PAGE SIX WILL PRESENT COMEDY AT ST. AUGUSTINE Nitelife In New York hi ALVIN MOSES NEW YORK-- (AX' 1' ■ LENA HORNE, gi aciuu.*. lad> <>! • pud . iii.c.ii beloved by till with whom sh<- conn •> contact, j. tin recipient •.)! congratulation* fr«>n intimate ; i • tin i<• t - ini :y tin tii.-lrnH'i'aUi. times »f Lent I! •: nt ' -l.ttun Tiie vo! Li of the theatre. nightclubs and a- :»*.*•• > till m .urn.- till- s'me Ml KUDiE BIDV. N, : ) N- \< Ve: ;.s la ! bn ilet' -M 't.ii.' tipi. leijile. el niij.'e age. in t!i( "'.e liiltlle 1 I'lieit I. do i to tv "ii t kid it wiui v, .is jjoiHil.ii n a politic..! ami M n M- Following out weekly i .«.•;• in. ,v selected a itei ... best of the ne t .moMiit. I)■ a Alvni: Wiui* l am ;ti!l a young ter, ) t(.-call very vividly lirt* tale I’ve had with my sister, Mr: liantinh Sylvester Ciai!.e nalionailv known nightclub arid theatrical singer, about a msl- comedy tar known as Flounce Mi 11... I lee: that '.hi p:.j i 1 .eh perlorin eis as 'JUittic Blackbird" wrote mould be a pa. < ot out swiftly moving civilization and know you share in such opinion with m * i circulate in a group ol some ill) ot more Atneri an kids not vet in then 30 who wish lead sonic ol tin- highlight.-, a: Wei! as tii> state I hen passing. Pit g.vee us u sketch uit this ru-st I’haracter • lien time perm.*.- and jnoe again, thunk , .. lout. HKNNIK SYL\ KSThK Mfi-i l.riiox Avenue, NS’!"' VVe ate still trying to r. aLiv e t;.<- dory ir.ot main i • Mill’s eateet mtciestiia' to pat'mi:. Oi the theui So Utdii .v- j do, Me Sylvester, then !'« .*. tael :IH '.ltd piov. '.tin t UJJ: t. >■ a and your inf-has t\ ; u Kctio circuit rnu :«*al eomc.l'. headline t. 'he dually 11 e:f dattet'i ti. S. Lhomp;-.on earned a.5.001) per Week < )lit >o highe at salaries paid, a colored rni<-. .■anci the days m ’ immortal Be.t William Ben m W.e- hict-n m- oil :--.m m parents v- >t■ neve: ! new v. not -cal e .mt* .t‘ eu n’u- am-.u.d, 1 ,lJ - Florence Milh. w.-s tin ins’ a . Weil as me at. si ol tn. man,, Blackbird: ot Lo v f.i she’s how* T.ventv i.*»e years a.>•, -lie ■t. .ri-a-n with an attack a -P pendicitis at ih, height'of act stag*- stardom 1" aJ. -F i,:ght to-!iowing a ,usii afipende-i. t, -ni ,■ sin d.* —■*t ■■■ h ‘ ‘ , shocking stag* tuvei> ol two -.ontinenH 1 > toe u.uit-atic.s these events He: lurHi-ii, need in a chui-h i-i ii-oiein 1 _ *noft mourners than i "*hei. ' ■’• 1 (if 11 rulletjll* ! rnyste:; e,u*;. -. U** i,' a> 1 Blackbiid , , , , , ■ i i Ti.e mrnors wit*- late, bianm .1 tah-e ! ..mounded. »•* Bronx Daily New:-, a papei a dk ivmjoi w hite snpt rt rmd D‘ ! ; carried a screamline in this eonneeit n \ uh fad, 1 h’ l ■ \ RUMOR ABSI iili Among the r-'Uiilii - .'e-.i ■ t - >• ' and col, re 1 mourner- wb rnilied ar.».mtt toe ■ ' ,-t-- a- "' ' . tege oassed given point % ■-*•> dead r>- man.-, ut m* • personal adnnreis ol Mh- Mills who was w.deh »‘.ved , The church was inadequate set the P>ess el the tiu.'og " * (ought to get a clove view ot thing The police ccrnnus mm*-i assigned 150 patrolmfen to guar t against ac,m-ntw A? ?>■> points they made a human chum thand to batio Mute U,i. - . . , r c formed the fun,-w AJiiviu jl lAh - *'■ ’ ' * ~ now right these prophet •’ were, that . half centtny or more wou. . . eLs before the L qua! >t FLORFNCE Mil,Lb would gra. e t. * American Mage She was ift deed one .4 musical r vm-dy - g«a. | est queens' Stases One Han Slum V Aaron Douglas, one of Amer ica’s foremost eojitemporarv ar tists, art justs one 01 Ids portraits a; his one-man show of ! paint ings that were un exmi.itioii iust week at Fisk t niversity where he hearts the art department. Mr. Douglas’ exhibit wa- accepted | ants Sater canceled bv two o 1 ; Nashville’s leading cultural cen | ters but when tinally displayed j at Fisk t'niversi.y win impartial ly acclaimed by erities. Kulli j t ampbel) of the Nash’dlle Ten nessean (daily) declared that i( had been “some time since art lot •‘is it; Nashville had been treated to a show as outstanding av Doug las” and lamented the t'ae. that ! because ot transportation diffi culties many citirens would be denied an "impressivi showing ot ' thfcj nirt ii ui (>rt judit pu recognition. HiiifitioiS Aedaiineil In A, & T. Collie Cower? GREENSBORO - Continuing to add to Ills Icurel;-.. LL -.-id Kubinoff brought his SIOO,OOO Sr-aatvarius, a wealth of showmanship and an abundance of art! tic ability, to A i snn T College lasi week to thrill 1,400 students who filled Hami n. Auditorium /or the renowned vio linist's first recital at, the College j appeared at the college j as a special Lyceum presentation. The performance, was one ot nine the indefatigable artist played tn the one day he was in Greensboro. The celebrated artist opened hi matinee performance with a spec ial arrangement for the violin of the entire score of the “Warsaw Con certo.” displaying 1 a magic touch i with his 1731 instrument that mark ed the complete recital. Later in I the program lie played another ar rangement of an orchestral scare m George C , yin’s ‘Porgy and Bess,” The concert., -.nor* though it was, was a distinct tribute to the grei, artistic ability and colaricl J#Aiv- SITE CLUB 0!! ANNUAL TOWS • The 40-voice WilJiston High! | S"hm.l Cln-ral Cltil. will make it; j i; , ual tour beginning April 7. i finer upemn ' ere' > 1 <- I m- 1 ;t wit ! in- under ike an pin - f the T ; u. | tvi .Aid Club id iii si ATvt! /. t'hurvh, of Brook!ye. Ni-iv Yu .; Frida v, f>i'i 1 If 'Vi -- Glee Chib appeared itum ii: UM7 with a urce .u! pionat.: ! which tieul!- possible tee return t i : ogt iieiit. Or. April if a coni.i j ,’! hook-up over tin- MutUa’ | i Lug :-. ,’ i . By stern originating : m Nc- York ’ Studio-' VVOft i-'’ : I;! to until 3.00 p. m, i G.e he- night of April I?., I be; 1 will apjicai m concert at the fiei"*:, Aii! 1 Cnurrh Following this en e.ifvmpiit in New Yu- i. the group has contemplated temporary en gagemoifiis in Borden! own, New Jcit.t-y with a stop at. Lincoln Uni vertnty in Pennsylvania. The Director of this group, hit James Thompson Jr., rue; enjoyed i several yea is of successful dire-, lion and has rceived plaudits fro.-, mut-u critics in this and otU r areas. | Refuses “Mammy” Hole NEW ORLEANS iANP) - A w;il known local contralto, Mr Julve-i Chesterfield K-ftnp, ■ 11 u to appear in a "mammy” costuni" ineluding a red bandanna to sing at the recent "Fete de Chapeau>; ’ at New Orleans’ rxc! rave Roosc jveit hotel, it was-revealed here :ast i week. White promoter.; were astounded ,i at. the fact that a Negro would re fuse to sing in the "grand hail room” of this famous ’ otel (where: Negroes must, go in through the sc manahip of an artist who demon ; strafed his art. Help Select Peiisi-l.oia I'ellowshn) Wiiuiers iiw-.v ; : ■. jff - . 4 ... —' to lie Seen \). St. \ii^* I Ht Si N A) :VI. U C ltH two T icto. ;jn tallies :t • tie:, .ill rn<><>n l**n :u'* \tiss 1 is;l liitti Btake and vl ,i: iietie (.it-r-.i' *'t the ( j-t "t Touring riu>et', Inc prciuucdon ot Os 1 ilonir \i Mu-- Vice! I'or Ingrains i.' I .Ota ANGEI 'AN Pi tivvi | iitiO p-"pie who i- rnblt'd 1T■ • hip. Temple (’ME Clunch Sum a/ |he ru’d Ovli v:- t.vuo 1L * ■ '-L 1 - J J. ,). Hicks and A1 t -if --n vein '.!*■ i,-:j: - < I < .., ii-ii and prnit ft --’I an | Sij;ii.»nt nth lull .-vei liv ih ath st n : :ci:ec -npi - --h on Vu; a L.o m ' -.n am. Li, amt in r t, .-n age f»i) ■- ; Wail,a - and Sainaun. Tin- rally held uudet !t<- ai.f-p.ce j of the Ia ■ ■ An;'.vie, Ne; i o COn e. | went an rt --, i d df-in i:s- mg “I I' l - i itu'if Truman and th-v. Vi - ;vii. ! T;, i-on of Gvn. -'ia the m con i aiinmal r. ies; e :.n i aatc'.y ot j\'i; j I ot: ram inel l-Ci suns The !n:f an -were convielt .1 J---' tin sell -ile'cr-e ■da i inn nt Join: Str.dtofd v-.'iuu i * . I !ai mer. - Otis-, i feature-; ol (i.e 'Nov-- t ; ; in.-rani Kamilv Drive' io -in; eou > due I «’d by the Nf'fi'o c >ngrc>‘ : f.or.ij j March IB to .’ft iin-iuta b s1 ivet dvia | "i:. Matini!.- and i.-.-rvulaiinn r.-i - r-aula S. . pr- av.nv; gruiii'a id a ; Ot'l ] A: ,-a i- s I Speak"!:; to an eulkustaslic a"-; j ici-ae. M'i.-. Home punned out tn:.: | any run :• i,m 1 run:, would rush In tis - | deli tn - oi tin in tnotiit-r wiii-n -d> ! wa- t;i;. Sfc at- o cailcH. ! upa" the Nay ; -: people ,o aiiv- Ibvif tvi's wilt: ;dl people arid freups i wii!in>- l - help fn :i for the freedom |of ! lit- ingrains Rev. Hud,-; of Sf L-bn Metbodda : t’hurcti, w ho ha ed in Cn-ortAo, p.nrn ! e;i a vivid picture of the t-. i-rru-i an J ti> Wideh Nt -;foe: are subjected i ••The abun 1 !) nit,si begin lo pL,y - it 1 ioh m iighhri;• for the civil 5 Ijfillf Oi -.i •’- /1 as carry in j.; or: it- atn.;2 fe ie i for Gin iauanil.y f;e\-. Hicks dt i clai fid, Al f'apian, Wareh; ii- • and Lo.ia -~L a -iu..u union f.lO, urged whit 11 Americaiir to join ra :with the i Negro people in fighting for libst j eraticn. 1 LINCOLN'S TEAMS T-sM . niv nvi-:i! st. apc - | Lincoln TJnivei-sify - usnnis a a .a --| - cored a vicio; y over tin: Ft. A,.a • j ustine's net squad on the k-aal wi- ‘ j leye's court Mare.i 30. Tn boy;, dror.i | Pennsylvania, in Uns ,-ctipn or. a h-iiring iour, -showed the aclvantaga I , o. competition already encountered: | on their trip, it vea- the first -match i jot the tea son tor ihc Saints. i..m- ; N coin University won 5-i, Jesse Bo:-.- ! > j 'oi. being rcsporiGbls sci the Sain I*' j ; only winning niaten. Summary 1 -ui-i Ctiippey defeat - fid Henry Perry, 6-i. 6-1: Hilton ! | Davis defeated Kenr,;. Youiiy , 6-0 16-2; Jesse Boston •i , : - - 1 eci DnvU ' ] Wormley C-3, (i-0. Andrew Poi’.urd ; defeated Leroy La., her 6-2. 7-. i; : i Chippey-Davir. defeated Perry. Ln- I ton 6-2. 6-2; Wormley -Pollard tie-! : i seated flarzey-Young (i-u, 6-4 : j vice entrance; She said she- wottk. I i•» glad to sing there but r.oi :t. S i ihc. drc;g es a J*jhamrny ” \ i L'lllb CAJiOLINIAN . yy' ” Tf^:V' „ I ' f . y- , < *: r •' m - ■ $ : r \ t* : yyy.l J. , • v ' : -nmfm w - IBiillk.:. f 1 YM H • \' • 1 s- * v lDg» th animal i of .Vlnsic ami All ra May i. I’ai (N-ipaibig in (111 ilisi ii.'-sioit «il!i Work uili 6c ( liarlcs See:, r, ehici ot music divisiiir i-. Yi.n, rir.t:i Eninn, Hint G. Wallace YYoodworlh, **&<& I Doesn't Know The Meaning Os -Love In Fact, She Doesn't . Know the Meaning Oi Anythingi” 1. irwn TtMltilillflir I cailiTlTVlTl Ilf l iiliiiiaa » 1 .ill ■■■ li# li■ ■ iii ii ill im ■ 11. -- - 0!' m l.fl it Sl-.f.H I I*l l‘S! l 01,.\ l-I.LI.OVt slim* tVIXM US Ki.oiui; from led lo sLTii. U illiain It Li ray. Jr. (irrsiilent, t ic.Md.i V ri nil.urn and u,. I, i . ic,il l o.iee, ■ 11.. i- Aiaun Bo.Hi j,. uit i t i.-ii 1 ,»ry , J-'ll" V .11,1 .1:. 1 ! : ■ c ti fitd V 1 j,: . lit. il 1 llilfi!'! rm-ll i Aii.,e.Fi * .*-.ri-ia, i tii. rtisliiigu.-iie ;i cuiuit.MUe sele. lc.t Uie Negro ntiaic.t- tor the tUiee vear gri'luatc ifllw.-ship-- being ottered by the Pepsi •> '«»a Ncho is - , hip i ~iard far tr.-, sir-i Base tii. mr IN MISTI\ \l. i * s l.nlli t h \‘.il!l- it.M c utio it! aji at I i-k l> X lt-lii alHHlst !<• tivai *.ci Music u.stt Art on April IJH. 'i'll i* Igraier ? •xk .luhtlee sniL-.r wili u.eseiH a. jirogram t>l I'olk musK 1 irttm man eleetiun* from “k’orfty ami Be s,’* sU*d Aiiieiiean Negri* work spinhiats :u d|ius!tioiis s i’oelnoles oi HHo Io '»e ;: re>enfed At M'<(. DFRKAM fi- einvals {.re *e-o. . in luil • ; -i tiie pi on million < i ! wF' itii.) id i*MB” April 28 by M*. Kli/.c-.* 1 li Am. \V Pie's North ;L\i-ohu:i t.'oilec.e douct students. Acccu : m.- to Mi-., White, tb is l’i VUe jj i -.. i:.- l,i tjc ui:e of th. m- ci i .'.cinatiieve: offered t ' tii.' N. C piiidic. 7 lie d.tliees v. ii include ballet, t.-ip rnoiici: -d.'iH'" and ballroon. dances and the v of cos tunic.-, will pr.-seni a dazzling pic j tlil t*. On January 1. iive>:tork ntmibi ir in t J if' L -iii tec 1 Stjf'T v.«.Tt* a? iht 1 !i‘Wi ,-t Jevc! since ifbfi and far be low Th peak of J,.nu.,: *, i, 11)4). GI TID BITS My JOSEPH F. ALBRIGHT For ANP The Parable Os The* Gorycaus WAC Once there was a gorgeous WAC whose beauty score was a ' bout .00! short of an UNBE LIEVABLE VISION. Venus t i bee ptilmkrsl days, would have In on nothin;; bu a DIM GLOW beside this glamorous addition to the annul forces. If a face could be a fortune, . in* could have qualified as tin SOLE OWNER lot the U. S. Bureau of Engrav mg. He; shape We:-: something every i woman tides for, but only a mighty few of the HECTIC HEM ITEMS ever get. When she ram ■ : walking down toe street, she wa.: the cynosure tor overv living soul the FRUSTRATED' FRILLS iigistciing everything from t in r eo w n, and tin VVISHFLIJ. WCLV.ES from interest up. Her SALIENT POINTS remained .= disco nihly as phosphorus Mas os in a MOONLESS SKY re gardas to what, at the mo ment might L. the uniform co\ i ring her FUIGKNT FRAME Upon one occasion she appear 'd in HI show all decked otu m a flimsy formal evening gown, « xposing GENEROUS QUANT! : IPS OF her molasses taffy skin, and the program come to an UN i 'LRFMONHP S SI'OP. Tt tool « very IVIP in camp to quell th■■ riot. Four officers and nine en li-t. d men ha t to be shagged away to tht psychopathic- ware, ' inc.-.hetcßtly mumbling some thing about life not being fair. To ray that she had Just "it" i vouij. be an ALL TIME low in understatement —she really pus ;t 1 the COMPLETE WORKS ancl* doubt me not either. But ih wrote all the DAZZLING AD ORATION paid her, she played lit . 00l and remained vpry friend ly w;th her outfit. She could afford to be palsy walsv, because 1 any other tootsie offered her a bout as much competition a.- a I rmall town dressmaker does io ! Adrian. It was never neressar., for her tr. pvp on an act to g> RAPT attention front the rush i mers—she was just natuially the j whole show. ».nvwav, from the overture- t* th. finale. | So imagin'- what a shock the I entire camp receive.! when, with I Alpha Hii Alphas To Observe Education And Litizenslnp DURHAM As a put ot Gam rna ,la Chaptei of Alpha Pin A1 (iha's annua! obs< rvance of Edu o.iitc.n and Oitizvnsh-p Week Pi an r:. Koiin- - OA d i red or ut V oca - tixiial S.I'VA :. of the Urban 1.r.-i ; cue of Detroit, will be- gucM spear. «-i .1. the Ninth Carolina College: Here Sunday Tin theme o; liu . ..nee. ; •ahuh ;s a part of tilt- go to-hign :.ctu>l-go-tii-college movenieut “The Siinmlution of. an Apprecia-1 lion for Our Place m lJernesUc nnu! World Affairs As a l’. oplc in addition to his .-.peer!?. Mr. Koinegay wiil conduct job selee ion clinics on ‘.he campus Monday.: Apt il .). and it is expec-Ud that; .ii'iim: men representing the higa j -us nob. of the vicinity wiil take ad 1 vIUiL-ce of this clinic Uaee Itledirai Students \lay Lei Fellowships WASHINGTON .AX Pi ln itrUcr ia stimulate mure Negro 1 boys and girls to enter the med ical profession, plans are being lormuiatid t;v the Federal Se curity administration, whereby assistance will be ren dered to deserving students, at cording to an announcement iiiadt- last week by the admin • i-.trator Oscar R. Ewing. Expressing his desire o! see nig at least SO more Negroes graduate trom medicai schools annually, Mr. Ewing said he \ius working on a plan which he imped would encourage as hcli a>, a sms* Negro youth in irfeiving medical training. He said he had the assurance j of a big foundation to grant arnual fellowships to 500 Negro s.udems who could qualify tor training in the pre rned schools j providing- FSA could work out a plan to get them through I medical school. These fellowships will amount to SI,OOO a year for a period of j two years. Mr. Ewing expressed he: briief that >he other bait ft the bargain could he work ed out. Pointing out ttea I the two Me- J gro medical schools are already tuled to capacity and tbat there arc such lew -wtm.- meAteai | schools which will accomodate j | Negro students, a reporter asfc- j ed what could be done to rente dy mis situation. the idia;n,siraitn replied that the agency wiil insist on non- ! segregation in an medical schools. Aside from Me harry and Howard, there ace 74 other mneioal schools in the United j •states, ami the administrator said he believed each of limn | would he willing to admit one I ° f * w ’« Negro students annually, excep; possibly those Sorated in the south There are at present, i Negro students enrolled to mcdslcal schools aside from j V\ KJOK ENDING SATURDAY, APRIL 3, H>4B everything in fiousers to choose from, she- was observed constant - . ly in the company of a certain j private whose maseuliint* charm wouldn't liuve oiusi I a FAINT RIPPLE on tiit* sea of FEMI NINE ATTENTION He seemed j to be u nice guy, but just being j ’nice" never h. >• rung any wed -j ding bells with a LOUD TOLL, ii you catch on. Tin* .‘■’hock generated into a VIOLENT STORM of puzzled discussion when the beautiful TREASURE TROVE announce! Anal she had decided to take on the SIMPLE SOLDIER l'or bo ter or for worse. (Bu! as t.o hovr < iilium’ home to NIGHTLY COM PANIC) N-SJIIP with such as she could worsen a man’s LIFE SPAN, deponent sayeth not.) ■ I don’t understand what you can possibly sir in him,” a mem Lx r of her unit sai I one day tniinw, meow; just before the j i wedding. "And I hope vou u ill nev •' Lo.i out." \v. the sweet reply (meow meow, tm'd back.) MORAL: LOVE IS A MESS,; OGS HONOR QRSO | I OKI RILEY Hans. (ANl'l - At a special graduation Candidate Howard I Robinson of Columbus, 0., was pie‘fined as an honor graduate oi otticer eandiiate rrhool No. i at t amp Forsyth, iast week. Candidate Robinson was com nii Alt inert a 'second lieutenant in trie nntiiiarv police. He was one of four DCS students in the V\v York Bill Barring Bias In Lollege Basses Both Houses: Dewey’s Signature Is Ueitain ALBANY, N. Y «WDL) A campaign by the New York Stale ,Co i n n oi! ( to r Eq a a 1 1 : * i n .Ed uo a j it on for ie; iuiitior» barring vaCiai cU. < :crirmm.ticti by colleger, iti Ne\. Yoik Stair- ‘.uooe-Ljuli. u-ri, botn r.nn.-t- pi.r-.y-ed M Quam-GihfL bill. Signature Cover nor To run as E Dewey is v»r lustily certain. , Jimenm Bus Patrons bet Maximum Sentence HILLSBORO i WDL) - Sen *eiit.( ot :;tt da>s. tin 'i»«ad, the | .naximun.' unclt-r Nor \ ii ■ ai'oj n ; u■ i ‘Mineiow law, v.erf' imposed by! I Oran ye Cnvmly Su} ?«•! n'»r l/ourt j | Chester \V. Moriia on lour Ni-grcn s \ 1 -ml whites arrested last April .i.} Chapel Hill foi i iola: the jin j iCt’ow i }:i.; -pa tier ii aboard *.i ; Trailway bus. Tiiev Move released on si ; >o bail ; each pending appeal io thi Slab.' j Supreme Court. Sentence was im 1 posed after an all-wmte jury, whieii jt wf-ich will uur over 80 ' cities aiid universities this spring, will pi went “The Importance V? Being I'i in- t Friday (veiling } 18 ji m in Tayloi Hall on the *l - Augustinc*'? i ’an»pus. Tl.c i om|iany i c - d a v.iUc I variety of experience, touring or. • copied Til.dory hi C n«any and Australia, playing tor cvilian aud u. nee; in England, Fracct*, Belgium, land D. nmark touring America on | the w*;:t coa- 1 and through the mid : die we: t Mi-: UsabDh Blake the star u 2 ill* lmpCirtancc of Earnest, bfgan her career m California where sue apepari *i on the tnajot networks in dramatic programs, j While Pie was working in radio, : rie appeared with Ch.-rles Cobu.u ; m The Ydlow Jacket, and with I Charles Luurhton in Tr c Lady Next J Door. Guthtie McChntic Katherine j Cornell s husband-director cho • | Mis* Blake t • play tn lead in iJ> production of Winlerrei at Biarritz, | France, l ater Richard Whorf, v ho j ha- seen her peri'c, m ince, asKe;; ... i to play the lead in Rtchaid HI, j which toured Europe. ! The other young ac ress is from the west coast. Miss Gregg t:as appeared with Aityn Josleyn ir. Boy Meets Gin. with Keenan Wynn in Twentieth Cetnury. and ! toured with Fred Stone’; You Can | Tjke ft With You. Tt . is Mr s i Gregg's fii: i tom with this com j pony, but her p- rtonw-anee mc:- | cates that it will not ire her tost, i iV*'- Wildes comedy of manners it tile turn . t tht century. with i‘> elegant young n;c; and epigradn itiunc young women, at*.d n,- sat.rr biting society’s back-sides is so well known as to need no furintr | elucidation here Using ornate set*, fh.e Fuming Player» nave produced * rni.m-hably lucid and well-spok •ii “Fanir -1 Costumes of the pai •• ! are charming: tue *)'•-. look . • 11 *.. ii -.ini 't-.! by our ladies in thu, the Twentieth century, was, at the tm de sir-rit ti c only took. Mi) v\ side epigrams, in- nicety tutn pharar.! s. and hr utterly cutting retort are completely enjoyable, and have seldom gained better per formance*? Thar, at me hands of this P* ofessional compary JDunx Hill lu‘M*::ialion I N: FW YORK . A NT. An oft. i 1 ■ : <•! "o Arne. :ran Nroro theati’t |:i , i,-dued rumors circulating >i »>und here Lo t w<*-k mat Ahi am | : T o t-iglu vi-j;-*. executive ai j ’ * : ' -r ot AN V had esigned 1 ■■■’-•' H, ‘ ,; r ■■!os, d ti t! l\i r . Hill was ■ii leave ■ l ‘‘ J emr**n(ly v,T>rking on a p. «*seiitai ion ~t -The .Vash.ngtor- I'-ais in April a w:d present th* OW .'-L., i*. hi j) ; ,- Truth. -by Ratio ‘Loi n n Chapiu. it xv ill be Lio-cted by Osceola Archer and l>< --rented in the YMHA April 20-21. | Lincoln j RAI i.Kili. NORTH CAROLINA 1; : ! . _ SUNDAY AND MONDAY. APRIL 4 5 I BING CROSBY, DOB HOLE DOROTHY <.AMOUR | ROAD TO RIO” : TUESDAY, April S « Beta l.ugAM, George Zucco ‘MiAHED TO DEATH 1 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY April 7-k "Ni air way To Hea\%n DAVID NIVEN And on the Same Program • OPEN THE DOOR DUSTY FLETCHER CHAPTER 2 SON OF THE GUARDSMAN ’ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY April 9-LO ROBERT MITCHUM | “WEST OF PECOS” 1 LEE TRACY BETRAYAL FROM THE EAST” CHATTER 5 "FEDERAL OPERATOR MU S