■Zion General Fund Tied Up By Court ★ ★★*★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ *★ ★ hr ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ h * ★ ★★ ★ ★ '★ ★ ★ ★ * SHAW INSTRUCTOR SEEKS TO ENTER UNC Attempts To Oust Bishop And Tie Up Church Funds CHARLOTTE (ANT, A suit filed here last week by the Rev. J R. Funderberg f South ni Pines, again -t Bishop W. W. Mud* hews of the African IVie.hodiwt Epis copal Zion Church, asking for >! >.- 000 damages, threatens to have wick repercussions. The suit seeks ! o make Bishop f , -. .W • +*s- » a aw-.- vie - ' ; ,V SEEKING ADMISSION to the University of North Carolina Mtfliul School, is .lames E. Thomas, Shaw University ciiem is try instructor and former en sign in the C. S. Navy. Mr. Thomas, a native of Wilmington. Begin Drive For Federal Housing WASHINGTON < ANT” - Veter an,.• and others- who hav been lo .us ing in vain for housing since lo wa,- were given new hope thi* week when a drive war launched in both houses of congress to get Gw Tafi-Ellender-Wagner housing bn: enacted. H?p. Helen Gahs.-vn Dough who is leading the tight rot th biit in the house, -and Wodm-suay that she believes proponents of housing would b> . ucresf.-ul in oh taming he necesary 218 signature s to get, the house bank ng and cm rency committee when- it is oof, pigeonholed. A Ire ad 3 134 signa tures have been obi,urn d. On the senate side of the capital. Sen. Ralph Flanders says he i* reasonably sure that the senate Re publican leadership wilt call so a ti. n on the housing Til soon An encouraging step was the ac lion taken by the senate ban King and currency committee WeuiK-s day when it approved a series o. Final Rites Held For Dr. L. Bruce k DURHAM Funre ,1 services were held Saturday at the Whir’ Rock Baptist Church lor Dr. Leo G» renleaf Bruce. 4u-yc:ir-old Du; ham physician, who dies Wednes day at his Mine at 2r>o2 Faycttevui ■ Street, following an illness of -e; - eiai months. Interment with Masonic rites fol lowed at Maplewood Cemetery Prior to his illness Dr. Bruce was one of the community's most at tive and civic-minced physician* | me Rev. Dr. Miles M. Fisher. p,.a- j tor of White Rock Church, deliv ered the eulogy in winch he lauded i the deceased for Iris contributions! to the community life of his na ► five Durham j BORN IN DURHAM Dr. Bruce was born in Durham., 1 November 5. 1898, the son of the i late W. B. Bruce and Mrs, Daisy j David Bruce. His survivors, in au- j I dition to his wife, the forme') Laura Reynolds of Springfield j Ohio, include his mother, Mrs. Daisyu D Bruce: there sisters. Mesdamud Blonnie Fortes and Norma Kceucj of Cleveland. Ohio and Mrs. Anna b 'lie Belton of New York City, one ' brother EU'A’ood Bry.o of Clcye • i ; . w,- ns tin d no.riiri.-ition pu\ the if-, of sa..B. L. (*. BROCK I land; and two nephews James Bci- j j ion and Walter Keen** and 011.3 i niece. Joan Fortes. The deceased was educated in the I •'Continued on back, page; THE CAROLINIAN ; . i . .'■.s. < . . . •• •• •. ■ ..A. .;T , ’ ... VOLUME XXII, NO. II RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK END I NO. SATURDAY, APRIL 1.7. 10-18 PRICE 7c j A&T Hears Ex-Reichstag Member it ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★*★★★★★★★★★★★ PASS 300, MILLION AID BILL EX-SEP MITCHELL IS ALSO SPEAKER i!N PROGRAM GREENSBORO Gerhart U .scgcr former nienilic,- of the Gc. man Reichstag, and A. thur W XT '•■hell former 0- .1 >">• otic cm cc>:-;nan from Illinois. w»-ro r.-.-id in Addresses during the pas' weei-. -t A and T OoUecy here Mitch .I! appeared or a proyran. 'sponsored iiy me cam)ills' chaplei >1 phi Be'-. Siam fraternity while Seger vas i ought t th. college as a presentation of tile A uir! T Lyceum C-mt due Offering advice -m ; mv to Keep he p if thf German speskc. wno became- a n- tti. i ! w -■•> Amer ii-an citizen in !

-f.. He held that it will ie only will: p.ritnce imdcrstan'.un.v anti faith the United Nation- that the Unit ed States can live peacefully -vi > n !;.: -is in one world ft err. who had to Gcnri.uy i 5M3.1 becau-e ol his anti-Nazi inclinauons as a democratic mem ber of the Reichstag asked for a k > ener and i stanc .ng i f the deep ted distrust of Russia toward' :- c Western World. He said that this 'listnisi date 1 back to the intervention of the Ai des an the side of the ant. Bolshe vik forces in the JO 17 Revolution and r- minded the audience tha l (he same- criminals wc bad on trio’ 'Continued on- back pagei defeatism and disillusionment” Davis accusei the labor leader of supporting "Wall street’s Mar shall plan and rcri-h;; iting wa tt rive.” Accortng to the ..■nurt cilman, Randolph was more, of a headline- grabber than a leader o f Negroes. Unity within themselves and support t.i Henry Wallace were, the only hopes for Negroes l achieve success in his struggle for equality, Davis said. "The only way to fight jirn crew is to oppose UMT and the draft both of which are be ing pushed bv the Republican and Democratic leaders who are tiie very ones responsible for jtm crow in toe army and else where." he sc’d. Randolph to id the congrcssion al committee oudytnp universal military training that the Negro did not want, a jimerow UMT program. If such a program is approved, he said, colored men :.il over the nation w-oulcl start a civil disobedience program and refuse to take arms. Mrs. Faulkner Produces “Eve’s” Letters To Mate In Suit Against Champ j CHICAGO 'AMP 1 The Joe Uouis-Rcv. and Mn. Matthew C Faulkner "love thDU triangle be came i four-sided afi.-ir here ki week when Mrs, Cut die Drone Faulkner produced a number of passionate love letter; written In tier husband by a mysterious ‘ Ev. Faulkner was named “Adam" in the letters. According to Mr.- Fatrikr.v, formerly Miss Malic- Drake, .-.ne ! - ~ , a Z * "TT ? ’bA- . M ” 0 ■ > -JR L-% A 'N: /" 7 > O. ''V J .*"w . v/.T ■" ' - * S n !iTH MUST BE FREE, DECLARES BENEDICT HEAD 1 COLUMBIA. S C. 1 vNP) "Tb i. -'outh should be ns dcmo'-ratic •’>'> jas free as the rest of the Unin d . States," declared Dr. J A Bacoats president of Ben diet college. in ■ ■c- : ' is-ii ->f the Sou*h Carolina : Week. Dr. Rncnais wi p.«-sen ting < ne Negro's view of tin "Civil Rich" , Program.” to a repor‘ er-inicrview jer of the while n»nc |>! Gc< • ... I member of •• nr pre-.m- -fit, s ( o(-1 1 miftee on Cit'll regm . told nai BYiih W'cr: n s - -nan i | last week, | A - a recent meeting of the Metii* j odist Women of the Southca -u-x 1, ■ j stales Mrs Tilley said, ressitut.inn | were passed called upon Method -J . 1 women to seek b-»Ui -late and tod -1 i - nil legislation to gi.-iratih-e civl’ . j rights to all people of America. - j She also pointed cut that -las . ■ week the smite chio-T-' in of in k j Georgia National D< :r.u-.-ratii- re.m - 1 mittce m, lit n s'aicrmnt adv i . I | in/.-, [he vote for Nc-gr.i -s and eiptai (Continued or, nack paj; 1 ; found the Utter? in her husband c • : belongings. She he office of i Gov. R. Gregg Cherry hm last ; week. i Members of Hie eelesation ;n- Vlufiod James Rivanl, student at Ri ,-kV Tri-County School. Enfield. ! who sieves as -late and nation.s ;:. i suit n; of the i.avii't. .i. 113. Simmons, state supervisor of ’■ eeationai agriculture in Neg» o school.-:; Oleophu.- \\ i Ilium*. s«m • N FA vice president, Catawba Cm.o | ty: Alfred Bullock, Henderson lu >u title NFA < ha[>t.er Wader Brow.. Trwd! County Tfair.ayi School. CoiViuut'd on p-.ge eight To R«*\it-Case Os Kii|H- C!iars>. Victim Washington The i nu ra Stli • Suprei",e i ourt will ! hear arguin' Irts faring the week of April :jfi in the case of SamueJ Taylor, ‘to, convicted of rape by an Vlahatna Jury and condemned to death, A . evifw of the judgment of >tti \lafcama .Soperme 4 >urt, which confirmed the death sen j fence, was granted l>; the I S. Supreme Court April ;> in re sponse to i petition filed by attorneys for the National As sociation for the Vl* anceinenl of Colored People, The NAACP petition ehurg ed shat Taylor s conviction was obtained .hroush the osf of a eon; essioi, extorted by force, violence and fear, in violation «f the Fourteenth Amendment. Arrested with three other youths iri the small town of Prichard, Alabama, Taylor was charged with the rape of a 14 year-old white git I. and eon ended by the Circuit Court of Mobile County nearly' two years ago. SURGEON SEN. T 9 BACK NATIONAL HOSPITAL Mi WASHINGTON lANl’i - Dr i Leonard A. Scheeie. successor to: i_)l p.i 1-;;; iiV: ! s! as !J. S. , ' S'irgron -'.;('cs sal. tu. i press -on-1 ' left nee at outh-of-offiee ecrerrum ; n*s '•.ere last week 'hat he expect?! !to !ollov> the po; y f Fe-riei I S- - | curity Ad»r.i nisi rah >■' Oscar fl i Ev. in;: on the- Murray Health ijili., tConti! 'd on tiaye fouri Anti-Lynch Bill Would Mah e Officials Liable WAS His GTON--( ANP; - The Wggner-Morse An t , Lynching hill, currently scheduled iur early .senate const d' ; ation, has been broaden- J to ir.aite federal oifi ciaisj ci' illj liable foi Ivn*: ;un,..t in the. tm ri'ory. according to Sen. Ferguson iK., Mien), chair man of a senate judiciary sub committee here last week. In addition, the coverage oi thr bill had been extended to in clude not only lynchings but any • act where twe or more persons discriminate against a person or his p-'opeity However, the subcommittee drtfppf :*i th.-* anti -discrimination as being impossible of en force "ent. The bill was original ly oduccd by Sens WagtWr (I).. Y.)' and Morse (R., Ore-.) Cl Lyman Ferguson said the in elusi . of any act of discrimina tion crpett ated by two or more persons, would extend the bill to include practically any gang light that may occur. shais, district attorneys; slate. Aiopt Civil Rights Bill _ i Or Face Prestige Loss Declares Lillian Smith i WASHINGTON -- (ANP) - Miss Lillian Smith, author of the best seller. “Strange Fruit," told an audience at a banquet of the I Washington Interchurch fellow I ship in the YWCA here last week | that either the United States “a --i riopts the civil rights program at I home or face Joss of prestige a j broad." 1 The diminutive authoress SU£- 1 EQUALITY BIOER BEATEN »NAACP TO 00 TO COURTS WASHINGTON -AUPi Pa.-- j -i.,. of x- fen era! oili nr . I 'll :o r 'U.i liy t-. tla- -.-s io ncj :.u - i ire education wu’n sa’ -guards lot -i .. . r.iif.! schools - the south 'vr.ivc more urgenc.- ai- i -arnif;- -.no ito t.lii.- NAACI’’ ; ft gin ni the -nii.e fi equal school iaciii'ios for Ni - ''V s in Virginia whoe '<-m- county 1 00 l co IS rue jjriie.ng ill the J i ,ind w.-c; <■ the 1 tury Coun -1 I • -chuoi ease vims won at Ricn -1 mono M.u'ch 30. the public schools »r. last -‘it's eslimate would ge> ''fi.o7fi.iioo next ye a r a result of i tfif biib tCornuiued on back page: Phi iiy Appoints S-Member PE PC .Vgroes. W hi ley Eat together \t ‘Cancer" O !>ai beciie In Georgia LA GRANGE. Ga. Thankful for their miracu lous escape from death, 50 i. white persons sai down to eat with 11 Negroes in Geor gia recently in one of the strangest feats on record. The affair was a barbecue on the grounds of the City- County Hospital Cancel 1 iContinued on 'bav.< page) It provides that federal mar '• county and federal officers be j held liable to Lues up to slo,ouo I if lynchings on ur in their set i dons. Baptists Laud Rights Program I • WICHITA FALLS. L-xas tAT The i racial segregation we practice j Ine w is in a sense the death cf i 1 the; finest in us." 1 EX-NAVY ENSISN WOULD ENROLL IN MEQIGAL SCHOOL ! RALEIGH James K. Thomas. Shaw University chemistry insH'UC j ior. last week became the fourth Xi ,u> to apply for admission to the University of North Carolina i; with in recent weeks. I Mr. Thomas, who tiled his ap ! plication blanks for the UNC iVlvd ! scai School on Friday, is 25 y*-o' i old and served as ar ensign wi-fi | the United States Navy cturiiv, i World War II J A native of Wilmington, he er.tn i a straight "A" average through | out his high school and remained ; on the dean's list during his tour | years of undergT.iduu'e work at I Shaw University. ATTr. N DEI) COK N E LI, Aftei entering the Navy as s j seaman. third-class opposition to forces and iniiu jences which too long have the citart* i ne) of intema inl good will and blocked the path to national unity.' The resolution was written by a commitee selected by President ft. IT Alexander; U. S. Keeling. Sr.. I chairman; L. L Stanmore, J. VV, Whitley. N C. Chappell and IVL j, i Stewart. I Mississippi Fights Equal Teacher Pay JACKSON, Miss. The uiw of XtiS.Oyf) which would help | (qualizr some of the salaries. •it Negro teachers tu kliTOissippl I tia..s been appropriated by th" Mississippi Jiouse of Represen tatives to fight equal salary ( (Continued on bock page* i “■*