* * ■ * * ** * * * h * * it THE CAROLINIAN VOLTMK XXVI!, No. •’.:> j; ,\ i .1.1 *: ii, Xn'r!',! c,\i:< u.i ■■. ■• **■ *> jr% 4 w jr*s Vf* ¥ W jn* 3T\ ¥ 7 A l T t / P \ ¥*% y**f n"i f\ jpygT /1 i #"'# If w jF""Tf |hf .# f # /|? / t I I I JD f f B A \JtA A \J a v/I\ J a-*# J* JLajLJ? ! $125 CHECK PRESENTED Jfes r '\ *X FOSt SCOTT t'AMTo —As a A .ii from the Dragon chib, a check foi 5125 being pi t s-.’.’itod. :n accon - panyint; pictuic. ic the X'cgro divi sion oi tb'- iipckicnrr.irg Count> Cotincii oi Bo\ Scrujt:-. iu; the di vision's sumniet camp, in the Berryhiii district A campaign is in progress to iru- $3,00h : ,-s lmprovenif rt and operation of ,h<* camp, which ■' a.- ci-rabiisl, c. a couple of years ago. The club n composed of original members of the first Ncri'o Buy Scout tro>.p of Mecklenburg county.also yor.ne men who later becairn Boy Seoul” In phcitesu spo th- S-.:M ci***ck - being presented tiy AI vin V. Kci: • KSN PSBDH GROUP OPPOSES | BOTH STATE m LOCAL JO UM i RICHMOND iAMP AcoJiti m of segregation in all i*r forms w;i the main platform of me exccutiv c-ommiltct of the Virtruia Cmm «t churcher when i! niel In th- YMCA here lasi .veek The cumin •.- 1 e went on recot it advncofm;. ivolition of e.iiroeatiov. oi. pubii . iitiera, and repeal nl state an j meal ! ws forbidding' churcties t. Teacher Dismissed After Thirty Years In School SeboH iiffi'-ia l - »' Vr > -n C''nri . ty \v« t namr-ti dfl'f-ctl.tiTit' in • uii fiiod la-I wc<>K bv An.-me- Sl<*r’':i. i. Toy', -r M t.ah 'Ht is, be!’* ■) of M>*. l.uis i, 1>: i.*.. a teacher in; th-* U : ;.j :• *j, Cmimy Ai-'-.oi.t - fc. hi ore ikon JO years A<sT»Tdiiig to Attorney Tayl-or b- ici. hi> client >'• i ■ «t-*rmsseu rvmnmr w : ith<:n. notn-e from icaebim; pot; if, ‘he ...ben,. Sch>>oi at Mact.-si which .me I. c r. Id the past Hi years. Nsitned as defendi-n*? in the suit sire (bp. Sup. riniendcm of School bf Wf.fTM! Cflimy V.\c . AJownty Board of Education, nd tne loc-a 1 .s'.'bool -eoramittep. CONTRACT STH.L VAUD Mrs Bails' bn-.i cfiargos that. ftccivx xeatc a {it u-iL pres:"KTT. oi the Dragon club, to Dr. fhomai Watkins Jr mured at right, vice chairman of the division's finance committee, who is a conipai.st; *. e - new member of the Dragon itliib. Standing, left to right, are T. E Gilliard. chairman of the division's camping! and activities committee and F. D. Air Miirider. divisional chairman. At a itivi sional meeting last night at Beth lehem center plans sor siMjjbes'sfal prosecution of the oatnj*aign. which was stAid-.-d a weH, via, were formed and approved, li. A Bister is chamnan oi the cam mign Obsei vet Staff photi.*— Dumbi it,i . iv.'o. is.nsegregatcd religious meet ; ings ill public huiklirips In announcing tne v-ciion. ih. 1 T r OUTi f'rtjfi It \V[*,.s HO l ■“"pt '<l : v i!i : L'Y narrji* nf he ! p : nn 1 c\< - t •-fOinimk ions, which compo«■••*• ILc . ouccil, but that it -vould offc. le ;ee-rit'-irt’-'daliou - -ih. chu r ch-.> ■ in.si* for study ■Confiiiuei m r.toc Iwui r’ne to *he failure of the: scho ;'i Os I "ials to fiivc h»’v notte c as retjuir- I by |,r,\ her coni rsret for tilt? -b-roi . oat of 15*45-46 automatica!- j • ■ continues in full furci. for s <•; { brio) ’ 0:1 i of 11+-V6--!7. j The p;d*nttff charge: that she ! w -s gives; no reason for her dismis ! •:>5 and thM repeated efforts to ob | In a hearing dunn.; the past year j r-d a halt have been fruitless. The leather is claiming : n her .-uit ell of tbr salary av.::i 1 >»er e imper.snlio'i which she ■■.•onSd have received as a teaches'- in-hu-t ; iru c Scpietnltec UM6 i The Hefeiidants nav« 10 day... in ! which to answer Mrs. Davis' t'Om j pin ini. after which the mailer wifi I he set hi trial m :be Warvon County Superior Cour* If a I? ? RTM IN «?r r. ■k i i -ay-c fsej '4m. J. 4 I *.l*B fi * b Cub <; ;• u ti 'I J j j ci*l ‘ ,'■ -v:.. ■, ! * ,' fIL* > V!S tptp Rnp<ins»* J:: * i i".y ii: j - .j ; Sorority fvijt.i'onti Finer W<rr;:i he- ci W« ok S urai r. (- ■c< ;>f ’ rape*) t.«f Sic;’- U»>• - '.*.«i?.iit. of Sbe vv s OiTk' i Ois Ch.’i,:- • *• ?o. s teos i •• • r<vr,rriaiions t . 5 Hv M - .kr." He •:i "p' ! women .o ‘-ties to hr!) u uiicju- those iOiCtz tie ■ iicd Mrs K: .-anor Hoo-pvtj; --r.k :\!a.i:.jn Chamg Kai?Shek a- qjmi v rop I inrm* run LidL’uh -\"KV, YORK A XT'* Mis In- : '■■' : "’IT •.: ■■' V. ■>.• Hall •. ii:;K*r». --.,iled foi M<-r:r<v.-j„. Liberia. Friday ?.•!.■ \tT,' -I , , . ... •* " ,1 ■' ii’ un-i .<vi4; ■ -3 won;- r Os lii- ilMiiif; .*1 ,-rd o! the YWCA The .•„!>, Hj.teo will go bv th< " ! Hu’h.no :.r,d R^lgiuo ■ ' fi' • O . Lii.:i. ian IVi r. U'ii:-on's a.a>o!r-lin»n? is •< •'••' '••'.’>• !"li:fjf6!3l .K 1 Ul t?'11 ■ Sh. 1 . n-c’it-y I ’! sorvi-cy ;n Menrovia -va: f! in ••ill “Around iht- World i ' « ’l-M i; Ci|”| ; cii ivf" partK’ipiiil'd ! ,;f a:; •. ,(].•• ’" •• i 111 f>:C> "-ii:.. W)Hu!' i-u.n vr . . i.-•*■.'•. M!;;••• Dor-uhy Hi-’i-.-,'.; . ' : " :■■ ■■ i: r- ■ i> M VHHI4N 01 THEM':UI W “E. n « t ii.n.'in. -ieun ni «om«! *i St. liufustirif’s t'oilegf. /.-••a V. onti:-n of tb., Yv#r b*. Omi I'ts.ii > i tf’hi[»{rr hi (fir Zola ?’i>; Uiu Sviraiity Mm 1 ail: Tri ri-'crivi’d hrr early -•iiuc ,a i”i 1* ;he jiHbiin s,-bools of flou'tor. Me., latri aUeodint; the* f’ , ' fpr < Kts-na? Institution. I3ai<-.- t oli- ;;T SIM. Coiturma sh* .'Min# lo st. A ujrust>n**'s in i‘i '' as •«». instrurtor >»' f- uglisb ,r >-! y ajipnirued de<t» <>l note \ an in !*0!« i- ! i. !■■NliiNG. s' \'i i . \ir , MARCH «>, I *i- NNPA DENOUNCES CIVIL RIGHTS STAND OF SOUTHERN REBELS :■! ] ';'sm r KBH Pi- Hn hi'-uit.- . : < ,i,vt r ! iioiv f.r iei • '..its to F. <- .... , ..iii .j’. i iv.i . -‘-.his.P^ofemrit v - ii'jtiod ns "irresponsinh out . v H'udinji mt*;. Dors <•» \,i . X.’wspaper Publ.xh.*rs Asso ., ■.’.ii ■ asl \. t’i h *. no a;iili«.*rniK oi lb rn.wspa.no jninii I’.ri’i and extcitlivo fi’ :*i .i. ~ .. i . ’i-i !„i! ion \also inarti • no m:*,r:.’fi.v nuo.in:' ..f the 11 n - i,o.iid of direclors. .v .Kinousi.i p.*.'.-< d ivsoiu’i.' •. ii.W’i-u Pr.-siciont Truman's pro •.,. . ,’V ino.-.i "ilal stop ol ypoN'siw.i >'*f nu'K- Ts O’* ' Os I . ihe -r ’III. So-C ,:• 1 '.'.: , i would oiitiaw ! • noel s.cii -e . ii s u-.i ;x pa y ,r.c ii tv aod lynch White Farmers' T-.is- urnbi.i Alii. ANPi Two gun va.TN lot: .- :.it funnvvs we e heinp held Viiiiioiit b-iitii in the Colbert County jail charged wi-h the brut. il ray.’ of the 54-yea: old mother of six children here* Fob. 20. in jail art* Charles Berryhiil ago 29. and Hcrachel CJysqu«*. 27. Coilu-rt County Shenfi L- : McCoi-kie placed the two m j..J aitC! ■r: iiO;' a fhoifiUUL: i • !; ■.) of in.' ; and pos sible kidnap charges made by ; ■ Manunie Patterson, who is pi ;Vi ' I in .'. ■■ ■■ ti’ *.V. I k b'l pi-oniincut white family grand mother of throe children The two rm-n were identified as nioonsh.int t * ft i; : helieviai that the raped woman’s husband James Pa■ to;son who owed the : two men foi whiskey purchased New Trial Sought For Trio Doomed In Farmer's Death AWERKT'S. Gu. Attorneys to; the K;0: ■\.. ;u b lifji"; :(n thc Aov.vtcen: rb of Colored Foot.' will presen', on Tvtrrr-h 20, :>n argil ■ ent for ,i motion f«r s» retrial of Mrs Ros.i l.ee Ingram and hoi fwc leeo-agi* v-rm;. vino were sentenced h> death by electrocution for tiv .1: gee murder of a white farmer The argument will c-e heard is \nvrien: . i ofo: o Juosse W H Ksjrper of she Sup-, suor Court o Scbei-y County and will te oppoc id by Solicitor General N L For i : sic; in Leesburg The Ineriun* : l'< <i he- n condemned to die or Fab, -.vary 27. "but NAACP lawyers ■ : Georgia were able to ot-taii, -!.<>■ of execution. Until the record of the trial is in bonds of NAACP attorneys, it, * ' Si-11 grounds for ail the which will be made* in support of ; a now trial will nut be” known, tow j NAACP lawyers rut confident ths’ ‘Tht ut‘ spoiisibU. outbursus of -•;< : 10 itclieve m .•( Amt.ricai w>; G i l)ic unn yc? nitlcrly rtTi^t .. v - ( ; i f?riivuuig *. ifoit to extenu ,t • hhUtutioTun to nJ j ?'! Ul." , ribed t\v officiah. of the As OIK lit the cost fcsion. I ;-ociation the iwo-da., conference included advoi tising cimilatio.l ■ u . - - 1 ' ■.*■ 1-i. !>■ .- ■ ’.in Negro press aciures -iu-; the dt. ! • ate*, and visitors. Pubic- of the Pittsburg.'. ’ C--a: iar were hosts to *h meeting. S' “ iDi a: M-*. • ' ..■•■him d a haft cl par , ; 0 j j; 5 , fauner and Ten oi' th. twelve Directors o! from them. Bero'hill Ls a form ;• 206-pound ~-••• .-fessionai wrus tler, o is said. In a sworn statement Mrs. Ptu terso-i gave th. following account ~f the crime: "The two men entered my hoax* to colic, . a debt from my husband, James Patterson. Each man had a oistol <;i hLs ii an d >.•. i they forced their way in' • the house. Tv.oy struck my hus band eve: th.* -mad until he !H! unoonsekius to the floor. 1 bo., them rod to beat him anymore and that 1 would By to get th. money for them" attacked woman said that clad in her night clothes and wrapped in her husband’s coat, she crept next boor in the dead o! night tryir-.g to b-u- iw money ■ <‘ondr.uro on hack pus- 1 » ;hi» conv'Ctjon canuo* stand. the coord of ihc■ ?ri:.l shows that t i|m E. Sf?,ri{nrd, the white man •-•-born the Ingram? were accused ,f nu.’-fi > ing. ijss«ud(> f. the in<>tficr with a rifle on November 5, iiW7 : d , I re from a biow an the head when ?iv. Ingram ’toys. Wallace, il ::nd St.tnuc!. 1-1. enme to he" j de- n.- For tlv* re months. three In i grams were held ;n jail and had it :. ,a ,idv. : On February 2. 19-18. they wc-r.- indicted. On Feb ••< >■' s. in a tne-da-v trial, with ■ cmij fonn-appointed counsel to de- I fend them. Mrs. logicm and her | tw o sons were con deled and sen i tt-nced to death. 'The office of Gov-vnor M. ¥ Thompson of Georgia has been : swamped with lelegrams from l ihreughottl. the country, asking him :to intervene in this case, which Continued on bad 1 pagei Where !Jcscu<* Vltenipl jailed t- M■. •"■ m US ‘II®- I- it " *?v>~ \ >--v " yvHSrAHI*-IK *s"sSi®^S : ' m pmfr V'T*. 4 *■** ®t •jjMF .**■' .. t run F 7c Mrs tula Ma** Jones oi TI-I Branch St: -*t *- shown telling Mo it.iii-. While of ii:. same .10- (!ri 11 !uw- y,; s. M iliir s sk.-'i .mashed a window in a vein at MAP?* fiwrr.v i U u i sliy ftJ»H-u<J» •?rt rv -n.r> "* ■^a.sr* [ft ' ■'!!> - - « ,‘ s ;f <?«!!! 'f s-i *N : C W'V;SU yL. * “v ‘ i %f . IrOV'.-rS*; UVC'. L. 1 *a r Ci vm.! ’ ’. ! . U•; ‘ . : ,- iP ni -o appr/inmu-ii? o* a eotrmvii-' The conference w.-c trie ou* I sition from church. Civic and par ; N • RYS'I \ ; ,/ih A strong factor ir* the cry^iaiiza < Com.ino : on hack i * UXI f \TR 8 ! t S Lr.is ! ft »i-cl O’ J new t?pt ?nr*!c?J tjv r s* Sj : ll* |?i f • V „'« fee* a £ to n«a ?v* JU* j 3 S Ztr* «* « | ATLANTA iANP> The- city ■ i ’lf. comm dice o; Ai.: nta courvii jto the police force to begin train Tii patroin.f-n ;•> -btsLyy will tram u;hl work;: ;• - I >:t don tr-oiv uniform* about May or Juno. Meanwhile, At ! lama s’ill steaks Negro police ap j • -■>!; ••. ;< :i; j * the C’.glt successful : ! opplicams and appointees reprm'n" | the total who passed the (wo on ! j in.:! for that port, j Mayor william Is Hartsfield and j jetty council voted to employ Negro; j police after civil rvrjrwnizatoin? : i ' rc.ssed forth»- matte" over a three -j j year period. SPFAKEK j 1- / '-V i ' , C 'K t ‘ ' ? i Miss >!•;«• son O. Hand was form erly employed as a Mallttm) Sates Itcprw.entotivr for Pepsi Cola Co. she was ore. of two Negroes (hat was taken ns the employment of the Company under she Walter Mae}. Job Awards Program. She is a graduate of Lane College. Mias Bond will speak Sunday March 7. at 4 p. m. at Friendship Baptist Church, comes of South ! Brevard amt E. first Streets. MICROFILMING SERVICE \ (Lewis W. Lawrence, President \ Rt. 3, Hox 212 li. £. Z73AS tempt to rescae “tt-yt.-.r-old Ben r.inoi (, Whittaker from flames which destroyed his home at IfiOii South Bast Street early Sun day morning. NEGRO Jo[i ,\-Ms v. Cl TV -MX PA: Many and college, throughout l.f • •alion ) limning special ptv , or.S'. ! Vl*.’- ■ us Neil! . ,',. r Wick Marc it 7*14. coin ■ . . th.- 121: ’ nniversi;. > iii- pfijic: X ic-eli’.'.i :. T-»t.f vi 1 .1. by Juh> Rtissivurm, Dovcdal 11 Davi.v . , : 1 |ht Vi 1.0i.i XCUO* N v, ii,,].K- Week Committee, an i.oevuV" lasi Thursday. Student conv'te iiioi’.s. specia,! I’lassrocife crojii a. spetjK l”. aria riicl-.-s in student iKxeipitu-. 1 : wifi ... inc-uckid ill the- tiiCue.C to Ncgt’C ournaliam, which has ..town since Fice-j :.:; J iin'nai was established it, ir.27 tr, more man 200 paper . jbi:sited throughout the 4H 1 aLa .iiici with .1 cneulation of al most ’wo million s’ i 01 the schools which nave 1 nri ioa tile I special programs will in held incliidt Blue field. Wv.' ViivTlivers 'y Oh. ca ~.. through its student newspap er. "Th- Miirnini.' t’lli.iinder Stil!'.!: t'lil I- ge. Li’.’ie Rock. Arkansas, ibo rhivid. Agricultural and Mccham cal Cuilego. Tabih:*:-.- -e*. Forida Tiho'son College. Aitsiin, Texas, Mishi:!' Coilcgc. Maia hall, Texas, unci Linodlfi Univci -.} Jcffersoi l '. I>. Missouri. in addition, hr." son oo l.-: in . great ninny cities arid (C»>ntinu«d on hack page) !?t‘!ig!oiis f]mpha>i' \\ erk Planned \i Slum R-digna'i Emphasis week' will be observed Shaw Univarsi'y inrch Ii io 12 nalh joiv’ccs in Gre-vnloai Chapel during the sou p- rioh. The criei. will i.ie liirected tb: •>’k. by th- R. v Quinton Jack . on. pastor oi Ml, Zion Baptis* ("\ tirrh "i phila-riciphi.; Pa Ser l. Ttasday and Tamsdu.v morn m. will begin .it 11:00 o'clock On Vi . cii..srtay and I'n.ii y moruings I l * sen vires will o- hi id el 10. Anti-Truman South Fights To Block His Nomination WASHINGTON >ANP) - ’’Any iv.j’cLdf f» on President Truman u pro-uivii rights man" Is the mot to of 74 House Democrats who Lav m :nsd to '•oppc.se to the finish" T!n. President’s civil rights pro 1 gram. Their plan is to keep the Demo-; erntic party from nominating Tru-1 man foi Preside m. They would prr-i tv, a man who will r.n pres? for anti-lynch-ng FEPC :»no such raci ! ai equality legislation to be pom ! in,Hed The two candidates the southern ers most favor, now.-ver. do no'. ’ core to run. Sec. or shale Geo t, C. ivi . ■ oi.'i says nc will *’nevet", run. and Sen. Harry P Byrd of j Virginia said ‘‘keep my name cut I ■S3 ll6^ ■ J-itrs L ' VVliitlaker's body was f mM “% few fret Stunt the window frsitit: to which Mrs. .iotirs is pointH&g Cirotiniun Photo !>> si.epan! tl lyco rsTHf i i-HiULw I H I rfL TO 79-YEAR-CL9 »fl !.*» ttll 11 b!il- iSI I •- - i S, yi niy-riii. ** a iv. njinr.i ‘ ; Cr-divi VV' ittakef f(1 *i. th . • t 1.1 f l l':!' - W Alii l 4 t»* * ItHlt »' ! ' Fains dtx r ing at 3 3CF‘ • Smith F::vt Si»•«;•.:*< • iv Sunda/ I s•1 ■>' i 1 ina t k, hFcom? lcwi*ifi ijait v in a sene> o: faiai fire ! which h.iw stFank dm Halcaa.h !<Mnmu?uTy vv)t'niT» th* past foiu j \ 4 /Lt’i\S. • The the which rhnnuG the.- life of • ihe aged parUaiiy bluici anti j crippled carpenter h <<l already j urned the oiie story dwelling | where h<* lived alovie into a raging' I irifrrnu when it was diseovei*oci ox | about 4 a. tt». by Mr: . laila .Tone*-. ronlimied <*n page eig*fi WALLACE m T 9 CANVAS CUT RAI FHill I' k. R.di gii and ! Wake County \V iVlik;:-K- c-Piv: j.- . r,'. Chib initiated ti- membos’Shv ! campaign over th<- wcck-cr.d. an* Mi.:i ... ,i goal 2.01)0 for Ralciyh ri.iv j \V:,kc County I The method used >•: taking ai I .’ivcrugc pucitu-.1. div icsny it into • .’iji.arc block.-i ,-nd assuming l.hr-r I bb'Cks !o each v. orkcr Each work el 1. to do lumso-to-hoasc canvai-r.- | r 4 i<> I'ct-r- the s-inu,: - ot ..*tr-n j fi.nl lira) iv-'iMered v-H' rs. j Fi , tii-.roris'.ei’ed voters Ihe in junUon is to inform them 01 the I imptMtattcc’ and necessity o; rf-g's j icring betore the primary elections I ant: a fit”, the Prim n-i Flections ,!•< 1 worker-, an to m. i;e return hips j : d find out whether .hey register 1. (I .old voted at winch time tvoi k |in will ;;>ve them a gv-r-ral know !.di-c ■/!’ -iis petition and try u | get their .si(matures, j From registered vot rs worker ! '*'!?' attempt to ret ':hoi> signa me- iK-tifion In .icidifn-n tr ! ccUin- pet:foils signed each work 'or v. ill >,O: k iu"a m< ii.-wrs and con -1 •■dintion? Membn"hip uos arc fif ty cents, ii’ini,:;; r,r obi dollar min itmiA; amitiaily. Pi.m.- were ai.-n i.iadc («• rats*' • Continued >n oa«-k page** of that kind of tsik” In the meantime, despite their protects an anti-ly nch.ng bill hns passed the judiciary subcommittee in the house. If the full committee approves, the bill will appear on ih(- floor for a vote Thy new bill will make lynching a federal offense with the accused having- a federal trio!, ft calls fm: Maximum penalties of It) years and $20,000 fine for lynchers and five years- and $5,003 line for neg ligence by peace officers, and $2,- 000-$!0,(t00 compensation to surviv ors of the victim in care of ttegli • pence by peace officers in providing protection. The comperi'sntton would be paid by the city <.» . > vis >- * the lynching

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