it * * * -k ★ mmms y^ * m Vs , .jj| g|N~ " # ,. -t>- - ' - s: Vttfr ■# § **' ’f®^ . ,- **■ ‘■^%.<f VIAI»11 F.AGI.I .(•{)! ! General Towns-s-ad. is. of fro»*|i 61 of lie Oaklauti i ommuniiy C enter of C harlotte, \ < uiin was mafic asi I,’ugli- scout at a special court of honor heir! it the center on Thursday nirlu. Young Townsend i. lit* „«*» oi Mr, and Mrs. Genera. Townvml, NOT ENFORCIBLE UNDER LA W, SA YS U. S. SUPREME COURT WASHINGTON • at*--- fight l; iJiV. re r’: ; y ■ ■ Huts resulted ii- \i< • •. when she C S. Sap * Co art hamfe-d down a 8-!} verdict whs dense;- tiii i-it;!:i 1 sucli cove nams the right to go to tco-.shs to secure the ir enforcement. According to the Stmt-eme Court decision, i/' la* •.(; ,'v. fo’-o* covenant- which bar prime- .mn proper 1 ';, ownership .aid sjccupun »y because of race violates in equal protection" clause of the Fourlc< nth Amendment u, the Cl.'-!. \10!1 .* ii !he: lore lawful. The decision which wax writ ■; b.s Chief Ju.-uci Vinson in in' cases of Mr and Mrs. J. D. Shelley of St- Louis. Mo., and Mr. .us.. ii: Cmoi McGhee of Detroit. tl C . < .!'• A third rise which was be the c 'C j that of a grt:Bp f Ws.i liigion. D C. resident.- who Lad rurch used property 1 roveivii; covered areas, was d t ided on ih; basis iif a Federal law which su.le thal all ci - Lwns si;:. 5 have the sansc light in wan a:.; 1 rilory as is enjoyed V, wll ie ~.. pe rsoi la l p rope rt v Since 1928. w: til ..-. Sir.., 1 , .■, - Court dismissed an appeal iro.u an enforcement •>; rest ric:: < tov;- • Continued on back page Hammock Beach Tour Slated For I 15th By NCTA An invitakm to ;L : Ho.-nniocn-.. Be.-.cfs has Icon ext sided to the public school teacher, ot Net t. Carolina by specie I t■ ■ ;n< appointed oy Inc Board ol Diniv tors of the Hammock. Beach Pm- j ject On May 15th. 1948. Dr Willi ■ Sharpe who is ttia! this 4 . acre ocean-side estate available to s teachers of the NC7* will trier- . tain them Dr. Sharpe b very anv tons tem Many teachers to be liU Ruestf- far a day on the grounds there Those who wish to be included in all the tours should arrive ?i •.he, Hanftnocks before 10:05 .A M TL;s; invilaiton is also extended to tii cooperating friends of the NCTA j Dr. Sharpe will furni-h meals- me' refreshments free to all who come, j NEAR CAMP S.E.TCNE The Hammocks is on the coast in i Onslow County about 18 miles I of Jacksonville m-si the Catv.p labemie Marne Base. Most of Lhc>r. (Contipue4 pn had* ■ -) Sr., ami a .r nlor at the west ii> !i'.i; r High school. He be fame a Scout its lh-’ and sire lit* life ho- rare, fii a iota! n) ‘.’a niriii bashes, iht highest helci \ J ty scout «n the Me* fc- Irntmrg Council, lie is the seeutfi Negro Scout in the council. mumtcii m i wc v: l i Vi I :.!? j~ . -V. Xs (Li J FUND BPiIVE m !N WAKE 000NTT A campaign in interest o£ tl;-. UniH-.i Negro. College Fund was launched v-.giurday in Raieigl; and Wake County. The drive, which wiil continue through Mv.v 15, is part o£ . nationwide I to raise $ 1,4L,i,(1u0 to aid 32 mein | ber colleges, n: this fifth year of campaigning on the part of the Fund. _ W. C. Davenport, Wak« Count. 1 Farm Demon itration Agent, h.c been named chairman of the , Fund Raising Committee. A gv/u --' ot SI,OOO has been set by the lo • cai group and first ai to tx? taken at a meeting of tne commit toe M .iday. May 10. at i 6:39 o’clock rt the Blood we r.h Site; I YMCA Sol e!*;■'.t'•>n o! gn>ups and indi victuals is being made bv men: bers 'if ih.. committee. Dr. J. fb Davis of Fuqu.iv Springs s,< liciting i i.rdriiiin-ons front t h ■.* doctor.-- of -h<‘ i .juri\ P. As Wll ■ Continued on ruy page' 1 Hr. Patterson Denies Hampton Post Humor TuSKFGLE <ANT, Author; I I u.iivt spokesmen at 'ruskegee in-1 sh'.uie dismis.-eu as mere rumo. I j Saturday, reports in one or two J j eastern publications last week j •which indicated that President h i :D. Patterson was con idering the past of president of Hampton m-} salute. j ''There is not the slightest foun- ! j nation for the staKmcnt that Di | i Paticrsou i thinking of leaving! j Tuskcgeo," titesc- official.- said "Dr. j j Patterson has cut out .or him iieie j at Tuskegee one of th.i- most cha •! I (engine, educational rpportimities j in America. i His plans for the deveiopmem o.t; j this institution and for the funnel-’ mice of education ng Ncgv c.< in the south are basic and l*. . rear-hill,?, * j THE CAROLINIAN "JsYui. X.\V[| Vn j J RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATI'i#)AY, APUIf/lUT li» lb PRICE Wt , Bertie Sheriff Is Not Indicted A ★- * it * ir * ★ ★ * N ■'k ★ ★ ★ ★ * IN ASSAULT CASE; - jT~v J’ M Sfr jjfj? .'i fjNli ce und P< !' ftniallwood a I BKOKt IN. < ,nAVU;i\ (.;■) h. i con': U<G 5 fit M>:-S Pill 1. ‘iU j Accv.rdi-- U> her .\ory t she and ! Senate Basses [Housing Bill 1 W ingKm {&£s%*) Ai ! o. I :Tto!'.; t-aan two youis ot. upniii : tlu: T-ui'Wa^ner-EjJen i (i&r ioi U; ran it liouiani’ bill lin ; j-li\ j*a-, ~ Os; .;: .j. • t:o i v *■ i 1 t\e main c.mivovcrsw a. jwnat, eciVMrcd on the pubh -1 bousing Pile, vUiihoi;/ing aide.,-.- \o j local. con'iHWiVj n ias tor ownership , I not afford t.* ro oh> <>t dfcont pri ■ j i Minority e. , vcPbi :u;;i jt he greatest bene.* its trom thi • t sod 111 tii. hilt Nl-iSI . j would in. pc; ,llitU‘..i <-I <•::: i thousands of !be:~e public t | ll It veus Scr Hary P. Cain (V... i ! V -' O; ‘*7 tl t. W Afaril tXS9 ‘ t'oi.s»«!•;» v vis as h..vht HEARS SI'EAHEK MARTIN .it a 1 rjtcrna' t>.<>- celt in xiuin rivri l ; is at Salisbury, Md. The was widely at.ended by hun dreds ol fraternal leaders and rut tubers front IH-lavsarc. ihe j District of I'd! >nQ. %*ry- \ ' vVt ! c’.ru.d [he !m.where the. Wash.) who fnade every effort to • v*P ti'tiS 1 i«. ’]■/ tii6 bill. l'io fYifitended *ha t pubJit: housmi? it ':». , ■:I• i.! ... •IOL-’.d< p: Gil -s , i■■ - f ~ . i ...: i-K-A * ■ i’ -• A Li. 1 till vii P.Ut.'-.1. L'kU '.AL leva" \o\y inconit.f s. i \.i cit iz%* l ls w i\o Meets Op>*c sit ,>n In his <>m; •"ion to the hi'!. Sen. S. A. ii- L.od (D.. Fla ) de clared that the gnvcninvnit 1 sr.ouid nos. cuter arlMhev • ’ snu very oxocr.rivi.- tield” in the pre.-i'nt v-.ild situation. ics'i-.tic S, ■ -tt W. i.n car e: iiiinots and AHv n W. Barklcv of Kv.-Hu.-kv sided witn Taft. Lucas . .Vi that private on •'Continued on bat-.-; page! land. Shwui aimi-e ,ii»- .u.iie <>i ibe leading tigures. l-ft risiit; Josejib IV. tl.i.v ljuit. Maryland. .it-. iif-Uc Carter, District of t• ■ JnmliLi; Mrs. t rystaf Byrd I'«<- j set 1 .. Thiliidrjpnta, educator and ) speaker; flop. I -lw ird 1. Milln : tE-Md.l; .fames p Stewarl. Mtut- I 11 rn r-ftro ftrU V' • . ?t $» -- I. ‘ j »•■, fw f»» 'i* 1 ■ r-e*vl "'V ' ft? %z' "ft ft ; S I ■■** 1 ; S’. >. it %1 if ft fi nra tll IP ?i ft f I Hvftft*% i £i! nasi fiinrr ft; 1 - 4«|V-ft ftfftff ■■ t .. .; /i s* 3. 3 s L- *I : 5» * ; ~ ( , . ,’ •’ ,-fff ,C> v - , \ : f| 9i* |ns if p 'ft fi • I »# i L? ft 4 fta f*' i,. % ~ 'f-.s* nftn f% ft. IS ? f f' 4 •' •- 2- - \ Ki.Lif»«Jl. lit-A U v s ifi <*■•■ ,n aftn «• I ft -/ ;' » |tk |i »< Kft ft g S i ‘ ft Vic i t Vc k 4 Aft W ’< j (i . v : ;-... v"j.; pfi •>idciitial run -uUU:, Sft iiator (iivi\ Tuy.ioi ftmftmft A ; '..V.■;:ft' ", ft Vv'l ay‘ I ; : ;., - '* "Tift. AP !(■•):. !ty mat you have ' mot, with viol. ; ce in carrying out • This •jft.ft;* ;-it!z--ft liu; !'!'■'?>•:.)criftv of : .hi bore ai hc.nir. I hope that I I'.i.'s. ebirman ot tlie mrrtiuf;: Isaac Crippen, Mar viand. and Perry Howard. Keptiiiiican Na tional < ommlircc man from .His ! j Ms>jppi, also a • no.'.f tr if the ’ i snort ins. i ! DR. LANIER NAMED } PRESIDENT OF TEXAS |! STATE UNIVERSITY ! Lanier, United States Minister to : Liberta. has been named presi dent of Texas State University• sot Neesres. The announcement •was mudo by Craig F. Cutlinan. 1 than man of the Beard of Diivc : lot’s. Dr. Lanin is expected to as - j t.ume his duties ijv June 1. Favorablv -flown tliroughoi t ' the nation as : n outstanding edu cator and administrator. D La ior has held sr. iinporUint po - itifill's with rducariomd institu ! tiohs and with ■ tie government. He served a- Dean ot Florida A. & M. College. .1925-33: Dean jet Houston Co ley for Negroes.' i oK..te 2a; Assistant DirtM'tot' f t tfuf ' D -.vise a; of Neaxo AS tail's. Ns : fionai Youth Admin isttalion, 1 Washing; m: Acting President o lid Dean of the College. Hamu- InstUide: Special Assistant, bo-eiu' of Services. UNRRA; and Mi ..-tei to loVs; : sine ■ March i, ]<Mt3. Dr. Lanier received the bache ' ior of arts degree cum laud-, from Lincoln University in 1922. Jus n.n.-te -M .a t-- d<Mi ■ freu: Stan iterate of ped.-feegy from I.incoln iTniversi.x in >941 During Ifl.'U ;>2 he - nttonde ! Harvard ITmvev . 'X\' on n Jialiu xtosv?nwuU.i hc l- > ATLANTA. On. - Adopting j itrnoft rt-soiafiosis opposing the r"-j . tin St.*\i.-ntli jtj-ii'ict Comer j av mi tin- On,eta P.,' Phi ir....... • j ; ii»v closed its annua' cessions held? vM ; 'imU-.. Li-Mt'ec \: 28. .’-I 1 iu!her resolution, the Xv%»-J M-J«f f; >,• v ‘TI-.spi'l I. the J .OSililMi" lUK- j .•11 h> Wit* ualoinafl oft ice of me j realizes- that Oro< ■ "'.ember. are, ,.■,irl rej and di.-ru a., eaed over ! Jim erwr, 1 in the Armed s*:rvie».t>! .m: ,i .:! .-i field' ..a AiiK i i.;.in i idfr." It addod.ui j fact that mi’ pi another than u.a ! l ;,ro -.0-- d by Chain Reynolds ass* j ,\. phtlip Randolph has so diarnat-l 1..;, ,■ i .■ baioil vduc."■ or;. tio> | i« ri.'ion terrorism | ■- tifml'i'dm'x' S dvMUf b THIiRS., FRI., SAT. $ < MAY 6,7, 8 ,1 !L J ! t' '. 7 : g « -a -.sw 1 A I.s.r. I*RESII>E\r Dr. «. O'Hara l.anier, t > Minister to , 1 t iberia, who r.afned presi- , dent of Texas state University \ ear Negro*", this week. m' ' I Aside from l.vir.g listed in the; - • H)4d Wim's Wit- :n America. Dr. ! Lanier is a m^mbeu - of a numbtu i of Lading national associations, i A :-!*a•<.■)•( by D: B. K. Braze .i'., . ' rlcun of Morehouse College in t..c j t% iib go Cbapt-l Sum) .-.y closed out i m. mccimg . j f Dr Aloert \Y. Dull prc-uir-ir o'!' [ Dillaid University a former na- j j ? iiouai basileus of the ."atermty; Dr •’Aharlvs W. I uvw of *ho ito'.vard Vii b.-r:! S'boo!. aWsnmgtun. D. \ (.aid discovei ol tr.e blood p]a:;m:t { ..... s, N and Thamas o;, Vice ea- ■ I basih u.- of John ion C. South ' j Til): . Chill 1c.1t.!. N. C . W'.'lC . -! ■ ~ ii!!•.-(,' V islllHS j ‘“luting li:e m-’clnm. I; Negroes On 3rd tarty ticket For I louse Seats t —* —i— i Former FFPM Member f f<> Kt lire, riie Book On Minorities i CHICAGO (AMP) - A leader in'-’ she field of i ace tidal!-.-ns in indus 11 try, I'dits tiara E. Southall, ass is- ! J tunt .Hsrsonnel man < £ , r of the Ire : tcriialioiuU Harvest Company, an ii j i-uncod her retirement this wee.; j J After 28 years with Harvester. 1 : Mi s h.'iJtludl is well known tor i i I her work ic lhe irittv.ration ol !\’e- | ro '.corkers at International Har- : ! vesv.i. She has served on the boais'G of Chicago Urban league for sev-!\ oral year A and is nh-e a trustee of;! | Hampton Institute. j: During the war she was :ip|*‘i ed by president Roosevelt to serve on the Fast Employment Practice J j committee, She is a member of the 11 American Council of Race relu U lions. _ _ _ J EFFORT AT USE 0F WESRDENTRAMCt RESULTS IN FINE BIRMINGHAM. Alt Set: tin, Git a Taylor. Idaho Democrat and Candida ,c for vice-prcndent on the Wallace Ticket, was fated SSO and t.ven :i six-months’ suspended sen tence Tuesday following his arres* by litratiugiKuri police Saturday. 'The Idaho Senator, who has been . in- Senate* most stauncr advocates of liberal and anti-jim cro-‘, legisla* ton. was .. rested when he aitempted to enter a meeting at .. Negio ehuroU whete he >va* schf'fiuicd to be the principal speaxer. in the cufi’-.' with policemen which resulted when he ignored order.' of a Birmingham policeman .o t-ii'ci !.o a dour other than tha* used by Negroes attendiur* th» iContinued an hack page) Mmftlsfff MEW YORK - ciat ifying and re.. If inning the non-p-rtisan post tuijj of the NAACP, a commit**'** of the organization's ar oinal bifod i i dir*?eiors this week adopted the following resolutions: ••II is the policy of the NAACP that noithei officers • or meorbet? <4 its branches shall use the name oft he Association or that, of a stanch for the aid am assstance o' the candidaetos of. theniselves or of any other candidate for iiolitical of* (ice Whenever of of anv i. ranch run for polnical office, ti i shall be rhe duty r.i -urh off sc jra j and of the branch o make it clear iio the nubile ** ncith r the Asr-s r’iiii 1- 'a, < hruUvh stiyp c-i : neb ca<W!li*cy' since ’he Ast-oc: i lion dots not Sltppon a y polit.iy.ji party or candidate whatsoeevr.” (Continued on back pager OF REvSeN The North Carolina Supreme ! Court Hus week refused to grant a revue in the case of the Rev. : James D. Pridgen who filed a : $25,000 suit fo r malicious perse ~at ion and false arrest against Ihe Carolina Coach Co ! The Rev. Mr. Pridgen’s suit was ■ the outgrowth of his arrest at i Union St.’.Hon in September, 104 for disorderly conduct on a war- Irani obtained o> Dispatcher VA ! Green following his refusal t > jit in the mar oi a Carolina Coat n Bus bound for Norfolk, Va. j The miniate’ claimed that he i possessed an interstate ticket | which permitted him to sit in j any part of the bus he chose, " to • case was nolle prossed in Ci Court. . La’cr the damage action was filed against the bus company by the Rev. Mr. Green and a Wakr County- Superior Court ruling acid that the bus company was imt responsible since the dis patcher’s action did not c-ome j within the scope of his authority las the conipai y's agent. NEW YORK Many prominent Negro leaders are counted anirni.; •- uosc riling for Cong ess on ibe new Wallace Party ticket across the country, a cursor; survey this week revealed. Included are Magistrate Joseph 11. Ruim yoi Philadt., r.ia, Dr. J'jac. E. T. Carapoi o* Baltimore, Mary land. Dr. Ulysses Cam; bell of New Jersey, and Margaret Bush Wiivm m Missouri h>. California, the new Independent Progressive Parly nai nominated seven prominent Negroe* ioi Congressional posts. New Party forces are nominat ing their own candidates for Con gress only in the- districts when* voters are provided id choice oe «wecn equally reactionary old par ty candidates. National Wallace headquarters has announced. KAIMFY TO It UN Magistrate- Ramey, New Pa. ty candidate in Philadelphia's 4th Con giessional District, is President ot ffiaatiaued on 9WU

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