VV fcJi biv i&N 1H N („} -SATU iKjDA \ , M AfeOH w/\. 1 y *l-8 Omega Frat Talent Hunt To Be Held In Twin City WIN STON -SALEM Phi Phi Chaplet of Omega Psi Phi Frati.-r- : niiy Will hold its uzinutil talent hum program on Thuisduy night, April 1 at 11 15 in Fries Menu.>ii. ; Auditorium, according to E L Pat terson, bamicus m the cuapfei Participants will piviorin vocai ‘and In-nuniental numU.i:. .md the. will pc either present -a former hi;/n school students, from North western North Cfiioliiia tueii sciiools, Mr. Pattmrwn : atc*il. Prizes of $26, sl6 unci $lO will be awarded to the three- participant, selected bv at single j.uir.c a- hav ing the most promisin, musical ml ent, and the first.-prize winnei will rtpresept Pri Phi chapter at th. Omega Sixth District Talent Hunt program t,, ni 1., Id a Raleigu im Aptil 35, Mi Pattersion -aid. Th- Omega isixtn District is macj* up of chapters in North and .South l To ._ - i Now It’s In Raleigh! j Send Your Musical Requests I AND LISTEN TO “IN THE GROOVE” j ST AK R INC _. __ | • KINGS OF JIVE * HONI.I HAMPTON # BUDDY JOHNSON « KlNt, COLE TKIO • ELLA FITZGERALD * DUKE EJ EINGTON 4:45 P. M. WEEK DAYS WNAO—BSO rS.JjJrtnrrLi-~-'T~h a »«»-.. , - nmujr •v.gapr-ffZ-.-tsr;?*-—. ■ . ■ SPECIAL EASTER S£j\ VALUES %% Here's a value you'll .. f long remember ‘y-S suit.-; just in time t 'Jjf'r \ So z- • Ziv. earfe >i ■' ~- ' . \ better selection a* v<• £"• ; | ’W j cton’ know* h,e.v h- • / 1 tk they will la t a> th.- .1 j*\ prices. j DOESKIN /, Tji i\ suit /,y j W\., pocket effect .s Luj | 'y-i ! «&', ■ | ton- front POfi-d 1 *■ *v ■ jf-: ■ w-i Wll Jtffcr- ~ Sizes 10 to Hi in l.v Blur Ao u Lii ■- i Strawberry \ ’• ♦,*4 ’ Notched from Cvk '\ \ bj our artist. E $3995 It m RF .MEMBER in mum it’s FASHIONi INSi RANGE BUILDING | HEADQUARTERS FOR | S. M. YOUNG Paint HARDWARE Seeds I NOW 130 EAST MARTIN STREET I Garden, Field And Flower Seed I GARDEN TOOLS | Power And Hand Lawn Mowers I WE INVITE YOU TO SEE OUR NEW STORE I DIAL 7121 olitlii. cud iSHU.ir-til talent l<-pm-'. lit. | ii:r tin- twenty , ix Oiivoa chapter-H m j;i: Carolina;, wli appear mi die. Haiti li pro-ram it wa • learned Mr JhiUrr.-uu rrpovu.t mat me i Oi.utj ;>ith Diuud ii. now- .. ,-j ing fnianci.il aid wtilcu 1 otaf- SI,;'UC i tor the ltHv 18 -a-lto, i ye.,i- to the J follow ing hi,ri school graduate, ! Mi;,.; Kredt! ii 'i.a Jjtomnsoi'i of Chat -1 i,: ton i now •.unhommv ai j Pi MR UnivetrUy S'6oo Ml:.-- GIo, i.. i Locke' of Charlotte run -,i fre.dnv.a.. ! .it Hnmpioii lit. I :!duie :;zOu, \valn , Locke of Ch.iH-de. now a ti t ••he:,,a ■; at. Howard University $201); alia j Walter Craig, Ji .of C'larlrston, j now studying d the Boston Con-j -* t >*at, •>!'>’ ''l Mm. n f.|,!1l _ i The ail in politics c’lis to la' j t;.. practice or -.aying two theua; j ,1 ills- i.iiiie i;iiif- without meamtig j fiti) r n! tin u; }l IR TH S Birth ce to) babies bDi’n \ to iUr 101 l owing Goupics \v>?i'c rtg* Dturid in tho of flee ol the Wok i**»\.!L»ty HeoUli Dupailrmiit ?Lf jiltFil WtU'k. Wi*lv.ioit Uerwood • <>Uun timi . • Mrs Bi-atnoe Wiiliari*:; CotiOH, U 4 j ■ SusnDK'ii alley, a dau, iber, Hu!’. ■ • Barbarii, March A. \ .hulus K - itn ana IV!•: Bcila ii ■ : Kci !h, Rout is 1.. V.’alujgfi, .i baby ’ •iri Amanda Huth, b*b v uajy ‘J 7. j Everett Solomon Evan.' and Mr j Nani id Powell isvaiiL, New Hula ! .on, Calvin WalJ.icc, fYI-ruary :!b. Eddie Gill and Mrs. tiazej AU«-ii | Gill, Houte 1 RairU.ii, • son. J uin i Roche!l, March 10 ! Edw-ard Stuart ami Mrs, Mary : Lyon Stuart, Route •!, .a I on. Thomas Lewis, February I, i Johr.me Edward Han ) and Mrs., I ivhmli Knight Hard; Rnulv •> i Wakf Purest a daugthi r iVUirtha; j i:- ' Pthruary 18. I li'iaiik Wil.sun and Mr . iv-tcll ■ la- 1 i'v Wiln.ai,. Routr’ 1 Zckuli'jii I .1 daughter. Joy tv. I'Vlu uurv . i Hezr-lii Ktrigl ■ * -av and ! Maltha Smith SnigP t.-r.v, Hmitc ii. IZ, bulon, a son Uez>'kiah, Jr I Mart'll a. Ht-nuan Jaia .- and vii . I. /zio | Hart: field Jonc-r, -Koine Vi.u.i |t-.u-t. a '.on who wa.- not naiia-a | Pf oruary 15. | Will it M. K inlet Dei i affenrr-,,i,H | .1,1,1 Mi" Oiaclyr: Bo)!,an Degraften reauit. Route 1 Ap<->:. sun jaio- Ralph, January 30 Gilbert Johnson and l\L: l-itix . Powt‘l! Johnson a rlau tlnu i.,.i ! Junioi’, Febriiaiy :M j Robert Hicks and IVIi s. Han.- ~ j Haiti Hicks. Zebu'i a bala •.-m. ! lames Robert, March l Randolph .loner and Mr- Lula j Daniels Jone;-. a daughter, P, g fc ;e ! Ann. February 29 ! Jrt.sie nbufi; m.d Mr.- IvL,. • j nir GilJ Massenburg. Wake F,ae:, | a cahy fiirl Jessie Mr. . Feb. 20. Ivan P. Morgan and Mi D.;,0 thy Smith Morgan. Zebukm, a Jauiyitci, Rosa Lee. ..H ut, g fluirnas Jot ie.-; and prs, \V,vk \- Hinton J- ::-Route ! Km.-Jitda:, j i sou. 'fnc-iiias James. January 2d | Bradford Burnett and Mr:. ivl.i j r net Bradshaw* Burnett. Route j Kiiigludale, a s./ri Lt Roy Cebro ; a, ii. Eugene Cm Ron Richardson nod ; Mrs. Janie Bradsuaw Ru-haui - j Route 2 Wendell, a f.irl. Helr-u V j nrv. February 12. j Luther Montague arm M, • Erm j Hue Wadkinr Mon; ac• }v : I Wendell, a dau htei. E-ra t..,-- • I .. or i.u i 27 i Ernest T Harp and Mr KV -- | n, ic Starte: Harp. Rune u. Wen• ! den, a girl. Theiraa J«.ar„ Mar, j Uharli. Albert Gar.it! ..md Mr.- ■ j F,vrrene Utley Gamut, Rome i ijVaiina. a girl, Giady, Maze, Wmgate Thorna-. and Mrs Kdi.a Gerald Thoivias. ft a’c i Fuquj' I I "On. Ke.T'-ii, March ]j j John Wilhantf, and air- {•;. 1 ’ 'V iL.on A uLaitis. lioule i. Willo w : i •->! >rj ;r \ \ c \■ ,& ar< ?*. v i, aaiUcS < Shaw and fvir> Liin | .Shaw. Raleigh, a • VcTi'-Gn March 4. i t liom j.s Hur on and Mrs m ir , | Hn.-i-n, Route 3, \Va ; ,r Forest ■ tin.-: lit, i ucy i\J ,v J.-i ui, : y A.tt Line and Mrs. Kelite >i< - taziif Ring. Route 2 Wake F-- 1 '°o FI he it Februai;- fi ■H ut f Fowler and Mrs: Eb; , t-'-ir, luve Fotvler Route w,i v a daughter, Ji na Patnci.-, i a -.j, kiart Fdwai d -j, pc j.;;,. 1 1 rg<*> 1 nunan Suppoi! ! ATLANTA (AMtH - Bishop J | H Kendrick, ~t t. r Hcln.r. Church, Atlanta, joined c: oi • otht'i UaJer*. throughout tin 1.... pry G- ■ ■* > >-k in urgit..t siifipar* ,1 j President J romans civil ii,.-. ] pi an. i>i ndiiiy i! F’rc-id.’ 1;: a cong. . j lil.a,or-- Mi, -■ -az in wh-ich lie ~v ; pTez.aed ti',uppierian,,,, of “12 , ,i. 1 linn Sr; and million; oi • white.- for the valiant efforts to | bring about these n?M, Kcnd >. l-. j s.ml that Amsricaas -i.oald :.- - port Mr Truman. ‘X.hi mes.t:;c mas acknowlcdg, i by William it. Hnssett. tin" Pi. ■ 1 deni's secretary 9 hoti of southnners wi-i -.i tin. President to keep up hi. y.. esjif; iaily after tin- i,. rc of K.imi parades, speech-mti threats OPENS BUSINESS II : 1 i ft r 'ssi "d|e| JTJlHsl’fUfa.x['AX jT' '' ' AJoiwe '•> * Janie- 1. foelicid former tusi rail 11-.-i't »)j„ . .hoi', ulm, llii-. week I,jn‘ln,l ml-. liicin 11 1,1 Idling s .ition t L.ag);' .md .smiUdhld Streets, 11: apjil'cslinati 1\ on: motilli Irrin mm Hr ('ofieiil id.in- tn ojrn a nark bar amt hniciieuiietu f,-atm in', emit es \ ice i.n the sanir -it*- A r.ativ, <0 Liu it-l .1 Mr I<> (n Id i., live,! 111 halt i:;!i tor li-.< past itn i f v«-a-J ,1 ailuatc „l th l-.hvaln ili < its l>.tellers ('«•- 1.-gs he t.nij'llt Si-liool Im several years j»>i<»i- ,» the war liunni; which to- iu-i employed m the .\oiii.lk Navv Vard. He t.l v 1 iiji lejehim: tor ini-i ni-' t.ccan-., iu- tel, tliat then is greater opportunity »n tin- iutte» HtGM STUSSSIS FDB ANALYSIS OF 108 CHANGES Ti:c vv id.* nil].; ru. »eo of chhuot mem opportur.UD (.or Ngpt'g yonUi ft*i int\i Hie thc-iTi. • v)i an add re: l dc - NaU- Cial l'l'bdii i.L.j: id i lepuTli)L. .U ,r? !n(iii; ui d .ila 1 i 1;: ,tt a \ T «-'. • * iionai Opponuui!> \Vi*ek_ pvtoirauj ; in iti ..1 'dii' VV .Vi: ‘. lg K-ii li:.- v>GGOOJ . Mr. Jefl' 1 ?«>., v*. i:• o ru s pavt.icipat cd hi AiiJustu .ji and employ cut-eg. ; I ;:. \ .y", ' 11: dll'itVl lYKljOr Eli.Cl'- ; i p«inia pk:U.tin of bioadt'-ninu; uii* ploymciu LOYi on bm 5-tre-o;d Ida ii uii i o\ idiA.itcan j j»i.ai ai'.on. ai ; v, uii ar le . j»U> uitpihlc-. or* me ’ pan v1 i tin* 4 :(.tj..hi i anl or worker, iai'xaiy ling Ha- rut tHi *i>b iti* nation li« nini a iffcit 1 away iiom i amh aalh -dd-w . which is op;, iahufc n- the bane3it ot the Ne- ! E actoi - behind ieg- ! "end whico - ci v hii :inj •\ n - ■. t. r• *:• •he va t . veai ? 'ram- dv-.rciat'Gd r#y me sprak- • or as }/:f' vWiUtH) ITifi n ■■■OV.'t'ir' M'lOiT igT the r-I -; iniL'iii . ; wate and .T --• fJTd 1 !.P(J ie . islain: n the aoiiu I to re;•*>.*•?tit a hieii iod, ral emoloy a;, ni \ <-[ and cotwn.umg nduca• 1 ouili I mhs Hclih ! \ 14‘f iiliu.it io;i ds <> 1 4' G1 Hul ..' ii. I: f I. Rock U.yi ... t ii id tn'i.G li-iain,.. J(/; nn muLi Siav e i.i tine! it d r.v. e.g. a aliois g.-iiL l ilj n a. u.eir !n • i enrimumly m - pan Na- it.. :■H,;iip ; v e ? and \ui ! a.’it IV.’hlG, a i: -am NcgiO !c -:T I Aiier ? urvvw mg the.* eonLfvmm •; Lies u a* fvrt.Gid Ital iMe rat j j ,a. 1 !a-tii»n , . one «■: m.- probkni ; tha! rte\. ! ded lnaFiedi.'tG atlejiMun, j n coo per a lion with tan \Y uke l’duh- ; I.V i-.tea.Hiß Depai ’na ,d Aid) pHt •- >1 rat bail war di:.l rib tiled at tat* j . jugular lias-!my rvLnvh. ila Ohi 'i 'YmUTi:* ?3it l. '• LW'.s plf tlfc,- | </0 UiCii).'cl VT: tt> lu «J till fa; ;ummd Ra ir home.-, ba. n.s. riiickm ; . huiLst v, ;W ki iiuliM a .Hid ulliG fUt j bttvdiMj, plate:, and • hen siuue i Lia ai' bail 'ail! nea rpihi a - : m order : ; It' firm' Olit 3il Lai . tit LldciGi H.»n it* topic dlSCUSbionr- , a!,* i i • . : - ii jusLii i*. a) at Pa Apv.ll iiHV! M. ' . Uu Older Voutd j mCinbei s wail report on the ci iu:i : v taits ifj I) r L.it OMlt pi'aCliCv ' i ‘lnb presidents are Hazel L- x | ; Nv w Hdl Nalhani• • i H ayo. Smini*, i Mtiiard Perry Eagle h-o-k. and, | :M.*‘ va'i Chax i-. Jenk in .. Gr. « . Si. Paul I I cajyur Sponsors Program The AC'IK Lv-.-ig uc- envc an Ap preciation IV, .U'.J L'.und.jy .;l .1 pm honorint; thr- past, r, !VLz Lula l!uii i ar,d rlubs >-l 1h c ilmivli y im Hruc-rfam tin- i..i.-ayu,- iiit'h Sun.lay. Izach depart men' pave iveiaornt- I ::ddrt*ises un buftalf oi the ; League. The .• . un I'ansizled i-i numLers JVcm the different group- .1 fit.- Creation >,v J., Weldon Johnson w a.-, read by Irene Tate ioiloiv&i by William Melker singuig the- Lord's Pray er. Mrs. Lagan intr iduced the ; speaker, Mrs. L oefic-ld, a faculty ' member of Shaw University . Her | outline U’aa az 10l l aw:, A-admit ation, r-prayer, P-piogi,-.-z. R-rc : speet, F-cffoTt. C-cooperatvon, 1 initiative, A vtu-otive T 1 tone, ) interes.t, O -organstation. N-abih £ Mrs. Coe fie Id .. x>ke vividly ion each vzord which made her speech vc-ry imere-ring to ewry i one. After the cl me of tho program I'Bii CA KOLi.NI AN ESSAY ON RFRS WINSMTEST i; FRKDkiUCK. :Vta. <AMP'> ‘bo I, Lore it a V-.'.tiini’tJ, a ..tucUnit <>l Ft •vl ,-nrk Lii.cuili JTif'i. Bt-hou), was j , nc- of tiiK-c U'liiiif'i: of award,-, su 1 i:o os r»7 conu-'l on "Whv i on,- i ir.ur.i- m Will . i Sui vt-ih) lr tht 1 .fiiiti J riialc-T, M. VV.disi i v*’" ei.mid prize i iiiii . v. mm r - v. i. the Mir t:.- ihii l.’.i 1' ia’uv' Bmdette in ’ . : ( ’i i,. nd Martha I.»-« Atwell. tliiiU j oii/,0 botii v iiile .UlufiiU si Fred i iolt \ r f ita tii'ii ;ii-,!d1111 n jt ' ! wards, totalled SIOO. ttiumn i H IS Is. \ml hi K YpilHlluti.' $ FAY RTTRVii KR flu 1 a'lmvn. iu< i 1 orrinil .tii.il lit i'l r'a' ' i-\ -1 i 1«- 'I • aclieia ColUr.i . in coopt-s ~<ui\ \\i!h (la >.u»' limit iar.d. • ’li .vi- ji lit launched a financed Invt designed to acror. wlirh a ftv« 1 point I'i'oj’fam in improvin'/* th» | collt*g<, it war, reported here* 1u.,, ! ‘.vi'fit A 000 appli'i'HiatK'ii is already ; iiii> spin! in tree!in'. s str-el L ss ■ .it ICI biiachft.s ■-Ii both - lt.lt*, id til : | Smith Athletic i’ u'ld :-i'tt Itn i ; i• i*! olomeuta; ‘ ptoiirani d-t to ma.--,' i cinder path tor bad < id . ■ < trod Itm i'.nd 'tall ot th«* ;Hh!e:i. i field and in:.tall a h i.liov r.yaleni i o fli.it Jii:-: t i’.iiiir:- lii.yV d‘ st’hei, ! tiled. ‘rhe enllbyo ai ehiti-v! iu.s li t ~a c pie' d ]dan be the I -hide, I :. .obii.il 1)1 Oho aoi \\ I oil : vdl t. ■ i re; loin . t a ivonuri uciriniiai . lit. ‘ Ho,,d j tali i., n he <.i-.,..i 'oeci I. men .-i .iiitniM. const ( urdioo ' eif u-ac-hio homes and apartmfrnu liidiid-on ~t .1 eafeu-j in '\■- ‘, it, in the Cook dimnf t.;.ti and othei irnprovementr. The iv point alumni imps, ve mt'iit plan calls tor a larger sctio lii i: ni jo fund rot de.-.f rvmg stu deni , inure f o il; io. and wide .a-nvitie. i v the mitrte department. a hrroubi' physical to.> avri. pm. ch.r i;n? -a i band Ur irumenU. am! . ~ -an it in a; d and nreaiii/.alK-n of i UV-i'i'ge hand iilt| 'i'OVl .pent ot . i,, .nil: li. Id it/;’ and Mipplememiin-; I 'at.pj ao, intiiins U . a in Fit \ii. Health Students I o Begin l it !<l \\ ork DHRIi \'M Fon Km yiadiia • Sun)' if-. 111 i'nlblir hf-jhll i',l,if 0 nil. hi ,i- wei , • ..-('.eduled to Legit: thi>e, lu'-nth:. wf field truiniii ■ Mi i .i io i’lli- ThmugiOut tilt- country Ma.i.n These stui'enis hav« c-ompleted os liths of clai.iocm v...! . h rth sai lina c ollr.:. . and Ate t' j jieriod o' held t; iomg. tin ~ .11 : • , o to the cole.ee for j t n:d three months - sc.vjcinh till:' 1 ji'iai;: ;... idle ui - ■:e. - degree m pabiic benith edu-.afion. Mrs. Ids Cadsden of Savannah. Go and I* A William'. Favetie iil It aj I! , t•> lirei, i.e].i ■. ~ h ,i. .’ye i irleano hu • William P. Ma Mu,:, of liurham and Mr: K.o -si lxx<: i jsi o] Bi s n Mawr is, . hi-oiiie Tie- .'sell : sjrnoi oi -If :I lb .Hid t\ udulph Ji per e• • b Aici : ;n-. r,. Kosnsa Savannah. 1 G . .J B W.diaou or Gai v. ir. mo oid 1! .ward Bjmhil! m r,re;-r.viih . Newton. .Me- Fin- dne Smith of Alct.ru, Mi 0., ( i.inv: :r Mrs. C.orgia Bow - i Colnnil.is; S C Chariest,-in. M C , Miss \r,n<- Oai ley , Ox.dois,,; . , reciiviilc Mi, . Is! Mill: V hi viiir, ond T K. Kobersriri Mil ■ Meet Si, . Chap 1 Hiil; and Iv/is i-reia f Hliteiicld V\ \S, si at!. sdule. Ids' N \ \i r Scrk> Wn dm tor i ciin. * idlnu N!.V. YORK Upon the clein ’fi. v id dmt ill i .Tin McCord u i,-: i l il, ’i p, iiO . i hi: I: : i-d 1 -1i s ,■. 'Joyd iveriiiid.,, lu.-.i o. fit*- oci; t. j old- :i. ti. i i is,;; ic ; ;jhHi;h),i 1 ,"! j Ki'iiin My, troriv ic ted of «i < i : iv.it>. mil mt to coii,usd r:uii'de> v.. Jeiiieu o new trial by the Unison, ■ Shill Numt-ie. Court nad* . .- ’landed ilow u on Aiarcii, bul N A . \ . i' att : in-;. lid > eoUducii'U lu det'e.ic.e id sin- ;!;* ecco-xsi ;u : il.il \ ill, ii : Vl i K pi e. si i d 1 .:■!■ for o pjiiion Ini Ki'uned.v ;. i :.• 'v. ii;p hu Supreme Court deii. " -, 1 lit the ds lii.r.Sij'.';’, I'Silivied, i'll!', .ii neii t v,'.c .'onvii'tid lie . cci ■, j -ci si ‘.niitWK'i of f.d nioj'i? fi.S'i. iiy, ; i ts, m the slide i), dt liiiln i ■ Sine laliiOns ColuinOia C : j ' crest i ■us ..j u nut ui the slid.,il Tennis-,, i ( ioivn on tin- nigtit ot Fchruarj s* i IC. Jd-lij when on the preetdinr. a. : J moon, a Nee ro yoain struck .1 i iviaito tore pioprietot who n; • j dipped Hi yoiiKiV.- mother. .. On Auijirl. la 194 b, thi irut s, i 2C Negroes, who Wife iridicted in ; - ‘.mnectiun \t.ih ■the not corn ime need (Mi , ot ' lit ■ detenttun-: j rerun;,y BuKiisr, died before Ut ; fit, a. total of 2;i. Os this, ! number, 23 were acquiuc-d on Oct*- I >er 4 iy4t'- On .hinuar,,- 31 1947, u. • orosectitirig alt orney ccnmmeiMi j ed the arquitial of the two who iHA re isi,vdei.id On 'Nv vanbv r IC. ; : fifth tv. 0 t.flrers, Wiiliorr, A. Pilio-.v | and Kennedy, were tried. The foi- I i;nv).r.: day. Pillow war acquitted I and Kennedy convicted. j delicious refi i'.-'hnK'nts w e r e | served in the Jilting room by the ‘Social Cominittte, witli Mv; 1 Bertha Smith nr. chairman If you desire to ."pend an en ! jcyabie evening on Sunday don’: fail to attend the ACE League of St. Paul Church at 5:00 p.m. MIDWEST I*REMIER CHICAGO, til. For tin first j time 111 Chicug i and Ihe Midwest, j 1 “Trial 1 v H*i ‘t-,’’ I>J, .ry based on : race disci iniH iition, . will be- .prv | 't • 1 1 ! 1 ;.{ [t(Ti - i•: 1 * in Aj>t li, 1! hi.C i ; ii 1 n iiiiiioui.li i ii will !-• ‘hu : „! ;i[ siieil h 'ir-'" by il :Mi, il ; jiotr c> hv the : >!enl Imuae |>l. .. ■• u . \ Wiilten by Fi George H. D»nn- ‘ B J.. the pi 1,11 i cut! v eoriii: * ' j - 1 :.l suu’i.s.sf;i 1 run in ik ’.v vut k , City. lr,a;ii,t’ tiU'i His; t'V UApicb s'd j but we know' m few. r ts '.s-:, th.ii | w . h..t- In I si; in lii ei.ciitu Of.Mibi ’ Sni bressf". :■ |it: r > s*..-. st* IC :»;• Hi" A;:,,' 1. d Col. ' A,fa F.ii.. •• I’nut- | M N . mu- l>! s" / ) hrivi lor 1- • , • GOs .' j i cniui'i M.ui sitilrr «'«. ! j •< it. 1. v :->t* i t v ell »ill, . n. » »> !>:• -<» •' j w (Mdat40,50,60?” I Man, You’re Orazy your fiKt' 1 ') isoiiHsnfjs an- ucppv ut 'i i ■ j ’ (>e(>pi»g up” witM f*siTPx. I ’ltiKhHid loiim* f».r Won' , i ruiiaown fcellu»: t?ue st'lelv f>* s imC .•* iron VYluCtl liJHliy U■ I: iUP.I V,OUlP.fi Oiill 1 1 >• * UHUtli. 1 v ine liltilH f%jT t»ej>. FoUBKt-r fec*iiU ; J t (tiM Igy UikY <tl\ U< i.iiUlUlul * »M*at <OO., , w , .it oil drug -’.csv. ever. ulnit - 111 Kuli‘i.;!k, at U.dt;i ii> . :nul t,Gu.ii LiuiutiawTri .trtinri ~ irmarir irii r u-.- ai«Wtot.vdiutasC-4a $ I Announcing \ I The Formal Openmg Oi | I CORNER BRAGG AND SMITH HELD ST '■ EETS | H -.-- s -U. "+■ ■■*<( ‘ ' : ' Sj --V X.ji«M . t . , RICHFIEf.D PRODUCi C,AI~ # ' OH.. # TJRHS « t . A<X'EHSORI£S v SOrt DRINK,S ’ CIGARAITT.S * J. I i'OHt l I>. Fvo\:t. f' t n.iimim- n-Tiirifi.f-r.iTirrn-vir-1 ■ umitni urn mi^w—llmm ru rnnn-trTi — - mmn°mmt**u*:*s*ui* -w. This Easter Flowers Go To Y oar Head Lovrh Hals at Low Prices it o ,V ’> #- % n Van'll want -i n< •'. hat for Or ; or. /> o / ' a a ]m ]■ iluv-r hat that h. U. r ■ - - ' ;' ', pri s ■; info your wnrdrobr >■. /v i ,; / A*- ’ „''p \ ou’U sold tar '> . hai >•.»t: * v fc bfvii In .kittr i'.;r in our lap •’ Up A :i- •* Ifev % colln. >joo ; : i,r.. v. ot «•• < •"•. or*- v\ ‘.• O siTiidion and ctilur wnh tit .■* 0 V" • V and i u>y. and ribbons, Ihrr.- -<•„: t^-V :iT< ■ lovt lv ..prn,;'' iii .. ' * vJ-O* far' no (uattoi vrhal von ua v "'* -4 / v jj in 3 r.ni'tji.- I;-‘it '•• < >ll II ! uid l *’%, v a *’ " fj lumv mou •• Pas Os ore ala ' ***s PT' J# ;<T* ‘-L jU'ua- tint l i.. pk-O- .»; is P .\V - ■ •■’ ■• ' " I :Y V 4 W / Jt 'i $139 to $298 # 4 mm ymk* : I BASEMENT STORE I sOudkvi-sJesi “ •ntWUi (BMKHIMAf tA.»OIW” m —r —* ' "*'**'’ - ■ rrjnwiiymnwmiiiiitiwr irm-inii.iiii~iT" ,r imif himiimh—i llll,llll A foolish idea n day keeps t.hv , A real new Wi” r • vv. k ,■ ...j 1 VAkr'lJ I'OitMuiA, asa ii ow-ii,iv-f..(ii,H: niiili.iii‘.'..til tin .1i >, va ’< • 1 Itl t ARAN t"H Dtv-ti'i-. iiuiet-wtiu- utjtnii-ir nr.il 1 .> • . 11. " •'>■ ‘>m ; ■ ’’ | Aril.., Pi 1 ' : I\D Mi* ANOTHER OI \•M it w <)" ,1"v a: i i t'! 1 ' 1 •! 1 R uNt 1 ft iK \ fill NO WHO 1 ■ A VI'RY HI >. V V l.itliNtslK J HOljt HI iiUVi I VIII' Bi'FOfif. A :'<(.> HAD WU.vDfiRH aUi '-It Is OU .it i -•■ 1: >i 11, u Jit | rtilt M-,'iti 'CI Ml ii'.-f 1 )l ‘-j Gl.;ji \MI VND VO! -1:1 •’, tiu n .-'- p.i.f.t.a- | s'i.oo 1G . j ii-- i,ui 1 0:1. i htir ~s iii imi «ci ro ... < : ; ■ , m-hJ I ti. i> u I, +f ti wmr oriinf.) 1 ft-iumtur ami instrurticr, .r,r !‘.t.i>n - si; ' 1 HEALTH-AIDS RIASARCH 1 I P.O.Som ya 4 0* P i. M.u thlstiflo VU, til I 8 Vow Wt ii niiiii rhif &av Yau Anzwirfct ihif &c.> eft,-omenf S WlHiWMiiliifcWiWWlWiniWWNWtiirftfrn'wri'iniNWf HtH U :. . V-n •» #!»•*.. VJEV* v-.s. • .. . -JH-tK v. * > “ ! EXAM lNATI() cl 3 j \ " f I pOK S IHij’i.t'J'i S t i.AiVbiru, so s, ? t > LINCOLN UNI Visß; is > v IN Pi-.Ni\':»Ys VAN; \ la Sis U-"..ii,c> . Will lit i’■! ; A V-i | THSTiNG i.‘GNTFC COr • CAROLINA P.AU !• > APRIL 7, ! P. M | Washirji'lo'.t li sh -' elu . tj PAGE THREE

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