtship, Marriage, Law Suits -B BhJj aid Busim Speculations. Teils you Who (Kfjyiljf 5 I |S*S| and When you will marry. She never fail* I | | I To reunite the Separated, cauv Sar dy Vls 1 ■ Jf md Happy Marriage;., overcomes Fnrrr ; -*'E I'■ and Lind Luck of all kint'.u. ft. Aff%| . f « TELLS YOUR LUCKY DAYS AND C\ A|. j J YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS |& »J Don't be discouraged if :>ih«r have failed to ■■t hilp you. She does what others claim to d.. £ ?<. .«s|l ! ® Cue visit will convince you this Medium is e?w» HiVOr h superior fr any reader you have ever con- fwfjgk Private and Confidential Readivic.' j-A i- ?i»v and Sundays for WHITE and COL- %'mmk J ORFD. Office permanently locate! in ■iu Ji*. trailers outside city limits, G.rariottfc C. opposite Hudson Hosiery . fills, Monroe Rd„ U. Highway 74 Take Oakhursf Bus to end of line and look for Read sign. Hours S A M, to 10 P M. 4 '/td &man£. j NATURE HAIR ATTACHMENTS ! GN AGAIN-OPf AGAIN Hair Do’s—-to meet ad ottosiomj «Arua«t B*A» rm A ’ iY ***** r **'■** ***** rspFecriY ms rent* itrtesl Creation* Easily Attached Human Hair — r ; c:; - N AH Shades IS ' : -0 SPVO WO MOMEV • i «J-N*wy | JESSIE KASE BEi.if¥ PItODOCR ; 50? FfrlM AVL (Room 90S) h YCRk' \?, fi De^tl PAGE FIVE