PAGE EIGHT Continued I' rom Front Page FLOOD WATEK •he overturned bun! and hoioirg ! child. Inter swam out to ti.»- boat and .-wain to higher g ouna with t.:.- toai;y, instructing the three adults »•. wait for his re Kirn . itei getting tk .• Might Toler wa-:(ed back i c : ■ .shills, whom he fold to come to ward him. Lie ft a- . h they sank from sight, lowcvcr and uf.orts to locate them :>y Tok-i and Parks were tulilo. ISO RETREAT McGrath, tin. coamottec iru". with Rep. William Dawson ot Chicago in his office in '.no House Office building. In the delegation were James Williams, chairman eastern gion of the Democratic counci 1 ; J. Luthei Sylvahn. p- - 1 New York State lea'tue. I 11 Randolph, president Citizens De mocratic club at Maiyi. .id. A- *. Marjorie Copeland of Maine: Mr: Victorine Adams: ami Bit; Baker. t or \it a ii;n also name ; •. the <■< ‘u.olaiu nruek the prison! i J. 1). Weaver w> tl da-' i nesses in ti. ••• foe bron testified that Bosvi* had --inc-'k the complainant oftes m nad uei-a. stopped in Auhuidcr. Pierce .1.-m that fwv:-.-. v. ••• Wrt.s driving hr ear -m i he nad I:KR takv-n into the emit cm n\ Haekeu had puDed >..r - ! coni car, slopped r .ml •• ! j tin . second lime between Aim • - tr and Aboskv Milk bottles are needed to bring -v • , .. . mere milk to to your >:> i '! FOR HOME DELIVERY—DIAL 2-3911 jf >J ' | Him 111 i lIUII.IUIIIT. 'll II > mi. i«II I - .'jltei. " II .11.1.1.. » - nawcwiewiniwi* Bti .1 ******:*&+>» * ♦ vAUJ K 4 ♦ y y tivi/yy ■ s 1 l uta-v jj| ■ c.\../v g.g-. Oi< " A YEARS IO vOME $ 4 YOURS NOW A '4 % i OK cam ano Rc.svis. ~ir. VVc,iv:-i who t:‘.ub-d l-i-> .iK.i the mcluinl. tesKiit-c. mat • nwt badly bruised eyes. - ■*■■ :y, i the left c.v ciillusions pf m - a'p and was bleeding from ;h World War it. was nl.o fin ' 1 a: i« ( : r: i[u- sncc-Ull ctun iil-.iv;.: yin. had I. 111 H mCtIM . wi tiif Patrol io. only a imi W: ,..- ordered to hand in Im* resignation a few days follow in.;; PI VS “TOO HAZY" I',) 151: API'iIAISFI) i' "Vive/ to George Ch. cry, State super intends •. ! ot buildings 11l- : io; . --I. Hill, was sharply pom'o. up last i.d n it found itself v.ithont lac jj I • i: •: • OC> IT.IK Gi t IIIJ' U- •' •io i g>• i d tea it- ■* d Ho v a rC. pernu\*u.m, now ever was no' ■ i’bj-Vtxtd of! ttic gr , '!« t ci. t - vhat «t . :,cd repr-. sent a violation o! -. i - i Bocrd policy governing us.e rili'ROY l-.MKN ! - MARK i .f-itm To 3.000. find wire f- . r - we/.- insiafied to roe-p ci<- •(.. ,!( !h(: field. games last reason the. Shaw Bears , , ,; , iwd:' -v-tiich ::v rug. <1 7,003 irw- ensc. i rom SiO .er gann w cen. of the moss n r tp •• at j .:> (i , fi ay ihe i. .. > i iliv. u j lUfflilS. ! ••v would purriiii iht I of v-t CIA A tnu K ioo and oth*./ . .: - which art not i i,u -' he.-.a in Bi.: i-t rclicibit* reports, a i• v.; siiv Cm offer toi 0.000 io oe . va acnniCiti m of a .iU o ovn-truciion of a Aoidinm. i AKUEUtn. IIEMY Officiary Gov. Dewey lias ;.i but it ws Icamc i t’ r.i/ GC>P aides ir tne asscmhlv luiv-; conveniently managed to have the bill “held up" at the printers. Last week the assembly mili tary affairs committee reported the bill out and a clay ir-tcr it am- m:n r n ' i' a Bill Delayed Up to tile p'l-s-c-nt the bill luij not retained frem the printe: - -. lich gem rally should have been returned re later than 48 hours after. Assemblyman Andrews, a Har lem Democrat, said that he w, : . having difficulty restraining bi n-taking the bill a party measure: which he d:d rmi wish as he f.-lt that it the hi!i we re handled in a non-partisan manner it had a son. A pie: igo tv- Waite: White NAAGR supp-./t the bill W.i: Tin-: CAROUNTTAN_ made pub he ay Andrews who said that many > -hei civic or gaiii/.at inns it ad also pledged Both Sen. Ucmoerarie Leader Q j ,and 1 Democratic I a- iSfen yit in a join* state ment me.•.<• iver-k ch ■; laved they we : >• proud the me:.; -ure was c-ou:' ... uvi aud that Ihey //ere “calling on alt memb-. is of Hie Democratic dt -yation to sup port the bill ivi -11 it comes up »* / a vote." a ii i . m\N KKIUC'AL SCIiOtM. Ilf Y\ n a half century on the medical all of Howard University a- in* a ter. professor and dean. In .• tan ra reived the degree of of -eience arid a testimonial . /.< t:-blet from the Howard : i'- rsitv. B .Duck v, os itv authiu i nus pamphli ■■ on surgic-ni ,üb* and I'oniirbuU-d mime'urs ■:i. •..c-.-ill.ii,s. He e I'veri for many ~rs on the Board of -t Ex : i die Di ’ i ict and was ,Vi a- mi-dumi eon. i-ltant to ■I cm aft Hoards during World Wat .U. : tel Aire A .-Iti r Baitoch DIUV .-i,!- •,•••>!< of Amba:-v.iio: Williain ivs Uui’ed Slat.; ; epn sentu- Live.-; on tin governing hoard »t t ie •n Amen rati Unions: a grandson : i i- yrent-j ; anc-daughU'i: '.Via aniiu: adhesiv • ‘.ape to 1 marketla; the t.-p on waxed mi; and .n ; . l.odi togefhei ini. .-■ii: lyoewri'.vi Then you can type hi; label without the adhesive stHivii-.g :o the typewriter. “(Md at 4G,59,69?’’ Man, You’re Crazy f f ' r s'”- W- - >n~e ..e «V pt W >y M p.FPL'ni: up with t rex CootAirtß Iru’c for wtwk yoieiy Tii t/o<iy . • Hi' ?i: ug • nrrs vxi'ry, \vi\c-ic in • Si. at difi -BiV a»d KokercTs. ff s? f » «yi * I •'• -a ~sr a fA i PL AM! j tff&vo? cd BRANDY A , CODr No 618 FULL PINT ‘ k - M to eeot.i sr 4 CHARIis JACOUIH 61 Cie, !iu. f-HKACELPHIA. fA. • EST. Utr 1 2 tfS i % Pio.s t* r I $3.15 % Fifths <l6 Proof fHE SIS.AIGHt WHISKEYS IN THIS PKoCH' * i.RE 4Vf ARS 09. NIOSsE 010. SS STWklOt n.-IISKEt. 6S , NtUTRAI. SPIRITS, DISTIUfi ‘ROM GRAIN. , ««*{*«« i wniis tiara. p£i«!». *an«u Ipigrrs U 9UOOF • » Proiimd *nd Eottkk kv > trBKC SfiOTHEKS hISTiLLERiU, INC. ROSTON, Mass. ikviw.iH.< v >«unKi - -— 1 i-TA KK/HTS Taft-Harlley Labor R, .‘aborts Act,! the Union would bo forced to col',, 1 ply with hte provisions of the Ai :u order to become tiitfibie for par• ripriion in .-•i.ieh election mi i ivd .: i. (inn i.if i I'm[IIOM ti. ttii’Oi iVlonday to in on a ;i.• .’n! i 1 as i. ' • iel in- I ! ii •.•ompiy i% . ~i ] ivimi i! terms “the burmiinlm* m.n .• on.-tiLihona! Tafi-liarti-y it mi- men is." makes it unlikely .. i cue’ll ba• iiliininti \v;l- no cooeiu.M'v o’ .'I . i foe * i\'f. Si’.torly atackinii tnc Tnfl-H.ii!- I •"> Act spokesmen !.or (lie un>>. declared: • ■ i.-su. in this st.ruv/.ii ■ bo nu*t squarely. Local 22 will :;k --dr.' lest, and th emit, force of u.c eompi.iiy and the Tatt-Hartl- v i, cm . on principle >• Tout com ;-‘-omisi:. We will not lx irieked dm ;i. eii •; iln woi kc rtr'> on : lie a I-Ha r’li v choppii i, - Mock. ASSAM. KJ.RORT ■nn lie Henderson, ini<;n pit.-;- lent was, no less bilei in his ,-oii m. - ion of a "plan -tudy" repo* I n die Reynold- pi.;n mid'. ii.ait rev ‘ ions of (he Tab Hartley Ac' i! 1 submill I in tii Joint Coivd .i --ioiiai C nmrmtiee o; e;'men! Relations ret* report .ccp-m-ci by ('-in mdioi- Ape Ms Re; - I' Clark. *id , ■1 Ft • . Stewar!. eiu.iged that .ie -IA had won is adherents b.\ : '"mi- - [ lilhli.n <ei;ie;..„i i.a. •ud rat.-.a) disci imino on it further i • arg-d | he. unon wti. eonconlrat - "s- ral e' 1 ban we. i iiu> . oiid! tiutu in the piiut. i v lwo t'on.m;! ... nt.nfs uiso d.sti’eu Ini? :i.n >i -d: - ; <m nmoic the poliocai fortune.- of - he:;;. a Idyrtr;,.,-, in Winstor; ■ai. n. oreanizin... the Negroes un re n-iettunal and hostile to (h« whd-i- fa 'iiilhitie.n at . Ncero ■ iedit.: and institute lii- to in - .a ei Cuiimiu a n a ;-e ramai ..iibiiosUie*: i 0.000 TO i*K participated last oa .is designed to moke !he fairmu more eflev live through improved produ • lion and marketing methods,” Snydet said, Hi takes on added t ; '‘port.■ -a ai ~. 1948 because ri ’' u avSy- nT' ‘ an 9 i ‘ J «n»iv low-priced method sold under a MOiYF Y isA< K •it.s \A, 1 , l>ocrof& indorse ihe treatment tnd tmd it very efficient* One happy user •**-* ASF MND Ml WOTIS'. I! Ol YOUR « O.NDt RFI 't. IRI * J MF.N rAT 9Y WU*!*.* V!RV ld.AV\ DRINKFR. i HOUGH! FROM row 'A ONDEKH.' T RESULTS ON AU. WHOM i BOUGHT Hilt. s .\i) NO MUM ( -JUS i YOt K N \MI- AND ADDRFSS— then rav l’! l ‘ s a ,e * r*risv ( O.D. drams, (il you warn to save C.O.D. charat-v -end " <t-.i t our order. Treatment ami instructions sent in plain wrapper. a H£ALTH«ArDS RESEARCH P t Q. Sts* 724 o*pt. 90 f 111* WHS Bleu f/>« 0c y You Ani weired This i ou Don t Need A Lot Os Money To Be fn The ,-«& 'tT' • -iw ! l j Jgj&r f§& «* s*** parade LADIES’ | # Dresses ( jf W f ~ • Coats ■ n • Hats f Accessories | fc" '' MEN’S j .sr * Suils \j \ «* Top Coats i/ f « Hats • Shirts M * Tier | O. K. Clothing Store MW E. MARTIN STREET ‘No thank You ’ lexans bay Jo HOUSTON i ANf’i AHttougr. i gave SIOO,OOO in tiousfoH Col i . • a., evidence of my good in i .■••. on luward ih. Vcgro ruct 1 .” 1 inU'iitious of Hugh Roy Cullen ao ip; vi". iated r, thi Nogto a; i ( fi i;o. i. i ,n I ’i- Hmis!nn Ku-me.. March 2, said. 1 cdii.ii i;d wtts v. ril-’cn in .tus -1.0 a siatcrnoiii tc the wnn ... ,j in - city ui w!r " flic “I’itil ■ hi opist ua :<i tin Negi'Oes oi • to ‘ oppose tiK. passage oi i - vial aru i-l.i Hah. ar-'i-pull la,. ■;i -i i.aegation. FEV? and oliiet .. vl l i igh. s ia ..vs Cullen said poimemn;, who prom '•d ft;, .c i.lo rat more i lghis >v; ie demagogues and "agitators." !r in- "address to the Negro i act -t aid he pa-sage ol Pres, i'ru iri.iii s p-'og! am on civil rights wi ufd lake rights away uum colored jiul - Hitt' persons ” To Ins ad vie. ill- Houston In ln me. replied -No inank you. .Ui. Cul)i.n. ii! an editorial pointing oui b.O'\ i‘> souUi ii. r fajieti tii, over since Id.- fre-.doiTi ill l«ia. ■ os we have toid Mr. Cullen no "the Informer said, ’we can not ■ cept donations -a money a. .ui 11 f; cut i .it nest oi r-endshtp in (v-u ol freedom To as Un n mi. v. ; :..e fi .'diy : . ol Hit- Const,'in.ion. a- grater than any benefil? v t ma,. ol the ..ssnea- .nil's plciigc (-• President Truman to support the nation's food conservation pro gram”. He pinted ■ -ii* t-h.ii the contest is of special .'.ignilicanee to North Carolina agriculture which last year pio-duci-.l cioj is valued ;l $(>01,296.000 Jtinioi urowers tan enroll thru their i -t a I 4-Ji Club leaders . agents and thru instructors in vo cational agriculture or directly thru Pro;' Snyder at Amherst, Mass. WEK-fs RNDIYH, SATT'TvPAY, MARCH 13, 1.94 ft •ml iri-m chai ifv." In answer i<> Cullei l ' -;; ;::• ir;• ■:i' ibid Negro s would lust* thru' right} with civil rich'.; !, gisiiifioi:, (he newspaper dee'ami th:u color ed .re wiilinu 1o t-, it' a dona on sue!; loss. 1 ' Satan i!)(|(ialitv (iosls Monied \! $25,000,000 'Hi Ni gro 'I o iv. •I. 1947 d • t. ti,,! I'r 'iri ti'-dll-HMO sur vi \ in sainry ili; 1 erro I■a 1- in la.- Southern Slate;., nearly -"ai .oiio-:' l l y would have !•- be added to the .-:.i!;irii‘- of Nt-.o tencra.r ti- biiiu; them up to the Kvel t.f ,'anti: received by wnih in. chcrs: win!.:, if both salarks and le.ici: :rig ioa.d had been equal i/-etl. mult; thru $30,000,000 w iuld liave be. a required in adriiiiou to the arnoun Odually pen' fi ; uiieb edtscatiur, i n .'iiu i}hern -a i. I- Hi a Op it' SENSATIONAL RUG VALUE oVth« Y««f * r tfeu)!/fad- AH-Wool Face \ou vc never seen anvthing like these new rugs— at anywhere near the price! Pure wool walking surface for luxury feel and longer wear. Cushiony base of imported jure. Fine for living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, guest rooms. You'll be amazed at how much rug you get for so little money. Your choice of the following patterns and colors. (fi) Self -color Floral .., choice of f folu*, rata, gcis«n, cr win®. 9" x 1.2 .• » $29.95 | (B) Multi-color Floral * . choice of bk»e, rose, ton, or ground. V' X t'2' .„ , 129.95 I ( - i PBWEtjpABUE FURNITURE 124 East Martin Street | * ■*> zo% grau-j nfuira*. smrrs EFttKE PSOTHERS OifTIUIRIfiI, m«. r BOSTON. MASS. * H Pat s i o ifherlise! ! ’

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