FLOOD WATERS CLAIM THREE LIVES IN STATE ****** * * *★ * ★ * ★ ★ AI’POINTKI) Clyde Hart, director of Nation e.t Opinion Rr-rareh t ruler. Uni versity of Chicago, has recently appointed John !! Blown, Jr., an interviewer for tin National Opinion Research Center. The N'ORC is a non-profit agency for measuring public opinions with a staff of highly tr lined inter viewers throughout Hit t mtcii States. Mr. Brown is one »i Un feu Negro interview rs for the VORC, Mr. Broun is principal of Npatilding High School, spring Hope, ami will srrvi part-time with the NORC. The new ap pointee attended the Raleigh Pub tie Schools, and was graduated from St, Augustine's College. He holds the Masters degree front Columbia I niversit, w here he majored ir. Guidance, personnel, and Administration. NfIACP BEGINS is® cawaibn At the monthly meeting ;-i the executive committee Raleigh Branch NAAC'P plans were made lor starting the annual inembe- Wsip sam? fernd-raising cfempaitih: At the u;u:a; me robership meeting to bo cold in March the principal speaker will bo the Rev Mabk- Gary, pastor of Gr. co A. M. E. Z. Chm ch. Tiu- first k-s of fund-ia's ing programs will be a (trine; so be given at th- Blood'vorth St, YMCA on Siturdav. March 13 19#8 at H on p V ,-ki t>- thi.- dinner will soli for $2.50 p c ■•• plate. Tie. P.ran -h has appointed a youth council to concent *-at«. : on the drive to get more young pee p'd active in NAACP work and also Us direct then 'activities Members fii ;hr youth ec-uni -i are: W. L. Greene and Leonidas Frazier, co-ehah men, J. E. Shep ard. secretsrv Edward Finch*, A. W. Sherrill. The Reverend C R. McCreary nd G. C. Tippett Plans are also being mad.- to sponsor the y -utb group of Urn branch in a radio foi urn SI 0,000 If Bf WIN BV STATE'S YOIINB FARM >. it•') Co n.i junior grown - /hose members won live awards m the 3947 production and mar keting conies' of the National Junior Vegetable Growers Asso ciation will have another oppor tunity in 1948 to improve their Mi-Hat records. In announcing the eighth an - nual contest. Prof. Grant B. Sny der of the University of Mas-: : chusetts, senm. advisor to the a - points out that North Carolina boys and girl:- between the ages f 14 and 23 arc- now eli gible to compete for the- 5(3.000 m agricultural scholarships oi ferrd by A. & P Food Stores each year. "The annual contest, in which junior growers from 43 states '.Continued .on back page- - Regional School Plan Hit By Fla. White Students By JAMES B, LaFOURCHE Miami (ANP) ln riotous pro test aver the March 4 meeting of the Southern Governors Re. gtonal council at Gainesville Fla,, w group of 35 white stu dents oi the Univo sity of FJor s • <da have labeled the caucus "un democratic*' in that its sponsors 'advocate an unjust and inequit able system of 'education in the south " The students were motivated THE CAROLINIAN AOf J .AH XXVII NO lit; * * * * * ★ ★ ★★★★★* ★★★★★★★★★ HJGHWA YPA TROLMAN FINED OH 80V:... VM) * HVJTA li(>\! Head N.urse Resstr Smith Met aiifet v ri svate is '*• ov. nOia -tuvtg W iiip <*! imes 2s«*i ottr an okVi inimd -a - hail FTA Rights Battle Hit As Labor Strife Looms Among Reynolds Tobacco Workers PA, STATE mm KEEPS JO OMITS Philudelphi;i (A;NB) Pc-nn ryh-aniu still oisns 1o «dd o "coi. on*,:;' n-giniCitl t«? the Penns,v var.ift National guard, said Brig. Gen Frank A Weber, slat, ad • ju.tan; genera i. Although the actuation of Pa. p; r.pose.i units ■ fa: lx-fur ! sc he dulc the sr.-re will very rmphal• fai y "foj.'u'v itu army policy, and dot's not propose t>- foihiv/ the dornocuiiu n,. t;on of N* c* ,v Jersey -n rrexing the- troops There have boon no colored metrrb- -rs of the Penr.sv'in:.:. National guard in 30 yea as. N. C. Progressives Assail Civil Rights Opponents GREENSBORO T hi progr. ,■ - .»ivc Pariv of North Carolina cx :j,i.:”e c.inj-rji;: - . iTic-cTe.L. ficrc Satin uay want •in ; ecoi d thai j, •d.nds yqiiaivjy fc p - -m w.a .-xten-oiTj oi civil i iaj.’ -- oi ~11 ci!t- in their action primarily as a r«- - suit of the Wakulla Springs meet - ; ing two weeks ago at which time - mne- southern governors met and ;severely criticized President Tr... - ma n for hit: request of a civil rights program. These execunves meet ing at • Wakulla Springs last month «sn pact c - • for the joint financing and opera oi regional education such »s I j (Continued on page lour) RALKKSH, NORTH CAROLpsA WEKK ENDING, SATURDAY, MARCH Hi, 1918 ' -aiv: :<-r I’,; „ iiorri it <-i)!t\ at tti; livspilit! !<> Mr, anti .Mrs. Nathan Ksx-otf t»l 515 •t.iidcn Mrtet. u ]\ c TO\-v'n t.-**,*? \' t »• bfi \ ■ • Km :••<! 11'Ui u*cw, ■ in tni 1 ’ vt?- year h bO ween th» ri. J. Rc-yi'i.'ict: . 'OciVco t )'<r.p.jiiy ai>J CTO Uitiiec T-.n -ct O W; rkers, L-> ... T!u- R( ynolds Com >••?•>• ,s Hu; I-u •• ’ • - I'G.vvr . ! rCogr;xa» in the V -.:jsi<»jj-S,: i, .-*: . Vt ('•!<• 1.n.,,! •;> v.-Hh ;,v. (ivrcTC.j high i„-r --•■'■ nt;:.:<. of NY-gro rneo; r-. ;■ me ,i( ■ large . al inion- n s, nh. Resp-jridmg co:n - v i-cei-jt-s-.- : t-> .1 NT ’’ A(I, i : U; ~. >, J’v.-i it no tor,.c, i-p,.-som.s ~ r a aiyod ;.v .• j‘(i i,oi<,n ;. WI'MI«-,|. ■! Vic HAKTU 1 v. f l- 1 idi • v; n,», - -! v.-o• • 'Continued on back pagej The froeivssivc Parry is backing H cry A Wallnc'- >-• >r Prcsldonl. A pol! will be ovndn ted through o', 11. r TI o.i l i ‘v ores'ion. ’l.io ; '"natoi ifoc-y and Go,..rnor Cher ; v sp -ik for .you vrivn they op oos civil right;-,;" N'-rth Carolina j Students for Walloce, oi,'ga*ih;ed .i j meeting held in Civ-ye! Hi)l la-t vru, end, will inivat.- ft:«• poll on one ty campuses. I |.n Wdition to the poll. The p>'o ■ gressive Party will cimulate a in n-ion addressed to vuntx -of > roiling for outage m ‘ iw- «€•. dost JyiK hiiiv nnd ib poll t; x and for federal p. o tec tier. ;,oa <\ ensicn ci other eiv'l rights. Miss : Mo* • Pi h-i , party cuainra, stucco Charge Gov, Dewey Plains To Block National Guard Anti-Segregation Drive By CONRAD CLARK Albany, N. Y. (AN?) ~ At. cording to unofficial reports Gov. . Dewey’s adiib,wi-.i ration is trying : WAS TO RECEIVE ALUMNI AWARD CN BAY HE DIED WASHINGTON, D. C. Fumrai 10 2 L). . HilWßild . \ i't.: O T Bvi i ~ kci:. <U, Dear: Eineruu, of 1 Colkrgc ui* :vi' divine r>\ How are. i. v.i VOiS- ‘'* ■ v *.„* Tc hCI d Filc Ji V a t h) :s tivtiii;. 2. >22 Cuiumbia Ko«Ki. N. W - Washing too. D. C He Divo b.u sday Marc i x Iji d. a i his ho me aft-e r an *D* nc-.Y of about a year, Interment v-*r a. huek C. at Hi'. (.* v :vif'’. \ v li- da./ he v ied. Dr lUiloiCu was a\\ a rdoct in abson*;a a Howard Un.vrr ay A. r-oa- Awaiu ioi ‘in'. . . shtf-o p«:iso'u *x‘.. aerie v; runt ir, medical education. h*orn in 8< aners au. th. I\. H.. .be '• i ’ 1 V' shine;on ;-t an early <t(2*: it'.c atn need iiabtie sotoou «' i. s: rdu<rca i. m I'l ! tcoton • Ins • masters of arns there. ts.-: n. rn'eduhne frrm Hcuvaru • on Uuuea on back i#? £a i HOWARD "SET SJYS RANKII! Washington (ANP) Rep, Rank in, returned to Washington ihuisda.v irum a week s stgv John Hopkins hospital for a throat ailment .treatment. J!: f; ■ i stmement an ac cusation, once before made, that, Howard university is a "hot-bed of comraunuim," and that the school is doing the country rnou; harm’than any other institution. Rankin v,..- replying to Re publican Km;!.-;:. Republican W isc-onsin, v, no advocated assign ing colored doctors in white pa tients except when individual. l strongly objec*. Pin sician Gels 12 Years. Still \ aces I ho (.barges c Detroit (ANP) Dr. Hcmdee E. Ta»n. 39- > ear old admitted abortionist. was sentenced to 12 1-2 to 2i> years in state prison :pon conviction oft he rape of a woman, patient by Recorder's Judge Paul £ Krause here Wed nesday, In addition, Turin is under sen tence of a yoai in the house of correction for non-payment »<* temporary alimony, and faces charge- of obtruding justice., an < •uUro-.vih of a mans laugh'.-, case, and another involving an abortion perforated on a 15-year old girl. to quietly kill Assembly man Win, T. Annrcwr' bill to outlaw sogre ration in -he Now York Stale (Continaed on nack page) PlilZE WIWEH Bpsswf B§, ■Mx » gmMlm A J'D V .Mrs. Homs 11-nywood of So. I ( hath;,in frirai-i- Raleigh, has fri'CH ;i£ uii cd by Ih? Koi-v M rD. 1 Pimiu; . t'cmtunj »>; Ni-u York that h i leUi-r ;>n i Vrefrc •{,i\e Mi-(a I’roriai’ts ’ ?ias been -r/.-rt. -i h. the fuitfc,'> as on- ol -.bo'-t m <-n sh:’ has been awarded a cosmetic- tuH vt. An aU ev.pi-nsi- Hip to tlcr r.tucia was awarded t-- Mr-,:, vo iniiu Ii .ex-lira. «!' lf'V.' 17th Street. Philadelphia. a> first prise. .Sc-t-CHxl prize, n Phi lee. eofid-.tli,. • liiin, and third, a I.engine Vt'itl nanoi- wrist waieh were avvardeei •:, ( A Persons, itami!- l«a -\vr.. F!> ria. Ohio, and M.s» \fsia A. Pegrairi ;* Van i ourt. OHioil tiicb., respe, tivi-ly. >,« \WIVERSARV ■innaraMWii is snov.n a *>■ 'production «>i PnuwJent Tminan s letter to j Thomas W. Voting-, president of the Nfgpo Publishers Association i FOUND 80ILTY OF ASSAOLTINS NEGRO VETERAN W TNT ON A former state troop er who was ordeiect 1c resign ftoin hi-- job after beating a Negro pr.s one. in his eust'-Jy was fined Sad Tue-dny when assault charges w- r heard before Judge W. B Boor- in Hertford County Recorder's Cotir’. The former patrol, r-an. ,!. W. Reavis. w:» charged with ha ’ing beaten Cleveland pierce when the latic'r was arres'ef! or a speeding charge near Auiander last January. Paiioi--,...:; John fcaekett v, n'r we-. with Kravis at lit- liirie was ■ '.ftCi { mijPO i-,f> Tift ‘ li t No Retreat In Rights Fight States Chairman McGrath n-:ton . ANPt A sis 11.0 0 ekiegatu-r, ,1 Negro Demo ,iat - met with Democ.atic- No tinea: Chairman J. Howard Mc ‘ .rath in the nation y cujiita: jvionnay to urge no retre-at by tae admin is test non on th, viv:l rights program. The committee gr, a -at ol a. . nft-rc-nce oi .-jt-'-s comprising the eastern rogitm of t Notional Conferenc of Nk gr.i Dem vats neld in Baltimore, Teb 21-22. Stales .- epr,-.- vntc i w .- Miiine. New Hampshire Now York, New Jersey, Dela ware, .via: y:ai,o. and PeliiiSyi H-iiicii nr t«» Negro Press on Its dlterrMw of NegTo Press Week which wUI Be PLAN “TOO HAZY" FOR DISCUSSION SAY SHAW HEADS Shaw University • ricial- this week declined lo comment on porn ttint (he Unive. uy i- seek.- ign to purchase Suh. -ov,; o iand .:• ihe Ct' vis H«.-i,;nts seetuin )>■ ,-t as an athletic staoivm. Although the school officials ad mitted that Chavis Kialri eitj owned park w Inch has been use;, m tin past for Cmvc sity events, is quite mneh nu; ’ - they J.-- elau-d that possibilities of Un poi chase of a new siic a-e "too 1- tor discussion at this time. According to npoits release,.: by Assistant Budget Director R G. Devton a mjuext for the pure!;; .- land <:t tia back oi Ch.ivi- Fn :U | ■' been mad- by the Uuiv-vi m;., •Continued on bark page) PRICE 7c Appeal Made For Funds To Defend Mother And Sons NEW YORK Au urgent appeal foi fund;- for the legal defense- of Mr-. Rosa Lee Ingram, widowed mother „f 12 children, and her two young sons, now under sentence a. death in Americus. Ua., went out i his vvtvk to I i ;e j. 6OU broncr: cs I >f the N.’itconßl Associ.’iion for uu. •Advaui t ineni <>f C i- ,*d People ,'Wi !:, their t'i „nc> ‘..fit; A so The group was assured ; y Chairman M< O• ath that the:- would be no re treat by President Trunksti nor hlni-voli nn the civo lights program. M.- McGrath said that the pro gi am is “a Hght for Human, rights. It is a just and righteous cause, ano tb re tvrii tie- no *•■ tic-ai." The dek-iat i>.m conferred with M: McGratn . i m >rc t' an hour discussing many things of imp’-irtance h- N. voters ine nail n r*ri«-r to th--- iippoinlmer.t with • Cont.nueo op. .c\. page) m.« ivoil by a series ox special programs ihroapiout the country j (taring Mie owning w**vji. CHILD RESCUED - WOMAN, 1 MEN D!E IN FLOOD GOLDSBORO Flood wata.i j which inundated parts of the state ■: in tlie wake oi last c-lUs rain.' ! co- 1 Ihe In-, oi two men and a | woman Sunday after the rampag in'-- Meuse River ov, . flowed its : brinks near But-khorn. Tire throe dead an 'lt’s. Martha Tolt-.r.' li* i- brother Sum Nelson, and Claude C’an-av ay. Mrs. Toler's three-year old child vus rescued is iV.thrr. Eddit h oler, who wag iinutii-/ .<> save -lie ud; i three, Aceordinu to in account t-1 the ' tragedy ioio by Ms. Toler he had Cfi (iie three ,id oils end the child in Ids luxji.se which located near Jie river wMl< he -.cent to see • whether it would bc j iiecesssury to | abandon it. H U M (OH IICLP Upon his return t, tlie house ho iiHicil t':a they had left, that the house was empty and that his boat was leari ,from the H- cod fields near ;.- house, he went after Clifton Parks, his em ployer, for help * )xm then- return the two tncri icurid the three people clinging to Con inued on p ige eight the most shoe king vm-earriagjes of justice in die 39 years the NAACP has existed" Walter White, secre aii v. iiraeri the bram-r.es to arrange mar. nii.-.-*.ing- and seed speakers n. i.;lurcbo.-. trade union- ami othei ) organizations io a concerted eam ; i iiisn to raise fund.-, for the Ingrains , and other legal dell*. use work of hr Association. ; Th- do.-.tn - ntenc-e.- imposed on Mrs Ingram, .os impoverished - ■ eern, ipe-; h< ons origin - -.-ted la a-", a gument last Novaat o-. vviilt ®rm white farm* cm. John Hd Sir atiorc Mrs. in* ra f n.. pigs bad rooted under the y ■ ' vl ’c ”■ iai.-y r -o.t so fai’tli -si Wilke: -1 WO! k-cii • Continued e.n page fourl UNA¥fV A BUSTS VET KILLINGS B« MISS, POLICE JACKSON Mi.-.-:. (G> - The Uritted Vegro and Allied Wat Vet* -•rails hUbnaitted details of two al leged mu'-riet.- to- A toi n- y Gc-nciat Torn Clark this week. The document v. - A rrribc-d b',y Gw-rite Murphy. National Com mander of UNAWV a reported cyowi'.ess account of the even lx The tin n reported slain by the pu la-. , -.ere identified ns George Thomas and war veu-ran Walter rahner. The report d .cribes a se tt-: nt events IcaJuSf up to trie ; killings. One story relates ho v on Feb-ti ai> 23 in Jackson. J. V vV ih,iiur ■ a young Negro veu ran was arrest cd iJs Nt .io cotv- or. a charge o, drunken*-:;s. After placing him un der nr.-- ' . the office! pushed h-m mt« 'I > Street aij.'j immediately i-dot mm in the hip. .-.Tying he I .J iii'-unptcd to escape. E; rlier on November 15, at £u • • wards, a village 25 miles from , Jackson. Walter Palmer, a vetei an ■ was als. arrested at a party and later -Lot dead by a local officei. His clothing showed he was shot in uve back, but th: officer ciriimc*. he had tried to escape. According to Murphy, spokes i man for the United M.gre and Al lieri War Veterans, no preliminuiy , hearings, <a officio] u'vcstigatior.i • have been made in ■ -her oi these cases. Local Omegas To Hear Lvvin (Ms Alderman FMilugh Chapters of Omega Ps* Phi Fraternity -ire holding their ! ahnual Cot. Young Memorial Day Program at Gveenleaf Ohajwsi. ; Shaw University, Sunday at 3:20 ! p m. Tin Rex-. Kenneth R. Williams, tnuufx't of she board of Aldermen, ; Winston-Salem, Norm Ccj-olina. tne First N< cro to be so elected, pastor of the First Institutional Baptiv | Church and a member of the facul ;Lx of Palmer Memorial Institute, I will br the speaker, i The Roy Mr. Williams is a giaZ i wave of Morehouse College, and | hotus a M. A. degree from Bosto* i University. He served S 1-2 years i !ri the armed service* during World i War XL of which eighteen months j wen spent iu th..- Pacific Theatre 1 He retired from the army with tne ; ftnl? of major. I'ae cro.- .ram is being sponsored b> the lota lota Graduate Civ. pier Delta Psi Chapter of Simw Uritver.. ; sity and Kappa Epsiliw- Chopier oi St. Augustine. Culler

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