. - - r. Mr Gurney ,P Hood. Mi ls isle Suit. K i- Raif-.w'.i e»ni3 :■'! Kriim P B->ye> hr.. ■ n A key !■> th< r.cv\ L-uildinr ...... prevail to by A 1... Furriottm:.! p/esirii-i.t of the Oar.: iunity Ch. ?i. ,t- ;o M;. H. C Herrin v. i *5, p. .)>. .. . c ''y.t .* ■ re embers!-, ip C: mp.'i; cyi Av.arus 'Atari*- war. pro -Hr• i i y the Y-To ■. • < unbF . '•■■< \V. ’.or i . .. School The benedict inn v. :> m i>> >1 • R< v C A. Koarray /;->-• nr of tic Davie Street Bre.-by :e. in Shur a, Mir, No,a E. Lockhart presid :t A social ■: a. , am • pen hi>n. , were held folio,,vm&' nro^roi with members of tht v’cmtei.v Ac tivity Committee as ncste-s-- ur.ci ‘Continued on boen page') Audit Clears Bishop Os Fund Diversion Charge JACKSONVILLE. Gla Bishop H. N . Tiiose.' and members j ot the cxo;tttlve boara ->i Edward i = a iCollege ;y ( e- i.'Hpli t.. : . exonerated .;i eh-rs •s. ;.j tjof *p pt-opriatlng funds >o' the school 1 ' itere last week. A coi-p* ui ccvti/icj public nr ■ <•>i:i111:• •,? reported or- four-room L 1 audit fhai Pie .-'cho-it trea.-erv v\as - indebted ;•> the bv-nop lea auuoy; which iit had acvanccd from 1, .it lo urnc- to keep the school mmuup i -tnoothly The audit rn.pori di.- proved thi unary; i ; , the bishop i and thi* boar;! .ve; • u;-ii, ig r , ; j a- .iiicged by ol rhn-i j istors and laymen. It was reported ll*a the "inihoit i I propriation ol' funds' charge grew \ out o i a notice wfeion the bishop , ! had sent to the Fior-da ministry • that they were ail sr Elect to oc • 1 transferred to other churches a» the forthcoming annual conference. : Ministers who were having trou- ; ble in their local chuichvsr sougo, to have the nishop removed ft on j the district, aided ate.: abetted, a j was said, by other ) shops who; want to be placed in nbai-jv of u. ■ : Florida disirin themselves Under she bishop'- leadership, ‘iu Florida area has best- lifted from seventh place in the AME denom ination. Be has the loyalty and (Continued on u ae* page C. O. Os Negro Troops In Insurrection Dies WASHINGTON (AN Pi - Co-, > Lewis S. Morey, form-!' conin'., rid ing officer of the group ot Nc-gro troops that chased Pn-iho Villa ir. Mexico in 1920. died at Walter Reed hospital last week. In the Corrizal skirmish with : forces or the let; Gen Venusttenoi Carranza, then the defaeto beao us the Mexican government. the loth. U. S, Cavalry, Troops C nod K. j commanded by Col. Morey then j captain, tnH ovet u-h. Iming odus | and were defeated. Ac-. Hit 20 s|k» ciie.cs were killed and a dozen c..»r ( I\ ft i t U'l iN FARTU ! rvn in rw \ .mt utn 'its < it p mu. < iiairman ot ’be t •rmn.ute • ot M.uvygt merit ot th » : oj* urner 1 njfh * WCA i si'own receiving th* tci to th< Itianch - nru building from A. Hits Exclusion Os Negro Jurors \K(,RO Vl>\ll s ru> IV, n.L\ immnmi p 1 Os ANLI.IJ S < A .\ I’ ■ Ihe *►i.) I*l Key iyioY u|*p* r eicty. ot i l i A. has pledge*! :i N ‘fil'd -.** it- rrj, miicrship. Thr nev. mem ber i- lames Taylor f.i Los Angeles. :i World u.sr U \ et cran. iayior vr.as picked tor his iueh -rhoiarsiiip ami b:s service to tin aiiivrrsiij. H h s I;* ;i: a key worker in ,n<- school's uni* err-iiy relit;ious ronference. rspteiaiiy in comic hon with me university cam; .yjSgtkj;' ' ',-N' 'N. F vskF.s. ILL. BAR Claude F. Whitaker, Jr., to-• sun of Mr. and .Mrs. Claude k. Whitaker of Katfigh and recent graduate oi the I'mversi.y of Ithnois Law School who reccntiy passed the iflttHit* stat/- ft ;r 5 smTi’iia. Hr i- a graduate ot Washington High School and Shat* Univer sity of Raleigh. i lured by dir- Mexicans Col. Morey, wounded in the rigid shoulder, managed to escape an ■ led a handful of tvo ps afoot 40 miles over sunbaked desert until they were rescued by the llth Cav : ally. 1 Later, Col Morey pr-used hr- Ne gro troops highly tailing how they j faced almost cur Lon death with ! smiles and songs anti when tv.-p --| ped. battled (heir overwhelming ] ioe.s viciously and bravely. ; Col. Moracy was 12 and a native jof Pittstford. Now \ n; He grad Hated from West Point in is-itj. !. Purruigton (Uni r 'nr.\ Chest president during dedir ifion * \er ci-cs held Kmiday a'tcnioon in the mil home of tru oianrli a* Mu Last Davie Street. Photo court*-: \ *jl \*ms and Observ* r. ho a Bertie ( ;p.ty ii ■ vie led nrn.l .it of x:\Uil ' ;-s p* r -A "* i - •< - . Wi 1 ' : cvnvictt d last Ncv c-rnoar of c **: ; -vt lific-. son’oncc ■ lo dcutii ia 1 hi* gas chatTibvi after vn -he P.t- ;-|w Sum :o: Coart. !.:c a client had ootn ronv ictod - v ’ lion . . ar i.nifi : ir. end effociiv.: as if required by v; r: ; u t(* ' NO \C(,KOi.S IN VlAits B'druvring Ir.eir eortenCoT; in...- ; aiony of S. :\1 \zeU-. < lerk ol ih. Board of County Cum mission or ‘ la my 17 yt ai> a. eidi K lo in ; Board oi County and 15 yo. !: • g ter or Dreds. tCoca inued on daev page) Alphas liil Area Schools NASHVILLE ANP> Mem hrrs of Tan Lttroticia. graduate chapter oi the Alpha I'hi Alpha t> raterruty here, eu nposed of More than I oil husin* ' .. and pro fessionai men in middle Ten nessee, voted their opposition to th-. disapproval »nmT by ■ \ ;■.'.] • h-toNaisb Ko-*a ns m -o'- ; ;; i; ; j:;• ,1 ap.iiiOirO port ot Kobo Sun The riot, wlhcb exploded ovo* j A • ivN-ipal oi tno K'o oans to in.!- . .iiv •..rdov of the Japanese Gov , <) :rn i ' tor i lio U-aeitioK of Japa ivjs. ;b oßk'.h .an gua go O • attended by Korean chi I • n *i-.c- part ot ».he iro'ps. Signed it? duty .as membeis oA 1 s"’” fbinumied on page eight 10th Calvary Vet Favors Army J. C. •> Lie In Vuio t rash BAHNTVH.I S. < (AM 1 ) - i ire persons were fatally injur est last week when 'he automo tut*- in which they rode crash *■<) into the < otter* *e Turkey Creek bridge west oi Barn well. Tour died instan,!>. and ;ke driver, Carl DrapjK" - , di«vi an hour after tiring taken to .1 hos : pita) in Columbia. The othes vntims wer* Sarah Atitliams. Witltur Harley, Os* a Daniels mi! Oscar Myers. .According to Sheriff Black the victims ear. a ft*.!.'; l e d. was going at a very high speed whi n ii smashed up. No inquest ‘ will i*e held. -e s: *. _• W i. Aat s *w«» < CANDIDATE TO BISHOPS POST | DAYTON. O. < ANPi Mini'!*. s i up.d laymen, eemprium; !ho lo*vt-r I iiousc of the i'MI; tin cr, will ooto their ann.ial session m P! iPips : Temple hi re May s Ui iix the d i; i~l th*- next gc-nei’di cot fercliec au't | select candklr.U'S tu* tic episropacy j ! i. f)!l ; i-sts made v cant b. death* u< Hisimps Vunrig and Ha - ! sell. j On the issue u! bit**-, .pric ctn'-ii I dates the lower house said to Oc i dtfvldec! it,t*. two camps Cmc- favors I thr naming of only pay. men i lit*. I the vai ar.i posts The other y a,,. 'Continued or* iuu:x page' Wallace Hits Failure To Back Civil Rights Drive At SIOO Dinner Speech j NEW YORK i. AN, 1 ' Henry ;A. Wallace leader -- the “new ■ | party." lashed out at i m-ial diser.m- ; | mation before 1.250 p-. sons attend•; jmg a SIOO plate Ohmor at chi i i Hotel Commodore- Monday night. | In asking that more man 20.000.-; UiOii voters cast, their b.-.llots for him j jin November, Wallace said, "VF j don’t want the volt- ot any fascist- i j nor the vote of anyone who be- • j! ’eves in the overthrow of the! i United States government by Toro-; ! nor the vote ol anyone that | 1 preaches racial disetin.ineUott- MALEIC H, NORTH CAIU >UN A - 5S Pt : ' si\, -j;. -if • I % _ •o f '■> ' s-t caus-: of the ills ,!N. : -| i*'ncca oy NY-gvoes in the servio Holliday, e r:, servoa tn every ; rank from private to .vi'giNint t.i --i jor of the idh Cavahy and as j'*.. coimtiissary sergeant a d qnary-i : n.astej sei-geam in ihe oiutn'tonrit*.- a* corps, said that InlcgratioTi -he races in the army would croa * iiroblcnjs wttich "r.. hci- • Ncgr ■ leaueis. the congress nor the ,v.,r ii-pr.rtment could correct NO IN'TFGRAT ION ■'ln ihr tegular a T ny ' H011t ... wrote, “no thought of or do-i* lo: in’i-rrsfiun cvc-i arises among the enlisted men. and it is without ,oi; .' created by ttins* m civil me who Know practicaliy nothing about • ctinditionr in the army Instead of fighting segregation the ox-01 advised Nc.ro leader to secure niort Negro off’cer: a* fee ■ ommended by the Gillem hoard. ll* ai*-o advised the leaders **. conn;,: l at all time* colored officers arid cnlistf-fi men in the service' "in advocating and ptinp the humiliating conditions under wrier; 1 Negro platoons," he *;uri *., . plnccd iii white cd?d.}3<. in I. .n iipc during t!'*e late »ai with Neg- «i ; non-corns sui ieiido ing t h.eir wm.'- I'tmte merely for the iubious hon jer of fightinr with *vhv.. men, N* - fContinuerl on hack page'. Crit.K'iziin: the- Truman rcginru .; he ftirthei said that the Unit* *i : States <•; operating under a “psru.b 1 Uvo party" system w ? ieh is pro- j reeding with frigti renin* speed to-i ward that preliminary type of po- i lifts state Which smile, on difurini' violence from the rii-mT. "fiwytpe a Negro citizen is j forced lo use jim crow f iciiiiies or ■ attends a segregated meeting ho is j suffering from a police state," Wa. j lace added. ROBESON PRESENT Sitting oil the dais with Wallace i (Continued on hack page) WKKK ENDING, SATURDAY, MAY l v 1948 BISHors OI (HI Ki H Ml M The bislmp: >f the AMI /.ion ( tinrch met si; Washington ,Vl< nd.a> to complete arrange nu-nts for the Sard s- ,»iun ol Gciici-a! conference*, to fee held in Louisville. Ky.. May 5-2 i. Kcadinu. ici'f to light, sitting Bishops ( (. Mleycn. Philadel phia; Wm. .1. Walls, , nteago; E. J. >haw, Birmingliarr* J. W Mar tin, ( hic.igo: \t U . Made. Uiiar f*, 11 *•. N r standing lefi to j * gilt, »•.. 1,. Watsot: Okianom .* fit-- . H. ’■ Gordon. Uharloa** N. ».. VI. IV. Matthew.*, l.exa Ark S . \\ Alst.nk V*. astiii Hon. t> * ac! t\ i Brown, f.os Angeles. AX P i F. D. R. Kin Says Support Lagging For Rights Bill f!H?EF WITNESS BALKS IN SUIT AGAINST LOUIS BY CONRAD f t U K NEW YORK ■ ANP > Repor- i l hat she wiy tesiify against Jt the tin i1 he suit was filed she was visiting: la sister in AiJantt. VISITING ATX A N’T \ She said she knew nothing about • the case until she hea ;, d of it over • hr radio while vise:- ... Mr. and: ! Mrs. Wilson ■ her brother-in-law j | and sister) in Atlanta. Rev. Faulk- j |nei came to Atlas:t;» tile vi f, x‘ day j dh;- said, ihen went so his home in l i Fort Worth, Texas. (Editor's note; For -w time it; jhas be 'u reported that Rev, F»uil<- j ! ner is from Atlanta. but according |to his wife he is from For: Wo"tii. i There is. however, ,i Rev. Faulkner iin Atlanta, but he is not the Rev.t ‘Matthew Faulknet who is suing : Joe Louis in a $500,000 alienation: After reading the re v.-;.- story on, i Mrs Nicholas, Mrs. Fa.ilkner calf j ed her in Atlanta, and learned the : above information j In nr,sever to Marva Louis i statement that she ‘"would hhia. i (Continued or. back page) HOLD FARM HAND !N ATTACK BN ! 7-YEAR-OLD WIN C * fiKSTE H Ts-•: ir. AN P > | ' pr ; iioc a vc liotdii'.g WiK«"m l .aralxa l. ; 2 5 vcar-o Id wh <’ v i nrn i werk c r of* Franklin County in i. ’t> jaii here ’ i)?; < BtC ee ol c«a*r; i nmiv 4fcSuui 1- * ' i-ii- s seven-year-old Negro gir*.! ; i.umi.ic! t was arres-c-d soon Hft-v. .Conliimed on back p:.-.c> WASHINGTON ■ ANP> - Rooscvctl. a surprise speaker ii a . rnc-ding of th*- bra! NAACP branch in All Sou;:- Unitarian! . ilurch hei r iast week accused Ihe ] President and his ad in lustration of; : Yng ;*> give full support to ; ,r civil rights program. He attended j the tncting with ius actress v.-iic, j Mis- Fay Free,- who also spoke, : • t don't trunk tin- r resent ad ministration :* being absolutely; trunk witti the n-ot i end us." • K 'iceveH declared. "The admini3- j iraiion has the povvc- to make ?| stuff toward making the civil rip-lb*, j pi ..-gram workT Hr pointed on' that cn exermive j order could be iv.si.i--d o "wipe on: di -rimination fa the ea rned force:'," j and that President 'i': jir.ar; would j eoine Tory* ord und t<-il the people j of the world that * Washington is j going to be a democratic capiial." iCuntinuod on beck page) Ga. Blind Man Is Winner In League Competition ATLANTA, Ga. Upon recorn-; inundation by Atlanta citizens,! : the Honorable ISm. B. Hartsfield, i Mayor of Atlanta, has selectedj as nominee for an ‘ OPPORTU NITY' Award P J. Woods, At lanta citizen, active in the re- i habilitation of other blind per- ; ; eons. Mayor Hartsfield made the so-; , lection and the recommendation ! Ito the National Urban Leagu -' for a Certificate of Recognition ] to be awarded to Mr Wor> d s j ' for his cutstkndinc contribution j in tbt field of training for the’ Blind. For the first time in the him l ‘toj y of magazine publish? ag, j “Opportunity ” leads the way i “DRAFT STRIKE" USED TO EXCUSE LACK OF SUPPORT NEW YORK. N \ The use. o.y *ome members of Congress, oi A. Philip Randolph * proposal oi. non-participutlon in • military sej vies as an excuse tor >nacti-it> m the fight li.-r civil le-...:--laltjon wa today banded as “qu.i.* shaniek'si” by Walter White, secretary o’ the Nationai Aesoci Hion t* . the Au vanccmerit t Coloi-t::* Peop-.K’. Mr. White'* s'atennvt whs in "o ply to a letter from th*- Orcgc-i Acfiiitor m which Mr. "'.Torse mailt* mined that the Randolph ''prcposeul g ive some people in Cov-y ess a ’a 'mn.’ilizaiion escape from stand ng up to be comited in favor of a civil * Ti-tts program, and ..here is no doubt ah«V.«i -:,,i fact ' : . tip: a\U iic-nbedionee suggestion has. greatly ’•veakenod the position of thos** us In Congress who are sincerely trying u> secure favorable consid ei'fuio;': of civil right.-, iegislation." VO KEEP ITCuHTINTS Conceding that Ke Randolph "has put into words Use secret and subjective feelings of a great many Negroes,' S* oufor Morse deplored the labor leader’s proposal, but re* affiirncd his 'invent.’,>n to kef-p right on doing what can be done within the re: !m as possijjjiity in I)';:;-: hi secure rciiot. on adequate civit vighis legis'i;.,’. ive pri'i'iosais." in reply Mr White charged that it'- lY’icat on civi! ights legisla tContinuc-o on back page) outh Hobr- to I inance \\ efltiinu; - Ends in Jaii t’Hit..ADEL-PHIA AN’P) On the evening FJ-yi-ar-olrt Andrew Wiiliunis was to march down the aisle and take his bride for better *•>.- worse, he was arrested and put in jail for robbery. His motive? To get money for a tuxedo to wear at hi wedding. At ie.tsi that’s what Williams told police. Hi* ' job" was said to have beer* pulled five Mocks from the place where he was to have joined in the ceremony. s„ until then, tT-year-old Williams is still a juvenile amt has tven turned over to the propei julhorlties. sown Fires Negro Polut ’>ANlA. Flo. 'ANPi Negroes were wondering what next as this !Mvn of Danin fired she iast of it tv.:i Negro police.* -• , Arthur Ka wards, last week. Patrolman StuiUy ’.eas fired several weeks ago. The Negro ('humb -i <>l Com merce ha* demanded that the t'vt co/orcd potrolmen be- replaced Im mediately Citizen: i,.s wondering what i* behind the firlnj? because city officials have given no off 1 <-;al rr-fis-ons ye* for Hd a ;-:rds discharge. | with over SOP citations going to I Negro American ■ throughout die ; nation who have achieved fame : sn their various fields of work, lor who have performed other meritorious acts during the veto* |of 1947. In paying tribute to Mr. Woods, l when the award was made locally ; m the Southern Field office of i the National Urban League, Nel son C. Jackson, director, highly ; praised the recipient for his ef forts to increase the dignity cf his field of endeavor and con tributing to the esteem with . which Negro Americans arc held. Many brilliant achievements are being accredited to nbte-bod , (Continued on back page) PRICE ?c