PAGE SIX A.&T. GRIDDERS FETED, VARSITY GET LETTERS! Beating The Gun nv AI.VsV MOSES NFW YUHK (ANHi Tin* VV;iU-. It I J( ni' paper'- calling for a return Juru meeDm: between Hr e bi Iting-b an ties sh-nilil soon be inked am! read* tor filing ’lid. pores the question, how much nipney will Jiu;-;> y Ju-iph get bout the million I'nUii; end of thi-i Slimmer meeting? My gue. ,; s. in light of ail of the Sol Shams office announce ments we have been mulling over p.r the past two weeks, will b $2 ) 2 percent. Walcott icwivt-d a reirn slightly in exere: of !;.18,001* tor motion picture royalties us the batlln that -aw the .14 year old punches flora Mi Barrow twice. On that bieo.s h* stands to c alt tuvay more than lour times that amount lot tin 1« : rights in ad. difion t" ecetvmg 30 percent Os cunts;- no one- aitm.lh knows the in stile Ft ry of all this save tie lawyers a;. 1 mumi-ers ui both pritn.-ip; is Dnr me d-cp that he will enter tin ring the time r-aling around 214 pound." This teib, oiv and all that in- 10-year reigning I;-:tic monarch Will rely upon strong (not speedy) leg;- to can’ him thru 15 bicycle round;. relying on speed punching nt the sort he displayed against Fox worth recently. to rav. hr; precious crown and to insure a Wal cott kayo this time. Weil, time ha; it all wrapped up in a cello phane-sealed plastic hour glas ,so . ■ sit avouno and wait .' v, ; just like I'm doing MONOPOLIES IN BOXING Probably tor she loth time ana last N. vs ilv; «-■ repeat. ‘Good 1 More-it lighten; are- dill being sidetracked because ot not rnng handled by tin right, peopb with entree into the mope: secret fanetoi unn... ’ The boxing-t'rusto.: know that when a fell;/.” like O’neil Bell goes out mid lick; fifth rated Tommy Yat .-v. to rhaik up Yarc ..'S firs; defeat m eight yea; . Bell is much too danger on for then meat ticket- Result. the fighter must past mm in puuti.-. boxing-locales and it he doe-, manage to get into Madison Squaw Garden or other key tig; centers around the h op, be i: P ia *- ( . ' in the senu-windup slot lm . “coffee and cake money. You don't have to boa writer or boxing expert to know the southpaw Bert Lyte.ll is the- best 150 pounder a>ound Will he .•••’ a shot with Grazianu the Roc-key, Tony Zale Marcel t erdan, T i Apostoli, At Hostak, etc? Stop your kidding! The spoliation system works something like this: These managers ir power who seem to dictate matches to promoters and some commissions look down the rated lists and pick out the bully boys fort he like ot O Ned and Bert l.vtell In O'Neil’ ease ho would be reived; l.ytell, (didn t O'Neil lick Yarcotr who fight. 175 poufdcrs?) 1.10-vd Marshall. Ray Rpbinson (who can lick m. 1 ant fiphter). Anton Itaadak, etc. In Lyfe It’s case. he \v= tdd be chucked in with glass-chinned A;- chic Moore. Fitzy Fitzpatrick, a real tough hombre: Bob Fox worth, the lad who went foui rounds with Joe Loins, etc. 1 here stnl isn I any justice and we, as a -port conscious group, do nothing but TALK IDLY instead of registering intelligent ptoitsts in the right places MELTING POT BEN WILSON, one of the- nicest and most capable I'elicws w. know, was honored ovi Feb. 7 by hieing named era of fhrec Ixjxuu, •instructors to assist head coach Viet-.n Bi Filippo of the L;t squad in Golden Gloves finals. March 22. A member of Salem Methodist church and president of the Men’s guild there, Wilson at 25 is a crack coach and a fine youth developer . , One again we see the fine hand of PETER B. WHITE, Salem church athletic immortal £md the AAU official, reaching out in to- interest cf growing Harlem youths and the ete-tns! bat lie again ! juvonre delinquency low bow to B; roam in Wilson . JIM SEMI .t il failed !• capture M-.nty Is Gu tre.rn tie- M;mh t ,t Newark t. .-I- v . n didn't turpi , me h -1 imi'-'ii N---- ’i, f.-ont office got $15,000 fc. Gil Doby ar-ri many i'-chev.- that L-un's price-tag wouldn't vary a 10 cent piece ..11' that sum were he gobbled up by major league considerations- . . COL N ! R'« MEN !-,R S, n ft it ml cf long, has replaced Frank Forbes ir. the ticked-setup at the Yan kee stadium this season . . For be.- war. always early with hi.; league notices and we hope friend Meyei r - will follow a simile pattern. Lincoln U. Tops Pirate Cagers In Heated Contest 'T'AMI ror; Lira Jn Univt-r --si|Ar’s 5-! -47 Valent::;- list victor.- ov'er I 1 mpton fnstittfte hero mu-' have been doubly swept to hi Lions Aactd bv the soeetacuiar floor lay and shoot ir<£ of G-<» £<* Moore who scored 21 points, the; visitors not only stained revenj, • for an earlier 58-58 heating but ciiti d tiie same way the Pirates uad dor. —by homing ft’orr behind L .icoln rooters had been dismay •; ea •.•hrn their team lust a 20-poi.n ha) time lead and Hampton root-j er : Saturday were ju ' about r--5 i «o> . on the world after seeing their | team lose a 28-18 lead. Winfield. Motsr’e running man at guard, seconded the top scar, with ii points, Chttci, William, nine wa- the best inds idual efx'oi r the pirates could Muster The victory bolstered (he I,ions' ; tournament chances and Mi thv ■ 1 Ira tea hanging on the rope-, j Htirrvpton has a non-conference ; -me with powerful K- .ducky state re Saturday, incoln lions Lose | To Morgan State. 61-51 I BALTIMORE Md,—The Lin- ; In Lions and the- Morgan Bears | re-sawed ruggedly through 40 } • brill packed minutes hero in the . .altiinore Garden tonight, with Morgan racing out in front with in the last three minutes tr» play to eke oat a meager 81 54 vic tory. The bulk of the Lincoln mask ers were supplied by Ben Brown and George Moore, frehsmen newcomers who joined the Lin coln forces following the semes ir)f interval as Brown, former Baltimore Douglas High ace, paced the Lions with 14 points, the majority of which' came da ms the first period when Morgan \ and Lincoln tied constantly and j exchanged & valuable one-point I lead. The Washington brothers, Br ute and George, did the scoring j fop-Mcrgats, the former compiling i *6 points, stvzi the lifted’ 14. Ti e Scoring: LINCOLN ;54' G I- r Thornhill, t 3 2 r- Wiliiatns f I ? ' i: Brown t 4 0 H Winfield. £ 5 1 »' i Moore. £ 8 5 21 Parker, f 113 Edelen, g 0 0 u | Reid, g 0 0 0; TOTAL . 22 10 54 HAMPTON < 47? o. r j Smith, f ....... ... 0 0 0 Wilson i ..... . .20-1 Lewis, c 4 0 8 C. Williams, g 4 1 Casey, g it f Johnson, f .. . 2 i 5 Pnte. f . 8 0 • aloof ahead, c i 1 » C Srowa 0 2 2 D. W.ili -m•• 0 0 0 Not tine mam ft o ( : H-niiigfiur” . .. 1 2 4 Foivlei 10 A. ‘Williams 0 1 ! Slew-art ft 0 <: TOTAI. it) 9 Howard Bisons Win, .11*12, Over IJneolii LINCOI.N UNIVERSITY, Pa. The Howard University Bison, caught in the Lion's own den la week, fought desperately to make it two for ihe season over the Lin coln University Lions, finally no trig out a 42-45 victory in the moat heated contest even witnessed in the local gym. The bitt- riy-foiiyh! contest win v va- nonetheless conducted iti sportsmanlike fashion was dead locked theree times, with Howard enjoying the longest 'ead in lha garrie hi Foydinp a 45-38 margin most ot the way 'lhe Christian Index, publisneti by ihe Colored Mc-tnodist Episco pal Church, celebrawd Its 9QU\ *r nivrrsary this month. WILLJAMS WINS OVER MINELLI I■ ;l ‘ ' PHILADELPHIA < ANP) Il« Willi;.m . ii'idisi'iite-d lighten >ri" Idian.p, outgunned Italy’s Live j vlinclli In a bloodv, wh, .-held-liiin ■ up 10-rounU bout before 9,311 spec tators here Monday night Ike oat it-red Mine!!) th mauler from Mi lan, to hi first defeat which bom: hi William;; winning streak to r.n even dozen The champ .r. • lend tin ling a 5-1 favorite arc took the unanimous decision >;■ Ret I 'ice Daw- B lott (7 2 1) .1. . Jutlf. Frank Knaresborough ai-o Lou Ties?. 1 both 7-3) Miueth, tiir ; uonsu-r of the tw,.- i men and th-’ hcavt. r <144. Hit 137 - utilized a running, holding, coutt ! ter fighting style. Hts greatest 1a! |ly came in the fifth round when he spun IK- around With .. hi.* swung right to the chattip’s head | Another spurt it? the ttth garnet !Hu Italian v.u y tittle si. Ike kept him bitty stopping punches, botd : .g. and - tupping more punehr-.-. Minelli was hurt many turns dm tire 11:c 10-renind . • .un.-L b> :t: 1 1 • • ! dertng head shots and sharp body blow:, tu- fit h round rally by tin nii-iuy touted Italian lighiweb I netted turn a cut leic br*nv wtuc. di fnuatcjy ; m r,i ttif ticb- of ttu light in Williams' iavo. in hi dic'r.-.c.ig i-oom after the I fight, Minelli the rn.-in he iciusc.. l i i» go down told ;e-purtei s tiaoui. tsis ir.ferp. eter teat tie would 10-. c tO fiytht Wlibaill' agaii). B\SKi SBALi i HS OFMiOM)\URI) Si:ORFl)l AI JHN By Robert < herry < 41A1U.OTTE The Second Ward Gills won their ?txth Confe-x Basketball game- here Fcbra ..ii s ,!rd. before 1.000 basketball In • Til: Second Ward Gul were pue . d by Kloirc South. Barb-ara ti by and a sure shot girl, r rnelv V<;i • etia Rc-cifcm. Tli- Clear Creek Gins wen;- paced by M f-fudiiili'-. ivi Wall.'Hu and TL Davis The Second Ward (hi i- had control of the en tire ganir BOYS GAME j us-- Second Ward Tigers kepi up the good work in the family | out shooting, passimg. ptayhng, the | (hear Creek Eagles. E. rly in the ; first quarter of the game, the • u cnmied a 8-2 lit.d on tire Eajle 1 . I . h";: ;. 01 ■ anti StCi ! j i-pt linkup, ; j;i k; ’■ :u tiu K■ ,! . r»r:#- dei.-i, - 1 ! in 1 ! .T'l.iciis bega.'i H. me light when .*■ 4,ir on canned ! i two points to narrow the gap .0 i iiitx-vrru.-xsic-n 1 0-4 Dt-spite a eou'inubu; surge ;n l.'u ; cr id halt th. C!i-ai Creek Eai;!c.- ' : , r rnane.s.ud to w’>xtx.h the polo' j Ujuking x:l O Stud. V. I;;; i,'m: h. i {'iionipson, V Wright, J. Yarboug:., j snd .7, “Slim" MoiTisor, who pricei ilu Tircrs. Site! gamed uith ->.oi - | mg honors tor the night on three i . I id gn.ut’. ,rip Oili II CC TtU’C '. . ,f . ; ,'ohnson u.uu , high t’*'u the- E., 1 - with three field goals and one he,- nrow. Tin: victory was me iount- Hj the Second Ward ’i :;?ei. SFCONft W ARD th .IRS G FT 1 IO Steel . ti l j jV. Inman i o t iG. Quinn 2 0 1 |O. Wright . 4 0 1. ; t (Slinii Moivirot) 4 ii . j.l. Varbough 4 0 l H Thornp.-.on ....... 4 0 > I TOTAL 28 t : I ‘USAS CREEK EAGLES G FT F J .lot ire: on 6 10 •J. Gr id . 401 i C 1 ' sh-v 4 0 IJ. Davidson 0 0 2 | Reid on 0 ! TOT At 14 14 SECOND WARD GIBES a FT F IF, Irby .800 IV. Red fern .8 0 *> IE Smith KiU 0 | C Gaston 0 0 1 |VV Alexander 0 0 1 j 2.. Garrett . .... 0 ti 1 ; B McDowell 0 0 ; TOT At. 28 1 4 CLEAR CREEK *GfttLS a 1 t 1 : Vi. Rudisilie 0 3 ' iM. Wallace 2 1) 0 ri Davis ,200 | A ftudisiii t 0 0 |M. Green . 0 0 0 .M. Anderson .. tj 0 0 TOTAL .10 34 HALF TIME SCORE Second Ward Girls .... 24 j Clear Creek Girt;, ,4 j Second Ward Boys 10 j Clear Creek Boys 4 ; Sepia Llager Stained To i Play On .4 i! 4 l it v Team j LOS ANGRLES (ANPi A Me |gro student, Rufus Johnson of .lordan high school, was chosen cen ter on the all-citv basketball team by the Helms Foundation Commit tee on Cage craftsmanship. With 172 points, Johnson was sec ond in scoring This is 1 tie highest total ever scored by a pivot mar in a single season here. Because oi bit- speed and accuracy hi; is nicks.iwnwi “Tha Wrecker’’ in cage tSSLfcksS 1 .. THE CAJiUUNIAN Speaker Voices Value Os Sports i !n Race Harmony GREENSBORO 'Du- Athletic i ; Commute!- ol A. and T t .‘allege I - ;ed ttiembers ot the past season gridiron squad with tin- Annual! Foot bolt Banquet field in \iii.vti, if d! at the < • >Il.-p> insi -veek. Fill-. F ( ,i Acgi-- grad \v!.c --i r.n\v an official ot the Norlcil. <Y..i .Lamia! and Guide new;-: pap. r .m i ved a- punCpal rpcak >• ti.r tin iithu U*d by Di . iihl.ux.. indent;; and J acuity tm-iu ' bi 1 h. He told the group that the ’of sports ha:- become an instrument 1 of great value in moulding into ft i ia! gox ili Reviewing the pas* !;> month-, of atiiletic activity. OorbOt elicit I Jackie Robin: on. Joe |.out Bm.d,-. Young and Mariivn Motif v a-: am - . V,,.iCiU- 03 pcu,-i!Vill K,r ihe race. ’I lie Virginia newnnan declare.! tnai while hi- was naming thes : great Negro athletes rpccifically, t : was hi.-: cont< ntion that ttu- lvus ! jxvriv ot athletes able nr crash tv ■ color Hue arc rioirife ..n exyi.-liiin 'ion in cementing good relation}: different racial groups. Ci.jch Wiiliarn B’.'i A and (•Ktlball n.c-ntit! <!“. :il'dt-:l vurat ■ tcitci.- to -v Aggjes. tor participat ing !111 1 <7, . ’ ciU ; it.!, net": ir.cluxlt'd Arthui run. Dui ,- >- i Leioy Hatshaw Spriiqgficid. OV,i■ , lu nar:CoLman, f .. Krfpip N. V. Marvin Patt.n on. Si ,1-p‘villc }•'... David fCthcar Gas:oi',a. .ji»?l W .!-- n, Dor.. ! PSa Robert Snnth MorristowH, ,7. J; WuLain i.cwu, Columtu o . J.;.- F i-diC-x" .'iL.ii, Fa . v> ~ ti"1; Frvor, Pittsburg!;, Pa • *c. v ,7;.aV-on All 1 . <down. t*;-. Oga. : V , Solicit. U■ . OlllU iamc: Rowe. F’t. W ,yru i.„: -vi;;,. Kelly Media, Pa. Floyd; Jackson Chapel Hill, Sheiw.x,. • ■ Hou.ini In 50*41 Win ih n Hampton Pirates HAMPTON INST, V;s. Hamp ton's Pirates fell behind m tin last thm n u - arte a s< ■ ; saw battle with Howard Umv-.r sity here Wednesday night and the Bison* tnjy'e it two victories • in as many vt-eek.-i ova tbe a:> siders, 5(7 41 Four Howard men divided :'curing honors almost equally a dams! Hamilton- Waltei \yilh 12 point.-;, and Leon Smith, Frank Booth and Whitfield Pol bird, with it each, whit. Bill Smith led the Pirates with 10 arul Curls Whson chipped i;i With nine. Sc.ip Lewis, who had sun wild against Delaware with! 21 paint-., w.m held \o 7, and I Captain Chuck Williams, the l-'i rtaes' 1<)47 highest scorer, failed to hit the string!, at all. Altei the rimvar-t. tilt Hamp t'o;s CMnfqrericc- record stood at three won and five lost. The Pi •at, . do*. :> five same hoivc stand Saturday alteiTmon, F'ebii!- ; fxtT 21, in a non-conference garni against powerful Kentucky State Os law are Tlips St. Paul LAWRENt 'ivV iI.LE, Va -Bound ing buck from then defeat at u. hands of N C State the night b> ti-rc The Hornets of Delrivvare Sthte -.vent back to their winrig wo>- ay soundly trouncing- she "Igers of S’ Paul’s 78 41. The game '.>vs n, . ex it, doubt a? Delaware .‘.cored ;.:a, iif aiiy at will Ji ro.jrnout ti,e con test The Tigers were greatly ■ -.ui classed by ihe very capable- cs,y. from Delaware L!NE CBS ST PAFLS (4D C, f- T JehkinF, t j i o Jamison, 1 ...... i (~ 2 Wi.rtiington, f ... o 5 1 Piessf-;;, r 8 j ji | Boyd, e i 4 t I Young, g . 5 0 It I Diggs, g 0 4 4 i ft Wilkins, g 0 (j i- T Wilkins, g 0 2 2 TOTAL 14 13 41 i iii'I.AWARi; <7l! G F T Schench, t 8 3 j; F-x /<••:. * 2 t H Hari. ; 4 0 6 Thomas, t c 0 o I Pi tee, f i o 2 i : Bayne, c ... ... ... . 0 D J Frcmisn, c f> o ’.a : Willis, c 0 0 0 Barrick, p 2 5 5 Br.wgus. g o i >. | Simmons, g 0 2 2 W. liar!, g 2 0 -t | Bookt-ty, i: 2 0 4 ' Holiday, g .j i u j TOTAL 30 t. 3 Score at the halt. Delaware 42-- < | St. Paul’s 17. Scheduled i —,,.,‘rfvwfv LOS .ANGEI.ES AMP) Star | members of ihe Negro National; league plus coast and major ieag-j ners wintering here oh the cous T I staged -j benefit ttfame February It*j at Wrigtey FL id for the sick ben-! i efit fund for semi-pro player;. j Jarkte Robinson of the Brooklyn I Dodgers veas one o! the major iMg- j ums invited id play, i i Thompson, I’oughktepKie, N Y: j,, ! ' ; Miltuii Johnson, x inmiumti, Ohio, | * Afhii’ (ixu'i'ii "ii, Canton Dlito; R“ i Let t ji. Jackson ,\H. ntown. t'u . ■ t-j ph Belt r Philfifix'llJ'ia, ILa Ri.lsu! 1 Valentine, f.pi ingiiek:. id: Law i CMC, i 'a- pvim r, M• >i ... , Muriel R-i(l 1 lavi>i-• -ti; Joseph' William- WinAon - 2 lcni: John •, N J | .Hters were also awarded Robert i Bindley Springfield Ohio mail-; agei anti Hornsby Howell Atlanta G..!.. train- r. BIG BLUES TAKE 66-5? ViCTORY OVER ST,PtOL L*. \VP. ENCEVII.LF Va. h’ ;p; , nd tuck b.l tie the "Rig Him irutn Diiief i Id. \V• •• ! V : y-iua ■i- - ! ;; CF• 57 victory over the : Pani'.. tpchixic qr.mtet i: Ti;- • ■ f l 't P.itii t.-t -; ,T ! " ■* t;,-* tan Liking - 10 }.•■•••!.a Ir-m ,n thi opening ot '.hr game H. . p\- r ii,*- Hint’s Fioke through (-. ■ : deL n* v avtf.hl up and went ahe.m a- tlu halt :d) 28. tlu e.ii Iv part of tn second iia-i War. ail f-lim licit! m ill) tin Wi V,.:- :nian*- increasing tli-'ii lead I, y 20 pii-it; Fiputir.r back han ", Bit- closing niiutcs <-f the goir. tin ligi-i--, pu: on ‘coring s>p c that fell short as the game elided Outstanding for the Tigers were \c\ir.t Jr rkins and Boyd. For Th. Be Rc-t-j. Rcavi aii.'. ivi •- clows LINE UPS ST l it 1 * (.Ml Pos Flayer G t 1 Jetdcim 4 S i i F Jamie .-.nil 3 0 '> V Diggs 0 •> • !' Wilkins. A 0 0 ■■ : C Press*; v 5 0 K<j G Boyd 4 i F .G Young 3 3 b G Wiiki.-itf, T 2 2 <‘> G Di tw 0 i i G Wav.hiiigoii . lie TOTAI. . 28 13 ii. BI tiiiFl it itxtit Pos. Flayer <> • l F R, ed V 5 is F ivil-vu- :U S . 5 2 l J F liaii ' xn 2 i 5 I F Dan 11 0 0 i C Reaves i? 0 0 j : V JoliliM Vi . ...... 0 O' 0 G Cousin i I* '- G Rcibiix.-u.r 2 2 -i i; Moos man 2 0 4 i. Helm 0 0 J G C. i- 1;,.,-. 1 0 2; G Ptemy ...... ii 0 u TOTAI 25 15 ti«j Score at the hull Fhueftela 35 ; i St. Patii’s 2k. SECOND WARD W BOM. VICTORY B\ ROBERT CHERRY CHARLOTTE Tt-e Second Ward Tiger over. 1 oft tn a stow • iart. i .\ :U) iti the recond hail io ! an High i ' i mwd 43-.’.t i t.iirif- second gam? Monday at hit c...-,a '.Yard Gym bet an - an e.->ti in I* -i crowd ol i Oiiu fj8 i ,atftbai' fans. The Second Ward Girls nlppeo • - Logan High Gil F in the opener <n : ; the double header Eloist- Smith , was high -tcort-r far U'r- Tigren- p . • . shi was followed by Davis and Redfern. In the fir i live minutes; or th<- game the Tigris amassed «i lead of U-8. It war. Dm* iiricann/ . dribbihi*; and one harw push sht*. j ! that spelled defeat for the l.uga.C Hi. h. By half time lli<‘ Tigers wrt - leading 24 17. Harvey Thompson i leading eorer of the 0 .. m lust yeai • and only player to hit consistent! in the tiis' half finally goi help Dorn hi*- mates in the second - - stanza to break the came wide open, James Wright and Victor In - j ; man lent Thompson magnificent : aisrance. SFUONt) WARD 1481 Player G Ffi F • ■ Thornpaon .... ... . 28 i t ' Stvci 2 ) J. Steel . 2 ti ; Inman C *-; i Crawford 0 1 " j ] flOblli-i'Or! l! J ii j i J Wright 0 2 f ; TOTAL, 40 h it., LOGAN HIGH (SBl Prtyer fi FG J- { ! Galloway 4 0 5 j ; Seldcr o 3 21 ; Hendaie 0 t •> 1 ; MilcheU to 3 2 j | Saunders 2 0 5; ! Clarke 8 2 it j j Bernes • 0 *> 1 ' i CkxUStdh 4 t > : ! - T j' TOTAL 28 iOt 2. ' - , i N. C. State Loses To Union Wins From Dela ware State Puiham, N. (' The Eagles of j North Carolina College n tuna J' to their hoftie court after an un fluevessful northern tour lurt wet 1: to split gatnes in a two night series. Friday night saw the defending Cl A A I'hampions tie monstrating many of the knowti variations of the fast break in :!e tenting Delrwatv State t*f> tiV to tiv< nge the 80 7(1 beating the Hoi nets had dished out in Dover. Saturday night Coach Henrv Hit tie; and. his Virginia Union Uni ve-rsity Fantlieia invaded the Ka ties’ nest and walke l off with a fit DO victory. In the Deieware roniest the Eagles took flu lead when the contest was Li minutes old afte field gool'- by Robert Herring and Harold Hunter, and from tlv.s ‘Howdy From Hollywood’ ! BY CAttOL If f. SHOOTING STARS MAN TAN MORELAND driving in a sky ; bint Hoick seciaiuate one day, a, RALEIGH CALENDAR A Service ot tiie Community ounr-ii of ftairig-h amt Wake County Photo tars FRIDAY Feunruy 20 B'3o p m —Paul Robeson Drama-' lie Clui., Bland worth Sliest • VMCA. SATURDAY Feu: vary 21 3:30 j- m—NAACP. motitliiy mn>.* ing. 4.fiftp m.- Mihie hr.ttr, HlooJwor'h Street YWCA. MONDAY F. bra.iiy 23 12.00 pm Ministerial Atiiatu', BiinXi-.i.-orth Sti■ . YMC A 0 fMi p. ii. insti'ai c' f IL-ligion., Fellbwsliip dine. r. United j Church 7 00 p. hi—Photo Club, Dlnudwce th ! Street Y MCA 8:00 p. lii, — Inslitiitf- ot ftetigior,, ; I.yii Williams. Ui-ited Chu.-C TUESDAY. February 24 72>0 p in. Hi Y Clubs. Blood vvurth Street YMC A. ?, 0t) p. m Hay Scout;.. Wake Di-- visional C.-iii l of Hnner. i Davie Sin-f-t 'Presbytei <;'m { nurci). WEDNESDAY. binary 25 7;3fi p to - Gr.a-Y Clubs, Btfioc; j worth Street YMC A ti 30 p. m.- Mc-n’s f 'iue BlxxOti worth Strt-c* YMC A THURSDAY, FYbi nary 28 'i.tifl p. rn - Coiiitraiiiil.y Counei! c.a-.ev. ork anci it. I • s .i»v'< *»-»i. (Ymnvuui’y < Ties'. 7.30 p. rn -Junior Ciiiaens, Blooif ; worth Street YMC A 7:30 p. nr, -- Buy Soul Wake 11* trict c'pivimiitec-. cpirammil) Che s’ foman Donates Books I'm Harrison Is bears Mrs Kathi ■ ino Edasxli prescuii ed the Rtchai d B. Harrison Pub- . lio Library two books, ‘TSerofte Washington's- World ’ and “Lin coin's Wmld” by Genevieve Fo.* ter in honor of -he two boys. Chic Shaheen, who gave hi-; life in the noble but vain attempt to res rue from drowning Thomas Up eh-ureh, library officials have, re ported. Mrs. Edsali said thai this inei- . dent in which a white youth made an effort to save the lit oi a Negro indicated that there can be a friend;v and wholesome relationship between the two; 1 ares. The two boys were drowned June 2, 1 947 in the Carolina Pines Lake Ilfs, I.atnpkin I Tgcs < ooperat ion in Dn\e ■NEW YORK N. Y —Member, oi the NAACF's National Mem berrhip Campaign Committee which is composed of 200 people gathered from the 44 states in ’ which the NAACP is active, were urged by Mrs. Daisy E. Lamp j kin, committee chairman, to ex- j ert themselves to help put over the NAACP’s campaign for a hah million members. At the rnontnly rneetig of the NAACP Board of Directors. Feb ruar.v 9. Mrs. Lumpkin declared ■Evtry loyal n*emter of the NA | ACP irmst work especially hard | this year to secure the funds ami members needed to enable the NAACP to continue to fight for the achievement of complete dr macraCy.” Shaw Dept. Os Biology oft> !iew tA|ds|«itrf»i RALEIGH A film library for the biological .sciences purchase through the Encyclopedia Brttah nica film service has been inaug urated at Shew University with the purchase ot ij reel* of *ounci mov m?, picture filrti, the office of pub j lie relations announced here th:s week. The increase in equipment is j being made because of the general upsurge of interst in biology as in dicated by a 200 per cent increase in the number of students enrolled : in thr department during the pkSt j two years, i WEEK ENDING, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, KM* ; puint they continuously widi-nt'l j the margin into tin' iHi-HV win Fal j Schenck of Dolt-ware led the son | ring with 24 points while Eddie i McCai i oil contributed 21 marker.*.! to the Eagles’ victory N. C. C k\t j at ha it time 40 Tfj Union retired .v play the Er ; gles fast breaking sty it of ball and when m control they k; )it tin game slow and cautious, scoring almost at will with long shut: from every angle The Engles held a 1 point lead at halftime, 24-23 but iti tlu opening minute;- of the hectic final (tame tii■■ winning Panthers poured in enough dead eye shots to (aim the lead which they maintained chirring me t it the period This gives the Eagles a record men ( adilla ’ convertible tm 1 .** x t . . . EDDIE AN DERSi IN t w - mg time out io work the no a" ; ;at Ins own farin'! : ’»!>'■ - KENNY WASHINGTON eating m j favorite Spani.*h disiie; HU in i DANDRIOGF. diviam;- tier career! oetwren pictures arid dir- airktue*. J AUZETTF. HARBIN bam dan- mt 1 - with good*lookii.: ; - iudetii.... (colored and white*;) dming* a so ciai at Actors Lab where *:h? ii '■studying dramatics DID .YOU KNOW THAT out nf! an estimated 150.00 ft Negio resident I of Los Angeles propi i approvi j tnately 35,000 belong to CIO union* j and 60.000 to AFi, • Wbicii mt. .n; ! two-thirds ol the population if. i.i i riliated-with oigani/.-d iabnt-! SPOU NEvVS THOMAS I. j ’GRIFF!TI 1. Jr, re-eh -U*d ps c-. | jdent Los Atigelt NAACi . i i i members and third tar gest Chapie. j ! in country. Mr, Griffith won ovet j ! several other candidates, first op j ! position in years DEWEY | ADAMSON, com •■••ted fit rmirdwri ; and denied stay > xeemion by jiith California and United Sums ' Supreme Court. ; .;t anted la*; ; | minute posipimenunt by Fed«n. 1 j Judge is; San Francisco. Adair Lot was to hwe died Friday. F-b. ti | LAURELS TO PAUL Wniuurc i i wfio, with Adrian WiTon twhite* i | Will'itrt'i a 3 r.iiihon della’. ; 1250-bed psychopathic urn; to* Lori Angeles Genet at Hospital. NEXT WEEK: B*hind*lhe sCcrte story on An,.o!e> re -j - ictrd covenant c.-ses. Intct vice. .- ,th Attxxincy l.w.n MilU t Tall:? ;th movie and tadto cclebvitit. involved Question sm v»-y of white ; resident.-, in .irir-hbornood. J» How to be o PARTY line AHOtl In 4 iosy Lessons AHov* a little time between <i iV6 calls to permit other* to have » their turn «t the line, fit, £«,«?*€.§; . f jT~~ **>. When another party or\ your . RiltASf line has an emergency, pleas* /:| THI UNI INI ..# release the line quickly, fMIftOCNCY Complete calls quickly. This % assures better service for you Kiel* CAiiS -«fe ** and your party line neighbors, 031 »»1«F Be sure phone is placed **®* ! securely on hook otter each <s'" £!AMS UP *^| call, Remember, on* phone off l «L CARffUUY the hook ties up an -entire line. I . sommam mt rtatmam mm mim&m mmmm _ tmtupmfß/Ht jot 10 vieloi ic*a out or 15 confer i <ik:i- start with 6 contorts loft on | their schedule. IST. AUGUSTINE’S iBQW TO SMITH r ts ' S. \,< S,> ; . BV Itoßl liT CHERRY CHARI.OTTE - I'tic Johnson C. Smith Golden Bulls detested the Hi. Augustine's College Faints Here 1-' uiay before 1.000 basketball fans 4 I-. 19 hi a CIA A car. battle. It was dii' alacriti and frantic playing of the Gulden Bull:- that spelled vio- I ioi v The Bull ' gained a ltt-4 lead jin die first lew mimitiv-: of U, J ■ game with the aid <>: Svvildnei : Wilson and W.i -lungh c By tmn* I time the Bull; were hading SB 17 :in the second half the Saints i.m , .hot and -ant: H points but Ufl ! Bulls had too much of a lead lot j the Saints it. u\ civi.ivi The Bt UI j iiad complete control of the game I Smiths fi in, t •> centOi, Swlldni t t hit thi mc- v\ith H> point-:, but he V ! had to share lion. ■ • with Washing lon who pitched in i» punts. Bugcs ) was high loopsi foi the losers with 9 pt.inis but he had to share hon ors with Robinson who sank 8 point- Kill; Aiul Hicks who loop ed 7 point: each for the loser;. It Pays To Advertise! !! ifjAGtimrs I PEACH gi&omtd I BRANDYjj coos hp. m 11.80 Hi FUll HNT r * 4 CM At US JACOdiH *t CS*. Iks. ppuAOiieniA, pa. » tst. t**4 i ■ t

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