PAGE TWO Death And Funerals j final iju s, ior Mrs. Hoover Bry ; L'-ht who died Friday ,vct<-: ■ undue i •''f i from the Good Mope Baptist *; hurch in Wake County Sunday i ■ and followed by interment in 1j r Aiurch cemetery. Final riles for .V|r.s. Ecb-cea Ha ris who died Tuesitay of last wcvk in McCauley Hospital wore ‘eon • dueled from her home at 50? Ei JJden’on Street. Friday and follow - ..Foil .by interment in the Mt. Hope, • cemetery, IktrAL NOTICE Till SUPERIOR CPI UT .(>RTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTH, E THURMAN RUTH VS. AMELIA RUTH THE DEFEND AN f Aincib. P,u‘h. wiJi take notice 'hai an "a. linn entitled as a bee has been 1 •.ommenced in the Superior Cuuit of Wake County to oi ta'n tin ab •• .'lute divorce on tee «rounds two years separation, as provided in ihe Statutes of N-.rh. Carolina. jiluniuT and defenuan. having liv ed separate and apart for more tine, -'.vo years next pree ling the in .'Ututioji of this action: and that ] • itio defendant will ;urther L.k notice that she is lequired to .ip-1 pear at the office of the Clot a .1 : '.lie Superior Court of Wake (Am:* ty. North Carolina, in the Couii hoiise in Raleigh, on toe 24th da c of May, 1940, or within .wenty da;. .- thereafter and answer or demur to the complaint m sa 1 action or the plain s iff will applj o tin C-mi i for the relict demanded in .-.tu complaint. This 19th day of April, 194<. SARA ALLEN Asaitaiu Clerk of Wa< v Cuu Superior Court HERMAN L. TAYLOR, Attorney April 24-May i, 8. la ADMINISTRATRIX NOTH I NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTS' Having qualified a.> Adminis.i t-i.\ of tb« Estate pf Re/. Jamc- E*- waid Holt, deceased late oi Wake County. North Caiohi.a. this is to' notify all persons a ring da ire,- j against the Estate of ..aid dcoe.,se<i to exhibit them to the unct rsigntu sit 1108 East Hargett Ifait igt*. North Caro ana, on or before t.. 0 i 27lit day of April. 194 Jor this no-j iice v, ai be pieadcu in bar ot their . recovery. AH person: indebted ;«• the Estate will please a.ake imru-v. rate payment. This 27th day oi Ap ii. 1948 MRS. MARY BEULAH HOLT.! Adtmnistvah ;x V. J. CARNAGE. Attorney May 3. 8. 15. 22. 29-Ju no 5. ADMINISTRATIVE NOTH I Having qualified acini ini.dry- i V tor of ihe Estate of J«.:nes Edward •, F Marshall, late of Wake County, hit. f„ is; to notify all per: n- naviry claims against the estate of -aid •’* James Edward Marshall deceased, i jj to exhibit them to the undersig iea V? on or before April 19. 1949, or on.- notice will be pleaded in bar of } >, then* recovery. Ail persons indciu-1 cd -o said estate will please • ■ immediate payment to .me. T’ is the 19th day of April. AIRS. NORA H MARSHAL.. Route 2. Box ’TO-A i“x Raleigh, North ; arolin • Administrator n: Janie; Ed ward Marsbaif.- Estate. April 24-May 1 a. i-Y 22. 29. ■& | ADMINISTRATOR';- NOTICE Having qn :lifted as admin isU« s i, .'i o. >• c • til t. 'sey .1 -r ‘ i o 1 Wake County, this j. to noli * f• : t;«'! sons harm,. c..-:ms again f " t’.v t of said Gutscy Jones, d< u:. - i to exhibit men to she urn t. : .;nd on or before Febn.uvj b. or this nonce \vu* ;;o plc.idt-.i in bai of their rfcotwry. All p< i * Mon. indebted to aid estate wit please make payment : y Ui me. Tim. the. 22ud day <>/ \l.*rc , 1948 ; M. W. WILLIAMS. Box 37.. I r Raleigh, N. C Administrator of the estate • t of Gat-sey Jones April 3. 10. 17. 24. -May >. 8. notice: of sai.*- of VAU AErl i; L.. D Under and by ot a jud. -' men! sighted by th Clerk of i... Superior Court >H Wake Count.> ■ Ihe Matter of Raul C West vs B* r- Ih-t Collins, the undersigned cum-1 roissioner will nffc. f r sale at pm,, i lie auc!ton. to the highest bar. . for dash, at he -court!,..use dm e,i ' Wake County, Raleigh. North Caiu , lina, at 12 o'clock. n> n on Jicu ■ t day, 241 h day of May. 1948 the ;,.l- | lowing described p-optnly; £ That certain tract oi Sand beg hi »• ning an Wade Avenue. PhylHs Hun i tyeutt’s northwest c*'ircr run>utig r.‘ thence in a southerly direction b, ** tween lines of Luti st-veu .utf! eight with Phyllis Hur > cutt's west cm line 420 feet, to a point; Try ,i., * Honeycutt’s southwe- er» c viv i. running thence-in ,i western direc tion 104 feet to the southeaster,l * corner of Stanton MioneyT ;n.y. Lot No. nine: runniii.; thence m a ff nofthem direction 420 tel with lue * line between Lots N.,s tight and nine, the southern K.-.c of Wade agj Avenue in an eastern direction 104 ij- feet to the point oft». vinnmg. auc being the Lot No. 8 of the San no j* mingto property as .sh wn by map •* tcgistcred in the Register of Deeds 8 Office, in Book 32. pare 584, Rtg.s nir try of Wake County For further informs; ton apply lo the undersigned corn-tissioner. This Tuesday. April 28. 1948. WILLIE G. BRIGGS. Commissionet May l, g, 15, 28. i PERSONALS I. » I j . j Thu ,Pi;ogre-:.sive Club held its aruutal Blossun ' Tt-ti Sunday at > the homt of Air. and Mrs. Hugh Day is at 820 S. Bloodworth S', j which was beautifully decorak-.i with flowers suitable for the iw casion. Mrs. Harriet Smith wts mistress of ceremonies. Anumg th-, who participated in the program were the Re . N. MitcheJl, C harlcs Underwood, Mrs. Salih-: Davis. E. 'l'. Evan Mrs. Harriet Smith, Mrs. Bell Burnett, Mi Bean, Mrs. Sophr. .Bryant and M:s. Mary P. Junes Among the visitor., won Mm pearl Smelin; . Rebecca Bennett, L. Henry. Bertiia Gypson, Sopld : Bryant and Nannie Clark Mir. . Mary P. done- is president a*. I I Mrs. Harriet Smith and Mrs. Je sir Hurd are the secretarit s ■>>' the club. The following pupils of■: ! South Hill and Satterwhite , schools of Ox lord visited Raleigh on a one day e ui Tuvrdav: Corine Smith Loricna Smith, Pea r line Downey, Katheri n Downey. Est” - Downey, Willn l j tnena Blackv.- 11. Katherine Al len. Harry Lee Smith. Herbeil Downey. Alplic.nso Williams. Da vid Downey, Marie Downey, Tur MARRf A V, F S I 11-en-i.- to rrl.ii r> . Ci v i.sMKh U); he following cuupus during -ii: oasl week, according »»« recuiii; oi i:>ac* r EiHngton. W:U;.; county i.: i iirr of deeds: James E. Las-iu-r and Miss Lor . .air, BuitcH, botii o. Apex. Ap . 24. Gilbr-r! HuiiP r 1308 Oler n: read ,;nd Mi.-s Her- iu Km a..; . ; 22! Bledsoe avenue. A oil 24. Perr-y Calvin. Jr. .na Mis.- :i; - - Mac Wigr.a:- ii,; I W, he Forest Route 1. Apru 24. Law; . lice Lev* i ’ ‘.-a. ' nu r a ,d Mis- Do. ; - Ilayw 00. Ha ll iH April 30 Raymond Brown ,V. nai Vli ...I; rv Katltcnn Jolla:, boi'n of i.a inigil. Route 2 Mas , B ! R T II S I Birth certifica’.es Ii t babies loci i o :he ii.Hovrnu- c- 'i, *cs v., .. ristc-i ■ d in the office;, of i\V. ; conn-.y lie.:lth dejKn •mem Hu. no, • li.t P' l '; week: ! Charlie McNeil ai.e Mis Da ii y .San,- . :-. McNeil 728 F, Cab i I: Us a re: t. a oangi fc Dorths • ! Maicn 20 at dt. Agm. Hospital ; Garfield Rochelle and Me K. i Mae. April 1 at SI Ag ios Hosp.n.; William Young anu Mrs. M.m y | i'll c Young. 308 12 K i rniatt Sac u daugther. Ver., J.-a ~ April 7 .. jSt Agnes Hospil i! j Joshua ftobort Debuam and >.h. j Eiouise Barham Otur.sni .y. 1 n ! State Street a Joshua H*o( i eh.. April 3 at St. Agues Hospital Weldor:'.on and M-s .Via i .aret Chavis Egerton. 1429 Grrnt : noad. a uaugtr cr. Ln... lia Welu .ipni 4 at S'. Anne. He-p-tal Theodore R Julni .a: rod ,i'x 1 lathe .left!cjs Jnii-i.-i Wnk i’ e.-t, Rome 2. a M>r. 31« cu: Hi’liiii-n. ; April 5 st Si. Agnes il .snital. O;Ca!\ :a. Ji.. an M r • runitr Cahin Rom, i V. , son. Otis. 11l Api ii <> Sr Ay . liospilai. ; .Ltiiu ... Robert in. h ~i i.i. -. V. la Zeigle: Hi'.h. 517 :n i' j wood Street, a -on. 7, •li.. April 7 .s' S: .Ag iv-spikil ■ Johnie Collins ,nn -h.-. Franc-i .Gibbs Collins 110 N.itth St Slr> -1 a ii:iu;;!i'.' i Li viiaia Jean j April 8 at St Agnes ,-io-piial Edward Hinton . -.»rs TiumH :la Saunders Hinm. ._ 1 i I bnif us Street. *i J; . r - F,-.i vet-a. April 8. a! St Arm - H*.iu:- 7.1 Jnmc.- Thomas Him a*. -* Mr* ■ Willi. Wiicht liinh-i Lome •’ I fox 57-A. Raleigh, a d.uighfor. 8,.v --'bar; Jc: .April 3at ' ' Ac no- If*.: pita!. John Gilbert Wilder and M. . . Mablc Perry Wilder. Franklinloii. i son, John Gilbert. •!., April 9 at i Arnes Hospanl. ; Charlie Branch ana Mi-. Mari..a .-M ’oil Branch. 1290 r.asl Eilcnto (Sirtv-t. a son. Chariic, Jr.. April 10 ; .1! St. .yen' s Hospitai ; Osc.'u Richard-on ii.-iri Mis si : lah Roberts Richard.-on. 7 Edg.*- !ci mbe Terrace, a dangther. Liinc i l.enora. a! Si. Agnes H<\-|ni:t!. Rufus Beckwith and TvT .*. Hen it Co Mr,or. Bci i.'.viin. lioi.i, 1 oebnli 'i. a dmigthci. Juanita Ap n I ! J at St. Agnes Hos.-kM George W i.-hiiu ior, Hall am: 7L . Gia Dick, . -on Hall, 709 Sin : Court, a sot: Wa-lmn..:. a Jr.. Apt il 18. ~! McC.mlcy Hosph.,! ; NV ,1 Edivar-i L-ii.-wn and Ivlr ! Panic Rogers Brown. 537 E. Davie j S'reel, a son. Neal Ardreiv. April • 22 1 THE RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME 24-HOUR SERVICE :>ti k VST CABARRUS ST. C A, HAVWOftIL Owner 1 ner BlackwtTi, Joe Downey. H;u tie Downey, Ivl- :iha Downey, Du ble Downey, Ardrue Norwoc.* Hai v-y Glen.. Willis Gruig Ni.i weed. Einora Harris, Miidre Downey. Julie Biack..t , U, Gem*; Downey. Samuel Harris, Ui.vsc.. Royster, Horace Nathaniel Sirniu, All;-. Young, Mary Nell Pella for-i. Mary Eli;'.,.: Smith, Halvc Smith, Delores Smith. A! Simin Marjorie Wiliis. William Thonvu, South, and Ge • g-.: Gold. They wen acvmpanied by Miss Etiaabeth Smith Mr.-. Maude i . L.iacti.-. and .ii;;;.- A Una Power!, teachers, and Miss R.oxan H lack well, ihe names of uthei pupils who Vjoiled the city with the group \v .si not obtained. The Queen f Hearts Pino< lde j Club met nl the home of Miss \ vian Irving on South East St reel Thursday evening oi last ivar. Am,mg the member.- prose u wore Misses Jacqueline Coopei Sadie Cooper, Mesdanies Ru by- Stroud. Ruth Davenport. Par thenia Neale. hnberLi Lighteiier, and M -s Fiore ;-i Irving A cd by her m= .Liter, Mi.-s Irvin}; .-*• -ved ;i deliciou- menu. Dean E. C. Tatum of Phiiann*-. Simth College, former lacuLv member at Shaw University, has 1 been invited •<: attend a nation :,: (•-: nh ivnce Yah- Unite’v which will he r-'meerned v. ith do \-( lop.ilg d dvn: :: . v igio is or grain lor students in the colleg r ; ml universities ot America an** •a ill convene burin - the mont’i •if Mb' Dean Tatum assiMed ' planning tic •un iculutn lor n ■.caci'ins of Btbi at *■ ‘ i Stoph ! ,oo ‘kchcel A-- ille. M -- Lola F ■ and daugliL : . Ohio Mae. h. vo turn- d h*-. after a snort . • a to \V;t-.■’.ir.gtnn. D. C. Acconwianvieg tiiem <-p their return h‘ me was Mi-’s Dm - .’'■•-title who left Mr South Oiaiig '. N. J.. Sunday aftei spending tv.*■ v.-ceks m Ralci/h. \W\ NOTES National YWCA Week was cm cb. atcd at th ‘Y" 1.-st wv.-.:. High'.ghtr ■:>>' i.ic week - ob-m vanoe were a-: ;allow . » .te ration tervie- Sand v 25. T v ' Par- nt Kc.uca . m Tn/tit =l. Ah •-.ay night. R< u Eo-pr G; hid Tuesdav. Toe YW. P. A i. in 1 Y !'c Cluh.s each h d at'fai: - that \vt e a credit to wh o they are d. ;n.. purpes. ot this week k oh ,: or vane- wo. To advcrti-c and. j. amatne the , div.lics: of t h - -'V and ■--• rntmorv; its pi.'C:.ol io the eoih-nrarnty. The Parent Education CvmmJ lee w ill .- pen- r .-. P< -- Mot he Dav 1 nt- Y•< til P: -or.:;:. Hu- -Y” Wo.j-u sd..v nigiH. M .>, o: 8.00 :.'cluck pm. M; Be: - Aha Butler is 0.-'isoring the pr< • yratn. You or- urged to be pre;u t.iit The Pa: :U E ..-Uui: C --u --rnittee will inert Monday nigh’. C.lav 10. :t 7 ill ,) ;l- Tin Wa:-h:ngt -n High 5’ T- eio w ill hold their Annual M*.the: s Day Progiam at the ‘Y ’ Sunday. • May it. at ILMi. Th- St. Pam Fimt.i Clo.h : hold a Molh-c: s Day Tea ot the •Y" 4:3-0 n.ftt Sunday May 9 The Out of C *chcni T.v-n Arm ’ •tnd comniitte- viil me 1 Tues day night. 11 ai 8 p rn. .it • ihe Y. All m. ’uhi a; i urg 'v L- Le present. Tr. (,ii'is L( s aguc v- u meet at the YWCA W< dne-sda;, . night. May 12 at ii p.m. All girls eve urged M pres, nt Mrs. 1... ■ F Pei rin. it-arl* r The Public Alimr- CoTienitts-e will hold a nr * conlest and l.i Dent program *t thv s\v * A Sue day. Mav Hi ..’ 3:00 p.m AH mem be s and li icr.'.i aic asl-e.l t - at tend and sup* ■ t the na eon tostant.s. K;ut Kulalioiis Ksaa> ConU>i \ltracts l;>0 ( Chicago, |II., May Tar, Co ’ lholie fnterrar.Fi Cr-unei! her ,j.announced th>- week thal !r> - • • schools in the Chicago Avchdii are participating in the e - say contest or the theme “A U thuiic Hooks ;:t interracial R* ■j ti- -n - and Gn.-s -n An-wc. Th*.* .svliools enter.d inc:u 1 : :iwi e than 4" ('.-il.hniic Hu *. Sell ol- and il out 100 grad* schools. Cash t- k-’S total! uv will be avardc . at the t.’.r 15:■»1. 'lnterracial Camel Coiv.innn>on breakfast or, May 23. •! Many loavlurs in the schools reports that t/.-y have iound l; * li»e contes* a < aiuablc aid locus; ing the attert;(/!i *f the pupils on *' the teaching ■ ' ihe Church and • their nnplii-it:**u to the son i ’ p.-oblenis of (eii time, council o'• iieiai sail. 1 i!t Puis To Afhcrhse! 1 ’ tLaSteifea wad ' W TI, • 'Ff: : '-' S " SI VUTED I*KKAv HlNtt VT . ... 7 .1 most ; igiiftt,. • 1 tontnuu tor to tin* ■rli-Hia- .»ad civic ap tilt os the rare. Sir. .1 V.. Jar, •above! Pt-cMdiiCi Enter rs flu* Jackscn Disirtct. Lav .'liss.sscjppt ronlci cm . oi I - A .ME Uhuu-ii M-eks lush Mpiscajiat honors * the (ii>nr::l ( omerciire o( ;!:. Augus! i hurcli ?!<;(!;. in Kiv ~ r;:y. Ih Hair. ~ >i:tiivc .ti .-.;* .*»»p*-..: brg.ui i-.i*; tcriai ;• at Uo* ot 7 air! *,\,. liccnsH to [»j-?ari; . 17 lit* . :; *.! the '-.i! to .:*rrn*e .* ’;> ml was OKfuined .*,t J 9. \ .. hool t .*.*., a ior 18 In is . Trustee a. ( -111 pi,, t ! o;- -.. tv -!*. .;. in t 'Am-ti.v l* 111 .car th, past 23 o’ whuh h* has - hoc - tall* !U;n. ,;t.!u*ii iii(* po-iimn <* I'c, sjiliii-f j'kicr. <As*entM.iw«w» TayciUn ilfc \ Ulends K(1 { oiiser-FA Fayettc/dlr Th. Rev L. f. Pearce, p.,.-|.:-> ,*!’ -*he St. L;). AME Chun-)- left Se-may :.. Kansas Cit.- ; F - -’ he.. , • tteni-l 1:r: ai:::.:..*i i-.jif: i lln AMFI (':! dr i, ■ .{, ■ • this district Hr ‘.vent *i. , lidsbnro .' V v 'i*JC il ' ) j d Hv 'j/;*** 'jG,* '» , * * the Wiiminotou' l:st*d<" Support Vog'f Pu»>rr t tov /i-awiww . mm, .. 5 , •rrvarr'- sleigh’s hejved aiH Most Modem Cleaners Mac's Master Cleaners | BEN F. McCLAMROCHf Jr. Mgr. 122 South Blount St, Phone 3-5492 | \Ve Pick Up end Deliver 'c— - uMnriMm jmmMH,.... i , irt , i„thm.i m r - rl nr«.iini . _jm. -So-- | Finance or Borrow j On Your Car j through the BiLLOI MOTOR FINANCE GO. S 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3-3231 radios uj Appliances j- Household „rJ ' RANGES Hot Water Heaters Expert Repair Work On Aii Radios And Hottschoid Appliances KITES-UOOT 1 1 LpYn 1 j !.!.i 1-:. ti 4KGLTT STREET TEL, .7-5031 & ! wtr«,Mrti!>.M)«!n Mi.w.twiPMWMW .WH>h*.T..*4nv% nrr-M in*? ■ hi ii ■■Mini , r*iH)iiiir*--."irrmT | <■- •; r ' ’■ . ’■** ■ •:> rM • E 'V ' • k f. . ',-•»■’■ I .•- ,v> m iiyyiiprWWWiliwiitiiiiMi m*ifiihi.imi ~ .^w^*** |* me ® |; TRAVEIERS^®^ : CHEQUES St** at arrest" risk to carry cash cm n trip. An unnecessary risk, too, bec.-Mise w« can turn yoar travel fundi into American Express Travelers Cheques—spendable anywhere, safe every where. it tftese cheques are lost or stolen, you receive a prompt f refund. % They’re mors convenient than persons! check*, becauat I wo Identification is required except your signature. Denomi- 1 CI2G, SSO sod SIOO —for only per SIOO S i, 40?)»ar« oa «a»e it this bank. $ | DURHAM U ALEIGH Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. o***r. ***** THE CAROLINIAN i\lapie Templp Church Holy Communion was observe ’ at the Maple Temple Congrega tional Christian Church Sunday. Movie for Loti the morning ano l cv< ning si'i-vic*’*? was provided bv - ;hr- senior choir, and the s-mor, idelivered by She pastor. At s:b*> a spiritual ton was held lat the homo of L ... Mary Alston. •419 S. Jluyw.-od Street. Instead , of having' the heme mission m;v‘- me r.r.iu,; i.-.',iniorual :-'U vice vs as rondi- -ted. Wo were happy to have the foi lowing visitors. Lt. Watson. 1 : : Rev. Luca- tin* Rev. La/Mne an 1 Philip AI.-;! r> On our ic * list " -.frs. 1». Haves, and Mr.. L- -e Dunston. both in S'. Agnes Howpital. The Woman’s Club met at th< bn me of Mr- H Hirtmi of t'a vor Street. Nc..t meeting will ai tile h ■ : , e c.l Ms.S. Gr go; HOB Pend-*’’ Stree t. All member-; art urgt'd to tie present. Tv Wom-::;7 Club will civ*.: ■ sniritual tea -1 11'"’ home of Mr Mare A!- or. 419 S Haywood SU. as: iH, -, at 3.00. All are *,*. e) ; conic. CHAVIS HEIGHTS Mrs O. K.,*.*idai:. Sr. 2! Chav:, Way, has returned alter visiting : in N: w York Cil\ Mrs. S..vani*.ah Cm lev. 517 Lin coin dr:. - is aole to be out again after a i.>tict •'iness Mr:. ]..*:!> Movgan of Osbarn r - Ihe -r.urst ot he* dcugiiter ar •n in law, M’ and Mrs. Willi. - McDmi**' of Chavis Way. record. ; Mr. nd M Charles Lilth* vvoiv dinner cu *st? of their ntoth . . .. NT,*.. T . i. r . . t I,< t ~ , :• /« I vis Wry. reccedlv. J ' Mrs. Mo’vir. . Fore!,' of 4 Chavi- WuV was ho- je-s 10 her nieces * nd nephews last week end. William Da i .-. J... and -isjc*. Ann., w; •< dinnes- guests .g’ th< ii ! >1; >n Ec •" Raleir'h Sundae M: .’ M ■■-. Arthus McDav •:f 3-- -ii.: vr-i’c gucsi.s 0 n !;: : hv-:x and bee last work- The Bookci T. VYa.-.hingt *n ; Club will mo;>i at the home o! ; dh- Noli: Gmail. 892 S East St. M s'. Eva M Cress of 712 T M.-run Slr< . .-is h.m >r guest rd. a fimnev Darty recently. t ui led ¥ar Molh'ers lo Meet In Twin City The North CDiolma Chapter of i)h* United \Vi!' iViotii. will held its third annual convention st the i lanes Momor,.*! la.-.;h.uli.mai C, (M. hi. Church it Wistou-S'iit. MV an May 8-:). .. uus been icporU;.’. One of the or standing f ai uvea j c-f the convent ‘.on will he a mom • ' t‘i the dead of World War;. I and 11. Mi-. J,. W is Matt: pivsidv nt . i' Uu North liria chapter. 818 Li" CLUB TO MEE T Tiie The nia Eib'o Club -a the Fayettevi! to Street Baptist Church will ins. ; ai dvr homo o! Mrs. Lucy Ha; talon, 7XO Fayet'u • ville Stix-e:, Sunday afternoon at 14:00, Mrs. A. L. Ten el! has an nounced. RETURNS FROM FLORIDA M r Mai'pa t ; Dur. Dir Sir 7h , i "12 Monk v Sucet, returned t,- ' the cdy from Miami, Flu., th s . v re. k where s'v; ha-: been visiting i friends. She reports a very pleas ; n.nt trip. Sty\ 01 A PS rr IN THE CtBOMW.VV rim,., void ten «MtMuc«'ia »• w'wnncmiMM nn-:;t - smokis - sxac ks lane t‘'Y' shop SWEf.T ?'H) E. Davir Street 1 T-UiUCE EVANS. Prep. FOR -AMllN'ti REPIN {SUING » ■ VNI) POI-IStlfXt; i LOOKS .4f*v A ftO .J&A fill ■ , u 1 f m s s, -V*’ fer if: HALIJE CHAVIS “The ’ iourtnan” S. I ;ist St. Ilia! 3-M-O ! Ralei-jli. X. ‘ ! ” Hunter 1 - Wcoii Yard j WHOLESALE - RETAIL | - Jesse ZZI Tliinter 3 ~ > why worm v 1 Ttu re are only two things to | v'UT> aeon:. Ii r v,:i are well, i : I nr you arc urn if you are well, i then Sheie is nothing to worry i snout, r.-n id you ,;re rick, (h re j ire two thms;-. S-'s worry about. j , Either you wiii get well, or you ; will the If you w Si she re is j nothing to worry about. Ii y.-.i j | the there art- oni/ two things to j s worry ul-snit. either y;'u will gi. to he.aven or Inis it you go ’o I I Heaven, there : • -■. hi r to woj re about. out it you go tr hell j ; you will ire so busy .-baking j ; hands wsii‘l friou.D you won’t \ i have time to worry. j I :08 t: MARTIN ST. TEE. f?3»S ! | , I arc a r>r sß ° f; shine /im-.At/.., PARLOR ARCADE BLDG. JAMES “Klip" MASSES t Prop. ‘ CAPITAL CAS CfK U W€M* m&VKT iri "" r | WAKE ‘ SALVAGE CO. W© Buy aad 8«I1 EvirfSMng oi V&lu* FURNITURE STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS RADIOS 337 S. Wilmington SL Phons 2-2327 Complete j^rr^j Home Furnishers "r We can furnish any room in your home from the living room to the kit/ hen. See us I first. W. E. COOPER FURNITURE CO. 17.1 E, Marlin 3*. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY MALONE RITES HELD HERE Fu'icrul set vim, for Edward 1 Malone was h« id «t the Si Mat ■ lhew s Baptist Churc a n.vont.'.v with the Rev Smith officiating. He was 95, H; v. us one- sis tile oldcs; m*-m --bers ij t St. "via;! ;u \\ s. iu.vrnp on- i in St. Agnt-s .'n- :• .! on April j 20, and was acHvt- m church, unit, j his i.lncas. Surviving the ioikiwin;* children: Mir. Annie Frcemun cud J.-uf’s. Haien.h. Mr . ' win ivid-dtek i.h Ncjiie, ivlfs. id !fiv. ■; Watts uni Mrs. Rogers. Camden, N. J.. and Ivan 1 Ala lorn oi Zebu ion. Step child re ■ ur\ trine ru c: Mi S ,di- j •. KruiihulMn, ' M,-r. Mono,ran-, dull! luav. !\t J . j u ji,j -. Rsad n. •’ ■V'-’iu ;• And-."- Si, Fulniph ■ John and -Euvrtie Andersen <.f ; Maryland. T■■ re- are 78 u;nnd j f.iuidi'f'n. -hi <».. at grar.dohildr'-v 1 and do great great grar.dchildre' . ParJcc Radio j Service ‘Tor Lasting Rcnuirs" V 102 GLEN WOOD AVE. i Dial -1-3123 j Wi Pick uu and Deliver « »n~ with ii *Mm n n nuiun i R F CORD - SIS 01’ ] or:.’ Nhd.d vv,, i ;?.!.!• •> WITH TUOIC!. lIEFORDS AT ALL TOILS m i9c & d ■ >*. <■- : W. &E. j . Sales A^enev Tit W. M.-VHM Hr. f h $ r / < r o\‘ 4 ' ' <k i i HOME-COOKED FOODS », And what a meal it will he— l | ; seasoned exactly rkjl t, and every dish beastiuv a n-.-i i hcnre-coeked flavor, 11 II CAFE 411 S BLOUNT ST. 1 *’ * M t \ isd!M*st f ! ! dS/fl ||\# f Util BNL* I t ;, | A Lifetime in Flartiea | , Why take chances cr» turning ;• : i up a lifetime's effort io c sin jig ! ■ lortifyitacf hour wh* j M's simple and v. e <pr,‘.'.',« so pco- I i.-st yourself euainst any possi [! ; hie mishap. Your home ur.ct ; ! iamily can be absolutely pro ; laded from ANY disaster ai j j . hut e tew pennies a day. Wv U ~ ! i show you how. I dEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT ! - BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. | DURHAM, th C. I Taxi Cab j FOR PROMPTNESS | AND COURTESY CALL I EAST END | CAB COMPANY | ; P ial ! I | 24-HOUR SERVICE 1 517.2 S Etec'ric Heater •& Fan Combination 1 • SPECIAL $12.95 TRADE —IN —SALE ON ELECTRIC IRONS lie. oive from SI.OO up on your old irons NOW IN STOCK—Electric Water Heaters, Vacuum Cleaners and'Many Other Hafd-to-get Items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co, SALES & SERVICE 224 E. Martin St. Claud Taylor, Mgr. Phene 2-3950 LIGHT HAULING HEAVY | ! LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co. H 502 S. Dawson Si. ~ Dial $478 - 9212 Ed. U instead, Mgr. i La ye lie\i ile lia»i Gels hnw Term Semleiiec O ror /Ulemptci! \ssault Fiiyvtp.-v ;llc - - Jr.mes C. Mr u ii - 10 to 24 y urs an the it.Ms afiO; hr plead id gnUty t;- rhai go,- of ilno the Colopv TdcuLv. on tl.: h; Fcbruui > 14. altc-tiipt.-ri..' to sho >t r fti‘ i,:.';- who ctl'i OSiiC.hi. .- ar.i carrying ennegait'd ivni io n :n Wok;- Cuuntj' court hru; fit-1 week Ho we.-; wnurcit.'.i in the leg ly Dc’cMive L. 15. Riddle when ho I'l-i.ntf-i'l a pistol at Riddle when k sit', mptr I *o avrest, him. Ui Dams L!rclrical Service ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS «> - it 8! iincr H-356U 1 H.H'TKtV \L t'ONTRACTOR 1202 E. Ma tin St. | R. E. WILLIAMS, Prop, > ■■ it ,-i ~u COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 51 n W. 81. | j Dial 5587 for: I 1 1 I COAL 1 i - FUELOIL j - KEROSENE iCORRELL , j COAL & OIL CO. ! JOE S, CORRECL, Owner DIAL 5587 307 North West I M |ol| ■rn T" g-»'l«.'«i—mfJMUIrVWWW*I. *W»»'»W*l|»«l*- -J - evir St? k, „ •* -xtnss. 1 I i a i j I ns ij r 1 i o 0 y E I : 'Tf SM. COMPANY | f I | Aulomatit | | | ;: | R( n* ,:t For Spcei :i Orco.-dons I 1 X ..i, I -1 iSnmb-sioE | | | Slit ECT RECOMIPt | i l OUft SPi'.O*AI.TI jj Dial 3-2744 | I It'D E C\IMVRKI r S ST. mji ii.jmm mi lu rrrr-n—- - nr~~ .-» not^ 1 I FOR Split Pine & Oak SEE or CAM. Leach's Woody%rd i DIAL 4535 : 706 E. Jones St. Dallas Leach, Prop. I Groceries Notions Lillies Grocerterla 640 S Boundary St. Mrs. j. O. Kearney, Hop. Telephone 2-1433 MAY S. DMB

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