WEEK ENDING, SATURDAY, MARCH 13. 1948 ■State Teachers To Convene Here V':>q Therm, ‘ Education for a fuller realization of democracy”, was adopted by the program committee of the North Carolma Teachers Association in a session on February 7th. The annual con vention to be held in Raleigh. March 25th to 27th will be the 67 th since the association wa s founded in 1881. The first general session of the convention will be held at Shaw University Thursday - veiling. March 25th. The response to we 1 come addresses by Mayor P, D. Snipes of Rah igh and D. A. Thomas of the Wake County Teachers Association will be giv en by Dr. Hardy Liston, president of Johnson C. Smith University Following the President's an nual message the key-note ad -ess of the convention will be delivered by Dr. Luther P. Jack son, professor ot history at Vir ginia State College. Announce ment of important convention committees and presentation -t proposed constitutional revision, will conclude the first general session. Slate Named A nominating committee- d appointed under pi ...visions >f tin constitution met and noinin.it i eadidates to be voted on at th - annual convention. Named were: for president. H. V. Brov. 'i w-iiw BLACKWOOD’S YOU DON’T NEED CASH AT BLACKWOOD’S TO BUY SEIBERLING TIRES STEWART-WARNER RADIOS NATIONAL BATTER! S 3 AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER NATIONALLY KNOWN BRAND PRODUOS FOR AUTO, HOME, YARD AND SHOP Buy On Easy Credit Terms. - Jpfe fba feta 'Fetfeb Saf at ; AND ALL BLACKWOOD ASSOCIATE STORES % FAYETTEVILLE - RALEIGH miBi.INGTON^— jf v-r^T\/ ¥©yr ► PARTY LINE NEIGHBORS hove problems, tool 4 * keep **aM* brief This assures better service (or you and your party line neighbors. ■ : ;&&&«$ :•' ■/■■■': .■ ■ i 1 give ofhere m ebonre '■'-■-WmlMi A 'Time Out" between tails gives others a chance to use the line. refeene line in emergvneie* M When another party on the line has an ¥)P*tf emergency,please release the line quickly. kmmg up gen fig dlllilllf® When the line Is busy, please "Hang Up ' Gently." ' SOUTHERN MU YSMEPHQNIE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY s4*€PrpMWtgd ■• * t -i Goldsboro; for vice-president A, H. Anderson of Winston -Sa lem, and M. O Williams of Ra , ieigh: for recording secretary, Mrs. Ida H. Dime an of Rm-'isville, and Mrs. F, D. Daniels of Wash ington; for treasurer. 11. S. Davis of Oxford, and K M. Barnes of Wilson; foi two vacancies on the executive committee. Mrs. L. B. Yuuoe.y of Henderson, Di R, P. i Daniel of Raleigh, F. ToJivei of Asheville. and, H. D. Cooper • of Ahoskie. Voting will be carried on throughout Friday beginning at. 11:00 a nr and ending at 6:50 p in. as provided by the constitu tion. Registration and voting headquarters will be set up in the Student Recreation Center at Shaw University. Six ballot keepers under the direction of 2 ■: supervisors will check member ship credentials and issue ballots to members during the voting period. Balloting will begin promptly at 11:00 a.m. on Friday and doors to registration headquarters will • close promptly at 6:30 pan. Section Meetings Section meetings will be he'd Friday morning from 10:00 t i 11:00. The college section wii meet m Sc-tenet Hail. Shaw Uni ' versify. The general section will ■ meet in Leonard Auditorium a' Shaw, the high school section 1 will meet in Ore on leaf Auditori um at Shaw, and the elementary i section in the Auditorium m : Crosby-Garfield School Some department meetings will ) be held from 11:00 to 12:30. Ar uni go merits will be made for holding sessions of the nine de- ; i ;u intents of the general section, •he three departments of the h gh school section and the co! • iege section on Shaw University < ampus. Department meetings: will be resumed at 1:00 p. rn. . Some departments will have out tanding speakers at special ses i sions beginning si 3:30 to which numbers of departments whose , afternoon sessions are over will : be invited. ; 3 SO Expected Lunch for -ippi, ximately 350; will be available on Friday at 12:30 in the Shaw dining hail Other nearby pl.-icos arc: B & H. Case, Blount St. between Davie . & Caban us; Jones Case, East Ca barrus St. ncui Blount; Lewis Hotel. Fast Cabarrus St. be tween Blount & Person: and Pat . disc Grill, W. South St. The second general session will : be held in the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Friday. Dr. Rufus E. Clement, president of Atlanta University will deliv er the main address. The public is invited to attend this session A social occasion in the Wash - V aSitliili ',jj \~ - 'f m ■ f— ~ :/ Vj \ ; .. Tj «' nil hT WEEKLY SERMONETTE wA j | -'1 ’’ ■*” : DEVOTION TO DUTY d»J •- Hi • •«>'* 11 . ■ I 1 K .'liVflHinlff a A ** J a i ■ i,- -i.-ii .u. :■ - ■' I n. 1 Hi -.SM j T.T. jf !, : By THE R!: V. C ANDKK NKAK.V !1. -'■ • -. ft iliilf i Du -og thi - dark *.»;*> - --• 17..5 m Cunm- . . >• •so mil -. \ .1 * —i JKl|; jloj /' • eanoao:< . _.. m . - T-.-ty 'in' i-rU •> ’ 'D • cA,rw ' ll BFyTiI l **'' ‘a ami :!;e dom«-.-:i:C 1 rv’.s -cm • a-- >nc ' Ui<- .any. __ aflafkgw®,; L.' » . ill 'he peop; ! i ought is 1 lay <T .J:' dgm-. ■ . His '.keg Vv aice -cTju : SBFl; ,’ .! tv ■ ' UYVUCUf ‘ AU ‘ l " ! ' * ;hily i wi -a, t'hi-K-l,- - may : , hi ; .-.a- : inke.g : j - n - ;~A«"' ! J -sue came into t o- v o.ld bic.. ■ c F • !! th i iie m h v.- e--n third. I - u i ' r " N ' -' ' - .- A-as 111 Ut ■.- K-.IU- He , e-i, ■ it:- Oh! ,' i | '-'v ' .■' - | Anointed <■! Gid fur ,-qm a! mis.-i-- T:- ■!. ;i final act of com j -u %. .••e" pair of duty was murk- i i.-'-j , llin. '! ■■ P■:. ! -.--- c- l ,c. Th* u rui-t :;u"■ 1 J j A, /■ ,’/' s' ;j- the achiev-nnim ol that mission He • oi life which God demands of everyone .of j : XN i\ ' . X \x // / //' / : ... crated all His energies a.nn gifts. From that •< may mu cany u> to die point to which it j ; u x -\ \\\ A' / y y/s ; 1 path I i duty H< neve turned away. Tie cl ,1 as; nd i•en i! it did. >ur deal l i i x r \ x x \ // / ///y ,!i- one thing Ido was His motto frmn first i- would not haw the spiritual ignifieanci >1 | j v .\\ \ \ // ' '/ /// ! || i last. When a lab of twelve years. Hi His. hut. at snv rate. G-\l .Jemands of us the , !: jj ' C v -\ \ V // //// /• i •;? to Mary and Joseph, 'W,.-t vr not that inm same loyally to ideals the -ame devotion t > ;U j '• \\ // //// / ' hi lie about my F-itac ': businessil ;v.-. Hr- duty On 1 HcavcnH F-<thc: ; ia a|- *p j ; N ’ \ // /// / t first recorded act of self-dedication ;<» Hi • hi lives just ... tic had a plan for the hie j| ; i \ \ , A j/j /jf ! meal work: and Hr- did not aftorwaid ail of Hr holy son. That plan >v< must li -i'-v' ]! ,j . • \ \\\ // /// / / i | anv'hii.-g or my consideration to dcfl'-cf H o tv : : mis-i! wotinu upon G-; uvl • ■ ! ■ \ , u I i I; j f i from FI is prise purpose. Having pm his Sian --.v> found u w must .Iceia- ill c j ! i • ' 1 -J— -LL C ) to the pi".'- he won: 1 net look hack lie U.-i • o > • t- up : ishment It is Irm- th. > { i I >- ==V VT'u VCATT' ■ that the cans.- He i p o-t-rm-.l v ... ! i i >att- nis nm- di - lost ' ■ I ' F'i ’ Y</VcY »‘ God s cause and man's taj -no t it H- lu k \n.-| tie <i* o.- snap *'' i : \ I W (j fJaVavwT j was always true with a luymiy t!:.-i; nc . siiength tin onh -arti-ning prom-se- I P' A' ,\V,\V i ei swerved by either th,- opposition of Hi “1 ,i >no ask to >. tin t;mt scene-- j £ ~ i enemies oi tin misunderstanding oi il,. step i-nough for nr- ' i the fitting p: aye | ' VTVT ’ ! |j|; N 111 ill il )! ! ! Ij j ;I ‘'-"o,'a.n v .raduatc - departiticiv,. r. . cllovvio ha: acre »vt . , -j! wnieli is operated in Richinotu f |n Durli:.c- >< <■ *• ■ e i Va under ill direction of Iht f> . \ :3 fjt ' " " ‘ 1v ! * ' Mein*.. '•*' i ' SonP-.i'i-n Pi stytenan Churtl, ytk -'A Yfy nyiermn Ctiurch His • ;j I |j Burin. As ten year- of sorvic ' . * ijm> 1 " -ivi or !" "I >• ' • 1 | ii !i ini"is>‘<■ j- ni ixc Cm pel he ha j %>* $ W c -ot U..,m -t! - P,j s r i W M ii 1 ! , |!.i:J Mfi. i,Tj f 1 i j I ; I ! j ; 11 i | | KKV r ANDRE h FARMS | j i i !! ! Tills (TATI «!•: IS ShINSORKII !!\ TOR 10 LOWING GUI KCIIAIIM«-!> MHJCItWTS WMMHUIM MS j ! I i 1 i j Hamlin Drug: Store Hayes-Jackson Electric Co. College Irm |} j Arcade Building *33 E. Hargett St. E. Young, Prop. I Community Dr»« Store Ward Service Station Harris Barber College , T , .. »_ Sheli Petroleum Products 803 S. Blount St. I i j J J. I horaas Hamlin, Prop. • • t I - A A o ■ Central Drurf Store Arnold s Grocery | i jtf AcntC Auto Set Vice p£. Wimberly, PKrtimaciat H. W. Arnold, Prop Standard Oil Products r\. * 13 i i I|j c■« i iin o- Chavis Heights Market » TV Aa \tp j 11 - Stelah Jubilee Singers LW. Ligon, Prop. President Raleigh Branch NAAO i j Thurman Ruth, Mgr. Paradise Grill Ltsrbtner’s Funeral Home I j i North Carolina Mutual Life Ins, Co- Kenney Masr-enWg, Protv 33? S» | C. C. Spaulding, President A. E Brown, ... , . n College Grocery f I j District Mgr., 120 E Hargett St. B r > Nelson L. ferry Cecil Cc-ble, Prop. j J jBWMMWMIMawa aw HWWiwA A— ~— --JmmtiU K N ——~r A-.-.v-ijMIU'II ? f•• up; _ _ - ir n rin iim iMuial i> nm-iinniCl imWnMfMWBul [ ! “ % t ington High School Auditorium will follow the close of the so imini general session. The thin; general session w.U be held Saturday morning at 10:30 a.ri in Greenlcaf Hall, Shaw University. This is the an nual busine:. .session of the As sociation to which every local as sociation in thin state should send at least one delegate The con vention will close following m stallation ot officers elected in the balloting on Friday. Phi Li Lily White Bovs Spin) >i Wages Too !>ow; So Sir ike Closes Doors Philadelphia. ... (CNS) - Gir ard College, one of the wealth! - est".-schools m the country for fa therless white hoys, had to close down this week because of ; st-.ake by its 25 engineers and maintenance workers who wan' cd a 25 cent an hour increase while the school refused to go higher than 6 cents. Girard, which occupies a com pute block in Fie center of P'H’.v rielphia, has as part of its char ter that only white boys ranging from 6 to 18 be accepted, THE CAROLINIAN A. &T. Students Sponsor ; Campus Leadership Unit ; GRF.i-.NSBORO Members of the Collegiate Chau; ■ m r.c-.v Furmet'. "!' Anv i ica ~i A .m-i College spnivso' ert ! I'u if I'u's; at 11 u 1 header-hip Sc'mul 'u re a.-' we k "‘ lie institute was resigned tu al ferd represtntnives of camp •> ganization:-; an oppoitumly to u come acquainted with proper tech uiques m . oeiai. vocational ano . or■ i- ' liunal It.adei ship About 45 students repre: anting 75 pci cent of ttic- e.iniptis ctuu.-. fraternities amt CM jO>Jj p.e : noted in the ten-day institute in which wide variety ol tnpies w.-i --u : ’. ;'icl.iding pa.-liainenla law, organizational linanec . >-t p 'snmu so< ial ;n” iv i ins. Various faculty mem!- :s es the college assisted in the program by giving short lectures or each - ;o jeet Rev Cieo M. MrCo.v. c hegc minister spoke duruv: .i discu - . ion , f “The Moral and Elbe a 1 Responsibilities of Car,.pus Oiy... - izations.” The A. and T. Chant r of 5h i-iii iiv-- of Aim . i -a. sponsors oi j : v ;,imuiil instituti is directed by i-:. Dean and V\ 1. Johnson oi tile school . agr: v ala- i tacully i/’ie-Kicl “i 1 1 1 < local eli.-.pi' i: is Ben ! j win Harris, senior u> the School of Agiicullure. BEsi OfiiiSo mil HEAD IS NAMED .1 t! e i-uckett. prinipal of !h ■ Stair School foi- t'lii Rlinri :uiJ Uc.-il ha:- liecn named chairman o' 1 the Near' Divis:.)!' oi the vVauai si!', Ri ;i Cres,s Drivi it was «.n nounced by Kdv. in A. t.li nier.t, g-.. al drive chairman. Ir. accepting . the assiginncii'. Crocks' commented- ",Ve will re.' om quota VV«* recognize the work that is done cveij day ■>.' Ui-C vsir by the Rid Cress, which opt r ..t0.; for the benefit ol all. wtiiiou! reiyud for rare, coir, • or creed ' The Divi'a-n' quota i. ifi.iioii • an overall quol f-i (tie Wak< ta a nly Clnqu i t• i and i-iv di i,x v .'I. - tart Marcl. IZIn Chairman Crockett am.ounce It.ii fv- f. If -iisrd -.-ii. ve ! aajutant. and in win be .ass . and advised bv a Pl-anmua Coirau tc-e made up of Attorney F . nage, VV. H. Qunrl :-s, L H Rob* n jpmHBMMMMNMMiigB** -» -,:w^ • Save Money! »<v WAR SURPLUS CLOTHES GALOSHES SHOES BLANKETS UNDERWEAR SHIRTS GLOVES AND NUMEROUS OTHER BARGAINS I m&mmgt \outiwt smm --4 I |2oe E. Martin Street - frileigfr. *fcC9 I NEAR CITY MARKET PAGE FIVE '/aek Ellis, the Rev M VV' VVi,’>- ,i .. j .could.is Frazier and >J. D. Lewis. . r ilil'leU list ol worke: who d raw.- the r ,-n,. unity, . oth ,ni ira-'j' i)oust . -cia -ir, ,U J ; , till, i' t■ , w- II b ar in s. .-vd bv Cbairmaii Croc-xct l ! : :or, ;.ao , s.b nvi'.-r begin -

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