NO CHANGE IN RANK OF RACE POLICE •*•■*■***★* fm * tkuii CITY HEADS SAT NO BANK CHANGE NEED BE FEARED RALEIGH In statements is ■unci Tuesday City Manage: Roy S. Braden and members of the Cilv Council revealed ihai r:o chanee in fdatus is involved in the current move to place Raleigh s two eoloi - j ed polieetneiu in unifoim. In a press interview with rep resentatives of the CAROLINIAT City Manager Braden disclosed n at he had recommended mat. the t \ - j policemen, Josopn Winters and | John Baker, be placed its uniform. | This recommendation, he said, j followed numerous requests from individual citizens as .veil as civic ••roups that this action b* taken He pointed out, however, that these requests were in line * iti; hr own thinking on the subjec since he felt that denial of unifotm to police officers constituted a c umol be done until a new bun;, : h« been approved and put imo eff< c«. While admitting an apparent need sot 'considerably -i rr police men to provide adequate and nee- j Cssary protection and law enforce merit ii many parts cf the city, he- said that a -Judy is now p an ned to determine the exact pda.. needs of the city. tCominued on page four! White Seaman Hits Jim Crow h \ IfiMl N!) T. < KAimoURNE GALVESTON. Tex. i A.HPi - Bo ieve it or wot. Texas in gets the spotlight this time on something realty new: Here’s hov. it all happ ned: a ,’7-year-old merchant seaman. Chit - • nee .Jack Peterson, a white man. who hails from Birchwood. Whs.. ". as hailed into court Friday for sitting with Negroes while aboard r Galveston bus, and ••• fine of .>.’s and costs was assessed by Corpora tion Court Judge Edward Jabn hi answer to the charge against him Peterson told the court that he believes in racial equality and through the Galveston ordinance which forbids white and Ne;»«>o passengers from occupying the same section or riding together. was 'unconstitutional.*' The Mode, young seaman tells the folios- ing tore: ”1 wa; riding on a tu, Thursday and was tatkin, ith some Negroes, The bus .-top ped a! ttv .station A eomp.m.v >(• foual entered tin Ims and warned me tlrt I was violating a oiy .aw. The official obtained signed state ment ’• from sonic of those on fie: bus regarding the matter. Police Midwest Cathc Start Scholars! GRAND RAPIDS. Mich. lANPIj As part of Interracial Justice, ■ e k in Catholic colleges students j in seven mid western Catholic uni-: vtsHies helped i -dabli-h a «-ho : 1-rship fund for Negro student; in ; week. Tht Interracial Jus (.tee cominis •dun of Equina college he e headed Hit: c mpoign. Other schools in the drive were: University of. Notre Dame. Soum i Bend.. Ind.: St. Mary s College, • Holy Cross, Ind.; S'... Mary-01-tlu. Woods College Tom Haute, ion.; fit. Francis College. Fort Wayne. • lad.: Nazareth College Kalamazoo, U. S. Not Reaching Ideals, Declares Bishop B. J. Shiel CHICAGO Hailing the report of the President’s Commission on Civil Rights as “» sign that we hav< not forgotten that things of the spirit, are the things by which we shall be great" the Most Reverend J. Shesl. D D. auxiliary Bishop o.i Chicago, told the annual Deca logue Society of lawyers that we are still a long way from realizing our own ideals.’ Bishop Shell spoke whin he w». honored with the society’s awaid THE CAROLINIAN VOL I Ms: XXI!, NO. :>7 NCTA WEIGHS BEACH OFFER ★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * RED CROSS DRI VE UNDER WA Y SLUM BOAL SET LEW PtfßS! rs ?TTfK!K T R A!,HIGH V. ■■ •• . .i means o • isn:„' .. Sh'O UOi) dr-vt : -iirn n! one ■ uaiou-nance fund vco'ch is cun condition hindering .cnic • Hon of ttic 1 000 Hammock Bji its as a recreational area will ::h nc of the major • •*•:!• nv con fronting th*. North Cm olina Tc ch a .\ -uori wneit meet:-, it. Raleigh next we* h Willing!! s- to donate tiic silo with its four-mile beach ; rea to Ihv. NCTA \> as exprcscwl . w.ral years ago by its owner I>. William yti- rr,' nationally k. own brain p lalii-t and phibmtr pist. Until recently. however. eondi I Continued on pag-. foun PHILLK PASSES JOBS EIGHTS LIM mil .A DF.LT’H IA By a um.tii it.ous vote of 1e Iff members of (he City Council. Fan .Employment, * Pi .uctir: s. bill V. as enacted into lev. during a regular scs.-ion of that boa> held last week Philadelphia thus has joined the ranks of othci large metropolitan cities whi<.. ■ have adopted equable employment i opportunities for minority groups. Considerable interest has be cn displayed in the bill ince its m : reduction bv Council mm Woodie Armstrong, lone Negro tnctnbci from til 4tli District; G urge Max man. also of the 415; Di-triei; l ens Ti. Schwarz. Till District: and Coun rif head Frederick llanrian. \DOI’TION l)H AVH> ARix-ngh lie hiP h.-d been up i:i.v d by a sub-co; lmitfie after hectic p eliminary hearing dm i ,g whicii tb: •• ppijnunts and pro ponents ‘>f Hie I d! ivo vigorously -'p i oti.r-g ■ I r ’o!}egeviiit, Ind j - - II finis Visits Pariiamem LONDON iAN Pi World h> v .. - weight champion Joe Louis attend ed session of he he,use of cont i rnons last week and ate lunch in •he membus dining r<-om. He and his wife. Mm vs. were guests o*’ : Capt Stephen S win tier. Labor j mV. u- L i Stafio-d. Membi is who recogi i/.ed him |he sat in the gallery chered tun . j Tie also was .shown omo of th j House’s 1.100 rooms. 1* wo- very *in cresting.” the Bomber said. jof merit tor “waging Incessantly ! that warfare which right and jus tice and truth must wage unceas ; in-l.y against falsehood, hatred, j ignorance and bigamy . " I “it enrrmi V d-. mtd that sorn. i real progress has been node In the' j granting of full civil l ights,” | op Sheil said, “yet it is dishearten-' ing to think that most of our Abner-1 | infills are slaves to ignorance.. to | tear and to prejudic. where ow \ (Continued on pap- four) IIALKIGII, MOUTH CAROLINA | RALEIGH RED CROSS DRIVE HEADS j ; .. '' '' "I'■ ~ sy|,A* |* |:XVc>- y "V’; r ; . . |p|p a- ' V-.; v jjjljrefcaa UM&WSjff. >v ‘Nyt -aV' L ..^ '■ S - ••• •• Henry Wallace Urges New Trial For Ingram Family Homy Wallace .‘his wt>:k w ed 1 ..con sentenced In ■ ■ a h im : Georgia’s Govern"? Melvin E . ciicnirr-L.'nce.s vi oh woulo Thumps-in demanding a now tri.u :• L-,i iy inJn Jc i -u'w-r miM ;.i ruige lor Mr- Rosa Lee Ini;ram arc! in i of jn.-.tice ’’ I two mine" sons v. ho. he chargeo. 'C ..iHuued or. page loun Senate Speakers Blast Newest w School Plans During Hearings j WASHINGTON Led by the N.'iACl’. lo.iicsen'abV' .- of 12 ivi jiionai organ;.i,-Lous declared •:■ Her bppos.: mu (<• Hie e Uiblisii . • :ni r J eg re ga led r ginnai < n : in one of the iiv-.s' ■m|i’.i ;.■ i.- lie lie*.: flip*.- eve. lv 11 in v re U 11'.'''!* 0' I il('k i • " JOJ- ; -l okiuoi Uli, a iie b s! ima] cor.seni to o compact order ; led wiio by 14 *? it hern govtn nor» | I vv.ic*’ by ary MfedicaJ Hehom j . 1.-hv'iiil J-CIiUC-: *’. WOui I ; i a a r gioniil school. I;: ./ in R'.imz iiicn." bold tbai | i ' i a plain ater.ip: on "e p. . | of .-outim-n states b* l 1 circurn-, fci-.t in.cit.ii'i::- ol the Uni ed Sur s j : Supreme Court requii 'ng states io j I ' .vC withi n'i'u'i) .wj Ixmnaarie | Util ciiueat iciiiiil oppor unity fi,! ! -Uidi s. ~nd 2 ; pcrpctuai | riuci.L *nal svgre-atiot. and dis-; ; <•! unit.ation with, in.' expi e>M.- ~p- i , u oval of Congr. ss. App .mrig as witnesses again;! J the southern scheme were. Thur Miirsliall. special counsel j the NAACT*. Dr. J. Q. Gathings. \ | ehiarman of the board of trus:i-e>. National Medical Association; Di . Millard R. Dean ;*. pr. senting tin 'National Dental Association; Ni. C Clarke, president •>( the j 1 Negro Insurance Association: Ai.n.: I Vtsssi'lß exeeutivi secretary o: • ; National Assoeiution of Coloietf i Graduate Nurses: Pi*ofessoi>. G !M. Johnson and James Nab; i- rw, 1 -esenting the Conference of Pro I dents ol Land Gram "ollegw-; Dr {Martin D. Jenkir. •■.. educotion;:! w sultanl tor the National NVgiv*. v], \V. A )ci r.a.gan, iiieetur ' 'he /r.iiernal Council of NcC’-. j i , u i f-n<'s Gcomc L-P Weaver, m- i Negro Medics Ignore Hospital Posts Io Build Own Private Practice i ,j to ftnu according o Dr fag- i j n.und L Friedman, id- igniug. oyu I b. ;iii, Hospital . | The lack of candidates usually j j ‘ams froei lDt■ desire ot nies: N | doctors' to gel into r rival' piac- | j tice immediately anti meke m;. i | money, lie said. The a re not './il’o g to pnd j | ,’ivi; years as an intern- <>r res• vent j jat Sydenhani of cher posts The I'csi funcies. mo «1 1> d'-nit" j Negroes b.v '' hue r.o •) itals. arc i i ;•>•••. requisit:' of the Am. in an Modi-j assoeiiiUon foi c.' iifie&tloi's ‘ j i spece lists in \ui ions btanehes o;’ j j rnedeif'.e. Sydeniiafn 1 ffers fft.i- i ■ bi-ncit'S iv.e(,neii’.c. ry orftiO' j 1 edic so; > pafh.-ii g.y. .ir b.'.’. i sia. pediafrics and x* v. All but the inodieii»'» u-.d urge:i ! 'I divisions have been passed up »> •Vt.-gro doctors since most of them . who wish to specialize chouse nv.d. • ; m< ..lit: Mirgery or • ■ .■ -;teti n.; nir. ' gyaecolofcy. on the m nmist Uu'J. WliliK ENDING. SATCUDAY, MARCH ‘JO HM-S ( A. 'i.iiii* Rod i ross Chajit'i i n.nraian lor \1 ( ounty is 'liiiv.n congratulatin'; M, It. .u ci i) jii. i\|;;; t iet. ’or if Ml practice" Such an oui look ;s •'calamity" ; to Dr. Fricnman. who elf * iht: c.etd if! Negro -p<- 1 !' its;. | ia viu-ulaiiy m the south Hv ; Aiv;.v conduced by D V, . ' vim ,a .ij" Cobl. pjofi--. "•!' r >f ! ,-;i. - :irrd -kuv (-d imp fewer • Nej?ro sjhcislisifc c>d)c» ov |vn \’H' country ,as i'>rn pared b> ; i-.-.niv than 20.000 while v M mm*; pal Jut!}*** Gels I Trill Gmirl Assignment j LOS ANGELES iANI'i Ke» | cotvr'ig an honor unsurpassed by j any of tiff- • diicr Ncooo judg"- in 1 5 lu Urn cd States. Jntier Ed« in L i was promoted last week |Nr j-, bent'!' in « - une"ior court, t Hr named fnr the rcal by j Sit;-,’p Supt'rrne Justice Philhp ;itt> jsen. The incretit-e in salary is fmui i 2.500 per rcni .. . . Court to $15,000 in superior. StOO,PC? yy in rpn ?.? $Tj. ’?„-'; V' i lit-* ' 4 il a } • •* RAUIIGH H>i w beto vb coopcratsot! off: A o;W C-'yro p i *0 ’ •:'! V • i 0 : 3 ‘ i A*> 10;' i <.':•’*» K*M r:•»>-;S UM]-i '::vc Frid ■" -’o’ Cross officials aiUkjdtY the Dhi'O-n at \\a Blood v 'orth SU'oot Y fviC A. To* dinuov n*:oo?in« w fo,-h -nuk u ! * oe r hi - « e >:* j• l> •: i■< • ‘ »n ».* a i woviid be mot. I "You you:”*•<: Ivf'.-. ho cc- 'set your cause I hav: .--oon you in actio - m s' t i;c pas 1. ' J ■./t Os; \v l i ?Vsr?ot; nei. A Dido.o . •1 03 yl‘ i VV &kO*01; f;y R<‘d Cr(>s. .#j§g| ms \s n n keuef Mr. Dillon cdod Yi work &.-j u : by :Ik* Red Ci ■ v.n a nation *4 as hoyh nor Wake C umty hus -.vor, aiKi i pray wil! ucvoi be H.r vu; He urcM bis tb-enav. r.uwc* • *C• >n iini j ed on f■ >ur ? DELTAS ORGANIZE AT ST. AUGUSTINE’S L J vaT- 3jS£lf», iH^^i ' Drive To Force Regional School Plan Charged By NAACP At Sen. Hearing W AsSt'T N" I TON 1 AX!-’; The | NA AC)- delivered a .stinging rebuke ,» Sei : AU-\;< '• " *•* -iu-.hi,,’ (fnvf/C-fur of !■•;-.,> . 't*>.-c;i ’ ' ..übiiriici of the f vn ;:ta Spio uoulifif'-d iol sthooj ;;-e' iri !»••••» see' 'a! di. ; triH. :- v, hJect to t^o Ur, M'?oil's candidr.ey hO“ tayen ■s. ■ !:> i :\Uc. prliii ssionol erul i.l ,iS' • u'l - iUJ:- thvOiK'hout ill •mhudifng the Bi'owuri . is is t Oi't.iocrai »r ccHJttr.ilttx?. i '(■■. .re,is an up l si ::i> tHiSii !yin: Dr. said. *'l! eery evi sh that ti i senoo! boaibd needs ■ ■ enc acivice from this side nf tiu: "!: v’ly rPiue:'; tiliit they :.s !iic and I -y Km; a Negro vvouk! S< HOOf. M l f?S }{>• see! rie.i fa” ie-id .wo ittasous 'Omanned on page f-nirt ai eolicg' scheme p-op-sed by tn< sou! ai'i'V; governors, Senate ROiu .fp nr. 'i.rus truitte. V. J't set - 'la : . led it): t.i. * riity IV: 12. The NAACP cnarg.-d that con :: ■■■ s- is u v inr to "railroad" the r»'" asurt h rough without giving i'., ..iher interested organisations. (Continued on page four* LILLINGTON Twc white An :i*■ i re.-idt ui:-. wnt on trial baa v et'k for the shot;'uc s!;:yiiig . i one man and the serious wound in g of another “as they walked a long . road near Antic: ia-t Noxcniu: r, Thi men who went to trial be fore a jury from which all reside oh, of the low nship in winch the stay la'- took place lv.s ii-ari ba*a tl. Wire Marvin Matthew.-:. 24; ano VV.. at! Adams. 2d. According to rcsidenfs of tin! an a, the killing to *k >lace follow - iop; an altercation bete'e*'*; tw- * of ;!n.- men a few miiHltO; i.‘ur;ie: au. -ions which had been it- Off I'HRFn (V Although the shootin... too]: ufacc l-a-ci on a bond -aa-a .i by gump of ten An i 1 cside-nu Cher,rsiou-u, W. V r.. (ANP) N.\ AC oit-r rr ■■.. in ppepprtiiirn with TOTJn.-rl • the Penn >K vania Stato rouficil ct£ the Atr»«n: • ! can Vetorsns v'umtnitlec. joi.nod hands here i y \wok ti> yr hr ■' a Jeffers* >n county coroner’ 4 Cry’s “v/bitcw.'ish” ' a whi*. Norfolk and West ■,■•■. 'air j dfttoctn'c* of lite slSiying - on l| Vb. 20 of a hi ve-j, oJd Pfsjl.srUKphla , \ C- r vicJa . *v