. _ n BJJ .... I in . -rr , .1. ■. ■„,.,„r, m - T rr-V-if-r -| r -- T1 - - - Opposition To Washington High Site Mounts RALEIGH Opposition to the South Fayettc ville Street plot as the site to development of Raleigh's projected Negro junior and senior high school plant gained mono, nl.um this week as the Washington High School PTA and the interdenominational Ministerial Alliance wept on record as opposing the location. The parent-teacher group's opposition to the site was revealed Thursday nhrht following a JOB mm CHARGED M RALEIGH POST OFFICE ik ?nmm : ws \ \im sim ■ IbP! £mm§ i * WSm. J.lewellyn A. Col*s ;lefti edi tor-m-ohivf of the O'hio Siak ,%ew\ < olamrno, reimscrHini; th* Negro Vewspapt* Publisher* Association, was among .’)* rc j»oit%T's and cameramen »•<>. •.■■««. ed to President Tremn's pr<>*- partv for hi> trip to the Car Hi tran. About to hoard Can Ames Vet Sues to Enter Alabama Inst MONTGOMERY Ai.- iANTi William Bell. 27-year o[-.i x-Gl .-.nc. i sophomore u Alabama Slate Teach- ! College. filed ..pplic; tion for | admission to she AJaa P.JyTC:- | nil Instil.,;!-' SchiH.s ■>; «rc*hr.f'i-iU‘. ■ at Auburn Saturda) Til m.-v* . ; follow-up of an N'AACP nolle,: j four and t hail niou’hs th,. I court action would ue taker. U. ; open admissions a! tr.c- University ! of Alabama and the n oly!eohr.- I Institute to N'egio s tiioeiUK. Bell, who serv-d \ c-n veers r | the army was a vatr'-'j- ■ and spent 411 niont'e ir rvers:., i service in Africa Sicily. Italv. Co - ; sica Alaska and the Aleutians. K | is studying ,t Alabama stair under ! IbggT bill. According to Reg;.-am Chalks; Edwards, who said that Beil’s ap ! plication has neon received out his j credits had not arrived, i' wii* j probably be about July ! before; the school act upon application.-, it. the. school of architecture. "1 think 801 l is untitled to an education in architecture. but v have a dual system of education ir | Alabama, and I don't know if we ; could admit him legally, nor not." j ho said. Dr. Austin H Meadows, super.n- J (Continued on back page- Governor W. H. Hastie, Virgin Islanders In Warm Welcome For Tn iman attivn rm CHtRUfGOFRS A special feature devoted to the interests of Raieich’s ehu-rch going puttie wii! be found in the t'AKOLIMtN each week btfrlnniug with this issue Turn to page five for news of your church awl your pastor. If your particular church or pastor is nut featured tn she current issue, keep I miking. • It la certain to appear in a sub setjuem issue of the CaHOLIN IAN, you- own newspaper. i: .11 ». iijip-r ">lo.oii!g star" at Wstsliifigtoo National • • jwrl last i-nv.aj merumg. with Coles is p Be-nara Vi un%, 1, cdltor-in. eUi.-.’ oi tbi- Xertolk .(rtimiai and ..... o ..... * eit amtli ...i. ccrresponArnt and a me inner oi iiu piano’s rt'ew. . PhoU; b> KoiiCTC McNeill; HEART O‘SEfiSE i o :i 1 mep i NEW YORK—More people it' j the United SlCes, both Negro i ;md white, die from heart disease I than any other known cause, the i American Heath Association re ! ported In am.-Ho'icing its national j educational campaign fund drive j here last week. j Since 1928 heart disease has I killed more Nil.gioc.s than any | other disease. Dr. Herman Julian | Lewis, recognized Negro medicai ; authoritiy and associate professor c.f Pathology at the University ; book. 'The Biology of the Ne | gro,” and this has been true cf | white people since 1912. Before hear* disease became the leading cruise o; death in the United Sb.'es, Tubc.eulosb ranked first i'-.»r both races, bat j according to Florence Murray's : “Negro Handbook 26,978 Ne* ! gross died of heart disease in 11938, 32,737 in 1941 and 34,173 jin 1943. the nr so of Negro deaths ito the total population being approximated -ne- tenth. By LLEWELLYN A. COLES Editor-in-Chief. Ohio Slate News Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas. V. !. (By Wired Arriving here Sunday. President Truman tori thousands of residents of the is land that “Political freedom is one thing, but it is only the be ginning. Wi: roust have freedom of spirit religious freedom freedom from want and freedom from fear,” in response to a wel come address -delivered bv Gov ernor William H. Hastie. The President -eceived an en graved mahogany scroll of wel come from Ralph Paiewonsky, chairman of the reception com mittee, as a gilt from the people of she community. Mr. Truman : honored the citizens when be up •. Continue an back page) discussion of the Peabody n pon and its pro posed effect upon the Raleigh school system delivered b\ School Superintendent Jesse (>. Sanderson at the organization's monthly meet ing. A week earlier Mr. Sanderson had appeared before the sub-committee on education of the Citizens' Committee where similar opposition to the site was voiced during a heated session. THE CAROLINIAN VOiA ME XXVII. NO. :M Highway Clash Kills Three 3 DEATHS FOLLOW COLLISION; FIE! r 'EM SANDY m FAYETTFVJI.LE Three me tied and a loco!, was seriously : n.jir.(i e;.rl> Monday morning , v i. J 34; Buirk ci. plied into ,-w Oiiit i -niKii oi. Uu Lu.ii '•.(•,:Hiway near S-ndy Run. 'Ok three vead, -0 '...'ssengers n. : . T-j'; 1 r-k •:; v it. • ' .1. Yk:iv.t: 4 • Damrt Crawford. 25. and Charii-: Me It ji l is. 27> AH wive barbers all ;vs*deutc of Fayei:«?vi]ii . Os c;n John.--in. white, the driver of the truck, whith uv.? ’iji-deri with c:.:i.. 1 y pre' uce craft . .ariicn to Pittman Hot pipe . hen he was treated ior injuries ~ :vrd in the liCcd-i'i. eollisio.i. Accord suit a' '.' .iij ! :'>..-rs r ‘i m-. war SO viols'. oi i-ie r,co vehicle.' v.ev *irt-wn about c n.ie-fsiindred foot 1 VNK< fXfl.onED I 1 could noi be act, riaiivU im : odiately hov. .'.'ei. whether lb ... ■ a ciirfc; or-\>!t of the crash < in the e>:pit's.ior> of the Wrick • fifty-gallon -las tanks which followed closely upon llie coHisk'i’ Tire truck knocked around iti lb . highway • fell ovc, upon tie * lassengoi car, of which only a . h . v d and twisted ei.. »is remain • o<i after the flame.- had tied. Tu> riginr ■•; the car was hurled nbou' 50 fee' ltbi road •.: a re suit oi i toe explosion Melvin, one of ihf dead, \va-. the ; son of the Rev :nd Mis Forte' Continued on papt eipiit Omnibus Civil Rights Bill Seen Paving Way To Program’s Defeat WASHINGTON . ANP* A 5,..- 'i. • nK'Miri embody in;* all ‘ - ; ecommendaions math bv Uv President's Committee ori C.v’’ ri gnts recently, is expected to b offeree to congress by Preside! J Truman, it was learned here las’ week This is despite the threatens. '' revolt by Southern Democrats fi'in: , MIN'!- Fetes Diplomats ' VW SHINGTON f ANPi - Josepn I ; Cbfii’i-’* ambassador oi Haiti, and C D B King, envoy ext.raordin.i - > .nd nunist r pirntipotcritiary iron ' Liberia '.ver< -labo'atcly entertain ’ ed at a reception Sunday nigh ' given ; v i f National Council oi Negro women. ;• -i.S representing 16 na lions were among the liOO guest* m .he beautiful reception room of <h« council house and the .spacious dm ing roi-m where an abundance ot refrtspinents wen.- served In the receiving line wore Mrs , j M;;.ry McLeod Belhui'c. prer-iden* jot NONW !!-!•: tiosioss of the atiyii (Continued on >.cl. ytog/s) KAljaiai, NORTH CAKOI.IN \ AVBKK KMIiMI SATI lil'AV, PEBUI AMY -S. ISIS Mi.MSTEHS B4CK : ( HOOL RKIXM \TlO\ Vif-ta < ■, no pihi riii-niim :ratJun: . , (on:- Aiti.inet are -ran 'it as ihr> .met at the iilmdwar.h Street yMt \ to draft a it elution caiiutg for the rcloca tu;n ot the Washington Hign School ihr rc.-olution.s presented to the Alliani-i thi> week, urges tht th-- existing high school be reno rated and t»ied as a combination elemeni.trj ;md .'.unior high -eheol i. i that a !,- V\ S gill iiigh s-iKHii h, constructed in a more cenirai. ;n e'.-itil’ and de iiahU- ioi-aiion j Opposition to the pecsent sit: has been increasing ir. (he .Negro community for a number «l years and was crystalizcd ii:lo requests tor erc.'iion of a ri'-ii building so) 3 t: ho-ional poif.V- The- question now s- ems to be .-/gf-tfiet' '-hi:- will tokc-ii whether the prcskJifu will hoi. the bill back for mauatk'n pur Truman in scndi/ig the otuui ous bill to Sen. Alben ’V. Barkle.v the minoritv leader, let i; be known ihat hr. preferred a 'MI-swetp" car.tiling (~! Ur prt-'blee: The program, us con'uined in th single rui-ij.- uri.-, -.-ails f<.j !,be estob iislimem of a pci mßiivni cofnmi i: on civil ritfits, je-:n congr' - .-:-nal c<.'tiuni:.tcc on crv ; l rights - j .'.-ivil riehts division <« the ;usi'-n j department, si rung Turning, of pro (Coutmued on back page.) unvs snmwiL s\\ s m \ai sicn, 'Washington The loceni pre ; while supremacy resolution pass ed by the Southern -Govcrnoi.- : Cotlfri'enct- at Wakulla Springy, ' Fia., f ob. 8 of Un Americanism by rcprcseutativc-s at geverntner. this country ru>s seen in many years. The Director of the Washington i Bureau of the National Fratcfrtud Council of 'NT gro Churches of American niaiic the statement , here Thursday r, connection with hi.- announef-mrnt that the Coun cii would conduct a second Pray . cr March on Washington as arc -1 ply to an assertion by Governor Fielding Wriqbt of Mississippi that it was time foi Southern ' . Governors to march on the Na tion's- Capitol. tCoatinued on back page) MINISTERS ACT Un Alomifiy, the Intct denominational Minis b.'i'iai Alliunc" o! Raleigh discussed the matter at ibs \vi;ekl\ nn>eling and vo'-.td appointment of a committee for the drafting of a resolution urging construct ion of a new senior high school building on a more central site and use of the present building i\i§ elementary and junior high purposes. iu\\).ffc& cUinGIIG itM'S.t *>t piaif foj i•oVftMiirit.ntri i>l tbi* Half ij’ii i >ysli m >*» o pr«\ s<(i cb eit-mofitary. U.ir'*M' L'U;h am) smuij V- sc ho**‘ .‘'tvisuish. Shown n* the ufoup arr. i to-r; Tl*! Kp\ ( \ Kr irnc l . OAVir Wins $2,000 Settlement in Suit Over Bus Segregation CHARLESTON, W. Va.-(ANP)—-Charlie B. Hauser, instructor at West Vtrgnia Slate College, was awarded $2,000 by the Atlantic Greyhound corporation in an out of court settlement of his suit against the company for false arre t and attempted segregation in interstate travel, rie was represented by T. G. Nutter, Attorney. While traveling from Winston-Salem, N. C\. li Charles ton, W, Va„ on a WSnsion-Salem-Charleston bus, the col lege professor was arrested Or 13, 1947 m Moutit Asry, N. C.. for violating the slate jimcrOw laws. Bus driver Charles Edds signed a warrant for his arrest alter Hauser refused to move to the rear of the coach, INTERSTATE TRAVEL Xn the subsequent trial at the Mount Airy Recorder's court Judge Harry Llewellyn dismissed the charge, saying that Hauser's ticket showed that he was in interstate travel and did rici violate the stale segregation law. He based his decision On a recent U. S. Supreme court ruling. Following this, the teacher sued the s»us company, in settling the matter out of court the bus firm said the driver had violated instructions in signing a warrant against a passenger. Company representatives promised that like incidents would not recur on their lines. THREE THE l\ FAY ETTEYIEEE ( RASH I - , I Three Fayetteville men cited early Monday morning when , ihctr car, whose smouldering 1 wreckage is shown above, crash - t*r. M»yic«-tan: tn.- Rev. e. • . i.»« ei >hc, l x uncr«*sae*iual. E. i. Ku.urtt, YWCA i‘\<'ci;Uvc -i-cri ’..0, the Kcv. \V S. Banlteld. S. S* A. C.iitircji. and the Rev ) T. I . Hannans. >iani> Struct Chris ii-*i ( hnifb. Carolinian Photo. ed into a trailer-truck on the liomberton Highway four miles south rtf Fayetteville. The ear m which the three mere Following these, meetings the two organiza tions involved decided upon presentation of Uh ir views to the Raleigh School Board Several me dings between representatives of the groups have been held with a view toward eonsolida •lion of their grievances and appointment of n joint committee which will appear before the school Board. fContiiiued op bud' page) DIXIE LIBERALS BIRD FOR BATTLE ON EDITS !SS”E i.AKK CITV S ( i ANPi ' '.in:..- than sou rr;.is bitter!> der»t»wrn.s?d soulherr. whites :»:« um in di ms t-v‘' e, •-■ • : ;ct ■: ’• «><_ Prcsf cic n‘ Ti'urm-’.r. dwn.B t rally -to-* j m M? Clair tkijxiixx L’harrh Sum i d.-.> &rxi adoiMrd $ ; va •tA •* of i iy.vd ..no NV.Mtt DflVlO i or is'. if ilt-?- need arcss: % i :a a. \vo:.;id bv bo\4 :n (MHurri. 1 S C. /• ith : .r; •.'.•!<• vlVa atiCt any seeki.further to humiliate the ; on back P^e) Student Helpers Aid Unfortunate PBVLADEI,PH!A, ■' . <ANV> - I'hiladOip.h ■:,! inward houev , ..■;d human reiatxovis d unde,.- isiviidiub. A i of young i' opje 1 .->[ all race.-, and re 0 gams from '.u leal high school, end colleges, ivoa j leant- to hi Ip die city \ unfortan ! ~ti repaint. repair. ar.<3 spruce uj j their hi.iiiii.:-'. Tie- work o■ • week cuds under the pnnsorsfup ii>i Hit v.ii i ;.ii Ordi i i::! ilxo Kneads * i'iu.y arc known as to week end ' campers. The school re,ore> , 'nteri last week ■ x- th. student? repaired and pain) ; <*d color'd home? nr. r 121 h ar.J v .xirrront Avcnur-. were Rutger-- . Reyn Miiwr Tempi*.*. Havc-rforc! |\i w Jersey College for Women j H lidwin. and Swti.Thir.nre. I They plastered painted, mend ed furniture, fixed doors, and re placed broken window panes. Foe working in unfortunate arid deiap idated homes has been helpful both lto camper* and those who benefit j alike. David Richie executive sc, - I rotary of the Friends, committee 'Continued on naek page* were riding caught fire foDawi.u. the explosion of two 50-gailois gas tanks on the toco*. The truck driver was also Injured, j ! PROBE OF p OI!GY !N PCST OFFICE Tile Raleigh Brat eh of She N A ’a t: j' Week oemn an invee j ligation into employment policies ! en’ the eliv j i-cl office following : ('tkr'm-e of denial of employ men t la Negroes in other than custodial and carrier branches of the .service. I’he K/vACP iiiverthalton tvaa launched .»o tlw bo as o' eoinplaiiif* • that only eight of the city's 7-> car i’iei- its Ve.io*:-. and tiiiit nt! save 18 oft! e office's 300 crepiovees av.. S;i e ;pc!id< nci v. ;!h 1! <• N A ' A C. P end With ;I; u • of the com i plain ants, D Stator, In.fcoe, Ratotgii oosl master. flatly dc-iued the al- • locations of racial bias in the of fice's hiring policies and attribut : ;-<i the absence o! Nrgm clerks to ' the Irek of Negro ciig.'-bles on the last Civil Service clerk register. A.>Sl rks I'AIItXKSS Mr. In.-coe fun he' > aid: “Yi.ut rev | assured tn-'t consideration will be given m iuturc appoiti*- fvients on the basis of those whore flic- Civil Service Com mission qual i ifies for appointne -.t. without re gat'd to race, civcd or color’' in response to queries from the j Labor a net liidustry Committee -.a. ■ o Rah a- bianco NAACP, Air. i In«coo stated that ais office would !be unable a- hxsppl; figures and a : racial breakdown or, the number ;c> persons who took craminations were placed or me eligible list !• who remain on the eligible lists or ■ f ■*'■■■■; \v • • • been >, i bsot;Us*fitly ftp • n ; i He siuy-i-led thc-l each queries f■ ■ dii'ctrd ii; thi f'cu.'h Region.)' Office ,'! iiu- Oiv.i Service Com Cor,‘in led on a. >g<> ■ sghi PRICE 7c \U( P EKUL AIDE -*••• ■ .'•y'e*•• -• -iw-'n.- f f" • , ;■)•■•:.■ t -ij £s*’ Herman Taylor, practicing at torney of Raleigh, who this week was notified ol his appointment I*, the NAAfT National Legal Committee. Attorney Taylor, who j is a graduate of Va. Vision Uni versity School ot Law, formerly .worked with the NAACP legal department in New Vork City, and came to the state several years ago to accept a post as in strut tor in the N. (’. College Law j School. He has handled numerous j NAACP civil rights cases in North Carolina. I FROMINIAT NEGRO LEADERS ENDORSE RED CROSS DRIVE WASHINGTON 'AN Pi —• The annual campaign oi the American Red Cross which begins March l is receiving endorsement from Nc. gro leaders throughou. the conn try Among these are the follow- I mg. From .!u late Dr. iVi O Bou*,- iiclri, vice president and medical director. Supreme Mutual Lite In surance Co.. Chicago: "The American National Red j Cross is; impressive in the imm©- isity and variety of its wide-sprtad i organization. Despite t»us H retain*, i, i'icxibiiity and nlertcd prepared ness in its programs No other uis i ganization could have so quickly I converted a war-time success to { (Continued or, uacß page,i

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