PAGE TWO ' 4\ ! ; 'i MMALs ■ Final nl : foF 1 vh>. ii idg* IW.nes •.vVo LLm Friday ->f. !: st week *»<. vvv humr ai \p. .; • .r« - vid Tut* .v *\t yd '•* >. I ; ,);; : i ‘huvcij ■ 1 v \;ciukship b.iiuwrc! by inter • lit in : tu: <. ::u>-rb ( -nen-. y. ■ Funeral : u» vu •.. I'A-aL*. v' :i:.l flock ;»t S: ub .'••son Hbfcv Aho di' d Jit SI Ai'.m - Hduy was itviji at the liickoi *gvdVv: (d iistiar; Chinch ■• d iollovvvii b\ ‘»xtfc*• matt in ft. • Jvjfch ccmoiofy. kiaal rites for Janies Hall \v»'< ed at St. A a j't'r Ho p;*aJ "l hu . a v wore held Sbiid.ftv at the lie* ,:.U Funeral Home Chap-l as- / ('dowod by intrsmrrd in ‘he jVL i ij a (.. enictCi'v, •” ’tit! _il m rvleo for ?vlr:'. MMtirr ’ ■ ii- v. Ih; (Jird at he. comt* a' L: : b • .‘h Bl.'.wfJv.Mt'flf So .mi ■•*- held Sundr.;. at the ■ iv.! Uoiik i" ■ and foil, .: - by interment su Mi Hope CYme On.)I vos for Dowry Jones .'I r-u! 2. K-ii( igh. v." o .tied at Ii . 'Vo S'.rsViV of \ t ;oK .. . • ndueted from the Sui’lhgtioiJ P l (,’hurch in Vi V l us:: oo followed by interment tn ohtirch ccmc.ieiy. He . :r.<- !:•.:■ V tui 111 Mi s Mi’ :od June vUnt'ia! service 100 ]>]-•.. M,, . ,n . ’A.nriOs held Si. Ms!- w. Baptist Churcti U .me. I: y M ’i WM'f; end ii'lii'ivsrf in vie: t:i t':e church t-t- 1 . \ . : M.jcd Saturday. March j: 1 ,. and ,vv Mu: yilio of i■■■ Willui: of v, ■ ij,j S \T. Y Dina! rife: ! • C-luy. who died Ai'sndai of k j, w, v\, y.. euisiucto'l from tie 1.-.-pliM Cir -•. Church in Wake Co .u> Fhors "M irisi v. ok end I- : wed by in. tfcrmestf in the- t’hutch cent : ry K 'AS S lit'" It 1.1:. bat'.d u >1 -s. Ll el.. ■■- ;v> of [?n?<■!•.■;. floute d. Funeral service Was conduced el ifv F t.vcttoviiie S.;d 8n,,.-; Church Sunday for Ben'enr. r. Broaciis. husband of Mrs. Dors. _ cirFFit" - - J P Nicodemus said: [•__ . i|Jßabbi, we know thou ' 111®** * teacher from fif'.’ 0': t | {Except one be bom I \ '.k 'pgain, he cannot see iB i j r| ‘the kingdom of God. j% ;• | | |!i Jo. 3:1-3. - . 1 | 3 1 ?I—J ft ' 2 <, yf ‘'' 1 Tjir piqn p Jipoif Ooyp 1 Ilf t^a*!.'**•< s 1 tiif Pi L.l!s ti !» 24-HOUR SERVICE I nr: bast <’AB.\i:ri;s m -■ \ havwooo. owner t I j y } , f I fester iplliiri'i y* IN f riE ! A'Z S \ Jt “New | 1 'fr- Look’ 5 I y FASHI3S rV^p ti* f\ . 1 ti Y.'ar Cash is ‘'SHORT” Our .-/.MM | CREDIT i j T?| for The Ladies );! j §1 : © Dresses til Coats i *» Gloves 1 •* Bags : "i v © Accessaries ’ C; .tales!: Styles, Colors and M Patterns To Stlerf From .o-' \ y' I For The Men | trff&Sfii SUITS X &’AW*s'* i TOP COATS | ties" fit/ j SHIRTS ! Yen Wear We Finance 1 J O. K. Clothing Co. , 109 E. MARTIN STREET ■. w; (i-. I :t liurne .m T i;e» a -1 riU'w for Korn 'th Stiiu - Vi,;tt. iv • Ui.v 1 J :) t iVtis. .fw •’ 1 4 v.livt v*l t; i\ rr.or, Kho c? .. i < * ‘-•»* * : iv m ?hf* Oo**'u % Sotr. .rihoi fb (U .i/cii ij Jrhnsiou County Te.'VvC*.-*' ff'Mu' hv mttu'muu ir* tvy fotreb o-r,vA ry Mr SUO’Ct. vbiA i\v. d 9 fturd y. h'UIU.UMd! u;;-;- tOV ivIlT. Mill)! ' S'vvwut V/alkiJi-s vvi'.o died Bun f.:,y v. •. > • .Suu ui.% ;:t Hie Lot t Ci ; : Roads emu-M 'j uosdi .v rik' FriJ |fi\rr cj F)v in? ”m* rit l T > ohuf' f ’ c an:<.l l ]■ s*’. Slu va - La: bvofnei «. « .iui:i »•,. 8; oyart of KiM\i‘.Ukdc. 7 A rut s*s B 4 / ' i C A h li I A•? v T ! cdi',v: to nt : v wet ' , ’;■ ■ •. ti <j • - ; d.y. Ncjh-'e 11:..:.',; ... ii Ch; i»- Mil.* .) , UI.U'C I.’. K .I- .'... Minch IJ. 11l e< 'DO' K'li.-''*. UP > MIiSS N-fUlc U. Vf.llKinu, HollU: i-.:i!, M.ach IC. Yd-!]; Viil-. mi fr„ -’-04 Tvii.rc'l in. Lewis i: » an j Air-.- Sue Powell. ; oiu of Rnh.ugh, Ltarch ii). Vv ihy Royers* HIP South Blokn Sir-: t, u;o iVliy.s Lb uy F anc 1 • . i h ■ i I I 'Hot'; -■ (WCM l :•. * a • v ' \K ; a < ;niin.iit k amt; If V. i • : ■• • i L i ft ;• .iii! oW J<. ! .cl t vy vv *rd i n‘tcv a*.* ae* nu* u.ot spt*aic. VLipic Femnit* Chmc!i i I i KV ,(OMlT:IM. 'tT.liKirf.l. ;-.. in. Sunday w.. .• i-bsiivc-d :.. :v iplc ’(. n.'.pi'. Dos y rtr-.liiiiiai Ontßiian Church Su>. : '.v iviili if . : . .. :« :.ul 11 ui!.y (k'r.'i iti .l Wilu - i : | I i ■ nioi ctioir :d : vertd select'.rms which ioiioivi--! ~-y the iil'n.n; sor ■ Ui.y i ,\:. r.ic-1 1 . .'ica by if. 1*;..-lor. \Y *vt-i; .iehi'. d-vi ’.<> have ■ i•.iany viMfor- ■ o.iiifitj irilii u v . IV C a i f> I'f* $: ait.'l.'.'' f’chool j.iown.v.. Si ill ay's J .- • Build’.! , o IT .-• ?'-• :.4uJ.” 'Tile Heir. ■ MD-ion Socuty me. I G:J . and Icliownii; IMf bn ill." iiit.i r. •. :u old O-.n .’lice! i".. * ~i,l M ,1..n0n:;.i s<.. vie. V* If- - 1 followed by l in: i veiling -VI i.-iih >he ■ •.•.». choir ag-tsn . ndoriii}.; m. mu. ic. 1 Following the c-vcmhg sci vice •• coiitii v lion u i-t.- hi*-hly cnlc. - lain d the (i •la ; Slligll ■! f - i... V. '."V. c.! by i: i Club i"i Jn tiClullf il ;'i church. ' A (jt a Mot will si: : .f tin:- cl u: i f Surui. v afternoon a- :i:DO for the . nc id of liio chinch, t. e pro£?u.m ■ill be :-p-".K- 'i ci by the l'a.v- c ; .-Ui. ,mr.i I'joru! Club;-. T ■ \V-:)tru.nY Cl 10 mot at th ':<! hour a! tic- hole. -.' .Miss Sal lit Koavib f f-tJo t lllurlih tin-ciir. ti.e I'. •-'. session ■■ vryal Notice* j r-j 'j ;**_Y MVi t-‘ < .. ::: ] H C.’.iiOl M--A .-. ' MR COUNTY it WIND mialHiid Executr---: .. I I-..i ff ui r * Cl' >V- H". cli.; ~f \\ :M Colinlj •air.h Carolina. •- *<’ ‘ lot 'S ” ! : '••■.-rsoiu* h-.v afeainst tnij ; ;. ;an- of s-urt (! 'c-. pa'., to : k-..-k' : iOVi :1c: 17th day > i l-Ybiumy • j i jf.:.; tU)Hee will be plvadc ; > • i,: tiieiv reeovt Ail pet * * . : • v i.nmc-uiiymen! | c .j 1 of Fc'c-u-.i’.v ( (■ i, DAY.'SON. K y N ' | ]' i. ; AFN.UDM Aborn-y I NOTICE ( > ! \N!> - V-T j Under a;;d by virt of » '' '] U F, V.KCS V. Get ’> c<G L-ys-e-i Mb at Ms- r-'s. Mos ' I i rs'K - ’ l! of ino unset. .-.-inert i-i-s t ' : C ' ■ "’’Ms. ’M h : M"M I 'sis " j [ Msndass Apr.l Y 194 C. c- ' | -t ; V1 i.c city of Raleigh. W s-te f \ Till c- rah hr. viz: l 1«• . I 1 V . :di '■ - - - '' " • I •- ci ■> i- >• iV?H‘ A i r:>st i !v a be p-Au:>. ti*. \ : ' 4 ' j . : vV : v ' v v : ; v. ‘sV t ■ r-A'-v soiUnvui'y ;• v ••• • nt • v j S' Lavs,../; -M vr-GINNiNc! • -. ri h. H- a Ho;. F- ~u. Copu.- j corded in Be w 2Tl>. • j and ••• ibv :• '• t 1 :• • t v.A** i . VJ>r D >r A L s 1 ' T v'V r '■ ■ p b x-cuV 4 ’ w* T SA; A-is smd Vbe F. ' Dcvc. o' . , j.- f ’Tff, Ml. -otetri Book ;93. : Pegs Mi. The residence ..rsstft-W' iht si s'C :d )r i i: P M- . a!Hi S' 'Ui i. 'ploinv «s..t. i: : Ns-uh Carfl- Thi- rst .vi stance s- vuidf fi-b.i c.- c sh St t to I Hi-: :t. tt ■ ■ si! Doan A, sr.-ci- ’sm tr ssecrc iff sir. of *;• Jfii. ds'ea July U iS4S. Ti • '. .irl pisiftcrtv .'Si - siS •tbj'.ol si s rieeT of ux io Mi* SMsisM Psuidusg ;,:.d .M-rin Aso .ia- J oi■ S.o t.'i.Mici a, sum of s2.S<> s | -'be- bld ■, ii ec due ;M 'Ms- SiStd I:::" S / , j =- Ms. to be . . :. ,u li'.: Si ic ! The 5..,i ' ■ .’! ! condafteo | and : deposil of ten jk-: > e«i: to b.» mode at the bmc tsf sa-i.. i ; snow t;-».*o 1 .ai *h. P If. K( - iIIETi-S.* i. r; M!MGs AND MUST Atlornfy* n.-n 28. Ci-Apri.l IP I ! YOU DON'T | NEED NEW SHOES j \ FOR EASTER! ‘ \ j I EXPERIENCE v .'t- till. n TOftf:: ’ our .del shoes | look m-v: with our material- ants | f. vprrk jirr of ev r |R yea** i:t | ’• sn&, polishing ! or Khinimg. SPECIALTY I Spfinalising hi ladies' swedes, two torus, htsf'ks, whites, etc. . Satisfaction Assured | DELIGHT I Shot Shine Parlor 106 E, Hargett Street f . -nmti■—in iiirmrssiinmunwriinin >»imiwimjm THE C A R 01,1 N’T AN PERSONALS Nil,,: .Mery E. Oeh" .n: of 12CG 1 Tolrii.. Sii eel, a stud-, lit at TMiavv ’. nivci. ay ... liic r.nun rpc.iKO: ttif.' \ css ,• Sen > of the Blind li al -t: !i• Sunday il lisi.oon, ."licc j' . i-i".ir;* roM-'iTcction . ad life, she said, wo should rc surro.ct our li\ s -ui slur! anew m u:*.* Bis life live in as a- lien.,.; ' Col 1 ifcUln.V to i .ill lo aCC The Chfi.-l 1 f h.auiaVoi Soclf’... i S!:i:V. Univi.-rsiiy rend' ' * Pi.srioii V,'e*k Progr;., V. ..-dm-. day :n !: c :(>; s- . -:l- n i-a-M.s tlte Uitiversity. T!ic mtiiii tid-di ; c. as Eelivcrod <r '.ic-:. Queen I'll.a is til ana rnu-t’c was icrjoeieil L*> : c .society with < . f scU'ch- i. ■ Kv AH;.-.- \iJa (■;. B. s M;-s , Deiinom hid Vwnun Uc.oi: Mir. Vi Mitchell u Icki.ucd h-:i s.hi't hirlhuiiv Th'.)i'.*;r , ;i} of vxvk ai the home - f Rcc Mb , -' ini' s Ac. ■■•. .- 1 f Ji7 Sou!a Bi"i■ . '■-orlli -J.cct s! wine: time -hs s e-sv. d mayy useful and benuii - Hi! sin.s. A dciicio;;. rc;-<c- c-isi. ins of ite nuts, ice cjc: p. cake mint.-: :( i -.-erl t . :t C; til, .';. •Mnllnriu Vaud:s .Tifi. E:ub cliii. ptcb* received ;> cuts, novelty. Tho::.-; presold ilie!t..ic.i !na J-uu-, course: consisting of i.s-d chick ... rie? and ;..rovv, h-.,; ~ud co • !' : V. 'll- - I. i i.:\ .'Mrs . Wilder ami .Mis. Viola Priveti. .Ms ir; St s Newest and Most Modern Cleaners Mac's Master Cleaners BEN F. McCLAMKOCH, Jr. Mrr, 122 South Blount St. Phone 3-5492 We Pick: Up and Deliver ** * KI * M i-ummiww nn’*>n BW*a»-*-r. . --,-.»mm»n.* .lamusingaer «som. «CMmicinwHHiMn«nr*nim ■ 11' - <«■> .awiaiw Finance or Borrow On Your Car thro ug h the MUM ioioe FINANCE CG. | 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3 3231 1 radi Ob Appliances j 2 Household wMs' j RANGES Hot Water Heaters Expert Repair Work On A3l Radios And H ov- seho 1 d Appimnees jCf¥f 0„ iSrI'QIIM ELECTRIC Ift .ft I Ih ij aOU H COMp AN Y | ,i: HAROFTT STREET TEL. ?,-5#31 | S | Auto 1 Ires * Batteries - Radios Bicycles - Home Radios - Appliances SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS Terms As Low As 51.25 Per Week 322 S. Salisbury St. Phone 3 3831 Behind The Courthouse fa»v»m.vsAmn^a9fiiomiaui'af,\ .-sbwwiwwi. vmsw. %*>.**at^iaurruvasmuwnu t v* :j-TT.y-*; x»,..»pW'S» ■amuw'j'wn**«- -awß.-j!K«g.«aww». JpPPfIWBWIW*"SSiw«>«' ■ wnMMMM” 5 s - ->'wwwiwim>« »pw ■ .-- | f lt'» a %vex* risk to carry cask on « .'rip. An unnecessary risk* I (too, lwc.»s.i;.e we ceo turn your travel funds into American ■ Express Travelers Cheques—spendable anywhere, sate every* 1 where. If these cheques are lost or stolen, you receive a prompt. 1 refund. ; They're more convenient then persons! check*.. because I so identification is required except your signature. Denonal -1 nation* of $lO, S2O, SSO and SIOO —for only 75$ pet SIOO ? | faiaiaun dtarge, 40?)*'ar» on sale at this bank. ? * ! , DUKH AM-RALEIGH Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cofp, Uu aiicr Biai"*:k. B-'.ivb; Pnli.c.i— -i V, , .niio Aj-tn-v, Met f' Broadie, Samuel ,L m . Efic.Di.K- Man,Aim. ( l a.i Burley, Gwendolyn Cook. Hea-.i r;i Cook. uclo, ;* I’cicrso,.. Ff.c.'-iiir. |"di. son. Glady*. Waliou. (acorv.ia Norris. .Sadie Mines. Mai ,ret ’ u Ml. William H 1-1. Jr . Don ah; 1 .- Hull md Mrs Mattie Ai*:iu . tea cli ct o: Mi-s lvlitcDel!. hi’nil iu ni.sioi s i,t HV M I V > f .tO.-Mlir Mrs Mcivniii Kerrcli ot 4 Chavi, , ..... ~iie mt; • i ;ii i.ft uncle til Sa: a ex! Ja 4 Sunday. M; .1 .:V I -’lilt lips lit I >!*,.* .-!i<i .! v.:: ic.i- Ireen i'l is iKr.v con fined m h<*r home wtli. <m injuvi; [ ■ll -.. .Ic a Chandler ' ' 12 Chavi Way ci-li tiled tier tin belay Vfon ; day i;d revolved irar.v ukclul it I ... H.'bd.v r-c hda.v. v-lis.s Chfiiidlcr . Mis .Margaiet L.. I-’.enilal! w.u ! .111' • d I Ij! ' •:! : !’ tern t'Ma (.'III - Sunday in South park. ivii Gi ur.i 11 -.'is - ui <> five!l '.''•'l ■ 11;: ; ivf i• 1 ! r . on . - :i . : ■-. ' r fimt he, !*; 11’. 1•. i•. Loon JefliH.s who i - y iii at Dili ham. ■Viosi any husines.*: man can has. it* a r r» dc-u! Tiic s ii<‘i'<?s.=(ui cniidi knows low fc dispc.M !it|i‘ ricids YMCANESS m »»«•:«>* 11. of .\: nvrm.s APRIL 1:148 MON DA VS p. ni. Crv, y \ l'roto Club ! 7.:;o m. -Jrli-Y Photo Club TUESDAYS 6:110 )>. ni. - Wiishiiifiioi: Gra - Y Club 7.H0 P- m • Wushu.-tun Hi-Y Cluis WYvkly iVit".'i.inps of i!,,"i Schd i end Ell'iih nlavy *'i: 1 joo: Bert lor dcvoliojiii. WEUNEfeD.V VS 6:00 p. n . Or.) =: b % Gm .• ni NO.ou! Gta-Y Glob. Oosl p, r. i. I’ouri.n ivu-ii.s (SUiu; liUMiKjj-f: Projects Si; ial I'vei.t-. : Rcfre.M'mients' TnUHGDAV S o:80 }'. ni.-- Lojcdif: Hi. nUrr Gin-x \ dllb 7:00 p. a: Vf'/IC.V ,Vj : y s club SATURDAYS f .Os) i’. 1 Ft :, Lu!'( iVi; v;i■. 41 Heels. Comedies Kducatioi :,i . o.nd Him lth F dir. i; :00 p. m.- Posmcpoiti ,i> di: : VV i;. Meeting of V.'.iC.'t' Du i *nit or y A! r>; SUN DAV S ; O f A p, in. Mubic Hour o'-40 pi m. v pt r S«.*M ice, Kout'/.i ' Oi:;,;. DAILY ACTIVITIES CAFETERIA Snackbar, whole Mi at rc;pi;i>; i«Jo cosl DOKMiTOK Y - Permanent t»nU ; : Ovt L'nipbl ri!' 1 ::! . LJBRAIJY Blinks. Mau,:, ui-- BI *:*f SMOKES - SNACKs" I link ti y shop S'.Vi i t 720 E Davie Street I EK BY 'E ' Y-i.ES. r rap I FOR S \NI)IN(, - KKS SMSIUN<i AM> POLISHING FLOORS SEE v Fl* s LY HA!,UK (.HAVIS ' The Doorman" •Of* >•. East S'. Dial 2420 Raleigh. Y. < | Hunter's Wood Yard j WHOLE'■Y’E - RETAIL Jesse Hunter WHY WORRY '■ !: - v ab(;ut - ‘ ‘ Wfsl - i ■ r you are sick. If you sir.. v. - 'l, s Ik ■ ; .'.ere i - ... t< v er . J ihois*. Bur if y-. • ere ork, Cuo-e f •re : .'■■) things a worry afoul i will die. Ts vou vet well ’.here i« ! n.Y.e.r V, ~v about 1: | :,e Yu re a..; on: v.x -.> 13imM L: worry about, eitil- r you will e. to heaven or bell if you go tr : ry about, o;.;! if you ;o *.o hell, you will be so bus:/ shakier hands with f ken Jr. you won't 70S F. MARTIN' ST. Tift. CO?! I ARCADE BLDG. JAMES “Flip’’ MASSEY Prop. CAPIT.AL CAB CO, m-mswx mmw icr N2Saf i ' Wm- DIAL &U7 WAKE SALVAGE CO. w© Buy sutd S«U Snrrthtac o i Valm i FURNITURE -- STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS RADIOS BS7 S. Wilmington Si. Phone 2-2327 jjimmii iinMi >i«nniim*m>rar'TiTTi *— TrrTiirmiii> Complete r~~: r-j j Home Furnishers We can furnish any room in your home from the living, room to the kiVhon. See us first. W. E. COOPER FURNITURE CO. 121 E. Marlin St. VFKK F.NDTXr, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1918 Newspaper*: j LOUNGE A fti'ii.iily and nllrav-. live place to nn’Ci .your frienf -•; MUSIC ROOM i i-I’h Gaph Ret*..•.•clings 1>: EC it EAT ION -- To l'c Tenni-y Br.wiim;'. Cii'eckc'i * Whist, Pin • | ochle, and Softball ROf -M REGISTRY . SHOWERS (’OUNSET..I IMG : INFORMATION SERVE ES 1 MEETINGS OF i.OCM. CIVIC. SOCIAL AND RF I .HIM (ITS Ci CHS AND OKOANfNA TIONS Si'. John's Students Vote For \dmiuiii!> IVegrovs f VI A.EQ-1 : , wl, i John's coilcgt uii-Jorgrnduates ey.t ; ni 1:18-32 io .-'clrni! N<!••.!-i(*u L ,*rl.uO:. if vr .8 disf iosi .i hfrl c Wed nciuay bv fiobr.rt Davis. Scotia,:',.: *’ *• Oi • ■. < >;. 1 11 ' of (In. udo: 3 t-inni t-.t. 'Hu- vote ivae taken ori a. ‘v.-oluilon whicit said: ''l : a.i ti • r ; i lorh i , ■, . .ey ror;.).vos u would wcle nu:- flic 1 I 'difii : jiv! oi e.udctils of any rafo; | R K (A) R i~S H 01 : 1 { »I'!I V!G,V! s HHK ? ILL HI) 1 ItY Fit < HOK’F, Ul.i ORDS | VJ VLL T’MKs | I 19c f P - | W. & E. Sales \'ienev IM \V. MARTIN ST. HOME-COOKED FOODS | And what a meal it will be— j seasoned exacily right, and every dish boasting a real | ! home-coeked flavor. B & it CAFE 4)1 S. BLOUNT ST, 5 ) S ' j 1 I ; | j A Lifetime in Fiaroes Why take chances on burning j ] up a lifetime's effort in a single | | .terrifying hour whc. a a*s *o j simple and inexpeasiva to pro- j tect yourself against any possi ble mishap. Your heme and family car. be ebsolntely pro tected from ANY disaster ®t ! but a few pennies, a day. Vv'e'.i | | show you how. j SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT i HANKERS Flßfc INS. CO.. DURHAM N. C I Taxi Cab I FOR PROMPTNESS I AND COURTESY CALL | EAST ENDI CAB COMPANY I Dial 2-2086 j 1 24-HOUR SERVICE I $17.25 Electric Heater & Fan Combination SPECIAL $12.93 TRADE-IN —SALE ON ELECTRIC IRONS Receive from SI.OO up on your old irons NOW IN STOCK —Electric Water Heaters, Vacuum Cleaners and Many Other Hafd-to-get items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co. SALES & SERVICE | 224 E. Martin St- Claud Taylor. Mgr. Phene 2-3950 | light HAULING HEAVY LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co. 502 S. Dawson St. Dial 9478 - 921.2 Ed. Uinstead, Mgr, ■ rt- -HH-n—■ infiimirn ininTinnm-r-r-iT V' 1 . . . oiur in S 3 John’s College.’’ The : ei«iOl. whicn has been •■•ali- G’i ''the neat of the 'Greet Uook’R’ . .ievcieii: i. i.'.m ' , ;. , i ri'n.” in : f.b.vut G/ • ludeiilF. Davii explnirr-d that the rvluilon \v:t- nut n.Elided as <i petitio nor demand on the adnun* ■ I'.tra! ion oi board of vivitort anu ■ • i's HOi • Support Your Piper. Pauleo Radio Service "'Knr Lasting Repairs’* Hi k GLEN WOOD AVE. Dial 3-3123 j Wo Pi- i, up and Deliver Ss il liams Elct tricai Sei’A ire ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Di.ii ... “.J m- K I'.UUH".' :!-.!sfio FHTT!.'!( \I, i 'O' TRACTOR 1202 E. Martin St. R. E. WILLIAMS. Prop. . 4 COCA-COLA bottling t o. 5t5 IV. MorsiUi St. Dial 5567 for’ —COAL FUEL OIL CORRELL COAL & OIL CO. JOT S CORRELL, Owner DIAL 5567 I | 307 North West l 1 111 SIC (OW VNY ARTJiCb. BOVE, Prop. I Automatic Phonographs S Hunt, For Special Occasions i| jr.-j 3ii- riled t »r. •"’oirnr.ission ! I SLLLCT RECORDS | OCR SPECIALTY | I Dial 3-271 i ' I r><* F ( \BARRUS ST. | ~~ FOR Split Pine &. Oak SEE or CALL Lea ch s V/oodyard DIAL 4535 7t>6 E. Jones St. Dallas Leach, Prop. ....... —— Groceries Ncfions Lillies Groccrteria 640 S. Boundary St. Mrs. J. O. Kearney, kop. Telephone 2-1493

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