/ a n 1J i:»pr , !MQ 2( I WAR 1A I! 7TAW JLjx~\ 1/. j|tt- U g2sXjUMl IkJ 1/ JK L~d/~\ IV %J jTIIJIJLji JL JLJMYIwM ******* ****** ****** * * * ♦ * * * * * * ****** * NAACP SPEAKERS CHALLIMGE RIGHTS DENIAL SPEAKERS URGE ATTAINMENT OF FOIL EQUALITY RALKIGH The narrow inlet pretaHon of the loriri "social equHi ty" us applied to NefVe rights vviis sharply criticized by speakers s' the monthly meeting of the R.t h-igh Branch NAACP iielci Frida;, night at the Grace AMT. Zion Church. Dr. J Bustee Davis, president ot the Raleigh Brancn. outlined she history nt the National Associaji in In- ti c Advancement ot Color'd People in battling foi civil rights winch he said had led up to Presi dent, Truman's presentation of In: civil rights program tc Congress. The President's progi -m said Dr. Davis, embraces but a few of the guarantees needed to assure a> all Americans the rights and privileges which are theirs under the Con stitution. HITS ■•KQI'AI.ITY” INTERPRETATION Taking sharp i.»ix with Iho-.c who raise the cry of "social equal ity” whenever Negro rights arc mentioned, he said tna. the que? tion of social equality i? one of equality of all men living under our social order and no; one of person al relationships. Dr. Davis -do criticized tho . who claim that the South in general and the .State of North Carolina in particular arc the h. ’ places in the world and tba; ah demand for 'Continued or, back page) NEGRO YOUTH TOPS BOSTON SPELLERS BOSTON iAN P i Ronald Jones, 15, sophomore of Public Latin School, became the third Negro to win the spelling cham pionship of Boston last week. By spelling ihr word "inured" correctly he defeated 23 other finalists in the I.Nin annual spelling kbr for public high ‘etwrts of the Boston Herald, Lor his accomplishment he won a bronze iropfcy mr? for his school, a gotd medal for hinwtctf ami ,« trip to Washing ten e|«b-'... Hts mother nr. WrsktsS tVSs also one of 51 Boston pupils to win a gold key award in the |94« Scholis iir Art awards exniliitmn a! the it. H. White gallery, While Man Senlenml Lor Molesting Mail!, IT Baltimor (ANPi An unusual sentence was meted out to a white man here March 15 when •Joseph W Dober. 30 was given Live years in the Maryland House ol corrections following his con viction of assault on a young Ne gro girl. Originally,. Duber, who is a married man, w«s convicted of assault with intent to rape as well as simpie assault but the supreme bench of Baltimore re versed the criminal court on the grounds that there was insuffici ent evidence tc support the for mer charge. ■Dobei the driver of a fuel truck, according to testimony, seized the 17-y-• »r-old main at an apartment h OUiJC where he went to deliver oil on Nov. 17. AME Editor Jumps From Window To Duck Arrest PHILADELPHIA AN'P i Tria’ or the Pi v. .1. F Brooke ns. editor of the AME Review, by the church was suddenly postponed last wock v.'hen he reportedly leaped from ■< v mdov, tn his chuich to escape two detectives with a warrant for bis a. rest. The Rev. Mr Brookens had bee . •dated to appear before the i.-.al • Continued >n -ark tweei Must Be Done At Once No Gradual End Os JC Says Chapel Hill Pastor RICHMOND - (ANPi Tin settlement of racial problems has no place foi "gradualism,” de clared the Rev. Charles M. Jones, pastor of Presbyterian Church. . Chapel Hill, N. C., here last week. t He was speaking before a mixed audience in the Phyllis Wheatley branch, at a meeting sponsored by Lie joint local Fellowship of Southern churches and Fellow ship of Reconciliation groups H “You can’t gradually slip into an unsegregated meeting,” he said. He advocated that a “di rect honest approach’ should he adopted, rather than a policy of “gradualness” in the improve ment of race relations. THE CAROLINIAN vou Mi: xxvii. no. ;:.h REPORT ON SCHOOL SURVEY ★ *★★★*★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ANGIER JUR Y FREES PAIR CITIZENS SROU? REPOBT POINTS TO SCHOOL NEED RALEIGH R'H-im: Citizen,. (’omiriUrt • •!,. ms ol tire need f-.i i I mat ton of ' ! ;c Washington it;-; School w-.-.c given mote factual iipooi" ti* i - week follow ins nupiJ-b.v-popil c:>‘rk >f Raleig Nc.-ro school population. Tpc check vas part a sn. \ . mod! 1 by ’he Commiifei m an if f.'.rt !c • i.">termine *:••• > uimbiliij ol the pu-•■!’' school i from the C ndpoinl of prr-ent AN! 1 • 7 ere arc 30.000 sub.-Untid s ■ , . p In- nation's capital, aceording lo ! lIC Nlll KHlrtl i. which ciairr.-. has t. • / d. •. n 8,. aOO sium !i ■.mes wii'.vn the h.s! S 4 years Need for-■ tiiornugr ■ ing -mo, cradicahon program hr .v vr-. • cr.i phasized mis week uh.-ri the bca'iii departmc-m cf.tidciiir,e(.i ■ Negro -> Cttpicd ,11c;, slum Iv.mc wiih-n a couple of blocks of > capitol. Typical of som t fin,: a lie-, slnrc. dwellings that are unf.t sos i-um.in habitation, was this onc-larn-iy nnit is now occupied Ip three f, dies 10 persons. In ibis brol r down hoc:s '"hose ifilinf ! i :!j, ~ 'Continued n : ~'k pagi Wins Covenant Cast* LOS ANGELES iANP) Ruling that racial restrictive covenant •t h violation of the ) »th a mend m nt of the constitution Superioi Judce Stanley Mr.sk llvev out covenant case last work, and rule-d ni favor of Mr. .iriri Mrs. Harr., Sam. a Chinese couple Maid Rescues hmpfou'r WASHINGTON < ANT) Miss Hilda Radford :i maid in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed ward Caiman, rescued her em ployer, Mrs. Caiman, from a gas-filled room Wednesday. I pen smelling gas in the home, Miss Radford sought members of the family to see that everyone was safe. She found Mrs. Caiman in a base ment room where all the win dows and doors were closed, and the gas jets were turned on. She helped her employer from the room and called modi ml aid I>. \ I ,F.l< ill, NORTH VAROUNA WiCKK i-iNDJNO SATI'RIbAY,- MARC!! ID-lS •■<,llE 1 S E!,»l ti.Tr\".. SISTER t, tin Hr>i f emale juror m\(, isi nr. cn v n y i ANT) woman Airs, .frs sie W. c of SiitJth .frtmrti f'n i ef.imr th» Jirst to serve on i Queens F onril> gran?! ? .Hirv last week Her husband re eer*il> rt*i ?ved public intention if>r ton rim & the tmi }m j*:c. ! admitted io many functions without prejadiee beenii.se lu ■wore a lurban. m 1181 HI \ - —**<••*'■ —•- | LlLfe! . I Mrs. lan Wilson, stall mom- ! her, s oreign division, of tin tional Baird of the YWCA who j j sailed recently so. V tiimvia, Li bcrii, where she will establish the Sirs! YWCA cent) in Africa to serve the women mid girls of Liberia. She i- the iirst Nfgr-u Inrcign ser rotary appointed p, the organization whirl: hits g.dOii,- 008 ron.-titiitents trt tli • I . S. and is at hor k in fS» to eign conn tries Vlr>. Wilson underw. til an in tensive training course a. Na tional headquarter- in New York. City before sailing (or her new duties. Prior to her present appoint mem sire has served as director of Wake Hall, Washington, I) ( j She was also active rn CSO work during the war and served for several years as administrator of the Adult Education program in New York, in cooperation with the X Y. City Board of l ilac.) lion i W'P) The Rev. Mabel Gary pastor »i the Grach V.Mf 710** Church, is shown as she addressed the monthly meeting of the Raleigh L ranch NAACP wlu-- !• was held tl her r’rcreb on 5 rifiay iiiglu. Mie Rev. Mrs Gary ie.ld the n - <•! .'low audience t<> ■‘w ipe out he social and insist noon "equal it. ' s-hi- was sharply critical of ex sting condition-, in Use Raleigh school', resulting from differed l*a I- in f’vpendjtures for white ant! Negro pupils as well as of ■ tliei iiiequaliti'L, of opportunity hrlwoec R ieigh's wbfe and Nf ; gro citizens. m r i cr 1 140,000 NEOROES WASHINGTON AGP- A p \n x : • ntc iy 100.(Mlo <*ni a red r> r. i ‘ iy \ * s y o f ' ; cia* .-*]• «v equesrim.’ only thfc' our urpied yV:i vices be brought up t author;::.:-'! ni hurry st!\ ngih. n is ossibl* t.UjU .<■ iGai nor::bei ot v .vdr ; is. ;-s | may not exceed 40.00) 5 Only 303 | R 5 men ;; r r " nceded u. bri v. g •), n ■ j .rmvd forces up f<» authofi/c • j ‘ rength. j Ai prestmt. then i" .op, - | oiale.lv 100.,s)o Nv-groes m ’ n ( yi.iTr.cn | lorces. This indutlw- ” in • 1 vmy 23.300 in fii,.- sir- loiec.-. ;n;c, | 1 ?i 000 in the navy. ’. ! hi ami I bite % irmin CRics Gis Seal in Vian ! MIAMI. Kt ; i. 'G : White ant; | S'■ a pa>s> T !u:;. • riding *d •* ■ 'dciivu cm Iw.nl week wen. 1 r l when ■* di^iiiHeel veOite v*t>man j nrose Dnrl gave her s : ot to a enp n’ed Negro nevn who was stand- This is just H'ioihe r exam pi’ from which Negnio sliould karn thii. J 1- jus; in hfjuvh b mie ;k-- to ncr /e aii white it -.file alike e.- i*. is for white people to judge . i) NeiToes alike. I Sorifla Pastor 'fops liite Church Program JACKSON Vl£h«p ft. ft Wright of ih< ' ;.!« t j>is cupai district of fit \ 1 rr in Methodist LpLoopai > hurcb ir ?!tiv :< IlH'Vr'i :v. ;» first U> H S; gre Hr sprite ov hroiiu*r i:<.<>tj hi fore thr '. re.*- • «'ill Huh of Memphis, an .jstrr'ienojnina •• tlon .t group. liis othr-r first was ?m uddrev ou if! sarsn ■ pi. it Ho hapH o; Sontnrrn Methodi.-.) t nivri , \\ iisl* i Hi fill Pi.A I s amtnjr Panel Horn: •- <:•i ‘: c Was !Vic he •■- j I'/dTieJ si : bC’ MinS; : ; : rs t! H £ (>•■ ' 'hiit>da% i sight of last v. re!; tv fit? >1 i s fip'i i' S. u. 1>: '.if O'." C'ontiiuird on pace H«ul \. iwm \ ii ; s I’o a \ w: v \m,m u. -7, wvwDwww?twi-‘ awSSw** twK3SswmWHK2B*sww£ Above are show u tiii'iiibm of .!?;• North < arolina Relegatum to the f ourth Koutiwaslvrn Region al <'(inference of the National As sor-mtion For the Advancement oi t'olnrrd People held last week rml at Tuskegr Insidute. Standing left to riffld: 3>r. j. t> Davis. presi'len. Raleigh Branch; j Thomas Lawrence. president Youth Connell, Tarbs- n Branch; rresident Kiahenhurt Branch; ; HAIETTCOIH i’v wiT 1 ' r?p?.TM ill %jM I »■: L' Lx . a» tt> V » '. !>< i’F \UI> UUJKOTON K >• months w xci tjf'y-ye..r-old m. n slumped toJ a Girt j't.'d to me ot bulb-t wounds' int deled by the occupants o! ;< ; ana a .half before exon. r.-tmg '.hr Hitr charred with w ~ murder. The dead man war s> Negro Charles Smith of Am m, The t>% ■ ; mrsi charged with his slaying wv»» Marvin Matthews. 24. end W.vait Adams. 23. loth veer veterans ana Walking with Smith on the \Y vernber night that h* met his death' was ibiiifi Left Brrmiind. who warn j throe wmshnls wrvi! -polled .leoh , tor the former. rKSTW ll t) Vs TKJAI V • assford a id the sekropw , from a special venire ,e uw ,-c tom-c. t.h it hr? had so< u the two do fc.i isrsls entci ‘h car ironi which r Sr h mil XKW YORK Pnpui'.r rcs:r i i.icc to rrseie'cs.-itn'nd aprscoivo! of. ■ i ga'Oh f: ■C ! •■':", ■; i C; ~.c ; i I'ijxrti jj’ - Aovr.utv ; . . i (if Co! eco Pooi.i --: posed tec soutSfern p! ui. M an while lhe House Judiciary • C-i-. o.i ’ t hurrving to push i through !■ g's!:-;'iv ■ muSirat ion -if ! .Tim Crow colleges, on March lt>;h i approved by a vote of J 2 to 7 the. 1 c .»:: .; colleger pi an compact m ; trochued by snutitt'rn oonpressmeo lat the behest 1 eout public i heatings or any atlcmp to nsccruii:. i ' Such action is- dnngi musly close I •>o rtinent iaci s ;otali!.,ri :i i:is:n 1 Walter White. NA ACI" seen iiirv chawed, -‘Fifteen : -outhem states have asked that an •••■!(« nme and un-Atniwtcan casic • VS!-, m in t dilcii’ >o: . b. frown with • Contintcd on track pnget A H Harrow. K»ek> Mount Branch; The Key, Fastening, pis :-idcii? ilrshtiio Branch; /.wit t ids. membership chair man, Raleigh Branch, fi. C. Mr lean, VVtllston-Salem Branch; | Air. I-.. V. Smith, Greensboro BYanch. Representative Olarkton Branch. Kneeling, left to (Hostrr | B Current dlrectm of RrrtncV.es. 'Mil Eli ( ONTRIISI TEi Arthur Dm c. Kaleign business nnui ami sportsman who has an nounecil that he would he willing to contribute StO.OOO toward a building fund lot a stadium slid able for the holding of the fit’, s ‘ adored atli'etie events. Ms lto\e. \\ !io is iiu iio ed the Raieigh Tigers Baseball :ram. n ill pa\ the ( ils ol R,leigh 5i,500 i uring the current basehaSl sea- ' cm mi ho use of municipally- S owned Chavis Park for the 3.1 a»nics which hi team has on its ' schedule. PRICK 7c Dept. Os Justice Urged To Protect Negroes In South (»v put Negro** on furie-. is has been revealed here. Vo %re roes bar e been on clP'ies u, - ill rears, ire said, and added: We in tkcoigiT, must accept he lav. as >s is Inal!) inter ;>< ted i.y ."•■ i nited States sit iii esn. { si!, i liolur in (icareia iiiere ai, i ii eountie:- .hat have legatls qualified Negro citizens ligiblc ior jury service which do not have the names of any Negroes in their grand jury or ili.il Ml! \ lIOM-s. 'This simply means that any indictment tor a i l«m return ■ able it! - ri am iwy in these counties a«.list a Negro is fatal ly defective. TThether we like it or ot it is tlx law, and we claim to lie law-abiding pen- Race College Heads Aid Regional JC Schools, White Charges In Address Tt iSXBGEK /NS'!'iT : "!’F: Ala. The proposal for aegrr gated iwnTi rrn it colUil.'.i \r !.- '.‘v’nOuO-'-' d Mi' staff, 1 1 STARTS SERVING JAIL TEH AT CENTRAL PRISON RALEIGH A homeless 14 year j old boy tli’ • week enttred Ccniiel i Prison t«» begin serving a 30-year j .-a ntenci traded oul tc him by an ' Orange County Superior Court Judge for hi . akin:* and enteiing a j Chnpt l 11 Horne The boy David Bryant of New ; Bern received Ha stiff sentence | following his ancs! and conviction on a second-degree burglary charge < suhmg from his nrcaK'li:: into the ! home of Miss l.uctlle Llliott, a ti • L'i:.: ia: i at the University of North | Carolina. Originally indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury o.i the capital charge of burglary in ‘.he first do :-.-ci she youngster, represented by ; uin court appointed attorneys, pleaded guilty to the second dc u.T-e charge which cat Cos a possi* ■ bit* life penalty For two days before the altempl od lobbery the youngstoi had work '•d around the r'Jl.ott bnnu? doini; "1,; jobs. He was cap’ured a few nnnii'es afii r he lieu from the J house frightened by the screams ■ of i woman whose r-. om he had i nterod. : A few weeks earllei Bryan! and four other hoy.- had < ('aped from ’ thi- Mm: :on T: us “us. School lO'iituuicd on botK. paget WASHINGTON ANPI The Rev W H Jernagii: director of :no Fr vernal Council of Neg* '• Churches of America. :n a recent Jett< >• to A tty. Gen. Ton Clark re vc.-lod that Negro people of live .-■'hiio hiv being subjected !• a i impai.'ii ot police <-i .nalitv snd irnisnicialu'iii lh*t outiv.rks anylntug dial ha*. Happened io '■ cm in many I oii situation. iiO ,-,id. n.s being deliberately played d< wn by the in nr-.-' instances, and gmt- 1-ally is >m! even ova ted by ti.e I ■ • -s a: i hc maji • :• v of do ,•:,■•■■■ i- jivrii Io i;:\()!vr X,g:c. vet era it-, and *-sr.er ally in those eom •oumtivs where Negro vet-sans and (liner citizens have dared i.o .-■p; ~ic ,’til. Inns lacing the moo nob nossiHlc ivnehinfi." OV SO! J HrKV TRIP T o Rev Mi Jcrnagin hod pot ivi'ii-rfd ‘ Washing;!. - from New Orieun.- where he had atlended an xccntivmeeting of * tic* Nation,! Baj.bM S- nck.v School and BTC com gross and anotiie: meeting cl llie cvecativi. board o> the Nation al Baptist convention. This irifoi inaiion w,:s gathered ■ Continued on back page; ciju.,; A-.-, .'fiction for the Adv-incc . merit of Colored Peopn addressing 1 2(tc :i>-legates ininai'iL the Asr-n --eta? ion's southeastern >'<;j;ional con ; ■: < ’ic-c- here Sunday, •At .i time when our full strerrf’th .-nould be mobilized fer a concert led .ssault on segregated public iac . liilte.-. which are always discrim : ou.toty .-uid inferior, some No | groes are being mtsleu. either von* j eeviusty or unconseiourjy. into ac- I eeptance of an exterv’on of .Tire j Crow.' Mr White said. "Segregation is the core of Continued on hack r It ft». ill t Mistake NORFOLK, Va.— (A.NP) j li must be a 'msslake" has been she answer given by of ficials of the Nor ft. 9 k Cham ber of Commerce to rumors shat a colored man had beers admitted Jo its membership \ during the past, few weeks. Contrary to their denials however. C. E. McArien was issued a membership card Feb. 1?, and now everybody knows it. Since the local chamber learned -of its ‘'mis take." its officials including Executive Vice Pres, Johsi S. | Patterson have tried to get McAdc-r. to voluntary give up j his membership. So far he has kept his card and continued to display his membership card m his cleaning plant window. The local chamber has no law iri its constitution restricting Negroes from its member i ship,