WEEK FIN'D I NT! SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1048 TIGERS SCORE 7-3 WIN IN SEASON OPENER Beating The Gun BY ALVIN MOSES NEW YORK Negro Baseball in the S'aits and Cuba nas furnished a brilliant chaptct too seldom recanted by our writeis, •sovs a New York property owner in a recent letfer to me. No truer statement was evei made. Scanning the clays of my boyhood and harking back to old Olympic field. 136th street and 1 ifth avenue around the year Mill, names iik< there Hash before my dosed eyes: Frank Grant, first baseman of the famed Lincoln CM ml called by contemporary writers of the daily prosy the "Black Hen Chase", so polished a guaidian of the initial sack was he. 11l lem pered, possessed of brass lung when on the coaching lines, a soi" of ebony Ty Cobb in the fieteeness of his play in which he asked jar gave no quarter. U.Gu’AL OF HANS WAGNER On that uneven and r e'; at row n ball lie id wuero many >1 to nation's top white and coJoivd ballplayers vi'. d with each othe >n exciting diamond classics, we saw play a shortstop named John ;p-nry Lloyd. He also was given u rating that, -monied him up into S the stratosphere of baseball excellence. Many n man would 'deem it equal to admission into she sacred baseball h .11 oi fame to be compared to Han;: Wagner, the ' Tying Dutchman" rated by all experts as the dean oi shortstops past or present i hat is what baseball writers thought of John Lloyd. My late father told me many times of Pa brilliance oi C hark (Lefty) Williams, a pitcher born in Madison Co.. \ .... win pertnrm- : in 625 games winning 540 of them - an almo.-;' unoelievabje tea; when contrasted with Cy YoungV- majo; league v • >rd in mis ■■mi neetion. FULLING FOR BOY CAMPANELLA "While Dan Bankhead seems to have the Durocher eye from camp press releases I’ve read up to March 12. Campanelia reminds mce a little of the great Oscar Charleston, called the "Black Ty Cobb' bv white writers of another day." * STEVENS’, "ALL TIME" TEAM "I remember back in lUI9 when “Cyclone'’ Joe Williams, Ltn , u ln Giants of New York, lest alO ball game t, John McCraw r v,>w York Giants 11919) pitching a no hittui against such Nation,,: j. ague stars as: Georg* Burns. Ross Youngs. Heme Zimmerman. ~-Ut Fletcher, Benny (tough guy) Kaufi. Larry Doyle. Rariden and J. ,p,i’ The brown speedball master struck out 24 citteis losing om> on the miscues of his mates. It stands today a a classic, but one Rule known and seldom written about. On my «d tune team ) would have; Manager—-Andrew (Rube) Fo.ner Coaches —C. I. Taylor, Dick Lundy. Sam Ci ;v.- ford .Pitchers—Dave Brown. Joe Williams, Dick Heel cling. Leroy (Satchel) Pai te c «?•; Catchers —Bi?.z Mackey, Josh Gibson, Bruce £ -* way V li st Base —Buck ijeonaid 5 Second Base—“ Bingo” DeMoss Third Base—Dandridge h Shortstop—John Henry Lloyd Left Field—Carlos Torricnti Center Fie 1 d—(.)scar Char 1 eston ;y Right Field—" Rap" Dixon Utility Infield—Dave Malarche. ' Utility Outfielder- "Cool P. : ' Be.' “In a conclusion I would say that white ba'lo ">‘crs like Du/’ Dean, Gabby Harnett, Joe DiMaggm. Babe Rmh and others who have raved about colored stars of the duunonr* like Becawi- j '.Bullet' Rogan. Mendez, (who whipped both Christy Mnthcwson and Nap Rucker in one season down Havana way). Pa.'go. Cnai U-stort, etc, know we have ALWAYS HAD and doubtli u always will have, crack Negro performers on the baseball diamond just as they ap 5 ear in othoi fields of spoil. “For a man like HORACE STONFHAM. president of the N. ■•Y. Giants, to sav he ha.-n't been a Pie to locate anv N> g o ballplayi rs v, : ho might fit into the Giants' plans, 1 know < s three who might oualify and their names ,ve net Sammy Jt*lhrc“. An Wilson Hank Thompson, lucre will never tv anv qua..'Hers unless vhi.c lub magnates give out youngsters the same opportunity ofv?r n•. f.onals and fellow Americans have. . "Yours For A Belter World, Signed (THAU STEVENS O’SHIELDS SEES ONLY 2 OLYMPIC CHAMPS Bv William O Shicids for ANP There has been a lit of spec;Ja -li->n over how many Nemo track ir.cn will' make the Olympic teatr. 1 hit; summer Many of the propheis feet as though the iO4S Olymp s r;cing- to be .mother "Negro He.-ri dyy." 1 am afraid many of the Olympic prognostic haver. I thought out their fd. casts very carefully. I do partially agree that thc.-i. will be a number oi Negroes rr.dk in„ toy Olympic term rep; den tint, the United States, taut l cannui along with those propnets who eni r'natically .-ay. at it-.-'t five or Ibncic Olympic bi won by Negroes. i can only see two Negroes who; in... probably Olympic wmmr.T Hcrnson Dillard from B-Jy-i.i-: y. .Ilatv in the hurdles, and C":-;uk -• • Jlr'onvillo frotii the Viivt-rsity of; Michigan in the shoipul. Harrison Dillard is ■ ted at tin-. ; top of the probable winners beiv.un [ of his past record. The hurdle skim- ' rrvrr from Baldwin-Wallace has: what it takes to come through when ' the going gets tough, as evidenced : by his 46 straight, hurdk vic!o ; ies - He is steady or. his murks, ins g,. away is like lightning, and iv I Sugar Ray to Broadcast '''wills:' :'Y'' ' . . j g - . * j CHICAGO .ANPi - The seerei ; of how he got his i.nxing num..-j ♦ill be revealed when Weltcrweig.-.i; Champion Ray Rufinson will be; the gyest of radio spoi is annout.cer Bill Stern on Sports. Ffi-i day. March 36 (NBC. 3:36 p. my. Ray . whose rest name is Walker j fhnith, will tc-U how Fi.ll Robinson.' leading tap dancer cortribuieri f. j bis professonal name an the broad cssrt, from Chicago "Sugar" Robinson is in the Win dy City. to- a npntitlo scrap with mddleweghf contc-nu.-a.- Geu--;t ! Abram. March 31 at the Intelna-! fional ijn'ipbithea’rc.. I doesn't let the g.-as- grow unde his feet between the hurdles. Dt'i.ird has to be his oc-, to win in London this, .-unsini r. and ttiat I thirik be will tie Tncic. i.-. . ;;o such thing as gc'-’ing u had flt..rt, : or "fippiag’ <i hurdle --no wisirunc an Olympic champion-hip bccun.-e ; there will be a lot « i - ..-od hurnlci-s there scratchim: the cinders in ; effort to break the tape ahead ' our wonder hurdlci 1 ( nut-;-; Fom iIW ir. iiie shot put. has been -cl cleri as out sec-mu .best bet to win an Olympic cha.m --; pionship, bet-;;us. h«- ha- been con sist?ntl> hcavmp : it- shot aroiu.' id t.et all :he vc.-i The Olympic >hm nui .ecoi,. j.< < >3 ieer 1 13-16 inches rr xu liv Hans Woclkc of Gorman;, .n.d Foiiv.ile 1 hx-.s broken this Oiv ■ pii vvveru ach time he lias ;-om.,ctcd. | li is true Fonvilh Iw.-n 1 had J", , much experience in big time track. | but smartness in the field events 'isn't as essentia) as i.-. m the iun ■ ; rung events In the running events ‘ ; runnel has one chance, and I anything happens. Ifi.it is all for I that time. He wiil have to wait , until neici year to tiy again. But | its the field events a contestant u.,u . ally has three trials If he fails on the first, trial he car? try again and ; again without penalty and his uesi i effort recorded. liovv much do I be; on my pre ! iiciions? To teh the truth. T am i not a bettor, but just for fur. 1 i will wager a malted milk on D.i ihrrt and FonvJlle to w in. | - iStudvnt 1 ins Award ! LOS ANGELES—iANP) For her speech oil “The Debt We Gw a j Susan Anthony,’ senior Agnes , Moreland of Jefferson: High school won a |1,009 scholarship certificate in the Los Angeles ■ Daily News Oratorical confer: last week She plans to enter ; Red fends college. ; In presenting her the award, i Charles E Ann, vice president i 0.l Use Daily News said, “J never HALL JOHNSON ID PRESOT Sid! CFMSHCfNTtTI NEW YORK 'AND H.di Johnson, eminent conductor, i ! p-.-csenting be soui-.:lining cantata I "Son of Man." .t musical mcdir.Pon ■ ~, }ht Negro idiem ;.t ( nmegie h,n ' Frid,-i. at 11:30 p. m. with MS): j vo.ee* ui,dci his diieciion. The ho '(■ event by rohnson. u>- I tei nationally known cmiposu . :-■: | onio; sponsored by Tie InlerC.tiiOi',.- ! iuationai Minuter- Alliance ot I Grexuer Now Vo:v :,nd viciuby I and ill profits dci oil from ' ■ , I -.ffair will go to the scholarship fund ; of the chorus. Kami Leader j.injuH Ivouts Trio 01 Thugs c { i PmLAfiEl.rii.'A p,, B.IOJ ; Ir-iulc! Illinois .Inccpiet. who.-;, iiv.-w 11 s an i xvTiu: iixophi vi:; lire ii/i-d fai ; ini vide, ]' ;>v ■ •J io tic liic x.ir.wi r o the prx . . ■ ii a maiden m clirtresr when a • an ,e to lilt vcscia >'i Miss fi* lea Hickson as :he was about to be as-! ••nulled by a trio of thugs ii! the! •rm.v lint.i s of last Sunday nwiv.ii,.. Df.ving heme v.Tu his chaul y.ii Mack Thom;r- iter having cc.nph.tod a siini will) nis band a. : a local ballroom. Jacquet r u l.t a.- a oi ,i girl s'vutßiui,-; with three i men in a dark -kb. rrei Win. Thomas ..rui Jacqucl slopped li. , ; .Tii- .aid stopped out i ■ inveslL.a.e I the gil l screamed id iv. ip. hi .spite of odd- . gainst tin. e. . : Ji-cque; and Tlx.-ma.- put the ;,'rt’a ; xit bickers to rout una. after cs 1: mg her safely 1o her '..otic, coutu:* { on >heir way. Hollywood ( Leather Trait Artist ! .OS ANGKI ES 'ANl’i ling the pace for future Nogr ; art.si-' and dcsto ed in'attract an even iargei Hollywi-od client!;- she currently boasts. vi.-r.. Ha/el Y/:■<»{)iimUt-x < ih ..led h craft artist. is boinr cited for .'.er ; iveent .issignmeiu foi tile Indc pendent Artists cumpar.y of HaO studios. Mrs. Washington designed aiid J M idi :. ‘ndt a’:'! .■and. is for V line Resell, s’”.- of tile fortho M im. prothirtn. n. "Ttic \ r c ’vet Toucn." which i sell' Julcd L i relt.'a ;c :• X, v York. !• .utei i-*-d m li'i- lit vv four-iiifii width so poKulav Uns reason, the! bell is of black kau„ . coo leather J •rid !o;U’': o two on. men yola ; it id taste,levs, with id bucKh*' • The flat sandals also of gold kid. ; 'v-’ve c'-'scel heel anc o|>cu tec 1 styling. Mrs Washington, vno form;: ■' operated tier o\v r, srueii in .i;•. swank shopping district of F.ov.T’y Hills, i-- or.;' of ’co cimntryY foi*’-’ n-.cst ore a tors -f fine 'i.ther good. Reoenilv her life in; work wi . dramatized on l Or moeracy. i.'SA • the Chicaio Dofendai radio saio.v I and slv flew to C , cago for a giic.d a.ppeor ui. e Although the bulk <i her i re.. 1 is cinema folks and f. -a man cor •f years she has enjo. ed a he.', ■ , live bus'll,-:' ill HrJiyw od. i.l isi Washington’s nice: it assigume::: marked the fust time she had ac-' ually been cnrag' M >:v a msy,: mdio in -i. h h atht access ~ k--: for a Nir's wardrobe. . NTT Ta«h‘s St hedulv ! hirlucn Bali Gann s i DURHAM Baseball Coach }’. | ! f "Pops" Tunic! I'M rcieasi'd a i-i; -irnc schedule for the* Worth C;e <■> hmi ColU ge Earle.' for the Ibtb i season. flu sjx home gam. s will j : : !av< o at Durham Athletic Pa) i there will be seven same*: aw«i>- , for she Kagies. Coach Turmr said tr*at tie h.,.-| •• •49 or -Spv'C':- ;I*Vll . 11 a•< . on the squad. ri . |.mtn: - un «.t hope on William Si nis. c-jich- ! er from Wtifcrbury. Conn.; Lorry j i, Coleman. Mortdair. N .1 : Willi;,n i . PeenriH!', 1.,,, nehbu -g. Vr Vv illiaro I • Springfield. Durhani; Ai hrt June . . . Petersburg. Vi ; and Eladio Rr.i' v! riquez. first base. San Juan. Puci i,<. £ Rico. HOME GAMES t April 4, Shaw Ltevrsity; April ! tt. Howard University. April 17. j • i Virginia Union, May fi. Delaware • 1 ; state College; May 10. A. and T. 1 I ; Cot lew: and May ;V. Fayetteville , Slate Tear! er-. CcJlcye G A IVIES AWAY i Marc). 29. Slu.iv Ugiversity at : Raleigh; April i(>, Uvingstone Ccn. lege at Salisbury; April 22. A. and ■ T College at Grecnscoro (night); f'lay i.’t. Uawerd Uniiorsity . Washington. D C May u.‘ r.ir.- Y'oh: University. Pcmiwyivaiiia: May 15. Delaware State. Dover, Dr la . •nd io be announced, Fayetteville Teachers. Fayettevill ■ j thought 1 would bo giving i woman• an mvrvd for talking. ! much less for having something 1 j to say." i Everybody wants a yovernineir that can operate without taxation nrui vi i give the pit ber.clii: ! yt roodcr'i limes, Aggie Riflemen Chosen For Championship Meet GREENSBORO Tn. rifle team of A. and T. Colli- c has been ebesef? as o e oi the seven squads from Ihe Third Army to .'epi'eatn' till- army in tJic for heo-uing Naliosi il in , i f olic , late Rifle Malclicr. in tins competition A. auo. T. rificincn wifi shoot against the nations top iranis from eoliejrcs and univ’ev ti.v wi'h Senior ,< (Y’-'c ’ urit toe Aggit." i(Mil) was recorded J). (listinclicn last week v. c.en a report from Thrd Anny Ilcadquorters ... FI. MePhemcn. (!. uvc.l.d tlia tlie N’.jr’h Caroli: , scl.ol l> o i : 1- ilieu in the finals of tlv.- area ini.a eoilo time eompeuti; r-. *,<;(;«! finish hh.m .4. and T i i... -1 -ii -,t. ad of ih l'nii-c i i a Aiaiiamo. t.'l: -i nsiv College. Pr; T/.vlai i u College Uo. risiily oi Gao - to and sever,;, .ail. r Soul to n sr.mol* with St r inr •;< )T( ' on o 7oi y <'OMj)l)' >t . ■;co'. ■•* of 3703, ro.- iir ; j'/a-t far Um vt r-;< \ ot Tcnr,c:.-. c. It.- firioh si.- :n ill Ihe .m. a I'm, ('-ent.-s: and \ . i nr. o Jit! i .lll an lui "...t it o i,-! '.vine; im aio', it if ■,a■ . i :.. . It eh. Marion InsTutti' Noi ih C;o --i.'lina A. and K . J Alabama poly Hiidegarde Interested In Hortense Love; To Hear Easter Monday Recital ; NEW YORK - Wi on Hortcise ! .'-vr. wclj.known -o;>i ano, appc.a.- . in '-■<• ' fi: of To tv I- sf.fi on K - 1 . j Sunday aftcriiaor. in recital for ! benefit of !n United Negro Coiicge "'■ind. .-.no of the .oat nuevc-aeu ; i'stin< ■- in he; ,oiu:crc. wifi <' I Hiideparde. the francos chanu us' ■ if radio. Ce one, Sl.ppe: t'icb- . 1 Hiidegardr doc.*, not know Mi.-s . i.ov; pei-'o:i,d’v !:ul rite has re . served al. •:< a! ike ca,a. n becao ' iof her fricro)>''iip aid admit .it ion . ; for .Miss Love’s: r.licit. Ccorga Clark. - vv.Hi vearco a:.: i:, ncr-t * l ;e ctiia •• ; Ton of tt:r young Oiiiahoma-tHirn j ! -cprano and who i~ :i o | Palm r H«' : ,e. in Cfiicog'* frt:quen..- ; !y the- scene of iii!de,k..de smn-..|,.i;-. file celcbr.ce i>; : use kv..•!•:<-; '• v Mis L.-vt : >oil!: •" -;n; ; . j -lie friciid rcc Mti> ivi.e:: nt>ii" *i i friond informed her ;hot Clark :ck. ■nis feti i'.v ". alters ;ho Palme. House liatj ucaiiioruisiy voted ifikict. ;d. the most eham-.a'.g ta I the many celebrities they haw nitu ; m tl'.e C<-iur>' U r .he;r vrork To Hitdc),,ird> ccii.Jr war added j S'.vtd adn..ration when she discav j croc that Clark, wh t. she jot to * t;now quite w ill beet.use he m-. , I :re<iut i)tlv serve Per. was tee -fi j nancutJ backer of a • icHed id, .. TCnhllKlil i I 11(1 Vast.ci With 'J ins l Dl.-KHAM Tar: trr hman I ;-.-tba?l l< m at North Caivums ! I “tkge has jii.-t completed an u<-- ; .ci cited .-cum it wine included .-e'. - l! sc.,red two victories over T.c | lunior varsity of A. .:r...s T. .mri oi . ,i\ : A’ .lu.fiur.iji ST;nv, / . - nii-J Union. IVil.M.ai-Sioi,; T ;‘ r ' JS .'mi Dunb’,). Hign ot Lyrcf; | bun;. All of !hc e games were played ; 11 Durban, wit); th. exet jidon oi | :mr wit.: A. ai dT. winch v, pi.iy- I in Greer,sfcoro un; the Dtudjur : | High conics: for wilier Ly r.i htiu ' , was the .'ceiio. : Ihe f. isles, see.. • ponu j com pan. soil f<) io,- heir 0j;,..;r j • ’hr Mi t»bi :: , f u'.e fr; see-,.; i an- Winfred i'em -v, ,\. w i - : '- ■ 0 Co u. . Fie die Ter. . . N, "i * N*i w•. V . !':o 1 • .Jen.;. ; G;n\ inri ; Br-o • j,, f . ■ ( . i Ltd : Robert UTI, Chicago 1 l ’-’- l ; .-,vis Neva Yoi k N. Y : lostpii Davi.s. Brooklyn. N. Y.. Ecrisroi'i Hanlty-. Pro, . lyn. N. e. ; Vt’ilibm PcJicrd. ChiiVgo* li!, AJ- I hfrt Miter.clt. M&.mo'oi.cck. N \ ; \V; kume M um. iN ... citv. I'Aiitie Trai l- News. Va, | Hit hard M’ebslev, St. Joseph, i 11... Bod Edward Weavci. Du; hum. klmidx Johnson I , - hs< I o He Hc|rr?sc»| j i Al ' W ’ YORK —■ liur'dy Johiuon. . I.V.'CCC-I J CCOiT-s OI "Sr I'CCS Ml 1L.." You Can't Tei! Whose I ovlu Who" arc- cure ;.Dy among i ,hc M : b..: t-scilor.', will be o u’. : '.viDi another new release on Apr.i coupling two til his i.wn oi;; j ina jc®tupusitioos, "Far Ci . ' and I fco| h publicat: m, of his own i Sophisticate Music Company Far Cry. ' which -highlights die YU.gie .touch of matrtro Johmcm at the piano keyboard, is the fust . on vement of BiidTvd. own "pi mo Concerto which he rdapted for 'a.' tv.il orchestra. This is the drst • ii'' Buddy's r.ilo piano artistry : has beer, featured on a reeurd vv *>i~- Buddy':, records riding :J.Ji in ’he jukeboxes an.: ; on dise j jockey sf?o'.- ; : throughox.( (ho eoxm- Decca e reissuing s«v«ral .-f j hi- older planer: inemdiru! "Fie, B.c-vvi, Frame. "They Ail Say I’m ' 7'".c Biggest Fool,” "Since i. Fell | Fch You’ and "1 Still Rove You.” 'I Intelligence tells us that things 'change and wisdom iodicate- Hist Gh,. chappc D for the better.. THE CAROLINIAN • technic. COAUiI !) BY V I « xm- i \ .-,nri J s team is coc.cti' ,, i i\> .\i Sgl. Hem .’-- S Ha: tis Me. po; Xpert fr, in I'luc i.." HI. Fonnc 1 ;., the: t: S Hitn Cuvulry.C ach H.-i.r; n; is an exper'. r.tleniari. hav ' ... a qujlii'icd for tiic medal duri-.j.'. ; hi.' i 11 it;:; 1 cn’.Lnnc.ut it: 1333. A :v --i i-: i*t graou.ate of !iie S;i c:al Knu- G nini, s-ioucil Off it era School at i- ■ Bciiiiing. G.i.. !>. t. 1 1 . l i- ; is no : n unding iui his civlilcctuh yo.u ot militaiv .-crv icc IT" is i his s- conn | ■;f i on as ai.o.- h, i.ac A and i : it lenu n. The team ha: f ur veterans of. \Vi■ ild W ; I! on h idc'i "ii it.- ]•■'.- 1 . j T;iejy arc Joi n A inahni;swortl. | : Owr-go. X Y; J" rpl, E. l.incLuy ! VYa-hlin !(,: D. C.. Itci a N Vim : nay Salisbury, X G : and Sanuic: , Ch mans ol ltdvc>i, X C. Ot he m ,nb i s of iil - ; .;• i ,’ i chin 1 i.a; Airin'-: -e of Giaucc N. : Charlc E. IVad. ' :;rii o. K. C : Moiils ..Mann, Ji.. Convinsh.n, Ya .(oim E. Paltc ii. Ft Mill, S. C:an :d .buma L : Jolitis-m of Binningiiani. Ala. win •'... a emu.', t -ui .iuo. Y/acu in learned furihe llm’ iti. i:a..;ce, (ii'rtciiH ! o\■ . w:i; pe u io;, r Town Kail on Eas.ci Sunday . f.. t - mi. .n, lie iiivr.iptiy demdtd slv ’O 'jU'vTjj. Lei! moUicrless u. Chicaftn at tin a. of two. Horn.;, c Love was ;;i...iii ir, by a .’ uncle. *r.c revealed, and ever same sue s ailed at the aye of nine, be has pr vid.d eMiythm,; h" ; s.lu to :.. ;p ii<- ... hi r carec; Sho earned bacheh - degrci' music from Nortbv. -a ■ru Univru - sit\ and. laiei. a masfm s dcgiee a I DrtMuS University .net has studied under eutsianding tc • chc.'s her. and abroad . Shaw 9 Now Practicing For Bears-Eagies Easter fill PA LEIGH The SI .iv »T)ive» y.y b.scbah squad it uv.drryoiug .< p.-.Ioc! of stiff u-un.nis now h. ~ - .ii.v. n for ih. Fk.'tcr Monday v.-iUi tnc \o Cm .. .... ErigiOS nil t TliiViS I’;-:.-. dir.monri I;:*. Oil: ir Olg S k ippt'lvd 1! Lytle ; -pulr.r Athlctu ! ■ , .a Shaw. who 0.i.-k m 1924 \ Vi .s on the Bear nine that won the State championship. IS,, ionlj-.n,. thf )•; >l:'•■ cap. Coach hyTli 1..-. S gc-m.-t'.y cc: a lot of pep in-.me.; the Bears, vn o last year; won . ct-ond place con ercncc iioii ; err and who may t ven further : ibi:- :*casOii Tv o pron;!"i:i•> ntwcomei's on the; liiiiit stall are. v’lCtCr Eainotid... a ici: ut and Jr : < - ~\l;t •. y .i rie :t hander Tlx huiiing tleij.-ri rm lit .; .:•••»!) will •>o i.w.Lcd ty !• .> England, brilh, r.f mound'-.irnn ; and team i.-;,plain. Otrior- include ] , Ai,c ! |-» 'V MctuloW: . 01.. Shllh hi'., : 1 .mij Lei ■iv Sellers ilehinn ih.- 1 n Bears . ; lia’-c Richard Harvey, a vet* ran i ’•Yiliiam Flan..can, ana David .! .Via! I Jame>: 1.. J...ek, on is iik, L 'o f- ko :ver the i i ’ p•! lao. : hal'lo: arc oon;. ion., t ;,t-'»o»;ei . c j ■ : o inf-eld ie-i . 1 A mVioi ' slop and iicconcl air thiid s,; kers will i,c drawn fi r. , i (lasers Oose Season r NASHVIt LF.. Don. Fa-n cog- ! 1 cr.- closed thcii rceeii!):. ! :■ ii thc-ii fourth <t: • ;i''.i. win. ii-;- 'ca<ing Louisville Mn-iicipal Go k.i c 40-32 on tix: aai i mj.'iis The team's record the sc., : ii shows 1) Jy!.-n . ana 8 wins, m- ; ciuding the fl Jo.-.'C-s , r,d I. v.i • ' Within the Souloe. :: 1 -c. .-di. a ~n • . AihlMic Conference. Gottirij; off 1 • i t.; d star; :h. i . the Blue and G id x\ la;j >>i- ... ini.i winrdng stride ■ ortly bch . j i -he close ot the sea. on .me; re j v.tigod numocr of dicn carL, . ' defi4ts. Tno addition of Je ,c i Th.veps. ii to id Janes Hat vvy, bon. ! natives of Nashviile, t-« the sqii.m j in early February, eatly siiaiii- | curd the Bulldogs' ;dt,.i.:k. Bearing the brum through the re- I cent Fisk victories were Thonip- i sqn Harvey. Henry Jones, Los Angeles. California; Herbert Co, ; h;:. Nashville. Tennessee, and J.n..v. i Henderson Amsterdam. New '.’o ';.; The Louisville game closed the cm ; .; lege career for the sqm Jd; sole sen• | ior. Inman Moon, Oklahonr.i ei.y. | vjho i.s a veteran of two Seasons. I Io Telovision i;lm NEW YORK IA NR) - Expen j ■ I arc prediciiiig the biggest ttltvis- | ion and radio audience in the lii..- 1 ;ry of the two .‘ndustkk's on G : ctlij.it of June 23 when foe Loin.: I meets Joe Walcott m tne ehanQjion ; ship bout a1 the Yankee Stoaiurn.! . Gillct le rnzoi peoide sponsoring i.n j rights inr the .air shows, huve con i j traded to pay LiOO,OGO f<n them j ‘‘o'S” WlfiTfiß? W W 'if S• " t aA 1 54%9 i- T jnmmv mlfo r: s k, r RALEIGH Th. G/mogc cu.c. : ..-.an tiic iutra-mur-i’ ba>ketb;d! ' Siv.v l : ivc. ity by d frx.iing tin' Junior Vasily 29.-27 in f , fi; a! ■ oiiiurJ: y night ui . Y.j.'.ixH.. ' Gymai: a,;m. The Omega > la d xid'-aimc'd Io the etni finals 1 . (i>",ob,:- Tie Thtv;- 1.... ■. a' 25 ! 1 1,, m t'.t bo Co 1 ; J while tim V arsil.y h.i-d clinch; d xi s< mi-tm ' • spot by ; whip;.::: the W. vi' v ji-.lntel aV-Ji. Sewn tc.-.m. wc.*.: oat red in lla 1 I'inniicnt v, ieh i: for fiv. nights end winch was t'ircc'.ed Miss Vi; oil)'.-' ill. Ruxscli xiad . I.;;)). li S I'VCHS.I'I O’, Ihe physical ox'".a t ion ric p. i H n.cnt. I ()n ii:..' (knew 1 a m va . o | G-’orr-- Mar H Giao: >nc Boo:'. a ,:■ ' i . ' liti. i> Fi : . i Will 1 mi Cannon Cmp'hicy Brown. , F’ohc'-t Jonc.'. and J.ihn Wdlaim. j With the Junior Var.- iiy runne: |op were J.imc;: I. Jacks.hi. Wd -1 >n Mm n --. Fx.r.'-u I 1 >nvi- <'!; : ILe . Kcom (li A’ .a< :m m. 1 \ rei, l. aim a No! n Ha! a-', ;.a ■' ( ■ .wxld Bcxu i Calc \,il\ Folks <Nv>Fiii i.. : R EF YSHf d.’O Grconshoi • it!?.?ns will jirt'Scrl i!u; linn ■: .ii,i At .itli -w Hi . . • ... \t Y'-rk. f: " rriao in to ray to i,too Xu a. I Vic. Xi! d x'.ii ai 11 ;;..-1 Sou . Fe> Qua r, ! Go;it; and li- Acno! Band Conte;.', acre un .Sun day. fvk.v ■•;. 1, R. ittis all. direcior 'i (he c..i i. vts. hro ju-t anoi.Hii'a...::i Airs A table Gan... ,!.h:11 of tiic l'-.-.U'-. W'.-t F b" who is m.-,v i a do a n th. Bio ;x N. Y. ino.sl ()’olil'io J:triiiv in die 3d- ear k::,i n os T. Vi . 10f,-, a At ilk IvirCrtU of ,h. ; provkh.d 12.333 came;.-: of 'ureas m. for tail id reds u; .* it or -..ear; 'riant. a;i .. g it.-tv xm.i who receiv 'd the Fade a’ ur av, ,n r!. will also .Musical ;• ui a v .31 inrludi John ii;), 1 .- .rd Chon. o f Cleveland. Oha, . a I'.x," i Uniiini .; Bn ds n. ha fn am Li na! Y -V Gear; S • "..aa ■, f New York. ..Old i.igh. school bomis 1 ’.. T.a Salisbury Dunn. Higi; To.in F.ui'lingU>u. , Fix masvilk an i Reds', illo. H •; . i rjt - : i' ' Vd W-fl'-hv. John VV. Th; John (. ..-‘daien Kn ■ cot Klo'cs T*w *.!] jo kh I .K-(tn Vc 11. I»:‘. • doc* :vc- o* \u ci- - - i ;nv c’ola K . . oMarlin. r )i;iavjv J VIK-; . V'.'.i'A dwi i o\\dt Tl'kO do;c Vim and Ferwil Hitliard Ml 1 || fir 2. Not 1 bus 2 full glosses! 3. Best by taste-test! * | ]. HTfBtSKMfNT / j / / i JP ' if' - fuuciAsscs /I / l|j| 4 | 1L IM. j M You'll find why Roy;»l Crown j . BtS'f BY / j j jj||j , llj^ ij >iii Tiger Batsmen Pole Eight Hits to Down Spartanburg RALEIGH Raleigh Tigers, NT , Ai vri lean A sav; ion lYar. umiliia, I -«•--• :i . !>|.cri.) cx.rly st'i’ pitching xiiiu timely hitlir.., i<> s?nr ;i 7-3 win over iipnvtxu'hurg .'Tin; cr:; in an extiib'Bon ;;arec ;>l c'u.ivu; Mark in .-a -So ’.day luter noon, With So! ... oi "Taiot!.<:i ' V. L;. . G. ,i, ....... „i,d CFf, Sl;.:imm v.u; liny th.ec inning . Each itui-lcr g .ve up only cue hi! during his stir.i on th' moitncl. The Tiger.; niaclx.- or.I; tsgr.l hi!- n't thi'i r Sp n"anburg pitchers bui hit well ill Hie pinch; . to accul'i,' f, i na’nt i'll!'.-. Leading the way for the Tiro's . 'ic'karn were voter, n nrcl ha. .. man, !t. '/.0l Clark, a .it! l.Tci r li ii Sc.-' I who played •’dll) N in ii.’>' T'u.. ■ ’ ■ ■ ■'!; V ••< -1 11 - ‘ :UC .i . 1 !.; !t: »i nu . j U( 1 i i ;lc Hi driv. i i !.\vo r;’.'. t. i acb Clicninnl wi :tir. the fir-1 th: n ••inin.-.s >1 th- nr .-mT started v.-.i I and i,-.v< up xi i.ciii- ot v. ulk.-; ano a It* ai j,.,. .vo S|'art ■: 1 !.11:■ • ■ui!;.. Chcsunn than cttied rloivr. .. I IlMlii; ,i ! 'll. ’. •• ;..; 1 t ry I! ! -o' d- Avn ci riht iiailcr m sue. cssi. ai m .'Hake out.;. Rabbit C:*s' ! .lodcre f-m --ntil have hniters durmg hi-- Pnc i; . ■■■ wound duly CVi Sr-’ a . i;-o lia.d th: c strike out vietnvs u j'!;-? cr*. <IU. •Sp ix- a ora • ;,, !, • cc- phi h Gibs: v. Fa rms and Brnu-om. T't.c v.t,,-fty F ..a ,' ; vrmerly b'< A ten,:., Black <'r.-.cker.- huGcd nn. c .-iv,!;.i:.Me; -- on F; mound. The Tiv... hi:r made ; y the Sin • rerp were divided among xe roan;' u!. ye Glenn hosier and Pyrke; Park-'i-'s doulik-x being Go only ex . \llanSic J iu P«ili<r Sttk" ftohher -- Fan 01 Sarah \iu?^l;an .ATLANTJC CITY N J Foh.e of li;is resort city axe recking a for. of ihe .greai. sin nf star. S..r.t!i Vlilight . in- cotino .-i:• vr 'i. .1 ; .- bevy ihrit took ~v.-e lo.sl DU B< n Hell.'Gr Mu-dcal C.-rn r. p n !.,C J mosic It . Taking inventory following th. ourgla.-irii.g of ills sen c. H lie: re ported to beside: i cash tiil.cn from h . register, the i.i.i.v ir.crchaii ! 1 laker ,-v the tin* ves vv:*- hi Mm u:. as: r> cord:-, apni-oximatciy ■-•■iii.ii <■ s! K-.k . i a . V : au"tn; :.':c pl.cters Hr.::..:, to Ha a down ilic Riles, - .’nr.cr.b ;lwii l.mMie admiran-oxi of Min' YxiughiY.x siiigin no tan ix H a :hty wr. dd e.o ta Fie . x'e in h rob.K-vy t<> r.vurc nei record.-', p- Lee ofdcer:-. have ask J xsli 10.. y! un iv St ~ CS l > l>e: llv> narne -. ..drc.cs of <- ,ci> ;.-r v-.'ii who ins .er , F ..A 1 .U. ham cf Sc Vau.uu PAGE SEVEN ;ra ’oks” blow UNE EE K.iU'l,;h •• .» U Hi \ V. : Neal .. . 3 2 1 0 2 0 ! loilv. 3b tli; 0 10 ! See it, pf .. . . 4 2 2 1 0 ■> ! ; e. rs :: 11 10 s 1 Dobnam. It 111 I 0 u hTskervillc’, 2b 3 0 0 1 2 ft 1 ea o t 1 i m 0 J. Davis. ( ! li 1 3 0 0 Wilder,., ib 0 0 9 (1 (1 .' esttuu. p i 0 0 0 E 0 C’ n ledger, p 2 0 0 0 !. 0 Stall, m. r it <• 0 0 1 0 31 7 3 27 8 o -iiartam.ur'; All it SI FO A E v Iv, <i 3 ; 0 3 0 il H. (IK nn ft 12 3 th ; 9 :ib 3 0 o o 3 4i Ko.-ter <• : t i « 1 4 VV. -n a 1 .) 2 2 (I Pad.,"- lb } 0 1 I) 0 (I P. at. '. ! 3 (I 0 3 0 0 V■ - ■ b,. M 3 0 0 1.1 1 il J Eva ii'. ;> Os n 0 '•> jßi ; (:-oi. n 3 0 a a (1 11 In.» i- !. i> i) 00-t Bit kli:.in, X t il 0 0 o a 3! 3 3 34 !) • x Bath'd for .haras I oth !S,; I 1 .’lie . :’,0;) ! 00 33 ’) i il-!' 003 iV! 00 7 8 0 •- -■•ni i 7 hi : Cia, !.. 5’,.;.;, bases; Meal, , (dark, if;!:' off j> : 11 - C hestnut ! in 3 !!■;:■ ; - Cn: t!< :U,-e ! in ’] 00-ioi;- Sl;.' b;-i‘ i i-i 3 iuninrs, by . ■ : : ; - ei- : Kvatis. :i, 1 2-3 i-.iiinj'.- j? a'lson ' in 3 li»- oinvs. <• an }. lis ».{•’ Cho -'tinn -3, j Cartiedff 0. Stiahinn I. Crosby I, • ns 0. ami Branson 5. Strike outs jChestiH:' Cs'-'ledKce 3 State,;rn ;3. Crosby a. Kean ■ 1 Branson ‘0 Wnniin t Piniser Can lodgel,, • jinc her Crosby. Tbvamv’s H . . mo St. • o’J. Tin; . i .ma■ j hour • .’•» minute (,aliioiic School Pum]* l r, m Wgro IliHorv MIT/.VAT ?K FE \ cm,or. i Calvin nd .lamps Bro* ka. stud evils : at St. Bvnrelict iho .Moor school ; bore, were awarded ii.st honor.-, m the N : , Hi ier> Qnh jn. yrain anew • ' ia-a w.i-'K by the Mil wark: C 'ben E -;..o; ■ SI. Bene i :: ■' Si'- <•>:' Si i v,niin ;. Eight-, w; < rep resell un„t : Six schools panic,psuc in the mi tr: i. AH qu.sfians rd -ted to prr 'iiii:-:>i:, and rventa in Negro A 9- ’ ’ , ... b the Wife tie e v, lit be J.;f« in tht St. Bcr ■ for HEft. When the e>.ard b- - , -nn ,i’.>-c times b> aa> sciio- .j p; •■so.ac... it i iwoie’.'S

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