WfcivK. IbNDJNt;, »A’J I'KUAY, MAHO 1 l;i, U)4B MARY POTTER WINS FALL LINE CAGE TOURNEY , Beating The Gun I BV ALVIN \l«> ■ . NEW YORK (ANP) JKRSKV JOh'. WA i .<’«T ■■■ In- I < Known since tho night he fought Tiger (Jai Ti i .<t A! Dougin Rockland l\.lsec- Boxing chib a-. «<; j. t* o; > . ut , ai confident a battler Us they con a-. Hi: picture a : trui-.g art - the back page of the N. Y Daily Mint.: />«- v rynt>• : el l 1 -a- lib. showing Jersey Joe pointing at Hit champ ,p, ;c led ungin. mii.-dv C.n lilt.- i iiig i.'ailv.ti. vvilh . i pi alike.} t : 1 ! i i it l di. :,i Cl It s i it impi; ciai tin lather o£ si . proud kid. will do it ail » vet ■ ” t 1 1 i;- :i ■■ f< : Is«-r p COliH' .1 tt.'it !h i Father time held:: tin arras rto ihe :. ij - ■ .os ■'.< limbo of his [wit-bellie! hum ;ds that count- out t os' ■.! o niorla!.' with ito respect to p; •.,,, . ; t • ...t j ,y a ot tin walk manneririn:: with tiie I‘);t7 JOh LOUIS. ;nc. i. ! humility, im nerr.tatenienfs. tiint-. ta . .•> tol ;iji■ <in»-■ i• < wa mouthing out tho t sunder that lav ass am hi a . -vm<- d s a:;■ s a by i; :nb f . , listening (radio) world ."Old' • j WA ■ Y. . . "I'M I LAD I WON . *‘W K LI. WIN H! 'At ' if-] VG-. AH'- ON 001)0 ► SIDE” (World Wa• it Oa . . Yr . in im bo\ .vln ha: eiected to open a public ielation.- fr-.nt lien- .- !•;. Y., --.-ith Billy (Pittsburgh lausij Rov.. a as- ;ai is sons, hi inr ha. n.-Jiiurie- that make I i plan in i:n i. tin an .i, a life .. firm and eraseibJe as the woii-.v o) Home: sad t , bus I nm Yhlt.-n . in our Hosing d. n,: s i,, p i r to i s s. KID (lAVII.AF meeting IK 1, WDJ.IA.Vi;’. • s !• . . ia’. '•.••• . . .: -Isi; n ' a jiini i Garden, we so is tin.-.- ‘'While Gavdan : > >"■’ with a boxing style and ring s'.', . < •. r. d \ tl.. hU- 1'.;.! Oiioeolate ami AJ Br-awtl (■! ' s :-,l e i yea I, -. t- !s or I;.,- VVilhs-i; .■: -'ll li.o! guns for the expin..i\ Cuban.da ' A a i. .at Wiiliu.u:-. to-.: a unanimous (ur.pnpulai d» : ton Would Hem; Amiri....r;y have whipped t : „ saniii Jot Gum” O: ■.o Is.. . t.,n. < Mil.; A Not in my op men though i :,a\ s < i,s . n is ,or ! to yo !.y against the sri stu.n.i! -.Hints iimii ms. ir. yy ■ * di, isa r. champion. Q. Are there any c-c.ioi-ed bike riders who o r e ,- lose to Major Taylor's class? T. G. H., vi .'intun, Pa. A. No. And though you didn't rm , n-> while rider: < ither. Q. Rate Jaclcu'- iM'Gi:...n will: Willi.- W il (hi I.i , .-ns \'. :■ si: ot the Bii ntii: y iiani Bar.-n; nn their 19 4,, n -. or. 1 m ins Nt-giu leagues? -Anthony J .unson, Mobile. Ala. As. He would rah- ahead ..I Hit aged Wt it-, .• its i:is line; ■ hurt stop in Negro . itvi- - *ui i,. hind W' Js-.m i riihant mfieldc of the Baron::. Q. Would s relay of sprinter; each raring 110 yd- eoinpris. d -•!' . Dehart Hubbard. Fddte Tulan. Ben .1 ss - ,s ~n.| Ralph Metcalfe; defeat a qtiai t.-i ha\sny such as: t, i’.a.idy Y.sis s' Palace Peacock ami Howard F*. Drew? A I don’t think .so. but \ c-u'vi r.amefl .me ‘. \VFLL isint. ail among America'..; all time best. > Q What was Au-hie William ' time i. . 400 .net. •• • i. it an sc- >p! j ed wot id rrs-.rk h,.t • e ~s i.isp-i. s. j Bu.cs: Th.enen Oakland, Gal. - | A. 46.1, d wa- a "-s'.. Id mark apf .vivod h\ the : i.t.-'-r nations! AA (• federation >.■• o! Ni,\. 1.1 He;'*. ** _ ' i SAV £: : LOW FAiES for thrifty travelers . , s Daily Service From -2 Raleigh To: \ CHARLOTTE one way $3-25 | *1 iy *‘T hru”, 4 Express Round 'Trip 5.8a ] FAYETTEVILLE one way $1.20 j i H Trips—No Change Round Tup 220 J NORFOLK one way 3*05 j * 16 Trips, 11 “Thru” Round Trip 5.50 2 Expi ess ASHEVILLE one way ■4.50 | * 4 Express GREENSBORO one way IGo j 25 “Thru ', 7 Express Round Trip 2.90 Washington, D» C. one way <4-.6G j 7 Trips, 4 “Thru” Round Trip 8.30 1 Exnress NEW YORK one way S.OO j 7 Trip*, 2 “Thru” Round T rip 14.40 (Federal i';x la be added la all fores.) | UNION BUS STATION 217 VV. Morgan Si. Phone SSM * . < " *■• S. ‘ i U.fiiVS \MI \\v Utl)S ’drill LIMv TOi UXt\ r m :gs ,s & mimmmm . v V- :/L thi I ifth t ait I.ho S. Imlastir IJasket: ;iM tours.s iii!t) I.i ! ut-rk at tbr I.ouishuu .-\ruii-i >, aas om- of tin- mo l SUt.TSMuI ill lilt- Ili-.toVy til ih< Ci.mpptititin ( Veo it it Il ls io t t (\ mi the I. t ei shun t io v«-*Mt) - t (i.ieh I i iittis Vcl an H ilson ivflo is ■ titie ii ‘ f jipe: left resting-, his fret -liter oliit-i li.i.c. CAPITAL PREPARING | TO AC F AS HOST TO I Cl A A CAGE TOURNEY ! WASHINGTON . ,\NT*i !•, j ciackerjav!: !);. .keifjoil :• •••• ... i suua. < ..It Tlmi . i> tin ; „ni ili.ll < JA A vi < i i T!vi.i>d;.v. Friday ~1. ; IHaiid, / i M:utli i I 13. We:. l \ Hyn.j Si ale •. • ■;!'. -.••• ian nudf tt*a:.'d ivi'i.m of j;-’ m id i yarn. s, i ill. - lha lota ■ ■■■•.■ as la . ! onto v. iie I'in-xi 1 .v . | Ri- iinii.ii i and 11■ • ■ • ■ ... ’ i<» H" u I-' upn ! lit- ■:* ’>■ . ■ . i.,- , 11l |ii . 1 ■ a :o.a .■;sir ~ .. ■ I < iiiiri;. Stale ..[ ! 'in o i - ,1:1111.1 :,aie :., v: ~ a or ‘ 1 ; lin i.vH -,a,i ;n l:ai, anti ■ . j Tl'« Oianr l.:-;; \.a! . }i, . s . •; . jSt .10 i .i oril;. a s. -;f j suit V. ill le Iht Ti "I I nor i.nt • j l't-1 vo 111. Ino it.'l! i 1■; i a | lif lav.'ni - Stale ( ... In.-, hi :KU S ihe .- i O'. f.„:. . , Grays Slate Exhibition Game For Easter Sunday Everyone \\<r u chance ; • mnkc J the Gniys ti l yc:u . "V- have an I :quad uown it» \ - ! i of wicn ' will ho jMvt-n .iii * tj!: j opp .i : ii»- I tv, s.iicl V'ii H:.l *j: vt S-nii. ih-u. -• jSt I ;.d Chav i . 'Ls • v | we carvieti 48 nu n to ■ i»: iny i in . .Rnd there v.,r lot ui Guv I It. l ' ! WtOd{i,(* ou? H-' |.1»1 . i J)-i j year we art- a Get .1 ‘Tian'ipK.m -no iiTiivt rel in cunuit 1 u ;< .-tiu-'C«F ; ar. il>h- ' Tile Grays announced the* 11 .; • ! iov, 4 ng dair;, av.'.} cUj c s m the • uti : where ihc\ w, <uhl p.1..\ . n J gaiTics s> j11c: * me » , the Cmy have b. an p)-»> h-e 'A\ v. inter, they are in siiapu* and wiij rt with thi ;r lira exhibition ;i;,uiE in A *a* l - Vlekenli \ Out F« Krai j Kritish 140 iie<an ti Lontlon (AMU - H.-rh IV).• Ko'li, > , ;'''ti.■!. !'lu 1 lior 1 : ; 1 o ; Umvoiy ity ol 'niinoio, has ad- , od : friend here l :.,«t h< iii (vine 1 . Lnglaml this .summer v/01l ad \ oih’o of t:iu' O! snip io fo'.r." . is i purpose will !).- 1.. . ti i Hi : i liish AA A champiomhips an 4 trj itn in'oak the * Knglirh <|u ii• t. i mil. record vh'u it aland, ;d I'.lC'Ko.'! • j Oilitljl | i .'..1,. | pot. ill Ido Oi\ lujiic:; ; .-J- the 1 i:u' | e,.l Stall riilhough iio .. ■ I . I: choal there. He had hi in. d m ; comnefe for hi:, native J.iiai.ic i I but Jamaica i.; ham preset .'i iui i ancially and will prahalay n ,t 1 y | aide to send learn to the Olym j pies so he experts lo run under ■ the colors of Cheat Btdfain, Point, ian E'liglif.-i sub it et. 'VloKoni, ’ 74-.yc.ii-ukl falher e j Kingston, ! Jamaica phy ieian who im i. hi., ( degrees at Edinburgh university I h«re and feels close to Motno; 1 England., ■Uiri.i; se-\ i e.i! . : itie sce 1 fl|n I t ian .?. f. t'.yer-, lit-ieiei sou iPsli >eh..s! prii,.-ip it a-, shoe. U a n aiiiiiir a troptiy to .teanrH'ltP vtitti.niis tti t'l-t-yi, lotetj onlstamtiH" torwani cut i f t!i. ton iiumem. \is<> -.turn e s e i i i .‘i.ia> tum hu meet i-i-iitiruiii aiwi \nnaticlle i-at! ol Xj-li i liunii t .11.. It;: , '■‘.iiaVr, Wl.icl.oA .1. ; ;"j,, ,I.!,: i:. ore . ■ ,'i:n‘ ! ■ ; vi ito ic;i ■ 1 1*: sunu.i i.i. ..iiij, 'dli.. ■ I a , lav H i PJiir-" i or, i;. , : 29iVi c-v: mi'-.v I • '-.r. i'.ear ■ Day 'onH p, ■, j ; c i., -Aj ids d;o, ; ■ • 1 Jack 'Onvillc 'Karn 3 at a i-kcoip,HU' | Pl.a. Api ii 'Ah: N. ’.v . "i: <‘ " 1 :.i Am.iyns, 10. \|V it )i!h. ■ ' i '/■ i'l. Culmiis iii Tvi vv ' .i ii our I ;Aii it i:ti: Tew \ orl- Cm o. | uni ‘.yh Gray;, at H, !. icti, Aprd i i.'di : Ifall it in. o I- lili < , fU-ckv Mantu. Aj-i it hitii, f-GiiiniO' .• ; Elite Giant: at Baliuuore, Mi!. : Ap. d )8»h j The i If. bo .' w believe tir. j : '' i . i o . . i , on- on .’ irrpvi enwri ya'uii!',. tecs, form ■> ■ yua.i of ren: (i.-":,ble r.M'ilVii-P. eti ; iy < apslile •'•( 10.i.' iin the Net;,. j National I.,•••■' • <i ,i.i •!< sepia mm JOINS BROOKLYN | nrtr.OKL >'G i AKl‘l } Smi'-h. ponrci tackle from iir.Oul.ti univcGly. 1 niton Rnilitr i bt cam ' the illli u .u! !'>..! 1 Unit;y." In i. n n cr.vilrjct m piny this ye&t Smith who wv. liuoil;, recommeml i * ! d I.■ (..'oiu-li Car) V yi.'o, forn'icr ; Autiiru men;or c;.,-. known lo Voyle., I inonr.'li lu te.iti.aii play a ! the M.-hool since V'.yle.=’ form- • j ch were nut 100 fai away frori . Soulhe-ti i? tinde- ilr new . vtici ! •'hip and coach, it expected that Brooklyn will not only . irui bill ploy n.ihilional N i.;”roe< an m i-qu.ol Otis year, in keeping wilii s Bviiich tiickay’s haatthaU policy. Hlt-i CAROLINIAN N iiimi, j m'nl roUic-/ ifii 4 (On'r *•*.*>hi Poil'M .oil IO.;?* J L *. * » s .M « • lit \\ II flu Phis' l bU g{ kl'-Y .I-.' tioji iiiKb r tho basket IbP ihi.ti tme. Aijii He Ids. -- ,Y1 "?r#L: i rc cl i.lic Pm> Isi*>-r« ai\)- up >. i ?..■;!: tL • fit-;.’-. 1 ||<-. Id - r a '!•' f i crii.i is;• it< in \*ii:i ill* 1 tii 1i - t!» \ g.;-.’ v|;»)\Vi? J'; i P 4 V i UR thcti Uoph\ trim m <m!h , <hu - .1 \!?4on. Nidu.i 4)uvli;mt. U'diU'Mc V. 1 14* :4 fir-., Or GjihHK 'i'i'SUftl.l ;Vs A.-; ?iii£ ,s ’! ilfM'iVilS, SL'tivl*' iiaih.ias. Aiii’ic Ai. i m tUf U glu itf‘v V.-i ;.n ,n siKiiUL \ pMsjii. Mary Ut.tU.uii aiu v>» . spnOH coj,.'h ( aOJOL- cc-itU*?' --A.t ig’-»i Im ; .f " Ti mi Sht'sard ii- h pL?N< LiiS'tcy the PlrT-‘ SI JI? fi‘i.o fI-liter -Alrij.-, r . of ilif Ii i "• ' in ;. j | 1 • ||!l ■'■ G f A I , K 'iVt {• III! j i .To-fW i d- N { lit I 1 k 1 .Lj f M ak. J: pM ::i n” i t-ggjTT.„.L,... -.1 ||l * BETTES LIVING FOB THE RURAL CAROUNAS g> » Despite continuing shortages ol poles, transformers, wire and other ” iin® building materials we have steadily pushed ahead with the rural | T* D AT’ »• jv * Hnr construction program planned for the postwar years. During 1947 IL.«r.Aio nlXmi -we built approximately 1600 miles of rural lines. In addition, we added p r» transf. .rmers and enerqized some 1000 miles of lines built prior to 1947. Duiiamg rvQgmm d« ring the year Carolina Power & Light Company brought dependable, > I lew cost electricity to 14,651 rural customers, bringing the total number of customers served in rural areas to 57,163 Since the end of the war we. have built about 4000 miles ol lines to serve some 22,700 rural f i ) customers. kP*>£&? Briefly, that is what we have clone toward bringing the benefits ol } w-^y' : < V electricity to the farms of our area. Our rural line building program is S' V continuing as rapidly as scarce materials can be obtained. It is an im w portan! part of our plans for the future. itMc* TfV ( CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ) ; n*oSvmrrM-m» itmuijiii. - w Tnnrr^-TTMtiii-rfrTrn.r»»m r TnmiPr-r rmTiWtr-nnsiinMiei iivmi«iafifai*wnisn , nr ininirsirultfn-fi '<( ov Poll it tt'illii their i t j. 1 >.» I r;irn mr-inlier. are: non- II lea!<•:i"h (iraliam Vniirrw KOficrs, Slerii n M.iwkn., si'i'il nut da mi dm player <>; hii'i s-amt n(: Lawrence Collins .!«> < !><t li.ivis Thomas llavls, llas T\ler, .l<“ ( asho. t.u- I.i>. hr, (P-tuge Mats anti * ii.trh s ■ mil 1., I•• r It l« Members <ti tin ‘ii I o .it i !:t n‘ i» atu IJichards ... Ili iui( i'OH iin-,t; llnittii <il NJirii:;; Hope. i', Rogers of i.ii t I’ottfr rend i ; U VVniit* ul Nash t oiii.ii. li tmiti.. forward, I SI / IViliiants oi tinnier ' 11'- .• il.111! ’■ aii tii, Ist \!l tournament • •oi :.ii i Thomas. IVrr> , Mr tnion, i *t> I i • Bhiusi, ! 1 u.itlir * *'.lll l ’. I r:i,rnnp ijrceil. ■ . r N I itsrha ri I** »i ,i mi •it »«*’; <»! S*.Cjiaril. Perry Hi Lassies Score 4 Upsets To Take Girls Title i Ail; i SHU KG 'ls )-„!! Let (' nti • i nee held y ). 11<h Annual : t I ~:o wi . Mss \ i ' ter of (jxfoii.l svalkiiij-, oft -A'tth to;; liot'ii-fs site: a Ldßei mite ,t in: ii- ncft-i on Institute tor the (' pioiiship Saturday nirht Tile s*: I'i.V He ll School !:il :■ -s e unctcr tii-e: and eanit- thr- agh i.'eft ating i'oui ol Hit' !,i : t teams in is i tournament: N ; .aitl u.,g ill:; '. . |>rili‘ ttope; Fi Jlli, Ull Gisitit , 1 rainiu-; Schoiil I.‘ai:shurg, Na.-- G-ituitj Trainirt;.- School, N.irhvtll . ;ui 1 ).li< parti tH, :. ot y.eiatlon li-r !Ye i 'iiampioi t-.h:a Tie i e -a cn many .. ftiur ovt-r Sin . .suut -. tml tcru'ig iiu sttrli tae- Itiarriainf-nt am save to the ijt-cintiii a thrill ; . minute. The individual boron.-: went ■ in Ha-.vk.iti-- of Aiai\ potter io the be-I - p:,'! :vt!lisn.'v l ;!|i e'ej.'Sd in li-. tou i [i.i: asa t. Ihe hi si e 11 ! t-*-a at! •v.s. .1 a nett William- s B-n y ii. , .school, and best .sum; A nun- Bat tle ft urn I'siiiyc T: airiinji ' a Fort!,• ~ 11 i,i ■ nt 1.. > : oft. i. , !e,. wj: Hu t. ml Oi fit Tile! -on, Imv, aid; VVtdit ‘ I aasa i sunj) i. uidis; sje'inot. to W.sii R lit ./ \ r-ntt. . Something New We Shan* Our Profit T. Help living 'Hie Cost Os f Col! Down With ( hlr .'pet i;»i LUNCH 50 C From 12 until 2;30 j EVERY WEEK DAY CHOICE OF 4 MEATS 2 Vegetables anti Coffee Paradise Grill 204 W. SOUTH S i HI T T Plenty OI Parking Space PAGE SEVEN ■. ► r»!i■. tl. 7.. William.- of Warie-n - .ial'd ami lit own «.! Spring i 1 ij'if. ;'u id. The i'iii;; ,dl-,high-tram: Thomas • i I’eiTv: McLendon ot Mai'v f'oi ’ i liraoi Brown cl Franklin O'i'unl.v Training Scrooi; Lour •, i i"*. 11 ni W ! 1 k* llf i 11alii of i \ i - :y, and S. join of Shepard Fin uififiial* of the tournament i -as Mi H K VViiaon ot Shaw Lni'af-uy Mi C I- Lightiier ot Cdt n’.h and Mr J 1, Levislcr oi Laleipli They n-ssirird in making <• 11 o’ ruiitiU a magnificent at- I lair Psrkev I cilii f/.t'd loi Miami . \NP The Miami Lift,*, while wt+kl.v here, sharply i riSi'. i/i'd Hunch Hickey, pre.-n di ;i! us tin Hi" lilyn Lktdgei $ It>i i a S1 r»,ot>o yearly contract signed Li Jackie Robinson. The Li : • • niphani/cd tiiai Jackie- did a. Ihi k-*y .idvc-iai him "to main pood.”

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